r lr mdi ii ii ii i iiT i rrf J I TlfjLSwS i 1 1 Ml m4 i i 1 iiiyLKi MMH rcn i - obstinate ensES Of leucorrhea excessive flowing painful periods prolapsuu or falling of wdmb attended by weak back bearing down sensations ulceration of womb pain and tenderness of ovaries are almost always cured by a fairly persistent use of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription If in any case it should in due time not seem quite adequate to meet every phaEe of some complicated case Dr Pierce always stands ready to offer valuable suggestions based upon years of varied experience which often proves of inestimable value This he does en tirely free of charge to those using his medicines Address Dr R V Pierce 663 Main Street Buffalo N Y Dr It V PiekOb Buffalo N Y Dear Sir I once thought I should neror enjoy pood health asraln What I suffered with womb disease words cannot express Had distressing bearlinr down pains painful monthly sickness backache constipation also cold hands and feet at all times Was all run down end there was nothing loft of mo hut a shadow After I had taken eight bottles Dr Piercos Favorlto Prescription two of his Compound Extract of Smart Wood also somo of Dr Piercos Pleasant Pellets I was entiroly cured I always keep tho remedies on hand now and recommend them to all my friends Yours truly Mrs John Dowers 9334th Street Rensselaer Albany N Y There is no opium cocaine or other narcotic in Laorste Prescription Neither does it contain alcohol wlrsky or other intoxicant It often happens that childlessness is due to conditions which may be cor rected Many women have found that the vitality and vigor imparted by Dr Pierces lavorite Prescription to the womanly organs has been the one thing needful to fulfill the joy of motherhood This famous medicine is not a cure all but a specialists prescription having as a single aim the cure of diseases peculiar to women Reliable dealers recommend Favor ite Prescription With tricky ones something else that pays them better will probably be urged upon you as just as good Perhaps it ia for them but it cant be for you Somo saving may be made by purchasing our medicines in half dozen quantities If you are convinced that the Fa vorite Prescription is the medicino you need do not be cajoled into ac cepting something else The attempt to induce you to do so is an insult to your intelligence Turn your back on the one who offers the affront DR PIERCES PLEASANT PELLETS Cure biliousness sick and bilious head ache dizziness costiveness or consti pation of the bowels loss of appetite coated tongue sour stomach windy belchings heart burn pain and dis tress after eating and kindred derange ments of the liver stomach and bowels Persons subject to any of these troubles should never be without a vial of tho Pleasant Pellets at hand They are always adopted as a household rem edy after the first trial Put up in glass vials tightly corked therefore always fresh and reliable One little Pellet is a laxative two are cathartic They regulate invigor ate and cleanse the liver stomach and bowels As a dinner pill to pro mote digestion take one each day To relieve the distress arising from over eating nothing equals one of these little Pellets Theyre tiny sugar coated anti bilious granules scarcely larger than mustard seeds Doctor Pierces great thousand page Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent for the mere cost of mailing paper bound for 21 one cent stamps or cloth bound for 31 stamps It is a grand and useful book Address Dr R V Pierce U3 Main St Buffalo NY BCWwWl There are Many Imitations of Bak j ers uocoa and Bakers Chocolate Or Dotft be misled by them J Our trade mark is on every pacRage 01 genuine goods Under the decisions of several United States Courts no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker df Cos is en- Ititled to be sold as Bakers LookftKSTradeMMk Cocoa or Baker s Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free Walter Baker Co Ltd Established 1780 Dorchester Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America mk Mw J utmvwni rrrrwrn rw Wfrfci9kfrtcfcmSt When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens to have in his bin how do you knov what you arc getting Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk could be told if the people who handle it grocers cared to speak out Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions ot housekeepers to use lion Coffee fe leader of all package coffees for over a quarter of a century if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purity Strength Flavor and Uniformity This nonular success of LION COFFEE can be due only to inherent merit There Is no stronger prool ot merit