The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 05, 1905, Image 7

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As a Spring Tonic to Get the
System In Good Shape
t a Cgo B
foTin Glcnister Champion Swimmer and Only Athlete to Successfully
Swim Through the Michigan Whirlpool Rafids
Renovates Regulates Restores a
System Depleted by Catarrh
John W Glenister of Providence R
I champion long- distance swimmer of
America has performed notable feats
in this country and England He has
used Peruna as a tonic and gives his
opinion of it in the following- letter
New York
The Peruna Medicine Company
Columbus Ohio
Gentlemen This spring for the
first time I have taken two bottles
of Peruna and as it has done me a
great deal of good I feel as if I
ought to say a good word for its
During the springtime for the
last few years I have taken several
kinds of spring tonics and have
never received any benefit what
ever This year through the ad
vice of a friend I have tried Peruna
and It has given satisfaction
I advise all athletes who are
about to go In training to try n bot
tle for it certainly gets the system
In good shape Yours truly
ATHLETES realize the importance
of keeping in good bodily trim
The digestion must be good the cir
culation perfect sleep regular and
enough of it
If the slightest catarrhal condition of
lungs or stomach is allowed to remain
neither digestion nor sleep will be
strength sustaining
Those who lead very active lives
like athletes with good muscular de
velopment find the spring months
espec ally trying
Athletes everywhere praise Peruna
because they of all men appreciate
the value of a tonic that dispels phys
ical depression
The vocation of some men may allow
them to endure the depressing feelings
incident to spring weather tut the
athle e must never a low himself to get
under the weather
He must keep in the pink of condi
tion all the time
In order to do this he must avail him
self of a spring tonic upon which he
can rely
Therefore athletes are especially
friendly toward Peruna
Peruna never fails them
There are Many Imitations of
akers Cocoa
akers Chocolate
tBIsS PsMx
i Hi
Doiti be misled by them j
Our trade mark is on every
1 1
pacKage or genuine goods
Under trie decisions of several
United States Courts no
other chocolate or cocoa than
Walter Baker tf Cos is en
titled to be sold as Bakers
LookfotthaTiade Muk Cocoa or Bakers Chocolate
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free
Walter Baker Co Ltd
Established 1780 Dorchester Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
Its the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load
ing and the use of only the best materials which make
Winchester Factory Loaded New Rival Shells give bet
ter pattern penetration and more uniform resu1 ts gener
ally than any other shells The special paper and the Win
chester patent corrugated head used in making New
Rival shells give them strength to withstand reloading
G0 Weekly Easily Made
writing health and accldentlnsnranceexpertence un
eVi2 Thompsons Eyo Wate
W N U Omaha
No 181905
TtW lwl ri Jffljnll i A Iftr i w fT i j
Best Congn Syrup Taste Good TJfle
In time sola dt arucmsis
Storekeepers report that the extra
quantity together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
The wise man shapes himself ac
cording to his environment as water
to the shape of the vessel into which
it is poured
If you dont get the biggest and best
its your own fault Defiance Starch is
for sale everywhere and there is posi
tively nothing to equal it in quality or
Bills by the Handfuls Handed Out to
Visitor in Chicago for a 20 Gold
Pifere Prices to Stagger the Unin
The Very Rev Dean Harris tells of
the peculiar money scale of Nica
ragua When the civil war in the
United States was drawing to an end
confederate bills were worth from five
to ten cents a dollar he writes It
meant to the public that all hope for
Southern currency ever being re
deemed was practically dead When I
visited the large markets in this city
the amount of money and the figures
on the bank bills surprised me
Bills of big denominations were
passing from buyer to seller from
