i 1 V i H t f f u Rf l w i 4 L f kV- tf V n i I ft 1 v THE OLD FOLKS AT HO JimkM Ui0 JliW m KRandMRI JNOOOTOT flndeptindence Remarkable Cures Effected By Under date of January 10 1S97 Dr Uartman received tlie following letter My wife has been a sufferer from a complication of diseases for the past twenty five years Her case has battled the skill of some of the most noted phy sicians One of her worst troubles was chronic constipation of several years htanding She was also passing through that most critical period in the life of a woman change of life In Tunc ISOft I wrote to you about her eise You advised a course of 1crnna and Manalin which we at once commenced and have to say it com pletely cured her About the same time I wrote you about my own case of catarrh which bad been of twenty five years standing At times 1 was almost past going commenced to use Parana according in your Instructions and continued its use or about n year and it has com pletely cured mo John O Atkinson In a letter dated January 1 1100 Mr imihlu tuutui aii fisp ran s Best Couch Syrup Tastes Good Ufc in time sola ry drugging zmsmmi VCffl 3CT A i a for MEN Jm Iotisla4 iiIO lion irr thf srcet elIoi ill the iirIIheoni fl tln lr style easy HtlniK ami mipe rmr ueirmirquulitiis Thi vjrc jht i iol an tliocc Cnit cit from to70 The only dittferoiice I tlie price r It Dousiaq SS hic c iiKfc more t make nitlil their letltT linscf -tad ireif sretorilne Inuii any otht r on the market toiIsy VIoiisIuh Kilur niltees tlu ir alnc Iy nlaniiunsr hln aame aajl price iMitloni ofnirh bor JLtok Ar it Iukft no xaltitntu WL JloulanSt50KhoeixremIl Uiroiixli hi un retail Mores in the iirlncipal cities nmllVhclelorccrv here omat terwhereyou lit etWlilouKlaBiihoc are within your reach JIETTER TIIAX OTHER MAKES AT AX PRICE For the last thrre vers I hate rrorn WLDouqUis 39 shoe and found it not only as gonrt I it delter than amshoe that I rcrr had reganlless of price Chas L Fan ell Asst Cashier Tli Capital Vational Bank Indianapjlis Ind Boys -wear W L Douglas 250 ad 209 shoes lecaus9 thB7 fit better hold their shapo and wear longer than other makes YLDOUGLAS S4Q0 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE TV Donaa utes Corona Coltifon tn his 3 9 shoes Corona Colt ts considered to be the finest patent leather produced rvsT rornx rYCirTs wii lsot wcau iskasst y i DonRlis lias the 1 upest shoe mail orilrr business In the world No trouble lo Kt n fit 1 y mail 23- pxtn prepays delivery If you dtsro further infonnatioii trri r Jllusrateii Catalogue of Spring Stvles WLDOUCLAS BROCECTOH MASSACHUSETTS Cirjcssa Saea anrrrina - junim irrrarsMrs ENTRANCING Tone QiaLlity pure and inellow distinguish our hnd made Mueller pianos from the ordin ary makes THE SOUNDING BOARD is built on the violin principle allowing free vibration Other items of interest in our new catalog sent free for the asking Address the Makers SCHMOLLEU Si MUELLER Established 1S50 3313 FVIWAM ST OMAHA ftf Jff lr -- 3 IE Are Never Without in the Home For Catarrhal Diseases tKarfcTMRSi JCHWAND7 rlirm - cl nr m -mm wmmi jljC jj aw iftiiijjik m ii i ii i vVAfww jjirrnti w rS aa I MJ l Ti J fXS59idtlHt k Mms m mtimmffli irsfavxgKgrKi x i uiiii t vsasssSS5es5 Atkinson sajs after five years experi ence wjth Jeruna will ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna I am still cured of catarrh John O Atkinson Inde pendence Mo Box 272 Mrs Alia Sehwandt Sanborn Minn writes I have been troubled with rheuma tism and catarrh for twenty five years Could not sleep day or night After having used Peruna I can sleep and nothing bothers me now If I ever am affected with any kind of sickness Peruna vill be the medicine I shall use My son was cured of catarrh of the larynx by Peruna Mrs Alia Sehwandt When old age comes catarrhal dis eases come also Systemic catarrh is almost universal in old people Address Dr S B Uartman President of the Uartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio who will be pleased to give you the benefit of his medical advice