The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 31, 1905, Image 1

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A Large Crowd Greeted It
The Burlingtons Alfalfa Special
somewhat behind scheduled timemade
McCook between three and four oclock
Monday afternoon The largest crowd
yet accorded them on their tour greeted
them at this station The cars making
up the train were soon filled and provis
ion had to be made for a large overflow
Three points were dwelt upon with
particularity seed corn selection alfalfa
and brome grass and cultivation to con
serve moisture
Prof E G Montgomery of the univer
sity urged the importance of selecting
full eared deep kornoled rough-surfaced
corn to secure best results and
showed specimens and drawings
O E Hinman dwelt upon the known
valued alfalfa grass for hay and brome
grass for pasture as the two grasses
best adapted to the conditions prevailing
il TTa told
in aoumwesuru w
how to prepare the soil and how to plant
the seed
CMLewolHng the Beaver City institute
in addressing
stitute lecturer devoted himself
dressing the largo overflow meeting to
the quite vital question of soil culture
-which be wisely contended should be
directed to the end of conserving or re
taining the moisture in the soil In a
word tokeop the surface well stirred and
to hold the
the bottom soil compacted
Industrial Commissioner W HManss
of the Q also spoke briefly m general
terms expressing the thanks of the
companv for the presence of so many
and explaining the purpose and hope of
the company in running these specials
which will be of great profit to Nebraska
farmers and others if the information
given shall be appropriated and utilized
McCook business men showed their
appreciation of the companys efforts by
closing their stores during the stay of
tho special here
The personnel of the special was as
follows Prof T L Lyon Prof O W
Pugsley and Prof E G Montgomery
all of Nebraska university S CBassett
Secretary Nebraska State Dairymens
C M Lewelling Farmers
uv -
Institute Lecturer
three o
Beaver Uity w a
at--- Industrial Commissioner
cago Fred Montmorency Asst General
Freight Agent Omaha J F Kenyon
Trainmaster McCook Theo Thomas
Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent
Beatrice L M Whiteneao ravtm
Passenger Agent Omaha
Service For Good Friday
Arrangements are being made to hold
a Good Friday service in the new Metho
will commence
dist church The services
mence at high noon and continue until
lrnlr All tne mmiai cia yjL
tt v hfivo heen in
ivited to address tne
meeting on the words or unnst ay
to be divid
the time
vhile on the cross
ed equally between each of the words
cordially invited to this
The public is
Going to Paper this Spring
Then we would like to show you our
line and think we can do you some
good Whether you paper or not come
and look at the newer things we are
showing You will And us up to date
and prices very low
McConnell Druggist
Dwelling for Sale
house in West
Ttfy three room
McCook Four lots all in bearing
fruit Everything fenced House well
finished Barn 16x36 chicken house
26 Paul Miller
For Sale Cheap for Cash
A harness and Burrey E H Doan
Furnished Rooms For Rent
Mrs S S Garvey
Ideal white waists are prettier than
ever this year impossible as that
might seem Perfect fitting up to date
satisfactory garments 75c to S250 The
Thompson D G Co exclusively
It is just the time now to plant sweet
pea seeds W T Coleman has a full
assortment of all kinds of flower seeds
in package and in bulk
The ladies of the Congregational
church will serve dinner in the old candy
kitchen building Saturday April 1st
nronf nover embroideries 35c
40c 42c at Thompsons
See the kitchen novelties at Colemans
A McMillen prescription druggist
Silverware at W T Colemans
Paint season is here If you intend
using paint this spring now is a good
time We parry a large line of paints
varnishes and varnish stains We
especially recommend Lincoln abso
lutely pure mixed paint Guaranteed
to eive entire satisfaction
lUUBllLiUEnt llS60
Hiawatha Dundy county close of last
week is guest of her sister Mrs C W
u f
Miss Sadie Evans is up from Red
Cloud on a visit
Dan Cashen came over from Dan
bury Wednesday on business
Mrs J M Brady was called to Illin
ois Wednesday by the death of a sister
Mrs T A Wilburn and two older
sons were visitors in Denver Saturday
W C Bullard was out from Omaha
early in the week looking after his af
fairs here x
J W Parks arrived home Sunday
on 1 from his business -trip to Farming
ton Illinois
MrsNJ Phelan of Akron Colo
