The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 14, 1905, Image 1

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at 8 oclock
Organ and Piano Duot
Hymn No 770 Choir and Congregation
Prayer Rev J E Tirrill
Violin Solo Roswell Cutler
Recitation Medora Santoo
Address Miss C A Gorby
Piano Solo Mrs WBMills
Recitation EQie Abbott
Vocal Solo Mrs G H Thomas
Recitation Miss Gertrude Storor
Piano Duet
Social refreshment
All are cordially invited Come
and enjoy yourself
The Old and the New
The members of the old council met
in regular session Monday evening with
a full board present
Following bills were allowed
Ii W McConnell supplies S 133
J II Stephens board of prisoners 3 55
John Exstedt sprinkler 52 00
A J Marquad repairs 2 40
McCook Republican official ballots 12 00
W C Bullard supplies 7 85
H P Waito tools and nails 2 10
W T Coleman supplies 5 95
Judges and clerks of election 1st ward 15 00
Judges and clerks of election 2nd ward 15 00
M J Campbell use of election room 4 00
McCook Water Works 1st quarter 1905 425 00
McCook Electric Light Co street lights 89 65
Bent city ball 2nd quarter 1903 75 00
Petition of L WMcConnell and others
that the grade on Manchester street be
tween Dodge and Douglass streets be
changed from the established grade to
the normal or natural grade Referred
to committee on streets and alleys
Report of acting police judge was read
and placed on file It shows that dur
ing the year ending with April 10th1905
81600 had been collected in fines and
turned over to the city school fund
Sidewalk resolution which appears in
full elsewhere in this issue was passed
and ordered published
Permission was given W S Bixler to
lay a stone crossing over West Dodge
street at the east intersection with Man
chester street same to be laid without
expense to the city
I D Moore was appointed special
police for the skating rink on corner
Dodge and Manchester to serve with
out compensation from the city
The votes cast at the recent city elec
tion were than canvassed and the result
declared as follows
H P Waite mayor
W A Middleton city clerk
A C Ebert city treasurer
C W Bronson city engineer
Mathew Lawritson councilman 1st
C D Custer councilman 2nd ward
A Campbell member school board
A Barnett member school board
The mayor clerk and both council-men-elect
were present and after being
duly sworn in assumed the duties of
their respective offices
Thefollowing appointments were made
by Mayor Waite and the same were in
each instance confirmed by the council
W A Gold sexton Longview ceme
tery with power to act as special police
Cemetery trustees Mrs E M Easter
day Mrs Augusta Anton and Mrs W
S Perry Messrs Barney Lewis and
Emerson Hanson
Park commissioners W B Mills
Barney Hofer and W S Perry
Thomas Burge chief of police
Marshal pound master
Adam Bower city park sexton
J S LeHew city attorney
The mayor requested the city attorney
to call the attention of the city treasurer
and police judge to- section 21 of ordi
ance No 62 and to request a compliance
C A Ward was elected president of
the council
Following committess were named by
the mayor
Ordinance Ryan and Lawritson
Streets and alleys Ryan and Custer
Cemetery and health Ryan and Ward
Electric light Lawritson and Ward
Largest line of wash fabrics at Thomp
The Alaska refrigerator at Waites
Lawn season begins April 15th
Easter Novelties
It will pay you to examine our dis
play of Easter Novelties The latest
designs for Easter Cards and almost
everything conceivable in Easter sup
plies at prices ranging a penny on up
Fluffy Little Chicks and Ducks
Belgian Hares Hens Rabbits
Roosters Eggs of- All Kinds etc
McConnell Druggist
Edwin E Hunter has gone to Grand
Island this state
C E Eldred was in Lebanon Wed
nesday on a law suit
M O McClure is Bullard a new man
ager Congratulations
Mrs W S Perry spent Friday last
in the states capital city
Mrs LW Stayner is visiting Omaha
and Lincoln friends this week
Mrs L D Gockley of Holbrook is
visiting her daughter Mrs J C Pred
Adolph Lineburgs wife and children
joined him from Omaha close of last
Mrs Peter Carty was up from Leb
anon early days in the week on matters
of business
Mr and Mrs George Wallen of the
Driftwood country are parents of an
eight pound daughter
W M Hiller of the Bee Hive force
has purchased the Clark Boatman cot
tage on Marshall street
J E Kelley was a business pilgrim
