The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1905, Image 6

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    lYIcCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Brief Telegrams j
The house passed the pension ap
propriation bill after a warm debate
The French mint turned out 13S316
medals of honor of various kinds last
The number of California state sen
ators accused of boodling has reach
ed thirteen
President Roosevelt received a gift
of the portrait of the empress dow
ager of China
William II Taft will bo the orator
at the Yale law school commence
ment next June
Colombia reopens the question of
Adjusting her relations with the re
public of Panama
Rear Admiral G F Wilde TJ S N
retired from active duty after forty
three years service
Colorado working men will meet
en masse to hear the decision in the
contest over governorship
The validity or the Kansas anti
trust law was upheld by the supreme
court in an opinion by Justice Brewer
The attempted escape of a prison
er at Baku led to serious disturbances
Jn the course of which several per
sons were killed or injured
Geo B Cortelyou former secretary
of commerce and labor was a pas
senger on the steamer Republic which
arrived from Naples He was accom
panied by Mrs Cortelyou
Homer Seybold Missouri Pacific
agent at Hickman Neb committed
suicide by shooting himself His act
followed an examination of his books
by the auditor of the road
According to Professor W L How
ard of the horticultural department
of the University of Missouri the re
cent cold snap has killed almost the
entire peach crop of the state
The reichstag approved by a vote
of 192 to 53 the first article of the
reciprocity treaty between Germany
and Austria and accepted the remain
ing paragraphs without debate
Daniel Wwyer an election officer
in Thirteenth ward Pittsburg drop
ped dead while being taken to jali
charged with ballot box stuffing in
connection with the municipal election
being held in this city
Vespasian Warner the new com
missioner of pensions got a letter the
other day which was addressed To
the Honorable the New Commissioner
of Pensions whose name I have for
gotten Washington D C
The action of the United States su
preme court in declaring the Kansas
anti trust law consttiutional opens the
way to the prosecution of the coal
trust of that state which will be
commenced at once
The special committee appointed to
investigate bribery changes against
Senators Emmons Bunkers Wright
and French of the California legisla
ture recommends that they be ex
pelled from the senate
Frank Rimieri who murdered Jaco
Pinto a Brooklyn junk dealer and
Adolph Koneig who strangled Mrs
Mary Kauman to death at her home
in New York were put to death in
the electric chair in Sing Sing prison
New York
Representative Baker of New York
created a sensation in the house by
introducing a resolution denouncing
the action of President Roosevelt in
sending a telegram of condolence
over the death of Grand Duke Ser
gius to the czar
Two remarkable men have just
died in Indiana One was Anthony
Watt of Connersville aged 82 the
oldest members of the Elks in the
world The other is Henry Krueger of
Boone county who served in the Ger
man English and American armies
After consultation by cable with
Governor General Wright at Manila
Secretary Tft has decided to avail
immediately of the provision of the
Cooper bill authorizing the issue of
bonds to defray the cost of public
works in the Philippines and a cir
cular soon will be issued inviting
The steamer Teutonic which sails
from Liverpool for New York Feb
22 will have among her passengers
Rider Haggard the author who has
been appointed a commissioner to in
quire into the conditions and char
acter of the agricultural and indus
trial land settlement organized in
America by the Salvation Army
It is understood that Miss Alice
Roosevelt will accompany Secretary
and Mrs Taft on their visit to the
Philippines next July unless other
engagements prevent It is probable
that the trip will be made on the army
transport Sumner and will occupy
about three months allowing one
month each way and one month in the
Archie Smith is conceded to be in
the lead for appointment to collector
ship of northern Iowa district form
erly held by J U Sammis
The New York supreme court has
established a state record by grant
ing seventeen divorce decrees at the
rate of one every twelve minutes
President Harper of the Chicago
university expresses himself that he
will never recover from an operation
