The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 10, 1905, Image 8

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Nebraska Plans Campaign For
Omaha Feb 5 Nebraska is
preparing a whirlwind campaign
for settlers and the promoters of
the campaign confidently expect
to see the number of inhabitants
of the state increase by fully 100
It is believed that a large part
of these new settlers will be drawn
from the farms of Pennsylvania
Ohio the New England States
and the South although an effort
will also be made to show the
factory workmen throughout
the crowded eastern cities that
they can by coming to Nebraska
inja few years be in independent
positions instead of slaving day
after day for comparatively mea
ger wages But the efforts of the
men behind the scheme will not
end at the farmer and the work
man but will reach across the
Atlantic and will endeavor to in
fluence immigrants to come
direct from Ellis Island to Omaha
here to be distributed to different
parts of the state according to
their desires after learning the re
sources of the different counties
The business men of the entire
state are aroused over the propo
sition and if the fame of Nebraska
is unsung throughout the Union
this summer and fall it will be
because the plans have failed
First the solons of the Nebraska
Legislature are to be asked to
devote two per cent of all the
State taxes to an advertising
fund This itself is an enormous
amount but even this sum is to
be only the nucleus of a still
greater fund which will be sub
scribed by the different commer
cial bodies of the State
A moving picture show similar
to that used by the Nebraska
commission at the St Louis Ex
position will be sent East and
will show in hundreds of the
smaller towns throughout the sec
tions to be canvassed The show
will be free and in addition to an
hours display of interesting mov
ing pictures depicting scenes in
Nebraska a good lecturer will ex
plain to the audience the pictures
thrown on the screen
Among other scenes used there
will be one of an immigrant ar
If you are thinking of investing in land be
sure and call on me for my list of fine farms
I have some very attractive propositions near
town that will prove to be money makers A
very large number of farms were sold in the
Culbertson neighborhood this winter and still
there are excellent chances for men of moder
ate means to secure for themselves a home
that they can call their own Irrigated sub
irrigated table and divide lands at very reas
onable prices and easy terms
Alfalfa Land Worth 75 per Acre
The Nebraska Farmer published a booklet in 1903 in which the author made the follow
ing statement Every acre of alfalfa up to the limit of the stock carrying capacity of the
farm is worth 75 as a land investment or farm resources in the live stock opirations of the
land owner Great opportunity for profit is afforded on the majority of farm through alfalfa
alone On the west side of the state where semi arid conditions exist there the most success
ful crops of both hay and seed have been produced
I have on my list several farms that will grow as fine alfaii as can be grown in the state
and that from 20 to 25 per acre One farm of 320 acres nearly half of which will grow
alfalfa can now be had for 2200 The same place will grow beets very successfully The
G W Watkins farm has 250 acres that will grow alfalfa and this generally considered the
best farm in the valley between the two towns can be had for 25 if bought soon
I Have Bargains The Best Bargains The Money Makers
Call or write for List DO IT NOW
Office Over McMillens Drug Store
ire iii ifci jgAHtLriYii
riving on he range and taking up
a homestead The building of the
sod house will be shown Another the printing office here
set win represent tne same nome
steader plowing and breaking the
ground sowing and reaping and
feeding cattle and eventually the
Nebraska farmhouse and home of
today will be exhibited standing
in the place of the old sod house
with which the start in life was
There will be hundreds of
thousands of pamphlets distribut
ed over the country calling atten
tion to the magnificent public
school system the finest in the
country which has placed Ne
braska at the head of the educa
tional column and has given her
the lowest percentage of illiterates
of any state in the Union
One eighteenth of all the land
in Nebraska belongs to the per
manent school fund
For the immigrants special
commissioners will meet all steam
ers and agents will be sent into
