The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1905, Image 4

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yJV VT7 4
XSB0E jnimp
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Strictly Personal
The TmnuNE is prepared to
show you a superb line of samples
of 1900 calendars and wo will
do the printing right here No
need to send away for them Our
line can suit the most fastidious
tasto and the fullest purse or the
simplest desire and most modest
The Tribune has in stock a full
lino of Cash Register stationery
Cash Received on Account
Paid Out Charge slips etc
Buy your supplies at home and
save annoyance of ordering from
eastern cities
The Tribune keeps in stock
notes receipts single and in du
plicate one or three to the page
legal blanks of all kinds type
writer papers etc
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Locghrak Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 3 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sunday school at
10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7
Preaching at 8 Prayer and conference
meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p in
Rev George T Noyce of Trenton will
preach at the Congregational church
Sunday in exchange with Mr Conrad
George A Conrad Pastor
First Baptist Church Preaching at
11 a m Sunday school at 945 a m
B Y P U at 6 A5 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at 745 p m
Preaching at 8 p m Morning subject
Gods Property Right in Us Evening
subject Face to Face with God All
cordially invited
A B Carson Pastor
Methodist Next Sunday is Epworth
League day Special music and sermon
at 11 Subject Epworth League and
Our Young People In the evening at
8 sixteenth anniversary program of the
Epworth League Special music by
choir and short addresses by Pastor
W A James Oscar Green Cliff Brown
John Bucknell Oscar Pearson Mrs
James Misses Storer Wilburn Akers
Berry Ludwick Middleton Stewart
McClaiu and others Also exercise by
Juniors All young people and every
body invited
oil cloth 15c yard at
l I
Screen Door Paint
Heady for Dse Yoa Can Apply It
I2 pint pint quart 1 2 gallon
and gallon cans
CONE BROS Druggists
One disease of thinness in
children is scrofula in adults3
consumption Both have poor
blood both need more fat
These diseases thrive on lean
ness Fat is the best means of
overcoming them cod liver oil
makes the best and healthiest
fat and
is the easiest and most effective
form of cod liver oil Heres a
natural order of things that
shows why Scotts Emulsion is
of so much value in all cases of
scrofula and consumption More
fat more weight more nourish
ment thats why
Send for free sample
409 4J5 Pearl Street New York
0c and 100 All druggists
flic Animnlo Easy Introduction to a
Steam Street Roller
In one of the broad uptown thorough
fares a few clays ago a mounted pa
trolman encountered a steam roller In
action and the horse was terribly
frightened It reared and balked and
then made angles across the street
first one way and then the other until
the policeman Jumped off nnd tried
coaxing Leading his mount step by
step In the direction of the roller
which had come to a standstill he pet
ted the animal and talked to it urging
It forward
A fine horse like you to be afraid
of a steam roller said the policeman
The horse pricked up its ears and ven
tured ahead another step or two
Come now come along You cant
be a policeman and be afraid of a bit
of iron Now come on good boy
The horse made a few more steps for
Come on continued the policeman
Now then be good The department
cant afford to be giving 300 apiece for
horses that havent any nerve Come
on now
Coaxing It along in this way with In
finite patience the officer after several
minutes got the animal up to the roller
The horse daintily put forward one foot
and tapped the front of the Iron wheel
waited a moment and finding that the
machine did not kick or run reared
contemptuously and tapped the object
with both feet then -wheeled and walk
ed quietly away The policeman re
mounted and it is safe to say that
horse will never bother about a steam
roller again New York Tost
No Article of Attire Have More
VnBarles Been Shoirn
Shoes or their equivalent are of a
certainty even more ancient than
gloves for they were a necessity of lo
comotion while the other was but a
luxury Sometimes they were made of
skins sometimes of papyrus as in
Egypt Often they were gilded and
decked with jewels and the most ex
pert artists of the day were employed
