The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 24, 1905, Image 2

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A Prominent Topeka Rebecca Officer
Writes to Thank Doans Kidney
Pills for It
Mrs C E Bumgardner a local ofll
cor of the Rebeccas
of Topeka Kans
Itoora 10 812 Kansas
Ave writes I used
Doans Kidney Pills
during the past year
for kidney trouble
and kindred ail
ments I was suffer
ing from pains in the
back and headaches
but found after the
use of one box of the
remedy that the
troubles gradually
disappeared so that
before I had finished
n second package I
was well I therefore
heartily endorse
Ma twmittm Wan
your remedy
Signed Mrs C E Bumgardner
A FREE TRIAL Address Foster
Milbum Co Buffalo N Y For sale
by all dealers Price 50 rnts
Fox Too Much for Dog
One of the fiercest fights I ever wit
nessed was between a village cure and
a bix fox One moonlight night this
dog in my company fround Brer Fox
mousing round some corn stacks and
pinned him by his foreleg They loup
ed the loop together and for some
time it was impossible to say where
the fox begun and the dog left off
But for my intervention the dog
would have been killed County Gen
Burning Up With a Terrible Itching
Eczema Speedily Cured by
Cuticura cured me of a terrible
eczema from which I had suffered
agony and pain for eight years being
unable to obtain any help from the
best doctors My scalp was covered
with scabs and my face was like a
piece of raw beef my eyebrows and
lashes were falling out and I felt as
if burning up from the terrible itching
and pain Cuticura gave me relief the
very first day and made a complete
cure in a short time My bead and
face are now clear and well Signed
Miss Mary M Fay 75 West Main St
Westboro Mass
The One Thing Needful
She doesnt care for operas the
drama or the play she doesnt care
for dancing she isnt built that way
she doesnt care for housework for
flowers or for books she doesnt care
for poodles she doesnt like their
looks she doesnt care for dresses
for hats or fancy hose the only thing
she does care for is a man who will
100 Reward 100
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure In all lta staces and that 13
Catarrh Halls Catanh Cure Is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh
belnc a constitutional disease requires a constitu
tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease and Riving the patient
Ftrencth by building up the constitution and assist
ing naure In doing Its work Tho proprietors have
to much faith In Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Collars for any case that it ialli to
cure bend for llstof testimonials
Addrets F J CHEXEY CO Toledo O
Sold br all Druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for constipation
Discouragement to Be Avoided
It isnt necessary to become vain
Dn compliments any more than it is
aecessary to grow sour on criticisms
but it is better to run the dangers of
egotism on the favorable notices than
to let the censor with a torpid liver
and a nimble pen prick your comfort
and poison your happiness Saturday
Evening Post
Shako in Your Shoes
Allen s Foot Ease a povder cares pain
ful smarting nervous feet and ingrowing
nails Its the greatest comfort discovery
of the age Makes new shoes easy A
certain cure for sweating feet Sold by ali
drupgists 25c Trial package FREE
Address A S Olmsted Lb Roy N Y
Proposal Made Plain
An old millionaire paid his address
es to one of the prettiest girls in the
place On asking her hand in mar
riage he frankly said to her Miss
C I am old and you are very
young will you do me the honor to
become my widow
Hard Either Way
Sometimes I wish said the very
lazy man that I liked to work so it
wouldnt be so disagreeable to me
when I was compelled to do so And
then I get to thinking that maybe if I
liked it I would be at it all the time
and I cant bear the thought
Event Not Far Off
When you see a young woman mak
ing a fuss over a widowers children
its a sign that if she doesnt soon
acquire a right to correct them it
wont be her fault Exchange
fc Good Advice
Think twice before jou speak And
even then nine times out of ten the
world wont lose anything if you keep
still Somerville Journal
T am sure Pisos Cure for Consumption saved
mylfe three years ago Mrs Thos Eobdins
Mapc Street Norwich X Y Feb 17 1900
Fashion is only the attempt to rea
Mze art in living forms and social in
