The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1905, Image 2

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    I Cqmpiete List of Bills Passed by the Recent
I Session of the Legislature J
Below will be found a complete list of
tlie bills passed by the Twenty ninth ses
sion of the Nebraska state legislature
and presented to the governor for his ap
House roll No 53 by Wilson of Fawnee
appropriating JSO000 for the payment of
ealarios of members of the legislature
Approved January 25
iiouse roll No 5a by Wilson of Pawnee
appropriating 20000 for the payment of
the Incidental expenses or the legislative
session Approved January 23
House roll No 54 by Wilson of Pawnee
transferring 118000 from the clothing fund
of the Asylum for the Insane t Norfolk
to Hie same fund of the Asylum for the
insane at Lincoln Approved February 9
House roll No 1 by Burns of Lancaster
to permit state officials to give either ptr
eonal bonds or bonds signed by guaranty
surety or fidelity companies emergency
clause Approved February j
House roll No 21 by Roberts of Dodge
providing that where patents for public
lands have ben issuod lv the state to
Xersrns dying prior to the completion nC
fln issuance the tnle shall be veiled in
the heirs devisees and assgnees of euch
deceased patentee-
House roll No 5 by Kyd of Gage to
authorize J E Cobbey of Beatrice to
publish the laws passed by the Twenty
tiinlh session of the legislature on a plan
uniform with his Annotated Statutes of
Nebraska without cot to the state and
making such publication admissible as
evidence in the courts of the state
House roll Ns 77 bv Wilson of Fawnee
to create a state registrar of vital sta
tistics and local registrars in all incor
porated towns cities and villages for the
complete and proper registration of births
ind deaths Statistics are to be certified
quarterly to the state board of health by
the local registrar who shall receive
therefor from the county funds the sum
of 25 cents for each certificate so re
ported Approved February 10
House roil No 82 by Saddler of Adams
allowing members of county soldiers re
lief commissions compensation no to ex
ceed 5 per cent of the amount distributed
hy them emergency clause Approved
February 23
House roll No 3 by Windham of Cass
authorizing the justices of the supremo
court by unanimous vote to appoint six
supreme court commissioners for a perioa
of two years and such stenographers as
may be thought necessary bv the court
emergency clause Approved Februarv 24
House roll No CO by Bartoo of Valley
to regulate the practice of dentistry in
the state Makes it unlawful for any
rerson hercaftor io engage in the practice
of dentistry -without first having obtained
a license from the state board of health
countersigned by its dental secretaries
Five secretaries are to be appointed to
hold office for from one to live years
who shall be practical 2mtists and re
ceive a compensation of 510 per day each
for the time actually employed Such
secretaries shall examine applicants in
the branches prescribed and collect
therefor a fee of 25 from each applicant
Approved Februarv 2S
House roll No 102 by Ward of Sarpy
appropriating 3000 to construct additional
fish ponds repairing stone dams con
structing fish car houses fencing and
making general improvements at the
date fish hatchery at South Bend
emergency clause Approved March 1
House roll No 201 by Casebeer of
Gage allowing mutual insurance com
panies doing a city business to establish
a guaranty fund which when paid into
the treasury shall become the property
of the company and certificates thereon
shall be issued to the parties paying the
same as the companies mav determine
Such fund shall be kept inviolate except
for the payment of losses and shall then
oe replaced out of the accumulating
profits of the company Such companies
may write insurance on a stipulated
premium or cash basis Emergency
clause Approved March 2
House roll No 14 by Jackson of Ante
lope to authorize cities of the second
class and villages to acquire by gift do
vise or purchase property for public
fuirks and to issue bonds not exceeding
5000 and levy taxes of not less than 1
mill nor more than 3 mills for such pur
pose emergency clause Approved
March 2
House roll No 99 by Clarke of Doug
las providing for the payment of jurors
tn justice court In the event a verdict
Ss rendered the sum of 51 shall be paid to
