The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1905, Image 8

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    A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fuils to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in Gtol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 00c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Eont let the children suffer If they
are fretful peevish and cross give them
Ilollisters Rocky Mountain Tea The
best baby tonic known Strength and
health follow its use 35 cents L W
Df f
- i fs
aszxitwiAiinrvt v
Your do tor will tell you that
thin paie weak nervous chil
dren become srrong and well
by taking Avers Sarsaparilla
Small doses for a few days
The change is very prompt
and very marked Ask your
doctor why it is He has our
formula and will expsin
When 13 yiix fir intiir n w ti
one tliouclit iVmiil Iimi
lint in a few nvK 1 1
pletely restored in
Mlts K ItrrKJliN i i i nii i I
gl00 a bnttlp
All rtniiirt r
umin tuattsaartztxr r --
covory Cu f
The Butcher
wants your
The best of
everything is
Phone 12
It should be borne in mind that
every cold weakens the lungs low
ers the vitality and prepares the
system for the more serious dis
eases among which are the two
greatest destroyers of human life
pneumonia and consumption
Cough Remedy
has won its great popularity by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment It aids expectoration re
lieves the lungs and opens the
secretions effecting a speedy and
permanent cure It counteracts
any tendency toward pneumonia
Poultry Co
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
For the nest 7 days
we will pay cash
For Hens Tc lb
Springs Tc lb
Turkey Hens lie lb
Kansas City May 10 1905
Receipts of cattle so far this week are
23800 last week 16100 last year 15
600 Mondays supply of beeves was
small and light weights sold steady with
heavier mostly 10c lower Bofct cows
and heifers wero steady others 10 to 15c
lower Best stockers and feeders were
steady others 10 cent lower The sup
ply of beeves Tuesday was the heaviest
f jr many months Prices for them de
clined 10 to 15c Cows and heifers broke
10 to 20j Stockers and feeders wore
steady to lOu lower Tho proportion
of beef steers to day was liberal Tops
brought 630 the highest sinco April
2otb but they wero better cattle than
sold then at 86 80 Most sales for beeves
were steady others weak to 10c lower
Cows and heifers wero weak to 10c
lower for all but best the latter holding
steady Veuls wore steady but 50c low
er than Monday Trade in stockers and
feeders today was slow with prices for
best steady others weak and lower
The following table gives quotations now
Extra prime corufed steers 83 to 8 23
Good 5 40 to 5 8
Ordinary 4 63 to 5 40
Choice corufed heifers 5 00 to 5 40
Good 4 50 to 5 00
Medium 4 00 to 4 50
Choice cornfed cows 4 50 to 4 83
Good 3 75 to 4 50
Medium 3 25 to 3 75
Cnnnora 2 00 to 3 HI
Choice stags 4 50 to 5 00
Choicofed bulls 4 00 to 4 50
Good 3 50 to 4 00
Bologna bulls 2 25 to 3 00
Veal calves 5 23 to C 25
Good to choice native or western
stockers 4 25 to 4 80
Fuir 3 75 to 4 25
Common 3 25 to 3 75
Good to choice heavy nativo feeders 4 50 to 5 00
Fair 3 73 to 4 50
Good to choice heavy branded
horned feeders 4 00 to 4 75
Fair 3 50 to 4 00
Common 3 25 to 3 50
Good to choice stock heifers 3 00 to 3 25
Fair 2 50 to 3 10
Good to choice stock calvessteers 4 50 to 5 00
Fair 3 75 to 4 50
Good to choice stock calvesheifers 3 25 to 3 75
Fair 2 75 to 3 25
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
are 39600 last week 20300 last year
21300 Mondays market was 10c lower
and Tuesday 5 to 10c lower Trade
took a turn for the better today and 5c
advance was scored Bulk of sales were
from S525 to 535 top 537
Receipts of sheep this week were 17
400 last week 13400 last year 9200
Almost everything coming now is clipp
ed Texas and Arizona grassers Mon
days market was strong and active
Tuesday steady on lambs with sheep 10
to 15c lower and today trade was strong
to 10c higher We quote choice lambs
8550 to 575 choice yearlings8525 to 85
40 choice weathers 8475 to 8500
choice ewes S450 to 465 For wooled