hand to hand and no change asked or
given I began to inquire the prices
ruling the stalls
Quainto vale how much I said
pointing to the measure of potatoes
Six dollars the woman in the stall
For all
O no senor for a litro a quart
The price staggered me Rice was 5
a pound onions four flour 6 a quart
and everything else in proportion We
pay our butchers a pretty stiff price
for meat in Toronto but compared
with prices here it is ridiculously
cheap A sirloin steak at the Leon
market costs 19 per pound and a
turkey 160 But everyone carries
piles of bills here their pockets are
bulging with them
While in the market I frequently
saw the vendors of fruit pull from
their pockets rolls of bills as large
and round as a stein and begin to
sount off wads of twenties and fifths
till I marveled at their wealth Among
the farmers it is said that money is
so plentiful that it is kept in large
boxes Silver is rarely seen and
small coins are unknown
The small farmers and peons of the
surrounding country when they come
iere to buy carry their money in
small bags or baskets My bill at the
restaurant for dinner was 200 and a
Panama hat cost me 600 For a car
riage for one hour I was asked and
paid 30 and so for anything else in
I have not yet paid my hotel ac
count but I expect to be asked and to
pay 3000 All this would have been
heart breaking if I had not called at
the bank on my arrival here For a
20 gold pii ce I asked for change in
the currency of the country The tel
ler looked at my gold coin weighed it
in his hand put it to one side and
began carelessly counting bills with
the rapidity for which these j oung
men all over the world are famous
I waited patiently watching rolls
pile up and hoping when he was
through hed attend to me You cant
hurry cashiers so I sat down until he
got through Now I thought hell
count me out change Presently he
opened the hinged wicket called me
over and said politely in Spanish
Your change senor How much
sir I asked him Two thousand
dollars sir I borrowed from him a
newspaper rolled up my money and
went to my hotel Toronto Mail and
Cupid Recruiting Sergeant
Cupid is one of the best recruiting
officers that Uncle Sam has confided
one of the sergeants attached to re
cruiting herJquarters to a reporter
the other dr
Back of norrlv every enlistment
there is a wr jnn n the case Lovers
quarrels chae a lot of fine lads into
the sprvice Your romantic youth
gravates to the recruiting office after
a serious break with his sweetheart
as naturally as a duck takes to water
It seems to him the most fitting
way in which to sacrifice himself
when loves young dream is appar
ently dispelled Way down in his
heart he nurses the idea of making
his erstwhile inamorata sad and its
the army or navy with the possibility
of death in battle for him
Again other first class material is
recruited by the desire of young fel
lows to sport a uniform before their
girls In such cases Cupid does his
recruiting through vanity But in
both ways he manages to fill up big
gaps in the ranks of Uncle Sams
fighters Boston Post
A Fine Variety
I was eating my supper the other
evening in a little Kentucky hotel
said A B Conway at the Willard ho
tel last night when a neatly dressed
country girl who was waiting on the
table came up and asked if I would
have dessert I inquired what kind
of dessert she had and she replied
We have pie
You may bring me a piece of pie
I said and she inquired
What kind do you want
What kinds have you
We have three kinds open top
cross barred and kivered but they are
all apple she said apparently very
proud of having so wide a variety for
me to select from Louisville Courier-Journal
Lawyers Ready Retort
The successful lawyer is generally
prompt with a retort For instance
a multimillionaire in New York pro
tested against a bill for 500000 put
in by his lawyer for services ren
dered but the lawyer insisted that
the bill was reasonable
Well I suppose I will have to pay
but youll never get any more of my
work said the angry client
Ill never need any more if you
pay was the replv
Down at the Dyker Meadow Golf
club one dqy thlsl Vefek was told
