The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1905, Image 5

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S - -
84 86 Randolph St
TO Cure a Cola In One Day
Tako laxativk imoMo quinine tablets
AH druggists refund thri mouoy if it fails
to euro E W Groves signature is on
each box 21c
Comfort yes and
wear too says
Tommy is in
every line of this
A good substan
tial stylish shoe
that will keep
the feet dry in
any old weather
only 3 50 at that
Yes Petty
certainly makes
shoe buying- easy
pleases his
customers gives
them just what
they want
war vnwr
f nrnmniiBTiiiTiranrrTUgMn r 1 1 1 1 1 Tin n x
Te Model
Large Store
Small Expense
Small Profits
OUR drug store comprises everything
found in a drug shop to meet the
demand of our customers It is of a
quality that you do not find often in
even the large city drug stores Buy
ers here are absolutely sure that they
are getting positively the best the market
affords in every line of drug store goods
Because of our large store and small ex
pense we are successful in competing
with the large city stores where they
have big rents and heavy expenses to
meet Our prices are so low and the
merit of our goods so great that it will
pay you to go out of -our way to come
The following is one of our offers
Here is a Fr Cur
YOU have tried pis
You know by your own experience that a phy
sic wont cure Iet experience show you what
will cure
Constipation is the rottinj of undigested food
in the alimentary tube This festering rotting
mass makes bad blood which makes bad health
Constipation causes most sickness It probably
causes your suffering
Mulls Grape Tonic cures It is not a physic or
like anvthing else you have ever used Itisatonic
containing special properties of the grape which
strengthens the digestive organs and enables
them to do their work unaided and properly
No griping If it fails your money will be
We know that Mulls Grape Tonic will cure
vou and therefore will give vou a large sample
bottle of the great remedy if you have never
taken it We onlv ask that you use the contents
of the first bottle as directed You dont obligate
vourself to buy any of the remedy
Send this coupon with your name and
address and druggists name for a free bot
tle of Mulls Grape Tonic to
Mulls Crapo Tonic Co 600 Third Ave
Rock Island III
Give Full Address and Write Plainly
The 1 CO bottle contains nearly three times
the 50c size
This is one way we have of serving our
customers We are looking out for your in
terests as well as our own Who else will do
Seeds Plants
Shrubs and all
dnrrien Sunnlics
- - f ttiiin tr7in Trimw V lit flfrct
ness and put up by experienced help
Vou will find our seeds as carefully
handled as a druggists prescription
Two Grand Frizes an so Gold and Sil
ver Medals awarded our displays at St
Louis equal to all other American Seeds
men combined This catalogue tells why
It also tells how beginners can make
REAL money growing vegetables and
nlants from Vaughans Seeds If you
want the best Flower and Vegetable Seeds
that can be had write for this catalogue
today 130 pagcs zSth year zo Green
houses We invite you to visit our stores
X4 Barclay Street
llflTinie card
McCook Neb
Ccntrul Timo
JtAN IIXK vtst
No l iJUoiiiiuiii
1 1
11 so p m
620 A 31
80a m
055 p 31
No fi urrivps from eiint at 8 p in
imui Ji20 V JI
925 AM
No 176 arrives Mountain Timo 540 - m
No 175 departs C45a m
Sleeping dining and reclining cliiur cars
peats freo on through trains Tickets hold
unci baggage checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write George Scott Agent 5c
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General
Agent Omaliii Nebraska
Ursikcmnn C 13 Sentanco is taking a
short lay off
Conductor C J Snolls family has
joined him in Denver
Flagman J E Rider sick is being re
lieved by P E Potter
Trainmaster Kenyon has been in Den
ver officially all week
On sieklist Switchman W W Prall
and Brakeman K B Covey
Brakeman C W Tyler is visiting the
family in Akron this week a fow days
Brakeman Wilber Fisk is making a
short visit to his mother in Wray Colo
Ed J Kates of the draughtsmans
office Lincoln visited McCook friends
over Sunday
Trainmaster Zook of Nebrasku City
has resigned to become an engineer ou
the Panama canal
Conductor F A Starks is ill and
Extra Conductor Will Turley is relioviu
him out of Oxford
Brakeman C II Magnuson is spend
ing a few days of this week with his
parents in Holdrege
Brakeman C E Hoffman is on with
Conductor Knowland during Brakeman
Mose Colfers absence
R O Young of Corona will succeed
