The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1905, Image 5

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N Vt
K ii
f VtE
I sllll
New tans
and other
light weights for
Spring and
Summer have
arrived and are
being inspected
hy our customers
We ourselves are
m uch pi eased with
the new line and
are enjoying the
it is giving others
Brand new styles
that have never
before een shown
Paper Hanging
Phone 281
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Three doors east of DeG rolls store
Iffi W lllUJl iHHlHHiHWJMJtl Jg
u imgmByi
American Beauty corsets and gir
dles for sale only at Thompsons
Best quality white or colored table oil
cloth 15c yard at Thompsons
ANovel Introduction
The Dr Howard Company have en
tered into an arrnngoment with Lon
Cone Brothers drug store by which
a special introductory offer will be made
of 23 cents on the 50 cent size of their
celebrated specific for the euro of con
stipation and dyspepsia
This medicine is a new discovery for
the cure of all diseases of the stomach
and bowels It not only gives quick
relief it makes permanent cures
So remarkably successful has Dr
Howards specific been in curing consti
pation dyspepsia and all forms of liver
trouble that Lon Cone Bro will re
turn the price paid in every case where
it does not give relief
The old fashioned idea of dosing with
mineral waters cathartic pills or harsh
purgatives will soon bo a thing of the
past The best physicians are present
ing Dr Howards specific both because
it is so remarkable a medicine and on
account of the small dose that is needed
Headaches coated tongue dizziness
gas on the stomach specks before the
eyes constipation aud all forms of ma
laria and liver trouble are soon cured by
this scientific medicine
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been mado in the county clerks office
sinso last Thursday evening
A Bartley to M A Dayton wd to lots
3 to 12 blk 71 Hartley S
J Rjan to J T Sanders ml to se qr
J F Cordoat to Jennie Carroll qcd
to lot 2 blk 2 West McCook
W O Johns to Jennio Wnltou wd to
nwqr 11-2-20
account in the bank you must buy your
Clothing Shoes and Gents Furnishings
Clothing and Slioe Store
For the Newest and Swellest Line of
1700 00
C H Bojlo to C F Lelin wd to n hf
swqrshf mvqr 8-1-30 1000 00
J Flannery to C F Lelin wd to sv
qr 28-4-30
Elizabeth Winans to P Carty wd to
lot 7 and 8 blk 1 1st McCook
P Carty to J Menard vd to lots 7
and 8 blk 11st McCook
Graco Phillips to W A Dolan wd to
lots 11 and 12 blk 27 Indianola
1 00
900 00
1 00
800 00
COO 00
COO 00
75 00
Mary Voorhoes to J Trumblo wd to
wbj 12-3-26 COCK 00
H Morris to II Overstake wd to lot
4 blk 7 Lebanon 530 00
H C Flower to J W Duicher wd to
nwqr 26 3 27 1000 00
W L Duffy to Grace Phillips qcd to
lot 11 and 12 blk 27 Indianola 1 00
Reduced Rates
to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west noith and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
Hooky fountain Tea Muggets
A Busy Hedioino for Bn3y People
Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidnev Trouble Pimples Eczeim Impure
Blood Bit BrcaMi Siutrgish Bowels Headache
and Bick iehe IiV Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form a cents a box Genuine made by
Hollisteh Dnuo Company Madison Wis
lllllillllilli lll If
Press This In Your Memory p
Ve3 If you wish to make and save money on VII2
TltT rtClJ
us a trial for the highest grade of goods
we ask the lowest prices People have
frequently asked how is it you folks
have got on so well Only one answer
and a problem easil solved We buy our
goods in the right place and our prices are
right If you wish to get on and have an
3 Neckwear Shirt Waist Sets in Silver and kSw
fSJ Jcsi5
ifefo all kinds of Pearl Belts Etc f
j tpi
a New Line added at
g Diamonds Clothing Store gsg
g Our Hens Underwear from 25c to 125 jg
SIS or Sk A liew varety to seJect
fn from all sizes 30 to a8 C53
zm m
9 iiiiisir r
rr 3
iiwr ff nirtwwtcirttil5i hon
ill 1 11
it 1 line varu pjMigV
5 MM
t McCook Neb lPgaaA
No 6 Central Time 1130 pm
2 020 am
12 850am
14 955 P M
JJo 5 arrives from oast at 8 p m
No 1 Mountain Time 1220 p m
3 llV5p m
lo J M
No 176 arrives Mountain Tune 5 J0 P M
No 175 departs 645 AM
SleopinR dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
Statos or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write Qoorgo Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis Gonoral Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engine 142 is here from Denver
B E Ambrose is a new brakeimin
this week
Mr and Mrs Neal Beeler are visiting
