The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 28, 1905, Image 7

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Vhen the Back Aches and Bladder
Troubles Set In Get at the Cause
Dont make the mistake of believing
back ache and bladder ills to be local
ailments Get at the cause and cure
the kidneys Use
Doans Kidney
Pills which have
cured thousands
Captain S D
Hunter of En
gine No 14 Pitts
burg Pa Fire
Department and
residing at 2729
Wylie avenue
It was three years ago that I used
Doans Kidney Pills for an attack of
kidney trouble that was mostly back
ache and they fixed me up fine There
is no mistake about that and if 1
should ever be troubled again I would
get them first thing as I know what
they are
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo NY
Getting Closer to Heaven
Once in the Pacific coast forests
the writer came upon a magnificent
sugar pine the only tree of its kind
for miles around and a landmark even
in that region of giant trees My
guide as he looked up at the top
which lifted itself almost into the
clouds remarked If a man could
climb that tree on a Christmas morn
ing he could hear the church bells
ringing in heaven Exchange
Find Buried Treasure
In the immediate neighborhood of
the little town of Klingman in Swit
zerland a case was found containing
an assortment of 829 gold coins Most
of the coins are of the years from
1G02 to 1704 It is thought that the
sold was buried at the time of the
Spanish war of succession The gold
value of the coins is estimated at 35
00 and the numismatic value at over
100000 francs
Bacilli Are Scarce in Egypt
A German physician has discovered
that the air of the Egyptian desert is
about as free from bacterial life as
the polar regions or the high seas
Tubercle bacilli are killed when ex
posed six hours in the sunlight He
considers the desert especially suit
able for rheumatics and patients suf
fering from kidney diseases and tu
For Growing Girls
West Pembroke Me April 24
Mrs A L Smith of this place says
that Dodds Kidney Pills are the best
remedy for growing girls Mrs Smith
emphasizes her recommendation by
the following experience
My daughter was thirteen years old
last November and it is now two years
since she was first taken with Crazy
Spells that would last a week and
would then pass off In a month she
would have the spells again At these
times she would eat very little and
was very yellow even the whites of
her eyes would be yellow
The doctors gave us no encourage
ment they all said they could not help
her After taking- one box of Dodds
Kidney Pills she has not had one bad
spell Of course we continued the
treatment until she had used in all
about a dozen boxes and we still give
them to her occasionally when she is
not feeling well Dodds Kidney Pills
are certainly the best medicine for
growing girls
Mothers should heed the advice of
Mrs Smith for by so doing they may
save their daughters much pain and
sickness and ensure a healthy happy
future for them
True Greatness
True greatness first of all is a
thing of the heart It is all alive with
robust and generous sympathies It
is neither behind its age nor too fax
before it It is up with its age and
ahead of it only just so far as to be
able to lead its march It cannot
slumber for activity is a necessity oi
its existence It is no reservoir but
a fountain President Roosevelt
This bank was organized in 18S4
and has been in continuous operation
since Through the trials and vicis
situdes of the last twenty years it has
proven to savers that its system is
thorough and its security unquestion
ed It is governed by state law and
supervised by the State Banking
Board its purpose is to assist those
who are systematic savers How thor
oughly it is doing so is evidenced by
the 6500 people who are its customers
It pays 4 per cent interest on depos
its and maintains strict secrecy in
its relations with its customers
If you desire the opportunity of
laying aside a bit of money and re
ceive a liberal rate of interest for it
or desire to conduct your business
through an old established bank
where it will receive prompt and sat
isfactory attention write for particu
lars to the City Sa vings Bank 201 So
16th St Omaha Nebraska
Growth of Crystals
There is no limit to the minuteness
of fragments which may under favor
able conditions grow into perfect
crystals no bounds as to the time
during which the crystaline growtl
may be suspended and then continue
For Rent or Sale Two Ranches
3000 Acres Each
Xocated in Custer county on Soutt
Loup river consists of 500 acres good
corn land 60 alfalfa 320 meadow and
the balance in pasture good improve
ments Inquire of Victor H Coffman
Omaha Neb
CCcfyrfgAt OJ 6y I tffc Bnxm erx Cbnpwy
Less than a week later one early
afternoon the members of the house
hold at La Tete des Eauxwere start
led by the booming of cannon in the
direction of Lake Borgne
What had happened was this An
English fleet with twelve hundred
men had with the intention of throw
ing an attacking force across Lakes
Borgne and Pontchartain sailed into
Lake Borgne and opened an attack up
on the Americans whose presence
was a surprise to the enemy as Capt
Lockyer commanding the latter had
understood that this point was de
A fierce battle followed resulting in
