Fte IMk pump Official Paper of Redwiilow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance With six commissioners added to tho regular force of three suprome judges tho supremo court of Nebraska ought to bo able to handle with sufficient promptness all business which may bo carried up to that tribunal THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS During tho absence of Miss Millicent Slaby this week Miss May Ilileman acted as snbstituto teacher at tho South McUook school Thero will bo a convention of school teachers in McCook March M and April 1 tho occasion being tho annual spring meeting of tho Southwest Ne braska District Teachers Association Tho big event promises to bo tho rendi tion of Tho Merchant of Venice by Mr Montaville Flowers lie will be re membered as the one who presented Bon IIurso successfully last summer NOTICK TO PARENTS A class for beginners five years old and over will be formed on Monday March 31 at tho East ward preparatory tho West ward preparatory and tho South McCook schools Parents desir ous of entering their children this spring are urged to do so on the day named or during that week and the one following for after the classes are organized entries positively cannot bo made G II Thomas Supt Burlington February Bulletin Cheap one way rates to California Puget Sound and tho Northwest country March 1st to May 15th Very cheap round trip rates to tho South and Southwest February 21st March 7th and 21st Also cheap one way rntes to the same country February 21st and March 21st Low Homeseekera excursion rates February 21st and March 7th and 21st to eastern Colorado the Big Horn Basin and the North Platto Valley where there is an excellent chance of getting in on the ground floor ahead of the crowd and pick up a bargain in irrigated lands Cheap rates east to Washington D C for the inauguration Send for printed matter and write for information Describe your trip and let me advise ycu tho least cost Geo S Scott Ticket Agent L W Wakeley G P A Omaha Nebraska Womens Kidneys Women are more often afflicted with kidney disorders than men bu attribute the symptoms to diseases peculiar to their sex while in reality the kidneys are deranged Nervousness headache puffy or dark circles under the eyes pain in the back are signs of kidney trouble that must not be ignored or a serious malady will result Foleys Kid ney Cure has restored the health of thousands of weak nervous broken down women It stops irregularitiesand strengthens the urinary organs It puri fies the blood and benefits the whole system Sold by A McMillen Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoftice Feb 27 1905 Anderson Ed Eberman O V Bash Miss Hattio Lee SW Brum Chas Shrove Miss Lo Eono Calkins C G Randall K H Dennis Albert R When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmhll Postmaster ivtfaTfTrftr i SCfiSBn Bp upsbliusiiui it Qnll 1 mil Impoverished soil like impov erished blood needs a proper fertilizer A chemist by analyz ing the soil can tell you what fertilizer to use for different products If your blood is impoverished your doctor Avill tell you what you need to fertilize it and give it the rich red corpuscles that are lacking in it It may be you need a tonic but more likely you need a concentrated fat food and fat is the element lacking in your system There is no fat food that is so easily digested and assimi lated as Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it Scotts Emulsion is always the same always palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from anv cause either in children or adults We will send you a sample free Be sure that this pic ture in the form of n label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emul sion you buy SCOTT k BOWNE CHEMISTS 409 Pearl St Jew YoiR 50c and 100 AH Druggists CAN YOU RESIST THIS The Iowa Homestead 100 Large weekly agricultural paper The Homemaker Magazine 50 Monthly family periodical full of pood tilings The Farm Gazette 50 Monthly agricultural magazine most beautiful farm publication in the world The Lincoln Journal 100 Nebraskas leading weekly pub lished at the states capital The McCook Tribune 1 00 The newsiest county weekly pa per published in Southwestern Nebraska Total 400 The Entire Five Papers Only 125 Good to Neb Faemeks Only BpmMJ Greatest Aid io Cookery With least labor and trouble it makes hot breads biscuit and cake of finest flavor light sweet appetizing and assuredly digestible and wholesome Price Baking Powder Co Chicago STRINGTOWN Nelson Downs butchered this week Willie Wall has been hauling hay this week Emma Podolski is sewing for Mrs Snyder this week Nelson and Joe Downs made a flying trip to Indianola Tuesday A number from hereabouts at tended the sales around the country Mr and Mrs Joe Downs visited at the home of Nelson Downs Monday Frank Duborko commenced his work at the Shadeland stock