The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 10, 1905, Image 1

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Mit Editor I noticed in laBt weeks
Tribune a call for the primary for the
ity election
More than tho usual interest bnJUld
be taken in our city election this spring
For years there has been talk of a sower
system and a ticket favoral lo to such
an improvement should be selected It
is certainly time that McCook should
show enough public spirit and enter
prise to push this almost a necessity
Our school buildings are badly crowd
ed and in selecting candidates on tho
school board men should be brought
out who will either enlarge the present
accommodations this year or devise a
plan of increasing finances so that new
buildings can bo reached within a few
years Our schools are our pride
Other enterprises are needed Will
we sit down and do nothing or will we
get up and use the proper energy and
get them A great deal might be ac
complished by selecting candidates at
the primary who will undertake to se--cure
our needs
One thing further Mr Editor might
be said and that is that if our representa
tives in office are not a little more dili
gent in preventing judgments from bo
ing secured against the city we will not
have the funds to pay the judgments
let alone to undertake any new improve
ments A Voter
A Much Enjoyed Musicale
Mrs Harry A Beale entertained about
four score lady friends last Saturday
-afternoon at a delightful musicale Mrs
C M Bailey received the numerous
guests and directed to the cloak room
Miss Elsie Campbell and Miss Ethel
Morrissey served punch from a cosy
ihall corner nook decorated in scarlet
Mrs O M Knipple ushered to the host
ess who was assisted by her visiting sis
ters Mrs Hire and Mrs Park in receiving
Dainty refreshments were served Mrs
P S Wilcox and Mrs W R Starr pre
siding at the table being assisted by
Miss Addie Doan and Miss Mabel Wil
cox The dining room decorations were
also in scarlet
Then ensued a splendid program of
snusic recitation etc by well known
aud artistic ladies of the city There
were vocal numbers by Mrs A P Bon
net Miss Elsie Campbell Miss Bertha
Graham Mrs G H Thomas recitations
by Miss Gertrude Storer and Miss Ethel
Morrissey piano solos by Miss Edna
M Barr Mrs W B Mills Miss Bertha
5raham piano duets by Mrs W B
Mills and Mrs G H Thomas and Miss
iillie Campbell and Miss Emma Perry
Miss Millie Elbert accompained Mrs A
The occasion was one of much pleas
Soon Joins Her Husband
A telegram Sunday morning to W
S Fitch announced the death of Mrs
M H Johnston formerly of this place
but late of Ainsworth Brown county
We have no particulars Miss Florence
who is now superintendent of schools of
Brown county is the only surviving
member of the family She has in the
death of both her parents within a few
weeks the tenderest sympathy of many
friends in McCook and Red Willow
county where the family spent many
years of their lives
For Sale
my four-year-old stallion
sired by Judge Kent Also one seven-year-old
mare weight about 1300
I M Smith
For Sale or Trade
A complete photographers outfit
Will sell or trade at a bargain Address
lock box 522 McCook Nebraska
It delights the eye and satisfies the
most exacting tastes cutglass especial
ly if its of tho quality and artistic merit
of Colemans large stock Come and
feast your eyes
For Sale Dining room table cloth
an imported velvet pile handsome ar
ticle Cost owner 30 will sell for 20
Never been used Enquire at this office
It is just the time now to plant sweet
pea -seeds WTColeman has a full
assortment of all kinds of flower seeds
in package and in bulk
More new embroideries in edgings
beadings insertions and in matched sets
at Thompson
Every patriotic citizen of McCook is
expected to do his duty clean up Do
it today
Receipts of the dance Monday night
by the Catholic young ladies were 150
See the gasoline engine and alfalfa
tneal grinder at W T Colemans
Latest styles in new spring hats at
ODonnell Colfers
Carpet stretchers at W T Colemans
A McMillen prescription druggist
I III in I mill lll Wpwtui i
Mrs F J Zajicsk is in Lincoln this
Dr R E Cajipukll is in tho city on
J E Kelley spent part of the week
in Lincoln
Mns J I Lee has returned from her
trip to Oklahoma
Mrs C A Littkl was down from
Culbortson Friday
Mrs Avolena Perrine came up from
Orleans on 13 Thursday morning
David Diamond left for Chicago last
Saturday to buy his spring and summer
Miss Ena Gamsby was up from Indian-
ola over Sunday guest of Mrs E M
Congressman Norris and family ar
rived home Tuesday night from Wash
ington D C
Mas J L Marshall of Lincoln is a
guest of her parents Mr and Mrs F D
Burgess this week
MrsR W Devoe was a passenger on
12 Wednesday morning to visit her par
ents at Wilsonville
Mr and Mrs II L Kennedy of
