tk Guaranteed Cure For Piles YtcVing Blind Bleeding or Protrud n Piles Druggists refund money if HPxzo Ointment fails to cure any ca3e tno matter of how long standing in G tol4 days First application gives ease and trest 50c If your druggist hasnt it tsond 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo iDont lot the children suffer If they iare fretful peevish and cross give them dfollistcrs Rocky Mountain Tea The tcst baby tonic known Strength and Hisiflth follow its use 35 cents L W XMctJonnell jnaUJXSSm nZ iSrJTTVtggS EMffpWMIlfUMWilfWWili li tj for -- F I nicfe irs Tills falling of your hair Stop it or you will soon be bald Give your hair some Ayers Hair Vigor The fall ing will stop the hair will - The Butcher wants your Ttrde The best of nrerything is Ms motto -Phone 12 rrrn n w iinininijmiwiu E Hair Vigor grow and the scalp will I j clean and healthy Why 1 o satisfied with poor hair v you- can make h rich My hair jienrly all osmo nuf I 1 tr Ayers Halt Vigor ami im i ttlia iallinir New lmtr in li 1 3ut littlo curly Mi- M iii Saratoga N I fl00 a bottle All clrucctsts I J sm 23223 SS9 SSB S5 W 1 5fTi - i VsL J3 w y R ft jL TjpJ is a It should be borne in mind that every cold -weakens the lungs low isxs the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among -which are the two greatest destroj ers of human life 2fJHKimonia and consumption Chamberlains oEgi Remedy has -won its great popularity b its nprompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts amy tendency toward pneumonia Price 25c Large Size 50c MeCook J JL UUllJl J VU Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the nest 7 days we will pay cash Por Hens 7c lb Springs 7c lb JurkeyHens lie lb Wjtmmmtvfw timmrmwr Dcloy Hlnes Wednesday morning Rev J J Lough ran of St Pi tricks church united in marriage Mr Chester A Dcloy find Mrs Clementino Ilincs neo Ploussard in the use of the solemn ceremony of the Catho lic church Tne contracting parties are both well and favorably known to many friend who will join with The Tkiuune in wishing thoin a happy and prosper ous matrimonial life Incubator For Sale I have on hand one more incubator than I need and offer the machine at a great bargain Machine guaranteed and as good as new If you want an in cubator now is your time to got one at half the price of a new ono Ben Gossard Savin On Latest Buggies Wo have just bought a job lot of fine new surreys phaetons carts driving wagons and stanhopes direct from the manufacturer Wo have bargains in all the above vehicles v W T Coleman There can be but ono standard of ex cellence and Douns 91 flour is 1 to 10 the best of them all and as cheap as im portations Let me put you wise Use Doans 91 patent Balbriggan union suits mens and bos 50c 100 at Thompsons 9 Top Coat is a woody outside cover of the grain and serves a good purpose the same as a walnut shell but you cant digest either The entire outer coating is removed from the grains of wheat before making the delicious and appetizing California Wheatose Flaked wheat food for breakfast All good grocers LIVE STOCK TOItETS AT KANSAS eiTY THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS CFICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMAHA SIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Kansas City May 17 1905 Receipts of cattle thus far this week j are last weolr rwSUU last year 18500 Mondays market for beeves was steady to strong on light weights with heavies mostly 10c lower Best cows and heifers were strong to a shade higher others steady Stockers and feeders were scarce and mostly 10c to 15c higher On Tuesday beef steers opened strong to 10c higher but eased off at the close Cows and heifers were active and steady to 10c higher Stockers and feeders were active and strong to a shade higher The proportion of beeves today was liberal and while a few early sales were around steady bulk went at 10c lower Avith some late trades 15c off Best cows and heifers sold steady with common kinds weak Stockers and feeders were scarce and firm The fol lowing table gives quotations now rul ing Extra prime cornfed steers - So to G 25 Oood 40 to T i3 Ordinary 4 KS to 5 10 Choice corufed heifers 5 00 to Tt 40 Good 4 50 to 5 00 Medium 4 00 to 4 0 Choice cornfed cows 4 SO to 4 NT Good i 7 to 4 no Medium 15 2 to 3 75 inuers 2 00 to 30 Choice staps 4 50 to 5 00 Choice fed bulls 