A Guaranteed Cure For Piles jSrcHtnjj Blnd Bleoding or Protrud pRPFIs Druggists refund money if J1 IJazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of bow long standing in G toll days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it sond 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co Eft Louis Mo Registered Short Horn Bulls For Sale Eighteen months old also several fresh milk cows Write mo at Culbortson r McCook T ORoubke For Sale or Trade JL complete photographers outfit Wilt sell or trade at a bargain Address look box 522 McCook Nebraska Ajers Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished It suffers for food starves Then it falls out turns prematurely gray Ayers Hair Vigor is a Hair Vigor I hair food It feeds nourishes The hair stops falling grows long and heavy and all dan drufF disappears My Imlr wai romlng out lorrllly I wn almost afruiil to riiuili It II lit Aycra Hair Vigor promptly Nioppnil tltn filliiiK anil also restored tlio natural rotor Mils K Wakii I nnlin N 1 I f 109 a Itottlo g Al clnnirli fjvcHUiuitauivaaH Pooi a - ror KPT 11 ki IS H V tT vVrC - MARSH The Butcher wants your trade The best of everything is his motto Phone 12 Colds It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life jsneumonia and consumption Chamberlains Cough -Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia m fc McCook Poultry Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days we will pay cash For Hens 7c lb Springs Tc lb Turkey Hens lie lb LIVE STOCK MARKETS AT KANSAS CITY THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS OFFICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMAHA SIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Knnsas City May 3 1905 Receipts of cattle so far this week lire 16200 ngninst 17000 Inst week and 22 000 the corresponding time last yenr The recreased supply was just the kind of tonic the market needed Receipts of beeves today were small and quality mostly common Prices were 10 to 15c higher closing easy Cows and heifers were mostly 10c higher for good stuff others unchanged Bulls and veals were steady Good stockers and feeders were 10c higher others steady to strong The following table gives quotations now ruling Extra prime cornfed steers G 00 to G SO Good 5 40 to Ordinary 4 C5 to Choice cornfed heifers 5 00 to Good 4 50 to Medium 4 00 to Choice cornfed cows 4 SO to Good 3 75 to Medium 3 25 to Canners 2 00 to Choice stags 4 SO to Choice fed bulls 4 00 to Good 3 50 to Bologna bulls 2 25 to Voal calves 5 25 to Good to clioico native or western stockers 4 25 to Fair 3 75 to Common 3 25 to Good to choice heavy native feeders 4 50 to Fair 3 75 to Good to choice heavy branded horned feedors 3 00 to Fair 3 50 to Common 3 25 to Good to choico stock heifers 3 00 to Fair 2 50 to Good to choico stock calvessteors 4 50 to Fair S in to Good to choice stock calvesheifers 3 25 to Fair 2 75 to Receipts of hogs so far this week are 20300 compared with 27800 last week and 31800 last year Mondays market was firm and active Tuesday strong to 5c higher and today 5 to 10c higher with bulk of sales from 85 25 to 535 top 5 37 Sheep receipts this week so far are 13400 against 12900 last week and 15 000 last year Mondays market was stronger Tuesday steady but closing weak and today slow and 5c to 10c lower We quote Choice lambs 676 to 6 85 choice yearlings 625 to 635 choice yearlings 8625 to 635 choice wethers S525 to 550 choice ewes 8500 to clipped stock 75c less 6 00 5 40 5 50 500 4 50 4 85 4 SO 3 75 3 XI 500 4 SO 400 3 00 6 25 480 4 25 S 75 500 4 SO 4 75 400 3 50 3 25 300 5 00 4 50 3 75 3 25 5 25 CULBERTS0N Miss Minnie Stein is visiting her sis ter Mrs Emma Joy Rev A J Clifton is papering in the east part of town this week The Beatrice Creamery Co is build ing several new houses north of town Principal O H Morris was walking on McCook streets last Friday evening Frank Gesselman and O P Simmons were pleasure riding on the ditch Sun day afternoon Mr Latta has returned from Kene saw where he had been visiting his daughter Mrs Templeton J A Kirk was in Omaha tho latter part of last week Mell Buzell acted as head boss while he was gone The McCook ball boys came to our town last Saturday expecting to wipe our boys off the face of the earth but they did not do it James OConnell of Trenton gave the eighth grade examination Monday and Tuesday The eighth graders say the examination was very hard There was a good old fashioned dance at F J Millers home last Saturday night Not many were present but those who did go report a splendid time The Epworth League will give a pro gramme in the M E church Friday evening May 5 1905 at 730 Every body who has fifteen cents is invited We are confident the programme is well worth