The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1905, Image 1

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Let Us Help You
Wo want to nssist you in the
choice of your wall decorations
furniture polish enamels stains
and other house cleaning necessi
If you need a painter or paper
hanger lefus know wo save you
the trouble of finding him
Remember wo are headquarters
for wall paper in all grades and
that our prices are the most at
tractive ever offered you for such
goods We know wo can please
you and also save you money on
your wall paper purchases
See our windows for some of the
things you need in spring house
cleaning campaign and remember
that wo carry only the best of
everything in such goods and at
the same time you save money
when you give us your orders
Conk linos Druggists
High School Commencement
The annual commencement exercises
of tho McCook high school begin on
Sunday evening May 21 at the M E
church when Rev E R Earle rector
of St Albans Episcopal church will
preach tho baccalaureate sermon to tho
graduates This is a union service The
hour is eight oclock
Tho class day exercises will bo held
Thursday evening May 25 at 830
oclock A varied program of essays
orations recitations debate and music
will be rendered by members of the
class The orchestra has been engaged
for the occasion and will render several
numbers through the ovoning Admis
sion will bo by free ticket issued by the
Commencement will bo Friday May
at 8 30 oclock Several pleasing
music numbers will be rendered in ad
dition to the customary items in such a
program The address of tho evening
will be delivered by Dr D F Fox of
Chicago for ten years past the success
ful and accomplished pastor of the Cal
ifornia Avenue Congregational church
in that city lie will take for his sub
ject A Neglected Cavalier Dr Fox
is a man of rare pleasing quality who
-will entertain as well as elevate and up
lift his audience For this programme
only as many tickets will bo issued as
the church has seats and these will be
sold at fifteen cents each They may be
obtained after Tuesday next at McCon
nells drug store There will be no re
served seats
All tho meetings will be held in the
M E church
On Monday night May 29 the Alumni
Association will tender the annual re
ception and banquet to the graduates
Cash Prizes Offered
The Fourth of July committee on at
tendance hereby offers the following
cash prizes
Largest delegation from any coun
try school district 815 00
Second largest delegation from
any country school district 8 00
Third largest delegation from any
country school district 5 00
Lirgest single load of people from
country 0 00
S icond largest single load of peo
ple from country i 00
Third largest single load of people
from country 2 00
Largest family attending in body 3 00
Second largest family attending
in body 2 00
Third largest family attending in
body 1 00
Get together now in your school dis
tricts and organize for a big delegation
Get everybody out and have a good old
fashioned time coming to the 4th Ap
ply for further particulars to W T
Coleman or G E Thompson who are
the above committee
Box Social
The Baptist joung people will give
the announced box social next Tuesday
evening May 23 m Campbells hall
All invited
We Repair To Wear
Let us do your tin work We can
please you
W T Coleman
Best quality dress prints 5c yard at
We sell nothing but good shoes at
The Bee Hive
Mens all leather gloves 15c pair at
Large kitchen aprons of best gingham
20c each at Thompsons
Gauze knee pants for ladies and girls
at Thompsons
Mrs Adele Phelan ia adding concrete
walks to the improvements to her resi
dence property Coglizer Bush are
putting them down
The mill can never grind unless
the man behind knows his business
The proof of the flour is in the baking
Doans 91 takes the crimson badge for
Arthur Prqnger is home from the
Kearney Military school
Dan Cashen was ovor from Danbury
yesterday on business
R A Gkeen was over from Cedar
Bluffs Kansas midweok
M C SHUitTLEFy of South Auburn
Nebraska is in tho city again
Frank Stilljian is reported among
fio ailing members of the community
C A Kleint was over from Ilerndon
Kansas Sunday to visit his wife briefly
Henry Meyer is hero from Saint
Ansgar Iowa looking after his interests
E E Hunter was in the city repre
senting tho Remington Typewriter Co
this week
Nicholas Colling returned from In
dianola still a sick man but some