to decorate the foot coverings of
wealthy patricians consuls emperors
and their favorites In no article of at
tire have more vagaries been shown
Today a lady who desires to be consid
ered in the height of fashion wears
shoes pointed as much as possible but
in the time of Queen Mary the taste
was all the other way and it was
found necessary to issue a royal procla
mation prohibiting shoes with toes
wider than six inches But perhaps the
most extraordinary development in the
way of footgear were the chopines in
troduced by the ladies of Venice to
make themselves taller than they really
were The articles were really a kind
of stilts made of wood and leather and
sometimes reached the absurd height
of twelve inches Even a trained acro
bat would have difficulty in walking on
such things and ordinary women had
such trouble with them that when they
attempted a promenade they required
the assistance of a servant at each side
and another behind to keep them from
falling From Redferns Royal and
Historic Shoes
TIiaddCTis Stevens Wit
When Thaddeus Stevens had taken
to his bed for the last time a visitor
told him he was looking well Oh
John was the quick reply it is not
my appearance but my disappearance
that troubles me One day a mem
ber of the house of representatives who
was noted for his uncertain course on
all questions and who confessed that
he never investigated a point under
discussion without finding himself a
neutral asked for leave of absence
Mr Speaker said Stevens I do
not rise to object but to suggesttkat
the honorable member need not ask
this favor for he can easily pair off
with himself
Evolution of the Skate
The earliest known skates were those
roughly shaped from the canon bone of
a horse or cow and Scandinavian ar
chaeologists claim an antiquity of 1G00
years for these The wearer of these
rude skates obtained speed not by a
stroke of the foot but by pushing him
self along with a piked staff Skates
made entirely of -wood were next intro
duced These were followed by -wooden
ones shod with flat strips of iron
Then were gradually developed bladed
skates and finally experts evolved the
Fen type Norwegian racer and figure
skates of the present day London
Offering No Challenges
Do you claim that the world owes
you a living
No answered Meandering Mike
De man dat goes around claimin
makes hisself unpopular Im satisfied
to git my livin whether its owln to
me or not Washington Star
His Shorthand
Employer to new clerk Yon dont
seem to keep pace with my dictation
Why dont you write shorthand I be
lieve you told me that you knew short
hand Clerk So I do but it takes me
longer than ordinary writing
Lnclclns the Motive Porrer
I wonder why the car doesnt start
exclaimed an impatient passenger
There are not enough people on
board yet to make the cargo replied
another who understood the situation
On a Plate
He Id like to take your photograph
Edier Really youre sweet enough to
eat She I see and thats -why you
want to put me on a plate Illustrated
Bits v
There Is a selfishness even in grati
tude -when It 13 too profuse Cumber
Tampered With The Malls
Holdreoe Neb May 6 Walter
Knowles who was indicted by the fed
eral grand jury at Omaha for stealing a
watch here last November was arrested
Inst night by Deputy Sheriff Earr and
is in jail here awaiting the arrival of
the United States marshal Knowles
was night expressman at the depot hero
and the watch issupposed to have been
taken from the mail hero while it was
waiting to bo transferred to tho Chey
enne line It is understood that Knowles
has admitted his guilt He is only about
eighteen years old and was supporting
his mother Lincoln Journal
Tho watch in question was mailed by
II P Sutton of tho city to a customer
on the high line Mr Sutton and Hol
drege parties appeared before tho federal
grand jury in Omaha close of last week
in tho case
Joint Excursion
The joint excursion of the South Om
aha Live Stock Exchange and Omaha
Commercial Club will arrive in McCook
Friday morning May 26th at six
oclock remaining here three hours
breakfasting hero
Western Nebraska stockmen aro urg
ed so meet this excursion
They will be supplied with advertis
ing matter attractive souvenirsJbadges
buttons etc for distribution The
First regiment band Nebraska national
guard from Wisner will be on tne train
and dispense gcod mufic while here
Reduced Rates
to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
The E L and Young Peoples Circle
of the L A have on their bulletin for
July two popular and entertaining num