the price asked Mrs C J Halverson passed from her earthly cares to rest last Friday morn ing fcjne nad been 111 for some time She leaves a husband and three small children The family has the sympathy of the entire community RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTE NO 1 Earl Notley is working for James Hat field herdingsheep G H Rowland is puting up an addi tion to his dwelling house on the South Side Miss Mary Downs was a guest of Mc Cook friends from- Wednesday until Saturday of last week Mrs Rinck and Mrs Black and Mr and Mrs Bud Rinck of the Willow vis ited Mr and Mrs James Lee last Fri day Mrs J 1 Lee spent Saturday and Sunday last near Trenton visiting with Mr and Mrs James Lyon and Mr and Mrs Oscar Bird Yarger Notley of McCook are hard finishing the plastering in the German Lutheran church parsonage As do ing the plastering on Henry tlcff mans new dwelling house Why suffer with spring tiredness mean cross feeling no strength no ap petite Hollistars Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnell A new grocery store is among Mc Cooks early enterprises The Outer Coating or woody fibre is removed by our special process before the wheat is crushed But only the hull all the is taken nutriment remains in Cal ifornia Wheatose Flaked wheat food for breakiist All good grocers INDIANOLA House cleaning is the order of day Miss Mary Peake was on the sick the list last week Wm Finch of Cambridge was in town Saturday Mrs A H Reynolds who has been ailing is much better Wm Guthrie moved into the house vacated by John McClung John McClung has moved into the new home which he bought Another fine rain Wednesday which occurred at intervals all day Mr and Mrs A M Teel went to Wil sonville Monday morning on business We have two new mail routes granted us One goes southwest the other southeast Mrs Powells sister-in-law of Enid Oklahoma is here on a visit to W II and family Mabel Porter returned from Bartley Sunday night where she had been visit ing friends Mrs Beardslee and daughter Mrs George C Hill were visiting in Indian ola last week Lottie Martin accompanied her father to McCook Sunday evening and came home Monday morniDg Dr Hoyt of Friend came up to In dianola Thursday evening and remained until Saturday morning Indianola is to have a park A real genuine up-to-date park with all the necesssry paraphernalia etc The prospect for fruit is quite good as we do not believe the late cold spells had any injurious effect upon it Miss Ada Sharer closed her school north of town a few days ago and re turned to her home in Omaha Sunday Mr Henry Shouse got storm stayed about eight or nine miles north of town during the damp wet weather last week Miss Mabel Porter went to Bartley Saturday morning and visited with friends until Sunday evening when she returned home Mrs Rittenhouse of Cedar Bluffs came over from there last week and vis ited with Mrs Reynolds and Edna dur ing her stay in Indianola Miss Edith Parker left for her home in Brush Colo Sunday evening after a weeks visit with her brother vho is night operator at this place Miss Letts of Benedict arrived in In dianola Saturday evening and will take the children of H C Letts homo with her where they will bo cared for Mr George Case and Mis3 Agnes Dutcher were married at McCook a few days ago and left Sunday morning for Kansas where they will reside in the future The weather has turned very cool since the rain and it is hoped the frost will keep away as it might prove dis astrous to the fruit trees that are now in full bloom Mrs Counters children treated her to a surprise party on the 29th that being her birthday anniversary All had on enjoyable time and Mrs Counter re ceived some nice presents Easter Sunday was the day set apart for the communion of the children at the Catholic church The ceremonies were carried out in spite of the rain and disgreeableness of the weather Old Mr Hauxwell and wife and John Townley started for England Tuesday morning They expect to be gone some time Mr and Mrs Hauxwell go in the hopes that a sea voyage may benefit the health of the latter Mr Townley will visit his son who is a resident of that country His son will probably return with him BANKSVILLE Some corn listing done this week Wednesday was a rainy day Rainfall 060 inches Josh Rowland and family arrived at Banksville Wednesday evening on their way to Atwood Kansas A M Benjamin and three of his boys are baching while his wife- is assisting her mother south of McCook in start ing housekeeping on her place Splice your old hose for a nickel by getting repairs at W T Colemans LEBANON Corn planting is in full swing Mrs A Guy has been sick this week Ward C Hunt is up from Holdrege Clyde Bodwolljs new house is going up Albert Guy has nev