Europe in endeavors to persuade
them to come to Nebraska to
Citizens Bank of McCook
of McCook Nebraska
Chakter No 276 Incorporated
in the state of Nebraska at the close of
business February 23 1905
Loans and discounts S19549o 17
Overdrafts secured and unsecured -191 71
Banking house furniture and fixtures 16000 GO
Current expenses and taxes paid 317 12
Due from nationalstato and
private banks and bankers 54S07 81
Checks and items of exchngo 1235 16
Casb Bills 367S 00
Specie 7997 15 67718 15
Total 279932 13
Capital stock paid in 50000 00
Surplnsfund 4000 00
Undivided prolits 6113 30
Individual deposits subject to
check 101959 39
Demand cert ficates of de
posit 41630 48
Time certificates of deposit 51530 00
Cashiers checks outstanding 6849 34
Due to state and private
banks and bankers 14549 64 219518 85
Total 279932 15
State of Nebraska County of Bed Willowss
I A C Ebcrt cashier of tho above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is correct and a true copy of the report
made to the state banking board
A C Ebeet Cashier
Attest V Franklin Director
W B Wolfe Director
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th
day of March 1905 H H Bebet
Seal Notary Public
My commission expires October 8 1907
Best apron check ginghams in all
colors at oc a yd at Thompsons
Mrs Addie Bute is working in
Clyde Clements moved onto
the old Brown farm this week
Mrs Henry Cozad retnrned from
her visit in Missouri last Saturday
Mr and Mrs Hiram McCord re
turned from St Joe Wednesday
m jrning
Mrs Samuel Premer has been
quite sick this week but is recov
ering now
Mrs Lorena Burton has gone
to Cambridge to assist in dress
making this week
Miss Bertha Owens visited with
h2r friend Miss Effie McCord of
this city this week
H L Brown and family of In
dianola spent Sunday with her
father J M Brown
Clarence Bush has moved his
shoe shop into the Rittenburg
building back of Mr Statts meat
Mesdames Wilson and Lee of
Indianola attended services in the
Christian church here Sunday
Mr and Mrs Arthur Stevens
and Percy Catlett and wife spent
Sunday with I W Stevens and
wife of Freedom Mrs Catlett
remained for a short visit
Carpenters are still at work on August
Weschs new house
Mr and Mrs Abe Peters were visitors
at Roy Albrechts Sunday
There is to be a dance at Mr Smiths
of Grant Saturdayso it is reported
Bert Benjamin with the help of Clyde
Ilartman is hauling alfalfa from tte
Beaver creek this week
Wm Relph is making arrangements
to move to the Beaver creek some time
this month J H Relph will work his
Mr and Mrs Roy Albrecht moved
over from Grant precinct to the Clint
Ely place in Gerver precinct Thursday
last and will farm there this summer
The old Hart farm east of town has
been purchased by Walter Hickling
Price 3000 He will in due time make
a fruit farm out of it and Walter knows
I II Wnsson is sbolling corn todny
Tlie box cars nro being shifted around
same of late
Quite a number from
hero attended
the odication of the new church
Mr Dureo is lecovering from his ill
The new restaurant will soon begin
There are several houses going up
once more
Wiggins Son dipped their sheep
There is going to be another new
lumber yard in town
George Gessleman is hauling his wheat
in from the Driftwood
Tho revival meetings are still going
on in the M E church
Mrs Wiggius is going to Kansas City
Thursday evening to visit her daughter
Rev Carson of McCook preached in j
the Baptist church Sunday morning and
Mr Weinple is fencing two lots west j
o his house Tne road will be slightly
The Quaker entertainers have been
giving a show and advertising their
rmdicines this week
Mrs Mae Phillips and two children
moved over to the old Gessleman place
from the Driftwood this week
Nelson Finley who has been visiting
in and around McCook came up Thurs
day to finish his visit with his friends
in Culbertson
J P Notley was among the ailing
first of this week
A son was born to Mr and Mrs Mich
ael Esch Wednesday of last week
Earl Allen of Indianola closed a veiy
successful term of school in Banner
district March 4th
E E Rogers has been enlarging his
house and making other considerable
improvements on his farm
There was a birthday party last Sat
urday night at Nelson Downs in honor
of his son Charlie who has just entered
his eighteenth year There were re
freshments and a fine social time
Jacob Unger and Mrs Mary Schneider
were married at the German Lutheran
church Tuesday morning at ten oclock
Dinner was served to about forty five
guests at the home of the bride