tercourse O W Holmes
Itching lUind lUeedlng r Protruding File Your
drugflst -will refund money If FAZO 01XTMKXT
to cure you In 6 to 14 days 50c
The marriage certificate is equally
divided between husband and wife in
HOUSE The house on the 14th
adopted a resolution by Foster of
Douglas fixing 9 a m as the hour for
convening for the remainder of the
session The following bills were read
for the third time and passed Fixing
the standail required to be reached
by osteopathic practitioners before
being licensed to practice For the
transfer of 800 from the board and
clothing fund of the girls industrial
school at Geneva to the furniture and
repair fund To allow constables 1
for each days attendance on justice
courts To amend the law relating to
mill dam rights To provide for the
sale of state lands within irrigation
districts Extending for one year the
terms of county registers of deeds
now in office in conformity with the
biennial elections bill To provide for
the inspection of horses about to be
shipped or driven out of the state Re
lating to procedure in practice before
the supreme court Extending for one
year the terms of county assessors
now in office in conformity with the
biennial elections bill To prohibit the
operation and maintenance of bucket
shops To give a purchaser the right
to recover money paid on contracts
of conditional sale of personal prop
erty after wavier of forfeiture vendor
To give the district court jurisdiction
in cases of malfeasance by county
officers Appropriating 80000 for the
maintenance of the experimental sub
station at North Platte and for other
special state university purposes To
extend for one year the terms on
county supervisors now in office in
conformity with the biennial elections
bill To extend for one year the terms
of county commissioners now in office
in conformity with the biennial elec
tions bill To authorize South Omaha
to vote and issue 250000 of sewer
bonds To provide that township
boards shall certify the amount of
taxes required to be raised for town
ship purposes the levy to be made by
the county board failed of passage
by just two votes there being 49 ayes
to 40 nays
SENATE These bills were passed
on the 15th S F 13S by Tucker To
quiet the title to land which has been
platted and laid out in town lotsThe
bill refers to towns of less than 5000
S F 141 by Meserve To provide for
the issue of water bonds and erection
of water plants in towns of 5000 S
F 191 Providing bonds for state and
county officers and reducing the bonds
of the deputy attorney general and
deputy state superintendent S F 211
by Cady Cities not liable for dam
ages by reason of defective sidewalks
unless the town officials have been
notified that the walks are defective
Applies to small towns H R 157 the
game law was amended so that quail
can be killed only between November
15 and 30 and recommended for pas
sage S F 171 the trading stamp bill
to prohibit the use of trading stamps
was recommended for passage with
out the emergency clause S F 110
by Sheldon providing the state levy
shall be limited to 5 mills was dis
cussel but no action laken S F 193
by Giffin providing that poll taxes be
3 to be paid in cash was indefinitely
postponed but was resurrected and
placed on general file by the senate
with an amendment making the tax
2 or two days work
HOUSE A lively debate ensued on
A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth Gciv
eral Session
SENATE The following bills were
passed on the 14th Senate file No
186 by Thomas Providing for the ex
ercise of the right of eminent domain
by the Omaha school board in ac
quiring desirable school sites 21
ayes and no nays Senate file No 127
by Epperson Requiring the taxing of
costs in police court against the state
or prosecution when the latter loses
29 ayes no nays Senate file No 152
by Gould Requiring shipment of live
stock at eighteen miles an hour on
main lines and at twelve miles an
hour on branch lines and on three
days in the week known as stock
shipping days 30 ayes no nays Sen
ate file No 177 by Good Allowing
party vho pays for notice by publica
tion to select paper in which it shall
be published 29 ayes no nays Sen
ate file Nb 213 by Meserve Author
izing probate courts to dispense with
the administration of certain estates
against which there are no debts and
to establish the heirs at law 2G ayes
