The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 17, 1905, Image 6

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Suffered Agonies from Kidney
dcrs Until Cured by Doans
Kidney Pills
George W Renoir of 1953 North
mi mk
kjjii if
iit i iim ii
11th St Phila
delphia Pa a
man of good rop
u t n t i o n and
standing vrites
Five years ago I
was suffering so
with my back and
kidneys that I
often had to lay
off The kidney
secretions were
unnatural m y
legs and stomach were swollen and
I had no appetite When doctors
failed to help me I began using Ioans
Kidney Pills and improved until my
back was strong and my appetite re
turned During the four years since
I slopped using them I have enjoyed
excellent health The cure was per
Signed George W Renoff
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster
Mil burn Co Buffalo N Y For said
by al dealers Price 50 cents
Owns Costly Book
The Duke of Devonshire possesses
as an heirloom Claude Lorraines
Hook of Truth which is said to be
one of the rarest and most valuable
volumes in Europe It is worth six
times as much as the Maxarin
Bible the most costly book that the
British Museum can boast The former
Duke refused an offer of 100000 for
Frightful Capacity
My little sister Marion when four
years olu was feeding some greedy
hens in the back yard one day at
noon She was called to dinner and
on taking her chair at the table ex
claimed Oh mamma Im as hungry
as a chicken with a hundred tongues
Comments on the Wildcat
A wildcat was caught in a trap in
Rosshire Scotland recently and is
to be carefully stuffed and preserved
The Westminster Gazette says a wild
cat is beautifully remarked and
adds that it is more dangerous for
game or man than the fox
Duck is Natural Surgeon
A hunter who lives at Kustrin Ger
many shot and wounded a wild duck
When he came across it after a long
search he found that it had tried to
stay the flow of blood under the wing
by stuffing in a number of grass
Sermon on Cleanliness
Once a year the archbishop of Tuam
preaches a sermon on health and
cleanliness The national board or
the Catholic Truth society of Ireland
has issued a sanitary sermon as a
pamphlet which sells at a penny
Greatest Slaughter of Officers
The greatest proportionate loss of
officers to men in any battle was at
the capture of the Redan in the Cri
mea where three officers were lost to
every twenty two men
Apples in China
Apples in central China are soft
lack flavor and have no keeping qual
ities Imported American varieties are
doing comparatively well but soon
lose their best qualities
If you cant attend the heavenly
feast because youve got a new yoke
ol oxen take the oxen along for the
feast E G Holden in The Sunday
You may have observed that certain
people who believe in saying only
some are said to be lucky because
they have good sense
There is no stage of life in which
we are safe the young are impetu
ous the middle aged stubborn the old
weak all dangerous Bishop Hall
Every great man is always being
helped by everybody for his gift is
to get good out of all things and all
persons Ruskin
We have all heard of wolves in
sheeps clothing but the wolf at the
door generally comes disguised as a
bill collector
When a woman talks a great deal
about a certain man she wants others
to think that it is purely a case of ac
The very art of life so far as I have
been able to observe consists in forti
tud and perseverance Walter Scott
reliance Starch is put up 16 ounces
in a package 10 cents One third more
starch for the same money
Probably the undertaker looks sol-
enin at a funeral because he is afraid
lie will not get his money
I do not believe Pisos Cure for Consumpf or
has an enial for coughs anil colds Johv B
Uoteu Trinity Springs Iud Feb 15 190a
There would be no debtors if prom
ises were legal tenders
i V s
Write or call at office for free informa 1
tion Highest testimonials from pronr
infnt statesmen and physicians Con- j
suit your Family Doctor Nobracesor
appliances used l reatea successfully
by mail Sis years experience
I tie BlomoYlst Gymnastic OrtbsDedlcIisL
fcjyrisM 1902 INCORPORATED capital C2500000
STEAI6HIitC6AR always reliable
your JoDber or direct lruai Factory Peoria 111
a -
Warsaw a Milk Town
The town of Warsaw may be called