better this week
A C Furman late of the Danbury
News was a visitor Tuesday of the
countys capital city
George B Berry has bought tho
Dobson dwelling on Manchester street
from Dr A P Welles
F S Vahue of Allegan Michiganhas
been a city visitor part of the week the
guest of relatives and friends
A J Zint of tho Rocky Mountain
Fuel Co Denver was a city business
and social visitor last week
Fred C Kellogg was up from Re
publican City Saturday and Sunday
looking after business matters
Mrs George Martin went down to
Hastings yesterday morning on 2 call
ed there by the illness of her father
Dr A C Harlan who has been
spending a fow weeks over in Iowa
visiting at the old home in Hillsboro
returned home Tuesday
H L Kennedy the well known trav
elingman has sold his interests in Cam
bridge and the family will become resi
dents of McCook again next week
Supt and Mrs G II Thomas enter
tained the Monday night reading club of
the city school teachers this week at a
six oclock dinner the usual program
following refreshments
R J Gunn arrived home last Thurs
day night from Chicago where he was
recently graduated from a dental col
lege Ho visited the homefolks several
days in Des Moines Iowa en route
Mr and Mrs M W Quick of Quick
postofiice Frontier county departed on
Saturday for California where they ex
pect to remain a year or more The
farm meanwhile with furnishings and
equipment complete will be in charge
of his son in law
Mrs Elmer Bocock and two sons
Bruce and Doris arrived in the city last
Tuesday to spend a few weeks with her
father Mr A G Rector Mr Bocock
has sold his residence at McCook and
they may decide to locate in Iloldrege
again Holdrege Progress
C W Kelley and Bruce Campbell
left Monday for Minatare Colo to
join a government surveying company in
the irrigation service to be gone the rest
of the summer Harry Spaulding for
merly of this place and then in the Bur
lington train service is also of the party
Dr and Mrs E B Ccmming and
Mr and Mrs C T namnel all of
Bronson Kansas who have been visit
ing Mr and Mrs William Hammel left
on Monday morning for Denver to spend
the week in and about the Queen City
of tho Plains C T is a brother of
W M Dr dimming is a son in law
having been married to Miss May Ham
mel in Bronson SundayMay 7th They
are expected back here again Saturday
for a further visit
Our Paints
The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv
ing entire satisfaction and sold on a
guarantee If you want the best
mixed Paint or Lead and oil var
nishes and stains we would like to
figure with you
McMillen Druggist
Estrayed or Stolen
Pointer dog pup about five months
old Has long hair on ears color is
brown and white Had on leathern
collar Reward for return
George Elbert
Mens boys and childrens hats at
The Bee Hive
American A two bushel seamless grain
bags 16Jc at Thompsons
Childrens misses and ladies gauze
union suits 25c to 65c at Thompsons
If you want a first clas3 durable and
pretty walk cousult Coglizer Bush
It is indeed humiliating to hear of the
quite frequent thefts of flowers in various
parts of the city It is a shame and a
disgrace on this community that citizens
cannot cultivate flowers and fruit with
out being robbed of them by night
MEyiWflVtfjyLiUll WtfWjfr
Memorial Sunday Decoration Programs
All members of the G A R old sol
diers ox Confederate soldiers soldiers
of tho Spanish American war and ladies
of the G A R circle are requested to
meet at the G A R hall at 1015 a m
and march to the M E church where
tho following program will bo carried
out at 11 oclock
Organ voluntary
Music Choir
Prayer Rev Carson
Music Choir
Scripture lesson
Music Choir
Offering for Decoration Day
Anthem Choir
Sermon Rev Carmnn
Mutic Choir
Benediction Rev Conrad
Decoration committee will leave G
A R hall at 10 oclock a m and pro
ceed to Riverview cemetery from there
to Longview and Calvary cemeteries
and decorate the graves of soldiers
Citizens are requested to join the com
mittee at 10 oclock and assist in this
part of the days program
Afternoon exercises All members of
the G A R all old soldiers ex-Confederate
soldiers soldiers of the Spanish
American war and Ladies of the Circle
are requested to meet at the G A R
hall at 130 p m to march to the M E
church under the command of Post
Commander W W Dillon where the
following program will be carried out
J A Wilcox chairman
Music -
Reading orders v Adjutant