Cambridge witnessed the dedication and
jubilee day celebration Sunday
Mrs J G Schobel went down to
Minden Saturday on 12 returning on 5
Sunday evening Marjorie accompanied
Gilbert F Woods special represen
tative of the Assets Realization Co of
Chicago was in the city close of last
E S Byfield was driven over from
Danbury Tuesday night and is now at
home in East McCook suffering with an
attack of fever
Mrs R M Douglass entertained a
small company last evening at a six
oclock dinner and high five Miss Ful
ler won the royal
County Judge Moore has been ab
sent for a week or so on business down
in Tyrone precinct He arrived home
early part of this week
Miss Florence Reynolds of the Ax
tell Advertiser was a guest of her sister
Mrs George Denton last Sunday and
witnessed the dedication
J W Wimer and family wife and
two sons are recent arrivals from John
son county Iowa He is a carpenter
and will work in the city at his trade
this summer
John Keegan was called to Fairmont
Monday night on No 6 by the sudden
death of his aged mother Mrs Keegan
accompanied him Earl Murray is with
W L Zint until his return
Mr and Mrs Griff J Thomas of
Harvard were guests of their son Supt
G H Thomas over Sunday witnessing
the dedication Mr Thomas serves Har
vard in the dual capacity of postmaster
and editor
F S Schoonover who recently pur
chased the store at Centerpoint Frontier
county from J A McMains is now
deputy postmaster at that place hopng
soon to eliminate the word deputy from
his title
Miss Anna Babcock and MasterWalter
came up from Cambridge Monday on
their way to visit Tiff Babcock at Brush
Colo whither they journeyed on Tues
day after a short visit with Mr and Mrs
C F Babcock
Mr and Mrs R H Trowbridge
came down from the farm near Wauneta
last Friday night remaining over until
Wednesday when they started home
ward driving a new team Reuben bought
while here for use on the farm this sea
Miss Lauretta Keating was the ob
ject of a happy surprise last Friday
evening a delightful time ensuing upon
the arrival of the guests to the number of
about thirty A toothsome lunch was
served and various games engaged in
It will be a treasured social incident in
the lives of the young folks involved
Matchless Wall Papers
Almost no end to our new linefof
wall papers and more coming Un
limited assortment matchless pap
ers and rock bottom prices We
would like to show you our line
Good substantial yard wide muslin
4Jc yard by the bolt at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
It is just the time now to plant sweet
pea seeds W T Coleman has a full
assortment of all kinds of flower seeds
in package and in bulk
American Beauty Corsets are sold
with this warranty Money back after
four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
All styles lengths colors and prices
from 35c to 8100 The Thompson Dry
Goods Co exclusive agents j
Dedication and Jubilee Day of the Methodist Epis
copal Church Successful on a
Large Scale
The New Church is the Handsomest and Costliest in Southwestern Ne
braska the Pride of the Members of the Congregation
and a Credit to McCook
On last Sunday was realized the bright dreams of the Methodist
people of McCook and vicinity when their beautiful and costly new
church was formally dedicated to the service of the Master consum
mating the work and prayers and sacrifice of many months in a
handsome edific of hydraulic stone and pressed brick calculated to
last centuries
The day was full from early morning till late in the evening and
the large seating capacity of the new church perhaps 6oo was at
each service entirely inadequate to accommodate the crowds which
thronged it
The features of the morning service were the sermon by Chan
cellor Huntington of the Wesleyan University on the Christian life
as against the self centered life It was a splendid dignified effort
And the financial work of Mr Powell who in an incredibly short
time secured subscriptions by his stock method of over 6ooo the
amount of indebtedness remaining on the new building In the
afternoon and at the evening service the amount was increased to
about 7000 enough to meet all eventualities and to provide for
the compretion of the church and the real estate improvements
Of this total sum the Ladies Aid society alone is to be credited with
iooo The total gifts are a monument to the remarkable liberality
of the people of McCook and surrounding country as well as to the
skill and persuasion of Mr Powell
Accompanying the spiritual and financial features of the pro
gram of the day was a superb musical effort by an augmented choir
reinforced by out-of-town talent of- merit Altogether the day of
dedication and jubilee the twentieth anniversity of the church will
for many years remain a sacred memory to the members and