T G Rees at Imperial when the change
is made first of next week
Brakeman Will Turley has been pro
moted to extra conductor and his head
quarters will be in McCook
Brakeman C A Baldwin returned
Tuesday night from Omaha bringing
the wife and baby along with him
Brakeman E H Pearson is with Con
ductor A G Bump until Brakeman J
J Laughlin is ready for the road again
Yardmaster J H Frankenfield of Ox
ford is indisposed and Brakeman G G
Magnuson is herding cars in that yard
Brakeman and Mrs Mose Colfer de
parted Wednesday night for Mendocino
California to be gone two or three weeks
on a short vacation
The Woodmen Accident Association
of Lincoln has promptly paid L A Fitch
the amount due him for his recent total
and partial disability
Brakeman Ira E Converse has gone
up to Laramie Wyo and is visiting bis
friend F W Schultz who is nowaU P
brakeman out of that point
Just as soon as spring settles down
and the Colorado company is able to de
liver the goods the company will begin
laying new steel on the Lincoln Wymore
and McCook divisions
Agent T G Rees of Imperial has been
transferred to Arapahoe to succeed Agent
F O Gray who recently resigned and
moved to Oregon where he is now en
gaged in merchandising The news of
Mr Rees transfer will be a source of
pleasure and satisfaction to many old
time friends in this city
J C Barbers friends on the McCook
division are congratulating him warmly
on his elevation to the position of store
keeper at Lincoln the most important
storehouse on the Q west of the river
He has been in charge of the Havelock
storehouse His predecessor at Lincoln
Mr Waterman has been promoted to
an important office in Omaha
Engines 3188 a D4 1704 an B2 and
1755 an R2 all involved in the fatal
wreck at Akron Colorado were blocked
up in the McCook yard Wednesday
and started for Havelock Thursday
morning for an overhauling The tank
of 318S is smashed considerably and tho
front ends and tanks of the 1751 and
1755 are quite badly damaged However
the less will not be heavy
Conductor and Mrs V H Solliday
and Miss Millie Slaby went up to Denver
at the first opportunity after hearing of
the death of their brother J J Slaby
who was buried at Denver Tuesday
Mr Solliday returned home Tuesday
night and took his run out on 13 Wed
nesday His wife and Miss Millie will
remain in Denver with the widow during
the rest of the week at least The sor
rowing ones have the deepest sympathy
of everyone in this tragic sad death
Brakeman J J Laughlin had a nar
row escape from death Wednesday night
on train 77 He was on top of a boxcar
as the train was passing a water tank
at a speed of 15 or 20 miles an hour and
was struck on the head by the water
spout ring and rendered unconscious for
tnree or four hours He was knocked
from the top of the boxcar to the roof of
the way car just behind and was dis
covered here by Conductor A G Bump
unconscious and with his legs projecting
over the side of the waycar
George Matson was in McCook last
Monday on business
The present weather reminds us of
The Good Old Summer Time
A W Dutcher threshed his cane seed
last Monday and reports a good yield
The dance at Mr Adams last Satur
day night was well attended All re
port a fine time
Harry Marshall from over in Kansas
was in this vicinity last Sundayvisiting
his gentlemen friends
Mr Starks of McCook is considering
the proposition of moving back to his
old home place this spring
The sale at Frank Everists was well
attended and his offerings brought very
good figures so says Dame Rumor
A W Dutcher and family will soon
tako up their abode on the Simpson farm
Mr Wood will occupy the place vacated
by Mr Dutcher
Walter M Pennington was a Danbury
caller Tuesday i
M L Nichols is hero from Orieaus to
attend C E Muhs sale
George Ralston was dows town Fri
day the first timo this winter
Mr and Mm A C Bartholomew vis
ited on Missouri Ridge last Wednesday
E M Pennington called at his broth
ers in Missouri Ridge precinct the 20th
There was a wolf hunt southeast of
Lebanon tin 21st Wo understand they
killed one wolf
E E Ilih is home again Wo under
stand lio will farm his own place north
west of Danbury this season
Mr If ulhert finished the well on Elmer
Cecils farm Tuesday and is now drill
ing a well at Charles Bonhams on tho
old Mort Nichols farm
Eugene Dutcher has sold his house
and lot in Bartley to Walter M Penning
ton and hw bought a team harness an 1
other things of Mr Pennington
Elmer Cecil is building a house 21x26
on his farm Seven men are at work on
it They are doing fast work but it will