a partial victory for the English who
were now masters of Lake Borgne
It was the Shapira who late in the
afternoon brought this news to La
Tete des Eaux
The house was soon in a bustle of
preparation the inmates packing has
tily the few things they were to take
with them in their flight and conceal
ing such property as would be likely
to attract thieving bands among the
enemy who would with little doubt
visit the plantation as Shapira report
ed the woods about Lake Borgne to be
filled with British soldiers
Madame Riefet when not absorbed
by other matters did not hesitate to
express her reluctance toward accept
ing the assistance of this swarthy
brigandish looking man whom she
had never before seen and whose
very existence had been unknown to
I know something of him spoke
up Mademoiselle Rose He is the
man of whom grandpere rented Ka
auahana Didnt you know it
Yes Lazalie added before Mad
ame Riefet had time to frame a fitting
reply and we have seen him many
times about the woods here Rose
and I once saw Captain Jean talking
with him and I think he is very oblig
But all this he tells us of a cave
One of his own craft commanded
by Baptistine was yng off the Owls
Point awaiting the signal which
would announce the coming of Lafitte
who bent upon a private mission in
the neighborhood had not reckoned
upon the present denouement
But now in view of all the circum
stances he considered this the boat
a more desirable means for conveying
the ladies directly to Shell Island
where now were only -old Scipio Ju
niper and the boy Nato
Waiting therefore until he saw Sha
pira start for the Colonneh followed
by the now quiet slaves Lafitte who
had meantime explained his pla n to
his own charges told them to follow
him and set out hurriedly in an op
posite direction from that taken by
Shapira and his dusky retinue
The forest was darkening with late
afternoon shadows as the fleeing par
ty followed in comparative silence
the tall form that led them
At length the party emerged from
the deeper shadows of their wooded
way and came Into a cleared space
where the knoll known as The Owls
Point projected into the bayou and
halting here Lafitte locked about him
while the others stood grouped a little
distance away awaiting quietly his
But before he could give the signal
to Baptistine whose craft was con
cealed around the bend of the bayou
two men burst from the cover of a
thicket opposite Lafitte a gun was
leveled at his breast and a hoarse
voice shouted Surrender you cursed
Rose de Cazeneau with a wild cry
rushed between the weapon and La
fitte while Barbe who had been star
ing as though he were a ghost at
the holder of the gun echoed the
shriek of her mistress
Do not do not shoot your child
she screamed and at her words old
Zeney who stood nearest the strang
er gave him one searching look and
rushed in turn between her mistress
Surrender you cursed pirate
where we can hide right here on the
plantation yet which no one has ever
heard of before and no one except
ing Captain Jean and himself seems
to know anything about sounds very
strange and incredible Did your
grandpere know of this cave Mig
I do not know but I think not I
never heard of such a thing Yet
madame it surely is safer to trust this
man who tells us that Captain Jean
sent him than to stay here and risk
a visit from those dreadful soldiers
We dare not stay and so we must
trust him said Madame with a weak
attempt at resolution as she slid a
jewel box into the bundle Violet was
preparing to fasten
Old Zeney had come over from
Kanauhana having insisted upon be
ing taken away with her beloved
young mistress and now she entered
the room to announce that Captain
Jean was below stairs
Never had his arrival at the planta
tion been so welcome as now Mad
ame Riefet catching up her out-of-door
wraps from the bed ordered that
the various bundles be brought down
stairs for the phlegmatic Barbe had
finished tying up the last one as Chloe
handed Senorita Lazalie the lace
scarf for her head while Maam Brig
ida was fastening the long cloak she
had insisted that her nursling should
You may feel yourself fortunate
Madame Riefet that you are able to
leave here by daylight and not like
some people I know be roused from
sleep to find yourself a prisoner in
English hands said Lafitte as they
joined him on the stairway
As they were descending the stairs
ne called to Shapira who was stand
ing on the veranda and then hurry
ing down gave the latter some in
structions which the others did not
hear as they passed out of the house
and faced the slaves now huddled in
to a terrified mass with their faces
full of despairing expectancy
Some of the women began lament
ing wildly when they found that they
were not to go away But Lafitte In
his usual authoritative fashion quiet
ed the hubbub and ordered Shapira
to take them to the Colonneh which
as he now decided was not to be
used as a hiding place for those whom
he himself had so unexpectedly been
able to assist
and the gun just as it shot out a jet
of flame
A second report mingled so closely
with the first as to make them seem
but one and Zeney with the man
who had shot her fell to the ground
All had happened so quickly that
Lafitte who was for an instant un
nerved by Rose de Cazeneaus effort