4 00 to 4 50 Good 50 to 1 oo Kolopna bulls 2 J5 to 3 00 Veal calves 5 25 to G 25 Good to choice native or western stockers - 4 25 to 4 S5 Fair 3 75 to 4 23 Common 3 25 to 3 75 Good to choice heavy native feeders 1 50 to 5 00 Fair 3 75 to 4 50 Good to choice heavy branded horned feeders 4 00 to 4 73 Fair 3 50 to 4 00 Common 3 25 to 3 50 Good to choice stock heifers 3 00 to 3 25 Fair 2 50 to 3 00 Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 50 to 5 00 Fair 3 73 to 4 50 Good to choice stock calvesheifers 3 25 to 3 75 Fair 2 75 to 3 25 Keceipts of hogs this week are 30000 last week 39600 last year 35200 Mon days market was oc to 10c lower Trade Tuesday was oc to 10c higher and today the market averaged 5c higher Light weights had the preference and some 10c higher sales were recorded on them Bulk of sales were from S530 to 540 top 542 Receipts of sheep this week are 14900 last week 17400 last year 12000 Mon days market was strong to 10c higher Tuesday was strong and active and to day generally 10c higher Eighty per cent of the run this week has consisted of grass Texas and Arizona sheep To days top was 8500 for this class being the highest since April and May 1903 We quote choice lambs 86 to fG25 choice yearlings S550 to 8575 choice wethers 475 to 8500 choice ewes S450 to 475 For wooled stock add 50c per cwt Cleanse your system of all impurities this month Now is the time to take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea It will keep you well all summer 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnell TJ INDIAN0LA Jessie Hadley of Iowa is in town visit ing old time friends Henry Reynolds is at home for a visit with his parents and sister Carlisle Crippen has gone tj Curtis to work on a farm this summer Herman Andrews of MeCook was in town Saturday on business Miss Alice Cramer closed her school last week and is at homo now Mr Mott of Curtis visited friends in Indianola a few days last week Frank Fritz is having the interior of his residence painted and papered MissN ttie Endsley of MeCook visited with the Misses McCool last week CS Quick shipped four cars of cattle Sunday night to some eastern market Mrs E G Caino and children came home from her Iowa visit Wednesday night Mr and Mrs A R Clark of the Wil low attended church in Indianola last Sunday R E Smith and helper went over to Danbury Monday evening to work at his trade Another fine rain visited these parts Thursday morning and everything is booming W II Walker is at Center Point working for Chester Dow in the well and pump business Conductor B L McCarl is in Denver for a few days this week on matters of personal business The Griswold Seed Company men passed through here Wednesday going west en automobile There were no services at the M E church last Sunday on account of the minister being away Mrs J Stalcup left Wednesday night for Ball Blulf Colorado to visit her two daughters living there Mrs Whittaker of MeCook spent a few days last week in town the guest of her daughter Mrs O Colling Dubbie McClung arrived home for a short visit Monday evening He was accompanied by a lady friend Mrs Conrad Miller and children wont to Holbrook Saturday morning for a few days visit with friends and rela tives Ed Enfield who lately returned from California spent a few days in Indian ola last week He is looking up a lo cation Mr and Mrs Lawritton and little son of MeCook came down and speut the day with Agent Lawritson and family Sunday Miss Grace Phillips entertained her North Star pupils Tuesday afternoon at her home in Indianola An enjoyable time was had After visiting a week with Miss Bertha Walker Edith Vernon went down lo Cambridge to visit awhile with her aunt Mrs Mayo An all davs rain occurred with Saturday commencing early in morninir and raining incessantly us the all through the day RevEB Crippen drove over to Curtis last Friday on business and was de tained by the storm He did not get home until Monday Rev Hawkins of the Congregational church preaches out at the Noble school house the first and third Sundays of each month in theafternoon A few days ago the friends of Mrs E A Sexson met with her to celebrate her birthday anniversary They spent a very pleasant evening and presented her with some nice tokens of friendship Was She to Blame was presented at the opera house Thursday evening to a large audience We dont