The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1905, Image 1

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A Special Issue
THE TRIBUNE will attempt next
week to cover the dedication of the
new Methodist Episcopal church of
McCook in a comprehensive manner
-with illustrations Persons desiring
extra copies of this Issue will please
call and give their orders or phone the
same to the office at the earliest pos
sible moment so that we may be able
to provide copies for all who may want
them either as souvenirs or to mail to
relatives or friends out of the city
Single copies will be 5 cents
The Fatal Fifth Wreck
The following account of last Satur
day nights wreck a short distance west
of Akron is taken from the Denver
Times special correspondence from Ak
ron February 27th
Akron Colo Feb 27 Wothe jury
find that the deceased Joseph J Slaby
came to his death on February 25 1905
in a railroad wreck about one and one
half miles west of Akron on the Chicago
Burlington Quincy railroad the same
being caused by the negligence of the
said company
Engineer J J Slaby of Denver was
killed in a wreck about a mile west of
Akron late Saturday night Slaby was
on the front engine of a double header
going east when suddenly and without
warning his head brakeman F B Lewis
noticed an engine backing down toward
them He immediately warned the en
gineer and fireman W R McFarlane
and the latter jumped So did Lewis
Both were uninjured
Slaby faithful to his duties waited
longenough to apply the air This proved
fatal The runaway engine crashed into
him just as he jumped and a rail struck
him on the chest at the junction of the
collar bone with the sternum fracturing
both clavicles three ribs on each side
and the upper bone of the sternum
puncturing his lungs
The runaway engine had been standing
on the track some six hours apparently
blocked but in some manner possibly
having a leaky throttle the engine accu
mulated steam enough in the cylinders
to start itself It travelled over a mile
-crashed into the double header with suffi
cient force to derail both engines of the
double header and then by force of the
jar returned to Akron where it was
Joseph J Slaby was born in Iowa City
Iowa 39 years ago The first twenty
years of his life were spent in the little
town working on his fathers farm In
1885 he came west and began railroading
He settled in Red Cloud Neb and nine
teen years ago went into the employ of
the Burlington He had been with that
road ever since
Six years ago he was put on the West
ern division as a freight eugineer Since
that time he had been in four wrecks
and had never once deserted his post
He was the engineer on the freight train
in the big Sand creek wreck some years
Slaby was one of the most popular men
in the employ of the Burlington He
was also widely known in Denvertaking
a prominent part in the Knights of St
Mr Slaby is survived by his widow
two little children two brothers Albert
and Frank Slaby of Red Cloud Neb
and five sisters Mrs J EBeyrer of Pu
eblo Miss Millieent Slaby and MrsV H
Sollidav of McCook Neb Mrs Anna
Clark 6f Oxford Neb and Mrs Mollie
Kralik of Red Cloud
The funeral will be held from his late
residence 1739WestThirty fifth avenue
tomorrowTuesdaymorning at 10 oclock
to St Patricks church The interment
-will take place at Mount Olivet cemetery
Spring Time
will soon be here when the mind na
turally turns to thoughts of love and
spring painting And this reminds us
that W T Coleman ia making especially
lOW prices on paints of all kinds He
has a full line and a large stock and his
figures cannot be duplicated in this sec
tion of Nebraska Dont neglect letting
Coleman figure on your paint bill He
will make you money by saving you
A Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the many kind
friends and neighbors for the kindness
and sympathy bestowed on us during cur
late trouble and death of our brother and
son especially Mr and Mrs C O Hale
Mns P Cashes and family
Attention Comrades
J K Barnes post No 207 G A R
meets regularly on the first Saturday
afternoon of each month at 230 oclock
G W Dillon Commander
Jacob Steinmetz Adjutant
For Sale
my four-year-old stallion
sired by Judge Kent Also one seven-Year-old
mare weight about 1300
1 M Smith
American Beauty corsets lead them
all The best material the latest ap
proved styles and popular prices tell the
story Money refunded after weeks
actual wear if dissatisfied For sale only
by The Thompson Dry Goods Co
The Catholic ladies will serve supper
at the Palmer house Monday evening
for the dance by the young ladies of St
Patricks church in the Menard opera
house Monday evening Supper 23c
Dance tickets 81 K of orchestra
The young people of the Baptist
church will give a conundrum social
nest Thursday night at the homo of Mrs