stock add 75c per cwt
Fine rain Tuesday afternoon
Judge R C Orr was in town Monday
Albert Norman is the new helper at
the depot
The city board granted Fred Stine a
S900 license
Frank Baker of McCook was in town
last Sunday
Mr Hubbard is the new mail carrier
forD M Benedict
J A Kirk returned from his eastern
trip last Saturday
Miss Minnie Murphy visited with Mrs
Lizzie Bahan Sunday
D L Shumaker has been painting
the interior of his store building
Mrs Mary A Cres3 visited friends
Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday
S E Solomon received a car of seed
potatoes from Wisconsin last Saturday
C Benedict of Trenton was in town
last Sunday exhibiting his new automo
Mrs E J Blum and Mrs S H Blum
of Palisade returned to their homes last
There is to be a dance and oyster sup
per at Mrs C Clines home Friday
Quite a number of Culbertson people
expect to attend the contest at Trenton
John Christner postmaster at Hayes
Center passed through our city last
James Liston the red headed mer
chant of Palisade was in town last
Monday evening
Mrs W E Latta returned fromKene
saw last Monday where she has been
visiting her daughter
C M Forbes left Monday night for
Omaha to attend the grand lodge ses
sion of the A O U W
C S Harding helper at the depot
has been transferred to Franklin where
he has a similar position
The E L program given at the M E
church last Friday evening was a bril
liant affair Everyone enjoyed it
Mrs M B Hogkins who has been
visiting her sister Mrs Porter the past
two weeks started for Denver Thurs
day morning where she intends visiting
her son
Last week we noticed a mistake in our
items viz the Standard Beet Sugar Co
is building several new houses north of
town instead of the Beatrice Creamery
Spickelmire Gaakder At the home
of the brides parents Miss Clara Gaard
er of Culbertson and Wm Spickelmire
of Highland were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony Wednesday
We Rob
the Grain
of nothing of value
Our special process
leaves in the flavor
and strength the
nutriment and the
gluten Theres life
and health in Cal
ifornia Wheatose
Flaked wheat food for breakfast
All good grocers
Rolla Ilobbs was a business caller
here this week
Sam Clark is busy this week interview
ing the tax payers of this region
Eunice Daly and Miss Swartz of Cam
bridge were Bartley business visitors
last Friday
Dr J E Hathorn is in Omaha this
week as a delegate to the A O U Y
Supreme lodge
Dr Thayer of Omaha came to Bartley
to temporarily look after the practice of
Dr Hathorn during his visit to Omaha
and the west
Dr and Mrs J E Hathorn entertain
ed Gov Mickey during his visit hero at
tending the dedication exercises of the
M E church
E E Smith shipped eight cars of
cattle and one of hogs this week Mr
Smith is one of the leading shippers of
Red Willow county
The new sidewalk and crossing on
Commercial ave is much need improve
ment It is hoped the city fathers will
continue the good work
II L Brown and family are now resi
dents of Bartley Harry has taken
charge of the Inter Ocean aud will get
out his first issuo this week
We are pleased to know that Lieuten
ant I A Sheridan has through the
labor of Congressman Norrisbeen grant
ed a pension which he has so long been
entitled to receive
Prof A Jj Carnahan formerly supt
of schools in this countv has resigned
at Edgar Neb owing to some unpleas
ant condition there His resignation
will prevent the graduation of several
candidates for that honor
Will Hanson and family left Wednes
day morning for Holbrook Neb where
he will be agent for the B M Mr
Hanson has been an efficient agent here
for several years and his many friends
regret the change he has concluded to
Thomas R Robison who has been
dangerously ill for several days died
Monday at 6 p m and was bnried in
the Bartley cemetery Wednesday at 11
a m Elder Wilson of the Christian
church officiating Mr Robison came
here from Iowa a few years ago and
made a nice home about three miles
north east of Bartley He has been a
successful farmer and stock raiser ne
owned several good farms in this viciuitj
Although a great sufferer from asthma
he hfis been a very industrious man