for cancer which he is to undergo
W D Asire has been appointed
postmaster at Bitter Creek Sweet
Water county Wyo vice Samuel
Nihart resigned
D F Daly Selected for a Highly Re
sponsible Position
CHICAGO Since the reorganization
af the Vanderbilt roads east of Chi
cago a short time ago several changes
have been made in the operating de
partment The most important is the
promotion of Mr C F Daly from the
position of Assistant General Passen
ger Agent of the Lake Shore to that
of Passenger Traffic manager of the
Lake Shore Michigan Central and
Lake Erie and Western The general
passenger agents of these lines retain
their positions
Mr Daly came to Chicago three
years ago from the Lake Erie West
ern where he had been general pas
senger agent His promotion to so re
sponsible a position is a deserved tri
bute to Mr Dalys ability as a rail
road operator Some further changes
in the Vanderbilt lines are expected
in the near future but have not yet
been announced
They Are Said to Be Under Consider
LONDON A dispatch to Renters
Telegram company from St Peters
burg confirming the Associated Press
advices of February 17 and IS from
St Petersburg to the effect that peace
was under consideration says The
question of peace has not only been
formally discussed but the conditions
on which Russia is prepared to make
peace have practically been agreed
upon These are as follows
Corea to be placed under Japanese
Port Arthur and the Liaotung pen
insula to be ceded to Japan
The Eastern Chinese railroad to be
placed under neutral international
Manchuria as far north as Harbin
to be restored as an integral part of
the Chinese empire
The difficulty lies in settling the
question of indemnity upon which it
is known that Japan insists but it is
thought that this difficulty is not in
The most trustworthy opinion at St
Petersburg is that in view of the in
ternal situation and the enormous
difficulty in carrying on the war
peace on the terms outlined will be
concluded within a comparatively
short time if the indemnity question
can be arranged but it is quite pos
sible that Russia will risk another
battle before a decision is reached
MOSCOW The assassin of Grand
Duke Sergius maintains an attitude of
profound indifference
When pressed to reply to questions
he declared that all the efforts of the
authorities would have no result
Before his victim was laid under
earth he said other victims would be
Regarding his motives the assassin
said he only acted in the interests of
an oppressed people He considered
the deed was an act of duty The
grand dukes had for years violated
every canon of ordinary decency and
ruined the country while exploiting
the weak will of the emperor for their
own end
House Passes River and Harbor Ap
propriation Bill
WASHINGTON Without a dollar
being added or subtracted the river
and harbor appropriation bill passed
the house on Thursday after the ses
sion had run well into the evening
The total amount carried by the bill
is 17234G57 Throughout the day
the progress of the bill was impeded
by the offering of amendments but
only those presented by the commit
tee were adopted although on a point
of order the house Struck out the com
mittee provision giving the supervisor
of harbors at New York authority to
make regulations regarding the towing
of vessels The most important com
mittee amendment agreed to was one
giving the supervisor of harbors at
New York increased police power and
providing for the protection of oyster
beds against deposits from dredgings
The military academy appropriation
bill was sent to conference after
agreeing to the senate amendment au
thorizing the president to appoint Sen
ator Joseph Hawley Conn as briga
dier general on the retired list of the
army and with a further provision
conferring similar authority in the
case of General Peter J Osterhaus
Japanese Occupy Coveted Position at
Its Close It is However Said that
They Did This With Loss of Many
patkin has telegraphed to the em
peror under date of February 25 as
At 5 oclock this morning the en
emy occupied Tsinkhetchen Exact
reports of our yesterdays losses have
not yet been received There are
twelve officers and about 300 men
wounded in hispital at Saniunyu The
percentage of killed is very large
The commander of the detachment re
ports acts of bravery by many detach
ed bodies of troops
General Kuropatkin instances many
cases of close fighting and bayonet
charges and concludes This morn
ing a battalion of the enemy advanced
in the direction of Papin pass six