Sunday night to Lincoln returning
home on 3 Monday night
Miss Louise Rist of the teacher con
tingent spent the spring holidays with
Miss Coral White at Holbrook
Dr O C Mastin late of Indianola
has joined the ranks of McCooks pro
fessionalmen See his card in this issue
Mrs F M Kimmell has been spend
ing the week in Fairmont visiting her
sister Mrs E E Magee Schell went
down this morning to be absent until
Sunday night
W H Ferguson of Lincoln was in
town Saturday and Sunday on busi
ness of his large and varied interests
here and hereabouts going east on G
Sunday night
Roy Rolfe late with the Beaver City
Tribune returned home first of the
week his services being no longer re
quired on the paper since Mr Merwins
return to the helm
Miss Nellie Ryan who completed a
business course at VauSants business
college April 1st has secured a position
in the real estate and insurance office
Bannan Love Omaha Nebraska
Mrs G R Snyder entertained the
Awl Os Tuesday evening in honor
of Miss Dunlap on whom the affair was
a surprise Miss Dunlap expects to re
turn to her home in Pueblo Colo next
Mr and Mrs Holton Longnecker
of Rollinsville Colo are the proud and
happy parents of a fine boy Our in
formant states that the mother and
child are doing nicely and that the tick-led-to-death
papa is giving some hopeful
indications of recovery
Duane E Smith manager for W C
Bullard departed on Monday night for
Cheney near Spokane Washington
where he becomes book keeper for a
wholesale lumber company at a nice
salary with bright prospects ahead
M O McClure is temporarily in charge
of Mr Bullards yard here
Mrs G E Thompson briefly enter
tained her sister Mrs H YChatterly of
Baltimore Md close of last week Mrs
Chatterly was called to Topeka Kansas
by the illness of her father whom she
had not seen for twenty years and took
the opportunity to come here to visit her
sister whom she had not seen for sixteen
yearr She departed for Baltimore on 2
Monday morning
E J Mitchell this week sold his
residence on Main avenue to Dr O C
Mastin of Indianola who has already
been given a room in the house and has
opened up an office for the practice of
his profession Full possession will be
For Sale Cheap for Cash
A harness and surrey E H Doan
Lawn season begins April 15th
Water Tax 2nd quarter now due
Mitchells Auction Saturday April 29
Good assortment of Windsor ties at
Best Simpsons prints 5c yard at
Thompsons t
The rug and drapery sale April 17th
to 27th Ludwick
The Standard Sugar Co is building
some dwelling houses for its sugar beet
raisers up the Frenchman valley
There is much said about paint W
T Coleman has paint that will please
and satisfy you Try his paint on one
building and be convinced
McCook Commercial Club
The efforts which have been making
for several weeks came to fruitage Tues
day night in the organization of the
McCook Commercial Club which it is
expected will commence active life and
effort with a membership of about one
Some forty business and professional
men assembled in J E Kelleys office
Tuesday evening to hear the report of
the committee on constitution and by
laws and membership The report on
constitution and by laws was read and
adopted The report on membership
showed that about eighty had already
signified their intention to become mem
bers of the club
After the adoption of the articles of
organization an election was at once
hold for the selection of fifteen members
of the executive committee whicbNis to
be the controlling element of the organ
ization The followfng members were
chosen A Barnett G S Scott J E
Kelley F M Kimmell S C Beach
Joseph Menard Barney Hofer L W
McConnellF A PennellG H Thomas
EMBigelow J H Bennett G B Berry
V Franklin H P Sutton The meet
ing then adjourned to allow the execu
tive committee to organize which they
promptly did by selecting A Barnett
for president F M Kimmell for vice-
president S C Beach for secretary and
F A Pennell as treasurer
A sub committee was appointed to re
port on quarters for the club to report
on Thursday evening
The club will hold an adjourned meet
ing on Friday night to consider the re
port of the executive committee on quar
ters equipment etc
Notice to Ice Consumers
Ice for the season of 1905 will be sold
and delivered under the following rules
and rates Season to begin May 1st
and end October 1st No season con
tracts for less than twenty pounds per