know whether she was to blame or not but we do know that criticism gives the play a good name Quite a hailstorm visited this vicinity last Saturday commencing about four oclock in the morning No material damage was done except the scattering of leaves and twigs from tho trees and causing the garden stuff to -look a little ragged Our fellow townsman Mr Guttridge has gone into the skunk industry Last Sunday being a leisure day with him he ferreted out and killed seven of the little quadrupeds so he says and any one in his immediate vicinity will never doubt his word Mr F Strokey accompanied by his son Milton started out this week for an outing during tho summer months in hope the trip may be of benefit to the latter who is a great sufferer from rheu matism The will go in a wagon and their journey will Le eastward The Commercial club of Indianola entertained the Lincoln Commercial club briefly Tuesday afternoon Our band boys greeted them with music and were heartily cheered by the visitors All appeared in fine spirits and gave in dications that they were having a good time See Knipple right away and secure some of that baled hay just shipped in Per ton 950 Why suffer with spring tiredness mean cross feeling no strength no ap petite Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnell DANBURY Mrs Eugene Dolph has gone -to Kan sas City Mrs Millio Billings went to St Fran cis Tuesday to visit A Gartin and Mr Axtell aro building a house for their brick factory The people of the U B church ten miles south of this place are going to rebuild Elvin Woods and family wont to Wil sonville Friday to visit friends and rel atives Miss Nellie Boyer who has been work ing in Howard Rubys restaurant is on the sick list Quite a number of Danbury folks went over to see the remains of the Prairie Chapel church ten miles south of this place last Sunday Gecrgo VanPolt is back from Fort Collins where he has been attending college all fall and winter He will re main here until next September Hiram Parker and Eugene Dolph each shipped one carload of hogs to Kansas City Sunday night J L Sims ship ped two carloads of hogs to the same place The lawn social at Mr Canns was largely attended They cleared about 8J000 which will go towards helping fix up the M E church and getting song books for the same Clifford Burbridgo while coming from the lawn social at Mr Canns was thrown off his bicycle onto his right shoulder and consequently is laid up with a sore shoulder W A Minniear and family went down Lo their son Willies east of Lebanon Sunday who had an accident with one of his horses It had its leg about cut off They had to shoot it C R Leo was a MeCook patron last Friday A M Benjamin finished listing Wed nesday We are having rather cool weather for the time of year The rainfall Saturday was 150 inches It was an all day rain Thayer Rowland is practising with his new bike at present John Rowland Jr is stopping with his- Uncle Harve at present W H Hartman and wife were visitors with B W Benjamin Sunday The soil is thoroughly soaked and the crops must respond in growth W II Benjamin was in MeCook last Friday about his assessor work John Henry Wesch was cultivating for cane seed on the W A Gold claim Wednesday Advertised Letters Tho following letters were advertised by the MeCook postollice May 19 1905 Amos Jas A Evans James Farris Mr C E Fairbanks Miss Clair Grace Mr J M Jaques Mr II P Iuckcr Mrt A Star Clothing Co Vanllorn Mi H C When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster For Sale or Trade v A complete photographers outfit Will sell or trade at a bargain Address lock box 522 MeCook Nebraska tiTXzryrnrjjgiWT1 1 I Qonsigsi v ti CULBERTS0N W E Crowell wont to St Joe Mon day on business Jacob Betz of Zion Hill was in town Monday on business Mr and Mrs Sheid moved into the G V Hunter house last Friday Frank Hncktncamp of MeCook was a Culbertson visitor last Thursday Mrs G W Trimpoy and daughtor were MeCook visitors Wednesday Jacob Wiggins shipped three carloads of sheep to the St Joe market Tuesday The stork visited the home of Mr and Mrs Joe llasslor last Thursday morn ing Mario Ferrier departed last Thursday for Rockford Illinois to visit Mrs B Williams her sister Mr Piles and family who live on the D C Bonedict property intend to move onto the Taylor ranch Miss Goldie Newlon started jor Hast ings Iowa Thursday