The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 24, 1905, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
News in Brief
Stock losses in Keith county Neb
during the recent cold snap were very
sraall Ranchmen say this is the hard
est winter ever experienced in tho
According to -the correspondent at
Shainghai of the Daily Telegraph
General Kuropatkin apparently is
changing his base from Mukden to
A conductor on the Louisville and
Nashville railroad testifying before
tho senate In the impeachment pro
ceedings says Judge Swayne traveled
on a pass
Minister Thompson has cabled the
state department from Petropolis
Brazil that the decree establishing
martial law has been extended for
thirty days
Francis Kossuth son of the famous
revolutionist and head of powerful
Hungarian independence party
cusses the political situation with
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria
Senator Bacon introduced resolu
tions asking for an inquiry into the
nations rights in San Domingo and
the relations between the senate and
president are forced nearer to the
breaking point
Governor La Follette ordered Sher
iff Simpson to stop the fight between
Thomas Mowatt and Edward Hanlon
at Oshkosh and the contest was pre
vented A large audience had gather
ed to see the fight
On the petition of creditors a re
ceiver was appointed by the federal
court for the A Haas Sons Pants
company of St Louis The liabilities
of the firm are placed at 95000 and
the assets at 00000
The president has approved the sen
tence of dismissal from the service
of Captain David BMulliken Twenty
seventh infantry who was recently
tried at Fort Sheridan 111 for dupli
cation of pay accounts
Representatives Hearst and Sulli
van of Massachusetts both democrats
bare their political hatred in the
house in such a manner that the
other members protest and the speak
er cuts short the debate
The navy department has decided to
forego the usual winter maneuvers of
the combined fleets in the Caribbean
this year in order to allow the ships
companies to perfect themselves in
the use of the signal code
Amedee Jouillin a prominent artist
of San Francisco has been made an
officer of public instruction in the
French republic and honored with a
decoration from J Chaumie minister
of instructions and fine arts
The house committee on claims au
thorized a favorable report on a bill to
pay William Radcliffe a British sub
ject 25000 in settlement for his fish
hatchery in Delta county Colorado
which was destroyed by a mob
The man who annoyed Miss Helen
Gould with proposals of marriage
was arrested in New York City He is
believed to be a maniac and had pa
pers claiming 5000000000 for
covering a mountain
United States Senator Mitchell
Congressmen John N Williamson and
Binger Hermann and others again are
indicted by the federal grand jury in
Portland Oregon on the charge of
conspiracy to defraud the government
of land
The London Daily Mail publishes a
story to the effect that a Russian non
commissioned officer has confessed
that he was bribed to put a loaded
shell in a saluting gun on the occasion
of the blessing of the waters of the
President Roosevelt in an address
at a Lincoln banquet in New York
declares the square deal to be the
key to the solution of the race prob
lem and says all good citizens should
work together for the moral and in
dustrial uplifting of the negro
s Colonel William S Patton Major
Carl Devol and George P Whitte all
of the quartermasters department
have been ordered to meet at San
Francisco to investigate and report
upon an alleged shortage of funds for
which Captain Lafitte is accountable
The house committee on military
affairs has ordered a favorable report
on Representative Kinkaids bill grant
ing Charles H Cornell the right to
erect a dam across the Niobrara river
on the Fort Niobrara military reser
Representative Townsend author of
the Townsend rate bill after a con
ference with the president expressed
the belief that a fair prospect existed
to get the bill reported from the sen
ate committee on interstate com
The senate has passed the joint re
solution of Senator Gamble providing
lor the donation of condemned cannon
to the University of South Dakota to
be placed on the campus of the uni
versity to commemorate the vaior of
those who fell in the service of their
country during the Spanish Americari
An order was issued by the United
States court of appeals at St Louis
commanding Ira C Young convicted
of using the mails with intent to de
fraud to surrender to the United
States marshal by February 18 tc
begin his term of eighteen months In