the milk producers Eden although
the milk consumers Eden it certainly
Is not There is probably nowhere
such a milk town as this Restau
rants - are little frequented On the
other hand the public frequent the
various diaries in great numbers in
order to chat with friends or read the
newspapers to the accompaniment oi
a black or white coffee or a glass of
cold or warm milk
Retort Courteous
Sandy McNab was boastful of his
ancestors and of the noble connec
tions of his family A tourist who was
spending a week in the village where
Sandy lived met that individual driv
ing a pig Hullo Sandy said the
visitor Is this one of your noble re
lations Na na sir was Sandys
reply Shes no relation at all shes
shust an acquaintance like yersel
Lives of Men and Women
No man even the most wretched
would change with any woman even
the i most fortunate And this is not
an illusion Ho is instinctively right
He gets more out of life He knows
this and it helps him to bear much
without complaint Referee
Found at Last
Alston Mich March 13th Spe
cial After suffering for twenty
years from Rheumatism and Kidney
Troubles and spending a fortune in
doctors and medicines that brought
him no relief Mr James Culet of this
place has found a complete cure for
all his aches pains and weakness in
Dodds Kidney Pills
Naturally Mr Culet feels much elat
ed over his cure and gives great
credit to the remedy that gave him
Yes Mr Culet says my rheuma
tism and Kidney Troubles are all
gone and I feel like a new man
Dodds Kidney Pills did it Before I
used them I spent a small fortune
on doctors and one remedy and anoth
er I cheerfully recommend Dodds
Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from
Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble
Dodds Kidney Pills always cure
sick kidneys Healthy kidneys take
all the uric acid the cause of Rheu
matism out of the blood Thats why
Dodds Kidney Pills always cure
The first robin will arrive foolishly
early but he would have to wear furs
and gum boots to get here ahead of
the first spring bonnet
The report of Commissioner Gar
field on the beef industry has at last
been published It must be some
what of a surprise to those who have
been indulging in wholesale adverse
criticism upon the methods of the
Chicago packers as it discloses facts
and figures which clearly show that
the great food producers have been
innocent of the serious offenses with
which they have been charged They
have been for a long time accused by
newspapers all over the country of
extortionate prices demanded and ob
tained of depression of values of cat
tle at the various stockyards where
their business is conducted of enor
mous profits wholly disproportionate
to the capital employed and in gen
eral of so carrying on their business
that the public under an organised
system of spoliation were being
robbed for their exclusive benefit
We- find now however that not a
single one of these charges has been
sustained but on the contrary that
rigid and searching investigation of
ficially made has resulted in com
plete acquittal
Instead of extortion it is shown that
no industry can be found where so
narrow a margin of profit prevails
the actual records and original en
tries to which the commissioner had
free access showing that the high
est net profit any of the packers
made on their sales of beef was two
and three tenths per cent in 1902 and
in one instance that the profit realized
in 190 1 was one and eight tenths Fr
The variations in the market prices
for tattle arc exhaustively treated
and no evidence of any kind was dis
covered or even hinted at tending to
show thai values of cattle are in the
slightest degree improperly affected
or controlled by packers at any of
the chief centers of the industry
On the whole the report completely
dissipates the prevalent idea that
great fortunes are being amassed by
illegal ami improper methods em
ployed by western packers showing
that notwithstanding the high prices
for beef prevailing in 1902 the busi
ness was less remunerative than in
years characterized by normal values
both for cattle and product He says
that the year 1902 instead of being
one of exorbitant profits as has been
commonly supposed was less profit
able than usual In fact during the
