ft k fv 4 n i WOMEN NOT TRUTHFUL This Statement Has Been Unjustly Made Because Modest Women Evade Questions Asked By Male Physicians MmMF Wrafm KoBf wSsl lJLMr JMFarmerjMrs Ella JTy An eminent physician says that Women are not truthful they ivill lie to their physician This statement should he qualified women do tell the truth hut not the whole truth to a male physician but this is only in re gard to those painful and troublesome disorders peculiar to their sex There can be no more terrible ordeal to a delicate sensitive refined woman than to be obliged to answer certain questions wnen tnose questions are asked even by her family physician This is especially the case with un married women Is it any wonder then that women continue to suffer and that doctors fail to cure female diseases when they cannot get the proper information to work on This is the reason why thousands and thousands 01 women are now corre sponding with Mrs Pinkhain To her they can and do give every symptom so that she really knows more about the true condition of her patients through her correspondence with them than the physician who personally questions them If you suff t r from any form of trouble peculiar to women write at once to Mrs Pinkhpm Iynn Mass and she will advise you free of charge The fact that this great boon which is extended freely to women by Mrs Pinkham is appreciated the thou sands of letters received by her prove Many such grateful letters as the fol lowing are constantly pouring in MrsElla Lee Frankf ord Ind writes Dear Mrs Pinkhnm I want to thank you for what your medi cine has done for nio Three years ago I had inflammation of tho ovaries and ulcere on my uomb I was under the doctors caie for about three mouths and the only time I was not in pain was when under the influence of morphine The doctor finally suid I never would he better and w ould be an in alid the rest of my life I had given up in despair but one evening I came across one of your advertis ements and decided to write you for advice I did so and com menced to take Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound 1 began to improvo at once and to day lam a well woman ahd I know it is all due to your advice and medicine Mrs J H Farmer of 2809 Elliott Avenue St Louis Mo writes Dear Mrs Pinkhain I cannot thank j ou enough for what your advice and medicines have done for me They have done me more good than all tho doctors I ever had For the last eight years I have suffered with female troubles was very weak had nervous prostration and could not do my work but I am happy to say Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound has made a different woman of me I am in perfect health and have gained in weight from 93 pounds to 122 pounds No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unquali fied endorsement No other medicine has such a record for actual cures of female ills as has Lj dia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Mrs Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice She has guided thousands to health Address L3Tnn Mass Ask RSrs Pinkhams Advice A Woman Best Understands A Womans ills fcMiffisa There are Many Imitations of akers Cocoa and Bakers Chocolate Dorft be misled by them j Our trade mark is on every 1 i package or genuine goods Under the decisions of several United States Courts no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker Cos is en titled to be sold as Bakers LookfoitKsTradc Muk Cocoa or Baker s Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free Walter Baker Co Ltd Established 17 SO Dorchester Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America Around the World I have used your Fish Grand Slickers for years In the Hawaiian Islands end found them the only i article that suited I am now In this country Africa and think a great deal of your coats hamc on application fffflHBOT mm WORLDS FAIR 1 904 The world wide reputa tion of Towers Water nmnf Oiled Clothlntr assures the buyer of 5 he nosltive wortn 01 2 alt garments bearing this Sign of the Fish A J TOWER CO Boston U S A TOWER CANADIAN CO LIMITED jjj Toronto Canada The Finns Barometer A small stone has been lodged in the British museum it is somewhat of a mystery It has been named the semakuir It is a native of Finland and the Finns tell the weather by it The explanation is that the stone changes its appearance through ab sorbing the moisture in the air pre ceding rain turning it black The Handy Encyclopedia Every household ought to have an encyclopedia observed the profes sor I think so too responded Miss Flutterby brightly They are so handy to press crumpled ribbons and flowers and letters and things Pittsburg Post J When I Stc Jacobs Oil I The old monk cure strong straight sure tackles j I Hurts Sprains Brsiises j The muscles flex the kinks untwist the soreness dies out Price 25c and 50c News in Nebraska I An anti saloon lcket will be put up at Falls City Some new cases of smallpox have developed at Beatrice Lands in all parts of Seward county Is increasing in value A new lodge of Ben Hur has been organized at Kearney Independent telephone companies are seeking an entrance into Omaha Samuel Damon the oldest ex soldier in Madison county being 90 years old died last week The Norfolk asylum is now ready for occupancy and patients are about to be removed there Vhieves entered the hardware store of Fritz Kees at Beatrice and stole 100 worth of goods In a wreck at Overton Conductor Herin was fatally injured and