has been a guest of Mrs J F Utter
since last week
Miss Kittie Sturgeon of Franklin
has been a guest of Mrs Jacob Matz
since last week
Mr and Mrs a P Rinker of Coun
cil Bluffs Iowa are guests of Mr and
Mrs Joseph Menard
S W Clark one of Bartleys leading
businessmen had business in the coun
tys capital Tuesday
Duane E Smith has sold his cozy
and convenient homo on Manchester
street to L W McConnell
J D Hallack arrived from Oregon
Sunday and the aged gentlemen is the
guest of his daughter Mrs G H Smith
C Omer Hale has traded his farm
nnrHi nf town and his citv property for
a hardware store in Sprague this state
Mrs A Campbell Mrs Adele Phe
lan Mrs C M Bailey and Miss Edna
Barr heard Parsifal in Omaha Wed
Miss Susie Walters came down from
Mrs S O Russey arrived in tho city
close of week past and has been the
guest of her parents Mr and Mrs Hiram
C Brown
J S McBrayer is in a hospital in
Sheboygan Wisconsinsick with typhoid
fever A telegram yesterday announc
ed that he was improving
Mrs O B Sawyer and Miss Kate
came up from University Place last B ri
day on No 1 and are spending the week
here with Mr Sawyer and friends
W S Perry Emma Galen and Mrs
Warren Thayer and the baby arrived in
the city on No 1 Sunday from Chicago
where the Perrys went to meet Mrs
Thayer and baby-
W D Darnell was the third in the
trio who made life uncertain for the
ducks on Braughs lake first of this
week The boys had to their creait Ltt
rz i
rendered by
auspices of
district teachers association
Those who heard him last summer in
Say he was the Hit of the Season
Wonderful ana unnvaiea
Bishop C C McCabe I liked it
my boy I liked it
The Fantagrapn ioomingtonjn
Not since the appearance
of the
noted actor Edwin Booth in tnis
oity while he was in his palmy days
has there been any one who came as
near being an ideal impersonator as
Montaville Flowers
Admission 50 Cents
will lecture on
Of Mr Bairds lecture we can say
it is new unique and original All
who hear him will feel that they have
had a season of profit in contact with
a man capable of thinng original
thoughts and brave h to ex
press them
Admission 50 Cents
bairds lecture
flowers entertainment
By membership invthe District Asso
ciation 50 cents
Tickets on sale at McConnells
Thompsons store McCook City
As a matter of
Alter Long and Painful Illness
After an illness of three and a half
years J Frank Dye passed away at 230
oclock Wednesday morning in this
city Funeral services were held in the
Congregational church Friday after
noon at two oclock Burial was made
in Longview cemetery The services
wore held under auspices of the M W
A and A O U W of which deceased
was a member and in each of which
he carried 62000 life insurance
Mr and Mrs Ira Dye came over from
Curtis to attend the funeral
The bereaved wife and two sons have
the profound sympathy of their many
friends in this sorrow
John F Dye was born in 1858 in
Scotland county Missouri Was mar
ried to Edna Belle Stephenson in 1878
Moved to Hayes county Nebraska in
1885 residing there for 15 years and
being twice elected commissioner or
ducks mallards canvas backs etc and that county The family moved to Mc
one goose
Monte Brown son of Frank Brown
of Menominee Mich is a guest in Supt
Campbells home Monte is on his way
to the Pacific coast to spy out the land
as it were He has won a goodly meas
ure of renown as a cartoonist on Mil
waukee dailies
C O Hale departed Monday night
for Sprague Lancaster county this
state where he will engage in the hard
ware business Sprague is about fifteen
miles south of Lincoln on tho Missouri
Pacific The family will join him as
soon as he gets settled and can prepare
a home for them
Mtj and Mrs S R Seamands of Ida
Grove Iowa are guests of Mr and Mrs
Howe Smith They will go over to
Atwood Kansas Friday to visit other
relatives The Seamands were citizens
of Grant precinct this county in the
days agone They are now taking life
easyhaving sold their farm near Castana
Iowa and moved into Ida Lcrove
Ed Fowler of DeGroff Cos store
was knocked down Monday night on
the street in front of the Model shoe
store by some unknown -person and
kicked while on the sidewalk His in
juries were not severe however Mr
Fowler is unable to give any description
of his assailant or to give any motive for
the assault
J H Bennett of our city at present
a member the appointment to fill
vacancy is now an open and avowed
candidate for election as a member of
the finance committee of the grand lodge
A O UW The Tribune wants to
say right here that the order cant well
improve on John Bennett as a member
