Avers kflMIBBHaaBBUOHaaMM9MnB Give nature three helDS and New Wall Paper Send for samples stating the stvles of patterns wanted and the number of double rolls We make a specialty of Fine Decoration We will save you money Phone F163 AHMANSFIELD Hastings Neb It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life pneumonia and consumption Chamberlains Cough Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia k 5r mm Va M n lrt uie ni tjdiKe tJie iuu NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby Riven that sealed proposals will be received by the countv commissioners of Red Willow county Nebraska at tho office of the county clerk up to noou March 4th 1005 for such medical services of physicians as may be required by the poor of Red Willow county pro posals toembraco the following districts of said county viz The first district comprises tho six eastern precinct of the fir t commissioner district The second district comprises all of the precincts of second commissioner district Tho third dis trict comprises tho eight western precincts of Red illow county Th counts commissioners reserve tho right to reject any and all bids E J Wilcox County Clerk McCook Nebraska February 6 1903 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In county court within and for Red Willow coiiity Nebraska February 4 1905 In the matter or the estate of Ibobo Pope deceased To the creditors of said estate You are here by notified that I will sit at tho county court room in McCook in said county on the 8th day of August 1905 at tho hour of nine oclock a m to examine nil claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment und allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from the 4th day of February A D 1905 and the time limited for payment of debts is ono year from said 4th day of February 1905 Witness my hand and tho seal of said county court this 4th day of February 1005 seal Frank Moohe County Judge By Boylo Eldred Attorneys NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Jacob Randall and to all whom it may concern Tho commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at tho southeast corner of tho north east quarter of section seventeen 17 in Red Willow precinct Red Willow county Nebraska running thence east to tho southeast corner of tho weet half of tho northwest quarter of section sixteen 16 thence north to tho northeast corner of the west half of the northwest quarter said section sixteen 16 all in township three 3 range twenty eight 2S Red Willow county Nebraska and terminating thereat has re ported in favor of the location thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filod in tho county clerks office on or before noon of the 24th day of April A D 1905 or said road will bo established without reference there to E J Wilcox County Clerk nearly every case of con- 1 sumption will recover Fresh air most important of all Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food comes next Then a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs Ask any good doctor I flrt ned Avers Cherry Pectoral A3 years ago I liuve seeu terrible canes of limp dis eases cured by It I mil never without It ALunitr U Uauilton Marietta Ohio Me 50c JM00 All iiruccists J C AVER CO IovrIl Miia I Consumption I inewsvmaGirztEDeaz S3PffT7gr3w5 Health demands daily action of the bowels Aid nature with Ayors Pills Cambridge Flour I now have the exclusive- agency in McCook of this celebrated flour Every sack h puarantocd I also have the McCouk Hour and feed of all kinds Your patronage will bo ap preciated Phone 186 J E NELHS Second door east of DeGrofFs Holmes 5 Portraits Aro universally admired by people of ar tistic tastes Send for a little hook ex plaining all about portraits and enlarg ing pictures It is free Address Geo Holmes 9 1 8 N St0maha Neb BBHBH BBMBsB flB rflenaflBBBVsn 9 I BARTLEY J A Curlee of Lincoln town is in Sam Walkington will move next week George Carr was a Cambridge visitor Tuesday Mrs Gammill moved into her pew residence last Saturday Lewis Cockran has a new phone put in at his residence Bob Fischner is preparing to erect a business building soon E A White is fencing his lots preparatory to building a resi dence J M Brown is having a new windmill erected on his residence property Mr and Mrs Ed Curlee of Lin coln are visiting old friends and relatives here Mr McCracken has bought a fine farm about two miles north east of Bartley Miss Elma George of Cambridge visited here with Miss Etta Bur ton latter part of last week Mrs Freeman Utter and child ren of McCook visited with Geo Carr and family latter part of last week Mrs Cozad has gone to Mis souri to visit her father who is very sick with cancer of the stomach The prospect is very promising for an up-to-date hotel being erected in Bartley soon This will supply a much needed im provement and will be obtained by the united efforts of the best citizens of Bartley George Carr sold his harness shop to a man in Cambridge Tuesday The goods were pack ed Wednesday to be taken to that town Bartley is now in need of good harness shop and a man that understands the busi ness can with a good stock do a splendid business James Epperly has sold his res idence in the northeast part of town to a Mr McCracken of Kan sas who took possession immedi ately M r Epperly and h i s daughter Mrs Myrtle K e y e s moved into the Wiley brick Tues day where they will reside for a short time before going to Colo rado Leath Rate in New York and Chicago During November and December 1903 one fifth of the deaths in New York and Chicago were from pneumonia Foleys Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents pneumonia so do not take chances on a cold wearing away when Foleys Honey and Tar will cure you quickly and prevent serious