than con tinued and increasing popularity If tfce verdict ofi MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince yon of the merits of LION COFFEE it costs yon but a trifle to buy a package It is the easiest way to convince yourself and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER LION COFFEE is sold only in 1 lb sealed packages and reaches you as pure and clean as when it left oar factory Lion head on every package Save these Lion heads for valuable premiums SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO Toledo Ohio BUY VOUa GO CART AND BABY CARRIAGES direct from manufacturer We -will sell you retail at wholesale pri ces We carry the best and linest lino west of Chicago Call or send for Catalogue Omaha Reed Rattan Works 1512 Howard Omaha Neb MTpWMgMeii t z9 am mMBI IJIIHfS WHfRf 11 HSF FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good TJjie in time cola or araggistg Woois CHI Wflev SS m DR- McQREVS flf k For 30 years ban made a specialty of DISEASES OFMEX Eight een years in Omaha His Home Treatment li a a permanently cured thousands at small cost Save time and money by describ ing your case and write for Free book and term of treatment Med icine sent in plain pack ace Box 766 Office 215 South Hth Street Omaha Nebraska Many who formerly smoked 10 Cigars now smoke LEWiSSlNGLE BINDER STRAIGHT Sc CIGAR Tour Jobber or direct from Factory Peoria 111 BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach j Nebraska News I A third bank is soon to be started in York Tho mayor elect of Lincoln is going to give saloons in the vicinity of tho new postoflice building just one year to hunt new locations The Burlington is spending a largo amount of money for riprap work along the east bank o the Missouri river opposite Plattsmouth Debaters have been selected at the state university to represent the uni versity in the interstate debates with Iowa and Missouri The Standard Beet Sugar company will increase the capacity of its fac tory at Leavitt before the sugar sea son opens next fall from 500 to 1200 tons per day The barn belonging to Frank San dalls of York was burned to the ground together with several hun dred bushels of wheat feed and hay Only 300 insurance Kilpatrick Bros of Beatrice have a large force of men and teams at work on the Marysville Topeka cutoff of the Union Pacific and work is being pushed as fast as possible General Manager Mohler of the Un ion Pacific says that the trackage facilities at Omaha at the Union sta tion will soon be increased to provide facilities for handling increased traf fic S C T Dodd chief solicitor of the Standard Oil company issued a vehe ment defense of John D Rockefeller in connection with the controversy over the acceptance of the 100000 gift by the American board of foreign missions Following is tho mortgages record for Gage county for the month of March Number of farm mortgages filed 00 amount 1349SS released T amount 128SS7 city mortgages filed o7 amount lG7oo released i2 amount 224G7 William E Ingraham one of tho best known men of Gering and vicin ity died at his ranch in Mitchell val ley as a result of the kick of a horse He was one of the earliest settlers of that section coming as a cowboy in the early eighties School superintendents and teach ers are considering the plan of organ izing the Eastern Nebraska Teachers association to include the teachers in Colfax Butler Dodge Saunders Sar py Burt Washington Douglas and Cass counties Henry Paper a prosperous young farmer living seven miles southeast of Leigh sold his 195 acre farm to Alex Marolf of the same neighbor hood for 14500 Five years ago Mr Paper purchased the farm for 6100 and has made no improvements The Union Pacific has not yet ap pointed a superintendent to succeed Mr Deuel who is to become general manager of the Denver Northwestern Pacific It was stated at headquar ters that the general superintendent had not yet made his recommenda tion The record of mortgages filed and released for Polk county for tho month of March shows Twenty eight farm mortgages filed 64290 twenty nine farm mortgages released 59 906 eight town mortgages filed 4 98S75 seven town mortgages releas ed 673136 Joseph Marsh a carpenter of Nio brara shot another carpenter named Will Davis during a quarrel in which the injured man is said to have been the aggressor The bullet from Marshs revolver entered Davis right hip just below the groin He will probably revocer Kacinski Gurt an Austrian who was captured near DeWitt by a posse after it was discovered that he was suffering from hydrophobia commit ted suicide in the DeWitt jail by mak ing a hanghans noose with his belt and suspenders Gura was 2S years old and leaves a widow