of that body He is well qualified in a
business way and in the rarer quality
of nerve and courage to aiscnarge me
business of that important committee
For Good Results
Use Sherwin Williams Paint
when you paint this spring Sold
by McConnell Druggist
Cook in 1900 His lingering illness
ered a period of 3 years Deceased is
survived by his wife and two sons Ira
and Hurley Funeral services were held
in the Congregational church Eriday
afternoon at 2 oclock burial following
in Longview cemetery
Program Tonight
The evening session of the district
teachers association will be held in the
new M E church at eight oclock to
night The program in detail follows
Violin solo Mr Roswell Cntler
Ladies quartette Three Maidens
Yocalsolo Miss Elsie Campbell
Ladies trio Mermaids Song
Lecture Old Mexico and the Yellowstone
Park RevE M Evants
The exercises Saturday night will
not begin until 830 oclock when the
following numbers will be presented
Clarionet solo Mr J A Gaarde
Ladies trio Row Us Swiftly
Vocal solo Mrs C W Britt
Yocal duet MessrsSBMcLean JRMcCarl
Merchant of Venice Mr Montaville Flowers
The stores will close at 830 Saturday
night to enable the merchants and
clerks to attend
Close at 830 Saturday Evening
The businessmen of the city have
signed an agreement to close at 830
Saturday tomorrow evening to afford
themselves and employes an opportunity
to hear Montaville Flowers in The Mer
chant of Venice Do your shopping
before that time
The New Stock of Surreys
buggies and spring wagons of
The BrotherhoodsFirst
Tho address by Bishop Henry W
Warren of Denver in the new Methodist
church last Friday evening filled the
ohurch with an expectant audience Tho
bishops high purpose in his address
which was primarily intended for men
was to bring to the American man an
adequate conception of his importance
and dignity as an American man To
this end he invaded the realms of history
and called upon his rich and wide ex
perience and observation as a travelled
and observant American His was a
brave and grand picture of the greatest
land and people tho world has ever seen
But with the greatness of dower comes
largeness of sorvice and he labored not
in vain to show the men of America
what of right could be expected and de
manded of them
It is the fine purpose of the Brother
hood of St Paul in whose interest and
under whose auspices the bishop ap
peared to from time to time give the
people of McCook an opportunity to
hear just such efforts A commendable
An enjoyed incident of the meeting
was a splendid vocal effort by Mrs C W
After the meeting was formally closed
an opportunity was accorded to become
a charter member of the brotherhood
The brotherhood begins its career with
a bright prospect and a wide open field
of opportunity for work along the lines
of the organization
Was After the Doctor
A lady by the name of Crabtree from
Haigler Nebraska caused considerable
excitment at the depot Wednesday
morning about the time of No 12s de
parture by announcing that a man was
on the train who had robbed her In
some manner it became noised abroad
grades at W T Colemans is crowding
his buggy room to its utmost capacity
To make room for other goods I will
close out a few at bottom prices Look
and see
It is just the time now to plant sweet
pea seeds W T Coleman has a full
assortment of all kinds of flower Seeds
in package and in bulk
J E Rundle has leased the James
Cain brick on Manchester street and
will engage in the commissioners busi
Embroiderie3in sets of three edgings
of different widths and- an insertion to
match 10c to 16c at Thompsons
that the amount was 900 The tram
was held briefly but no trace of the
man was discovered Later in the after
noon the man was found He makes
this territory semi occasionally under
the name of Dr Neef and hails from
Hildreth It was developed tnat tne
doctor was treating a daughter of Mrs
Crabtree at Haigler for some deformity
at the leg and that the mother became
dissatisfied and suspicious To this end
she came to McCook and attempted to
recover some of the money she had paid
the doctor for treatment and a brace
The matter was finally compromised The
entire amount is given at 8750 The
doctor agreed it is saidto refund 7000
of the amount and the woman was to
keep the brace On the plea of lacking
the full amount the doctor paid her
3500 in cash and left his watch in her
possession as security for the other
3500 Mrs Crabtree returned to Haig
ler on 13 Thursday The doctor has
had quite a business n McCook as
well as at other points up and down the