Everything worth mentioning in black
dress goods at Thompsons from 165 a
yard down to 164c Over fifty qualities
and kinds
Two of the famous Berry brothers
were over from Rawlins county Kansas
last Saturday
Just re c jived handsome small black
and white Shepherds checks in silk in
mohair in satine in ginghams and Simp
sons prints at Thompsons
Best 2 bushel seamless grain bags 16c
at Thompsons
Seven Million boxes sold in past 2 months
Box Supper and Entertainment
Under the auspices of the R N of A
and M W of A of McCook in Borrys
hnll Thursday evonimr March 23rd
i ki nti
Thn f rA l w lnn f nt rnnnir ul
X1JU LOl lUftU mI3 Utll UUV J 1VIM i
oving to an overflow of water
this vicinity the ducks have returned
There will bo an
elegant prize fjivon to the lady bringing
thfl mnat lmnrlaomnlv trimmnrl linv Atari
iur anu iura ivne meyers vuntea uwir
ther prizo RVPn to t0 ady bringing
sister Mrs Roy Barnes Tuesday tho noxfc nfcegt CX CoTco wI 0 fur
Judging from tho shooting going on in nished freo by fie lalios of the R N of
A Lady quartet Talks 1 y Rov Car-
R E Dutton will be among the beet man and others Boxos sold by Col E
raisers this year llo has contracted for S Howell Instrumental music by
fifteen acres somo of tho best talent in McCook
J W Andrews and W J Evans bvo
been replenishing their larder with meat
for the summer use
L P VaiHerhojf II C Jncobs Mrs
JWBurtless several of John Schmidts
services excedeu ex etaiionp there wefe 01MJ sHgMt prsonai injuries
Henry Bn nings took up their abode tvio bridgo railing was broken somewhat
KIfV fln CmM CSrln nnnnln
moving onto tho John Whittakor place
Ed Roach moved onto the Roy Dutton
pace known as the Barnes place and
m Eugene Dunham moved into one of tho
1 Hileman houses
G II Rowlands little four year old
girl Gladys was quite severely burned
list week while they wero burning
some weeds in the garden As yet she
is not improving
Miss Canie Shennentaw of Indianoln
was a guest of the Misses Nellio and
Flo3sie Andrews over Sunday attending
the dedication services of the AI E
church while here
Miss Eurilla Fitch left for Ainswortli
Neb Monday evening in response to a
telegram announcing tho death of Mis
Sarah Johns o 1 Her husband preceded
her to the spirit land but a few days
having passed from this earthly homo
February 12th his wife answering to the
heavenward summons March loth Mrs
Johnston will bo remembered by her old
neighbors and friends as one with whom
it is good to dwell Her beautiful face
was but tho reflection of the peace and
happiness that dwells within the soul
She leaves a daughter Miss Florence to
whom we woulJ say grieve not mother
1 a gone to her reward death is but an
awakening into the bosom of God
tnl excitomont was not lacking A
broken tug precipitated tho disaster
Our new yard wide black taffeta silk
is a sight worth seeing Easily tho equal
of the average lf0 grade Tho Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Mr and Mrs Cox and Miss Leona
were guests of Mr and Mrs L R Hile
man early in the week enroute to Cali
Annual bean supper G A R will bo
held in tho Methodist church Saturday
March 18th
Msi Maitik Bisoyles we it
Imperial this morning on a visit
up to
A million dollar snow this morning
Its Wonderful Strength Elasticity
utid IuNiiK Quality
The astronomer after the experience
of many years ban found that the spi
der furnishes the only thread which
can be successfully used in carrying
on his work writes Ambrose Swazey
In the Scientific American
The spider lines mostly used are from
one fifth to one seventh of a thousandth
of an inch iu fliameter and in addition
to their strength and elasticity they
have the peculiar property of Avlth
standing grit changes of temperature
and often when measuring the sun
spots although the heat is so intense
as to crack the lenses of the microme
ter eyepiece yet the spider lines are not
In the least injured
The threads of the silkworm al
though of great value as a commercial
product are so coarse and rough com
pared with the silk of the spider that
they cannot be used in such instru
Spider lines although but a fraction
of a thousandth of an inch in diameter
are made up of several thousands of
microscopic streams of fluid which
unite and form a single line and it is
because of this that they remain true
and round under the highest magnify
ing power-
Different It Mip lit Have Chunked tlia
Worlds History
When Charles Wesley one of the
founders of Methodism was at school
a gentleman of the same name intro