and three children in Austria The supreme court has reversed the decision in the damage suit of A E Langdon against James Edward Clarice of Papillion and the case must be tried over again by the district court of Sarpy county the lower court de termining just how many dollars worth of injuries Langdon received when he was knocked down by Clarke Miss Marion Ray the 10-year-old daughter of Mrs W L Ray of Tecum seh was the victim of a very peculiar accident She was sitting on the back of the family cow which is very gen tle and which was lying down when a playmate struck the bovine and caus ed her to rise very suddenly Miss Marion was precipitated to tho ground with the result of a broken arm The contract for the leasing of con vict labor at the penitentiary for the present biennium has not been award ed by the state board of public lands and buildings but probably will be considered at a meeting of the board to be held soon Bids for the con tract must be submitted sealed But one contractor so far has notified the board of his intention to bid for the labor Minnie M Carlton has filed a peti tion for divorce in the district court of Seward county from James W Carlton on the grounds of cigarette smoking drunkenness and failure to j support Carsten Schrum an employe of John Hughes at Gretna met with an accident that came near proving fatal A team hitched to a riding plow ran away on Main street in Gretna The young man fell out and was dragged by one foot which had become fas tened in the plow until one of the wheels broke thus releasing him Find Skeleton of Murderer While excavating a trench for drainage in a road at Eastbourne England workmen camo upon a iin containing a skeleton the skull of which was separated from tho other bones and lying between the shoul ders It proved to be the skeleton of a wife murderer who was executed 210 years ago The wifes body lies in an adjacent church yard Human Hair Industry Tho human hair industry Is a very active one in France the departments most frequently visited by the hair merchants being those of Correze Creuse Allier Cher Dordogne and Haute Vienne The average price given for a full long head of hair is from 2 shillings to 25 shillings for the very best quality and color A Street Scene The teamster was not beating his horses but he was using pretty vig orous language This cruelty to ani mals declared the woman with three birds on her hat is dreadful And she vented her indignation by giving a street urchin that jostled her a crack that sent him on his way whim pering Houston Post Thickness of Skin The skin of the men and women of some nations is much thicker than that of others particularly in hot countries The Central African negro has a skin about half as thick again as that of a European That of a ne gro is thickest over the head and back evidently to form a protection from the sun Woman Had Poetic Talent Miss Caroline S Orne who recent ly died at Cambridge Mass was a friend of James Russell Lowell and Henry W Longfellow The latter spoke highly of her poetic talent - irsi EPSgSE GKORCK XORTOS G T i T Boi B 3I3 St Loniv Mo G SS1TII X r X 3IG JIarqntllc Raildlnr hlriiro III If F HOWMIhK I I A 40S Traction Bulldlnr intlonrntl Oklo TBCOUkElILTUrA 318 CltlifniVifl BaoL Illdg lh Solan low 32 YEARS CELLING DIRECT VVe are the largest manufacturers of vehicles and harness in the world sell- H mg to consumers exclusivelv Sfj We Raye No Agents but ship anywhere for ex amination and approval euaranteeins safe ery You are out noth ing if not satisfied as to style quality and price We make 200 f styles of vehicles and j Ho 638 Combination Busey with extra 65 stvles of harnwo stick seat and yt In rubber tires Price PUTNAM FA compIetcSSOO As Eood as selU rlb0 Ho 327 Canopy Tcp Price complete forfOmore TREE Eenaforlt 73 As til ii riu for t i ElKhart Carriage Si Harness Mf Co Elkhart Indiana D STANDARD UNCLE SAM A High Standard is Required oi Any Catarrh Remedy That Has Been Endorsed by so Many Trustworthy and Prominent People19 raxasaaragssgraBMEBffiKjaB tint itt intHj iiliilii iiiimttu in 1 11 ii miiilililiin i tin in itiitnim Vfcgefaule Preparationfor As similating IlicFoodandBeguIa ting tte Stomachs andBoweis of Promotes DigcstionCheerfur nessandRestConlains neither OpiumMorphine nor Mineral xSOT Narc otic Jxpeaf0dJriMUELPirCHEIi Pumplaa Seeti 4lxSevut Jiemwt - Bi CaroancleSoad 1rmStfd Cteifitdgar Kntcrjrvett Flavor Aperfccl Remedy forCojislipa Tion Sour StomachDiarrhoca Worms Convulsions Fcverish ness and Lose of Sleep Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK br EXACT COPY OF WRARfiER I ssBt5w fr gaagter j p0r Infants and Children VUi ITwKfW Effl u liumi tun unit ii u urn iiiq ui