results Sold by A McMtllon CULBERTSON Fine spring weather We are glad to see Jerry Bahn on the street again Mr Duree has been on the sick list since last Friday Culbertson will have a restau rant in the near future Nathan Trimpeys horses ran away Monday afternoon Henry Hein is laying the foun dation for his new house Rev Gardner of Holbrook re turned home last Saturday The revival meetings in the M E church will continue this week Gilbert Wray was quite ill for a few days but is better at pre sent Louis Porter of Hayes county was trading with our merchants Saturday Herman Walters is shelling corn for George W Trimpey and Henry Bauer Grace Duree has been absent the past week from hijjh school because of her fathers illness Robert Knowles who came home a few weeks ago is giving music lessons now We hear he has about 50 pupils The ladies working band was well attended Wednesday afternoon at Mrs Wemples Four new members were added to the list viz Mrs D Benedict Mrs Wise Misses Maggie Trimp ey and Marion Herman It will bring rich red blood firm flesh and muscle Thats what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do Taken this month keeps you well all summer 35 cents Tea or Tablets DANBURY Mrs L Cann is on the sickhst Mrs VanVleet is sick with the grip Mrs William Miller is sick with fever Mrs Eifert has moved here from Lebanon Mrs Bates is on the sick list with a bilious attack Hon Philip Gliem visited home three days last week JE Dolph dipped 3000 sheep Monday and Tuesday Webster Dowler has left for Hot Springs Arkansas C W Dow of Indianola visited J L Sargents last week Mr French is putting an iron roof on his hardware store Roy Eno is working in the hard ware store with Mr French Richard Lumb has sold the saloon building to Daniel Cashen Mrs Rodman left Tuesday night for her home near Superior J L Sims shipped two carloads of hogs to Kansas City this week The Penfields have moved to their home northwest of Culbert son Mrs Kurtz Mrs DeMay and W E Davids little child are on the sicklist James Toner loaded a car with household goods and seed barley for Superior Harry Shroup is going to learn the blacksmith trade there is millions in it James Nutt has laid the foun dation of his new house It is to be 26 feet square Horace Clayton died Monday night Funeral preached by Rev Huntsinger Thursday A Gartin and Sam Messner have returned from their visit to Hot Springs Arkansas Daniel Cashen was called to his old home near McCook last week to the funerai of his brother Ten ofWilsonvilles best citizens came up and assisted in helping celebrate Washingtons birthday Mr and Mrs Wallace Billings and the latters mother and sister have returned from Wabash Ohio Protracted meetings at the M E church every night this week They commenced house with full F P Eno and family left last Friday for McCook Mr French of Herndon took his place in the hardware store William Greenways had a party Saturday night attended by about 40 guests A pleasant time was reported MrsWycoff and son John have returned from Illinois where they were called some time ago to see sick relatives Mrs George of Herndon has rented the Gore building on Main street opposite the saloon and will put in a millinery stock James Dolph and Miss Nellie Wood were married at McCook last Wednesday A reception was held for them the same even ing at the home of J E Dolph About 50 friends and relatives were present Thursday they went to Norton county Kansas to visit Mr Wood and family a few days From there the will go to Cherry county to make their future home where the have a ranch BOX ELDER We are having fine weather Gus Morosic attended the Droll sale Monday Mr and Mrs F G Lytle spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Geo Younger Mrs A T Wilson spent Sun day with her brother T M Camp bell and family Mrs Cady and daughter Miss Bell left last Friday for their home at Oxford S D Bolles George Harrison T M Campbell and Paul Stone attended the F S Schoonover sale at Center Point Tuesday If you cannot eat sleep or work feel mean cross and ugly taka Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea this month A tonic for the sick There is no remedy equal to it 35 cents Tea or Tablets 1 W McConnell MPiMSS TmjDfcmmWmHLWcrs atPmfasssssSsssBBs BIBWsssPJPttiB A Box 183 INDIANOLA EJMitchell was on our streets Tuesday C S Quick shipped two cars of cattle Sunday night Miss Middelton of McCook is the guest of Bertha Hedges S R Smith made a business trip to McCook Monday last I M Smith of McCook was in Indianola on business Monday Mrs Charles Ginther is in the city the guest of her mother Mrs Finney Henry Powell is slowly regain ing his health again after a siege of grip Joe Vering is at home for a time He has been clerking in a drug store in Kansas City Miss Anna Smith finished a six months term of school in district No 55 Friday of last week We are having fine weather and hope we may not have a re turn of the late unpleasantness No 1 was annulled Sunday on account of a wreck near Akron Colorado with the loss of a life J R M Barton formerly of this place died in Lincoln and will be brought to this place for burial Several of the young people from here attended the social at Richard Hatchers Tuesday night Mrs E Thompson has gone to Iowa in answer to a telegram an nouncing the critical illness of her mother There is a case of scarlet fever northwest of town in the family of William Mullnix Dr Mac- kechnie is attending Mr and Mrs Arnold are enter taining some relatives from Eng land They will make this coun try their future home Mrs Payne and L Simmons of Beaver City attended the nuptial of L B Simmons and Flora Hoag on Sunday last Miss Nellie Andrews of McCook came down to Indianola Satur day morning- and visited with Ths Great Wonder of