each juror by the losing party and in
the event no verdict is reached each juror
shall be paid 50 cents the costs to be
taxed against the party against whom
judgment is finally entered Approved
aiarch 2
House roll No 117 by Hill of Hitchcock
appropriating the sum of 5000 for meas
uring water used on irrigated areas de
termining losses from ditches and study
ing the best methods for distributing
water by a United States government
agent in 1905 and 190C Approved March 2
House roll No 100 by Clarke of Doug
las providing that the suitor asking for
a change of venue in a justice court
shall pay all costs assessed up to tho
time of delivering the transcript to the
Justice to whose court the case is re
moved Approved March 2
House roll No 97 by Clarke or Doug
las permitting any defendant in a justice
court to apply for a change of venue at
liny time prior to the announcement of
the trial in a civil or criminal proceeding
Approved March 2
House roll No 9S by Clarke of Doug
las providing for a jury of six in all
cases tried in justice courts Approved
March 2
House roll No 5G by Burns of Lancas
ter requiring Nebraska life insurance
companies to deposit with the state audi
tor 100000 of approved securities before
being permitted to begin or continue busi
ness and extending the provisions of the
reciprocal insurance law to apply against
companies in other states which states
exact deposits of sucli nature or fees
taxes etc from Nebraska companies
Approved March 3
House roll No 17 by Casebeer of Gage
appropriating to the use of the State uni
versity the sum of 50000 arising from the
IMorrill fund 30000 from the agricultural
experiment station fund and 120000 from
the university cash fund Emergency
clause Approved March 3
House roll No US by Kyd of Gage
to provide that grand and petit jury lists
ehall be prepared and drawn in counties
of from 30000 to C0CO3 population under
the same rules and regulations as prevail
tn Douglas and Lancaster counties and
to provide for the punishment of persons
seeking to serve as jurors or to have
other persons selected as jurors Emer
gency clause Approved March 3
House roll No 45 bv Knox of Buffalo
appropriating to the purchase of books
for the library of the Perue normal the
library fund belonging to such school to
gether with matriculation fees paid m
prior to March 31 1907 and appropriating
for the same purpose for the Kearney
normal the matriculation fees paid into
eucli school prior to Marqh 31 1907 Emer
gency clause Approved March 3
Hotise roll No 61 by Saddler of Adams
to allow the sum of 60 to be paid by
counties for the proper burial of soldiers
or sailors who served In any American
war Approved March 8
House roll No 27 by Clarke of Doug
las to allow cemetery associations to re
ceive as trustees money and property to
bo held In trust and be used for the care
and decoration of graves Approved
March 8
House roll No 90 by Cassell of Otoe to
provide that the tax on inheritances in
stead of reverting to the state as at
present shall be used for the construc
tion of Tiermanent roads in the counties
where such taxes become due said roads I
to be built outside the corporate limits of
nltlnc oii1 irllnff Annrnw1 Mfiroli R I
House roll No 8 by Dodge of Douglas
the Omaha water board bill vesting gen
eral control of the Omaha water plant in
the water board Instead of in the city
council Emergency clause Approved
House roll No 41 by Smith of Burt to
prohibit the obstructing of ditches and
waterways used for drainage purposes by
ta dumping of garbage or otherwise
Emergency clause Approved Marcli 9
House roll No 108 by Windham of
Cass to bring under the provisions of the
firo escape law all buildings three stories
or more in height used for manufacturing
purposes hotels educational Institutions
hospitals or asylums Emergency clause
Approved Marcli 9
House roll No 137 by Smelser of Sher
man to fix the rate of taxation In coun
ties under township organization at not
to exceed 10 mills for road purposes s
mills for bridges and 3 mills for all other
purposes Approved March 9
House roll No 172 by Wilson of Paw
nee to transfer 20003 from the board and
clothing fund of the Hastings asylum to
the repair and improvement fund of that
institution Emergency clause Approved
March 10
House roll No 157 bv Douclas of Rock
amending the game law by making these
principal changes Open season for deer
and antelope August 15 to November 15