miles southwest of San Lunyu and
this evening the enemys outposts
commenced to approach the passes
occupied by us
135 a m An action of no mean
proportions is in progress on the Rus
sian left flank The advantage thus far
is on the side of the Japanese though
at heavy cost From advices from the
front it is difficult to say how severe
the losses have been or how decisive
the reverse and whether the Japanese
are likely to attempt to drive in the
Russian left much further General
Kuropatkin evidently has been trying
to establish his left flank far in ad
vance to command the crossings of
the Taitse river the operation being
a counterpart of General Grippen
bergs movement on the right flank to
secure the fords of the Hun river pre
paratory to the breaking up of the ice
in the spring The scene of the opera
tions is fifty miles southeast of Muk
den beyond Da pass an important de
file commanding the road to Fushun
Both armies occupying apparently im
pregnable positions on the centers
General Kuropatkin evidently planned
to inaugurate widely sweeping opera
tions on both flanks but the Japanese
countered hard
According to a Vladivostok dispatch
to the Associated Press the entrance
to that harbor is open and the squad
ron which is seaworthy is apparent
ly taking no risks but is saving its
strength for co operation with Vice
Admiral Rojestvenskys squadron
Opposition in the Senate Blocks All
WASHINGTON Efforts to harmon
ize the differences over the statehood
bill continued fruitlessly in the Sen
ate on Friday There seemed to be
no disposition on the part of the
friends of the proposition for two
states to be made of four territories
to accept a compromise permitting
Oklahoma and the Indian territory to
come in at the present session and
compelling the other territories to
wait When this was proposed it was
insisted that the house would not
agree to such an arrangement while
the appointment of conferees was
prevented by Senator Morgan Several
other senators who opposed the house
bill were ready to agree to these ap
pointments but evinced opposition to
the adoption of a conference report
which proposes to bring into statehood
the territories of Arizona and New
Mexico jointly A disposition to de
bate at any length the adoption of
such a report would be fatal to the
passage of any statehood measure at
this- session
Rule Made for Selecting Commission
ers of Labor and Capital
lovski president the commission
appointed by Emperor Nicholas to as
certain the causes of discontent
among the working classes of St Pe
tersburg in a note issued Monday in
vites the employers and workmen to
elect representatives to sit on the
commission Factory owners and con
tractors employing not less than 100
persons are entitled to elect fifteen
representatives of the different indus
tries while the workmen of the vari
ous establishments can choose elec
tors who who on March 3 will elect
forty five delegates to serve on the
commission Each establishment em
ploying 100 to 500 persons is entitled
to choose one elector and those em
ploying 500 to 1000 persons are en
titled to an elector for each 500 em
ployes Both men and women are en
titled to vote but delegates must be
men who have worked at least a year
in their respective factories and must
be freely elected by tiie workers
themselves without interference on
the part of the employers
Naval Aopropriation Bill
WASHINGTON The naval appro
priation bill as agreed upon by the
senate committee carries 10033GSG9
an increase of -122520 over the house
bill For increasing the number of
petty officers and men of the marine
corps 305000 is added The limit of
cost of each of the colliers and scout
cruisers authorized by the last naval
appropriation bill are increased to
1450000 and 2000000 respectively
The limit of cost of the sailing train
ing vessels authorized by the act of
1903 is increased to 410000 each
A Convenience for Farmers Who Have
Telephone Connection
WASHINGTON Senator Millard is
In receipt of a communication from
Hon C J Garlow of Columbus Neb
enclosing copy of a resolution passed
by the republican county convention
of Platte county The resolution de
clares in favor of a proposed law to
provide for the sale by the govern
ment of a special postage stamp
which when placed upon a letter and
sent through the mails would be au
thority for the postmaster at the
point of destination to open the let
ter and to transmit its contents by
means of telephone communication to