gratis There are Many Imitations of P 1 OHKC i and Cocoa akers Chocolate m irwrtm Dont be misled by them j b Our trade mark is on every package of genuine goods Under the decisions of several United States Courts no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker Cos is en- titled to be sold as Bakers Look for lUaTude Msk Cocoa or Baker s Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent i ae Walter Baker 8 Co Ltd Established J7 SO Dorchester Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards ii Europe and America gagataAttffiagaiacgagBBEss 1F1IW1 a ua MADE 3 g go q GO I - i piohwmki LwyWTir -a-- mrrggsr lift ml 1 iiii mJr rnwlir I When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures couehs and colds Nebraska News Fire in the Murphy block at Table Rock did 500 -worth of damage Hiram Wallace of Adams county has been adjudged insane and sent to the asylum Samuel Wymore and son have pur chased a diamond drill and expect to sink 2000 feet in the vicinity of Wy more in searcli of oil Dorr Brainard a young farmer liv ing between Seward and Tamora had his left hand caught in a cornshellei and it was practically torn off The schools in the village of Pal- I myra have been closed on account of the prevalence ot diphtheria among the children who have been attending them Whilo in the act of lifting the cover from a Can of boiling coffee which ex ploded Mrs Lena Whitcomb of Beat rice was quite severely burned about the face and eyes Henry Hurst the landlord of the Prince hotel at Madison who had been acting strangely for some time was taken to Lincoln where he was placed in a private sanitarium William Buerstetta a merchant of Toeumseh was kicked in the side by his family horse and quite badly in jured Two ribs were broken and the man may be injured internally Robert working depot at the year O Stewart who has been in the Burlington freight Hastings since the first of was placed under arrest to answer charge of embezzlement During the farmers institute at Ge noa on March 2 and 3 the Equal Suf frage club will serve a corn festival at which all the edibles will be composed of corn in some delectable shape At Lincoln Mrs Mark Woods told the story of the loss of her diamonds valued at S00 in a Pullman car last summer In the district court she is suing for the price of her jewels The farmers of Adams county are talking of organising for the purpose of holding a big county fair next fall A meeting will soon be called when of ficers will be elected and all neces sary arrangements made for the affair Rev D A Youtzy pastor of the Christian church at Plattsmouth has received a call from the Home Mis sionary society to go to Porto Rico as a missionary but has not fully de cided to accept Schinstock Bros the noted shippers and breeders ot horses are now in St Joseph Mo disposing of several car loads of Nebraska draft horses all raised in Cuming county This firm is- building up an immense export trade in horses and affordng a ready and profitable market for the breeders of horses in Cuming county for their sur plus stock At a meeting of the state banking board it -ft as agreed to turn over the complaints against several installment investment companies to Attorney General Broun for investigation Mr Brown was given authority to conduct investigations and to bring proper ac tion to suppress the companies violat ing the law A number of complaints have been received lately An ordinance was introduced in the city council of Nebraska Citv requir ing all the railroads entering that city to place a flagman at all places where their tracks cross the streets The ordinance provides a penalty of 23 for each twenty four hours that the companies neglect to keep flagmen at the crossings The government geological depart ment at Washington has eidently heafd of Cass countys coal mine T W Thomas the owner has received a letter from the department asking him to forward some samples of his coal and coal tar products He has also been requested to send samples to the slate