u ti uii HHI iiv mill Hpj iiami -- - M umibiwih H V f JbJztiEN fW f9 Pisiiits i T18 y m Vip - I Bears the I f 1 V fib WE DEMAND 1 Signature W i V0UR III f q Sft 9 If anyone offered you a jood IS fffo I tar or an mPerecl one m f jn V It1 M i n would you take it A ft lF p If anyone offered you one good M L j dollar for 75 cents of bad money M ki ftf i would you tiJte it ffl P k 1 I e er yu ounces of the j M a flTi SUA vefy kcii starcn made for 100 S l Ii M No other brand is so good yet M laPk f 9 b fe all others cost 10c for 12 ounces l jfTlj AS Hi Q P E Ur a busness proposition I I 1 l0 p DEFIANCE STARCH is the best M I lp ea r if and cheapest lira w Pa R ffc E K U IS 8 rt KC E Uj ffl V J B3 ll 3 1 1 H rS B O We guarantee it satbfactorv - P w 8 UII yBUS e W ly I Ask vour qrocer f I III Ft W QSS0 Ik The DEFIANCE STARCR CO m M I Hilly iuOife 1 m WK Omaha Neb jj w irfcaEu fe EanBgne W trcM a tauzv BZ w THE OENTAUn OOMKNY NEW YORK CtTY There la an opening for you In the Southwest so Is there for any energetic wideawake man The Southwest Is In need of NOTHING but energetic men to develop Its udrtul resource- Tup re are vast areas of unlti proMd laud In Indian Territory Oklahoma and Texas alni tlic ne of M K T IJallwiy only waiting furineu like you to make them yield the uondcrtiii m ps f which tuey are capable There are hundreds of towns where new AiK ACTlALIY NEEDhD To make them succe bful you have only to establish them and u e ordinary judgment In con ducting them There are opeulnps for mills and manufacturing plants email stores newspapers lumber yards and many other branches of trade The oil and uas fields ot Kansas Indian Territory E and Oklahoma aro new and offer wonderful opportunities for de elopment SW SS THE T8B8E The M K t T Kallway has no lands for sale jut IT IS Interested In bulldlnc up this wonderful rich country We bellet e the Southwest has brighter prospects than any other section of country we are SUKE of It If you will Investigate YOU will also be SCIJE of It On April Uh and isth you will have an opportunity to Investigate at a small e tpee On those dates excursion tickets will be sold via the M K T Kallway to Indian Territory Oklahoma and Texas at Less Than One Fare For The Round Trip WkWtlLjIt OtWt ss Take advantage of this opportunity and see the South west for yourself We are In poeton of alt sorts of Information valuable alike to the Investor and liomeeeker If you are Interested tell us n hat you want how much you have to invet and vre will gladly furnish the information Write to day fora copy of our book -The ComingCountry Its free Addreyj mmzm mmmm Mm SSSIS1L1TIES In no part thi Tnii Stit ias threbcr such uondutPil Cnnini riKil industrial ami Agricultural tVfopiict i lion the Imo uf the Ilinois Ojntral anil the Yaoo Mississippi Valv liiiiruads in ti Stuu of Tenneso Mi i ijipi ami Ltui ita witlnn the past t a i ami towns nuve doublet thp population splfnilid business blocks havn bocn t rctiil Rnii lands huvv more thaa j doubled in value Hundreds of industries hav bc n e tablihed in as a result there is an unprecedented demand fr Day Laborers Skilled Workmen and I Especially Farm Tenants I Parties with small capital seeking an oppor tunity to purchase j farm home farmers wln would preier to rent fora couple of years beforo purchasiri and day laborers in fields or I tones shouid aihlres a postal card to Mr J llerrv tjeneral Paenser Agent Dubuque Iowa who will promptlv mail pnntil j matter iimrimin th territory above de scribed aadgneMeciUc replies to all inquiries t EXCURSIONS TO THE Free Grant Lands OF Western Canada During tho months of March and April there will be excursions on the arous lines of rail way to the Canadian AVest Hundreds of thousands of acre of the bt Wheat and J razing on the Continent f rec to the settler Adjoininsc lands may be purchased from rail way and laud companies at reasonable prices 1or information as to route cost ot transport tation etc apply to Superintendent of Immi gration Ottawa anada or to authorized Can adian Government Aent W V Bennett Oil Xev York idle iiuiliDf Oman Nebraska A CLEAR HEAUTHY SKIN Sindhoims Eczema and Skin Reciedv m p v SI W N U Omaha Purifies Then Heals rite y re Kcrrtra Pmple iiecr te ana aldlb if tbe kla An arsiute n ft r IiAnilrulT r scmp 00 Per Bottle SendforPKEEEOOKLETS A k yoar or barber or send to SANDHOIM DRUG CO Des Moinea Iowa no 15 1905 LESS DYES tolor more ooods briohter and faster colors than any olhf r dje One 10c package colors silk wool and cotton equally well and is guaranted to jie perlect results Ask iecleror we will send post paid at 10c a package Wrie for free booklet How to Dje Bleach and Mix Colors liltvo CO Unionvliu Jlinouri