Buried at Exeter Neb
The remains of Walter S Kent whose
sad death at Atlanta last Monday after
noon was noted in last weeks Tribune
were taken to Exeter Nebraska Sunday
morning on No 2 and buried there the
same afternoon
The funeral was conducted under
auspices of the Knights of Pythias nine
members of McCook lodge accompany
ing tho remains to Exeter These were
joined at Hastings by fifteen members
of the order at that place and at Friend
by another delegation The services
were impressive It is said to have
been one of the largest funerals ever
seen m Exeter
Menu for Saturdays Dinner
Following is the menu for the dinner
to be served on Saturday in the old
candy kitchen by the ladies of the Con
gregational church
J Roast beef with brown gravy
1 Smothered chicken
PanR uasea oeaus
VS- 7
CnMi qlnw
Pickles Jellv
Brown and white bread
Price twenty five cents
Ferris waists for ladies misses and
children at Thompsons
American A 2 bushel bags 16 cents at
Best table oil cloth 15c at Thompsons
Belt prints for 5c at Thompsons
Best apron check ginghams oc at
Very attractive muslin underwear
nnvam frowns skirts drawers
ample beautiful reasonable at Thomp
Fred E Bortfeld the piano tuner
successor to Harmon H Watt is in the
city in the line of his work Leave
orders at Suttons music store
The distiict teachers association met
this morning with a highly gratifying
opening attendance which will be ma
terially increased tonight and tomorrow
tit hmumi
Touching Funeral Services
Touching and impressive funeral ser
vices over tho remains of Miss Rachel
Berry were held in tho now Methodist
church last Saturday afternoon at
three oclock The church was filled
with sorrowful friends and relatives and
the services were altogether tender
and heartfelt Rev Carman pastor
was assisted by R E French grand
custodian of tho Nebraska grand lodge
A F and A M E J Wilcox Daniel
OBrien Earl Ludwick John Cordoal
Earl Vahue and Arthur Colfer were pall
bearers The floral tributes ftoro rich
and lovely Among them were a superb
wreath from the pupils of 1885 1900 a
cross from the Epworth League a pillow
by the church a harp from Dr and Mrs
C L Fahnestock W II Dungan and
P E Reeder and bouquets of much
beauty from Mrs J W Line Mrs LM
Best Supt and Mrs G H Thomas Dr
and Mrs S C Beach Mrs J T Kendlen
Mr and Mrs J L Woodson the library
board the ladies aid society and others
The death of no one resident of our
city has touched more hearts Her
place will not soon be filled as tho circle
of her helpful activities embraced all
spheres of good in tho city school
church society public library etc
Uence the people of McCook share with
the family in the personal and deep loss
The following obituary was read by
the pastor at the church service
Rachel Row Berry was born in Ma
con county Illinois March 1st 1853
Was converted
with the
in early life and united
Methodist church in which
she has constantly been one of its bright
est lights Though she is gone that
light still shines to guide weary feet to
the Christ of her love At 15 years of
age with her parents she moved to Vir
ginia Illinois where she was graduated
from the high school in due time after
which she taught two years in neighbor
hood rural districts then taking a posi
tion in the city schools of her home city
where she served with honor to herself
and profit to the school for eleven years
resigning only to accept the principal
ship of the McCook high school in the
fall of 1885 She taught in the high
school of the city until 1901 and that
work is the heritage of almost every
home in this city The influence of her
life is felt in most homes and all have
been manifestly better The school room
is hallowed because of her sweet mem
ory Tne old cnurcn knew oi no noner
or more devoted communicant and this
new temple by whose gifts and prayers
she helped to erect is sanctified today
by her remains and tho memory of her
godly and busy life Dead yet speaking
of victory on earth and triumph in
Hurrying home from her visit with
relatives in Arkansas Illinois and Min
nesota arriving here on the 18th of Jan
uary going to the home of her sister Mrs
L W McConnell she was immediately
confined to her bed with rheumatic fever
gradually growing worse until her death
Friday morning March 24th 1905 at
730 oclock She has joined the saints
of God and methinks wears a crown lit
erally jeweled with stars tokens of her
useful life
The surviving members of the family
are H H and G B Berry and Mrs L
W McConnell of McCook Nebraska
Mrs D H Plummer of Springfield Illi