Reading Lincolns Gettjsburg Address
Mrs Dutton
Address- Rev W H McFadden
Address to unknown dead Mrs Rathbun
Benediction Rev Loughran
The following committees will havo
charge of various departments of the
days program
To decorate soldiers graves G W
Dillon Henry Gale Barney Lewis J W
Andrews C II Barrett Mrs Henry
Walker Mrs Lorinda Miller Mrs J S
LeIIew Mrs Mateila Gordon and Mrs
W S Fitch
To decorate church J II Yarger
William Long O Curtis Mrs W R
Starr Mrs H II Berryand Mrs W S
Flowers committee Jacob Stein
metz Dr A P Welles V Franklin
Mrs A P Welles Mrs Vernico Frank
lin Mrs I L Rodstrom
School children and citizens are re
quested to havo their offerings of flow
ers at the G A R hall not later than 9
oclock Decoration day morning where
the committee on flowers will receive
W S Fitch
J W Underhill V Com
T J Pate
Free Instruction in Music
Miss Edna Barr will on each Monday
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon of
each week hold a free class in music
to children from six to ten years of age
The number of children will not exceed
twenty and they must have had no in
struction exceeding a term The in
struction will consist of the rudiments
of music note reading etc This work
will be put in the hands of Miss Barrs
advanced pupils and will be superintend
ed by her great care being given to the
work and due attention paid ach pupil
Those wishing to register their children
will please call at the studio at Mrs N
E Fahnestocks residence
Aint You About Ready
to do your spring papering Dont you
want to see cur line of paper We have
a large variety to choose from and our
prices are very low We still have a
complete assortment of both the better
and cheaper grades and lots of novelties
We can please you if you will take the
trouble to look
McConnell Druggist
Let Us Fill It
Yonr paint order Hammer Paint
wears longest looks best and is as cheap
as any good paint For sale by
W T Coleman
For Sale A nice front door for a
residence with screen door to match
Also window frame and two sashes
with glass Will sell very reasonable
Call at this office for further particulars
The question with you should be
that the product of foreign mills is no
cheaper and never as good as Doans 91
patent The kind to buy should be no
matter of speculation
See that road wagon at Colemans for
3850 its a peach
Umbrellas for ladies and men 50c to
500 at Thompsons
We sell nothing but good shoes at
The Bee Hive
All leather gloves for men 15c at
Lincoln Commercial Club Visit
The visit of the Lincoln Commercial
club of our city last Tuesday evening
was a pleasant and profitable incident
for both parties interested a mutual
Tho special train bearing tho party of
wholesalers manufacturers and bankers
of the capital city numbering about
fifty in all arrived hero at supper time
and nfter a brief but pertinent word of
welcome at the depot from tho lips of
Mayor Waite together with a few an
nouncements tho members of the club
at onco divided one section going to tho
Palmer and the other to the Commer
cial hotel at each of which special prep
arations had been made for suppor
After supper the members of tho club
visited merchants and others in their
respective lines drove and walked over
the city and later in tho ovoning assem
bled at tho McCook Commercial clubs
handsomo quarters in the postofiico
building where an informal program
was had to the evident pleasure and
doubtless to tho profit of both visitors
and businessmen of McCook
President Barnett of the club was
chairman of the evening and various
members of the Lincoln and McCook
commercial clubs were called upon for
remarks F M Kimmell G H Thom
as Dr S C Beach made brief speeches
for the McCook club to which were
mado numbers of responses by the visit
ors Mayor Brown of Lincoln acting as
chairman for them Among the respon
ses were short speeches from II M
Bushnell of tho Lincoln Trade Review
Mayor Brown P L Hall of the Colum
bia National Bank Dr Dayton T P
Kennard of the Western Glass and Paint
Co J A Piper of the Nebraska Cen
tral Building and Loan Association L
P Funkouser of the Farmers and Mer
chants Bank J L Teeters of the J L
Teeters Cowholesale jewelry concern
M Weil of tho National Bank of Com
merce and others While tho visitors
made it plain that thoy were out for more
business in their several wholesale lines
they forgot not to say words of congrat
ulation and praise for conditions in the