allow tho penal bond of 5000 required of
saloonkeepers to be given by surety bond
companies Approved March 25
House roll No 200 by Burns of Lancas
ter to prohibit printers and others from
printing or publishing more copies of
books pamphlets circulars or other pub
lications than ordered by tho author
compiler or publisher and to provide
penalties for the violation thereof Emer
gency clause Approved March 25
House roll No 163 by Bacon of Dawson
to provide for the sale of the penitentiary
lands and the crediting to the peniten
tiary fund of the money realized from
such sale Approved Marcli 25
House roll No 165 by McMulIen of
Gage to prohibit Christian Science heal
ers and others from practicing unless
they first pass an examination ana od
tain a certificate from the state board of
health Vetoed March 29
House roll No 169 by Burns of Lancas
ter to enable the regents of the State
university to condemn lands needed for
university purposes and to provide for
the mode of procedure for such con
demnation Emergency clause Approved
March 25
House roll No 193 by Rouse of Hall to
require depository banks for state and
county funds to give new bonds for each
and every official term Approved
March 25
House roll No 211 by Andersen of
Douglas tor protect persons associations
anu unions ot woikmgmen and otners in
prairie chicken sage chicken and grouse
September 1 to November 30 quail No
vember 15 to November 30 ducks geese
brants cranes and game water fowl Sep
tember 1 to April 15 jack snipe Wilson
snipe and yellow legs September 1 to
May 15 pigeons doves and plovers July
1 to August 1 trout April 1 to October 1
other fish April 1 to November 15 No
person shall kill take or have in his pos
session during the game season more
than ten wild geese or brants or twenty-
five birds or twenty five fish on one day
or more than one deer and one antelope
or two deer or two antelope during the
reason or more than ten prairie chickens
during any one day Punishment for vio
lation of the law is fixed at a fine of 5
for each bird or animal and imprisonment
not exceeding ten days in jail Approved
March 21
House roll No 30 by Douglas of Rock
to permit the Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks to incorporate in the same
manner provided for other secret and fra
ternal orders Approved March 23
House roll No 70 by Burns of Lancas
ter a Lincoln charter bill changing the
date of the city election from April to
May beginning in 1906 providing for the
election of seven councilmen at large and
making other changes agreed upon by the
Lincoln charter revisionists Emergency
clause Approved March 23
Iiouse roll No G2 by Ernst of Johnson
appropriating 510000 for the erection of a
live stock building on the state fair
grounds Approved March 23
House roll No 153 by Jouvenat of
Boone to vest discretionary power with
the state banking board in the issuance
of charters to do a state banking busi
ness the board not being required to
issue the charter applied for unless it is
satisfied that the parties requesting the
same are persons of integrity and re
sponsibility Approved March 25
House roll No 106 by Ward of Sarpy
to confer tho right of eminent domain
upon electric interurban railroads Emer
gency clause Approved March 25
House roll No 173 by Cropsey of Jeffer
son authorizing the board of county com
missioners of any county to appropriate
a sum of money not to exceed 100 per
annum for each county to defray the lo
cal expenses of farmers institutes Ap
proved March 25
House roll No 192 by Rouse of Hall o
exempt surety bond companies from th3
operation of the law which forbids any
one person going surety for a public of
ficial for more than two successive terms
Approved March 25
House roll No 195 by Rouse of Hall to
their trade marks and forms of advertis
ing Approved March 2S
House roll No 20 by Richardson of
Madison to appropriate 35000 for the
purpose of improving the grounds re
pairing and rebuilding the west wing of
the old building which was partially de
stroyed by fire and building an additional
cottage at the hospital for the insane at
Norfolk the buildings to be fireproof
Emergency clause Approved March 2S
House roll No 104 by Lee of Douglas
to forbid the sale of morphine cocaine
and opium except upon physicians pre
scriptions Emergency clause Approved
March 2S
House roll No 106 by Barto of Valley
to allow fraternal beneficiary associa
