The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1905, Image 5

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Hard to beat it
says Tommy
Nobby neat
Will wear well
and will look well
as long-
it is worn
As popular as any
shoe in our stock
Either flat or
turn last
Cuban heel
lace or button
Tfc Model
Ono of the most noteworthy nowspa
per celebrations ever held in the middle
west was the golden jubilee of The Iowa
Homestead at Des Moines Iowa on the
23d ult at which time also the man
ager Mr James M Pierce celebrated
the twentieth anniversary of his man
agement of this sterling old paper The
Homestead has not lived fifty years to
no purpose for it is as excellent as it is
old and exceedingly varied in its merits
Its editorials special features and de
partments are tlfe best that money can
buy The extent of The Homestead
plant will bo seen when wo state that
when Manager Pierce gave a banquet to
his employes and their wives over 150
plates were laid more than ono hundred
being for employes Great enthusiasm
was aroused when the announcement
was made that The Homestead would
triple the size of its building this year
The popularity of the Homestead in Red
Willow county is shown by its immense
circulation among our best farmers but
The TitimwE will bo glad to help along
the cause of good farming by forwarding
other subscriptions
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCoolc postoflice April 10 1905
Billups Mrs Gertio Block F FT
Clnrk Mrs Mablo Cnluway Mr VlI
Corey II B Copcland Miss Gonieve
Granser HP Hansell M L 2
Hentz Mr J W 2 SaRO Mr Harry
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
P M Kimmell Postmaster
American 2 bushel grain bags 16 cents
at Thompsons
Paper Hanging
Phone 281
We are Leaders in Working Clothes gs3
1 For This Week 1
Our prices will be the lowest for highest grade goods
Regular 50c Work Shirts 35C
fR Regular ico black sateen Shirts for 75C
Regular 75c black sateen blurts lor 50c
Regular 100 Wabash Overalls for 75c
Regular 75c Quaker Overalls for 50c
Boys black and white Shirts 25c
Boys black sateen Shirts 50c
Boys Knee Pants 25c
Boys Indian Suits 95c
Boys 200 box calf Shoes sizes up to 5 160
Mens 2 50 box calf Shoes I75
The best line of Plough Shoes 175
Childrens Suits 90c up
Our stock of Furnishings Trunks and Valises was
never so complete as now Clothing for men and
boys at a great reduction
Special NoticeOpen Evenings
M wMMm wmMm
stop your Lung Irritation relieve youp Sore Throat
and drive out your Chronic Cold with the only cer
tain and strictly scientific Cure for Coughs and Colds
Almost l5i despair
Our little daughter was given up by two physicians
with consumption of the throat and we were almost
in despair when our druggist recommended Dr Kings
New Discovery After taking four bottles she was
perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since
GEO A EYLER Cumberland Md
Price 50c and 100
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 Centrnl Time llrlJOv M
oti A M
14 955 i jr
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m
main link wnsT depaut
No 1 Mountain Time 1220 pm
3 11V5pm
impeeial line
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 p m
No 175 departs 645 AM
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
Beats free on through trains Tickots told
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo Georeo Scott A trout Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Pafcsen
gor Agent Omaha Nobraska
Engine 3187 is in for light repairs this
E E Prime is a new brakeman this
Supt Campbell and S D McLean
are in Omaha this week
Brakeman E II Peaison is spending
a week in Holdrege visiting rolatives
C A Ward is in ITayes Center look
ing up a business proposition it is rum
The way car repairing is now being
done by C E Emersons gang on the
rip track
W S Tomlinson went out of the train
serviceyesterday to assist Claims Agent
Hanson a while
C A Baldwin is in Omaha on a law
suit and P C Roberson is flagging for
him meanwhile
Conductor L C Wolff has Conductor
J J Currans run and H R Childress
is in charge of the 14218
Henry Gates went down to Orleans
Wednesday to put a pump on 1020 the
Orleans St Francis mill
Conductor J J Curran is visiting in
OttumwaIowaand neighborhood points
on business for ten days
Eugine 1756 which has been in the
shop for several weeks with a broken