great Republican valley and for the evi
dent enterprise and reception of the busi
mjss men and commercial club of Mc
The Tribune makes bold to state that
ib belives the businessmen of McCook
by this personal contact with the enter
prising men of Lincoln were at least if
not more equally benefited with tho
visitors who were in our city drumming
up wholesale trade for the capital city
While no set program of entertain
ment was arranged for tho occasion and
events were allowed to take their natural
way the reception accorded the Lincoln
club in the local club rooms was heart
ily participated in was largely attended
and was keenly enjoyed and appreciat
The Alma band accompanied the ex
cursionists in this part of tho state and
favored the people with short concerts
on tho street and in the McCook club
Tho Griswold Seed Co of Lincoln
had a representative on the scene who
was making his way in a fine automobile-which
toured the city during the
Commencement Gifts
There are too many gift lines in our
stock to give each extended mention
but there is one line which is particular
ly appropriate for this occasion
Books we have just received a largo
line of the newer things in fiction gift
editions and small dainty giftbooKs All
of them are worthy of giving and in no
other lfne can you get as appropriate a
gift for so little money
Our other gift lines are pictures toilet
articles pottery china eb
ony sterling silver novelties etc etc
McConnell Druggist
Best light calicoes 4Jc yd at Thomp
Japanese cotton crepe for kimonos etc
15c yard at Thompsons
A good second hand surrey for sale
cheap at W T Colemans
Plenty of solid pinks in wash goods at
12ic 20c 25c 35c at Thompsons
The remains of Albert Hamilton were
moved from Longview to Riverview
cemeterj this week
Well bred a gentleman Well bread
thats another kind but means the best
there is Thats made from Doans
91 patent
A McMillen Druggist
Wall Paper
In price colorings and variety we
think you can be suited in our line of
wall paper The very latest in
crowns stripes and oriental designs
Let us show you
WsII n hing bjt gODd
The Bee Hive
MX Society
Our stock of wall papers affords you
the widest possible choice in material
pattern and price Voloutines in
grains embossed golds stripes
florals Japanese grass cloths crowns
tiles and otc All now all artistic
and all superior papers for tho money
Wall moulding and beads natural
wood finish and tints to match tho
paper McConnhll druggist
Was Too Swift For John
John Trout of East McCook had a
lively experienco with a chicken thief
last Sunday morning Going out of his
house toward tho barn early in tho
morning ho saw a man going away from
tho barn with a bag over his back
Thinking all was not well he called to
the man to stop but instead of comply
ing with his request tho fellow started
on a run and when Trout commenced
to gain on him ho dropped tho bag and
contents and took to his heels in ear
nest Whon Trout picked up tho sack
he found therein thirty of his chickens
We Make
a leader of tho Sherwin Williams
Paint because wo believe thoy rep
resent the best paint value on tho
For durability spreading quality
beauty easy working quality and
economy no better paint can bo
One quality only tho best
McConnell Druggist
The Junior Normal
Tho time is rapidly drawing near
when the junior normal school teachers
will resume their work in this city
June 5th is the opening day State Su
perintendent McBrien has engaged de
sirable talent for an entertainment
course which it is expected tho McCook
citizens will liberally patronize This
includes four numbers J Edmund
Vance Cook a humorist poet similar
to JVhitcomb Riley Frank R Rober
son tho world traveler with his rare
pictures Robert Mclntyre probably
the most eloquent orator on the Ameri
can platform and the Slaytm Jublee
No bonus is asked this year but mon
ey will be required to pay for this talent
and the course adopted is that of re
questing all citizens generally to pur
chase season tickets of admission to this
course of splendid entertainments
four numbers for S150 Tho school
means much for McCook and one good
indication that it is appreciated will bo
a large sale of season tickets
Bower Plumleign
At the Methodist parsonage Wednes
day afternoon was solemnized by Rev
M B Carman tho marriage of Louis D
Bower and Nellie Plumleigh two esti
mable young people of the South Side
where they will make their homo