tions to consolidate or reinsure on a vote
of two thirds of the membership of both
societies upon approval of the plans pre
sented therefor to the state auditor Ap
proved March 2S
House roll No 217 by Gliem of Red
Willow to allow a special levy of not
exceeding 5 mills for the payment of
outstanding road district warrants
Emergency clause Approved March 2S
House roll No 2S by Perry of Furnas
to require county attorneys when in pos
session of sufficient evidence to warrant
a belief that a conviction can be secured
to file a complaint against such person
Approved Marcli 9
House roll No ISO by Kyd of Gage to
provide that in school districts having
four children or less of school age the
lew shall not exceed 100 per year for
school purposes and in districts having
more than four or less than sixteen chil
dren of school age the levy shall not ex
ceed the sum of 50 per child in addi
tion to the above Emergency clause
Approved March 29
House roll No 213 by Cropsey of Jef
ferson gives to cities of the second
class of less than 5000 inhabitants the
right of eminent domain in procuring a
richt of way for the construction of
sewers and drains and provides the
manner of exercising that right Ap
proved March 29
House roll No 2S9 by McMulIen of
Gage appropriating 25000 tor the erec
tion of a dormitory at the institute for
feeble minded youths at Beatrice Ap
proved March 29
House roll No 224 by Peabody of
Nemaha provides for the organization
and government of drainage districts for
the reclamation of swamp overflowed
and submerged lands Provides means
for the acquirement rights of way
easement- and franchises necessary au
thorizes the issuance of drainage district
bonds Revenues are to be raised by
assessments on lands benefited which as
sessments shall become liens on such
lands Approved March 29
House roll No 3S by Perry of Furnas
reduces from two to one the number of
trials that may be nu ior tne recovery
of real property Approved March 29
House roll No 197 by Rouse of Hall
authorizes the payment by the state of
the premium on the state treasurers bond
when the same is executed by a surety
company Approved March 29
House roll No 212 by Knox of Buffalo
allows mutual insurance companies to
insure personal property temporarily re
moved from the county or state Ap
proved v March 29
House roll No 24S by Rouse of Hall
Permits guardians executors receivers or
trustees to give surety idemnlty bond3
Approved March 29
House roll No 271 by McAllister limits
to 90 per cent of the levy for the cur
rent year the warrants that may be is
sued by an irrigation district and pro
vides means whereby unexpended oal
ances in irrigation district funds may
bo transferred from one fund to another
Approved March 29
House roll No 313 by Saddler of Adams
abolishes the visiting and examining
board for the Soldiers and Sailors homes
Approved March 29
House roll No 79 by Burns of Lancas
ter a Lincoln charter amendment author
izing the city to issue 75000 of bonds for
constructing or purchasing a municipal
lighting plant emergency clause Ap
proved March 30
House roll No 119 by Casebeer of Gage
declares void the marriase of first cousiii3
of whole blood Approved March 30
House roll No 211 by Clarke of Doug
las amends the civil code relative to ap
peals to the supreme court by providing
that all appeals under such code must be
filed within six months of the judgment
rendered in the trial court or within six
months of the overruling of the motion
for a new trial also allows the supreme
court to apportion costs between the
litigants Approved March 30
House roll No 225 by Windham allows
district judges sitting in chambers to hear
and determine motions and demurrers
emergency clause Approved March 30
Iiouse roll No 255 by Jahnel of Wash
ington prepared by the house bridge
committee authorizes county boards to
make yearly contracts for all bridges ap
proaches and repairs required during the
year at a specified sum per lineal foot for
superstructure of bridges and approaches
at a specific sum per lineal foot for piling
and tubing at a specific sum per cubic
foot for stone brick cement and con
crete at a specified sum per pound for
substructural iron and at a specified sum
per foot board measure for all lumber
used in the construction and repair To
make yeaily contracts for repairing
bridges and approaches at a specified sum
per unit quality to provide for manner