story of an old time caddie A certain
member remarked to the carrier
Sandy I am playing against
How does he play Canna play for
nits stolidly answered Sandy How
many strokes can I give him cheer
fully persisted the player Ye canna
gie him ony was the laconic re
sponse Brooklyn Eagle
The Adirondacks and How to
Reach Them is a nice folder with
maps and references to localities ho
tels boarding houses mountains and
rivers in the great wilderness of
Northern New York known asr the
Adirondack Mountains If you visit
this region once you will be- sure to
go again A copy of The Adiron
dack Mountains and How to Reach
Them will be mailed free postpaid
to any address on receipt of a two
cent stamp -by George H Daniels
Gene al Passenger Agent Grand Cen
tral Statijn New York
Where Polly Drew the Line
While out for a walk one bright
summer morning a well known Chi
cago divine passed a house where a
parrots cage was hanging in the sun
shine Noticing the bird in his usual
ly mild even tones the minister said
Good morning Polly To his amaze
ment the parrot answered Well
good morning but for heavens sake
dont ask me if I want a cracker
What the London Lancet calls a
new departure in the preservation of
foods is a method of sterilizing it with
carbolic acid invented by Randolph
Pisos Cure for Consumption is an infallible
medicine for couylis and colds N W Samuel
Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1000
Some men lose flesh just by shav
Little Girls Awful Suffering With Ter
rible Skin Humor Sleepless
Nights for Mother Speedy
Cure by Cuticura
My little girl had been suffering
for two j ears from eczema and dur
ing that time I could not get a nights
sleep as her ailment was very severe
I had tried so many remedies deriv
ing no benefit I had given up all hope
But as a last resort I was persuaded
to try Cuticura and one box of the
Ointment and two bottles of the Re
solvent together with the Soap ef
fected a permanent cure Mrs I B
Jones Addington Ind T
Remember that others are striving
as hard as you to make both ends
100 Reward 100
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there U at Ieibt ono dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure In all Its stazet and that Is
Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure- la the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh
bilng a constitutional disease requires a Constitu
tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous
eurfaces of the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
nature In doing Its work The proprietors have
o much faith In Its curative powers that tley jffer
One llunlred Dollars for any cae that it f alia to
cure Send for list of testimonials
Addrtrs F J CHENEY CO Toledo O
Sold bv all Irujit3 73c
Take flails Iamily Pills for constipation
Vie Dont Grow Much
The average hight of a man is
found by A Dastre to have continued
the same for thousands of years as
shown in primitive man prehistoric
and historic man The great size of
ancient man is imaginary
Help Servian Farmers
Thre are no less than 540 agricul
tural societies scattered over Servia
which distribute modern agricultural
machinery and implements among the
farmers These societies have a cen
tral office at Belgrade
Oftentimes when a feller asks for
a girls hand he gets the old mans
Dr David Kennedys Favorite Kemody
give me prompt and complete relief from dyspepMaand
Ter derangement B T Trowbridge Harlem lilt Xt
Charity certainly covers a multitude
of sins but it doesnt remove them
Save 10- Per Cow
Over All Gravity Setting Systems
And to 5 Per Cow
Over All Imitating Separators
Now is the time to make this most
important and profitable of dairy f arm
investments Send at once for new 1905
catalogue and name of nearest agent
The De Laval Separator Go
Randolph Canal Sts
74 Corilandt Street
All Signs Fail in a Dry Time
In ordering Towers Slickers
a customer writes I knurr
they Trill bo all richt If they
IiaTO the FISH on them
This confidence is the out
growth of sixty nine years of
careful manufacturing
Highest Award Worlds Fair 1904
A J TOTVER C0neSS2tlBrli
Boston US A rCCftVSS