20 pounds per day 200 per month
25 pounds per day 2 50 per month
30 pounds per day 300 per month
No extra ice without pay To custo
mers taking ice in less quantity coupons
will be furnished at fifty cents per hun
dred and no delivery made for less than
ten pounds actual weight Ice delivered
in fifty pound quantities or over will be
twenty five cents per hundred less than
fifty pounds fifty cents No deviation
from this rule Ice will be delivered
upon order to any one desiring it before
or after season Coupons will be furn
ished season customers who desire extra
ice at the rate of thirty cents per hun
dred All patrons are expected to have
refrigerators ready to receive ice or same
will be left at your door P Walsh
Temperance Meetings
Mrs Dora V Wheelock state presi
dent of the Womens Christian Temper
ance Union will address the ladies of
McCook Sunday afternoon April 16th
in the Baptist church at 230 And
will speak at a union service in the new
M E church in the evening
All are cordially invited to attend
Mrs H M Finity
Corresponding Secretary
Registered Short Horn Bulls For Sale
Eighteen months old also several
fresh milk cows Write me at Culbertson
or T ORourke
For Sale Trade or Rent
The S R Smith abstract books
Red Willow county Nebraska
J E Barngrover Creston Iowa
For Sale or Rent
A 6 room house new near park Wiil
sell on very reasonable terms
C F Lehn
J E Ludwick is going to show an ex
ceptionally fine lot of rugs and draperies
given by Mr Mitchell on May 1st soon 0n his sale dates Parties wishing any-
after which date he and family expect to
depart for Sedalia Mo to make his
mother and sister a long visit in which
it is hoped the family health will be
much recuperated and improved Later
the Mitchells will visit the exposition at
Portland Oregon returning to McCook
in the fall Dr Mastin and family have
a welcome to our city
thing in this line should look at his dis
The Flohr dwelling in South McCook
was bought by C F Lehn Saturday at
administrators sale
Embroideries for corset covers in ele
gant designs 35c 37J4c 40c and 42c
yard at Thompsons
Do you know what takes place from
April 17th to 27th Look and see
Mens suits 1350 1000 800 650
500 350 at Thompsons
You can have any size dot in the cur
tain Swisses at Thompsons
Silverware in both hollow
wear at W T Colemans
and flat
All kitchen novelties at Colemans
Good Results In Painting
Can only be secured with good
paint We have been selling Sher
win Williams Paints in McCook for
fourteen years and we know they are
honest paints None are better very
few as good They are the best paints
Mfor you McConnell Druggist
Look After the Boys
There was a little affair in police court
close of last week which emphasizes
what this paper has had occassion to
mention several times of late namely
look after your boys There wore six
lads in the affair The offense was that
of following annoying and finally strik
ing a man by the name of Phosion Bryen
and knocking him down with a club
blow on the head Bryen was out in the
company of a young woman The boys
pleaded guilty to the charge and J S
LeHew acting police judge fined them
1 and costs the total being 550 in
each case And the boys may consider
that they got off easy They should see
to it also that they never again get in
to police court It is a poor place to
train lads for useful and honorable man
hood Parents look to your boys And
an eye on some of the girls would not be
Putting On Their War Paint
The members of the McCook high
school base ball club are preparing to
don their war paint for the season of
1905 and this week circulated a sub
scription paper among the businessmen
and others of the city to provide the
sinews of war in which quest they were
very successful The boys have ordered
uniforms and equipment to the extent
of about 12500 and expect to take the
field next Saturday in a contest with
the McCpok city club They have pro
vided a schedule which will give a game
on the local diamond every Saturday
during the base ball season
Longview Cemetery Lot Owners
All owners of lots in Longview ceme
tery who desire to have their lots water
ed and cared for by the sexton are noti
fied to call upon City Treasurer Ebert
at the Citizens Bank and pay the water
tax of 200 per lot and 150 additional
for care of ot The lawn season will
commence cu April 15th
Cemetery Committee
We have just received our first invoice