friends of the First Methodist Episcopal church of McCook
At the evening service about ten oclock as soon as every
dollar necessary had been provided fofand the church was practically
free of debt the formal dedicatory services were conducted by Rev
C C Wilson presiding elder of the Holdrege district with which
McCook is associated and the new bell peeled forth the fact in
gladdest tones to all the city and country around and the opening
chapter of the new church was closed and the Methodist church of
McCook entered upon a new and larger field of usefulness and
New Methodist Episcopal Church Dedicated Sunday March 5th 1905
The new church of which the above is a fine picture can safely
lay claim to being the finest church structure in Southwestern Ne
braska It has already cost 12000 and when fully completed with
sidewalks lawn trees etc it will represent the expenditure of
13500 including the real estate Adding the parsonage to this
the investment will total 15000 The church is of concrete block
construction thafirst of its kind ever built in this part of the state
and is 55 x 61 feet on the ground The first floor contains the main
auditorium the Epworth and Junior League room the ladies parlor
and the pastors study In the basement is located the dining room
and kitchen the furnace and fuel rooms and a room under the
tower which will eventually be converted into a bath room etc
The pews are of oak back and ends with elm seats are very
comfortable and tasty and cost 50000 The ladies parlor and
leagues room will be seated with special folding chairs in single
doubles and trios 70 in all soon to arrive
One of the handsomest features of the building are the windows
They are exceptionally artistic and represent a total outlay of 52500
Most of them are memorial or gift windows The large south win
dow is the splendid gift of the four railroad organizations of the city
Continued on Page Three
j i ja mj ar v ni
The streets and alloys of tho city of
McCook were dedicated to tho public for
use to travel upon and for no other pur
pose It would seem from appearances
that a largo number of people hold a
different view from tho way all kinds of
refuse is cast into tho streets and alloys
and allowed to remain Section 3 of
ordinance No 52 provides that no per
son whomsoever shall cause or suffer
any offal manure rubbish filthy slops
or any refuse animal or vegotablo mat
ter to be discharged out of or flow from
any premises owned or occupied by him
or to bo thrown into deposited or left
upon any street alley avenue public
square or vacant lot or other place in
said city and the violation thereof is
made a misdemeanor or punishable with
a fine not less than 500 nor more than
This is notice to all persons that I in
tend to so 5 that this ordinance and
other health ordinances are strictly en
forced All rubbish and offal must be
removed at once from tho streets and
alleys and no more will be allowed to be
thrown thereon and whomsoever vio
lates this ordinance referred to will be
Dated March 2 1905
C J Ryan Acting Mayor
Vacation With Expenses Paid
In recognition of the pastors tireless
efforts in the building of the new church
tho ofhcial board of the Methodist
church has granted Rev M B Carman
a vacation to go to New England on a
visit to his mother and has voted to him
a sum of money to cover the expenses of
such a trip Rev Carman has not de
cided whether he will take advantage
of this liberal offer or not It is a de
served recognition but the pastor hardly
feels he can spare the time just now
Grateful for Gifts and Sympathy
We the pastor tho official board and
membership of the Methodist chuich
assure the public of our gratitude and
hereby heartily thank one and all for
liberal gifts and sympathy thereby great
ly assisting us in the building of our
new church
May Gods blessing bo
Household Goods at Private Sale
Following described household goods
are offered at private sale 1 dining table
6 cane seat chairs 1 folding couch 1
Majestic range with reservoir 1 oak bed
stead 1 oak commode 1 oak dresser
1 set springs and mattress over 30 yards
of 2 ply ingrain carpet new last April
3 3 2t Mrs M V Sheldon
Dance Was Largely Attended
The dance in the opera house Monday
night given by the young ladies of the
Catholic church was largely attended
resulting in a neat prcfit to St Patricks
parish The supper was served by the
ladies of the church in the New Palmer
hotel and they were also well patronized
Socially the affair was a success
Wall Paper Remnants
Have some desirable remnants one
and two room patterns at bargain prices
also a large invoice of new paper just re
ceived at McMillens
Spring- Will Soon Be Here
and Coleman has put in a larger stock
of lawn hose than ever before Fresh
hose direct from the factory Note the