J G Inglis Refreshments and a good
time Admission ten cents
Wanted Alfalfa seed millet cane
seed at W T Colemans Bring in
your samples
A McMillen prescription druggist
Mrs John W Seiby is up from Lin
coln on a visit
Miss W S Brink is a Holdrege visit
or to relatives thie week
Ed S Byfield of the Danbury News
wag with the homcfolks over Sunday
Mrs H H Miller is down from
Denver guest of members of the family
G B Behry and Miss Racho moved
into tho Kruutor residence first or the
H T Church will bo in ElwoodMon
day to buy such horses as that market
may offer
Jos W PAHKsleft Sunday night for
Farmington Illinois on business of im
Mrs Floyd Bhrry has been visiting
her parents in Wilcox Nebraska since
the close of last week
Mks J Fred Jeknberg nnd little
daughter went up to Denver Friday last
on a visit to relatives
Mr and Mrs Bea R Oman left Sat
urday for Danbury where they will re
main at their old home
C II Beaumont the new national
bank examiner was in the city Satur
day in the line of his new duties
Mrs J S Chambers and sister Miss
Iola Dillon departed Tuesday morning
on a visit of a month or two at home
I M Beabdslee deputy county treas
urer broke ground this week for his
new residence north of the court house
Mrs Harry A Beale is entertaining
her sisters Mrs Hire and Mrs Parks of
Chicago the ladies arriving in the city
first of the week
D W Colson went up to Denver
Sunday with his little daughter Elsie
to consult a physician who has her diffi
cult case in hand
Earl Murray of Sheridan Wyoming
was in the city a few hours last Satur
day morning on his way to join the wife
and babies at Cambridge
Mbs Nick Colling and daughter left
on 3 Tuesday night for Sheridan Wyo
on a visit to her daughters Mrs T W
Compton and Mrs C C Hon
Bert Sutton of CholseaMicbarrived
in the city first of the week and will
likely remain He is a nephew of H P
Sutton and formerly resided here
GEThompson has been absent since
close of last week buying goods making
St Joseph Kansas City Chicago etc in
his quest for bargains for his growing
H P Sutton is having plans pre
pared for an extensive remodeling and
enlarging of his residence and the work
will begin on the improvements in tbe
early spring
C R Woodworth who has been with
Albert McMillen for some time left on
13 WfidneRdflv for Boise Citv Idaho
where he has been offered an attractive
position in a drug store
Mrs W W McMillen and Miss Ella
Boucher have the sympathy of friends
in the death of their father in Pennsyl
vania Tuesday of this week after a long
illness The announcement of death
followed closely on a card stating im
Skinny Harper of Omaha greeted
McCook friends early part of the week
He will be remembered as one of the
old time band boys and railroad em
ployes On account of his present al
dermanic proportions he was scarcely
recognized by his friends of bygone
Frank P Eno county assessor and
family moved over to the count seat from
Danbury Saturday last They are now
settled in the Sanborn brick dwelling
over on North Manchester street Mr
Enc has disposed of his Danbury inter
ests and will be located in the county seat
where he can more conveniently and ex
peditiously dispose of the business of the
office of county assessor Heres a wel
come to the Enos
P Walsh will commence his new
building on tho corner south of the First
National Bank as soon as tho brick can
be secured It will occupy the two lots
now the sites of Walshs saloon and
Magners meat market Tho hope has
been expressed frequently that the sec
ond story of the proposed building may
be designed for opera house purposes
The candy kitchen building has been
leased by Mr Walsh who will occupy
the same for saloon purposes during the
construction of his new building
Want It Revised
There was a meeting of businessmen
in the city hall last evening to consider
a proposed revision of tho occupation
tax ordinance of McCook HIITartsch
was chairman of the meeting H P
Waite Louis Suess H P Sutton
Barney Hofer and Lon Cone vore named
as the committee to revise tho occupa
tion tax and present same for action at a
future meeting of businessmen There
is a difficult work ahead for the com
The matter of a commercial club was
then considered CJRyan J EKelley
and James McAdams were selected as a
committee to formulate a plan for the
organization of a commercial club to
make report at a future meeting of the
businessmen of the city
Wo hope this action may result in an
effective organization for the commercial
expansion of the city
Matchless Wall Papers
Almost no end to our new line of
wall papers and more coming Un
limited assortment matchless pap
ers and rock bottom prices We
would like to show you our line
McConnell Druggist
Sunday March 5 1905
Joseph W Powell of Buffalo
N YM the Eminent Layman