months when the prices of beef were
the highest some at least of the
leading packers were losing money
on every head of cattle slaughtered
It was not- possible to advance the
prices of beef in full proportion to the
great advance in the prices of cattle
at that time
After all that has been written re
flecting upon the great business in
terest engaged in the marketing and
distribution of the product of one of
the greatest of our national indus
tries it is gratifying to all fair minded
people that the prejudiced attacks
upon it have failed of verification
and the great western packers may be
congratulated for having passed
through such a searching and thor
ough official investigation unsmirched
The results of this investigation
based as it is upon exhaustive data
officially obtained and verified by
United States government experts
must be accepted without hesitation
as the investigation was made under
circumstances that guaranteed com
plete accuracy with a possible dispo
sition indeed to arrive at entirely
different results
Blessed is he who puts a line of
wisdom In a lineof type
Veterans from Port Arthur Surround
Eighty Thousand Muscovites
Tenth Day of Gigantic Struggle for
NEW CHYVANG It is reported
here that Tie Pass has been invested
by the Japanese and that General
Kouropatkin having no alternative
will probably be forced to surrender
within a week
The Russians have not been rein
forced from the direction of Harbin
since March 1
General Nogis army made a forced
march of twenty five miles daily and
acting in conjunction with General
Okus army surrounded SO000 Rus
sians in the direction of Tie Pass and
cut off their supplies
MUKDEN1 Noon The Japanese
army bombarded the bridge at Fu
pass on the- Hun river twelve mils
east of Mukden Ru sian artillery re
plied vigorously The cannonade last
ed an hour
At prereut the Japanese arr miking
most energetic attacks south of the
Hun liver It is rumored that they
have transferred thithor some of tlmir
forces from the northwest in antici
pation of a night attack
The Russian forces in the district
of Tzuanvanche north of the Mukden
station rested under arms through
out the night Shortly before dawn a
large Japanese force approached the
Zaraitser regiment This regiment al
lowed the Japanese to approach with
in 200 paces and then discharged a
volley from their rifles and opened on
them with quick tiro guns simply
mowing down the Japanese who were
Among the prisoners brought in on
Wednesday were a number of privates
in new uniforms who were from a re
cently organized Japanese reserve di
vision There is reason to believe that
another division is being landed in the
northern part of Korea for the pur
pose of making a demonstration
against Vladivostok On Wednesday
there were furious attacks northwest
of Mukden against the villages of San
taitse Yangshihtung and Unshuntun
These attacks were all repulsed
4 a m Midnight closed the tenth
day of gigantic struggle for the pos
session of Mukden and the mastery of
a vast empire the tenth day of un
ceasing conflict under exploding
shrapnel i ie roar of cannon and the
whistling of bullets the tenth day
without sleep and without food The
combat is fast reaching a point where
it is a question not so much of turning
columns of tactics and of strategy as
of whose strength energy and cart
ridges will last the longer
Gray coated Russians patient un
complaining strong of soul clung
doggedly to positions against an
enemy whose attacks go to the very
point of insanity and desperation For
forty eight hours the Japanese have
not eaten They are starving and ex
hausted but Field Marshal Oyama
himself has told them that the city
will fall and the slaughter stop on
Fridav and their confidence in their
leader increased their strength ten
Troops Stumble Over Corpses Un
buried for Days
MUKDEN The Japanese last night
pushed up from the south across the
abandoned plain between the Shakhe
and Hun rivers and are as this dis
patch is filed about five miles south
of the latter and from the Hun oppo
site Machiapu and northward Japa
nese batteries are pouring in a cease
less fire
The Japanese succeeded in emnlac
ing siege guns and mortars at Dius
hantun about six miles west of this
city whence they opened fire before
Diushantun was the scene yester
