CM McCook Tribune tSSOGMMMb F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA D News in Brief Five stores and a hotel -were de stroyed by fire at Tishamingo I T The senior officer on the retired list of the French army has just cele brated his 100th birthday Chicago women are told that if they would be fashionable they must culti vate the hour glass figure A young man was arrested inNew York while tryingto cash a check for 52800000 and is held for examina tion Baron Von Hammerstein Prussian minister of the interior is dead He had been ill with asthma- complicated with heart weakness Former President Grovcr Cleveland left Princeton N J for a three weeks trip to Florida to recuperate from an attack of gout The last relative of Mozart has just died the Baroness Berchtold zu Son nenburg who was a granddaughter of the composers sister Hostile armies have ceased fighting for the time being and are engaged in a test of speed and endurance with probably the goal of the race Horace G Burt former president of the Union Pacific has been offered the 100000 a year task of directing the work on the Panama canal Eastern railroads are charged with bad faith in the matter of making special rates for the coming conven tion of the National Educational Asso ciation A portrait in oil of the late James G Blaine painted by Thorpe is now in the committee room of Representa tive McCleary at the capital Wash ington An Italian cruiser arrived at San Domingo with orders to seize the custom house unless the treaty with America is found to protect Italian claims The presidential boom of Vice President Fairbanks according to re port is to be launched at the coning banquet of the Tar Heel Club at Caro lina City Va Congressman Hulls views regarding Japans possible future attitude to ward the Philippines meet with in dorsement from prominent men in the national capital President MacLean of Iowa univer sity announces successful candidates in the recent examination for the Cecil Rhodes scholarship Shortridge Hardesty of Drake passes State Senator Eaton of Wisconsin admits receiving 100 for defeating the barbers commission bill but says he spent the money in entertaining members of the legislature S N Parent premier of the prov ince of Quebec has resigned Lomer Guin son-in-law of the late Count Honcre Mercier will in all probability be asked to form a cabinet Castro in the hope of allaying hos tility of European powers proposes a consolidation of the Venezuelan ex terior debt and a new loan of 26 000000 France threatens to use force Andrew Carnegie has been appoint ed a member of the committee to visit the Harvard chemical laboratory by the overseers of Harvard college to succeed the late William H Baldwin August Belmont retires from the di rectory of the National Bank of North America at New York it is supposed for the same reasons that led to the recent resignation of President Ed wards The national commission of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition met in Washington and elected former Sen ator John M Thurston as president Some complaints in regard to con tracts were considered At tlte coroners inquest held at La Platte Sarpy count the jury brought in a verdict that Fcank Lauger was killed by a Missouri Pacific train but attached no blame to either the road or anr of its employes Ground has been broken for an ad dition to President Roosevelts Saga more Hill home The addition will be 42 by 38 feet at the base and will make a great improvement in the ap pearance of the house J E Daly an Oakland Cali livery man who was acting as messenger for the Central Bank of Oakland was held up and robbed of 10000 while on his way to the Standard Oil refin ery at Point Richmond Among winners by the recent up ward movement in Wall strest Wil liam Rockefeller is said to take the lead His profits in the past few months are put at 15000000 chiefly made in the rise in Union Pacific It has been said repeatedly that I had asserted that Andrew Carnegie was my father I deny that and I deny it absolutely The statement was made by Mrs Cassie L Chad wick in the first authorized interview since her trial Lieutenant Charles E Hay son of former Mayor Charles E Hay of Springfield 111 and nephew of Sec retary of State Hay who has just been appointed judge advocate of the department of Texas is to be appoint ed a captain of cavalry Frank Bacon at one time nominee for president on the prohibition ticket Is dead at Los Angeles He was a for mer resident of Muscatine la News reaches the state department that France has notified Venezuelan government not to Interfere further with the franchise of