Tower Canadian Co i3
TS 81
Toronto Canada 5SE2Ay
Makers of Warranted Wet Weather Clothing
Foul Brem th
Foul breath Is caused by foul stomach
attended with torpid liver bitter or bud
taste furred tonguo loss of or Irregular
appetite hoavy or full bloated feeling in
stomach water brash or sour eructa
tions of gas sick or bilious headaches
disposition to dpppondency or the
blues irritable temper or peevishness
and kindred symptoms Not nil of theso
symptoms aro present in every caso
To tone up and Invigorato both stom
ach and liver and start tho digestive pro
cesses Into healthy action there is to say
the least 710 nuperlor agent to Dr Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery It Is prepared
Avithout the uso of a particle of alcohol
from tho active medicinal principles ex
tracted from tho roots of native American
plants and is an honestly made safe med
icine that any ono may take without fear
of forming an appetite for stimulants
Its benefits and cures aro lasting and not
simply the temporary exhilaration some
times experienced from strong alcoholic
No man is strongor than his stomach
therefore when tho stomach is weak it
should be promptly toned up and put in
order to the end that it may properly di
gest and prepare for proper assimilation
tho food which otlierwiso can not
strengthen tho body You cannot find
a medicine that will do this more promptly
and permanently than Golden Medical
Discovery A whole train of bodily ail
ments result when the stomach becomes
foul torpid and weak and naturally
enough when tho stomach trouble is
cured they beinjj dependent thereon dis
anear hence it is that rheumatism
blotches pimples eruptions scrofulous
sores kidney affections and various anil
diverse appearing maladies yield to tho
potent tonic and alterative properties of
tho Golden Medical Discovery 15ear
in mind that the Discovery Is an ac
tive potent medicine and not a beverage
to bo taken for its exhilarating effects
It is made to cure disease uot to appease
a craving for stimulants
Dont bo wheedled or over persuaded
Into taking something elso which may he
said to be just as good Take only
Golden Medical Discovery which has
more than a third of a centurys record
embracing many thousands of well-attested
cures As it has cured thousands
RiE3gW M1
Gasoline Stoves
ore absolutely safe tho Insurance people have
tested them tveryicui to their full satisfact
ion You take no ctumcea with a Quick Meal
Its simplicity itself turn a valves strike a
match and jou hare a blistering hot fire in
stnntlu and it stavs that nay without varia
tion till you turn the rolve off
You cant do the tcrong thin Its impossi
ble with the Quick Meal It is safe quick
clean and conrenient
And the intense eren heat means quiet
even baking and cooking and your kitchen
work done before you know it Ko icaits for
your fire to come up nhile the bread dnet
in the oven
i Cost only tfi or 6tf n day for f uI think of
it and no kindlinps no coal no ashea no
soot a hot fire tho instant you want it and
better etill a coot clean comfortable kitchen
The heat is under tho kettles and the bake
ore and nouArre else on a Quick ileal
Better see the dealer today If ho
doesnt carru the Quick Meut tell
as una ice a gen jou
VVn trill cnnfl Yml
Konu thing uiful lZJz
enmetainc you 11 iiko
if youll limply tell us
your dealers name
and say whether or
not ho carries Ouicfc
ileal Sign iir namo
plninlu bo the present
will bo sure to reach
you oaf el y
415 56th St ELXonlEo
it Is likely to euro yon If you give It fair
trial for any of tho maladies for which
wo recommend It
After Physicians Fall Discovery Cures
Dm K V PiKttcii UufTnlo N Y
Atxnit wo years niro I hail an nt
tnck of irrlpt which left mo in a very vroak
wmil condition My stomach was In had
shape could not eat a meal without Inihuf
irrcatly distressed and llit tnklnir or Toou
was fmiuciitly followed ly vomlthnror loose
ness of bowoK Had hendnolie and catarrhal
trouble Had a physician lut lie did not help
nitv After I hail lnjcn suHirliiir liko thlt for
Mimii time a man who had ued Dr Ilurcon
olden Medical Discovery uId mo nlout tiio