always hopeful of better health Strict
ly honorable in all his dealings he had
a host of friends who with his family
and other relatives greatly mourn his
The dedication of the M E church
here last Sunday was the event of the
season For several weeks the zealous
workers had been getting ready for this
occasion The committees had every
thing well in hand for the day It was
desired to raise a fund of 850000 to meet
the indebtedness of the church and
to finish pews At an early hour teams
by the score well loaded with interested
occupants came to the church and soon
their was a crowded house Every
available space inside being filled with
a large number standing outside Rev
Wilson presiding elder of this district
delivered the dedication sermon Gov
Mickey delivered a splendid address in
the evening The three sessions morn
ing afternoon and evening were all
well attended The instrumental music
by Fletcher and Fisher was fine The
vocal music and especially the solos by
Mrs Guthrie of Indianola Miss S wartz
and Mr Ryan of Cambridge which
were especially interesting features of
the occasion The minister of the home
church Rev Kirby and the members
all faithfully labored to make the meet
ing a success When the time for col
lection came the pleasant solicitation by
Rev Wilson and the encouraging remarks
by Gov Mickey had the audience in a
generous mood and soon a collection of
nearly seven hundred dollars was rsised
which amount was far in excess of the
most sanguine expectations of church
See Knipple right away and secure
some of that baled hay just shipped in
Per ton S950
Why suffer with spring tiredness
mean cross feeling no strength no ap
petite Hollisters Rocky Mountain
Tea will make you well and keep you
well 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W
Mrs Georgo Cress is here from EtTlng
ham Kas
Grandma Springer has a new piano
for Edd
Leonard Fioehter has been sick the
past week
Arthur Grafton is over from McCook
this week
Marion Ovorstako had his house
painted Wednesday
Mr and Mrs Evers wero down from
Danbury Sunday
Jefferson Horton had his houso paint
ed the first of the week
Wm Staples shelled for D F Hupp
and the elova tor Monday
Mrs T E McDonald and daughter of
Danbury wero down over Sunday
Daniel F Iiupp with his wifo and
Ferris Sundayed at James McCombs
Mrs Mandy Nichols and Lawrence
moved into their new house Thursday
The Lebanon schools are preparing for
an entertainment the last day of school
Wm Brown is homo from Danbury
where he has been working for James
Clyde Bodwell is painting his houso
as the siding goes on using the scaffold
ing that the carpenters put up-
The Beaver Valley Telephone Co put
phones in as far as John Baxters in
Sherman precinct Kansas Monday
Clyde Bod wells new house is making
quite a showing It will be one and one
half stories with gables in the roof
We understand that Prairie Chapel
church on the Sappy south of Danbury
was completely wrecked in the high
wind Tuesday night
Mr and Mrs Walter Thompson have
a baby girl Mrs Durst a sister of
Mrs Thompson h here from Delphos
Kansas caring for tho little baby
Frank Iloobler Wm Huntzinger
Robert Orr and Wm Staples went to
McCook Saturday to take the examina
tion to curry the nviil east of Lebanon
Rev Crippen of Indianola preached
Sunday night at tho M E church in
place of tho presiding elder who was
taking part in tho dedication at Bartley
Lee P Huntzinger left on the early
train Monday for Wichita Kas to
visit with his son James II lie goes
from there to Topoka to attend the gen
eral conference of the United Brethren
church which takes place ouce in four
The high wind Tuesday night was
terrific Quite a number of windows
were broken by having things blown
against them Seven miles north -of
town they had some hail that broke
window lights One man south of town
had his windmill blown down
When the petition for incorporation
went before the commissioners it was
noticed that it would take in 4i
bridges and throw the expense of
maintaining them on tho village so the
matter was laid over and they will draw
up a new petition taking in less terri
American Stock Growers Association
Denver Colo May 9th to 13th round