the party for whom the message may
be intended It is easy to see that
this is intended for the convenience
of farmers residing in the country
whose homes are connected with
towns by telephone wires
Upon inquiry Senator Millard is
advised that there is no legislation
pending before either house of con
gress on this subject Last year Sen
ator Fairbanks introduced a proposed
amendment appropriating 20000 for
experimental telephone delivery of
special rural mail matter under the
direction of the postmaster general
but the amendment was not acted
upon by the senate In February
1903 the senate passed a resolution
asking the postmaster general to in
form that body to what extent and in
what manner the telephone is used in
the collection and delivery of special
delivery mail matter and whether
in the opinion of the postmaster gen
eral special rural telephone delivery
of mail matter is desirable and feas
ible In response to that resolution
the postmaster general under date of
March 10 1903 made a brief report
in which he stated that the experi
ment had been tried at ten important
postoflices in various states These
experiments seem to have been con
fined to the practice of telephoning
the A D T offices to dispatch boys
to the postoffice to get special deliv
ery letters to be carried to the ad
di esses
Iowa Senator Desires Rate Regulation
Law at This Session
WASHINGTON The senate com
mittee on interstate commerce agreed
to report a resolution asking that the
committee be authorized by the senate
to sit during the recess of congress
and take testimony for the purpose of
preparing some measure for the regu
lation of railroad rates A subcommit
tee consisting of Senators Foraker
Kean and Carmack met immediately
and drafted the resolution It provides
that the full committee of a quorum
of the committee immediately after the
adjournment of the present session of
congress and thereafter at the con
venience of the committee and report
to the next session
Senator Dolliver proceeding under
a motion in a former meeting that the
committee should continue the hear
ing and report a bill to the present
session ascertained by inquiry that
the sentiment was almost wholly in
favor of sitting during the summer
Therefore he did not press his motion
The resolutou by Senator Newlands
creating a commission to frame a na
tional incorporation act for railroads
engaged in interstate commerce was
ordered referred to the Irterstate
Commerce commission witii such
suggestions and modifications as it
may seem advisable
Dismissed Cadet May Yet Get Into the
WASHINGTON Congressman Hin
shaw colId on he president to inter
cede in behalf of Cadet C E Bowlby
son of the well known Crete Neb
editor and to ask that he be appoint
ed as second lieutenant of the army
It will bo remembered that Cadet
Bowlby was dismissed from the senioi
clas at the West Point military aca
demy May 21 1901 for an infraction
of the rules but an examination of the
facts indicate that there may have
been an element of personal pique in
the order of dismissal The president
did not indicate what his decision
would be but said he would take the
matter up with the secretary of war
Four other cadets were dismissed on
the same offense
Bards Amendment to Indian Appro
priation Bill
WASHINGTON The Indian appro
priation bill as agreed upon by the
committee on Indian affairs and re
ported to the senate contains the fol
lowing amendment offered by Senator
Bard Cal
That no portion of tne funds ap
propriated by this act nor the prin
cipal nor the interest of any Indian
trust or tribal funds held by the
United States for the benefit of any
Indian tribe shall be available or be
expended for the support of any sec
tarian or denominational school
Waste of Ammunition
TOKIO The headquarters of the
Japanese armies in the field reports
that the Russians yesterday moved a
division from the front of the Jap
anese center to the front of the left
and advanced from Ta mountain
Several columns moved fifteen miles
westward halting at Hangchiataitzu
which is two miles northwest of Wan
chiayuantzu The Russians continued
to shell portions of the Japanese lines
Saturday and the Japanese frequent
ly failed to respond to the bombard
ment which often was ineffective
Peasants in Southern Provinces in a
Restless Attitude Belief that Czar
Will Issue Manifesto Dividing It
March 4th
ST PETERSBURG The beginnings
of a dangerous movement have been
observed among the peasantry of
some of the southern provinces where
revolutionary agitators are circulating