of advertising for bids for the rejection
of bids in certain cases and to empower
county boards to buy material and labor
and build and repair bridges and ap
proaches to provide for the adoption of
detailed plans and specifications for all
unuges costing irore man w eacn aim
keeping copies of plans and specifications
thereof in tho county clerks office to
provide that bids be made separately for
each kind and class of nridge approach
and culveit and improvement on roads
to provide that bids be made to plans fur
nished by the board and prepared by a
competent engineer designated by the
boai d
House roll No 279 by Roberts of Dodge
empowers county boards temporarily to
lease lands for the construction ot tem
porary roads made necessary by damages
done to permanent roads Approved
March 30
House roll No 4S by Warner of Lan
caster to provile for a more uniform
system for the certification of te ichcrs
Certificates shall be of three classes
state county and city and the two
former shall be divided into three grades
The state superintendant shall prepare
questions for the examination of ap
plicants for state or county certificates
and prescribe the rules and regulations
lor sucli examinations He shall also ex
amine mark and fie or cause the same
to be done under his direction and su
pervision all answer papers and may ap
point a committee of tiiree to assist him
lor that purpose Approved March 30
House roll No 194 by Rouse of Hall
to provide that the county shall pay tor
the surety bonds of county treasurers
not to exceed one half of one per cent cf
the penalty Approved March 30
Iiouse roll No 305 by Zuelow of Colfax
to provide for the state ownership con
tiol construction and repair of all bridges
500 feet or more in length within the state
and located on or as part of public roads
Such bridges are to be built at the op
tion of the board of public lands and
buildings and under its direction on the
request of the county and subject to the
regulations and requirements of the gen
eral bridge law of the state
House roll No 235 by Warner of Lan
caster and Perry of Furnas the bien
nial election bill It provides that all
state judicial and county officers shall
be elected in the even numbered years
beginning in 1903 AH such officers now
holding whose tenure expires in the odd
numbered years including the present
year are to hold over until the year fol
lowing when their successors shall be
House roll No 315 by Warner and
Perry to provide that registers of deeds
shall be elected in 39C6 and every fourth
year thereafter in conformity with the
general provisions of the biennial elec
tion bill
House roll No 31G by Warner and
Perry to provide for the election of
county commissioners in the even num
bered yoars in conformity with the bien
nial election bill
Kous roll No 317 by Warner and
Perry to provide for the election of
county supervisors in the even numbered
years in conformity with the biennial
election bill
House roll No 31S by Warner and
Perry to provide for the election of
county assessors in HOS and every fourth
year thereafter in conformity with the
biennial election bill
House roll No 349 by Johnson of Web
ster appropriates 25000 fqr test borings
for the discovery of oil gas coal arte
sian water and other minerals in Ne
braska under the direction and super
vision of the ctate board of irrigation
House roll No 2G2 by Hogrefe of Rich
ardson a curative act to remedy defects
in the law requiring foreign insurance
companies other than fraternal to havo
50000 assets and satisfy the auditor of
their solvency before being admitted to
do business in Nebraska
House roll N 135 by Howe of Nemaha
appropriating 32000 for the erection of a
fireproof library building at the State
Normal school at Peru Approved April 1
House roll No 171 by Anderson of
Douglas a joint resolution memoralizing
congress to define the status of the Ne
braska territorial militia so as to make
its surviving members eligible to draw
pensions Approved April 1
House roll No 81 by Stetson of Saline
providing that in counties not under
township organization the road tax shall
be paid in cash one half of which shall
constitute a county road fund to be used
by the county board for the general bene
fit of the countv roads Approved April 1
House roll No 350 by Hill of Hitchcock
authorizing county clerks and recorders
to accept piinted books from water users
associations under the national reclama
