i For cut glass you can not do better in quality nor prico than to buy of oil man m Avers AaaMMaanttiaaa When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong You are tired all the time easily discouraged nervous and m irritable Your cheeks are Sarsa parilla pale and your blood is thin Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown He orders this grand old family medicine For more tlutu 5U virn J liiivf iim1 Ayr Sarsnjmrlllii In my fnnilv It U i grand tniilc at all time and t wonderful tniMllriiui for Im pure blood D C Hoir Won Hiivun Conn 81 00 a bottle All nrinrcMin for J c AVER CO Loncll Ml PDtzxa finixusmau Weak Nerves Keep the bowels regular with AVers Pills just one pill each night if VIKNH The Butcher wants your trade The best of everything is his motto Phone 12 n P U u I McCook Poultry Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days we will pay cash For Hens 7c lb Springs Tc lb Turkey Hens lie lb iColdsj It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the -vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life pneumonia and consumption Chamberlains Cough Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia 3U3 S Sfu l t S 9 I iaauc 3U ifOige tic owu m CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS et- k Safe Always reliable Indies oak Druinrlst for CHICHESTEES ENGLISH in Red and Gold metaUlc boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Setose danceronanabsU tatlonsand Imitations Buyofyour Druggist or send 4c In stamps for Particulars Testl monlal and Belief for Indies Inletter by return Mali 10000 Testimonials Bold by ail Druggists CHICHESTER OHEMIOAL CO SIOO Madison Square PH1JLA PA HesUa tkis ost INDIANOLA J Noe has hceii quite sick but is im proving W R Starr was iu town a couplo of days recently Nicholas Colling is lying ill at his sons home in Indianola Harry Whitmore shipped a car of hogs Sunday night Christian Hartman of Sandwich 111 is here on business Mrs Gninshy has gone to Lincoln and will be ubsent for a few weeks Mrs Maude Calhoun of McCook is vis ting her parents at this place Fred Chessman of the extra gang cane home to see his family Sunday C S Quick shipped a car of stock cattle also a load of hogs Sunday night Frank Lackey is in town since last week visiting friends and acquaintances Miss Flossie Andrews of McCook visit ed with Lulu McNiel Saturday and Sunday Mesdames McDonald and Everist at tended M E church in Indianola last Sunday James Nutt of Danbury came over to our town Monday last on a matter of business fc K fcinjitti was called to Stockville a few days agoou business pertaining to a lawsuic J no Loweiibtoin and wife of Keokuk Iowa are iu the city the guests of E G Caiue and family - Mr and Mrs Cosgro arrived home last Tuesday morning They report a fine time while away MrB F Browns son came down from McCook last Sunday and visited with bis mother during the day Mrs Clute and son returned to their home at JJolbrook after a short visit with her mother at this place Mrs Baker of Bartley returned home Sunday morning after a short visit with her sons family at this place F Vering has been adding to the beauty aud worth of his residence prop erty by setting out some shade trees Quite a number from Indianola at tended the closing exercises of Miss Grace Phillips school last Friday even ing Mr Huffman of Kansas is visiting at the Counter home two miles west of town Mr Huffman is a brotherof Mrs Counter Miss Hazel Phillips came home from Franklin this week where she has been attending school She was accompanied by a friend from Chadron whose name we did not learn Miss Keuhlin returned home last Thursday from the eastern part of the state Her sister who was reported to have been dying has recovered so far as to be out of danger The M E members gave a pound social at the parsonage Wednesday evening and bestowed upon the minister and his family a goodly portion of the wherewith to live Miss Ilattie Crabtree who has been living in Lincoln for the past few years is visiting with the home folks Her many friends are glad to see her again and hope she may make an extended visit in Indianola Rumor says that Doctor Mastin has sold his place in west Indianola and will move to McCook in the near future We are sorry to lose the doctor and his es timable family They have made many friends during their short stay with us and we hope they may contract many pleasant social ties in their new home to which they go James A Miller met with quite a ser ious and painful accident while return ing to his home last Saturday night He had been to Indianola and was going home and somewhere in the neighbor hood of Charles Suters he started to get off his wagon to open a gate when his team started to run throwing him out on the barbed