cable company V X NOE WAR BEGAN RUSSIANS HAVE LOST HALF MIL LION MEN THUS FAR FACTS FROM THE WAR OFFICE Bureau Officials Stung by Criticism Isue a Statement of Operations General Linevitch Continues His Retirement to the North ST PETERSBURG Stung by the wholesale criticism lately heaped up on the war office for its unprepared ness and incapacity in providing the Manchurian army withmen guns and munitions the army organ lays bare what has been done since the open ing of hostilities giving the exact fig ures From these it appears that up to March 12 the Avar office had dis patched 1308 officers 761467 men 146408 horses 1521 guns and 310321 tons of munitions and supplies to the front declaring the transportation strained the Siberian railroad to its utmost capacity The army organ admjts that the army in the far east when the war opened was hardly worth the name no figures being given but it is known that the troops did not exceed 60000 men defending this on the ground that Emperor Nicholas desired to avoid war and therefore refrained from sending reinforcements which surely with have provoked it The criticism of the war offices failure to adequately supply Port Ar thur is met by the statement that it was provisioned for a garrison of twelve battalion the decision to put thirty battalions there being taken so late that the original calculations could not be remedied While affirming that the quick-firing guns and field guns of the Rus sians are superior to those of the Jap anese the war office explains that the misfortune in the insufficiency of the mountain guns was due to the fact that when the war broke out Russia was just adopting a new pattern It is denied that the war office was deceived in regard to the available strength of the Japanese army or the organization of the Japanese reserves but the army organ frankly admits that the talents of the officers and the wonderful spirit of the soldiers were miscalculated The publication of this article has created a sensation among military men and in public circles many of the former are censuring the general staff for disclosing valuable military se crets and the latter finding from the figures a practical admission that the warhas cost almost 500000 men in killed wounded prisoners and sick as the whole effective force in the far east is now believed not to exceed 300000 men General Linevitch continues the re tirement of the bulk of his army northward The general staff now declares it is certain that Field Marshal Oyama has been compelled to relinquish the idea of a pursuit in force for the pres ent The Japanese forces on the Rus sian flanks are too light to constitute a serious danger and a lull in heavy fighting for several weeks if not months is predicted by some of the correspondents RATIFY WARNERS ELECTION Non Partisan Demonstration for New Senator KANSAS CITY Convention hall was packed by an audience which met to ratify the election of Major William Warner of this city to the United States senate The audience was composed of not only Kansas Cityans but of admirers of the new senator from all parts of Missouri Kansas Oklahoma and the Indian territory The meeting was non-partisan democrats being as enthusiastic as republicans in paying tribute to Major Warner Other speakers were Thomas J Ak ins member of the republican na tional committee from Missouri D P Dyer of St Louis United States dis trict attorney for eastern Missouri and Charles Nagle of St Louis Senator Warner said in part The burning issue of the day is that of setting proper metes and bounds to corporate power and the suppression of the unlawful encroach ment upon the rights of the people of organized capital These issues must be met and solved in a spirit of fair play and with the high resolve to give every interest a square deal The just and equitable solution of these prob lems will tax the experience and wis dom of legislative and executive de partments of the government If in their solution error is made the error should be on the side of the people Time Extended to Syrians WASHINGTON Minister - Powell has cabled the state department from Port Au Prince that the Haytien gov ernment by decree has extended from April 1 to May 15 the time allowed for Syrians holding forged naturaliza tion American citizenship papers to withdraw from Hayti Get Seventy five Lashes v WINNIPEG Man Sandercock and McDonald highwaymen were sen tenced by Judge Richards to fifteen and ten years respectively with seventy five lashes for robbery with violence from Winnipeg merchants and received the first installment of twenty five lashes McDonald made a great uproar