Brake man Costello seriously City Night Watchman Tom ITam Ier of Geneva fell and broke a leg while attempting to board a moving freight oar 1 ars OHon living 11 par Chadron slid oif of a load of hay in such a manner that the back wheel of the wagon crushed his head and arm By order of the court the York au ditorium at York isto be sold at sher iffs sale on April 21 The building has been in the hands of a receiver for several years N F King has tendered his resign ation as sheriff of Stanton county and Omer Van Housen has been appointed to fill out his term Mr King is re moving to North Dakota The village board of Shelby has passed an ordinance fixing liquor licenses at 1500 per year 1000 for the benefit of the village fund and 500 for the school fund There was no loss of stock says a Chadron dispatch in this part of the state to mention during the severe weather The frost is out of the ground and the farmers are beginning to plant small grain At Nebraska City a range exploded at the home of R B Weller and wrecked the kitchen Fortunately the girl who had lighted the fire went out in the yard and thus escaped being killed The range and the kitchen were a total wreck Senator Millard has word from the war department that men will be sent to disinter the remains of soldiers who were buried at Fort Atkinson now called Fort Calhoun at the time that the post of Fort Atkinson was in existence The bones will be taken to Fort McPherson for final inter ment Thomas Williams a well known farmer of Gage county was severely injured while working on the farm of his brother He was sorting seed corn near a cornsheller and caught his arm in the flywheel of the sheller which threw his hand between the cogwheels of the machine The hand ivas badly lacerated The women of Falls City met and organized themselves into a womans club The club will be divided into different departments such as litera ture music art household etc Mrs William Wilson was chosen president and Miss Sallie Schoenheit was chosen secretary The departments of music and art are all that have been taken up s ret The twelfth annual session of the Southeastern Nebraska Educational association will be held in Beatrice Aiarcn ij to 61 An interesting pro gram has been arranged On Wednes day evening March 29 the inter high school debate will be held par ticipated in by the schools of Paw nee City Wilber Falls City Hum boldt Crete Wymore Nebraska City and Beatrice George Craig of Omaha who as saulted E R Morgan because he saw the latter talking with his intended bride was taken to the penitentiary by Sheriff Power to finish out a fifteen-year term of which he had served five Craig was out on parole and after his assault on Morgan his parole was recalled by Governor Mickey He was convicted on a charge of statutory assault At Chadron County Judge C Dana Savers married Lewis Tones a full blooded negro to Mary Lamotte a full blooded Indian of the Sioux tribe The bride is a relative of Black Horse White Cow and Red Cloud hence be longs to the nobility The braves are all disgusted and one of them claims Mary is already his squaw so there may be a war of the races in that locality County Superintendent Arnot of Dodge county has made arrangements for a corn growing contest to be con ducted under the auspices of the schools throughout the county th coming summer He will furnish se lect seed corn and the pupils will plant this In the fall district con tests will be held The winners at these will exhibit at a county contest held in connection with the county farmers institute in the winter A number of prizes ranging from 5 to 50 in value will be awarded Ed Hughes a young farmer from northeast of Humboldt had a small piece of steel embedded in his right eye and the same was removed with difficulty The splinter came from a file which Mr Hughes struck with a hammer while at work George Cramer of Sprague has been confined in the county jail at Lincoln for many weeks on the complaint of his wife who declared that her hus band threw plates at her because she ate pork The man is thought to be insane in spite of his reiterated de clarations that he is not The Population of the Earth is 1400000000 One Bllllion Die Annually of Catarrh A C Q iiiTiiwi mmMmimiBW iotm Iz x NQUERS CATARRH THE WOR v w -mi hi zf ---- r o m OACI ENTRANCING Tone Quality pure and mellow distinguish our hand made Mueller pianos from the 01dm ary makes THE SOUNDING BOARD is built on the violin principle allowing free vibration Other items of interest in our new catalog sent free for the asking Address the Makers SCHMOLLER MUELLER Established 1S39 VMS FAKXA3I ST OMAHA ftW ARRIS PU y The larzest and west of Percheron For Sale TNA Is another story Tne green berries selected by keen judges at the plantation are sWHIulIy roasted at our fac tories where precautions you would not dream of are taken to secure perfect cleanliness flavor strength and uniformity From the time the coffee leaves the factory no hand touches it till it is opened in your kitchen LEADER OF ALL PACKAGE COFFEES This has made LION COFFEE the Millions of American Homes welcome LIOIST COFFEE daQy of merit than continued and increas There is no stronger proof ing popularity Quality survives all opposition Sold only in 1 lb packages Lion head on every package Save vour Lion heads for valuable premiums J SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPIGE CO Toledo Ohio on crop navmert3 J UDLHAiJU Stoux Citv Iowa Ii1rii3S I THE LINCOLN