known as the most remarkable
jnan in Methodism will speak at
each meeting
Rov D W C Huntington D
D LL D Chancellor Nebraska
Wesleyan University will preach
Remember the unusual hours of
service 9 am 245 pm
and 6 and 7 p m
Special music at all services by
trained musicians
Have you or your family a church
home If not come to our church
services Epworth League Junior
League Sunday school and prayer
Mr Powell will spoak to the wom
en Friday March 3at 3 oclock
Farewell services in old church
next Sunday February 26 at 8 p
m Everybody invited
That Telephone Franchise
A few corrections are due respecting
the item in last weeks Tribune touching
upon an application for another telephone
franchise in McCook The applicant
named in the proposed ordinance is
M H Spere formerly connected with
theWray Telephone Co but the applica
tion is not made by the company which
has an agreement on local and long dis
tance business with tho Nebraska Tele
phone Co which precludes it becoming
a competitor of the Nebraska in local
McCook business
Mr Spere in his application does not
mention the important matter of local
rates and in the matter of long distance
service the quality of the line they pro
pose is claimed to make that service im
Incidentally we learn that the Wray
and Nebraska will connect just as soon
as the Wray builds into Culbertson
And again that the Nebraska ia now
preparing to extend its special long dis
tance line and service from Holdrege to
the Colorado state line where it will
connect with the Colorado Bell peoples
long distance service
And finally that the Nebraska is
thinking of building a line to Box Elder
with extensions to neighborhood farmers
and ranchmen It will be of the ten-patron-to-the-wire
line with an up and
down side which reduces the rings by
The franchise was not considered at
the meeting of the city council Monday
night of this week
Shall McCook Secure It
Heyward G Leavitt of the Standard
Beet Sugar Co is before the people of
Furnas Red Willow Hitchcock and
Dundy counties with a definite proposi
tion to build a local factory in one of
these four counties In a word he agrees
to build a factory of a minimum daily
capacity of 500 tbns of beets proved ap
pro vided contracts for 5000 acres of beets
shall be secured in the four counties
above named for the seasons of 190G
1907 190S The contracts to be secured
prior to July 1st 1905
Mr Leavitt agrees to pay 500 per ton
for delivered beets and an additional
sum of 20 cents for siloed beets deliver
ed after November 15th
The Tribune esteems this to be a defi
nite reasonable practical proposition
one worthy consideration
In the territory named 3000 acres were
planted hist season Certainly 2000
acres more can be contracted
In the North Platte neighborhood
4000 acres have already been contracted
under a similar proposition It is up to
tho people of McCook and vicinity
whether or not wo shall have a factory
here What shall be the verdict
Butler Concert Co Makes Good
The Herbert Butler Concert Company
in its concert on Monday evening in the
opera house delightfully dissipated the
Royal Hungarian frost entertaining and
pleasing a large audience The concert
was one of the best ever heard in the
city It was high class well balanced in
its entirety and vory satisfactory
With one exception no violinist has
ever appeared here the equal of Mr
Butler Miss Drakes piano work was
delightful as an accompanist she is un
surpassed Miss Bussings sweet voice
and careful training were exhibited in
the highest by her simple ballad singing
Madam Wunderlo the harpist came in
for a full share of deserved appreciation
We congratulate the committee on the
felicitous finale and hope they may or
ganize another course for next season
We want also to commend the action
of the management in refusing to seat
belated patrons during the performance
of any number of tho program
Mens suits at 8350 S450 SG50 SS00
S1000 812 50 and 61350 We save you
from 10 per cent to 25 per cent The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Let us talk paint to you when you
want anything in this line We have
the right kind and the price is right too
McConnell Druggist
Embroidery sets of three widths of
edging and an insertion to match are
shown in variety at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Best quality table oil cloths including
plain and marbled whites 15c yard at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
McMillans cough cure is fully guar
Japalac at Cone Bros
P E 0 Japanese Tea
The social meeting of the P E O
last Saturday afternoon at the home of
Mrs Henry H Tartsch was one of tho
most elaborate functions of that society
in the years social calendar She was
assisted in the clever discharge of her
duties as hostess by Mrs Joseph G