farm Monday Ed Hoover and Joe Mokko visited at the home of Nelson Downs Sunday Ed Bey and Jake Leibbrandt are the proud possessors of new buggies Look out girls Gottlieb Unger and John Leib brandt have been cutting wood on the old Meserve place this week Herman Reiners from Nebraska City has moved onto the Andrews farm he having purchased the same The streets of Stringtown are getting good but the street cars havent arrived since being block aded by the snow John Bridling is building a new house and a number of out-buildings on his place south of the German church and expects to occupy the same this spring COLEMAN Ed Osbaugh expects go to Colorado School in district No 74 closes today Miss Minta Rozell teacher School at the Coleman school house closes today Miss Eva Rawe teacher J W Corner and family will soon move to their new home on the French man above Culbertson A horse fell on Mr Coyles foot three weeks agobut no bones were broken He is able to get around a little on crutches On last Wednesday the neighbors gave a farewell dinner at the home of Mr Corner Over seventy were present Nothing to mar the pleasure of the company but the thought of parting with such good friends Engineer Fred W Bosworth has com menced work on a dwelling house for rental purposes just south of Foreman F C Fullers residence on Monroe street i I riTV rwrrorw ANNnTTNPFMFNTS Methodist Dedication of the new Methodist church All day services M B Carman Pastor Baptist No preaching services Sun day on account of dedication of the Methodist church A B Causon Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 No other services on account of the dedication of the new Methodist church George A Conrad Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Christian The members of the church have given their pastor a vacation in order that he may engage in evange listic work Until his return there will be Bible school at 10 a m social service at 11 a m No service in the evening G T Burt Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in tho month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks oflice since last Thursday evening Gorman Ins Co to J Fritz vd to w hf nw ar and w hf sw qr 1-2-27 1000 00 A C Crabtree to W Doj le sd to ne qr CO 00 sw or 4-4-29 Mary McKay to Jane McKay wd to ne qr 15-2-26 JM 00 United States to John Pajton pat to uw qr 25-3-26 I It Andrews to S A Hoffman wd to ehf 20-3-27 C W Jones to E A White d to lots 13 to 18 block 31 Hartley 72 00 F P Eno to H N French wd to lots 1 and 11 in block 5 Danbury 1300 00 Emaline Eno to same wd to lot 2 in block a Danbury 200 00 W F Everist to Citizens Bank wd to e hf 9-2-30 3000 00 E P Oshaugh to J B Smith wil to so qr 10-4-30 1000 00 D RSmith to same nw qr 10-4-30 200 00 United States to D R Smith pat to nw qr 10-4-30 The Original Foley Co Chicago originated Hon ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are ofFered for the Gen uine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same sat isfaction It is mildly laxative It con tains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons Sold by A Mc Millen Calendars For 1906 The Tribune has on display at office the handsomest line of foreign and domestic calendars and hangers ever shown in McCook Businessmen sionalmen and others wishing to select the choicest the market affords should call promptly and inspect the line which embraces the very moderate in price to the most expensive in imported goods Give us your orders for 1906 calendar now for delivery in season The Wheats Top Coat is a woody outside cover of the grain and serves a good purpose the same as a walnut shell but you cant digest either The entire outer coating is removed from the grains of wheat before making the delicious and appetizing California Wheatose Flaked wheat food for breakfast All good grocers Notice of Primary The Republican electors of the city of McCook are hereby called to meot in caucus at the city hall on Tuesday March 14 1903 at eight oclock for the purposo of placing in nomination a can didate for mayor city clerk city engi neer and one councilman from chjIi ward and to transact such other busi ness as may regularly como beforo tho meeting Signed A Harnett C B Gkav C G Coclieic Lon Conk City Central Committee Proposed New Star Route Tho government is advertising for bids to carry the mail six times a week be tween McCook and Quick by way of Centorpoiut a proposed new mail route or rather an extension of the present Quick Box Elder route to McCook The distance is 2150 miles and return Tho contract will run from April 1st 1905 to Juno 0th 190G Open for receipt of bids to March 14ch 1903 Mail will leave McCook at 00 a m arriving at Quick at 1230 pm leaving Quick at 130 p in and arriving at McCook at 730 p m For blank applications for bids and bonds or additional information see Postmaster Kimmell of McCook TAKING AN AIR