of Alaska refrigerators They are so
well known in McCook that it is not
necessary for us to say anything in their
praise Call earlj while the assortment
is unbroken and we are sure we can
please you in style quality and price
H P Waite Co
A Card
I shall be away from home for some
time and will leave my practice in charge
of Dr Mastin who is now permanently
located in McCook Dr Mastin has
had a large experience and I know him
to be thoroughly competent and can
confidently recommend him to my pa
trons and others A C Harlan
Dwelling for Sale
My three room dwelling house in West
McCook Four lots all in bearing
fruit Everything fenced House well
finished Barn 16x36 chicken house
16x26 Paul Miller
D Of H Box Social
The D of H will give a box social in
McConnell hall Tuesday evening April
25th All aro cordially invited Every
lady is urged to bring a box
Water Tax 2nd quarter now due
Mitchells Auction Saturday April 29
Lawn kimonas125 at Thompsons
Seven ply fresh garden hose at Cole
mans for 14 cents
Dont forget the rug and drapery sale
at Ludwicks furniture store April 17th
to 27th
Ideal shirt waists are unequalled
for style fit and quality 75c to 100 at
Thompsons only
That Ehvood fence is just the proper
caper for your yard or lawn Coleman
has three styles of it
George A Ogle Co delivered the
new Atlases of Red Willow county to
subscribers this week
Sims Newman of Danbury were on
thb Kansas City market Saturday last
with three cars of hogs
Good lines of silk mousselines in plain
and dots alsatian cords shanting silks
lansdowns nuns veilings batistes etc
at Thompsons
The lot on Main avenue just north of
The Thompson Dry Goods Co store has
been purchased by Paul Anton who ex
pects to build thereon this spring and to
open up therein a meat market
Largest line of
at Thompsons
ladies collars and ties
The Alaska refrigerator at Waites
Water Tax 2nd quarter now due
Are You Interested In Wall Paper
Have our complete stopk of wall
paper in and judging from our al
ready large sales think we can please
you Call and see our line at honest
prices McMillen Druggist
chancellor henry a buchtel
of the
University of Denver
830 p m
General Admission 35 Cents
This is tho first of a series of
popular lectures and entertain
ments each guaranteed as to
worth and value to be given un
der the auspices of tho lecture
committee of the Brotherhood of
St Paul
Dr Neef Explains
Dr Neef of Hildreth Neb send the
following Answer on tho article of Mrs
Crabtree from Haigler Neb
Mrs Crabtree from Haigler caused
so I saw in The McCook Tribune and
Wilcox Herald considerable excitement
about Dr C Neef on the train without
cause so I take it as my duty to explain
how things happened
I take the case of Mrs Crabtrees
daughter for some deformity of tho leg
for 13750 with brace massage roller
and medicine Tho treatment would
last 6 months maybe longer Later I
study the case over and found out that
x wouia db suort ii j nau to go every
week to Haigler because the expenses
weekly were 538so I wrote her a letter
that she has to bring the girl weekly
to McCook if she cannot do so I was
willing to give her the money back I
sent her a telegram from Hildreth that
she could find me in Commercial hotel
Tuesday but no reply This female is
a very nervous lady maybe a little more
and made excitment on the train Tho
man she looks for was absolutely not on
the train but in McCook she knew it
and found him at the place as he wrote
to her She never wrote if she would
come or not so I was not prepared for
tho whole amount I gave her 35 and
for the balance security
I think that is as honest as a man can
Dr Neef of Hildreth Neb
Explanation of Ludwicks Rug- Sale
This is our fifth annual rug and drap
ery sale and we wish to explain in re
gard to these sales In the first place
no town the size of McCook can carry
the year round a complete line of rugs
that is several thousand dollars worth
In tho second place nine tenths of rugs
and draperies are purchased in the latter
part of April or first of May For the
past five years we have made arrange
ments with the mills to furnish us with
all the leading styles and we wish to say
here that we will show you for these ten
days just as good a line as you would
see in Lincoln Omaha or Denver and
we guarantee the prices to be right So
those wanting rugs should not let this