evening to make an extended visit with an aunt The Graves Bros who showed in our town Friday evening last have gone on to Wrny Colorado where they will con tinue in the business Ed Highland who 1 i ves on S S Lovos farm reports that ono of his horses was burned to death in the Love barn Mon day It is not known how the fire origi nated The Magnificently Bred Wilkes Stallion M YB1L 22747 Great grandson by both sire and dam of Famous Geo Wilkes 519 Will stand the season 1905 at my place two miles northwest of Perry and seven miles west of MeCook First class man will be in charge all the time Terms 10 to insure Not responsible for any accidents JAMES A MILLER CULBERTSON NEB The Arabian horse will be at Fitch 8c Highlands barn Friday and Saturday of each week commencing Ma 5th Terms 10 for standing colt E B NELSON American Stock Growers Association Denver Colo May 9th to 13th round trip rate of 1140 Tickets on sale April 7th to 9th Enquire at ticket ollico Sugar beet cultivators at W T Cole mans To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative kkomo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to euro E W Groves signature is on each bos 25c iftiWKiWigsiiaiWfnaiBCTawbrigMawawaei Yew Live Steels T by rrOGK YARDS KANSAS OITY 10 We also have cur own houses at CHI6A6O SOUTH QR3AHA SIOUX C2TY SOUTH ST JOSEPH DSFjygR Read our market letter In this paper Write us for any special Information desired gyJftHaMaQK niwrrTm nii n n i - 66 FURNAC WTC TALK In answer to the many in quiries we have had regarding the make of furnaces we handle will say that we will sell you almost any furnace that is mau factured to day and give you a written guarantee on same We make lowest possible prices If you are contemplating install ing a furnaee come in and see us and we will give you our ex perience free Yours truly oleman T Car Dr Herbert J Prait Reoihteiied Graduate Dentist Ollico over McConnells Drujr Store McCOOK NEB Tolophonos Ollico 1G0 residence 131 Former locution Atluntn Georgia L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono 50 Oflico over McCOOK McMUIouVdruK store XKIMtASICA II P SUTTON McCOOK -v JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA O C nastinMD ELECTIC PHYSICIAN Oflico and residence one lmlf block north of postollice Ilione No id McCOOK NEB DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelloy Office Bldg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free J F Hart M D McCOOK NEBRASKA Odlco hours 9 to 12 a in I to S awl 7 to 9 p in Phones Ollico 13 residence 15 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Oflico Resilience 521 Main Avenno Ollico tind Residence phono 5J Calls answered nfciit or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Neiiraska C3ARentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Ollico in Postollice building C II IiOTLB 23 9 Take Laxative Bromo Ceinine TaMets e VLJ oeven rnuuuu vva om j - - - w C E Eldbkd Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Lorif Distance Phone II Rooms 1 and 7 second floor MrCnnk NVh Postoilico Building WCLOOK fleD OR ill 23d S DENTIST P0NB112 Ollice over Grannis store McCook Nub VZ3SsZrsEN3S3s3EEB F D BURGESS wmi m l ills Iron ead and Sewer Ppe Brass Goods Pumas an Bonier Trimm ngs Est mates Fu nised Frf Base mint of the Postoffice 3j ianjj McCOOK 11EBRASKA 2MvSSSrM2SSsSSar WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From aperirinjj on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee jll X TtTi Hsefe J W S22S LIQUID OAL iJ9ifc fmr f0WN 3M TESTIMONIAL Delmont S D Dec 17 1002 I used L K for hog cholera and it was all riBht It cured my hoss I had three sick one3 and they all trot well and done fine I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all you claim for it It is the only Medicine for hog cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke Harrinpton Neb Dec 11 1902 I am usinff Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved my hoqs with it last year and am goins to keep it in stock all the time as it is the best thing I ever had on the place for everything it is intended for It i3 good for chicken cholera lice on stock injects of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHE5 CAIN Manufactured by the National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa Cures Grip In Two Days oii every box 35c f I V J i 4 I 0 I A