BATH An Opportunity Given to Allow the SUln to Dreiithe It must be remembered that we rare ly if ever give our skin the opportunity to breathe properly Our perverted condition in regard to heavy unventi lated and very often restricted clothing has given us a skin that is constantly moist clammy and cold to the touch or else it is dry and dead and can be rubbed off by the hand with little ef fort Restricted clothing not only dam ages the lungs and internal vital or gans of the body but causes the circu lation to the skin to become stagnant and poor A great many ills that we do not understand are caused by the unhygienic practice of smothering the skin Give your body an air bath Reani mate your skin This is a splendid time to begin the habit of doing so since a cold need not be feared at this time of the year and you will strengthen the skin against the more severe season Exposure and drafts against the body is a superstition more or less The writer has often stood be fore a cold draft taking an air bath in winter and the practice has yielded a days tonic to the body that cannot be explained but must be tried upon ones own person to be understood and appre ciated Open your windows wide and exer cise until the pores have become awak ened Then let the cool fresh morning air play upon your body lying down if you desire It will be a treat that you will never want to miss again It acts as a delightful tonic to the nerves There is no better medicine for weak nervous people than the air bath The very blood tingles with the unaccus tomed freedom of the body and its con tact with the energizing air New York Mail Oratory In the Campaign Oratory as a compelling force in a po litical campaign is duly appreciated by the party managers who are on the lookout for every resource that will add to their vote getting power The spell binder who is clever enough to size up the temper of his audience and who knows just what to say to the ones about him on any and all occasions is supposed to be worth all his services cost the campaign committee As a student of the subject has put it the most convincing address is one that has profundity without obscurity perspicu ity without prolixity ornament with out glare terseness without barren ness comprehension without digression and a great number of other things without a great number of other things But a rare speaker with and without all these things is a rare speci men There is never enough of him to go around Boston Herald Anlmrtl Iionjcevlty Some curious statistics have been published upon what an insurance ac tuary would describe as the expecta tion of life In animals Among the larger species of cattle there is some approach to uniformity Thus for the horse and the ass the extreme limit is about thirty live years and for horned cattle about thirty For the dog it is given as twenty five while sheep goats pigs and cats are grouped at fif teen But there are stranger dispari ties among birds While a goose may live thirty years a sparrow twenty five and a crow as many as 100 ducks poultry and turkeys die of old age dt twelve years The palm for longevity Is divided between elephant and par rot Both pass the century Vicious Susie Now when Im asked to sing I never say Oh I cant I always sit down at the piano Jennie And let the audience find it out for themselves Illustrated Bits Cacao is grown In Cuba in connection with the coflec plant as the latter re quires shade which is furnished by the former at ihe JKiCue time yielding a profitable crop Xot a Sure Test Mamma I am sure Miranda that Harold thinks as much of you as ever He still eats your cooking doesnt he Young Wife Yes but Im afraid mam ma he does it now from a sense of duty Chicago Tribune Loomls Wins Lonjr Fight After just a third of a contury Russell F Loomis of Red Willow county Ne braska practically has won his right against the technique of federal legality It has required thirty three years for this hard working farmer to perfect his claim to a cortain piece of land part of tio public school grant from the govern ment in Red Willow county on which ho settled May 28 1S72 and ho has not absolutely consummated his deal yet This remarkablo incident is recalled by tho passage tho othor day by the United States senate of a bill introduced by Senator Dietrich authorizing the secretary of tho interior to accept from tho state of Nebraska a conveyance of tho northeast quarter of section 50 in tovnship 4 north in range 29 west sixth principal meridian in Rod Willow county to enable Mr Loomis to perfect his entry and title to this land under tho homestead laws of the United States This bill was introduced by Senator Dietrich in anticipation of a bill pending before the legislature of Nebraska author izing tho governor to execute a deed of relinquishment to tho federal govorment of this land It is generally accepted that tho bill