porches on his residence The citizens turned out Tuesday even ing and burned off the cemetery The thermometer registered ninety degrees in the shade Monday right after noon Grace and Eddie Hammer were here from Menlo Kansas tho first of the week Eddie is working in a lumber yard Mr and Mrs Russell Coons will move into town next Monday He was mar ried in Beaver City April 17th to Mar tha Halsey Henry Morris has sold one of his tene ment houses to Henry Overstake of Cambridge Mr Morris will build an other house to rent Jbhn W Slutts lost a good yearling colt this week He was loose and they roped him and choked him down be fore they could get the rope off he was dead The telephone men were called up to Danbury the first of the week to connect the Beaver City line with tho Oberlin Kansas line They got home Tuesday night and commenced Wednesday on party lines out of Lebanon The petition to the county commis sioners was sent up tho first of the week with forty seven names attached As this is more than half tho votere we feel sure it will be granted and Lebanon be come an incorporated town in due time DANBURY Harley Bateman has gone to Orleans to work The Beaver telephone line is connected with that of Oberlin Born to Mr and Mrs Wm White a baby boy last week Born to Dr and Mrs Ole Robinson a baby boy April 25th G B Morgan and Mrs Ruby are hav ing their houses painted Jake Wicks of Marion attended -services at Danbury Sunday Mrs Baloon of Laural Dell is visiting with S G Bastian and family Lon Clay broke his arm last week while hauling telephone posts J L Sims shipped two car loads of hogs to Kansas City this week Miss Scull of Wilsonville visited friends of this place last week Jake Rousch and family visited S H Stilgebooer and family Sunday J L Sargent went to Wilsonville on business Sunday night on the train James Williams the county surveyor is surveying the addition to Lebanon Henry Stroup has learned the black smith trade and is going to Oklahoma The town board issued license to Dan Cashen to run the saloon another year Mr Plummer has bought the place where E B Stilgebouer is living of J L Sims Mr Brunz of Norcatur Kansas has sold his barber shop there and is negotiat ing for A C Furmans Mr and Mrs Wm Stilgebouer attend ed the Easter services at the Miller school house Sunday afternoon A C Furmans are out in the country visiting friends and relatives preparatory for their departure to Fort Collins Colo Dan Logans team run awaytho other day with a disc and broke some harness and machinery and injuring their boy a very little Mr and Mrs Mitchell Young went down to Lebanon Sunday to visit rela tives who had returned from Florida and to see the young alligator that their relatives had brought back with them Mr and MrsYoung are going to Oregon Washington and California SCHOOL CREEK Nearly every one commenced listing corn Monday Oh how we enjoy these nice April showers in May Anna Sargent went to Cambridge last week to take a course of tailoring J B Rozelle bought two jacks last week that were shipped from Crete Born to Henry Conrad and wifea baby boy April 27 all parties concerned are doing well Mrs Sedden returned last Thursday from a weeks stay with her daughter Mary Korb John Dutcher and family took dinner Sunday with John Devineys it being the wedding anniversary of both couples Dont let the children suffer If they are fretful peevish and cross give them Holfisters Rocky Mountain Tea The best baby tonic known Strength and health follow its use 35 cents L W McConnell To Care Take Laxative Bromo BARTLEY Mr and Mrs H L Brown were busi ness callers in Bartloy Monday U G Etherton took a trip east this week returning Wednosday evening Sol Premer and Mrs Lemastera and niece came in from Valley county this week Thos Robison is quite sick Dr Mackechnie was called to see him Sun day Large preparations are being made for the dedication services at the M E church Sunday Art Stevens rural mail carrior step ped on a nail this week and is suffering great pain from the injury Henry Butherus is painting and pa pering his residence adding to the beauty and comfort of his home W F Owens returned Sunday even ing from Hopkius Mo with his father who has been in poor health for some time The farmers are all busy this week planting corn They report the soil in fine condition to work and receive the seed Mrs Eugene Dutcher teacher in our primary school is so sick this week that she cannot attend to her work in the school room The Farmers Elevator Co transacted business here Saturday Everything is progressing nicely toward building the elevator soon Dr Sell of St Joseph Mo was in Bartley a short time Tuesday looking for a location The doctor comes high ly recommended and we will bo fortun ate if