The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 07, 1905, Image 4

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    jftcftufe ffltoft
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Thk Burlington nud Grent Northern
aro nrranging to run good road spec
ials A practical and useful scheme
Colonel Jim Hill is quoted as say
ing that the present standard of wages is
artificial Wo presume ho has reference
to the wages being paid some of the rail
road magnates 100000 a year is rather
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Ep
worth JJeague at 7 Junior League at
3 Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 800 I will preach in South McCook
next Sunday at 3 p m Sunday school
at 2 M B Cabman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7
Sermon at 8 Prayer and conference
meeting Wednesday evening at 8 Rev
T O Douglass of Franklin will preach
Sunday April 9th
George A Conrad Pastor
Christian The members of the
church have given their pastor a vacation
in order that he may engage in evange
listic work Until his return there will
be Bible school at 10 a m social service
at 11 a m No service in the evening
G T Burt Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Remember the rug sale you have been
waiting for April 17th to 27th at Lud
wicks furniture store
The members of the P E O are tak
ing the preliminary steps to give a mus
icale in the not distant future
The young people of the city enjoyed
an extra dance in the opera house
Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Kate
Sawyer who has been up from Univer
sity Place past week or two on a visit
Western Bell and John Deere listers
never fail Try one
Lawn season begins April loth
The Better
The tissues of the throat are
inflamed and irritated you
cough and there is more irrita
tionmore coughing You take
a cough mixture and it eases the
irritation for a while You take
and it cures the cold Thats
what is necessary It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation cures the cold because
it drives out the inflammation
builds up the weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back
to their natural strength Thats
how Scotts Emulsidn deals with
a sore throat a cough a cold
or bronchitis
and Finishing
n mum J
409 Tenrl Street
Xcw York
Alabastine Work
All Work Guaranteed
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
mgnesi marsei rnce ram in tasn 1
Block West of Citizens Bank 8
McCook - Nebraska I
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nob April 4 1005
Tho board of county commissioners mot pur
suant to adjournment Present D A Water
man Samuel Promer and J H Bennett county
commissioners C E Eldred county attorney
and E J Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
On motion tho following appointments were
mado to fill vacancies
Stephen Fitzgibbons road overseer district
No 103
C M Broomflold road overseer district Noll
C R Nowberry road overseer district No 27
Tho following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved
CM Broomflold overseer road district No 11
C R Nowberry overseer road district No 27
On motion tho bid of R B Campbell for fur
nishing medicines and medical services to tho
paupers of the First physicians district of Red
Willow county for tho year beginning March
15 190 was accepted as tho lowest and best
and contract awarded to R B Campbell
Tho following claims were audited and allow
od and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on tho county general fund lovy of 1904
in payment thereof as follows
L W McConnoll stationery and supplios 8 97
Lincoln Land Co water 2nd quarter and
first half lawn tax 20 00
McCook Electric Co lights for March 1 -10
R M Osborn attendance district court G 00
A C Crabtree attendance district court
and mileago 12 0
J C Sedden juror February term
trictcourt 19 70
R M Osborn drayagoon coal 8 SO
Andrew Phillips salary as janitor March 25 00