guide yoke went into service today
John McManigal went down to Red
Cloud yesterday to attend the funeral
of his mother in law Mrs Lawrence
W A Cassell has blossomed into the
freight service and C E Hoffman is on
passenger with Conductor John Morrip
Conductor F M Washburn and
Brakeman J R Vanllorn returned
Wednesday evening from their trip to
the ranch near Imperial
Conductor J F Utter left yesterday
afternoon for St Francis with the pile
driver after spending two or three days
here having the machine repaired
Engine 611 is about ready to go into
service on the Oxford line She
had herfront and back cvlinder heads
blown out and her main rod stripped
Conductor G L Hackett of Denver
brought No 6 clear through to McCook
Wednesday night vice McKenna who
had the officers special Thursday after
Under the new time card two crews
now do the work of three on the Oxford
St Francis run and the crews are now
quartered in Orleans Brakemen Selby
and Moore have consequently been trans
ferred to McCook
Dispatcher J F Forbes and family
are visiting in Arapahoe with her par
ents J F and Wallace spent a few
days of this week with McCook friends
J F has been promoted from third to
first trick and is now considering an
offer of thechiefshipatPittsburgKans
while recuperating with relatives and
friends for a few weeks the wnrk rnwn
I there being of the strenuous sort
General Supt H E Byran and Acting
Supt V O English went up to Denver
on 13 Wednesday to meet the officers
special on its way east on a trip of in
spection over the McCook di ision On
thespecial were Daniel Willard second
vice president T E Calvert chief con
sulting engineer I S P Weeks chief
engineer G W Holdrege general man
ager D O Ives general freight agent
The special passed through McCook
about 730 Thursday evening making a
short stop and inspection here
15c 20c 25c 35s at
Mr and Mrs P Walsh visited
Lincoln thfs week
Mrs W C Schfnck and family
Denver visitors this week
R J Branscom the McCcok Hayes
Center mail carrier is ill threatened
with typhoid fever
Mr and Mrs Volmer of Vincennes
Indiana were briefly guests of M O
McClure this week on their way home
from California They also visited a
sister of Mrs Volmers at Palisade
The Nebraska Telephone Cos new
central will be located in the First Na
tional Bank building in the room now
occupied by the millinery store The
company expects to expend S10C00 to
15000 here this summer on improve
ments and additions to their plant
Sidney Dodge is the new postmaster
at Marion this county
Ocean Wave washers aie the best
Everybody says so
Silverware at Colemans
One of the serious impediments to tho
welfare of a child throughout his t cliool
life is the lack of sympathy existing bo
tween his parents and teachers That
parents sympathetic or antagonistic in
their attitudo toward teachers can exert
a great influence for good or evil in tho
school lives of their children is some
thing that only the bun ry hearted
teacher can fully realize Any obfcor
vant person cannot fail to recognize that
a cooperation that could hardly fail to
be beneficial seldom exisrs Tho fault
does not lie wholly with tho parents
Teachersespecially those who are young
and fresh from a training course filled
with theories and ideals oftentimes re
gard tho wishes and firmly fixed pre
judices of tho parents with contempt
They feel themselves secure in the back
ing of prominent educators and thoy do
not chooso to recognize tho antiquated
notions of the parent Here they err
Although they are undoubtedly working
conscientiously for the best interest of
tho pupil still they are hot wise in ignor
ing tho views of tho parent however falso
they may regard them Perhaps no
classof persons meets ih so much or so
severo criticism as teachers Much of
this criticism is unjust aud exists solely
because parents and others listen to un
verified reports and do nothing to ac
quaint themselves with the real iuner
workings of tho schoolroom Any per
son experienced with children knows
that these reports even when absolutely
truthful from their point of view cannot
be relied upon Again anyone who has
had the training of children has exper
ienced the mortifying fciot that even the
best trained children sometimes woefully
lapse from their knowledge of good man
ners and courtesy when away from homo
among other children
Some mothers will not tolerate anv
correction of their childrens manners