the Missouri penitentiary
TIio Importnnco thnt Attache to tho Cnro
of tho IHood If One Wants Bright Eyes
and a Clear Complexion
Every sensible woman naturally wishes
to appear attractive She knows the value
of bright eyes delicate complexion and
lively spirits She knows also that
good health is at the basis of her charms
and that good blood is the source of good
Miss Mamie Conway has a complexion
which is the admiration of all who know
her Asked if she could mako any sug
gestions that would be helpful to others
less fortunate she said
My complexion would not have
pleased you if you had seen it two years
ago It was then about as bad as it
could be and it gave me a great deal of
dissatisfaction If yon want a good
complexion 3ou must take care of your
health especially of the condition of
your blood My health was at that time
completely broken down I was nervous
had frequent headaches a torpid liver
and a great deal of pain in that region
I suffered also from indigestion It was
clear that my blood was in bad condition
for pimples broke out all over my face
It is hard to realize that for there
isnt the slightest trace of such blem
ishes now
It was unfortunately quite other
wise then and along time passed before
I found anything that gave me any re
lief I became very weak and listless
Tho doctors medicine did mo no good
and I took a number of highly recom
mended tonics with no better result
As soon however as I began to tise Dr
Williams Pink Pills for Pale People my
complexion cleared up and after I had
taken two boxes there was not a sign of
a pimple left on my face My cheeks
became rosy I gained flesh aJd have had
perfect health ever since
Rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes are
merely signs of healthy blood They have
come not only in the case of Miss Conway
whose home is at 1241 East Eighth street
Canton Ohio but to thousands of
women for whom Dr Williams Pink
Pills have made new blood There is no
surer way for you to obtain them than to
buy a box of these pills from any drug
gist and try them for yourself They cor
rect irregularities and banish weakness
Children Sodden With Liquor
The cantonal school board of Ticino
in Switzerland complains in a circu
lar to parents that owing to children
being allowed at home to partake too
freely of the strong native liquor boys
and girls often go to school in a hope
lessly intoxicated condition
First Use of Piano
There are 10700 pieces of wood
cloth and felt and 1185 feet of wire
in a concert grand piano The earliest
recorded public performance on the
piano forte took place at Covent Gar
den England on May ICth 1767
Made III by Unfiltered Water
After a club dinner at a hotel in
Stockholm says the Frandfurter Zei
tung several hundred persons fell ill
of typhoid due to unfiltered river
water being used for washing the
Canada an Anglers Paradise
Canada is the paradise of the angler
Within easy range of Quebec are hun
dreds of lakes sometimes mile in ex
tent which swarm with fish and near
ly all of which are free to all comers
Great Britains Herring Fisheries
The quantity of herrings landed on
the coasts of the United Kingdom is
equal to that of all other fish
Quick Cure of Rheumatism by Dodds
Kidney Pills Hor They Saved the
Shop of a Kansas Blacksmith Cure
was Permanent too
Goodland Kan Feb 20th Spe
cial So quick and complete Avas the
cure of N E Albertson a local black
smith that it almost seems like a
miracle He had Rheumatism so bad
he feared he would have to give up
his shop One box of Dodds Kidney
jriiis arove away au uie pains anu
they have never returned Speaking
of his cure Mr Albertson says
I had Rheumatism in my shoulders
and arms for years Part of the time
it was so bad I could not sleep at
night My arm hurt so that it seem
ed I would have to give up my black
smith shop I went to the drug store
and bought one box of Dodds Kidney
Pills and took them I have not had
the Rheumatism since A great many
of the neighbors are- using Dodds Kid
ney Pills since they saw how they
cured me
Lamest Deposits of Nickel
The largest deposits of nickel are on
the island of New Caledonia a French
possession in the South Pacific
Suffered Agony and Had to Wear
Bandages Ail the Time Another
Cure by Cuticura
Another cure by Cuticura is told of
by Mrs Caroline Cable of Waupaca
Wis in the following grateful let
ter My husband suffered agony
salt rheum on his hands and I had
to keep them bandaged all the time
We tried everything we could get but
nothing helped him until he used Cuti
cura One set of Cuticura Soap Oint
ment and Pills cured him entirely
and his hands have been as smooth