IMPORTING HORSE CO oldest importers in all the Shire Belgian and German Coach Stallions Prospective buyers should visit our barns or write us for illustrated cata lop of our latest importation Remember we pay buyers R R fare and can sell you a stall ion at our barns for one half the money it would cost you if w e shipped him out and or ganized a company We detv competition boili in quality and price State Farm st car runs direct to our barns Tins ad only runs on time bo cut it out A 1 sllHVAn Igr LINCOLN NEBRASKA When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper h trLzsjn 1 y vVw V vry uf s g yi s IvcaiJ FADELESS LO OVER rx filir wM JLJr x fzs2HJ v- -V 5A ft it 7x - o VrwA v rt XAV r 8 L VlAilSW LL over tho world Pernna is known and used for catarrhal diseases The Peruna Girl has traveled round the globe Her face is familiar everywhere that civilization reaches Universally Praised From Africa to Greenland from Man churia to Patagonia the face of the Peruna girl is familiar and the praises of Peruna as a catarrh remedy are heard Successful la North and South Peruna crossed the Equator several years ago to find in the Southern Hemisphere the same triumphant suc cess that has marked its career in the Northern Hemisphere A Standard Peruna is a standard catarrh remedy the world over It cures catarrh by eradicating it from the system Permanent Cure It obviates the necessity of all local treatment and its relief is of permanent character Without a Peer No other remedy has so completely dominated the whole earth as Peruna In Every Tongue In all languages its glowing testi monials are written in all climes tho demands for Peruna increase wmmMiMM wKmwm An Extensive Laboratory To supply this remedy to the whole world taxes to the utmost one of the best laboratories in the United States A Word From Australia Walter H Woodward Bomadier Royal Australian Artillery Hobart Tasmania writes I suffered for several years with a distressing condition of tho head and throat caused by continual colds My head and nostrils were stopped up most of the time and there was a discharge and my sense of smell was affected badly After two weeks use of Peruna I found this condition quite changed and so I continued to use this remarkable medicine for over a month I am very glad to say that at tho end of that time I was cured and felt in fine health generally and am pleased to give Peruna my honest endorse ment Do you honestly believe that coffee sold loose in bulk exposed A M 3 5i to dust germs and insects passing through many hands some of them not over clean blended you dont know how or by whom is fit for your use Of course you dont But LION COFFEE From Hawaii Prince Jonah Kalanianaole delegate in Congress fronrIIawaii writes from Washington DC as follows I can cheerfully recommend your Peruna as a very effective remedy for coughs colds and catarrhal trouble A Cuban Minister Senor Quesada Cuban Minister to tho United States writes from Washington D C as follows Peruna I can recommend as a very good medicine It is an excellent strengthening tonic and is aNo an efficacious cure for the almost universal complaiut of catarrh Gonzalo Do Quesada From All Quarters of the Globe We have en file thousands of testi monials like those given above We can give our readers only a slight glimpso of tho vast number of grateful letters Dr Hartman is constantly receiving from all quarters of the globe in behalf of his famous catarrh remedy Peruna Si Salzers National Oats Greatest oat of the centnry Yielded in Ohio 167 in Mich ZII In Mo 255 and in X Dakota 31D perntre You can beat that record In 1005 For 10c and this notice vre mall you free lots of farm 8d samples ana oar Dicaiaiotc ten lng all About this out wonder and thousands or other seeds JOHNASALZERSEEDCO wsu La Crosse wis DEMP5TER IMPROVED STEEL WIND MILL v I Iti uTti v- kh 11 u vj 1 ill o ROLLER RIM GEARS THEY STOP THE H0I5E AHD LE55EH THE WEAR LATEST STRONGEST BEST FACTORY BEATRICE NE BRANCH HOUSES Kana City Ko Omaha Neb Eioux Falls SD See nearest dealer or vrntt for circular EXCURSIONS TO THE Froe Grant Lands OF Western Canada Durnjr th nrontl r Min h and April tin c will l luuMnnMin the various luiesof rail way to th Wfit HundmK of thousand- of of th bi S WhiMt iiiifl irim Iind on the Continfrt free to tli etti r Adjoining 111 i be pun based from nil tij and land at reasonable pnets For informal on as to route cost of transpor tation ete appiy to Superintendent of Iimii trration Ottawa Canada or to author eil 111 adian Government Ayent W V Bennett Mil New York Life BuiiUnifc Omaha Nebraska I IMOSJBATOFSS The OLD TRUSTY lu culiatont are nade iy lohufon the Im ilur Man w liouijtile iiile foru Iaentlng bts OLD TRUSTY A f liati h er Forty clays free trial and a fl e - ear - jruaran e For blr free c ia loKUP SOU puillrr 1 tia datun aililre i H I L M M JOHNSON CO Box O T Clay Center Neb d SPINAL CLRVATURcCanbe Cured ALSO OTHER OCFORUITICS Vntt o rail at office for free irforma 1 in est testimonials from it atcsmen andphjstcians C n t VamiiyDoctor Nob ace t n i esused Teateds icresf j 1 S- t exren 1 1 V JlOffiQVls t C7M3 4 Ort mt dk lst WiPJ5l l 16 TO C 1 AUMiTOX alK CAPITA 32 000 CO OMAHA ftB DYES tolor more goods briohter and faster colors than an ohc r dye One 10c pckase colors silk wool an1 cotton equally well and is Guaranteed to cue cerfect results Askieiierorw6willsendpostpaidatl0cac2ckaoe Wriefonree booklet Hew to Die Bleach and Mix Colors UQMtu jjju o CO ImsuciUc Jiuiouri