Beaver City relatives
Operator D N Cobb is away in Colo
rado on a 15days vacation
Brakeman B A Murdock is in Den
ver on personal business
The 1380 has been placed in the Sack
shop for an overhauling
J P Forbes is doing relief work in
the telegraph office this week
Engine 611 is ready to go out into
service after an overhauling here
Engine 1754 recently arrived from
Havelock from being overhauled
Mr and Mrs J G Schobel and Mar
jory were Minden pilgrims Sunday
It is rumored that Dan Lucas is to re
turn to McCook as roundhouse foreman
Brakeman W V Olson is enjoying
a short vacation in Omaha this week
The 2529 was in the house for slight
repairs to steam dome and ash pan this
Master Mechanic Acrhibald went
down to Red Cloud yesterday on busi
C F Brickor piecework inspector
was at McCook division headquarters
this week
Conductor J W Line returned first
of week from burying his father at xVb
erdeen S D
Brakeman C A Deloy andbrirle went
to Denver Wednesday on No 1 on a
brief wedding trip
Engine 706 has been taken to Have
lok for an overhauling and 721 has her
place on the Red Cloud run
On account of increased passenger
business the company runs a second
No 3 nearly every night now
Conductor R M Douglass has the
1416S while Brown is away and Ilurl
burt has the 14118 vice McCail
Brakeman R E Bryan is nursing a
badly spraiued wiist the result of a fall
in the skating rink last Saturday
Brakeman and Mrs M R Sheldon of
Republican City are visiting in Savan
nah 111 with relatives at the old home
Brakeman C A Baldwin has return
ed from Omaha and gone to work Mrs
Baldwin and the baby still remain in
Engine 322 is about ready to go into
service She has been in rear of back
shop for several months but lately has
been overhauled
New men in Keatings boiler gang are
George IToffman William Grabnoski
and Frank Hasse boilermakers and
Leon Ilileman heifer
Conductor J J Laughlin has gone
to Excelsior Hot Springs Mo for tieat
ment for rheumatism Conductor Wil
liam Ilegenberger accompanied him
Conductor Frank Kendlen is lajing
off a few trij s lie will go with the boys
to Lincoln Sunday and bo initiated
into the order of Catholic Knights of
Julian W Andrew of the draughts
mans department of Supt of Motive
Powes Smiths oGice is np on business of
some kind for tho motive Tepartment
this week
Account of washout at Em Creek the
Burlington had three U P passenger
trains over the main line to D
day They all passed through McCook
before roon Conductors Childress
Wolff and Utter were tho pilots on these
Supt English weDt out west on 13
Wednesday in his private car 10 in
specting the Lyons line He has been
over the Red Cloud territory J A
Stangland went along in the capacity
of stenographer from the regular office
Harry Henry Lincoln an employe of
the Burlington while at work at Alma
last Friday on the pile driver sustained
a fractured leg and a severe head wound
by the driver falling uneypecfcedlywhil3
hf was assisting a laborer in removing a
ring from a pile
J F Murphy boilermker juinpfd
the town ietio after pay day He was
-15 of a fat check and the sura less
small expenses wa3 paid his boarding
house lady Mrs G H Smith Ho es
caped Qther small items of indebtedness
Engineer and Mrs J II Moore and
the children departed Tuesday for
Spkane Wash on a visit to relatives
iher parents Mr and Mrs J A Craw
1 ford being located at that point Mr
j and Mrs Moore will also make a trip
south into California Bakersfield and
other places They will be gone a
monthor longer
Thorea no flour like tho home flour
after all is tho joyful story of tho
pleased housewife when Doans 91 is in
evidence in the family baking
Burlington Bulletin
Attractive Summer Tours Takk
Your Choice
Join tho increasing throng of Ameri
cans who are commencing to roalizo tho
common sense in getting some pleasure
out of life
To Denver Colorado Simiinos
Rocky Mountains and Salt Lake
Very low excursion rates daily from June
1st still lower the first week in July
long return limits
To CalieorniaPortland Exposition
and Puget Sound Cities Frequent
low excursion rates from May 1st less
than half ratos all summerlimits Make
that long deferred tour of California
Portland and Puget Sound this summer
To Eastern Resorts Commencing
June lstdaily Summer Tourist Rates to
Chicago Wisconsin Minnesota the
Lake Region Canada and the New Eng
land Coast you will find some kind of a
summer rato available for your visit
back east Watch for tho additional
special rates for big eastern conventions
Consult with the nearest Burlington
ticket agent 5 5 5ts
L W Wakeley Genl Pass Agent