wire His face was badly cut and he received other injuries Mr Suter found him and brought him back to town where his wounds were dressed and he was cared for Collars and pads as well as harness at W T Colemans SCHOOL CREEK Ollie Gray was in Holbrook on busi ness last week Adam Fritzs will move in their new house this week J C Sedden is building a new hog house this week John Dutcher went to McCook on business Tuesday Mrs Chas Colling called on Mrs J W Dutcher Sunday Anna Sargent visited with Sarah Jen son Saturday and Sunday J B Rozelle is building a new tele phone line from Indianola to Quick John Horkoy is building a new barn E S Dutcher is doing the carpenter work Mrs Blakely of Devises and sister Mrs Eaymond visited last week with their mother Mary Vandervort Feel tired no appetite cannot sleep work or eat Thats spring tiredness and will disappear at once if you take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea this month 35 cents Tea or Tablets L I W McConnell Druggist After the Hui of the wheat is Femoved the kernel is steam cooked and crushed into edible flakes not powdered When packed in cartons and sealed the delicacy and flavor the nutri ment and good taste of the wheat remains ia California Wheatbse Flaked wheat food for breakfast All good grocers Lottie DANBURY Oman is under the doctors care Born to Frank Musgrave and wife April 8th a baby boy Lee DeLong is getting cream for the Fairmont Creamery Co Wallace Billings is receiving cream for the Beatrice Creamery Co Carpenter Hethcoat and wife returned home from Oklahoma Tuesday Mrs Anna Stilgebouer has been under the doctors care for the past week Miss Pearl Hayes closed a successful term of school at White Hall last week J E Dolph had a horse sale Satur day of thirty horses Fred Wiggins auc tioneer J G Evers and family and T E Mc Donald and family visited friends in In dianola Sunday Mr and Mrs Gliem and daughters Bertha and Pauline went to Omaha Saturday on business Mr and Mrs Alfred Ashton of Cedar Bluffs visited at the home of Dr De May Saturday and Sunday Rev Masons sod house six miles west of this place fell in last week and he is going to replace it with a frame house J C Lafferty returned home the fore part of the week from Oklahoma where he has been visiting his daughter Mrs Georgo McClung S S Graham and Mr Minniear re turned home last week from California Both express themselves well pleased with the Pacific coast The municipal election went democrat ic forty to nine If Mr Bryan will make whiskey the paramount issue ho can be elected with a whoop and hurrah Robert Jones and family of Southern Kansas are visiting relatives of this place after which they intend to go to Washington to make that their future home We will look for them back in the fall however W R Burbridge and family attended the services at the Christian church at Indianola Sunday and dined with C Dow and family They considered it a spiritual uplift to associate with people who earnestly contend for the truth BARTLEY Mr McCracken is painting his resi dence Will Lyman made a trip to Greenwood this week Mr Theobold is busy putting up his new residence There is a good opening in Bartley for a harness shop EE Smith shipped four car loads of hogs this week A JDeAmond is able to be out on the streets again Ira Ritchie and wife were McCook visitors last Friday Cecil Mathews is near McCook plast ering a large house Mr Bayston of Stockville was a Bart ley visitor last week Miss Daley dentist of Cambridge visited in town Tuesday The Ault boys will move on to a farm near Maywood this state Mr Carpenter has sold out his grocery store to Crawmer Grimes Truman Wood has gone to Gothen burg to visit his son Arthur There will be four in the graduating class here this year all ladies James Sipe returned on No 5 Sun day evening from his visit in Iowa Bartley people are busy planting trees and otherwise beautifying their homes Some burning straw near the mill caused considerable excitement last week Mrs Sam Walkington visited with her mother Mrs Jennie Catlett last Saturday George Teeters has been very sick for several days but is reported better to day Wednesday Jas Finnegan is in the country this week as engineer for the Haining threshing machine Sol Premer has gone to the western part of the state to visit his son Perry and other relatives Mrs Grimes was laid up several days the past week with erysipelas She is able to be out again John Jones papered Mr Malenburgs house this week Fletcher Faubin will paint the house next week The Alaska refrigerator at Waites LIVE STOGK MARKETS AT KANSAS CITY THE WEEKS TRADE REPORTED BY CLAY ROBINSON COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS G7TICES AT CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OMAHA