Schobel and Miss Carrie Budlong
Although ouly members of tho society
participated invitations were issued
The affair being a Japanese tea the invi
tations were written in -Japanese and
were intended na souvenirs of the occas
ion Tbo guests were gowned in kimonos
and wore sashes with diminutive fans
as coiffure ornaments the characteris
tic raiment of the almond eyed daughters
of Nippon
Miss Budlong met the guests and re
ceived them with all tho oriental elabo
ration of posture salaam obeisance etc
directing them on in a Nipponese rhyme
to Mrs SchobGl whore the reception
was similar but less elaborate and the
guests were then ushered into the pres
ence of tho hostess
The decorations embraced a profusion
of images parasols fans lanterns and
Japanese draperies Cushions supplant
ed chairsthe guests sitting on the floor
in true oriental fashion
Miss Budlong served inimitably in the
tea drinking contest in which Miss
Mabel Wilcox won the honors a Jap
anese vase for maintaining the com
pletest external composure as Miss Bud
long unfolded her store of Japanese
social form
A four course luncheon was served
the guests seated at little tables not
many inches high In the table deco
rations candelabrum and festoons of
diminutive lanterns on club coloryelIow
and white ribbons were utilized The
tables were set with Japanese ware and
the distinctive menu items wore cheese
straws and rice but the chefs chiefest
glory was expressed a la Americano
The first affair was a New England
dinner en costume at the home of Mrs
J A Wilcox
Tho streets and alleys of the city of
McCook were dedicated to the public for
use to travel upon and for no other pur
pose It would seem from appearances
that a large number of people hold a
different view from the way all kinds of
refuse is cast into the streets and alleys
and allowed to remain Section 3 of
Ordinance No 02 provides that no per
son whomsoever shall cause or suffer
any offal manure rubbish filthy slops
or any refuse animal or vegetable mat
ter to be discharged out of or flow from
any premises owned or occupied by him
or to bo thrown into deposited or left
upon any street alley avenue public
squcre or vacant lot or other place in
said city and the violation thereof is
made a misdemeanor or punishable with
a fine not less than 500 nor more than
This is notice to all persons that I in
tend to se that this ordinance and
other health ordinances are strictly en
forced All rubbish and offal must be
removed at once from the streets and
alleys and no more will be allowed to be
thrown thereon and whomsoever vio
lates this ordinance referred to will be
Dated March 2 1905
C J Ryan Acting Mayor
Slightly Injured in a Runaway
Mrs Louis Suess and two young
daughters were central figures in a
lively runaway incident Thursday even
ing about six oclock They had c riven
into the alley by the homo stable The
family dog barked a too enthusiastic
welcome at the horses heels The horse
engaged in a continuous kicking stunt
A gentle remonstrance from Mrs Sue9
with a whip started the race At Bur
gess alley corner the little girls became
separated from the party At the south
east corner of the Burgess property Mrs
Suess alighted sans ceremony and the
horses and rode wagon passed on collid
ing with the corner of Burgess front
porch Mrs Suess sustained painful
but not serious injuries to head and arm
but the little girls escaped with slight
scratches The road wagon was badly
A Commercial Club
In view of the possibilities for com
mercial expansion and general develop
ment in McCook and Southwestern Ne
braska during the ensuing season and
in future yearsit seems to The Tribune
to he nemilhirlv exnedient that McCook
I shall at once organize a commercial club
along practical lines to assist by con
certed orderly effort all such enterprises
and projects as will be advantageous to
tni3 city ana surrounaing country n
does not seem possible to forward the
best interests or to stimulate the growth
and development of a community or
municipality without organized con
certed unselfish effort With a beet
sugar factory proposition in hand and
others in sight and at the threshold of
a lively real estate campaign a commer
cial club seems to be about the proper
Household Goods at Private Sale
Following described household goods
are offered at private sale 1 dining table
6 cane seat chairs 1 folding couch 1
Majestic range with reservoir 1 oak bed
stead 1 oak commode 1 oak dresser
1 set springs and mattress over SO yards
of 2 ply ingrain carpet new last April
3 3 2t Mas M V Sheldon
Do your drug trading at Cone Bros
The Elite black petticoats are to be
found at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
We are offering some bargains in lamps
loather goods and pictures which are
I worth looking at