trip rate of S1140 Tickets on sale April
7th to 9th Enquire at ticket office
Jesse Ashton is on the sick list this
Mr and Mrs Pearson loft for Akron
Colo Tuesday
James Nutt and family have moved
into their new house
A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs
Otto Puelz May 0th
J L Sargent went to Cedar Bluffs
Monday on business
Born to Mr and Mrs E B Stilgc
bouer May 10 a baby boy
Tho wind Tuesday night also blew
Mr Gibbons wind mill down
Mrs Pew who has b en hero visiting
her friends and relatives returned home
Friday May 12th
Mr and Mrs Wm Stilgobouor had a
tow of Mrs Whipples friends at their
place Monday night A good time was
reported Mrs Whipplo loft Wednes
day for her home in Detroit Michigan
The wind and the rain did quite a bit
of damago Tuesday ovening It blew
the new TJ B church off of its founda
tion over south and blow Mr Coulters
houso over and blew Georgo Hesss barn
over and broke some window lights out
in his new house Tho hail broke ten
window lights out of tho school house
In the storm Tuesday evening tho
U 13 church 10 miles south of town
was blown all away except a piece of
wood from 10 to 16 feet long Tho in
surance was 81200 Mr Beals houso
and Mr Coulters house and quite a bit
of property wore destroyed Tho mail
carrier who carries the mail from Ober
lin was blown over into a field and re
mained unconscious for a littlo while and
his buggy was scattered all over the
The Fourth of July committee of the
Commercial club held a meeting last
evening and organized for business
The flagnificently Bred
Wilkes Stallion
Great grandson by both sire and
dam of Famous Geo Wilkes 519
Will stand the season 1905 at
my place two miles northwest of
Perry and seven miles west of
McCook First class man will be
in charge all the time
Terms 10 to insure Not
responsible for an accidents
The Arabian horse will be
at Fitch Highlands barn
Friday and Saturday of each
week commencing May 5th
Terms 10 for standing colt
We also have our own houses at
Read our market letter In this paper Write us for any special information desired
V V e Jl
In answer to the many in
quiries we have had regarding
the make of furnaces we handle
will say that we will sell you
almost any furnace that is mau
factured to day and give you a
written guarantee on same We
make lowest possible prices
If you are contemplating install
ing a furnaee come in and see
us and we will give you our ex
perience free Yours truly
Br Herbert J Pratt
Registered Qraduatk
Oflko ovor McConnclls Drug Storo
Tofopuono t Oillco 100 rtjHiilunco 131
Formor locution Atlanta Georgia
Real Estate Insurance
Phono 56
Ofllco over McCOOK
McMillotTs drug storo NEUKASKA
9 Bd 9S
O C flastin
Ofllco and rosidenco nno hnlf block north of
postoilico Phono No Oi
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phono No 13
Consultation free
J F Hart M D
Ofiico hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p in
Phones Ollico 155 residence 15
and Surgeon
Ofllco Residence 521 Main Avouno Ollico and
Residence phone 55 Calls answered night or
McCook Nebraska
EStoAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Ollico in Poatollico building
C H Boyle
C E Eldkkd Co Atty
Attokneys at Law
Long Di3tanco Phono 41
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
Postotlice liuildiuj
McCook Neb
Office over Grannis store McCook Nob
I FEumbar and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of tho losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
v rD
Delmont S D Dec 17 1902
I nsed L K for hog cholera and it was all
right It cured my hogs I had three sick ones
and they all got well and done fine I also
ased it for chicken lice and mites and it is all
you claim for it Itis the only Medicine forhog
cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1S02
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thing I ever had on the
place for everything it is intended for Itis
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
Td Cure a Cold in One Day s 1
I Take Laatlv BrmO illllBe Tablets fins on every I
I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months ThJS Signature Oyg SOX 25c I