Geo S Scorr Omaha Nebraska
Agent McCook Neb
All through the corn belt there is an
unusal interest now being taken in the
growing of alfalfa This crop belongs to
the famous legume family and is there
fore characteiized by being exceedingly
rich in flesh forming constituents
When properly cured into hay it is pos
sibly the richest of all legumes It is
claimed that the crop will thrive on land
that produces good corn The Home
stead of this week contains a very inter
esting article on alfalfa prepared by
Mr N C Dunlap of Kearney Neb
Mr Dunlap is foreman of an extensive
alfalfa ranch so that he speaks from
actual experience He tells how to pre
pare the seed bed how to sow the
amount of seed etc Farmers in this
community who are not subscribers to
The Homestead can scarcely realize
what they are missing because there is
not an issue but what contains com
munications that are worth much more
than the subscription price for a year
This office will be pleased to take your
subscriptions at any time
Harden Smith went toNorcaturTues
Rosa Mj era was over from Indianola
John Castello had his houso painted
The Lebanon first nine will play Ljle
Kansas Saturday
Simuel R Jolly has the foundation
laid for his new barn
Leonard is well enough to clerk in the
store part of the time
John W Siutts has a new raiu cistern
and Mrs Mandy Nichols a newr cave
Stock shipments II E Waugh 1 car
hogs George Zeigler 1 car hogs 1 car
Wednesdays stock shipments were
William Halsey two cars cattle and one
car of hogs
Sjlvester Bartholomew is home from
Lincoln having finished his 2nd year at
the Lincoln medical college
John II llorton known in baseball
circles as Shirkey has gone to Indian-
lola to work for John McClung
The high school closes today Friday
and they will have their programme this
evening The other rooms will closo
next Friday
Rev William H Scofield did not fill
his appointmet at Wilsonvillo Sunday
on account of the storm last Saturday
but he filled the M E pulpit for Rev
Dr Robert B Campbell was called to
Monmouth 111 last week to the bed side
of h3 mother who was stricken with
paralysis She was improving when last
heard from the doctor
Isarc Orr wenb with his daughter
Mrs Clyde Meeken and her two chil
dren to Denver Wo understand that
Mr Meeken will join them there and
they will all go to California
Last week our items read The Bea
ver Valley Telephone Co has phones in
as far east as John Baxters in Sherman
precinct Kansas It should have been
Sherman precinct Furnas county and
Grandart Springer has a new piano for
Veda instead of for Ed
In th county conrt of Red Willow conntjr
kVis a la tbe mattp of tho estnte of John
H LuJhcL deceased Notica of bearing of
foil ivj rt i1 on petition for diefcriSution of
rasu aeof esmtd and discharge bteteof
Ei Wilow couatr s To all persons
i t r scJ v i caid estate Yon are hereby
t1 tt on the 16th li or 3iaj lJO James
Ka j k administrator of the estate of
overhauled at Oxord and relieved of H wickiVcea5rd filed in said conrt
iit ti 1 -Ml account will be heard on the
32t t t F Junp 190n at the hour of tn oclock
a Sii - comity court ruuui in tua city oi
M CV in aid connty and you are hereby
cttt d t the time and place above
irratMl and show cause if such exists why
s I account should not bo allowr d ion are
fnr her notified that sad administrator ha
fLf Li petition in anl court the object and
prajer of vhich arf that a decree of distribn
tiov naj he made of tho residue of aid estate
now i ih possession tothe parties entitled by
la to receive the same and that he bo dis
cua3d as administrator and that tho said
jiftit i i will be heard at thi time and place
I ab e nentioneu it is ohjpivii mas n cum 01
this notic1 be putiliblieu once eacJi -week lor
three cceive weeks in The jrlcCook Tribune
a new papor printed and published in said
Datti this 13th day of Mu 1007
bEAi Feank Mooke County Judge
le 4sZ
y A
endar Bank which costs y
That is why you should
look over our stock of
Rain Proof
and the new lot of UflBRELLAS which we
have just received We have the
SOc to 500
We have some good SILKS suit
able for the popular Shirt Waist
Suits Also black TAFFETA SILKS the wear
guaranteed kind at 75C IOO and lOQ
The latter two are 36 inches wide
Paid Up Capi tal 50000 Snrpf us 000
Acquire the Ha
of saving We furnish a band
J2b Saving all
Wk jii Your
jn First Nat I Bank j c
IjgfcA yjpckf - ho r r
A i count
j call and o
The First National Bai
A ftT
I - g
A v
FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
V B WOLFE Vice President
Tise FlcCook Tribune
OnJv One Dollar the venr