by their teacher taking it as a direct in
sult to their home training when it is
but the result of childish heedlessness
It is not always easy for parents with a
firmly grounded belief in the forms of
education in use in their school days to
see the advantage of new methods but
were they to frankly talk the matter
over with the teacher the cases are fre
quent where she could throw light upon
their real and not apparent value And
no greater injury can be done a teacher
than to condemn her at home in the
presence of her pupils There are some
they usually allude to a teacher as a
school marm who persist in believing
and encouraging that a school teacher is
never to be regarded with other than
suspicion They say she gives the chil
dren no encouragement Beforo reiterat
ing such a statement I wish they might
be induced to go into the schools about
them and notice the loving untiring
elrorts ox tne teachers in every conceiv
able way to encourage and give fresh
impetus to the pupil not by means of
semi yearly prizes that for one trium
phant heart leave a score of sore ones
but by daily hourly words and smiles
that make the children believe in them
Seeing this they might give her credit
in fieir hearts for other than mercenary
motives If every mother could be made
to realize how hard a conscientious teach
er aims to develop her child toward be
coming just what her mother heart hopes
and prays he will be there is little doubt
teachers would find their authority more
universally upheld in the home by the
parents It is a fact there aro teachers
who regard vacation and paydays as the
best part of teaching but it is just as
true that there are others who find their
best part in the knowledge that one lit
tle life has been given something to help
in the days to come when ho must be his
own teacher and it is such that deserve to
be sustained and encouraged by the par
ents It is a recognized fact that when
from the vantage point of maturity we
look back to the days of youth that we
esteem those our truest friends who set
for us the tasks we overcome or who in
sisted on certain severities of discipline
The boy when grown a man remembers
wth more respect the teacher who kept
him in to make up his lessons than the
one he adored in boyhood because of his
superior feats in pitching a ball Why
then should not pareuts able to com
mand the same wider view of what is
for the ultimate good of the child be
ready to indorse and support every dis
cipline and instruction of the teacher
despite childish fault finding and pro
Good Roads Train to Go Far
Highway building will be taught in
cities and villages from Lake Michigan
to the Pacific coast by the Burlington
Northern Pacific Lewis Clark good
roads special which will leave Chicago
May 3d The special will bo under the
charge of the two railroads and the Na
tional Good Roads association Stops
Will be made at thirty citiesand lectures
will be given on the needs of better high
ways and the way to secure them The
first part of the specials trip will be
over the lines of the Burlington railroad
Tho train will enter on the Northern
Pacific lines at Billings Mont continu
ing by this road to Portland Ore where
tho final meeting will be held at the
Lewis Clarke exposition in June
Chicago Tribune April 5th
A strength tonic that brings rich red
blood Makes you strong healthy and
active Thats what Uollisters Rocky
Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Tea or
Tablets L W McConnell Druggist
Want your moustache or beard
aueautiful brown or ricli black Use
1 cINg L mT
Hfo First Nat I Bank J
Keep them in the house
Take one when you feel bil
ious or dizzy They act di
rectly on the liverieire0
iutv cm or 1uLLtcux43uuAxa
No Doubt You Have Been
Thinking About Getting a
Silk Shirtwaist Suit
or one of
for spring and summer wear We
have them ready made Also have the
material in the piece And Butterick
Patterns to assist you in the manu
facturing Come in we can assist you
Acquire the Habit
of saving We furnish a handsomely finished Perpetual Cal
endar Bank which costs you nothing Try
Saving all
Never spend one and you will
be surprised how your money ac
count will grow
Call and get one of these banks
The First National Bank riccook
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
W B WOLFE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000