reports that the emperor will on March
4 issue a manifesto providing for a
general division of lands A new allot
ment has been the dream of the mou
jiks ever since emancipation and ac
cording to private reports the stories
have spread like wildfire and are im
plicitly believed In the government
of Tula a large proprietor went to his
estate last week and found the peas
ants at work measuring off and stak
ing their shares In response to his
demands for an explanation they told
him of the coming manifesto Refus
ing to listen to his declaration that
the report was absurd they would only
say We have heard the little father
has decided
When the proprietor asked what
would become of him they replied
Oh we will leave you the buildings
and forty acres
Once the peasantry becomes pos
sessed of the idea that the emperor
has willed a division of land it will
be exceedingly difficult to disabuse
their minds and agrarian troubles on
a large scale are feared The moujiks
are likely to turn on the proprietors as
they did several years ago in the pro
vinces of Saratoff and Polteva when
anarchy reigned for some time
Among the reservists agitators arc
spreading the story that the war is
over A case is cited which occurred
a fortnight ago at Raizain where 200
reservists who had been called in flat
ly told the officer they did not intend
to serve The war is over said the
leader We know you simply want to
make money out of a contract for
feeding us We will not serve and off
they marched An instance was given
of reservists who actually left a rail
way train after they had been started
for the front
Private reports also leave no room
for doubt that the strikes in the whole
rgion below Moscow are almost entire
ly political in character The situation
generally in the south of Russia is be
coming worse instead of better and
contains many factors which are cans
ing the authorities the greatest alarm
The possibility of the necessity for
the dispatch of additional troops to
the Caucasus is already being con
At the Omaha Auditorium
A season of Grand Opera will be
given at the Omaha Auditorium under
the management of Mr Ileinrich Con
ried and by his entire- company or
chestra and chorus from the Metro
oolitan Opera house of New York
City in two performances as follows
Wednesday March 29th at 5 p m
Richard Wagners Parsifal in Ger
man with these great artists Mmes
Fremstadt Jacoby Lemon Mm
Burgstaller Von Rooy Blass Goritz
Muhlman conductor Mr Alfred
Thursday evening March 30th at S
oclock Donizettis opera Lucia dl
Lammermoor in Italian Mmes Sem
brich Bauermeister Mm Caruso
Parvis Journet Bars Giordani Con
ductor Mr Arttiro Vigna
The local management calls atten
tion to the fact that Omaha has been
granted the lowest scale of prices of
any city on this trans continental
tour as below
Wednesday March 29 Parsifal in
German Fremstadt and Burgstaller
Seats in boxes 6 Main floor first
twenty rows 5 second twenty rows
i last twenty rows 3 raised seats
behind boxes 250 Balcony first two
rows i rows 3 4 5 and C 2 rows
7 and S 2 rows 9 and 10 150
Thursday March 30 Lucia di Lam
mermoor in Italian Sembrich and
Caruso Seats in boxes 5 Main
floor first twenty rows 4 second
twenty rows 3 last twenty rows 52
raised seats behind boxes 2 Bal
cony first two rows 350 rows 3 4
5 and C S250 rows 7 and S 150
rows 9 and 10 100
Special rates will be arranged on
all railroads Applications for seats
may now be made Mail orders accom
panied by checks will be given imme
diate attention Address the local
manager Clement Chase 1505 How
ard street Omaha Neb
Prof Goodspeed Dead
CHICAGO Dr George Stephen
Goodspeed professor of history at
the University of Chicago died of
pneumonia He graduated from
Drown university in 1SS0 and took his
doctors degree at Yale
Russian Advance Posts Driven In
ST PETERSBURG Official dis
patches given out bore Friday dispose i
of the rumor of General Kuropatkin
retirement from the Shakhe but taken
in connection with the Associated
Press Tsinkhotr hen dispatches show
that operations of an important na
ture are in progress- in the mountain
region to the eastward The movement
was precipitated by the Russians who
last week sent out two divisions and
occupied well advanced positions Se- l
vere fighting is looked for in near
J coming days
Doans Kidney Pills Brought Strength
and Health to the Sufferer Ma
king Him Feel Twenty five
Years Younger
B Corton farmer and lumber
if 5s 1
man of Doppo
N C says r
s u ff e r e d for
years with my