SIOUX CITY ST JOSEPH AND DENVER Kansas City April 12 1905 Receipts of cattle thus far this week are 24900 compared with 21800 last week and 25400 during the correspond ing period a year ago Mondays mar ket for killing cattle was steady to 10c lower mostly steady Stockers and feeders wore easy Tuesdays trado was strong to 10c higher for beef steers cows ind heifers steady to strong and stockers and feeders strong to 10c higher Today the proportion of beef steers was large and while tho market opened strong for them it weakened toward the close and in some instances 10c decline was reported Tops at 8075 were the highest since October 1902 41 lots of beef steers today sold at 86 and above Cows and heifers were steady bulls un changed veals active Stockers and feeders were active at steady to weak rates Tho following table gives quotations now ruling Extra prime cornfed stoers 6 00 to 6 75 Uood 5 SO to Ordinary 4 75 to Choice cornfed heifers 5 00 to Good 4 50 to Medium 4 00 to Choice cornfed cows 4 SO to Good 75 to Medium 3 25 to Cauuors 2 00 to Choice states 4 50 to Choice fed bulls 4 00 to Good 3 51 to Bologna bulls 2 25 to Veal calves 5 00 to Good to choice native or western stockers 4 25 to Fair 3 75 to Com moil 3 25 to Good to choice heavy native feeders 4 50 to Fair 3 75 to Good to choice heavy branded horned feedera 4 00 to Fair 3 80 to Common 3 25 to Good to choice stock heifers 3 00 to Fair 2 50 to Good to choice stock calvosstoers 4 50 to Fair 3 75 to Good to choice stock calvesheifers 3 25 to Fair 2 75 to 6 00 5 60 5 55 5 00 4 50 5 00 4 50 3 75 3X 5 25 4 CO 4 00 3 00 600 4S0 4 25 3 75 5 00 4 50 4 75 4 00 3 50 3 25 3 00 5 00 4 50 3 75 3 25 Receipts of hogs thus far this week are 25400 compared with 25100 last week and 25609 last year Mondays market averaged 5c lower Tuesdays trade was 5c higher for heavy weights and 5 to 10c higher for lights Trade was slow in starting today but the gen eral market was steady to strong with a weak close Bulk of sales were from 8535 to 542i top 5 47 Receipts of sheep so far this week shown an increase of 4000 head over either last week or a year ago Weak ness has been a feature throughout but prices show very little change The first spring lambs of the season arrived today and sold at 10 We quote Choice lambs 8725 to 735 choice year lings 8650 to 660 choice wethers 575 to 500 choice ewes 550 to 560 Lawn season begins April 15th To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative bkomo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c BANKSVILLE W H Benjamin is putting in barley C R Lee is trying to break a wild horse Fine weather for farming but frosty nights Mike Crocker had business at McCook Tuesday Abe Peters was a McCook patron Monday the 8th Fred Wesch was doing business in McCook Tuesday Harve Rowland is preparing ground and seeding it to barley W H Benjamin is working the pre cinct of Grant as assessor Harris Tuttle is preparing ground and putting in barley this week Andrew Anderson was in McCook Tuesday to meet his brother Miss Julia Goodenbergers school closed at Banksville last Friday with complete satisfaction to the parents and children of the district Mitchells Auction Saturday April 29 PLEASANT RIDGE Miss Rose Bair entertained the Ladies Aid Society last Thursday Miss Mattie Simmerman is staying with Mr Bixlers for awhile Joe Allen did the cane threshing for this neighborhood last Friday and Sat urday Mr and Mrs Clay Halverson have a baby girl and Mrs ilalverson is very ill of pneumonia Casper Heckencamp and J D Osburn were transacting business at Stockville last Wednesday Mrs J I Lee of McCook and Miss Pearl Vandervort was the guests of M E Kimerlings last Friday A wonderful spring tonic Drives out all winter impurities gives you strength health and happiness Thats what Hollisters Rockv Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W Mc Connell Druggist Why Not Try It Just one pioco of Argentiuo wear and jou will be convinced that it has no equal For sale by W T Colemau APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Indianola Neb April 14 1005 Notice is hereby givou that A L Haley has filed in the city clerks oilice his petition and application for a license to sell malt spirituous aud vinous liquors iu the building on lot 21 block 39 in tlio second ward original city of Indianola from May 1 1003 to April 30 1006 A L IIalkt Applicant NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho county court of Red Willow county Ne braska In the matter of the estate of Richard M Wade deceased Notice is hereby given to all purons liavintr claims aud demands agaiust Richard M Wado deceased that they are required to present their claims- with vouchers to the county judge of suid county at his ollicoin McCook