nois Mrs Lemuel Heffelfinger of Red
Oak Iowa Mrs William Bryning of
Fayetteville Arkansas Mrs Dr Park
hurst of Virginia Illinois and Mrs Lon
Dunn of Beardstown Illinois
The remains were taken to Virginia
Illinois Sunday morning March 26th
accompanied by her brother H H Berry
and interment was made on Monday
besides the remains of father mother
and brother Charles in the family lot in
the home city
The newest in ladies neckwear and in
shoulder collars including embroidered
top and turn overs lace tab collars
and chemisettes jet and fish
scale collars fancy trimmed tab collars
ruching trimmed ditto string ties Wind
sor ties embroidered in
laundered buster browns etc are all
at Thompsons in all colors and prices
McConnells Fragrant Lotion is the
best protection from the harsh spring
winds Not sticky or greasy and costs
but 25 cents
To make your wife happy present her
with a beautiful piece of cutglass such
as you can get at W T Colemans
Millinery opening at ODonnell Col
fers Saturday April 1st See add on
page five
Now is the time to buy a timbole iron
reduced prices on them at Colemans
Lace curtains from 75c a pair to 600
in great variety at Thompsons
Gold handle embroidery scissors at W
T Colemans
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn -10
Wheat ij
Oats T
Rye CO
Barloy 40
Hobs 4 CO
Erks VI
Good Butter 1VA
McConnell for drugs
For wall paper see Cone Bros
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Do your drug trading at Cone Bros
Everything in drugs McConnell
Carpet stretchers at W T Colemans
Liquid veneer is found at Cone Bros
McMillens cougli
cure is fully guar-
Mens nll lenther gloves 15c pair at
Harness cheap and good at W T
Ladies wrappers 50c 90c S100 125
150 at Thompsons
Bearskin stockings fast black 120
a pair at DeGroffs
Plenty narrow velvet ribbons in black
and colors at Thompsons
A splendid lino of wall paper at very
attractive prices is being shown by Cono
The newest in mens neckwear and
fancy shirts at Thompsons popular
The Catholic brethren are perfecting
arrangements to place a pipe organ in
their church
The Elite Mercerized black petti
coats hook and eyelet fastener are at
The Owl restaurant is now owned and
managed by George Beck late of tho
Commercial house
300 dress skirts for ladies and misses
for 175 to 750 Alternations without
extra charge at Thompsons
Garden and flower seeds gauranteed to
grow if planted by a wearer of Thomp
sons sunbonnets lac to 33c
WT Coleman has just what you need
to make a womans work lighter Bis
sells carpet sweepers Do you need one
A trial of McMillens Cream Lotion
will convince you of its merits as to
healing and making skin soft and
Argentine ware has no superior Cole
man has a full assortment The price is
very reasonable The quality first-class-Wearing
quality unequalled
We are offering some bargains in lamps
leather goods and pictures which are
worth looking at
Cone Bros Druggists
It is just the time now to plant sweet
pea seeds W T Coleman has a full
assortment of all kinds of flower seeds
in package and in bulk
Cone Bros the druggists are showing
a fine assortment of wall decorations
and their already heavy business in this
line shows indication of a large increase
over last season
Are you going to fence your lawn
The Elwood lawn fence is the best
Children cant climb over it nor chickens
go through it You will find three
heights of it at W T Colemans
American beauty corsets are sold with
this guarantee -Money back after
four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
All styles shapes colors and prices from
35c to 100 at Thompsons exclusive
New Mohair suitings new nuns veil
ings in colors and black new lansdowns
new yard wide taffeta silk for 100 yard
new Peau de Soie silk 79c new checked
silks 100 new silk Mousselines 35c
50c at Thompsons
Does It Pay
Does it to purchase cheap graniteware
when you can get The ware that wears
Stransky ware of W T Coleman
Wall Paper Remnants
Have some desirable remnants one
and two room patterns at bargain prices
also a large invoice of new paper just re
ceived at McMillens
Spring Will Soon Be Here
and Coleman has put in a larger stock
of lawn hose than ever before Fresh
hose direct from the factory Note the
quality and get prices before buying
For Sale
my four-year-old stallion
sired by Judge Kent Also one seven-year-old
mare weight about 1300
I M Smith
Card of Thanks
To all those who by their kindness
and sympathy helped in our hours of
sorrow we desire to express a small
measure of our thanks
Mrs Edith Kent and Family
Geo A Kent and Family