to save him had scarcely time to
draw a pistol before his unknown as
sailant fell as if from the discharge
of his own weapon which had killed
In their surprise and fright and by
reason ofthe confusion no one except
Lafitte had comprehended any mean
ing in the words which followed the
wild cry of Barbe who now stood sob
bing hysterically with her arms
around her half swooning mistress
while Lazalie with dilating nostrils
and blazing eyes sought to release
herself from Madame Riefet
Baptistine who had heard the shots
reached the shore in a small boat
pulled by some of his crew soon after
Shapira appeared at the edge of the
thick woods from whence had come
the bullet that had killed Zeneys slay
The English sailor at Lafittes com
mand now surrendered his arms to
Shapira and was promised freedom
m exchange for a truthful statement
of the motive winch brought his com
panion and himself to the spot
He said that the other man had been
unknown to him until that same morn
ing and all he now knew of him was
that he was a scout picked up from
among the Indians and bought to
serve the English Capt Lockyer
who was in command of the English
fleet upon Lake Borgne having
learned that Lafitte was in that vicin
ity had selected this scout to find and
capture the man upon whom he longed
to execute personal vengeance His
orders had been to bring Lafitte to
him alive if possible and dead
rather than not at all and the sailor
having been one of the crew who
rowed the British officers to their
mortifying conference at Grande
Terre had been sent with the scout in
order to identify Lafitte
Such was the end of the man in
whom Barbe had recognized the bril
liant officer of former years recog
nized despite the shock of grizzled
hair and the changes wrought by time
and a lawless life in the face and
form that had tempted the now years
Meantime Baptistine had landed
and leaving his men in the boat he
came leisurely to where Lafitte was
questioning the English sailor Tho
Baratarians shrewd eyes had glanced
over the scene and the fallen bodies
the group of excited women all that
ho saw told Ixis alert perceptions
what had presumably taken place
while the sight of his commander
standing unharmed and Shapiras at
titude as he leaned upon his gun as
sured him that the danger such as it
might have been was past
Hence his nonchalant strolling gait
to where Lafitte stood
The latter saw him at once and in
terrupted himself to bid Shapira see
that the sailor awaited his further or
ders Then drawing Baptistine aside
he gave him instructions in regard to
placing the ladies and their maids
aboard his boat
But it seems very dreadful to leave
poor Zeney lying there said Rose
with a tearful backward look as La
fitte was assisting her into the small
It is not possible to do otherwise
child he answered gently tightening
his pressure upon the small hand he
was holding All that can be done
for her now I will see is done before
I join you Will you not trust me to
do that
The expression of the tear stained
eyes raised to meet his look answered
him without the need of speech
You are not coming with us she
began when Madame Riefet inter
rupted her with a shrill Not coming
with us Oh Capt Lafitte we can
not go without you And these
strange men Indeed now angrily
we will not
He had put Rose aboard the boat
and turned to assist Lazalie while he
answered Madame Riefets outburst
calmly although there was evidence
of impatience held in check
I intend to escort you personally
to Shell Island madame but it is
best that you all go aboard the boat
my captain here has waiting around
the point He will take you to it and
then return for me as I have a duty
here which I cannot very well perform
until you and the other ladies have
gone There may be other English
men prowling in the vicinity and the
sound of the firing may bring them
this way If this should happen I
can manage matters to far better ad
vantage by knowing that you are out
of harms way
Madame made no reply but permit
ted him to place her in the boat
Mamam Brigida followed her Violet
coming last and the sailors pushed
off as Baptistine sprang aboard
Why does not Barbe come with
us Madame Riefet demanded ab
ruptly as she saw the French woman
walk to where Shapira was bending
over the body of Zeney intending
as ordered by Lafitte to carry it into
the woods for burial
Lafitte answered from the shore
Barbe will come with me there is
something I wish her to do Madame
Riefet if you will kindly permit
He had unnoticed by the others
laid a detaining hand on Earbes arm
and whispered I wish to speak with
you wait here until the boat returns
She gave no sign of having heard
him but stood silently until as Violet
was following Brigida into the boat
she turned and walked over to where
lay the dead
To be continued
Duly Qualified Kisses
Some individual with oceans of time
on his hands has conceived the idea
of hunting through the works of Eng
lish novelists for the purpose of find
ing all the adjectives used to qualify
the word kiss The result is as fol
Cold warm icy burning chilly
cool loving indifferent balsamic
fragrant blissful passionate aroma
tic with tears bedewed long soft
hast intoxicating dissembling deli
cious pious tender beguiling hearty
distracted frantic
breathing fire divine satanic