bers by Bishop Joseph F Berry of New
York and the noted Sam P Jones of
Georgia Get ready for them Further
announcements in due time
The Experience Social held by the
Congregational Dorcas society at the
homo of Mrsfr J E Kelley last night
was largely attended and a gratifying
success Light refreshments were served
and an enjoyable worthwhile program
At the meeting of the Commercial
club Tuesday evening the matter of
greeting the Commercial club of Lincoln
and Omaha was left to the wisdom of
the entertainment committee
No 13 was delayed some 8 or 10
hours yesterday by a big washout in
the neighborhood of the Guide Rock
and Amboy
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs J J Curran next Thursday p m
Tape girdles in white in pink Amer
ican Beauties 50c at Thompsons
Ladies wrappers 5c
150 at Thompsons
SOe S125 and
The Ordenl of Boiling Oil
In Ceylon tho system of witch find
ing is both unique and terrible Some
oil from newly gathered king cocoanuts
is manufactured by one of the friends
of the complainant This is poured into
a primitive stone vessel and heated to
the boiling paint Each of the suspect
ed witches Is then brought upon the
scene and is then nnd there compelled
to dip three fingers of the right hand
into the seething caldron each having
a right under her ideas of justice to
throw the oil remaining upon her fin
gers into the face of the complainant
who stands near by
While this ordeal Is being undergone
a single exclamation of pain on the part
of the suspected person is constructed
to be an admission of guilt If no such
exclamation is made the innocence of
the accused is supposed to be estab
lished It is said that every tenth per
son on the island of Ceylon has maimed
fingers as n result of having met the
ordeal of boiling oil
Swimming Sailor Fashion
It was a redheaded boy from across
the tracks on his good behavior at the
swimming hole above the dam that I
first saw swim hand over hand or
sailor fashion as we called it right
ly or wrongly I know not I can hear
now the crisp staccato little smack his
hand gave the water as he reached for
It has ever since been my envy and
despair It is so knowing so sporty
I class It -with being able to wear a
pink barred shirt front with a dia
mond cluster pin in it with being gen
uinely fond of horse racing with being
a first class poker player with being
delighted with the company of actors
what I give if I could be like
that My life has been a sad one but
I might find some comfort in it yet if I
could only get that natty little spat on
the water when I lunge forward swim
ming overhand McClures
Mrs Maguire Tis Mary Ann OReil
ly thots th foine pianny player intoire
ly Mrs Clancy Shure an no Tvon
dher Isnt her Uncle Barney a pianny
mover Judge
The reason said Uncle Thoma3
that some stupid men get along bet
ter than some smart ones Is that they
dont keep talkin all the time and
makin enemies
Weathor fair and everything growing
Merlo Powell visited in McCook re
Morris Rankin left for Cripple Creek
Colo Sunday evening
Mack Lord has quit school and is
working on the section
Miss Bertha Smith attended Sunday
school north of town Sunday
Miss Edith Vernon of Freedom is vis
iting Miss Bertha Walker this week
Tommy Adams and nephow Walter
Adams are in Indianola visiting friends
The billiard hall has changed hands
again John McClung is now proprietor
Mrs McCallum is going to Oklahoma
soon on a visit to her son who livos at
Miss Mary Vering is taking lessons on
the violin under the tutorage of Profes
sor Calvin
C B Iloag is in Omaha this week as
a delegate to tho grand lodge of tho
Quite a number of people from tho
country were visiting friends in town
last Sunday
Tho ladies of tho Congregational
church will hold their annual church
fair Saturday
Born To Wm Sheets and wifeSun
day night twins boy and girl No
race suicide there
James Cosgro is in Sycamore Springs
Kansas taking treatment He expects
to come home soon
The band boys gave a concert Tups
day night Have not heard how they
came out financially
There is soon to be a new play pre
sented at the opera house by the school
pupils Everybody should go
Miss Alta Helm who has been the
guest of Indianola friends since last
week returned to her homo at the Wil
low on Monday night
Mr George Henderson and Miss
Kate Newland were married Sunday
evening They left Monday evening for
a short trip after which they will settlo
down to housekeeping
Rev N H Hawkins went coyote
hunting the other day He found the