back It was
bo bad that I
could not walk
any distance
nor even ride In
easy buggy I
do not believe I
could havo
raised ten
pounds of
weight from the ground the pain was
so severe This was my condition
when I began using Doans Kidney
Pills They quickly relieved me and
now I am never troubled as I was
My back is strong and I can walk or
ride a long distance and feel just as
strong as I did twenty five years ago
I think so much of Doans Kidney
Pills that I have given a supply of the
remedy to some of my neighbors and
they have also found good results It
you can sift anything from this ram
bling note that will he of any service
to you or to anyone suffering from
kidney trouble you are at liberty to
do so
A TRIAL FREE Address Fostor
Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For sal
by all dealers Price 50 cents
To the receptive soul the river or
life pauseth not nor is diminished
George Eliot
Itilllnn Dollnr Grn
When the John A Saber Seed Co o
La Crosse Wis introduced this remark
able grass three years ago little did they
dream it would lie the mot t diced of jt aa
in America the highest quick hay pro
ducer on earth but tins has come to pasj
Agricultural Iditors wrote about it
Agr College Pn tenors lectured about it
2v Institute Oi it irs talked about it
while in the farm home by the quiet fire
side in the comer grocery in the vdlan
post office at the en nniery at the depot
in fact wherever farmers gathered Saler
Billion Dollar that marvelous grr
good for 5 to 1 1 tons hay per acre nut
lots of pasture besides is always a thuuo
worthy of the farmers voice
Then comes Bnmius Inennis than winch
there is no better grass or Iietter perma
nent hay producer on earth Grows wher
ever soil is found ThMi the farmer talk
about Salers Teoiinte vhsch produces
100 stocks from one kinel of seed 11 lf
high in 100 daw rich in nutrition niil
greedily aten by cattle hogs ete and is
good for 80 tons of green food per aere
Victoria Rme the luxuriant food for
hcs and shetp wliith can be grown it
25c a ton and Speltz at 2Jc a hu both
great food for sheep hogs and cattle also
come in for their share m the discussion
and this notice to John A Pilzer Sevl
Co La Crose Wis for their big catalog
and many farm seed samples W N LJ
We are too apt to throw bouquets
at the dead and mud at the living
State or Onto Citt or Toledo
Iirs CorsTt f
Fbank J Cijeaft make oath that be la jenlor
partner of tlie lirm of K J UEiev Co i
lmsiuess In tlic City of Toledo Cowry awl SUo
cforeaaM and that -aid firm wllpv lb -urn f
ONE IIME1 DOLLAUS fr ea h and ew 7
cae of Iatahkii that cannot be cured by tbe ute of
Halls Caiaubh Cuei
Sworn to before me and miM itxd t my pres
ence thisGtb day of December I -
1 f Xota t Prawr
nallB Catarrh Core Is tafcMi Irterrally and
directly on the blmd and niwoua biiriaceit of mo
lystetn Send for teslnionUN frre
F 1 Y CO Toledo O
Sold by all DrnjrNt TV-
Tcke Halls Famlty fills forcondtlpetm
Honesty is the best policy providci
you keep your premiums paid up
Every housekeeper should knov
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use thy
will save not only time because it
never sticks to the iron but because
each package contains 16 oz one lull
pound wliile all other Cold War
Starches are put up in -pound pacn
aes and price is the fanv l
cents Then aain bfcau T an-
Starch is free from all injuno iini
icals If your grocer tries tr sell you
a 12 oz package it is because he hv
a stock on hand which he wishes o
dispose of before be puts in Deflanr
He knows that Defiance Starch ha
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures 1G ozs Demand De
fiance and save much time and moncv
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing Defiance never sticks
The older some women get tlie more
girlish they try to act
Insist on Getting It
Some fp oors ay they dont kej re
liance Starfh thy uav a
in hand of 12 ounre brands whi i tir v
Know cannot be oa to a ci
iho has one ud the
Defianre Starch for same n
Crime is sometimes only the
of genius misapplied
iNT r
Picos Cure is the best medicine w evrused
for all affections of ibe tbrout ail uri YisL
O Esoslct Vanburen Ira F It 10 lGS
Sentiment cherishps as truth many
a pretty fable
Jt ill en nasmadea spoctd
T n J ilb l Ilia rTra
-1 TrentiiMnt li a iwmi ii
lJ r i ous itts at smalt eMt
CJ me ind money
i i nd write for free
T It u ifnns of treatment Ml-
ajBtUia sbl
lne nt In plain 801
n f Jli South int Street
v rrsarrrrB
Tour Jobber 01 direct Xro I t r luru ILi