as possible ever since I do hope this
letter will be the means of helping
some other sufferer
Braggards are always laggards
Oppression Like the Shadow of Doom
Hanging Over the Capital Every
one Seems to Shrink From What
May Next Happen
ordinary sitting of the council of the
empire has been summoned to con
sider the situation resulting from the
assassination of Grand Duke Sergius
Tho emperor of Russia by a ukase
issued Saturday restored to favor in
the imperial family the Grand Duke
Paul Alexandrovitch who some years
ago was degraded of rank and honors
because in opposition to the will of
the emperor and the wishes of the
imperial family he contracted a mor
ganatic marriage with Madame Olga
Pistolkoos In accordance with the de
cree Grand Duke Paul is reinvested
with his title and military standing
and as general aide-de-camp to his
majesty will attend the funeral of
Grand Duke Sergius his brother
The body of the Grand Duke Ser
gius lies in the Choudoff monastery
at Moscow where an honory guard
keeps vigil and priests intone prayers
for the repose of his soul
That unrest is yet prevalent within
the empire is evidenced by the fact
that a district official at Igdyr was
assassinated by Armenians for poli
tical reasons yesterday and that at
Vagarshapad the mayor was shot and
killed whije at Kichinef an attack
was made by an unknown man on the
prefect of police of that city
Oppression like the shadow of
doom seems io be hanging over the
Russian capital Bells are tolling and
the people in the streets are awe
struck at yesterdays bloody crime
Everyone seems to shrink beforo the
contemplation of what may happen
next The tragedy struck deep in the
heart of the perplexed and tried em
peror and many who were unsparing
in their criticism yesterday have
only expressions of sympathy for his
unhappy lot The bitter cup which
during the last year has been pressed
again and again to his lips is once
more filled to the brim and in almost
pathetic words this morning he im
plores his subjects to pray for the
repose of the soul of his murdered
uncle Death is in the air and no one
knows where the next blow may fall
although precautions have been
doubled in every direction for the
preservation of the lives of the mem
bers of the imperial family and the
ministers and secret police are seek
ing out and arresting those known to
be associated with the fighting or
ganizations The authorities realize
their impotency to ward off the swift
acts of terrorism murder in the
streets being possible at any inslant
The only safety seems to lie in seek
ing safety behind palace walls and
all the imperial family have been
warned not to venture out
Naval Lieutenant Denounces the
VICTORIA B C Aboard the
steamer Tartar whch arrived here
were Lieutenants Below and Bondy
officers of the Russian cruiser Sevas
topol captured at the fall of Port
Arthur They were released by the
Japanese after giving their parole
The captain of the Sevastopol and a
number of other prisoners recently
released are expected to reach San
Francisco shortly
Lieutenant Below charaetei izes
General Stoessel as a coward The
world will know Stoessel as he is
said Below He is a coward Stoessel
was burrowed a great deal of the
time in a cave The real heroine was
Mme Zouhonell who when her hus
band was killed took command of a
battery of three eleven inch guns at
a- point commanding the water sup
ply and held them until she was also
killed The garrison was deceived by
false reports of the approach of Kuro
patkins army and the Baltic fleet
Needs Money to Prosecute Standard
Oil Inquiry
WASHINGTON Funds with which
to prosecute the inquiry into the
methods of the Standard Oil company
in Kansas were asked of the house
hy Secretary Metcalf of the depart
ment of commerce and labor In his
communication the secretary says
that this inquiry cannot be completed
before July 1 His suggestion is that
the unexpended balance of an item of
146000 and another of 15000 carried
in the current legislative executive
and judicial appropriation act be
made available for this as well as all
other wdrk of the investigation which
his department is prosecuting
These items were appropriated to
carry on the beef trust and other
And All Festivities in Prince Leo
polds Honor Canceled
the assassination of the grand duke
reached Tsarskoe Selo while the im
perial family was entertaining Erince
Frederick Leopold of Prussia It
created the greatest consternation
The emperor is reported to have been
completely prostrated All festivities
in honor of the Prussian guest were
at once abandoned
But Express Sympathy for the People