den sent the old one over the Great Di
vide and captured seven young ones
Pretty good work for one da
Tho school picnic last week was to
have been an excursion to and dinner
in the woods but the rain spoiled their
calculations and they had to be content
with holding their jubilee in the school
Dave Cunningham an old time engi
neer on tho B M but now of Dallas
Texas was in our midst several days
last week Ho said ho was on his way
to see his mother whom he had not seen
for twenty three years
Tho M E church at Bartloy was ded
icated last Sunday Gov Mickey was
present and delivered an address that
was very fine and appropriate to tho oc
casion An immense throng was pres
ent as is always tho enso when Bartloy
Rev E B Crippen was called away
last Sunday to Lebanon and Danbury to
officiate in place of tho presiding elder
Brothor Berry of McCook filled tho pul
pit and those that had tho pleasuro of
listening to him heard a very fine ser
mon His subject was Iufluenco
Last Saturday night some parties
supposed to bo tramps broko tho glass
in the window of Dan Harrisons store
crawled in and helped thomselves to
four or five suits of clothes aud some
smaller notions nnd made their escape
Part of tho clothes wero found but the
thieves were not
Tuesday was a gala day at tho Cath
olic church in Indianola About sev
enty boys and girls wero in tho confirm
ation ceremonies which were quite im
pressive In tho afternoon nearly all of
the young folks had their photographs
taken Bently tho photographer was
kept quite busy until a late hour in tho
Denton Stroud left on Sunday morn
ing for St Louis
Miss Sadie Evertson is staying with
Mrs W P Burns during Mr Burns
W P Burns departed Wednesday
t T71 j 1 ii j i
ior r remont anu omer eastern iNeorasKa
points on a visit
Earl Notley has graduated from the
position of herder into a full fledged
farmer on the Hatfield ranch
J C Ball is sinking a well for the
Pickens school house Work on tho
school house seems to be lagging on ac
count of lack of materials
Large Class Confirmed
Indianola Neu May 9 Bishop
Bonacum of Lincoln assisted by the
priests of McCook and Indianola con
firmed one hundred and twenty mem
bers in the Catholic church here today
The church was crowded and tho ser
vices lasted nearly four hours Lincoln
Best prints on earth Simpsons
at Thompsons
Polk Bros9
For one week only commencing
SATURDAY MAY 13th 1905
we will place on sale our High Grade Stand
ard line of washday goods at prices never be
fore offered in McCook Only one article of
a kind will be sold to a customer Come
early while the assortment i5 complete
Reg Price Spec Price
No 8 galvanized wash boiler 100 75
No 8 ix tin heavy copper bottom 150 105
No 8 ixxx Craem City extra heavy 250 195
No 8 ixxxx Elliott antirust 280 2 10
No 9 ixxxx Elliott antirust 2 90 215
Heaviest tin boiler made and warranted by factory
No 8 heavy all copper boiler 300 240
No 8 extra heavy copper boiler 325 260
No 9 extra heavy copper boiler 350 285
This is the well known Rochester Boiler Standard of America
No i heavy galvanized tubs 70 50
No 2 heavy galvanized tubs 80 55
No 3 heavy galvanized tubs 90 65
Double zinc wash boards 35 25
Brass Monarch warranted five years 50 35
Horse Shoe brand clothes wringer 5 -year
warrant stamped in roll 375 300
Mrs Potts nickel plated sad irons 125 95
Two burner gasoline stove very handy on
wash day 290 245
Remember the date and come early Take
advantage of this great sale price in the sav
ing of money
Furnaces Stoves and Tinware
Sole Agents for the
Celebrated Baynton Furnaces Charter
Oak Stoves and Ranges Insur
ance Gasoline Stove
maMara iapssgqaa
W c Mar 1-
Coal Wood
Building Material
of all Kinds
Screen Doors and
Phone Number One
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
andjdelivery servico warrant us for
blowing Always tho best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone II Fresh and Salt Meats
am Insurance
Now is tho time to insure
your stock and buildings
against lightning torna
does and fire
Write or phone me and I
will call and fix vou out
Phone J135 McCook Neb
Beginning with May 1st I
will be in McCook and open
to all calls to do house clean
ing Leave orders at The
Tribune office or drop a
card in the postoffice Terms to
20 cents an hour M
Water Proof Varnishing
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
rEMia iiy FfL PILLK
or send I c In stamps for Particular xS
nionlalH and Keller nr tadlcfa teit
2100 Madison Square PHUUU PJL
XentloB tM smper