day of the bloodiest and most desper
ate fighting of all this terrible battle
Its possession Avas Aital to the Jap
anese Avho stormed it again and again
The Russians dislodged them but the
Japanese finally recaptured the vil
lage after much hand to hand fighting
Eye Avitnesses say the dead scat
tered in the streets court yards and
houses haAe been unbnried four days
Rifles and other arms lie about
Avrenched and twisted Hand grenades
were thrown by the Japanese and the
garrison Avas subjected to the concen
trated fire of as many as a hundred
guns Once Diushantun in their hands
the Japanese can train guns on Muk
den railroad station and it has been
held at a frightful cost The Japanese
are also concentrating their efforts
about seven miles north Mukden and
about five miles Avest of the railroad
Avith the object of breaking through
and cutting off the surrounding troops
Nice Job For a Negro
WASHINGTON There is authority
for the positive statement that the
president has fully decided upon the
appointment of Charles W Anderson
a negro of NeAV York as internal
revenue collector for the district of
New York to succeed Charles H
Treat who Avill be appointed to suc
ceed Ellis H Roberts treasurer of
the United States at Washington
These changes hoAAever will not be
made until next June when Mr Rob
erts will have comnleted an eight year
No More Diplomatic Snaps for Ne
braska Men
WASHINGTON Senators Rurkett
and Millard had a conference on the
subject of the summary dismissal of
Max Raehr of Howard county United
States consul at Cienfuegos Cuba
After learning at the state denartment
that Mr Baehrs official J rep had
been exceptionally good Senator Mil
lard proposed that the matter be taken
up with President Roosevelt and
about 11 oclock Senators Burkett and
Millard called at the white house and
lodged a respectful protest against the
act affecting Baeiir urging that a mis
take had been made The president
was not inclined to concede the
claim Later Senator Millard learned
of Assistant Secretary Ioomis of the
state department that Robert J
Thompson the Chicago newspaper re
porter appointed to succeed Baehr
did not wish to go to Cuba his desire
being to go to Europe in the consular
service and Mr Ioomis assured Sen
ator Millard that if Thompson declined
to go to Cienfuegos it is quite likely
that Max Baehr would be permitted
to remain there
In response to telegraphic requests
from leading republicans in Nebraska
Senator Millard urged the president
to appoint George Anthes deputy au
ditor of state to an important post
in the consular service The president
listened attentively to the good things
said of Mr Anthes replying that Ne
braska had more than her quota of
consular appointments and referred
to the list in support of the claim
which Senator Millard was inclined to
Twenty Two Republicans Combine
With Democrats to End Contest
DENVER A plan for disposing of
the contest over the governorship and
retaining Adams in the chair was an
nounced Wednesday night by the
Adams supporters It is to be brought
about by the aid of certain republi
cans thought they will not be re
quired to vote directly to seat Adams
According to the claims of the Adams
people they have secured the
j tures of twenty two republican mein
j hers of the legislature to an agree
t ment to vote down all three reports
in the contest commitee With the
thirty one members who it is reported
will act Avith the republicans above
mentioned the result will be a major
ity of four By defeating all three re
ports the effect will be to allow
Adams to retain his seat On the other
hand the Peabody republicans claim
that they have forty six pledged to
stand together for Peabody and that
this pledge was made at last nights
caucus A steering committee was
named and instructed to use every ef
fort to keep before the joint assembly
the Alexander report in favor of seat
ing Lieutenant Governor McDonald
and ignoring the claims of both Adams
and Peabody They hope in this way
to eventually win away enough of the
McDonald men to give a majority for
Supreme Court Rules in Opposition to
His Claim
HARTFORD Conn The supreme
court of Connecticut handed down a
decision in the Philo S Bennett will
case in Avhich W J Bryan has fig