and from the first stroke of the dreaded scream ed horribly and had to be carried to his cell Sandercock groaned in a manner that made his punishment seem severe WILL TRY IT AGAIN Another Beef Trust Report in Store For Congress WASHINGTON Another report dealing with the operations of the beef trust is to be made to congress It has been announced at the depart ment of commerce and labor that agents are at work ascertaining data concerning the operations of cattle growers on the range and the sale of beef and food products at retail There are other features relating to any thing that may have looked criminal to the investigators whicli has bean turned over to the department of jus tice and which are to be included in the second report Just what the secret service men discovered in this line has been care fully concealed for grand jury pro ceedings in various parts of the coun try Had it appeared in the original report made by Commissioner Gar field the report would not have so who expected a- scath ing denunciation of the combine Some of these features of the re port deal with private car transporta tion refrigeration and such things Just how carefully this information is guarded will be recognized when it is known that fifteen secret service men have been sent to Chicago to guard witnesses there who are to testify before the grand jury MUST PAY JOHN G CARLISLE Former Secretary Wins Suit for At torneys Fees NEW YORK The decree of a lower court awarding John G Carlisle for mer secretary of the treasury 125 339 for professional services in con nection with a contest against the constitutionality of the laws under which duties were levied on goods imported from Porto Rico has been affirmed by the appellate division of the supreme court Mr Carlisle was engaged by Reon Barnes who had been retained as counsel by various merchants to as sist him in the contest As a result of the litigation the importers re covered nearly 500000 from the gov ernment According to Mr Carlisle some thing over 89000 of this amount was paid to Barnes but the latter refused to make a settlement with him deny ing that he ever had engaged Mr Carlisles services Mr Carlisle then brought suit to recover his fee and was awarded 200349 CHANGE IN CANAL COMMISSION President and Secretary Taft Work ing on Rearrangement WASHINGTON The president and Secretary Taft are making every ef fort to complete the rearrangement of the isthmian canal commission previous to he departure of the presi dent on his southwestern trip It is possible that this cannot be accom plished as it is necessary for a num ber of communications to pass be tween parties who must be consulted before the new plan is completed It has been decided that it will be necessary under the law for the presi dent to appoint a commission consist ing of seven members He holds that such a number would make the com mission unwieldy but as congress failed to provide for a smaller com mission it is held by the attorney general that the commission of seven members is mandatory in the presi dent RUSSIANS HALT TO REST Stop Likely to Be a Short One as Japanese Are Advancing GUNSHU PASS The Russian re treat has now reached the village of Sipinghai seventy four miles north of Tie Pass where it has temporarily halted The army has been without rest for months and it is natural that fatigue should be evident The Jap anese are said to be advancing on Sipinghai positions along the railway and on both flanks A brisk action occurred on the even ing of March 18 at Kaiyuan the Rus sian rear guard beating off two heavy attacks which lasted until midnight After blowing up railway bridges north of Kaiyuan at five places the Russian retirement was continued on March 19 20 and 21 with only light rifle firing The Mukden branch of the Russo Chinesebank removed all its money except 150000 MCORMICK TOLD TO HURRY United States Anxious to Have Him at Paris Soon ST PETERSBURG Mr McCor mick the retiring ambassador to Rus sia has received urgent instructions from Washington to proceed to Paris at the earliest possible moment Whether the desire of the state de partment to have Mr McCormick as sume his duties in Paris at once is due to the prospect of an opening of peace negotiations there or to the Venezuelan complications or tc the wish of Ambassador Porter to depart sooner than expected is not known here Appeal For Outside Aid BROCKTON Mass The first or ganized movement for the relief of the families of the persons believed to have perished in the explosion and fire at R B Grover Cos factory last Monday has been begun As a result of the disaster thirty seven wives were