of Russia
TOKIO Commenting on the assas
sination of Grand Duke Sergius at
Moscow the Jiji Shimpo expresses
high handed manner of the Russian
government in repressing the recent
labor demonstrations The paper says
that oppressive measures against ex
pression of national wishes invite
such outrages from the oppressed
The war in the far east resulted
from the aggressive action of the Rus
sian government with which the Rus
sian people have little sympathy tho
Jiji Shimpo adds In one sense
Japan is waging a war against the
Russian nation arising from oppres
sion by the autocracy but Japan is
fighting the government and not tho
people of Russia
The paper predicts a better under
standing with increased sympathy be
tween the two peoples after the war
has ended and after again lementing
the crime which resulted in the death
of Grand Duke Sergius expresses the
hope that it will be fruitful of good re
Other newspapers comment in a
similar strain on the assassination of
the grand duke
Army Officer to Be Investigated at
Hs Ow Reauest
been issued from the war department
appointing a board to investigate and
report on an alleged shortage of the
accounts of Cant Jacques de ILafitte
quartermaster of the transport Lo
gan now in this port This board it
is stated by Captain lLafittes
friends is appointed at his own re
quest as he is held responsible for
the funds and he asserts that there
is a shortage in funds which were be
yond his control It is necessary that
the quartermaster of each transport
take 5000 or G00O in his safe on
each trip as all payments of em
ployes must be made in specie On
the return trip from Manila Captain
ILafitte was ill and confined to his
bed most of the way across While
he was ill the money was in the
charge of subordinates and the in
vestigation demanded is to fix tho re
sponsibility if possible for the al
leged shortage
Agreement Entered Into With Great
WASHINGTON A parcels post
treaty between this government and
Great Britain has been signed by
President Roosevelt Secretary Hay
and Postmaster General Wynne It
has already been signed by tfee Brit
ish officials and will take effect
The final conclusion of the British
treaty is a source of considerable
gratification to officials here and a
substantial increase in the volume of
postal business is expected to follow
The movement for a parcels post ar
rangement between the two countries
began many years ago The treaty
follows the general provisions of
existing parcels post treaties with
other governments A parcels post
treaty with France is expected to be
concluded shortly
Japanese Continue Active Against
the Enemy
MUKDEN The Japanese fired
Tuesday and Wednesday on Poutiloff
hill with eight inch guns carrying
250 pound projectiles indicating that
they are siege guns used at Port Ar
thur and the first to be mounted in
position before the Russian lines be
low Mukden
A new situation therefore con
fronts the Russian center and the
general situation appears to have
been rendered more uncertain and
complicated by the battle of Sandepas
and the arrival of open weather in
dicating an early spring
At some parts of the lines there is
unusual familiarity Russian and Jap
anese officers in parties entertain
each other At Sinchinpu the Japa
nese cheer the Russian band
There Must Be Legislation on the
Rate Question
tive Townsend of Michigan one or
the authors of the Esch Townsend
freight rate bill had a talk with the
president regarding the prospects for
the enactment of the measure into
Mr Townsend who has canvassed
the situation pretty thoroughly ex
pressed the opinion that there was a
chance for the passage of the bill by
the senate at the present session
After his talk with the president
Mr Townsend said that in the event
no legislation on the rate question
was enacted at this session an extra
ordinary session of congress would
be called by President Roosevelt for
next autumn perhaps in October
Great Fire in Indianapolis
INDIANAPOLIS For four hours
Sunday night the wholesale district
bounded by Georgia and Meridian
streets and Jackson Place and the Un
ion depot sheds was menaced by a
fire which started in the wholesale
warerooms of the Rahnley McCrea
Millinery company At 930 oclock
three general alarms brought into ac
tion every department in the city and
suburbs When the fire Avas brought
under control the loss was estimated
to be not less than 1500000 One
fireman was hurt by falling walls
j si bomb beneath the carriage
UVV JUIUA Lilt CVrfl 1l Ulli 1UULUU1W LU illU
Vehicle is Blown to Pieces by Force
of the Explosion The Assassin a
member of the Noted Fighting