2 nays Senate file No 51 by Cady
was slaughtered Meserve leading the
fight The bill which was designed to
remodel the inheritance laws and give
widows half the estate of intestate
husbands received 14 votes while 15
were cast against it In the commit
tee of the whole with Mockett in the
chair senate file No 210 was recom
mended for passage This bill by
Giffln is for the relief of Lincoln
county It is alleged that taxes were
assessed unjustly against the county
Senate file No 187 by Gilligan a bill
to allow the Boyd county settlers to
purchase the lands upon which they
settled was recommended for pas
sage Senate file No 140 by Epperson
and senate file No 132 by Jennings
two bills to prevent capital punish
ment were taken up under special
order at 3 oclock The bill of Epper
son was amended after the Kansas
law and allows the convict to be im
prisoned under death sentence during
the pleasure of the governor Both
bills were killed
tho 15th on H R 330 by Voter of
Cedar and the bill finally was recom
mended for indefinite postponement in
committee of the whole This bill pro
vided for a codification of the insur
ance laws appropriating 3000 for the
work Casebeer of Gage led the op
position H R 34G by the insurance
committee the compromise fraternal
insurance bill vesting authority in 80
per cent of the membership came up
next Kyd of Gage offered an amend
ment substituting 95 per cent for 80
Kyd was the introducer of the origin
al bill which provided for a 95 per
cent government McMullen of Gage
then offered an amendment to make
the per cent of government 100 A
long discussion followed culminating
in the amendment being lost Burgess
offered an amendment taking orders
of less than 15000 members from un
der the operation of the act and it
carried Dodge offered an amendment
to strike out the provision exempting
fraternal insurance orders from tax
ation Carried On motion the bill was
ordered engrossed for third reading
SENATE These bills were passed
in the senate on the 16th S F 187
For the relief of the Boyd county set
tlers S F 210 Authorizing the treas
urer to return to Lincoln county
money paid to the state in excess of
what the county owed The following
were acted tipon in the manner indi
cated S F 27 Allowing the gover
nor to fill a vacancy in the legisla
ture during the session without a
special election recommended for
passage S F 241 The Omaha salary
bill recommended for passage S F
255 by Hughes Providing that it is
necessary when a proposition is sub
mitted to the voters to move the coun
ty seat to first secure a petition of
three fourths of the voters and if the
county seat has been in the same town
for ten years or more it will require
a petition of thrqe fourths of the voters
ordered engrossed S F 256 Allow
ing agricultural associations to sell
their grounds when it is desirable to
remove the location instead of allow
ing the land to revert to the county
ordered engrossed S F 194 Does
away with road overseers and makes
the county commissioners assume the
duties was indefinitely postponed S
F 235 Providing how administrators
may renew mortgages on real estate
when it will be to the interest of the
estate was recommended for passage
S F 268 Provides for the abolish
mentment of township organization
ordered engrossed S F 278 Provid
ing for the levy of a road tax and how
the money shall be expended ordered
engrossed Just before adjournment
Sheldon moved to reconsider the ac
tion of the senate in killing S F 109
a bill to tax mortgages and the mo
tion prevailed The bill will now come
up for passage In all twenty five or
thirty bills were rushed through the
committee of the whole most of which
were not discussed
HOUSE When the house convened
on the iGth the following petition
signed by G Cuscaden and fifty six
other citizens of Omaha was read by
the clerk
To the Honorable the Members of
the Nebraska Legislature Now in
Whereas Charges have been pre
ferred against R E Stewart superin
tendent for the institution for the deaf
and dumb at Omaha Neb of gross ir
regularities in his official capacity and
violation of the statutes governing
said institution and
Whereas Complaints have been
made of abuse and cruel treatment of
the inmates of said institution there
fore we the citizens of Douglas coun
ty Nebraska request your honorable
body to take steps to secure a legisla
tive investigation of the charges a