the Ago o0aOllBt Rust Proof Oats An Oat that Is absolutely rust proof heavy ylelder stands up well and not subject to blight It Is sold byA A Berry Seed Co Clarlnda Iowa Send for their Catalog which describes not only Oats but M Seeds of all kinds Ask for special prices In lots of 25 bushels to car load Write Today Catalog Is Frog fl fl BERRY SEE CO Clarlnda Sown yyravM MA itwr J iktminra wiwvwrriwrrrxi the Joe Harrison place west of town sold his household goods and has gone west somewhere to LU 11VC Ill -1 II 1 1 m m 1 The Quaker medicine show is in full blast here this week It is reliable I dont think Their specialty seems to be in tape worms Morris Rankin who has been in Cripple Creek for several years is expected home shortly He has been sick and is coming home to recuperate Several of the young people of Indianola and vicinity met at the home of Dan W Schoenthal and spent a pleasant time last Satur day evening The many friends of Mrs D W Schoenthal will be pleased to learn that she is now convalescing nicely and hopes soon to enjoy her accustomed health J Kern and two little sons of Harvard passed through this place enroute to McCook Tuesday even ing where they will visit friends and relatives for a few days Miss Anna Vering closed a suc cessful term of school in the Un teidt district last Friday and has taken another short term in a district ten miles north of Bartley Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemor rhages writes A M Ako of Wood Ind I took treatment with several physicians without any bpnefit I then started to take Foleys Honey and Tar and my lungs are now as sound as a bul let I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble Foleys Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold Refuse substitutes Sold by A Mc Millen BANKSVILLE J H Wesch was in McCook Monday on business Fred H Wesch is assisting his brother in building a new home Andrew Anderson and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Jacob Wesch John II Wesch and Miss Katie Deitch participated in the dance on the ranch last Friday night Seed For Distribution The Tkiijcne is the receipt of an as- SAc - crlx 4 sortment of seeds from Senator Dietrich lcuua UUL11 - lotuiiiiiig uiijand tfae gamg wn be di3tributed freo t0 No 5- readers of this paper as long as they last and concluding from past experience A Mr Weston who lived on they wont last long vTra warereggi Price 50c and 100 stop your Lung Irritation relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold with the only cer tain and strictly scientific Cure for Coughs and Colds H Almost In Oespair Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat and we were almost In despair when our druggist recommended Dr Kings New Discovery After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since GEO A EYLER Cumberland Md TRIAL BOTTLES FREE RECOMMENDED GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS n a em r o Take LXatHV6 JBFOSS UmKal2Me Tablets jr rc Seven Mffiion boxes sold in past 12 raontLc I ili6 GSgZiaSUr e fcWl Ml sg25S2D2j 2E2SS2SSSi r Herbert J Pratt HEOIHTEKEP OltADrATK Dentist Office ovor McConnellV Drujr Store- McCOOK NEB Telephones Ofllco 100 reMdencu Itfl Former location Atlanta Georgia MRS L F GKIGG AOEVT FOB ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Three doors east of DeGroff s stores L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Ollice over McMilleu drug toro SUTTON McCOOK EMMW vm H 9t6 w m a w - 0 McCOOK NEBRASKA JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelloy Office Bldg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon Otlico Residence 521 Main Aveuun Ollico und Rosidenco phone M Calls ausworod night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nebraska JsgAgontof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Ollico in Iostoilico building C H Hoylk C E Eldred Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distnnco Phone 41 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Iostollico Building McCook Neb DENTIST raoNB us Ollico over Grannis store McCook Neb WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee f V A - t 5 - - V vr7 TESTIMONIAL Delmout S D- Dec 17 1002 I used L K for Uok cholera and it was all rifjht It cured my hoes I had three sick ones and they all ot well and done line I also ned it for chicken lice and mites anditis al you claim for it Itis tho only Modicum for hoc cholera I think Gotiilb Jerxi Harrington Nh 1 1002 I am using Liquid Koal and am well with it I am sure I saved my hug with it last year and am going to keuj it in stock all the time as it is the IwS thing I had on thft place for everything it is inti wled for Itis good for chicken cholr ra lice on stock ol all Kimi it will de troy ail F W Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by the National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa IISOTRS ENGLISH ua7 a hqcui n sp niSM isSib AI vtw -liable JIerc Xi uegist for CKSCSIBVl KZrs XiLMlf Kerf and Uold metallic ooses sealed with blue ribbon - ju inrr iK iuxc clanjjTOCH imitation Kiivnf vurlmciv r send lo in stamps for Partiriiir Ttl incinaU a - for m i IHtr by rclirn Zail lOOOo Testimonials ixml t r iii lrugsta CHICHHSTES CHEMICAL CO 2300 2Zain Sijuar IMIILA Ii ileatlou till Di oer HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medlcins fcr Btuy People Bring3 Goldea Health and Vigor SDeciflc for Constipation Indigestion Live A and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema ImDure Blood Bad Breath Slupish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form 31 cents a bor Genuine made by Hollister Ditco CompaY Madison Wi3 GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE r a CM m One By hCT J vJKgW XJWmS Cures Grip in Two Days cn every X- a rmrt box 25c