Group Under Arrest
MOSCOW Within the walls of the
far famed Kremlin palace and almost
underneath the historic tower from
which Ivan the Terrible watched the
heads of his enemies falling beneath
the axe on the Red square and within
a stones throw of the great bell of
Moscow Grand Duke Serguis uncle
and brother-in-law of Emperor Nicho
las and the chief of the reactionaries
met a terrible death shortly before 3
The deed was committed by a
single terrorist who threw beneath
the carriage of the grand duke a
bomb charged with the same high
power explosive which wrought Min
ister von Plehves death The missile
was packed with nails and fragments
of iron and its explosion tore the im
perial victims body to ghastly frag
ments which strewed the snow for
yards around
The assassin belongs to the noted
fighting group of the socialist re
volutionary party which has removed
other prominent officials and long
since passed sentence of death upon
Grand Duke Sergius
The grand duke knew that he stood
in the shadow of death He was the
recipient of numerous warnings and
elaborate preparations were taken to
insure his safety but all the re
sources of the gendarmerie secret po
lice and soldiers proved unavailing
against an attempt almost exactly
duplicating the procedure that caused
the death of Minister of the Interior
von Plehve last July It was the irony
of fate that Sergius after taking re
fuge in his country villa during the
strike troubles of a month ago and
later seeking even more secure -shelter
in the palace within the Kremlin
walls should be killed while proceed
ing to the governor generals palace
beyond the walls and which he had
abandoned to enable the police to
better protect him
Grand Duchess Elizabeth who was
daily engaged in preparing comforts
for the sick and wounded in Man
churia was about to drive to the
palace to join her husband When she
heard of what had befallen the grand
duke she was driven in haste to the
scene of the tragedy and knelt hat
less and coatless on the bloodstained
snow and murmured prayers for the
welfare of her slain consort
The scene of the crime was the
great open triangle within the Krem
lin bounded by the arsenal treasury
and courts of justice in one angle of
which is the Nicholas or little palace
where the grand duke dwelt On the
snow lay fragments of the body of
Grand Duke Sergius mingled with
the wreck of the carriage The grand
dukes head had been torn from his
body and reduced to a shapeless pulp
and tne trunk and limbs were fright
fully mangled A finger bearing a rich
seal ring was found lying several
yards away The crimson tint and
smell of blood were everywhere Only
a few fragments of cloth indicated
that the body had been clothed The
coachman lay moaning with pain be
side a deep hole in the pavement The
horses dragging the front wheels of
the carriage had dashed off madden
ed witn pain to sink dying before they
reached the gate
And Grand Duke Had Lately Acted
Like a Hunted Man
PARIS Tho Grand Duke Sergius
uncle of the Russian emperor and for
merly governor general of Moscow is
understood to have been condemned
to death by the revolutionary party
in December last
The governor generalship of Mos
cow was abolished early in the vear
and the grand duke according to dis
patches from Moscow January 4 kept
closely to the well guarded Nickouski
palace on the outskirts of Moscow
retaining his position of commander-in-chief
of the military district
Later in January however it was
announced that the grand duke had
sought refuge in one of the palaces of
the Kremlin He has been classed as
the most reactionary member of the
imperial family as the head of which
he has been stigmatized by the liber
als as Russias evil genius
Grand Duke Sergius was born in
1857 and was married in 1S84 to
Princess Elizabeth of
They have no children
Prof Goodspeed Dead
CHICAGO Dr George Stephen
Goodspeed professor of history at
the University of Chicago died of
pneumonia He graduated from
Brown university in 1SS0 and took his
doctors degree at Yale
President Wants Big Navy
WASHINGTON Several members
of both the senate and house of repre
sentatives Friday discussed with the
president the pending naval appro
priation bill The president told all
his callers that he hoped congress
would provide in the bill for three
battleships instead of two as the
measure now stands saying he
thought it unfortunate not to carry
out the program for the building up
of a new navy and that retrenchments
might be better made on other depart
ments than on the naval
Half This Mans Sufferings Would
Have Killed Many a Person but
Doans Cured Him