he should conclude to locate with us One of Henry Ilarschs boys in got ting off the disc Tuesday stepped on a rattlesnake and was bitten on the leg He was brought to town for medical aid The limb was badly swollen and indi cated a serious result Commissioners Waterman Premer and Bennett were business visitors in Bartley Monday viewing the proposed road east of town from the depot to the river with a view of putting in a bridge across the river which has been needed for several years Mr and Mrs J W Ohlson left Bart ley Tuesday morning for Ashland Wis consin where they will make their home They have lived near Bartley for several years and were citizens al ways industrious frugal and honorable We regret to have such people move from our vicinity The burial of Silas Wolfe last Si nday at Indianola brought to memory a very eccentric character who was in the res taurant business here a few years ago Mr Wolfe was industrious and honest He had many friends and relatives here He died at Pueblo Colorado where of late he has been an officer in the Salva tion Army Word reached hero Monday of the death and burial of Mrs Sadie Ellis who was a resident here for several years A short time ago while visiting friends here it was evident that her mind was going wrong and a few weeks later she was taken to the asylum for the insane at Hastings where her death occurred She was buried at Cam bridge See Knipple right away and secure some of that baled hay just shipped in Per ton 8950 The flagnificently Bred Wilkes Stallion RED GY eiL 22747 Great grandson by both sire and dam of Famous Geo Wilkes 519 Will stand the season 1905 at my place two miles northwest of Perry and seven miles west of McCook First class man will be in charge all the time Terms 10 to insure Not responsible for any accidents JAMES A MILLER CULBERTS0N NEB Major The Arabian horse will be at Fitch Highlands barn Friday and Saturday of each week commencing May 5th Terms 10 for standing colt E B NELSON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nebraska April 21 1903 Notice is hereby given that L Cone Bro have filed in tho city clerks office their bond and petition for a drugcrists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors on lot 11 block 16 original town in tho second ward of tho city of McCook from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906 L Cone Bbo Applicants Cold C jm 1inme Tablets JG Seven Minion boxes sold in post 12 months TMs Signature r y l 5T Or Herbert J Pratt Rkoistebed Gbaduatk Dentist Office over HcConnella Drng Storo McCOOK NEB Telephones Ofllco ICO rosidonce 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono 56 Ofllco over McMillans drug storo H P SUTTON McCOOK - McCOOK NEBRASKA JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA O C flastinMD Physician Surgeon Ofllco and residence one half block north of postollico Phone No 95 McCOOK NEB DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office BIdg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free J F Hart M D McCOOK NEBRASKA Office hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 ond 7 to 9 p m Phonos Oilico 155 residence DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Ofllce Residence 524 Main Avenue Ofllco and Residence phono 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska 3Agont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postollico building C H Boyle C E Eldhed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phone 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor wh Postollico Building MCL00K NeD DR R J GUNN DENTIST rnoNE 112 Office ovor Grannis store McCook Nob I F D BUltGESS 2 Plumber and I Steam Fitter I Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass jg m Goods Pumps an Boiler Tnmmins Z L Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse 7 7 Windmills Basement of the Meeker- M Phillips Building Z J McCOOK NEBRASKA i WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years IivdaD K 0 TESTIMNIAL jr Dec 17 1902 I nsedL K for hog cholera and it was all right It enred my hogs I had three sick and they all got well and done fine I one al ased it for chicken hce and mites and it is aU cholera I think Itl3 tLe Gotueb Medicine Jeeke for hoi I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleaded with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last 1 It e3p it insiOCJcaU thft - JuLSltlS to ert thing I ever had on thf place foe everything it is intended for It ft fifi rhlckenholerali insecS on stock of all kinds lnsecta it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHES CAIN v3SffiSS ti0 HelielCom Cures Grin In Two Days on every DOX25C fV Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee i vak r - r 1 1 i 1 W Kr j A u TS fi