Cone Bros Druggists
1 The designers of patterns and atyles in
wash fabrics are always artists It was
never more evident than this present
spring season The varieties are well
illustrated by the showing of The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co Your inspection is
cordially invited
District Court Proceedings
Following cases were passed upon at
the late term of district court which con
vened on Monday morning of last week
and adjourned on Tuesday of this week
No account is taken of tho causes which
were continued for various reasons
John AGunn vs Jennie Russell Dis
missed at plaintiffs cost
- Edward Curleo vs Advance Thresher
Company Domurror overruled Plain
tiff excepts Plaintiff allowed to filo re
ply instanter
William E Starr vs C W Dow et al
Jury instructed to return verdict for de
John H Grannia vs Frank II Strout
Defendant allowed to answer iiistantor
without projudico to trial Continued
E B Cowles vs Wm II Carnahnn
Motion for security for costs conferred
Thirty days to give security
Home Savings Bank vs W A Stowarfc
and H T Church Motion of defendant
to continue case over term sustained
Defondant allowed to file answer in
In the matter of the application of W
S Fitch guardian of Edward L Nettle
ton insane for license to sell real estate
W S Morlan appointed guardian ad
litem for infants
Otto Hopt vs Catharine Reynolds et
al Default of all defendants Decree
of foreclosure Due plaintiff 811623
Attorneys fees 51402
Amos L Aulthouse vs William E
Glynn Default of all defendants except
J W Hupp Domurror sustained thirty
days to answer amended cross petition
Louise H Corwin vs G G Griswold
et al Default of all defendants except
G G Griswold Due plaintiff 813321
Attorneys fee S1332 First lien duo G
G Griswold S173860 interest ten per
cent second lien
Barnett Lumber Co vs John J Littlo
et al Default of all defendants De
cree of foreclosure Duo plaintiff from
John J Littlo and Jessie W Little
6386ten per cent interest
E G Caine and Albert Barnett part
ners doingjbusiness under the name and
style of E G Caine Co vs Orscn E
Bogle et al Decree of foreclosure Dug
plaintiff 16315 ten per cent interest
Western Land Co vs The Providence
Mutual Investment Co Sale confirmed
and deed ordered Surplus to be paid
into court
Mark W Sheafo et alvs Josiah Moore
et al Objections to confirmation of
sale confessed Ordered that alias order
Clarence E Pierce vs Catherine C
Egger Sale confirmed and deed ordered
William Doyle vs Frank King et al
Sale confirmed and deed ordered
Mary E Munger vs Vira Francisco
Sale confirmed and deed ordered
ThorLas J Short vs Lucy J Short
Petition dismissed Case stands on
cross petition of defendant Plaintiff to
file reply instanter
Ollie Richardson vs William A Rich
ardson Ordered that defendant pay
plaintiff 2500 temporary alimony
Glen E Congdon vs Mary E Cong
don Decree of divorce entered
Angelo P Welles vs Lettie C Whit-
taker Attachment riaintui granteu
leave to file reply
Union Stock Yards Natl Bank vs W
F Everist Suit on note Dismissed at
plaintiffs costs without prejudice
Jacob Lerch vs Mathew G Shackel
ton and Frank Fritsch Suit od note
Demurrer to answer withdrawn Leave
to amend petition instanter Thirty
days to answer thirty days thereafter to
Acme Harvester Co vs Edward Cur
leo Suit for an accounting Demurrer
to petition overruled Defendant ex
cepts and given leave to refilo answer
Roseland Parsons vs The City of Mc
Cook Damage Trial to jury Verdict
for plaintiff SSOO
J I Case Threshing Machine Co vs
Frank 11 Conger Replevin Jury in
structed to return verdict for plaintiff
In the matter of the application of
Mabel M Kimmell administratrix of
the estate of Anna Cunigunda Flohrfor
license to sell real estate License to
sell granted Bond 5100
State of Nebraska vs Edna Lathrop
Information filed
That Clean Up Proclamation
Acting Mayor Ryan has issued a proc
lamation which appears in this issue
calling upon the people of McCook to
promptly and thoroughly clean up on
and about their premises alleys etc
This is a proper order and the next best
thing The Tribune knows about the
order is the fact that the city authori
ties propose to enforce the proclamation
to the letter In fine they propose to
compel those who fail to comply with
the order to do so Better like Davey
Crocketts coon come down
Puppies For Sale
Registered Scotch Collie puppies Im
ported sire winner of sity seven prizes
and Worlds Fair winner at St Louis
Dam is out of litter sister to the champ
ion of the world and she by a winner of
seven Championships
D C Benedict Culbertson Xeb
Wall Paper Remnants
Have some desirable remnants one
and two room patterns at bargain prices
also a large invoice of new paper just re
ceived at McMillers
Up to date rapid worker will go out