tion act and to use the same for record
ing stock subscriptions of such associa
tions Approved April 1
House roll No l o by Roberts of Dodge
to authorize cities of less than 25000 in
habitants to lew a ax of not more than
2 mills and expend tun same for the im
provement and repairs of public roads
leading into such cities for a distance not
to exceed six miles beyond the corpora
tion limits Approved April 1
House roll No 1S7 by Clarke of Doug
las giving the vendee of personal prop
erty under a contract of conditional sale
the right to redeem the same after the
revision of the contract by the vendor
because of default in payment by the
vendee and authorizing a recovery by the
vendee of the difference between the value
of the property when taken by the vendor
and the amount due on the contract in
case the amount due does not exceed tho
value of the property Approved April 1
House roll No 250 by Wilson of Pawnee
the salary appropriation bill carrying a
total of 1140260
House roll No 9 by Warner of Lan
caster making an appropriation of 32000
for the maintenance of the agricultural
experiment sub station at North Platte
and for other university purposes Ap
proved April 1
House roll No 31 by Douglas of Rock
to provide for a payment of bounties for
the destruction of wild animals Fixes
the bounty on scalps of gray or buffalo
wolves at 5 prairie wolf cr coyote at 2
wild cat 1 Approved April 1
Continued Next Wok
The Burlington and Northern Pacific
Roads Will Run Train to Pacific
Coast in Interest of Good
Arrangements have been completed
Detween the National Good Roads
Association and the officials of the
Burlington and Northern Pacific
roads to install a Good Roads Special
Dver these systems to leave Chicago
Wednesday May 3 It is to he known
as the Burlington Northern Pacific
Lewis Clark Good Roads Special
and will cover an itinerary of 45 to 50
of the principal and most progressive
cities of the systems
The object of this itinerary is for
the agitation education and organiza
tion of communities for permanent
improvement of primary roads and to
aid cities in questions of street pav
ing etc Government experts and
men of national reputation will go on
this Special and participate in the
conventions The entire arrange
ments so far as the Burlington sys
tem is concerned have been passed
over to the charge of W H Manss
Industrial Commissioner After com
pleting the itinerary of Burlington
cities the Special will continue from
Billings to the Pacific Coast over the
Northern Pacific and will hold- a final
convention the last of June to be
known as the Pacific Coast National
Good Roads Convention The full
equipment of the Special is provided
for by the Burlington and Northern
Pacific roads whose object is to aid
the cities on their systems in the im
provement of public roads The first
stops will be in seven or eight prin
cipal cities of Illinois then a number
of cities in Missouri also in Iowa Ne
braska Wyoming Montana Washing
ton and Oregon
In your soul theres a room filled
with sunshine with golden doors and
the true heart carries the key of rays
The Chicago Milwaukee St Paul
Railway has decided upon an exten
sion of its line from Chamberlain
west through Lyman County opening
up a region of cheap lands rich in
agricultural resources and in which
there is already much deeded land
also a large acreage that may be had
under the homestead law Lyman
County is in the southern part of
South Dakota adjoining the Rosebud
Indian Reservation on the north
The soil of Lyman County is one of
the richest in the state It has pro
duced corn of an excellent quality
having taken first prize at the Mitch
ell Corn Palace during several of the
past exhibits It is well adapted to
the growth of wheat oats barley
speltz and other small grains Land
is selling now at the rate of from 5
to 12 an acre and as scon as the
railway extension is made it is safe
to say that such lands will increase in
value from 300 to 200 per cent
All that Lyman County has lacked
heretofore has been ability to get
rrodwets across the Missouri river to
markets The extension of the Chi
cago Milwaukee St Paul Railway
will solve that problem and will make
it one of the richest sections in the
It is from the remembrance of joys
we have lost that the arrows of af
fliction are pointed Mackenzie
How I Suffered with Itching and
Bleeding Eczema Until Cured
by Cuticura
No tongue can tell how I suffered