university During the coming summer Mr Thomas expects to employ an experienced miner to oink a drift and make a thorough in estlgation of the discovery Mr and Mrs Allen Barnes of Paw nee county last week celebrated their golden weddins The twenty fifth annual stVe con vention of the Young Mens Christian association of Nebraska fame to a close at Grand Island with services at the Presbyterian church The fol lowing officers of the state committee were elected W J Hill Lincoln chairman W O Henry Omaha vice chairman George C AYallace Omaha secretary and M C Steele Omaha treasurer A number of young farmers of Rich ardson county are preparing to leave earlj next month in company with olhers from adjoining counties for Canada where they will take up their residence on land upon which they made filings last summer At Chadron Eva Loonier a girl of lfi had a novel but not pleasant ex perience She was sitting near the stove and a celluloid comb which she was wearing in her hair started to blaze burning about a quarter of her abundant hair before the fire was smothered by a cool headed member of the family A son of Fred Oelke south of Ne braska City fell as he was climbing down from a load of hay and struck his head against the tines of a pitch fork One of the tines entered his left eye and penetrated to the brain He died soon after Cyrus King of Louisville Cass coun ty endeavored to convince the exam ining hoard that he was a first class penman and vocalist but as his pen manship was scarcely legible and his singing badly out of tune they decided that the asylum was the proper place for the patient who is only 22 years of age Stops Coffin Salesmen The Liverpool police have stopped the practice common therrj of can vassing for the sale of coffins at houses where a death has taken place More Flexible and Lasting wont shake out or blow out by using Defiance Starch you obtain better re sults than possible with any other brand and one third more for same aioney The man whoso ambition feeds- and Tattens on disappointments wins CITG permanently cured Vo At or nerrcninem af te Kb I w ilrtt dayn use of Dr Klines Jreuterve Uestor or Send for FHKG 3t trlnl botto and treatise Du U Ii Hum Ltd SJ1 Ann btrcet lMludclpiilu ia Unrequited affection never seems to impair a girls appetite for more Sirs W iiigiows Smoothing Syrnp For children teething softens the Burns reduces ir flamtniittoii all ay a jmln cures wind colli 25ca bottle Men occasionally carry high handed methods into small transactions Those Who Have Tried It will use no other Delitnce Cold Wa ter Starch has no equal in Quantity or Quality 16 ounces for 10 cents Other brands contain only 12 ounces The man of good memory occasion ally lapses into tedious ways No ohromo or cheap premiums but a better quality and one third more of Defiance Staich for the same price of other staiches Pride ill natur and want of sense are three sister disgraces I cut Home to Iio from Crawl TrouMo Doctors failed lr David kutinedyti fratorltu himedy cured me ilrs v 1 lirowu reternburg Married life on an average lasts twenty eight years iiti i ill i 1 11 H SSS ir il hi 11 it i mff ff I il it L Akgetable Preparalionfor As similating IhcFoodandBcguIa ting Hie Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DtgestionCheerfuI nessandlteslConlains neither OpiumMorphinc nor Mineral Not Nar c o tic JZftpt oroidHrSAMULLPlTanR ftmtykm Seed- v jflxSertui I fioAitUStJs jiiUStSevtt e fifftrPUHi OuiaitKln Sca lMatcnptven Haven J Aperfecl Hemedy forConsupa Tion Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions Fcvensh ness and Loss of SiiSEP Facsimile Signature or EW YORK EXACT COPY QF VRABfiER a -- can be fiue only lo inlierenl merit There is no stronjjcr proof ol merit than con tinued and increasinfl popularity H liic verdict ol MILLIONS OF KOUSEKEEPfiSS docs not convince you oS Hie merits oi LION COFFEE iJ cosSs you but a trifle to buy a package 1 is te caszesl way lo convince yourseSS and lo make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER LION COFFEE is soul omv id 1 lb sealed package and retches ou as pttreaud tieauas hen it left ojr fwtory Lion head on everv paekajp Sae the p Lion heads fur altinble premiums SOLD BY GROCERS ii a rf ffl ijri W7i EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO Toledo Ohio inVStmffyaBfftfWTPgBSiS Liwei Z liver is the great filtering ap paratus of the nluncntntivo or digestive system It filters the poison loaded bile out of the blood When the liver lacks active capacity to do this work then the bile passes through into the general circulation and begins its poisonous work Through the circulation of the blood it is disseminated throughout the bndv gradually sapping the strength cloud ing the brain weighing down the ener gies weakening the hearts action in fecting nnd undermining the system Kventually the poison begins to accu mulate at the bhin the kidneys the bronchial tubes or the lunge until at last it settles and fastens it elf at some point which location may be far away from the liver yet it is stagnation or congestion of the liver which is the im mediate cause of the whole trouble SYMPTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT Not unfrequently in liver disease the complexion becomes pale and sal low there may be frequent attacks of bilious or sick headache bitter taste in the mouth tongue coated uhitc or cov ered with a brown fur unnatural dry harsh or scaly condition of the skin or branny eruptions pimples dark blotches and troublesome itching There are likely to be backache and tired feelings lassitude and a tense of debility There is depression of spirits and a decided tendency to be1 discouraged nnd despondent there is loss or irregularity of appetite uneasi ness in region of the stomach II WU Htf Vra Ifc K1 T W 1 fflFi II v ra r r3 BW S W BayffB For Infants and Children Tie IM Yen Hare Always Bough Bears the Signature AS V M m if M v BW Lay t s ft PS 11 If y R Hi k ff ha Hi a USB i or nfer f 8 y Au W THE OEHTAtf H OOMPGriT NEW YORK CITY ggS32SSgBSS22E SSSS2ISSSlSS5SI52Sx2222S2ISSI o Wlien bvrying loose coiTee or anything your grocer happens to liavo in his bin how do you know vhat you are getting Home queer stories about coftee that is sold in bulk could be told if the people Avho handle it groeersj cured to speak out Could any amount of mere talk hrn e persuaded millions Ox housekeepers 10 use Iran dame U ISlC leader Of aS2 package COSIees for over a quarter of a century if they had not found it superior to all other brands m Parity SuTemgtls Flavor and UziIIo2miy Thio rtnnulnr suscess ol tlON COFFEE yfo eion sometimes sour stomach heart burn -nausea and water- brash flatulency and acrid eructations tho bowels become irregular ubually con stipated nnd occasionally subject to diarrhea attended with colicky pains The foregoing symptoms are not ill present m any one cam X i 3a A 1 HI 1 rs m m 3 fIt I L f fl vV tfjtm imMMML L vwv f B3wa ci I f v Ft a 2fv i v ft f3 ri pbi S AM 11 i I ot t K fft f e nor are 20000 Pisafs far ifii Mi mni us Tin fRrm i are 111 fit 1 to sa r s t ail n o i r i I Arm u Tl t I- M Ml t US S I any two caecb alike in every respect The only way to help a disordered liver is to treat it as it is the great organic human filter Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discovery demises mid dears it invigorates and revitalizes this most important organ by itt won drful alterative power For bilious ness indigestion weak ptomach and kindred ailments the Golden Medical Discovery is a most efficient remedy DHKV Pikiicc RufTnlo NY Dear Sr ln tho jcar lfM I had an attack of liidiircbtlon and trot so bad that my homo doctor said ho could not do mo any Kood I uiototojou and you uihlscd me to nso lr lh rcos Golden Mcclkul Discovery so liought six bottles ami when I comaa nct 1 uslnu It 1 was o weak could hardly walk ulKUit tho house ISi tin time I had used 010 lMttliin stomach and IkhvoIs ominenced to heal There wem btnis of tho lluintf of my stomach or bowels I dont know which as lanrc as a mans two finircis