by day Terms 150 per day Address
Madam Letitia box 291 3 3 3ts
The blustering winds of March cannot
harm the skin healed softened and pro
tected by McConnells Fragrant Lotion
Price 25c
If you want to hear Dr Huntington
preach you must be in the new Method
ist church Sunday morning by 930
Sprlng Housccleanlng
Now that tho season has ar
rived for houseclenninjjr you will
want one or more rooms papered
and we call your attention to our
splendid assortment of wall deco
rations Our lino this spring far
surpasses anything wo havo oyer
shown and is undoubtedly tho
finest collection of patterns over
shown in McCoolcor vicinity Wo
are making some very attractive
priced on wall papers and other
things you need for spring house
cleaning and are demonstrating to
our customers evory day that it
pays to trado with us When
you need wall paper paint varnish
stains enamels furnituro polish
ect remember that we lead all
competitors in tbeso lines and fur
nish you tho best goods at tho
least possiblo oxponso to you Lot
us show you that wo desorvo your
Cone Bros Druggists
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friduy muruinR
Corn 42
Whoat flr
Oats 33
Rye fiO
Harley Xi
Hogs 1ii
QoodBnttor 1VA
McConnell for drugs
For wall paper see Cone Bros
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Liquid veneer 3 found at Cone Bros
Private French lessons taught by a
native of France Phono 137
Three rooms for rent over Ludwicks
furnituro store Call at the storo
Rooms to rent furnished or unfurn
ishod Mrs Ella Irwin
There is a pin with tho word Philo
theaon it at this otticw for tho owner
Note the advertisement in this issue
of W M Roberts painter and decorator
A splendid line of wall paper at vory
attractive prices is being shown by Cone
If you have farm land or city property
for sale or rent list them with F M
The city gutters and culverts are be
ing cleaned and put in condition for the
spring rains
3o styles of very desirable ginghams
at 9c yard now showing at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
If you want to hear Dr Huntington
preach you must be in the now Method
ist church Sunday morning by 030
A trial of McMillens Cream Lotion
will convince you of its merits as to
healing and making skin soft and
There will be a Dorcas kensington
next Thursday afternoon at 230 oclock
at the home of Mrs F M Kimmell
Friends are all invited
Boys knee pant suits at 83c 12-
8150 S200 8250 8350 and 8100 We
save you from 10 per cent to 25 per cent
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
300 dress skirts to select from Ladies
and misses Prices 1 75 to 900 Al
terations without charge Four factories
represented in the line The Thompson
Dry Goods CO
Cone Bros the druggists are showing
a fine assortment of wall decorations
and their already heavy business in this
line shows indication of a large increase
over last season
Lost Between Wilcoxs store and
opera house a pair of gold frame
spectacles in red velvet case and black
silk bag Leave at this oflice finder
will be rewarded
If your stock is out of condition re
member that we have a number of rem
edies of merit We carry Pratts Leos
International Uncle Sams and others
McConnell Druggist
Pretty soon this snow will all be gono
and you will be thinking about the
spring planting Remember that W T
Coleman has the largest and best assort
ment of grass and garden seeds in the
city Call at once and secure what you
need and avoid delay in the spring
The very acme of all perfection in
washable waistings and suitings is found
in the new Goponne cloth of which the
leading shades pearl champagne white
cream light blue National blue pink
red black brown i are to be seen on our
cotnter Price 35c yard It is for you
Sold onlv bv The Thompson Dry Goods
Horticulturists and farmers who are
engaged in the raising of fruit in this
vicinity will be interested in knowing
that The Iowa Homestead is soon to
begin the publication of a series of arti
cles on spraying by Franklin Brown an
expert horticulturist who has had charge
of extensive experiments in spraying at
the Iowa AgriculturalCoIIege MrBrown
will in these articles discuss the con
struction of all spraying apparatus with
a view to showing th reader how tc buy
the best llr will also treat of the habits
of insects and the special mixtures used
in the distribution of each species Plant
diseases will receive his attention and
methods for their prevention will be out
lined A large number of formulas will
be given together with methods of mix
ing and applying same The Tribune
earnestly hopes that every farmer in Red
Willow county will become a sul scriber
of the Iowa Homestead before this valu
able series begins Wo are taking many
subscriptions for this valuable farm
journal and will be glad to forward many