for five years with a terribly painful
itching and bleeding eczema my
body and face being covered with
sores Never in my life did I experi
ence such awful suffering and I
longed for death which I felt was
near I had tried doctors and medi
cines without success but my mother
insisted that I try Cuticura I felt
better after the first bath with Cuti
cura Soap and one application of Cuti
cura Ointment and was soon entirely
well Signed Mrs A Etson Belle
vue Mich
A man does not grow himself by
grunting at every one else
Washing Blankets
ITave read3r three tubs of moderately
warm water for the first water make a
strong- suds by using plenty of Ivory
Soap In this put a pair of blankets
and stir with the clothes stick until
clean then rinse through the other two
waters putting a little soap in each
Wring by hand and stretch carefully on
500 paid monthly will buv a 300 share
of 14 2 5 acres of 2SSO0O acre plantation S
guaranteed Every condition safe puarded
Agents wanted Best pay and territory E
Moore210 Odd Fellows BIdgStLouisMo
The devil snores right through peal
after peal of stolen thunder
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Definace Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time because it
never sticks to the iron but because
each package contains 1G oz one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in pack
ages and the price is the same 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12oz package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures 16 Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing Defiance never sticks
The devil usually annlauds the man
who roars at him in prayer meeting J
Fame cf the Agra
Speaking of the Agra diamond
which was sold recently in London a
London newspaper writer says I
am disposed to think Agra only
became famous about 1892 when it
was the subject of a lawsuit It had
been sold for 20000 pounds but the
jury in the litigation referred to by
their verdict rescinded the contract
A curious circumstance is that this
jewel is not mentioned in the only
standard work on diamonds
Insist on Getting It
Some grocers say they dont keep De
fiance Starch because they have a stock
in hand of 12 ounce brands which they
know cannot be sold to a customer
who has once used the 16 ounce pack
age Defiance Starch for same money
More Buildings for Poor
To the sum of 2000000 left by
Mr Peabody between 1SC2 and 1873
out of which the Peabody buildings
for the poor were erected in London
there has since been added 4703
255 received for rent and interest
making the total fund according to a
report just issued 7293255 As more
money comes- in more buildings are
More Flexible and Lasting
wont shake out or blow out by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one third more for same
Must Have Been a Bachelor
A horrible cynic has invented the
following disgraceful paragraph It
is beautiful to behold at a wedding
the sorrow stricken air of the parent
as he gives the bride away when
Ave know that for the last ten years
he has been trying to get her off his
hands London Tit Bits
Dr O S Wood cures Rupture by
a new process in a few weeks with
out loss of time or inconvenience
Rectal diseases cured without the
knife Send for circular O S Wood
M D 521 N Y Life Bldg Omaha
Value of Discrimination
The most successful store in the
world might have to close its doors
in less than two years if all its em
ployes and officials were replaced
and each one wrongly placed Would
you try to drive nails with a diamond
scarfpin Earl M Pratt
Spices for Royal Kitchen
The finest spices in India specially
prepared are sent to the royal kitch
en of the British court Juices come
from Calcutta while special factories
in Malta and in Ireland prepare pre
served fish and sardines for the royal
To Plarried Men
The married man can get a much
warmer welcome by taking home a
box of chocolates than he can by tak
ing home a box of good cigars and
the chocolates dont cost one tenth as
much Somerville Journal
Research and Historians
Those who search and search and
search are the ones who find the gold
Later on the historian tells us where
the gold was Good writers of his
tory should help make better hunters
of precious metals Oryice Sisson
Fancies of Great Men
A tea made from sage was the fav
orite concoction of John Wesley while
a ginger tea was quite a weakness
with Coleridge the poet