rush them to fiuish by March 1st
The roads were so bad two weeks ago
that in driving ono could not go faster
than a walk In a i0 mile drive we
found plenty of timo for reflection
I still have two wagons set harness
a disc a mower one horae and a few
other articles for sale
Walter M Pennington
Word comes from Hill City Kansas
that Mrs G M Cummings and the
childron have the smallpox We under
stand that their couditiou is not serious
Wo understand that Frank Weather
wax has bought the old Stanky 120 on
Charles C Dunton The deal was open
yet Tuesday but will probably be closed
Ed Paugh and family are over here
from near Farnam Neb visiting Eds
father on the Sappa Merle Paugh is
also here from Missouri but for some
reason keeps over the Hue in Kansas
F W Pelton and Florence Widener
were married at high noon Wednesday
B ebruary 22 Rev W H Scofield offici
ating About 115 guests were present
This young couple have a host of friends
at Lebanon who wish them a prosperous
Twenty six members of the Odd
Fellows lodge of Lebanon went to Stani
ford Thursday 17th of February and
organized a lodge there The boys re
port a pleasant trip and a good timo
About 15 charter members were taken in
at Stamford
Herbert Garret and Miss Blanch Por
ter were married at the brides parents
on the bappa Wednesday February 11
The groom is the son of Sam Garret of
Fort Collins Colorado a former resident
of Red Willow county Tho bride is
well known here and has a large number
of friends
Jolly Sevens and Hoobler offered 810
last spring to be paid as cash premiums
S2o for best S15 for second best colt
Last oaturaay aoout u colts were
shown at Lebanon E E Fiechter won
1st and Dick Paugh 2nd We believe
that such prizes is a move in tho right
Horace Dayton died Monday night
Februan7 27 of heart failure Horace
was in town Saturday took worse and
died Monday He has been ailing for
sometime ana was one time hurt badly
by a vicious horse and some thought
that those injuries were what caused his
death Ho was buried Wednesday at
Hamburg cemetery
Double Wedding A very pleasant
double wedding occurred at the home of
A P Bodwell west of Lebanon when
their only daughter Vena was married to
Frank Weatherwax and Miss Lou Kaiser
was married to their second son Ora C
Bodwell February loth at high noon
Rev W H Scofield officiating After
the ceremony a bounteous dinner was
served to tho numerous guests The
young couples will occupy their new
homes just north of Lebanon about
March 1st We congratulate warmly
W M Ball who has been in the Bur
lington railroad service as agent and
operator for over ten years has resigned
his position as agent at Lebanon to be
come manager of a line of photograph
galleries in the Beaver Valley with head
quarters at Beaver City They moved
this week to Beaver City and will build
or purchase property in the near future
George Fritzinger will be manager of the
Lebanon gallery and pictures taken at
this place will be finished here other
work will go to Beaver City to be finished
While going to Danbury recently we
noticed an old well with one pst set on
each side and wire stretched across
Quite likely there were four once Not
two feet from the well was an old sod
house Why not shove the old tumble
down house into the well On still
farther we noticed just outside a field
a strip of sod broken out and a row of
cottonwood trees and then outside of this
another fence to keep the travelers off
the trees In the field was old rotten
haT With a straw mulch the water
could be lowered eight feet in a season
We would like to see that old hay around
those young trees We also noticed how
low and flat most of the roads are
making it almost impossible for the
water to run off
E S Dutcher is doing the finishing
work on Adam Fritzs house
The Ash Creek preacher preached at
the Luthern church here Sunday
Miss Ida Bush of Bartley has been
employed to teach the spring term in
district G9
Baumesberger Wall have traded their
12 horse power engine and paid the dif
ference for a 16 horse power engine
They threshed cane seed Monday for
the neighbors
Miss Ida Bush closed a successful
six months term of school in the Dutcher
district February 23 A program was
rendered in the evening and was followed
by a basket supper About 9 was
realized from the sale of the baskets
which will be used to buy books for the
If taken this month keeps you well all
summer It makes the little ones oat
sleep and grow A spring tonic for the
whole family Hollisters Rocky Moun
tain Tea 35 cents Tea or Tablets