copy of which is hereto attached and
make report and recommendation on
the same
The petition was referred to the
committee on asylums
In the committee of the whole the
claims appropriation bill aggregating
approximately 40000 was considered
and passed on item by item McLeod
of Stanton Voter of Cedar and other
members successfully attacked print
ing claims ot the State Journal com
pany amounting to 442973 and they
were stricken from the bill The argu
ment was made that the Journal com
pany is defendant in a damage suit
brought by the state for 85400 and
that no money should be paid the
Journal by the state until that suit is
settled The claim of Sheriff John
Power for 207580 for caring for state
prisoners was passed upon favorably
Casebeer moved a reconsideration of
the action of the committee in reject
ing the State Journal claims and that
the claims be allowed but that the p
sate auditor be instructed to defer pay
men until the court shall have passed
on the validity of the states claim
against the Journal company This
motion prevailed The item of 10000
for Sarah J Billineyer of Lincoln for
injuries sustained from a fall due to a
bad sidewalk on the capitol grounds
was reduced to 1000 With these and
numerous other amendments of less
importance the bill was ordered en
grossed to a third reading
SENATE Alter a somewhat spirit
ed opposition the senate on the 17th
passed the Cady railroad commission
bill which was opposed in the forum
of debate to the Sheldon bill Tho
Cady bill like the other one i a joint
resolution for a constitutional amend
ment providing for such a commis
sion The commission shall consist of
the state auditor land commissioner
and treasurer varying in this partic
ular from the old law which placed
the secretary of state on the board
The following bills were passed S
F 171 The green trading stamp bill
to prevent their use H R 157 The
game law allowing an open season for
quail for two weeks in November S
F 284 The county engineer bill II
R 207 was indefinitely postponed The
following bills were disposed of as in
dicated S F 190 Land outside of
city limits that is to be platted owner
must show certificate that no taxes
are due and land must be accepted by
county commissioners S F 245 To
allow cities and towns to install heat
ing plants For passage S F 1S5
Repealing the law allowing a 7 mill
levy For passage This law is now in
operative S F 217 To facilitate the
collection of delinquent taxes For
passage S F 2G1 To make the party
vote apply on constitutional amend
ments when the measures were en
dorsed by parties To pass S F -37
Allowing telegraph and telephone
companies to condemn property for
right-of-way To pass S F 251 Pro
viding for the formation of cemetery
associations S F 271 Making scav
enger statutes specific To pass S F
281 Providing for annual reports ol
insurance companies was recommend
ed for passage S F 2G2 A bill to al
low the people of Plattsmouth to reg
ulate meter charges was approved
lS F 229 To limit senate employes
to forty eight was recommended for
HOUSE These bills were passed
on the 17th To establish a hospital
for crippled deformed children and
those suffering from any disease like
ly to make them deformed and to pro
vide for their education and for the
location and government of the hos
pital Providing that when any real
estate is situated in more than one
township or precinct or in more than
one school road or other district it
shall be listed separately for- the pur
pose Xf taxation Disclaiming and re
linquishing all claim of ownership or
title on the part of Nebraska to any
and all land in Iowa which hereafter
shall become within the boundaries of
Nebraska by virtue of the action of
any commissions appointed by the said
states and the ratification thereof by
said states and the sanction therof by
the national congress or otherwise
provided however that the land has
been for ten years or more in posses
sion or occupation of any persons or
copartnership or corporation claiming
ownership or title thereto The defi
ciency claims bill introduced by Stet
son as chairman of the deficiency com
mittee appropriating approximately
41000 Granting to the United States
government rights-of-way for the con
struction of irrigation canals Provid
ing for the admission of foreign acci
dent insurance companies to transact
business where the benefits do not ex