The Tribune adds its hearty congratu
lates and well wishes
Meeting- of Board of Equalization
Notice is hereby given that tho board
of county commissioners of Red Willow
county will sit as a board of equaliza
tion of assessment June 13th lith and
15th on which dates ths assessments
will be cqaulized and adjusted
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Bees For Sale
Several colonies of Italian bees for
sale Call or write Mrs William By
field one mile east of McCook
Rooms For Rent
Five rooms over W W McMillens
shop Inquire of S D McClain
Next to poisoning ones stock perhaps
the meanest thing one can do is to girdle
another persons trees This latter act
is the one someone h a s perpetrated
against W B Fearn It makes The
Tribune blush to note it Mr Fearn is
a loser in money but more than that in
time lost in bringing up the trees to the
stage of development they were in when
the saw and knife of the night marauder
did its ugly work
Wednesday of this week J II Steph
ens bought George Becks restaurant
the old Owl restaurant Mr Steph
ens will run both restaurants for a time
but may eventually consolidate both in
the old Owl building which is the
larger and better equipped
Last Saturdays rainfall was 110
inches Thursday morning 35 of an
inch fell up to eight oclock
The Barnett Lumber Co is rebuilding
200 feet of its coal sheds this week
Best quality apron check ginghams 5
cents yard at Thompsons
New arrival of portieres and couch
covers at Pade Sons
shs at
McConnoll for drugs
Silverwaro at W T Colemans
Graduating presents at McMillens
Evorything in drugs McConnoll
Get your straw hat at The Bee Hive
Sugar beet seod at W T Colemans
Those three-for-one hats at The Bee
For furniture tho latest out go to
Pado Son
O CMastin M L Eclectic Physi
cian phono 95
We sell nothing but good shoes at
The Bee Hive
Ladies laco hose in tans and iu black
at Thompsons
Tho Quick Meal gasoline is tho very
best stovo mado
Beautiful matched sets of embroider
ies at Thompsons
See those lawn and porch swings at
W T Colemans
Elito Memorized petticoats 150 to
83 at Thompsons
Tho tyrant in ollico usually is an
anarchist out of oflico
Floor Lac makes old floors look like
new Sold by McConnell
Ferris corset waists for ladies misses
and children at Thompsons
The best hardwood refrigerator on tho
market at W T Colemans
McMillen has a nice lino of presents
suitable for gifts for graduates
Ladies shirt waist suits at
81C5 8250 8350 at Thompsons
Rooms for rent over the markot
D 0 Marsh
Timbolo irons potato scoops and all
kitchen utensils at W T Colemans
Handsome Japanese crepe kimomos
at 225 275 and 8325 at Thompsons
Let the wind take your old hat W
have an all new line a The Bee Hi v
Queen Elizabeth bobinett ruching
collars and chemisettes at Thompsons
Cut glass in the latest patternsr qual
ity best and price right at W T Cole
Leave your order for a fish globe
We carry them in stock at The Bee
Sewing machines all standard makes
at the lowest market prices at Padc
Some if tho most handsomo driving
wagons as well as Stanhopes at W T
8950 a ton is tho price for that extra
fine bright baled hay just shipped in by
Wanted Good girl for general house-
work Good wages Mrs R B Arch
Baby bonnets and caps of silk of
lawn of crocheted silk in large variety
at Thompsons
Wc have beautiful presents for a grad
uation remembrance Let us show you
W T Coleman
Knipplo has just received a carload of
nice bright baled hay which ho is soil
ing at 8950 a ton
Several milch cows good ones for
sale Call or write me A D Johns
ton McCook Neb
The very finest of surreys at W T
Colemans and just the thing for nleas
ureat this time of vear
The new lessee and manager of the
National hotel is C G Boswortb who
succeeds W F Heckman
Ladies brilliantine dress skirts 350i
8500 8G50 and SSOO in blues blacks
and browns at Thompsons
Argentine ware is the latest If you
havent any try a piece and be con
vinced at W T Colemans
The young ladies tendered the young
gentlemen a delightful dancing party in
Menard hall Friday evening last
Rugs and carpets have advanced in
the market Our large stock goes at
old prices Pade Son
Collar frames collar jewels narrow
velvet ribbons for binding stocks laco
and fancy collars in large variety at
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Wheat 7r
Oats c
Re 53
Barley M
Hogs 1 75
Eggs is
GoodButter 17
I will pay the highest market price
Inquire at Diamonds