opportunity pass as no such line as we
will show could ever be carried the year
round in McCook
Remember the dates 10 days from
April 17th to April 27th
J E Ludwick
The House Furnisher
At the first regular meeting in April
McCook lodge No 61 A O U W
elected delegates to the grand lodge
meeting of the A O U W co be held
in South Omaha May 9th 1905 C B
Cray J E Kelley C J Ryan Maurice
Griffin F M Berry W A Middleton
and John Hunt being the delegates
The report of the police judges office
for the year ending April 10th shows
that Judge Berry has turned into the
school fund SS1600 in fines or nearly
three times the average amount of past
Try some brome grass this year
season seems to be all right for it
can get the seed at W T Coleman
I will pay the highest market price
Inquire at Diamonds
Western Bell and John Deere listers
never fail Try one
Ladies wrappers 50c 90c 125 150
at Thompsons
Lace curtains at Ludwicks rug and
drapery sale
Best apron check ginghams 5c at
Best table oil cloth 15 cents yard up at
T-V- 7
McCook Market Quotations
lorrecioa rriciny morning
suits 85c 125
400 500 at Thompsons
1 -10
Jn ut
Rye mm V
Hogs 777 I
J BBH 15
Good Butter o
Rooms for rent over tho markot
D C Marsh
For Sale One
cultivator It
Our Paints
The Lincoln absolutely pure aro giv
ing entiro satisfaction and sold on a
guarantee If you want tho best
mixed Paint or Lead and oil var
nishes and stains wo would liko to
figure with you
McMillen Druggist
Thoro was a man in our town
And Iio was woudrous wise
He swore by nil tho fabled Koda
ITo would not advertise
His goods wore advertised ore Ion
And thereby hangs n talo
Tho ad was set in nonpareil
And headed Sheriffs Salo
McConnoIl for drugs
For wall paper see Cono Bros
Water Tax 2nd quarter now due
Do your drug trading at Cono Bros
Everything in drugs McConnell
All sizes hooks and eyes at Thompsons
Mitchells Auction Saturday April 29
Liquid veneer is found at Cone Bros
Bleached and natural blouso linens at
200 275
corn lister and one
Sam Newton
A splendid line of wall paper at very
attractive prices is being shown by Contf
Handsome new skirts at 600 800
just received Large line from 200 to
800 at Thompsons
This is the season for timbole irons
potato scoops ice cream bricks See
them at W T Colemans
Good clean alfalfa seed for sale at 6 a
bushel Powell Nilsson
Marion Neb
Good prints at 4 cents
a yard at McADAIYIS
How is it Thompson sells so cheap
The eager children cried
OhThompsonsellsforcash you know
The teacher quick replied
Tho lawn season opens April 15 And
this reminds us that W T Coleman
has a very largo stock of new fresh gar
den hose to select from And the prices
are right
Eureka chapter No 80 Order of the
Eastern Star initiated three members
into the chapter lass Friday evening
topping off a charming ceremonial with
a superb feast
Cone Bros the druggists are showing
a fine assortment of wall decorations
and their already heavy business in this
line shows indication of a large increase
over last season
The Tribune inadvertently and unin
tentionally robbed ConductorCWBron
son of his office last week in noting the
result of the city election in naming
Conductor F M Washburn as the city
engineer elect
Mitchells AuctionSaturday April 29
All those owning lots in Riverside
cemetery are requested to call or send to
J A Wilcox 2 00 and take out a water
right for the season of 1905 and if sex
tons service is desired 150 extra This
should bo done at once
G A R Committee
In buying a refrigerator the qualities
sought are cleanliness perfect refrigera
tion low cost of operation and appear
ance The Alaska line gives the best
satisfaction in all these respects and
our prices on them are right
II P Waite Co
Peonies rose bushes clematis vines
honey suckles double hollyhock golden
glows bleeding hearts fragrant violets
and many other kinds of hardy plants
and vines which you need plant but
once and you always have them We
also have everything in the way of
flowering plants and shrubs We are
booking cut flower orders for Easter
Mrs L M Best
Dont Buy Wall Paper Without
Seeing- Our Line
When you paper your rooms you
probably do not expect to paper them
again for several years If you get a
paper that does not please you these
years will be years of dissatisfaction
We have papers at all prices a mag
nificent variety and every roll is
worth more than we ask for it
McConnell Druggist