will pass tho legislature A counterpart of the bill was introduced four years ngo passed and went to the governor but it did not become a law In 1903 tho same bill again was introduc ed and killed Representative Hathorn of Red Willow was the author of both these billH and made valiant fights for them This session Representative Gliem who succeeds Dr Hathorn intro duced tho bill and it is now in tho hands of the claims committee WHEKE THE CONFLICT COMES IN Russell F Loomis settled on this land before it was surveyed and platted lie mado his entry under the homestead laws of tho United States but because his settlement rights conilicted with the act of congress by which the Nebraska constitution was enacted he was never able to perfect his claim During all these years Mr Loomis continued to re side on this land He has mado it his home continuallyhas invested hismoney in improvements upon tho land and has done everything to the end of establish ing and maintaining a permanent home there In tho bill which Dr Hathorn two years ago pushed with such unceas ing zeal and industry it was stated that at that time he had 140 acres under culti vation and improvements to the value of S3000 The fight was a strenuous one Able legislators had extreme difiiculty in convincing their colleagues that the state should step in and secure to this pioneer the laud which he was unable to claim under a perfected title and for a long time entirely too long for the mental comfort of Mr Loomis and his earnest friends it seemed as if despite his long years of tcil and hardship despite the fact of hisblazing the way of civiliza tion in Red Willow county and despite his untiring efforts to secure for himself and family this home they had earned it seemed even after all these priva tions and hardships that Mr Loomis would not get the land But now there is every reason to believe he will get it The Dietrich bill providing for the ac ceptance by the government of the relin quishment has been passed and no doubts are entertained but that the Gliem bill providing for the relinquish ment by the state will pass Omaha Bee Everything in drugs McConnell Ferris waists for ladies misses and children are carried in stock by Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co WMMr a k1 it The burnished plum age of the peacock owes its brilliancy and splendor to a health ful condition Let the bird be sickly nnd the plumage droops and grows dull There is no exception in na ture to the rule that beauty depends on health Women who see their beauty waning rarely associate the external change with failure of the womanly health They do not understand the close rela tion of the general physical health to the health of the delicate womanly or ganism until after being cured of wom anly diseases by the use of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription they find the color returning to the cheek and the flesh to the body Favorite Prescription establishes regularity dries weakening drains heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness Several years ago I was very poorly writes Mrs May Kellev of Sylvia Kans so weak I could hardly wafk across the floor and at times suffered severely I took two bottles of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription and got well and hardy gained twelve pounds in two months and was the picture of health Your medicines have cured me Almost everybody I meet says You look so much better than you have for several years you look well now Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong sick women well Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets are a ladys laxative Nothing equals them for gentleness and thoroughness Graining Paperhanging and Finishing Alabastine Work All Work Guaranteed Painting Decorating J I VI rvn - iT A Good Investment 15 nrrex mljuconttocityof McCook home frame tiiublo granary lion houso well hog pons olc 2500 jmjucIi troeH All In cultiva tion C00 cash Writo for complete hind list E J MITCHELL McCook Nob f Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Ulock West of Citizens Hank McCook - Nebraska McCook WP r I A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy Tho excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always tho greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh andSalt Meats F D BU11GESS Plumiier and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Ppe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trmmings Agent for Halliday Waupun tclipse y Windmills Basement of the Meelcer Ej Phillips Building 9 McCOOK NEBRASKA tNNESSENSSZVVNJPsSN MARSH The Butcher wants your trade Thefbest of everything is his motto Phone 12 if - Poultry Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days wo will pay cash For Hens Tc lb Springs Tc lb Turkey Hens llclb set Jtrr J It 1 It 11 wZrKs J II rSXJ 1 I S3 11 u itt WL mk