made widows forty eight children were made fatherless and six children became orphans Mayor Keith presided at a meeting at which a request was made that every wage earner in the city give over one days wage to the relief fund LEAVE OrJARBIN WOMEN AND CHILDREN GETTING OUT OF TOWN- BUSINESS HOUSES ALL CLOSING Preparations Apparently Making for an Extended Siege Probable in vestment of Vladivostok by General Kuroki GUNSHU PASS Manchuria The women and children are reported to be leaving Harbin and the business houses are closing The stationary hospitals are being moved back and the entire railroad east and south of Tsitsibar is being prepared for the next stage of the war The conviction exists that General Kuroki is now directing his move ment toward the northeast for the in vestment of Vladivostok changing his base for that purpose to Gesan While the Manchurian railway is em ployed to supply the main army in its advance on Harbin the Japanese rfeem still partial to the plan of keep ing close to their sea bases and in stead of following the Russians some of the military experts are of the opinion that the Japanese may relieve the pressure upon General Linevitch and thtu induce him to concenirate in the region between Santoupu and Tie Pass for another battle But throughout the campaign all the prog nostications of experts regarding the plans of the Japanese failed the as pirations of the Japanese consistent ly fattening up on the victories ac hieved The rank and file of the Russian army show peculiar adaptability to conform with the new conditions and accommodate themselves to the wishes and intentions of the commander-in-chief and the government The Russian retreat has now reach ed the village of Sipinghai seventy four miles north of Tie Pass where it has temporarily halted The army has been without rest for months and it is natural that fatigue should be evident The Japanese are said to be advancing on Sipinghai positions along the railway and on both flanks A brisk action occurred on the even ing of March 18 at Kaiyuan the Rus sian rear guard beating off two heavy attacks which lasted until midnight After blowing up railway bridges north of Koiyuan at five places the Russian retirement was continued on March 19 20 and 21 with only light rifiei firing The Mukden branch of the Russo Chinese bank removed all its money except 150000 The news from the front continues to indicate preparations for a with drawal of the main portion of the Russian army beyond Harbin so as to place it out of danger of having its communications with Russia severed if it is found impracticable to at tempt to hold the line at the Sungari river Tsitsiher 300 miles west of Harbin is mentioned by several cor respondents in a fashion to suggest that it will be the new point of con centration although others speak of the Amur river TO ATTACK VLADIVOSTOK Japan Preparing to Take Russian Naval Base PORTLAND Ore According to ad vices brought by the Portland Asiatic liner Arabic from Yokohama which arrived here it is believed in Yokohama that Japan will soon at tempt to capture Vladivostok There are at present about forty blockade runners in Japanese ports of different nationalities which have been cap tured attempting to enter Russian ports The crews of the captured ves sels are treated well by the Japanese and as rapidly as possible sent to their various home ports According to blockade runners cap tured on the return trip from Vladivos tok the harbor there is filled with vessels loaded with provisions and coal Provisions are said to be cheap meat being sold for 20 kopeks 10 cents per pound The same impres sion exists in Vladivostok as in Yoko hama that the Japanese intend to at tack the place in the immediate fu ture FIFTY FARMERS SHOT DOWN Nine Are Killed and Eleven of the Wounded Are Dying KUTNO Russian Poland Ten peasants were killed and fifty were wounded at Lamenta March 21 as the result of the shooting of infantry sent to quell disturbances A crowd of peasants from Benig nowa proceeded to Lamenta to induce the farm laborers to strike and riot ing occurred The chief of police with a company of soldiers went to the scene and the troops fired two volleys at the peas ants killing iwo on the spot and wounding fifty The latter were brought in carts to the hospital here where seven men and one woman sub sequently died Eleven others are dying JAPAN FLOATS NEW LOAN Gets Better Terms Than Before New York Takes Half NEW YORK Negotiations for a Japanese government loan for 150 000000 have been successfully con cluded in London Kuhn Loeb Co of this city who will share in the loan made the announcement