duced himself by letter to the boys
father and declared his intention of
making Charles his heir says a writ
er From that time forth the bene
factor discharged the boys liability at
school and behaved as the handsomest
Santa Claus all the year round After
some years the incognito asked the boy
if he Avould accompany him to Ireland
Charles eventually decided against go
ing The stranger went his way alone
In Ireland he struck up an acquaint
ance with a person who adopted his
name of Wesley or Wellesley became
the first Earl of Mornington grandfa
ther of the Marquis of Wellesley and
of the Duke of Wellington Had
Charles Wesley accompanied his bene
factor to Ireland there had been no
Methodist church British India might
still have been menaced by foes even
if it remained British at all Napoleon
would never have met his Waterloo
and England might have become an
appanage of France All this turned
upon the decision of a schoolboy
Burlington February Bulletin
Cheap one way rates to California
Puget Sound and the Northwest country
March 1st to May 15th
Very cheap round trip rates to the
South and Southwest February 21st
March 7th and 21st Also cheap one
way rates to the same country February
21st and March 21st
Low Ilomeseekers excursion rates
February 21st and March 7th and 21st
to eastern Colorado the Big Horn Basin
and the North Platte Valley where there
is an excellent chance of getting in on the
ground floor ahead of the crowd and pick
up a bargain in irrigated lands
Cheap rates east to Washington D C
for the inauguration
Send for printed matter and write for
information Describe your trip and let
me advise you the least cost 2 10 4ts
Geo S Scott Ticket Agent
L W Wakeley G P A Omaha
Elizabeth Hals will take notice that on the
16th day of February 1903 J S LeIIew a just
ice of the peace of Willow Grove precinct Red
Willow county Nebraska issued an orderof at
tachment for the sum of SIS 07 in an action
pending before him wherein John II Grannii
is plaintiff and Elizabeth Hals isdefendantard
property of the defendant has been attached
under said order Said cause was continued
until March 25th 1903 at ten oclock a m
Dated March 10 1903 John H Graknis
S Moelan Attorney 10 3 Plaintiff
FiftMffHM tf
Or Herbert J Prait
kiihtikd Quauimti
Oillco over McConneUs Drug Store
Tolnphonos Ollico liJO residence lll
Formor location Atlanta UuorRin
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
family and others wero in a mix up of Three doors east of DeUroin store
VdhicliS at tho middle river bridge last
Saturday Somo vehicles wero damaged
Real Estate Insurance
Ollico over
JIcMillons druK store
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phono No 13
Consultation freo
and Surgeon
OHico Rosideuct 321 Main Avenue Ollico and
Residence phone 51 Calls answered niklit or
McCook Nebraska
SAfjont of Lincoln Laud Co and of McCook
Waterworks Ollico in Iostollico building
C H Boyle C E Elduuj Co Alt y
Attorneys at Law
Lour Distance Phono 41
Rooms 1 and 7 second door MrVinir WaVi
Iostollico Building MCL00K fieO
DENTIST phone us
Oflico ovor Grannis store McCook Nob
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
J l
mm w j 0
Pttr AyS
Delmont S D Dec 17 1902
I used L K for Uok cholera and it was all
right It cured my hogs I had three sick ones
and they all cot well and done fine I also
used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all
you claim for it It is the only Medicine for hog
cholera I think Gotlieu Jerke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1002
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the Iiet thing I ever had on the
place for everj thing it i intended for It is
good for chicken cholera lico on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by tho National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
Safe Always reliable IdlenaskrJruccist foi
uld metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Itcfiue dangerou oubntl
tutionnand iuiitation Buy of your Druggist
or send 4 c in stamps for Particular Tent I
monialH and Keller Tor Iadlen tn letter
by return Hail 10000 Testimonials hold by
all llrugsists
2100 2Xadlaon Square IHILA PA
Mention tMs palter
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medloine for Bu3j People
Bringa Golden Health aad Beneed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form 85 cents a bor Genuine made by
Hollister Daco Compat Madison Wis
To Cur a Cold m r Day
Take Laxative Brm Qninme Tebsets ns
Cores Grip
in Two Days
on every
yrnmt0i box 25c