glad sad superficial quiet loud fond
heavenly execrable devouring omi
nous fervent parching nervous soul
less stupefying slight careless anx
ious painful sweet refreshing em
barrassed shy mute ravishing holy
sacred firm hurried faithless nar
cotic feverish immoderate sisterly
brotherly and paradisaical The task
seemed interminable and he gave up
at this stage
Australias Rabbit Plague
The last spell of heat cleared off a
multitude of rabbits directly around
Broken Hill and although there are
still many about they are not nearly
so plentiful as a few weeks ago
However apparently there has been
no diminution on the holdings a few
miles from Broken Hill At one well
known station the lessee has been
trapping the rabbits at the tank when
they come to drink In this way no
fewer than 35000 rabbits have been
exterminated at one tank in a fort
night A cartload containing 700 rab
bits was put on the scales and
weighed one ton Melbourne Argus
Historic Thimbles
In Mrs Vanderbilts collection of
thimbles which is the envy of her
friends there are several that are not
only very beautiful but historically
valuable as well Among the latter
and probably most highly valued by
their fortunate owner is one which
was originally worn by Queen Eliza
beth another which shows its royal
owner knew its use was the property
of Princess Alice still another dainty
conception in gold and enamel once
belonged to the Princess of Wales
while most valued of all is one said
to have been used by Queen Victoria
when she was a girl
McCook now has a full fledged com
mercial club
Knights of Pythias of Beatrice have
reorganized their lodge
Barneston sustained quite a loss of
fire with not much Insurance
Women of the G A R of Wayne
have organized a relief corps
Alma has authorized bonds for a
water and electric light plant
Tho United Brethren church at
Beatrice has been formally dedicated
Henry Peters of Fremont has been
finel 25 for selling liquor on Sunday
Forty residence and a number of
business houses are being built at
Fire bugs continue to operate at
Norfolk keeping the people in much
Richardson countys mortgage rec
ord shows an increase of about 23
000 for March
It is rumored that the Burlington
will greatly improve the capacity of its
shops at Plattsmouth
Robert T Maxwell a brother of the
late Samuel T Maxwell former con
gressman died at Omaha
Frank Thompson was bound over by
the district court of Dodge county on
the charge of horse stealing
A contract for furnishing fuel for
the public building at Norfolk Neb
has been awarded to C W Braasch
The April term of the district court
of Polk county will be short as there
are but twelve cases to be disposed
It is said that work on a new Burl
ington depot for Beatrice will begin
as soon as the depot at Crete is com
In a free-for-all fight near Adams
one of the participants Harm Harms
was stabbed in three places and dan
gerously wounded
Earl Fairbanks aged 18 is under
arrest at Norfolk charged with being
responsible for the large number of
fires which have occurred there this
The town of Adams is very much
elated over the now assured erection
of a new mill and elevator which
Messrs W E Bryson and J A Miller
are erecting
Complete rural free delivery service
has been established in Otoe county
The total number of routs in the coun
ty is nineteen of which route No 3
Palmyra is new
Beaver City is enjoying a healthful
growth this spring and while it is
by no means a boom its propor
tions are gratifying to citizens inter
ested in the welfare of the town
J L Fletcher and David King two
neighbors about four miles northeast
of Moorehead had trouble over stock
which resulted in a shooting in which
King was shot through the right
At a number of places in northwest
Nebraska the Northwestern has be
gun or is arranging to begin line
straightening and grade reduction
newer and more modern bridges will
It is the intention of the men who
will build Fremonts new auditorium
to have the work commence about
June 1 The company has not yet been
organized but enough money for the
carrying out of the project has been
Ten of the old soldiers graves in
the Osceola cemetery are now mark
ed with stones received from the gov
ernment Through the efforts of the
senior commander of the Grand Army
of the Republic post of Osceola these
monuments were secured
The lighting machine which oper
ates the acetylene plant in McDowell
Ramseys drug store at Tecumseh
exploded without serious results Oc
cupants of the building were not near
when the explosion occurred other
wise results might have been serious
Nebraska university debaters were
given the decision over those of
Washington university of St Louis
The representatievs of Nebraska
were John D Ringer Albert M Lavy
and Joseph Swensen Washingtons
debaters were Fred Armstrong Jr
Graham C Stevens and Henry T Fer
Indications point to a success in the
movement to establish a new brick
plant at Humboldt Investigation by
experts regarding the deposits of clay
have without exception proven the
adaptability of it for the purposes re
quired and it is expected the promo
ters will soon take active steps to
ward the organization of a stock com
Philadelphia dispatch Because
she intended leaving the theatrical
company of which both were mem