today The loan will bear interest at 4 per cent and will be secured by a first mortgage on the tobacco monopoly One half of the entire loan will be taken in this country BEEF TRUST JURY It Is Now Ready to Commence Busi ness CHICAGO The special grand jury to investigate the so called beef trust was completed Wednesday Three vacancies left in the panel Tuesday were filled and the huge mass of testimony available was im mediately attacked A J Hoffman of Mendota 111 was designated by the court as foreman of the jury District Judge J Otis Humphrey charged the jury to present no one from envy hatred or malice nor to leave any one unpresented for fear favor affection reward or- hope of re ward The charge was delivered in a most impressive manner and was listened to with deep interest In charging the grand jury Judge Humphrey said This body stands between the up right and honest citizen and the ma licious accuser You are savers of reputations as well as the body through which the honest accuser ob tains just inquiry I call your attention particularly to the statute which prohibits and fixes a penalty for combinations in re straint of trade in the interstate com merce laws and their various branches While you are not selected to try the guilt or innocence of the accused in order to justify a true bill you will have such evidence as if unexplained and uncontradicted would satisfy your minds of the guilt of the accused You are not to disclose to any per son or at any time the secrets of your leliberations Reputation is the great est earthly inheritance The mere fact that some persons name is before you as being accused of crime would blacken reputation even though you might not return a true bill No human being has a right to know and you are not to disclose to any human being the secrets of your deliberations All that shal come to light shall come through the return of indictments if indictments shall be found Among the important witnesses who will appear before the beef trust grand jury are Miss M A Dinock pri vate secretary to J Ogden Armour C O Young general superintendent of Swift Co and George F Mor gan assistant to Young Two witnesses were examined dur ing the afternoon session The first one testified for almost two hours when he was excused and returned to his home in Philadelphia on a night train The second witness finished his testimony at 5 oclock when the ses sion was adjourned until tomorrow morning WILL HEAR GOV CUMMINS Iowa Dissatisfied With Shiloh Monu ment Inscriotions WASHINGTON Secretary Taft has arranged to give a hearing April G to Governor Cummins of Iowa in sup port of the desire of the officials of that state to have the inscriptions on the Iowa monuments in the Shiloh Battlefield park amended so that they shall show the time that the various Iowa regiments appeared on the scene of battle Secretary Taft after an exhaustive investigation of this proposition which had been under consideration by the department for many months recently decided against changing the inscriptions adopted by the proposal of the Iowa authorities to Shiloh Park commis sion Governor Cummins was not ratis fied with that decision and appealed to the president The latter referred the matter to Secretary Taft and he has decided to grant Governor Cum mins a personal hearing SENDS MAN TO INVESTIGATE President Roosevelt to Find Out About Santo Domingo WASHINGTON Arrangements for the investigation of the affirs of Santo Domineo were completed Fri day after a conference bPtween Prosi dent Roosevelt Secretary Taft and Prof J H Hollander I was decided that Prof Hollander who is to make the inquiry will sail from New York on April 1 in a mail steamer for San Juan P R From there he will go to Santo Domingo on the Chattanooga which will be at his disposal to con vey him from place to place while he is pursuing the investigation He will return to the United States in May and if his investigation is not com pleted by that time he will return to the island New Assistant for Morton WASHINGTON President Roose velt has tendered the office of assi t ant secretary of the navv to Truman H Newberry of Detroit Michigan and tho proffer has been accepted Anti Foreign Outbreaks LONDON A correspondent at Hong Kong reports anti foreign out breaks in the provinces of Kaipin and Szechuan adding that the rebels have defeated the Chinese troops Chamberlain vs Balfour LONDON Open war has been de clared between Joseph Chamberlain and Mr Balfour over the fiscal ques tion Despite the attitude of Mr Bal four and the government in refusing to sanction an effort to compel Lord Hugh Cecil to resign the