A C Sprague stock dealer of Nor
mal 111 writes For two whole years
I was doing nothing but buying medi
cines to euro
my kidneys I
do not think
that any man
ever suffered as
I did and lived
The pain in my
back was so
bad that I could
not sleep at
night I could
a c sprague not riue a norse
and sometimes was unable even to ride
In a car My condition was critical
when I sent for Doans Kidney Pills
I used three boxes and they cured me
Now I can go anywhere and do as
much as anybody I sleep well and
feel no discomfort at all
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster
Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For salt
by all dealers Price 50 cts
A man likes to feel that his ways
are free from selfish motives
Million In Onti
Salzers New National Oats yielded in
Mich 240 bu in Mo 255 bu in N D
310 bu and in 30 other states from 150
to 300 bu per acre Now this Oat if gen
erally grown in 1905 will add millions of
bushels to the yield and millions of dol
lars to the farmers purse
Homebuilder Yellow Dent Corn grows
like a weed and yields from 157 to 2G0
bushels and more per acre Its the big
gest yielder on earth
Salzers Speltz Beardless Barley Maca
roni Wheat Pea Oat Billion Dollar Grass
and Earliest Cane are money makers for
you Mr Farmer
in stamps to John A Salzer Seed Co La
Crosse Wis and receive their bfe catalog
and lots of farm seed samples JW N U
Use of Astbestos Increasing
The use of asbestos by electricians
is daily increasing for it meets the
most exacting requirements for pur
poses of insulation Its latest applica
tion is to the electrotherm the new
device which is already talking the
place of hot water bottles in hospitals
and sick rooms
Fancy Prices for Relics
For a love letter written by Robert
Burns the Scottish poet 50 was paid
not long ago Yet a brass collar which
was worn by Boatswain the dog to
whose memory Lord Byron erected a
monument at Newstead abbey fetched
21 guineas while the collar of Thun
derer another of Lord Byrons dogs
realized 4 guineas only
Boyish Indiscretion
A Pittsburg boy who left home to
oose as a man Avas discovered wear
ing trousers much too large for him
rhis was easy for the police If he
nad been a real man he would have
worn trousers entirely too tight for
aim such as so many fashion plates
oist on buyers Buffalo Express
Lives of Different Meaning
It is noble to be alive to the little
less of earth but it is nobler to be
come impressed with its greatness to
he animal life it is only a picture
ground to ordinary men it is the com
monplace world but to him who lives
ibove it it becomes a shining moon
Trade Guilds in Canton
Canton boasts of over seventy trades
guilds The guilds have fine halls
md spacious courtyards where their
nembers meet daily and discuss the
iffairs of their respective trades and
jther matters
The Road to Wellville Pointed the
Down at Hot Springs Ark the vis
itors have all sorts of complaints but
it is a subject of remark that the great
majority of them have some trouble
with stomach and bowels This may
be partly attributed to the heavy med
Naturally under the conditions the
question of food is very prominent
A young man states that he had suf
fered for nine years from stomach
and bowel trouble had two operations
which did not cure and was at last
threatened with appendicitis
He went to Hot Springs for rheu
matism and his stomach trouble got
worse One day at breakfast the
waiter knowing his condition sug
gested he try Grape Nuts and cream
which he did and found the food
agreed with him perfectly
After the second day he began to
sleep peacefully at night different
than he had tor years The perfect di
gestion of the food quieted his nerv
ous system and made sleep possible
He says The next morning I was
astonished to find my condition of con
stipation had disappeared I could not
believe it true after suffering for so
many years then I took more interest
in the food read the little book The
Road to Wellville and started follow
ing the simple directions
I have met with such results that
in the last five weeks I have gained
eight pounds in spite of hot baths
Which take away the flesh from any
A friend of mine has bees entirely
cured of a bad case of indigestion aud
stomach trouble by using Grape Nuts
Food and cream alone for breakfast
There is one thing in particular I
have noticed a great change in mv
mental condition Formerly I could
hardly remember anything and now
the mind seems unusually acute and
retentive I can memorize practicallv
anything I desire Name given by
Postum Co Battle Creek Mich
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