quality and get prices before buying
Up to date rapid worker wil go out
by day Terms 150 per day Address
Madam Letitia box 294 3 3 3ts
Barley For Sale
At W II Fergusons elevator
ODonnell Colfer invite the ladies
to call and inspect their large stock of
spring millinery
Best table oil cloth 15c per yd includ
ing white at Thompsons One price
plain figures cash only
Just received a perfectly elegant line
of white shirt waists the unequalled
Ideal brand at Thompsons
300 ladies and misses dress skirts to
select from at Thompsons Alterations
without extra charge
Your patronage
It is just the time now to plant sweet
pea seeds W T Coleman has a full
assortment of all kinds of flower seeds
in package and in bulk
Sun bonnets galore at Thompsons
the ample right satisfactory kinds No
lady permitted to rake in the yard make
garden or feed the chickens without one
or more of these bonnets 15c to 35c
A branch depot for all the new things
in wash fabrics is about what The
Thompson stock amounts to The assort
ment includes all the voiles taffetas
mohairs goponnes falaises papillions
shantungs silk muslins alsatian cords
batistes plain lawns solid color dimities
piques oxfords chambrays ginghams
vkj muu uug uuuiu niau uu bee
inspection cordially invited
Now that the
season has ar
rived for housecleaning you will
want one or more rooms papered
and wo call your attention to our
splendid assortment of wall deco
rations Our lino this spring far
surpasses anything wo havo oyor
shown and is undoubtedly tho
finest collection of patterns over
shown in McCook or vicinity Wo
are making somo vory attractive
prices on wnll papers and othor
things you need for spring house
cleaning and nro demonstrating to
our customers every day that it
pays to trade with us When
you need wall paper paint varnish
stains enamels furnituro polish
ect remember that wo lead all
competitors in theso lines and fur
nish you tho best goods ot tho
least possible expense to you Let
us show you that wo deserve your
Cone Bros Druggists
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday moruinn
Corn J 42
Wheat pi
Oats 35
Hurley x
H3 4 25
Ebbs 20
Good Butter nj
McConnoll for drugs
For wall paper see Cone Bros
McCounells Balsam cures coughs
Do your drug trading at Cone Bros
Everything in drugs McConnell
Carpet sweepers at W T Colemans
Liquid veneer is found at Cono Bros
McMillens cough cure is fully guar
Harness cheap
and good at W T
Best light ground prints 4c per yd
at Thompsons
The county commissioners were in
session Tuesday
Fresh garden seeds of all kinds at
W T Colemans
Private French lessons taught by a
native of France Phone 137
Three rooms for rent over Lud wicks
furniture store Call at the store
Miss Harris trimmer for ODonnell
Colfer arrived from Chicago Friday
If you have farm land or city property
for sale or rent list them with F M
The Tribune has again been designat
ed as the official paper of Red Willow
county And it is more
A trial of McMillens Cream Lotion
will convince you of its merits as to
healing and making skin soft and
Alex Bergeron the well known piano
tuner on one of his regular tuning trips
will be in McCook about tho first of
A pril 10 2t
All pretty new ginghams at Thomp
sons All the staple little pinks and
blues all new champagnes and graysall
the plain checks 5c to 12c per yd
We are offering some bargains in lamps
leather goods and pictures which are
worth looking at
Cone Bros Druggists
Let us talk paint to you when you
want anything in this line We have
the right kind and the price is right too
McConnell Druggist
Cone Bros the druggists are showing
a fine assortment of wall decorations
and their already heavy business in this
line shows indication of a large increase
over last season
Are you going to fence your lawn
The Elwood lawn fence is the best
Children cant climb over it nor chickens
go through it You will find three
heights of it at W T Colemans
If your stock is out of condition re
member that we have a number of rem
edies of merit We carry Pratts Lees
International Uncle Sams and others
McConnell Druggist
Bishop Graves will be at St Albans
church the first Sunday in Lent March
12th at 11 oclock a m He will cele
brate the Holy Communion and preach
At 8 p m he will administer the Apos
tolic rite of confirmation and preach
All are welcome
W R Harvey first of this week dis
posed of his lease and business in the
Baldridge building to E C McKay
Co who at once took charge We
understand that W W Archibald is
the partner in the business Mr narvey
has gone to Holdrege
Henry Goodenberger announces a pub
lic sale on the Sidney Dodge farm ten
miles south of McCook Thursday Mar
16 1905 at ton oclock Horses cattle
hogs implements etc are the offerings
Your Usual terms of sale Free lunch at noon
II H Berry auctioneer