parliament ary seat for Greenwich Mr Chamber lain has written a letter claiming that he has a majority of the unionists with him and approving of the selec tion of a protectionist candidate to contest Lord Hugh Cecils seat at the next eeneral election Snljtcra Home Jlnlliler Corn So named because 50 acres produced so heavily that its proceeds built a lovely home Sec Salzcrs catalog lidded in Ind 157 bu Ohio 160 buTcnn 108 bu and in Mich 220 bu per acre You caa beat Una record in 1905 mm WHAT DO YOU THINK OF TltnSB YIELDS 120 lm Rpardlpsa Barlcv ner acre 310 bu Sabers New National Oats per A B0 bu Saizer Spcltz and Macaroni Wheat 1000 bu Pedigree Potatoes per acre 14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grass Hay 00000 lbs Victoria Rape for Hheep per A NiOOOO lbs Tcosinte the fodder wonder 54000 lbs Salters Superior Fodder Corn rich juicy fodder per A Now such yields you can have in 1005 if you will plant my eeeds JUST SKND THIS NOTICE AND lOO in stamps to John A Salzcr Seed Co wis and receive their great cata log and lots of farm seed samples WNUj Trolley cars as well as hats may be blocked while you wait A GUVKAXTEKD CUKE FOK IlIVES Itclriiultlfnil IllecillDK or rrutriirilnirJlhx Your drucst will refund money If TAO OIXTJIEXT alls to cure jod tn 6 to 14 days 50c If people didnt have hobbies ths world would soon cease to revolve You never hear anyone complain about Defiance Starch There is none to equal it in quality and quantity 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now and savs your money If a man is overbold he seldom gets bowled over ITS MERIT IS PC0VED RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE A Prominent Cincinnati Woman Tells How Lydia E Pinkhamb Vegetable Compound Completely Cured Her The great good Lydia E Pinkhama Vegetable Compound is doing among the women of America it attracting the attention of many of our leading scientists and thinking people gener ally f MrsJara Mson The following letter is only one of many thousands which are on file in the Pinkham ollice and go to prove beyond question that Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound must be a remedy of great merit otherwise it could not produce such marvelous re sults among sick and ailing women Dear Mr Pmkham About nine month no I was a great suf ferer with womb troube whieh caused mo severe pain eft rune nervousness and fre quent headaches from which the doctor failed to relie e me I tried Lydia E Pink liams Vegetable Compound imd within e short time telt better and alter taking livo hotrlesof it I was entirely cured J therefoio heartily recommend your Compound as it splendid uterine tome It makes the monthly periods regular and without pain and what a blessing it is to find such a remedy after so many doctors fail to help you I am pleased to recommend it to all suffering women Mrs Sara Wilson ol East d Street Cincin nati Ohio If you have suppressed or painful menstruation weakness of the stom ach indigestion bloating leucorrhoea flooding nervous prostration dizzi ness faintness dont care and want-to-be-left-alone feeling ex citability backache or the blues these are sure indications of female weak ness some derangement of the uterus or ovarian trouble In such cases there is one tried and true remedy Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound it Cures Colds Coughs Sore Throat Croup Influenza Whooping Cough Bronchitis and sthma A certain cure for Consumption in first stages andasurerelief inadvancedstages Us e at once You will see the excejint effect af tn taking the first dose Sold bv dealers every where Large bottle 25 cents and 50 cents Alabastine Your Wa i turns ma Walls are smoky and grimy after the winters coal and soot They need cleaning with Alabastine The new color schemes and har monies for this year can only be done in Alabastine The colors are the richest the tints the most permanent the hues the most beautiful in Ala bastine there isnt any wall cover ing that is just as good Alabastine does not need wash ing off before a fresh coat can be applied you simply mix Alabas tine with cold water and apply with a brush Any decorator or painter can apply it or any woman can apply it herself Remember Alabastine comes in pack agestake no substitutes do not buy in bulk If your dealar cant supply you send us his name and we will see that you hae Alabastine Beautiful tint cards and free color suggestions free for the asking ALABASTINE COMPANY Grant Ave Grand Rapids Mich New York Office 105 Water St H E B D B 3 B I D B B a B I I B B B 3 B B B B B B B B B B K 0 B B a a a o B B a B B B 1 ffll 4 M v f 1 A m t f i J X