Smith Cochrane mdse for paupers 4 65
N J Uerling same 35 25
A Guy Eamo 12 50
A Guy samo 8 00
GL DoGroff samo 27 50
J A Wilcox samo - 13 02
EG CaineCo coal for paupers 12 80
Barnott Lumber Co sairie SO
Fade Son funeral for pauper 17 50
R B Campbell prof services for paupers 86 25
J M Brown same 18 00
C E Eldred salary first quarter 200 00
FPEnosamo 150 00
Flora B Quick same and oilico expense 2S4 41
E J Wilcox same and office expense 120 25
R W Devoo office expense 2 70
Ban G Gossard same 42 22
Ben G Gossard freight on coal 164 S9
Ben G Gossard cash transporting pau
pers 30 46
C F Babcock viewing road No 3S6 5 50
TJ G Etherton viewing road No 3S7 6 00
M O Voorheos appraising road No 3S4 3 00
RLLear blacksmithing 5 00
JHBeunetttreps for courthouse grounds 70
M W Plouard Son blacksmithing 4 65
And ou tho county bridge fund levy of 190ias
E G Caine Co lumber 56 35
Same 62 30
W T Coleman wire nails etc 4 55
George W Dillon bridge work 3 00
C B Korn same 6 25
Frank Hill samo 12 00
Frank Howe same 10 25
C F Waterman samo 3 00
W P Elmer same 15 00
Arch Mann samo 7 00
WFOwens same 4 00
F L Waterman same 2 00
John Kelley same 3 75
I R Plessinger same 4 00
Jackson Teeters same 12 00
James K McDowell same 4 00
Frank Premer same 2 00
Clarence Bush same 2 25
Sampson Bush same 1 00
G F Burt samo 8 00
G WCrairfer same 10 00
And on tho road fund levy of 1904 as follows
James Doyle road work 24 00
John W Randal samo 7 50
On motion board adjourned to meet April
5th 1905 D A Wateemax Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nob April 5 1905
The board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment Present D A Waterman
Samuel Premer and J H Bennett- county com
missioners C E Eldred county attorney and
E J Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of tho previous meeting were
read and approved
Moved by Bennett and seconded by Premer
that clerk be instructed to advertise for sealed
bids for the furnishing of material and construc
tion of a wooden bridge across tho Republican
river on section line between sections twenty
eight 2S and twenty nine 29 township three
3 range thirty 30 west Sixth P M The roll
call resulted as follows Ayes Waterman Pre
mer and Bennett Nays None Carried
On motion road No 3S4 petitioned for byFG
Stilgebouer and others was laid over until next
meeting for investigation
On motion it was ordered that the county
treasurer proceed to pay off the bonds of tho
City of McCook out of the sinking fund now in
his hands belonging to such city so far as the
samo may be sufficient after payment of ac
crued interest
Petition of H W Keyes et al to have pro
pared by tho clerk of the district court a set of
numerical dockets at the rate of eight cents per
entry to be paid by the county was presented
and on motion samo was granted
Tho following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on tho county general fund lovy
of 1904 in payment thereof as follows
W C Bullard coal for paupers 11 SO
J Williams repairing transit 1 88
D A Waterman services as commission
er and mileage 30 30
Samuel Premer surae 39 90
J H Bennett same 35 10
And on tho bridge f undlevy of 1904 as follows
W C Bullard lumber 3 21
On motion board adjourned to meet May 2
1905 D A Waterman Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
Why Not Try It
Just one piece of Argentine wear and
you will be convinced that it has no
equal For sale by W T Coleman
A McMillen prescription druggist
Seven ply fresh garden hose at Cole
mans for li cents
Lace curtains and draperies at Lud
wicks rug and drapery sale April 17th
to 27th
J A Wilcox Sons new covered de
livery wagon is one of the finest ever
brought to the city
Note the new advertisement of J E
Clark Co painters paper hangers
and decorators in this issue
The farmers of the western part of the
county will fully appreciate the action
of the county commissioners in their