on or before the 30th day of October 1D05 or tliOMime will be forever barred All claims so filed will bo heard before said county judgo on tho 30th day or Oc tober 1005 at 10 oclock a m Witness my hand aud the seal of said county court Huh 11th day of April 1905 Fbank Moork isealJ County Judge APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 7 1905 Notice is hereby given that Patrick Walsh has tiled in the city clerks otlico his bond and petition for a license to sell mult spirituous and vinous liquors in the building at No 220 Main avenue in the Second ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906 1atkick Walsh Applicant APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nebraska April 7th 1905 Notico is horoby given that L W McConnell has Hied in the city clerks oilice his bond and petition for a druggists permit to bell mult spirituous and vinous liquors in tho building on lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906 L W McConnELL Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska March 31 1905 Notico is hereby given that Lovel R Cljdehas filed iu the cty clerks otlico his bond and peti tion for a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 9 block 21 in lluj Second ward of the city of McCook for one car from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906 Lovel R Clyde Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska March 31 1905 Notice is hereby given that M U Cljdo has filed in the city clerks oilice his bond aud peti tion for a licenso to sell malt spirituous aud vinous liquors iu tho building on lot 9 block 21 in the Second ward original city of McCook from May 1 19J5 to April 30 1906 M U Clyde Applicant APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nob March 31 1905 Notice is hereby given that A McMillen has filed in the city clerks oilice his bond andpoti tion for a druggists permit to soil malt spiritu ous and vinous liquors in tho building on lot 21 block 22 in tho First ward in the city of Mc Cook Red Willow county Nebraska during the year ending May 1st 1906 A McMillen Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska March 23 1905 Notice is herebj given that Ileudrick fc La throp a firm composed of E W Hendrick and Walter Lathrop havo filed in tho city clerks oilice their bond and petition for a licenso to soil malt spirituous uud vinous liquors in the Doyle building on lot 9 block 22 m the First ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1905 to April 30 1906 Hexdicick Lathkoi Applicants NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To II A Talcott and to all whom it may con cern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the north east corner of the northwest quarter of section thirty iivo 351 townshio three 3k rancotwenty soven 27 in indianola precinct Rtd Willow county Ne braska running thence west on section line to a point four 4 rods west of the north east corn er of tho northeast quarter of section thirty four 34 township three 3 range twenty seven 27 thence north about ten 10 rods thonco in a southwesterly direction along canon bank un til it intersects the section line thence west on section line to school creek thenco in a south westerly direction about fifteen 15 rods until it inter ects road No 295 has reported in favor of the location thereof and all objections there to or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerks office on or before noon of the 22nd day of May 1905 or said road will bo es tablished without relerence thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notico is hereby given that tho county com missioners of Red Willow county Nebraska will receive sealed bids for furnishing all neces snay materials and the construction of a wood on biidgo across tho Republican river on section lino between sections twenty eight 28 and twenty nine 29 township three3 range thirty 30 west 6th P M according to plans and specifications on file in county clerks office said bids to be endorsed Bids for material and construction of Perry bridge Said bids to bo filed with the county clerk on or before twelve oclock noon May 2 A D 1905 Commissioners reserve tho right to reject any and all bids Dated this 6th day of April A D 1905 E J Wilcox County Clerk - - in i i SCHOOL LAND AUCTION The following described lands in Red Willow county will be offered for lease at public auction at county treasurers office in McCook Nebras ka on Wednesday May 3rd 1905 at 3 oclock p m Terms of leasing and appraised value may be had on application to commissioner of public lands and buildiugs at Lincoln Nebras ka or to countv treasurer at McCook This land cannot bo redeemed after secoud issue of advertisement NE H M Eaton Com Pub Lands Bldgs APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Danbury Neb April 14 1905 Notice is hereby given that Dan Casheu has filed in the village clerks oilice of the village of Danbury Nebraska his petition for a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in a building located on the main street of said vil lage of Danbury Nebraska for the municipal year ending May 1 1906 Dan Cashen Applicant SIDEWALK RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the mayor aud council of tho city of McCook Red Willow county Ne braska that tho sidewalks be within thirty days after the publication of this resolution re built and laid to the established grade adjoin ing tho following described premises to wit Lot 6 block 10 lots 6 and 7 block 11 lots 7 8 9 10 11 12 block 19 lot 1 block 26 lots 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 block 17 lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 block 8 lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 block 5 Original McCook Lots 2 3 and 4 block 21 lots 1 2 and 6 block 13 lots 1 and 2 block 8 First addition Lots 1 and 12 block 25 lot 12 block 33 lots 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 block 31 lots 3 4 5 aud 6 block 10 Second addition all within the city of McCook The material to be used shall bo either Hag stone vitrified or hard burned paving brick or con crete Flagstone must bo two inches thick prepare tho foundation by grading and filling to an even surface tamped well and solid and imbed stone in sand to an even surface Brick must bo hard burned and even excavate 5 inches fill in and tamp well until tho ground is even aud solid add three inches of sand and lay brick to a smooth and even surface herring bone fashion covered thick with sand same to bo swept in Concrete must bo made of one part cemont four parts of sand to three of crushed stone The foundation must bo exca vated or filled in and tamped uniform aud solid to within five inches of grade lay four inches of concrete and cover surface with concrete com posed one part cement and three parts sand one inch thick Said walks shall be of a uniform width of five feet and laid four inches from the lot line Said walks shall be rebuilt under the supervis ion of the committee on streets and alleys in conjunction with the city encineer in accord ance with the provisions of ordinance No 113 as amended passed and approved the 27th day of February 1905 Passed and approved this 10th day of April 1905 Attest C I Hall C J Ryan Clerk Acting Mayor Dr Herbert J Prait ItEaiSTEUED Gkaduatk Dentist Offico over McConnella Drag Store McCOOK NEB Telephones OOice 1G0 reHidonco 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono 66 Oflico over McMilleus drug store II P SUTTON MCCOOK ESBES3BKI McCOOK NEDRASKA JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA 0 C HastinMD Eclectic Physician Surgeon Oilice and residonco one half block north of postoflico Phone No 95 McCOOK NEB DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free J F Hart M D McCOOK NEBRASKA Oflico hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p m Phones Oilico 155 residence 45 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Otlico Residence 521 Main Avouuo Oflico und Residenco phone 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska SAgentof Lincoln Laud Co and of McCook Water Works Office in Postotfico building C H Boylk C E Eldred Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attokneys at Law Long Distance Phono 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Postoflico Building PI Steam McCook Neb r j mm DENTIST rno NE 112 Oflico over Grannis store McCook Neb F D BURGESS umber and Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun telipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA To Core a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Seven Minion boxes sold in post 12 months tainine Taiets j This signature vrjr ts fk rv m FOBLLNDfKALS TESTIM0NIAT Fitter i TissnffNjrvEJsaBssBsapsapsKsnvxa WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee l TfnlN5 US UID OAL aEv j3v i1 J CA21 DelmontS D Dec 17 1902 t t it t Kifor Te cholera and it was all right It cured my hogs I had three sick ones and they all got well and dono fine I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all ffiIan fc Itis the onlr Medicine for hog cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke t - Taington Nob Dec 11 1902- I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is tho best thing I over had on thl Slaieruetthn ifc intended for Itil cuoiora nco on stock insects lnsecta iii- of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JArlES CAIN ninanShaiinreTbrtho NatIoiai Medical Com pany blieldon Iowa Cures Crip in Two Days OT mrawiv wvw 7wzrz box asc t S r k 4 1