bers Edward Smedes shot Bessie Hel
en Davis at a theatrical hotel where
they were both staying inflicting a
probably fatal wound near the heart
and then attempted to kill himself
The woman was known on the stage
as Bessie Dale She was 25 years old
and her home is in Hebron Neb
The State Journal company filed a
demurrer in the supreme court to the
suit filed by the state for the recov
ery of 82500 alleged to be due the
state because the Journal sold su
preme court reports to that amount
The supreme court has affirmed the
decision of the district court of Doug
las county in the damage suit of Vic
tor G Lindgren against the Omaha
Street Railway company finding for
the street railway company The ac
tion was a suit for injuries received
in a collision between a street car
and buggy in which the plaintiff was
Bingham Loses in Contest for Clerk
of District Court
LINCOLN William W Bingham
has lost out in his contest for tho
office of district clerk of Douglas coun
ty which Is now held and wllU con
tinue to bo held by Frank A Broad
well Tho supreme court so decided
The opinion Is written by Commis
sioner Ames and concludes as fol
Whatever may be said of Individ
uals and of special interest It will not
do to presume that the mass of tho
voters are fraudulent or corrupt
When if ever the time shall come
that such a presumption shall bo just
the only means if any of the preser
vation of society will bo the abandon
ment of the experiment of free gov
ernment In the present instance no
specific charge or pretense of corrup
tion or of fraudulent intent is made
but we aro asked to infer such an
offense from apparently accidental or
awkward or ignorant marking or
mutilation of some 150 ballots select
ed from some two score precincts a
part of them varying from one to six
or eight and the average being about
four or five or else we arc expected
to hold them constructively fraudu
lent We doubt if tho doctrine of con
structive fraud is applicable to such
cases but if it were so the presume
tion would be rebutted by circum
stances The very fact that the bal
lots were collected from such scatter
ed sources in such small number pre
cludes the idea of combination or de
sign or that they were cast with
other than an honest intent
Attorney General Asks Court to Final
ly Dispose of Litigation
LINCOLN After having dragged
itself through the supreme court three
times during the last seven years the
Bartley bond suit is again before tho
judges of that tribunal and in his
brief the attorney general asks the
court to make this the final appear
ance of the case by basing its opinion
on the facts and definitely establish
ing the rights of the state in the mat
ter The case was brought up by the
state from tho Douglas county dis
trict court and this morning was ad
vanced on the docket and submitted
on briers
The suit was originally brought in
1897 in Douglas county by the state
against Joseph S Bartley ex state
treasurer and the sureties on his offi
cial bond The amount alleged as
shortage was in round numbers 550
000 During the several trials the case
has been adjudicated as to all surety
defendants and Joseph S Bartley the
principal except the defendants W
A Paxton E E Brown John H
Ames Amos Swobe C C McNish and
Cadet Taylor who are tho defendants
in error in this proceeding Tho state
seeks a reversal of the decision of
the lower court which ordered the
case dismissed
Attorney General Brown holds the
evidence before the lower court was
entirely insufficient to sustain the ver
dict He divides the shortage into
three divisions as follows
First Excessive deposits in state
depositories amounting to 18000
Second The conversion of stato
funds on deposit in the Omaha Na
tional bank on the 2nd of January
1897 amounting to 20188405
Third School or trust funds unac
counted for amounting to 32G03458
Life Loses Its Charm
Infatuated with Mrs A F Foreman
has landlady Oscar Hansen of Lin
coln committed suicide by taking a
dose of morphine He was an electri
cian about 25 years of age and has
relatives a mother and a sister liv
ing in Wahoo
David City Chautauqua
DAVID CITY The fifth annual ses
sion of the David City Chautauqua as
sembly will be held July 21 to 30 in
clusive H H Harmon of Columbus
Indiana continues as superintendent
E Williams and G W Gates man
agers and L B Fuller secretary The
management assures the public that
this session will be far superior to
that of any previous assembly
Goes Back to Germany
COLUMBUS Having made suffi
cient money in this country to live in
luxury in the old world Louis Dandier
who has resided for many years near
Shelby left for Lechinich Germany
with the expectation of making that
place his permanent home in the fu
Dan Wilson of Broken Bow is laid
up with a broken leg received while
playing base ball
PAPILLION James H Preston a
about a year ago examined by the In
sanity board and sent to the St Ber
nard hospital at Council Bluffs was
up before the board again and pro
nounced insane He will be taken to
the asylum at Lincoln
BRADSHAW A change will take
place in the business managers of the
farmers shipping association at this
place Mr James W Graham who has
been agent for the company ever since
its organization will retire and Mr
George B Steadman will take his