ceed 200 Providing for the purchase
of legislative supplies for each ses
sion prior to its convening limiting
the cost of such supplies to 3000
Regulating the salaries of county com
missioners Defining the purpose and
providing for the government of the
School for the Deaf and the School
for the Blind at Omaha and Nebraska
City respectively
Some of the names of towns upon
which Tennessee bases claims for
prestige Barefoot Botts Leap Year
Chimney Top Chuckaluck Half Pone
Hanging Limb Ipe Marrowbone
Mouse Tail Opossum Parch Corn
Peanut Rip Shin Sweet Lips Tom
Brown U Bet Yum Yum Buzzard
Roost Fits Mashmead Peeled Chest
nut Shoo Fly Skull Bone Snail lope
Tiger Tail and Wahoo Washington
Not the Conductor He Wanted
Sousa the bandmaster was await
ing the departure of a train from a
railway station when a red faced old
gentleman rushed up to him and in
a surly tone asked When does this
train leave I dont know answer
ed Sousa Dont know said the
man Do you not What do you think
youre paid for being impudent to
passengers eh Youre a conductor
arent you Yes but only of a brass
Tobacco Is Healthy
In the course of my association with
tobacco about twenty five years I
have known men all this time every
working day to be inhaling tobacco
dust or fumes produced in the process
of manufacture Uninterrupted good
health is the general rule of all per
sons engaged in tobacco proceedings
of every kind and generally of large
consumers Writer in London Lan
Knew Little of Countrys History
In a recent examination in history
of French recruits ten out of the twen
ty examined confessed that they had
never heard of Napoleon Joan of Arc
was thought to be a great man who
figured in several wars Louis XIV
was an officer who was guillotined
Bayard was a French king and Napo
leon I made the war of 1870 and waf
killed in Algeria
Vast Forests in Northern Belt
The northern belt of forests is per
haps greater in extent than all the
other timber belts and reserves of
Canada combined It extends from
the eastern part of T ibrador north of
the fiftieth parallel in a northwesterly
direction to Alaska a distance of some
300 miles with an average width of
perhaps 500 miles
For Six Month Ho Con III Not Turn In
Ited Ho TelM of n llciitcriy vhilcli
ilusGiwn Perfect Kelicf
The caso of Mr Mnrston shows that
sciatica can be cured mitl no one afflicted
by it should allow himself to bo dis
heartened He was first stricken about u
year ago mid for bix mouths ho suffered
pain which ho thinks tho most intense
that any man could possibly stand
Asked about the details of his remark
able recovery Mr Mnrston gavo tho fol
lowing account I was attacked by a
numbness or dull feeling just back of my
right hip I didnt know what tho mat
ter was but thought it was simply a
stiffness that would wear away in a
short time It didnt however and
soon the pain became so very bad that
every step was torture for me When I
finally succeeded in getting home itwns
just as much as I could do to reach my
room and get to bed
The doctor was sent for and when ho
had examined me he haid I had sciatica
He prescribed for me mid advised me not
to try to leave my bod The advice was
unnecessary for I couldnt get out of
bed if I wanted to It was impossible for
me to turn from one sido to the other
The moment I attempted to move any
part of my body the pain became so ex
cruciating thrt I would have to lio per
fectly motionless
I suffered this tortrrefor six months
without getting any relief Then I dis
charged the doctor and on the advice of
a friend I bought a box of Dr Williams
Pink Pills and began to take them tlneo
at a dose three times a day I was de
termined to give them a thorough trial
Two months after I began to use
them I was able to leave my bed and
walk about tho house and a month later
I was entirely cured and able to go about
my work as usual I think Dr Williams
Pink Pill aro the best medicine I ever
used and I heartily recommend them to
anyono who suffers from sciatica
Mr MnStou is a prosperous farmer
and may bo reached by mail addressed
lo Charles P Mnrston Hampton P O
New Hampshire Dr Williams Pink
Pills have cured other painful nervous
lisorders such as neuralgia partial par
alysis and locomotor ataxia They are
sold by all druggists
Inventor in Doubt
Is your invention a success I
dont know yet answered the me
chanical genius It is such a simple
and effective device that I dont know