session thisweek in deciding to build
a bridge over the Republican river south
of Perry station For years this bridge
has been prayed for This summer will
see its completion
is the
The manufacturers of Royal
Baking Powder have had 40
years of scientific experience
Every method of bread-and-cake
raising has been exhaus
tively studied in this country and
The result is a perfect prod
uct in Royal Baking Powder
There is no substitute for it
The purity and efficiency of
Royal Baking Powder have
been commended by the highest
authorities of the world
These facts mean two impor
tant things to all housekeepers
First that Royal Baking
Powder is healthful and
makes wholesome food
Second that Royal Baking-
Powder makes food
good to taste
W C 1
Coal Wood
Building Material
of all Kinds
Screen Boors and
Phone Number One
Poultry C
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
For the nest 7 days
we will pay cash
For Hens
Turkey Hens
Tc lb
Tc lb
lie lb
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
andjdelivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vigor
A SDeciflc for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Slugtjisb Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rockv Mountain Tea in tab
let form 5 cents a bor Genuine made by
Hollister Dnuo CoisPAhT Madison Wis
A Great Teacher Gathering
Concluded from Pago One
Supt Frank J Mundny Cambridge
Chorus a
rho Shower
b Cradle Song City Teachers
Tho County Teachers Association
Supt C Estolla Goodwin
Bcnkelman Supt Clara L Dobson Stockvillo
Piano solo Valeo Chromatiquo
Mrs W N Thayer
Now School Legislation
Miss Sarah Williams Trenton
The Use of Pictures in Teaching
Miss Flora B Quick Indinnola
Ladies quartette Calling the Cows
Poems for Our Little Peoplo
Misses Eflie Abbott
Winnio A Daigh Milliceut Slaby McCook
Chorus The Kings Champion City Teachers
Completion of tho Common School Branches
Before Entering tho High School
Supt C W McMichaoI Arapahoe
The following resolutions were adopted
by the association
Resolved That wo tho teachers of
the Southwest Nebraska Teachers As
sociation assembled at McCook Neb
hereby extend our thanks to the teach
ers of the McCook city schools for the
excellent music and entertainment furn
ised and to tho general public for the
hospitality and good will shown And
bo it futhormoro
Resolved That wo extend special
thanks to Supt Thomas for bis tireless
effort to which in a largo part the suc
cess of our meeting is due Be it also
Resolved That we extend our thanks
to tho members of the M E church for
the use of their beautiful new building
F G Downing
F A Carmony
F J Munday
Montaville Flowers personality is an
asset of no mean proportions
Business houses of the city were clos
ed at 830 Saturday evening to permit
employers and employes to hear Flowers
The failure of the new Methodist
church to accommodate the crowds at
the evening entertainments but empha
sizes our need of an auditorum
State Supt McBrien could not be
present but telegraphed his greetings
Deputy E C Bishop addressed tho as
sociation Friday afternoon on the im
portant topic salaries
President W H Clemens of the Fre
mont normal Irvinsr S Cutler of Ginn
Co Lincoln Col C L McLauchlin
of D C Heath Lincoln and J F Win
ters of the American Book Co Lincoln
were among the association visitors
The musical talent of tho city and
teacher corps never appeared to better
advantage than it did in all the associa
tions regular sessions and the special
ontertainment features The visiting
teachers and friends were as much sur
prised as delighted and every McCookite
feels an emotion of quite conscious pride
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursdiiy evening
P Hickey to L Jennings wd to lot 2
block 7 Central add Hartley
L L Co to E B Stilgebouer wd to
lot 20 block 6 Danbury
C Naden to JE Dolph q c d to lot 19
blk2 Danbury
H H Payne to L Jennings wd to lot
4 blkS Springdale
H F Ayer to Alice E Deere qcd to