L W McConnell
Mr Powell arrived in the city yester
day on No 1 and at once set to work
energetically in looking after the plans
details for the dedication and jubilee
dav of the new Methodist church
Retail Clerks Feed
The Rtail Clerks Union and invited
friends to the number of some forty had
a joyous time at their banquet in Mc-
Connells hall last evening The unions
spread was something that went to
the spot There was music cards etc
realizing a full evenings pleasure
If you want to hear Dr Huntington
preach you must be in the new Method
ist church Sunday morning by 930
Ilarri Meyers has replaced his old
tower with a new one
There was a dance at Ilarri Meyers
farm last Saturday night
Mrs G F Randel entertained a com
pany of ladies from McCook Thursday
Rev Herman Ramelow entertained a
party of neighbors and friends first of
the week
A E Price is painting and repairing
his property and improving appearances
Sam Hughes threshed out cane seed
for the noignbors at J M Phillips farm
George Stroud of South McCook is
able to be about again after a lon and
severe illness
I N McDougal Wednesday started
with two loads of goods to drive to his
place near Haigler
There are a half dozen or more marri
ages in sight for the near future in the
Ash Creek country
Z Spickelmier has moved from the
South Side to the James Doyle place
northwest of tho city
E E Rogers is putting up a large fine
steel tank and is having some other im
provements made on his farm outbuild
ings etc
Mrs William Byfield and Mrs A C
Stone had a hen party of happy par
ticulars Wednesday A big dinner was
a feature It was held at the Byfield
Miss Fay Porter of East McCook cele
brated her seventeenth birthday Tues
day evening A fine supper was spread
and a good time had by about twenty
Miss Emma Trehal gave a party last
Friday night on the occasion of her 17th
birthday An elegant four course sup
per was served She was the recipient
of many pretty presents
George Brening the new tenant on
the J Hi Whittflker farm has plastered
and white washed the house on the out
side and made other repairs much im
proving appearance and comfort
Peter Voge who has been in Germany
for some time returned home Wednes
day of last week with a wife They
were warmly welcomed last Friday
night at the home of Joseph Crocker
Mrs W G Dutton entertained a large
company of neighbors and friends last
Saturday night at a progressive high-
five party A splendid four course sup
per was one of the features of a delight
ful event
Silas Vandervort was a McCook visitor
Gray Brothers are threshing alfalfa for
Sam Dragoo
The fine weather after so much moist
ure is bringing out the fall grain
Quite a number from this side were
canght on the north side of the river
Saturday when the bridge went out
Bert Rhorer closed a successful term
of school Friday in the School Creek
school house We understood he will
teach there next year
Mrs Eliza Gray received the sad news
from Lincoln that her father J R M
Barton was dead She left Tuesday
morning to attend the funeral He was
at one time a resident of this county
Mrs Gray has the sympathy of all in
this community
The basket supper and entertainment
at the Dutcher school house was a suc
cess in every way the baskets brought
1015 which will go toward a library
A great deal of credit is given Ida Bush
as teacher it being her second term in
that district She will commence a
spring term in tho adjoining district the
first of March
Seed Corn Bulletin
The Burlington has prepared a pamph
let intended to assist farmers in the
selection of seed corn The bulletin is
from the pen of C P Hartley of the
U S Department of Agriculture and
may be depended upon to contain the
latest scientific information obtainable
on the subject Call on George S Scott
agent McCook Neb for copies
14 T
Sugar coated take
mild in ciion They cure
constipation biliousncssfr
sick headache ZZU
Want your moustache or beard R II H K I N H H A M flYF
a beautiful brown or rich black Use
era or iutjuiyib pa 8 r Uiu a co ruauuv ji
t -I
ffwv T
Each Day Brings Us New
Items Call and See Our
Laces and Embroideries
Ginghams and Shoes
Wash Fabrics Get Them
Now while You Have
First Choice
Acquire the Habit
of saving We furnish a handsomely finished Perpetual Cal
endar Bank which costs you nothing Try
Njiij 4 ak5 Saving all
Never spend one and you will
be surprised how your money ac
count will grow
Call and get one of these banks
The First National Bank riccook J
W B WOLFE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000