piisscd and I had a Kicat ileal of mlserj in my stomach ami 1 uivclb and also in the rectum especially I could not eat nn thlnsr without liaiiik much distress afterwaid but by thu time I had taken eight IkjUIos of the Golden Med ical Discovery I was sound and well and could cut anything I ill cased without suffer Intr in the least Could also do as much work in a day as I over could I ha e not buffered from tho troublo since and It was four yearn ato that 1 was so sick G TituxT Gordonville Texas If yon are looking for a perfect laxa tive try Dr Pierces Pleaaut Iellctb ikTrVOV AVhat Y0U want ts the tleaer ln medicines Fki iJ fv business to supply that want If he urges upon you something else hes thinking of the larger profit hell make not of YOUR welfare Shun such a dealer TTiuL 1 ijllnlllllll1l1iiraMi1illill HiLiiTTSr Write for Keiths Free Furniture Catalogue No 32 Contains 475 faithful 11 lustra tons shown - the btst croirc of psttrns on sale in 1905 Vc otter an enormous and vanedstockin strictly reliable furniture We pay freight anywhere mi j fi lor I le ii o i irrntil Me if - IHI Iki i 1 i tit till 111 VA I LIS 7 -- mari j trie rit Ttf ollt For IS Oonts FszipaFg infill w I uium nn I Lte tuillSti i0JI Finc4cirj Ul J 111 SCHIU7 I 20110 Itlrh Niit rt scr J00O fnim 10UO ttirf I Ltttins tadiS liMtO url ItriWInt llotrrn A niiiB Ijy jyT yyjifl tEf g 1C I t i i III ii I W I i 3 J n i I-1- tm iPl r l i I -an tlt jjj ec r V JL in in - i WU JQHII A J muz ii iLTftlla it Li ill F uit t sin tns no t atai fc tWMgK Z is the faTGl KrM tho F ltPeHQ ICQCJ L lt 2ta r Mm au r t v rrsaB t 9 iF jVtfl J - rTHMTf I ffJSrwJiSS 1Ye 1 - n fa i p lir i t pa t fi I artlcijiat In thU Ji tit ie SALZES SCtB G3 rjstt vii I ftiarantoein safe arrial at your mlroad staion i deSTibfd or rnmey refurded Everythirc we sell is ot nr Krtth quality sUnd crd for more than 25 Jnrs and is sold on the K itt principlr m earnest coDSCieutxoi eifoxt to and satisfy in all particulars ROBERT KEITH Furniture and Carpet Company Dept 32 Kansas City Mo H n ii i ii i i ii mm mi mill i m niwgiw Look for this bririp fn harm - collars sh1i1lv hoi hltnkcts lap robts etc ide by fiarpham Bros Co Lincoln Neb Drop us a card and will mail you a souvenir msisrmi 5ilB5ESBZ2Si23CB J TWETY BUSHELS OF WHEA7 fl TO THE AGRH record on ree Home- ancis of Western Canada 3 for S04 ii it thp fnlffl Stat i tiaic COnc to Lai s i Thi United State w i on bpromcan pi a f rte h MiiP -e il r yurcLane a fa W tera CmaJa and become one of tbtMie ho i help produce It Apply f ot Information to Superintendent of prat n Ottawa Canada t authorized taoi i Aeent W Panett Sol e Life Uui lis Omaha Neira ka I reac tay where jou m tin zdTertUemeo SPiNAL CURVATURE Can be CL ti tf j ALSO OThCR CCPORUITtCS Ii 111 tcsnri f Si tl 3 r itttr m adj 1 a- I V af a i lo r l r No I r JIJL f rceb td Tr f c i 16TO 2t ARLKGTO BlK OMAHA MB LEARN THE MILLINERY TRADE tad r a n fr SIO t S50 m tir u fthi i i urn n I r u kt j t NATIONAL MILUXERY SCHOOL 172 Washmston Street Deot I Chicago n 3 a NQ ii d rsP mvLtiti vrlll be sent free postpaUl upon reqnct TIiK h xk j t n hundred - hand- inely llurtrited ut ainl t s f in f i r tu n ve a the trea iicnt of Tfiiike Ket Spin il Uofiirniitirs lufaittile lKnijiH Hip UIkoiisv Defiirim d Limbs anil foints Kto It t i3 of the l th ir iij tn nipped -an tRrlu n ln htin ry del tolei site v t the treafi t cf ttic e cnndtl hi and hwv t er n tie l ired without i irntoaii t r Saris or other sovere treatment Send for this book and If dl ertly Interested im aii in chancter of the afl i n and srxca it r i in irmj to a lubject will be seat with the book THE L C McLAIN ORTHOPEDIC SANITARIUM 3104 PINE STREET ST LOUIS WO PUTNAM PriBP T 82 G K L J7 ELa Kf ML 3 2 BYES tolor more ooods brichler and fasler colors than am olht r dye One 10c packare eoiors silk wool and cotton equally well and is cjarnteed o 3e nrf ftikdetlerorweivillsendDOstDaidatlOcapackaoe Wri e for Iree booklet Hew tc Dye Bleach and Mix Colors momujkjjui o to i momiHe rfect e s Mntjut