ured as beneficiary to the extent o
50000 as proAidel in a sealed let
ter left by Mr Bennett and finds
no error The decision upholds the
superior court which rendered judg
ment to the effect that the clause in
Mr Bennetts Avill containing the par
agraph in regard to the 50000 to be
left to Mr Bryan is inoperatiA e and
that the said fund is the part of a
residuary estate
Mr Bryan appealed trom this de
cision and the result is as previously
stated The superior court having
held that the sealed letter was no
part of the will the only question to
decide on was its contents as testa
mentary document Clause 12 of the
will leaves 50000 to Mrs Bennett in
tru with no purpose while the seal
ed letter sayj that the money is left
to William J Bryan The supreme
court holds that the superior court is
right in deciding that the clause is
Former Senator Cannon Disfeliow
shipped by Mormons
SALT LAKE CITY Former United
States Senator Frank 7 Cannon has
been disfellowshinped from the Mor
mon church for unchristian like con
duct and apostasy
This action of the church author
ities Aiiich AAas announced yesterday
followed a hearing in the city of
Ogden before the local bishopric Avith
Avhom charges had been preferred
against Elder Cannon Avho is editor
of the Salt Lake Tribune
The charges were based on editorial
utterances of the Tribune including
an address to the earthly king of the
kingdom of God
Czar Addresses Young Officers
and eighteen naval cadets and thirty
two pupils of the naA al engineering
school Avho have been promoted to
be officers Avere presented to the em
peror at Esarskoe Selo The emperor
in an address exhorted the young offi
cers particularly at the present time
to defend the honor of glory of Rus
sia AAith all their might not heeding
and not discouraged by strokes of
fate but always laboring faithfully in
the service of the fatherland and tha
Men That Succeed
The men Avhom I have seen succeed
best In life have always been cheer
ful and hopeful men who went about
their business with a smile on their J
faces and took the changes and
chances of this mortal life like men
facing rough and smooth alike as it
came Charges Kingsley
Swords in Japan
Although Avcaring swords has al
most entirely ceased for twenty years
in Japan the old esteem and rever
ence for the weapon and its use still
exist among the gentlemen of the
country and many of the nobility
haAe at their houses regular estab
lishments for fencing
Turquoise a Lucky Stone
The Orientals have a proverb That
a turquoise given by a loving hand
parries with it happiness and good
fortune and another- That the tur
quoise pales Avhen the Aveli being of
the giver is in danger Who then
would not be the possessor of a lucky
Sure Thing
What makes the merchants busi
ness hum what makes his clerks per
spire Is it due to drummers blautl
or to messages by Avire Can it be
due to fine displays or to silly worn
out fads No the business boom is
mostly due to his large attractive
Mexico and the United States to
gether furnish about 72 per cent of
the silver output of the Avorld Brit
ish India Straits Settlements and
China take nearly two thirds of the
total in a good year
In the days of our grandmothers
the panacea for all complexion ills
Avas the application of decoction
made from soaking Avild tansy in but
termilk an extremely innocent and
effective costmetic
We liAe in a world Avhich is full of
misery and ignorance and the plain
tituy of each of us is to make the lit
tle corner he can influence somewhat
less ignorant than it Avas before he
entered it Huxley
The world generally gives its ad
miration not to the man avIio does
Avhat nobody else ever attempts to do
but to the man who does best Avhat
multitudes do AAell Lord Macaulay
There js one thing Avill Avarm up
the man Avho preaches in an ice box
and that is to see people looking for
a more genial climate Henry F
Cope in Chicago Tribune
The of a religion does not de
pend on its vagaries
A Tribute to Weather Conditions
In Western Canada
During the early portion of Febru
ary of this year the middle and
Western States suffered severely Avith
the intense cold and Avinters storms
Trains Avere delayed cattle suffered
and there Avas much general hardship
While this Avas the case throughout