pt 25-3-30
J E Dolph to E Eno wd to lot 19
blk 2 Danbury
Sophia Burgess to J W Clark wd to
lots 3 and 4 1-1-30
JaN Clarke to Dec Co Abstract Co
rec deed to se qr 31-1-29
N Boyco to J H Jones wd to ne qr
nw qr w hf ne qr v hf so qr e hf sw
qr lots 3 and 4 blk IS w hf ne qr se
qr ne qr e hf uw qr lots 1 2
A N Wiley to Jennie M Church qcd
toswqr 30-2-27
Jennie M Church to J W Dolan wd
to sw qr 30-2-27 sw qr 18-2-23
J Johnson to M Colling swd se qr
iw qr ne qr sw qr lots 5 G G-2-27
G F Lamb to V H Solliday wd to
pt nw qr nw qr pt lot 1 33-2-29
25 00
125 00
1 00
900 00
1 00
125 00
300 00
600 00
15 00
700 00
1000 00
3500 00
J Knotts to P Ginther gwd to se qr
1600 00
W Sullivan to C E Thomas wd to e
hfnwqrwhf neqr 26-1-27 3000 00
C E Thomas to W Sullivan wd to
shf swqrshf nwqr 33-1-26 2000 00
M B Dutcher to W M Pennington
wd to lot 3 blk 49 Bartley
W H Harp to Elda E True wd to pt
lots 1 and 2 blk 1 West McCook
S E Hoaglaild to S O Hoaglandqcd
to nw qr nw qr n hf sw qr 7 n hf so
qr 17 e hf ne qr ne qr se qr 18-4-28
250 00
750 00
1000 00
Captain I II Wasson is reported
quite ill
Mrs J I Lee drove down to Mrs
Kilgores last Tuesday
A surprise was given Edward Rame
low last Sunday evening by neighbors
and friends
James I Lee has gone to Sterling
Colo to viait his parents and brother
Joe and wife
Pearl Vandervort is visiting her aunt
Mrs J I Lee this week during Mr
Lees absence
Mrs Joseph Dudek was quite ill lat
ter part of last week but is much im
proved at this writing
Miss Margaret Evans had a large shed
torn down and will build a chicken
house and other outbuildings with the
Peter Voges new dwelling houso is
about ready for occupancy It is one of
the best farm homes in that neighbor
A D Warfield will thresh cane seed
for Joseph Crocker and Will Broomfield
latter part of this week While moving
his outfit Thursday he mired down in
a canyon and had all colors of trouble
getting ouk
All kitchen novelties at Colemans
------- ir
a i e a I will hold my first monthly comDinnuon aueuuu
Oilico 17
I hones
Rsmenre pa
List articles desired sold at once
furniture until sale day free
I will store
charges for selling
E J MITCHELL Auctioneer
Black Cat Hose Kabo Corsets I
ft- in 4ft K Kelh
T Exclusive wmW I
I tJBmi Agents I yl I
1 WMHBSftW Pnr Jmw 1
Kenosha Wis
Vi r
11 f 1 u 1 o i I I
u a i e JU JJLiJLi 11 1 JLKJ
3 OfinPl fll MprrhanrlicP
1 - WIU11V1VJW
I Phone 16 flcCOOK NEB I
Ml 1M
H TTtV ffTT1HT tvy
I Rest Ketf I
ikV 1
1 v tm
t pidtt KMWfA mcc I
mmw i i
I io mirr to I
- V wszMbL I
r K11V KW Rmr I
I TTnfn vBESMk Tvwoo
i u LU - mmmm i
aate mmssms skirts i
i mitt i
I IrCSS and I
I Goods S Petticoats 1
In this lino we
carry an up-to-date
stock and are pre
pared to quote bed
rock prices
A large and fresh
stock of selected
garden seeds in
packages or in bulk
Farm seeds in sea
son at right prices
It will pav you to
bin our SEEDS
steel mills the ECLIPSE wood
mill and the WAUPUN vaneless
each one the best in its class
PUMPS towers tanks casing
pipe couplings cylinders and
all well supplies
We have the ROUND
and other steel ranges
They are the best but
we also have the cheap
If you intend to put
in a modern heating
plant this summer let
us give you estimates
We continue to carrv
the reliable MITCHELL
and MIL BURN wagons
They are unexcelled
A largo stock of
barb wirehog wire
nails staplescorru
gated iron bar iron
wagon wood bolts
We can meet your
wants in discs har
rows drills plows
cultivators and
small tools Do not
buy until you have
seeu our stock
The always reliable MCCOR
MICK Headers Binders Header
Binders and Corn Binders
Everybody knows them MOWERS-the
Mccormick the best
of them all The McCORMICK
and OSBORNE Rakes nose
better Place your orders early
The Pioneer Hardware Store
sign Your Live Stock To
RnamQfHj on
j iiuuiiiuuil VH UUi
We also have our own houses at
Read our market letter In this paper Wrlta us for tnyipiclal Information desired
V 4