modicum and 1 procured a lnjttle of It I felt
nslitrht ImprovciiuiiL ly the t lmo I had usmI
the llrst rxjttlc m continued the uso of tho
Discovery for several weeks until I was
myself sural n It U an excellent prepara
tion und 1 urn clad to tell how iaxd it is
Thomas V simiinueii
rIl T13 Main Street HulUlo N Y
Manacur of the Enterprise Mil linen
notarial and Liver Trouble Cured
Dn It V Pieuck Ituiralo N Y
Dear Sli I was a victim of malaria so com
mon in tho South and also liul liver trouble
Ioctorrd for Mmu time but my condition
continued to irrow worse and I bewail to des
pair of recorory Finally Dr Ilercos Golden
MtHlIcil Discovery was recommended ami I
am happy to say that a course of treatment
with this remedy was most effectual I soon
bejran to Improve appetite returned my
complexion becamo clear and brlirht I ro
Kalned my food spirits and wits soon testored
to health I cunuot say enough in favor of
your medicine Yours truly
Miss LutlLic Dkvai
2025 St Charles Ave New Orleans La
Young married people should read tho
Common fense Medical Adviser Send
to Dr It V Fierce BufTuIo N Y 21
one cent stamps for the book In papsr
covers or 31 stamps for a cloth bound
Dr Pierces SSirTXS
ter of good
healthand good health Is largely a mat
ter of healthy activity of tho bowels Dr
Pierces Pleasant Pellets euro constipa
tion They are safe sure and speedy
and once taken do not havo to ho taken
always One little Pellet is a gcntlo
laxative una ivoi mini
cathartic They never Oal 1alf ci
gripo By all druggists rCllvLS
f Lei Cmi Seisg EscMe j
Do you honestly believe that cofieo sold loose in Lulk exposed
I o s3zM ft
to dust germs anil insects passing
through many hands some of
them not over clean blended
you dont know how or by -whom
is fit for your use V Of course you
dont But
is ancSfcer slory The green
fcerrics scleclcd by Itccn
judges at the planfaSIon cm
slriSIiisiSy roasSed at our fac
tories wlhere precautions you
xvou2d not dream oS arc talcen
to secure perfect cleanliness
I2avorslrcnj3li and uniformity
From the time the coffee leaves
the factory no hand totichcs it till
it is opened in your Jcitchcn
This has made LION COFFEE the
Millions of American Homes welcome LION COFFEE dafly
There is no stronger proof of merit than continued and increas
ing popularity Quality survives all opposition
fSold only in 1 lb packages Lion head on every package
Save your Lion hends for valuable premiums
mm filliPWIli
i -Art A
Sv GsLt Ow
War- rrK ie V5
TflPSP 5Hrtoc uoro tJ7ffTnH L
Grand Prize at St Louis Worlds Feu if
The PATRIOT SHOE Tor Men 13 msdo from all loathers
over stylish yet comfortable Inits to fit any foot The are
Goodyear welts which means fle ible soles with no wax or tacks
to irritate the foot The MAlfLOWEtt SHOK for Women
Is made In welta and hand turns Is stylish durablo aid comfortable
Ask your dealer for them If ho does not handlo tiiese chocs
write ns direct They will please yon and yoa will save from 60
cents to 160 per pair ia prices usually charged for shoes of
this character
Pi f PSWrlPfe I
I rom Mnkcr to truer
Cut out AKeutM Profit
Dont think of buying a piano with
out first Ejettinsr our cutyloir prices and
terms on the famous Muelier pianos
and 20 other makes
Piano Makers Oinulm Xeb
on the
Free Homestead Lands
Western Canada
Carry tne bannerfor
yields of wheat and
other grains tor
100000 FARMERS
receive tS3X00O as a result of their Wheat Crop
The returns from Oats Barley and other grains as
weh as cattle and horses add considerably to this
Secure a Free Homestead at once or purchaso
from some reliable dealer while lands are seUlng at
present low prices
Apply for Information to Superintendent of Imml
cratlon Ottawa Canada or to authorized Canadian
Government Airent W V Bennett 601 2ew Yort
Life Building Omaha Nebraska-
Please say where yon saw tfcU advertisement
Fl i y Vri
W ZkitrF
3 W Wi
H Ss5f1AVA
r let -- r i
rKc i b fVim
vSTKv a - k
UaJSI S X f Ut f J 5
cWTM VJi u TTTf ii 1 TiM fl Vlli 1
ii i r rL ii 1 iilv
f Jiy fWtSsCh T flit wiH
Xsjgssj xKite M
ftViC NQ 7
Kaasu City Ho Omaha Neb Sioox Falls S J
Bee nearest dealer or write for circular