Nearly one half of the soldiers in
the Russian army are unable to read
and write In the German army the
percentage is only 007
Pisos Cure cannot be too nighl y spoken of as
a cough cure J VV OBkiek 322 Third Ave
N Minneapolis Minn Jan G 1000
Some people do an act of meannes
in one direction and try to square
things by generosity somewhere else
Seventy five years ago Yucatan de
clared itself independent
Dr David Kennedys Favorite Itemcdy the
Greit Kidney ami Iivereure World Famous Write Dr
Kenuedyi bons Koudout N Y for Tree fcampla Lottlo
The hypocrite is the only one who
is deceived by his antics
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win This is why Defiance Starch
is taking the place of all others
Virtue is victory
Made by Hand
Wear a Lifetime
Our Catalojr explains how we can sell
our Superior Mueller pianos at from
1500 to 15000 below all competition
Dont Biy Until Posted
Write for full particulars prices terms
and our 1905 special proposition
We Have no Ajrents Address the
Established 1S59
- fcA
17 doctor says It sets gently on the etomnch liter
and kidneys and is a pleuant lxatlTo This drink is
made from herbs ami is prepared for use as easily as
tsa It is called lanetf Ten or
All drapgistsorbyxnailSnct and GO eta Bay it to
day lnncH Family itlrdiclno moTrn tbo
IkmvcIs each day In order to be lieslthy this is
nucesary Address O 1 Woodward Le Itojr NY
Snafon 350 SHOES B
W Ii Dnnglas makes nml Hells mora
Mens S350 sIiuch tlian any other
manufacturer In tho ivorli SI 0000
REWARD to any cna who can disprove this statement
TV X Doujrlns 8350 shoes are tho
jr eatest sellers in the ivorlri because of
their excellent style -nay iltthiir and
superior wearing1 qualities They aro
jut as good as those that cost from
S500 to 700 The only difference Is
tho price XV I Jourfnt S3RO shoes
cost more to make hold their shano
better wear lonjcer anil aro of greater
value than any other t3fiO shoe on tho
market to day XV I Douglas guar
antees their value by stamping his
Iiamo and price ou the bottom of each
shoe Xookforlt Take no substitute
XV Ii Douglas gS3no shoes are sold
through hisoivn retail stores in thoprin
cipal cities and by shoe dealers every
ivhere No matter where you live W I
Douglas shoes are -within your reach
u I have worn U Douglas J3X0 shots for
years and consider them equal to anu f500 shoe
now on the market Thev hare given entire
satisfaction IVm IT Anderson Heal Estate
Agent Kansas Citu Mo
Boys wear W L Douglas 250 nnd 5200
shoes because they fit better hold their
shape and wear longer than other makes
IV L Douglas uses Corona Coltskin in his
S3JX shoes Corona Colt is conceded to 1
ce the finest patent leather produced
Fast Color Eyelets will not wear Brassy
W Ii Douclas has tho larftestshoe mall order
Vusines3 in the world Notroulilo to Ketalit
by mail 23 cents eitra prepays delivery
If you desire further information tcritefor
Illustrated Catalogue if Spring Styles
W L DOUGLAS Broeklon Mass
- i J ftOfevVg
a Just ask the doctor if there isnt
8 danger of disease in your walls
J Dont take our word for it ask him
B Make him tell you
n There is only one perfectly
8 tary and hygienic wall covering
U That is Alabastine made from
n Alabaster rock then colored with
s mineral colorings
Fj Alabastine is cleanly because it
B is made from iure rock Alabaster
B rock and pure water It is not stuck
H on with sour piste nor smelly glue
g When your walls need covering
a you dont need to wash Alabastine
a off Just add another coat for Ala-
bastine is antiseptic as well as
B beautiful The most beautiful decor-
B ations are possible with Alabastine
0 Any decorator or painter can put it on
D You could do it yourself Insist on Ala-
H bastine being delivered In tbe original
3 package It is your only Fafecuard
npalnst suDMltutlon of wormiest
mines Write for beautiful tint card
and free suggestions
g If itnir dealer cant svttly yen send us his
g name and we Tirill see that ion have Alabastine
Grant Ave Grand Iiaplda Mich
raaiai 3evr York Office 103 Water St IB b b
iiTu ira
tmi s
b 5-
ify ofihh pik
The bsjt iratcras Miti vwrtaen oJ
Jty jencu3 eApaierce hci neds
TOWERS 3lcten Gib end Hata
fonouj the world ever Thy arc mafein
bfcck crjrdtrvfcr tI fcrvdj cf wet wort
tr e ery arnert betray tts 5 IGN Of
THE FI5H o eaaartKdto civeiat
iifKticnAH reliable fcaTera sell then
i iMuj wjiiiiim
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