Western Canada now attracting so
much attention the Aveather Avas per
One correspondent writes We are
enjoj ing most beautiful Aveather the
gentlemen are going to church with
out top coats while the ladies require
no heavier outer clothing than that
afforded by light jackets In contrast
with this it is interesting to read in a
St Paul paper of 13th February the
folloAving in double head lines and
large bold faced type
Balmy Breezes are Blowing in Northwestern Canada
While People are Freezing to Death in Texa3
ana Other Southern States
St Paul 24
Omaha 1
St Joseph W
Fort Worth Tex Zero
Moorhead I1
HaA re Mont IS
Williston N D 1 8
Miles City Mont 2
Medicine Hat Can Zero
Calgary Can 24
Edmonton Can 2n
Leadville Colo 32
During the month of January of this
year the number of settlers Avho Avent
to Canada Avas greater than any pre
vious January The movement north
ward is increasing wonderfully
The Aacant lands of Western Can
ada are rapidly filling with an excel
lent class of people The Government
Agents located at different points in
the States whose duty it is to direct
settlers are busier than ever They
have arranged for special excursions
during the months of March and
April and Avill be pleased to give in
tending settlers any desired informa
We know Avhat we are but Ave
knoAV not Avhere the slip up may be
Itcblns Bllud Uleedtn ir 1r trudnr lile A air
drURpIst will refund nuney If lAZO OINTMENT
talu to cure you la 6 to 11 days Vic
Always turn off the gas Otherwise
the blow may be deadly
Beauty is not always skin deep It
is often painted on the outside
Some men have spring fever twelve
months in the year
ft Cures CoiK Coujhs Soro Throat Croup
Influenza tVhooninir Couyh Uronihitis and
Asthma Accruiincurcfi rt oiiMiniptioii inllr t
staffs ami i sure relit f In ailini tl stages TVc
at once A on will soo the excellent eH ei af u t
takiiu the first Iom Sold ly dealers every
where luiiu botucte 2o cents anil DO cent
Are you satisfied with the appear-
l ance of your Avails Do they come
B up to your ideas Are you putting on
J coat after coat of sticky dirty wall
a paper malting a sandwich with sour
0 paste between
Alabastine is clean hygienic
s and wholesome and more than that it
B is beautiful The most artistic effects
can be produced with Alabastine
jj The Alabastine Co will furnish
without expanse la you color schemes
and harmonies for your rooms If you
B are budding or remodeling simply
g ask for color schemes giving size
a use and direction of liclu of rooms
in original packages Any dec
Q orator can apply it or you can put it
n on yourself Simply brush it on It is
0 a permanent durable Avail finish
H Outwears two walls done any other
1 Avay
B The best dealers sell it If yours doesnt
send us our name nnd we will see that you
21 are supplied
B Grand Rapids Mirli
New York City
mmmm slothing
S 7 IT
X I SisrZiii
Wm yA
mzA o i rzcgAy
r I W T f Tf
J mxm ffl
Pom feiiil
sj Early in the rncming late at at
night or whenever used Defiance
Starch will be found always the
same always the best
Insist on having it the most for
your money
Satisfaction or money back
guaranteed It is manufactured
under the latest improved condi
tions It is up-to-date It is the
best We rive no premiums
We sell 16 ounces of the best 4
starch made for 10 cents Other
brands are 12 ounces for 10 cents
with a tin whistle
Manufactured by
Omaha Neb
in n
wheat is
now a tact-
i te a Free Homestead In AVestern Canada or bay
j eome of the liesr wheat lands on the continent and
Leciiine a producer
The average yield of wheat this year xlll be abtrat
I twentj Imshelstn the acre The oat and tmrley crop
i mill al o yield abundantly Splendid climate Rood
j schools and churches excellent marketing ractlitlei
i Appy for Information to Superintendent of Imml
jrrallon Ottawa Canada or to authorized Canadian
eminent Acent AV V Kennett New Yorls
Life ISuildlng Omaha Nebraka
I Please say -where you saw thl advertisement
Best Cough Syrup TaateaGood TJw
in time feolq by dnjucists
For 30 yftirs lianiad a specialty
yir in miaha Hla Homo
Treatment has permanently
curi thousands at hmall cost
Save lne ind money by describ
ing your cusf and write for Kren
hook nd term of treatment il d
i tn plain package Box
- Office 215 South lUb Street
Omiha Nebraska
r r