whether I can develop enough imagin
ative eloquence concerning it to
make people subscribe for stock
Horse Commits Suicide
In a lawsuit in Aberdeen Wash
over a horse the death of which in a
flood the owner attributed to the care
lessness of a man who had hired it
the court decided that the animal
which had suffered from melancholia
for some time committed suicide
Dont you know that Defiance Starch
besides being absolutely superior to
any other is put up 16 ounces in pack
age and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds
Take care of your living and your
dying will take care of itself
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of all
other brands Others say they cannot
sell any other starch
A stiff man is not always a straight
Hint for Young Wives
The main thins is to realize that a
man is as ho is You cant change
him much And tho sooner you leavo
off trying to reform hint the sooner
will you bo ablo to mako him go
through his paces and do tho cuto
tricks he is capablo of Indeed ho can
be made quite tame by gentle treat
ment and may in time learn some of
the finer things of life from his mis
tress The proper study of woman
kind is man Syracuse journal
An Old Offender
Theres nothing new under the sun
Tho theory that mosquitoes transmit
disease is not a recent development
as many suppose At a late meeting
of the Asiatic society in Ceylon Sir
Henry A Blako governor of the
island announced that Cingalese med
ical books of tho sixth century des
cribed sixty seven varieties of mos
quitaes and 421 kinds of malarial
fever caused by mosquitoes
Childs Idea of Bliss
A small child had been promised
that if she were very good she should
be taken to a hotel with her father
and mother When there some old
ladies with a view to improving her
mind asked if she were a good little
girl and if she knew where good littlo
girls went to Yes she said they
go to hotels
Law of Life is Toil
If you want knowledge you must
toil for it if food you must toil for
it and if pleasure you must toil for
it Toil is the law Pleasure comes
through toil and not by self-indulgence
and indolence When one gets
to love work his life is a happy one
Something Doing
This morning the sweet slumber of
our peaceful and quiet town was arous
ed by bang bang bang like the re
port of firearms about 3 oclock indi
cating that a shooting affray was
taking place in some part of town
Monument Enterprise
Two Kinds of People
Some are all right all day if they
begin the day all right but somo
other people are all right all day any
way because if they dont begin the
day right they jerk it into right Or
vice Sisson in Short Talks
Million of Vepctnhlei
When the Editor read 10000 plants for
16c he could hardly believe it but upon
second reading finds that the John A
Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wia than
whom there are no more reliable and ex
tensive seed growers in the world makes
this offer which is made to get you to
test Salzers Warranted Vegetable Seeds
They will send you their big plant and
seed catalog together with enough seed
to grow
1000 fine Eolid Cabbages
2000 rich juicy Turnips
2000 blanching nutty Celery l
2000 rich buttery Lettuce
1000 splendid Onions
1000 rare luscious Radishes
1000 gloriously brilliant Flovrera
providing you will return this notice and
if you will send them 20c in postage they
will add to the above a package of fa
mous Berliner Cauliflower W X U
Police Recover Rich Booty
Half a ton of lace stolen property
packed in ten sacks was discovered
by London detectives a few days ago
on the premises of a tailor
You cannot teach where you do not
Rb Rllljy t J iJ h PS
Ntgetable Pr eparalionforAs
similating UieFcedandReguIa
ling ite Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigeslicnCheerPur
nessandRestConlains neilher
OpiumMorpliinc norIineral
Not Sabc otic
PumfJan Seed
RxktlU ScUt
ytnixeSeetl f
Whtetyretn fTarcn
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
Tion Sour StomachDiarrhoca
Worms Convulsions Fcvensh
ness and Loss of Sleep
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children
ie Kind You Have
I Bears the
Signature J f p
I Thirty Years
If fllCtolltlllTln i
msiBmm i
ituuiuii a ty ndlSf
LUKtS WHEHt Att tLSfc tAltfc J
Best Cough Syrnp Tastes Good TJf c J1
mm - -
la time Sola brdrncclsts ffl TlVflflCTll ffT BTTDTPTriS
CURES catarrh of the stomach