iffigUfognAllb8 Crusade on Tuberculosis v The Henry Phipps Institute of Phila delphia which has been established by the generous gift of a wealthy resi dent of that city is doing a- great work on behalf of persons suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis or con sumption The physicians employed by this institution have compiled some excellent rules to be observed by per sons suffering from this disease the careful following of which will pre vent the extension of- the disease to jl others and will greatly aid the ferers to recover f Dont spit on the sidewalk on the street nor into any place where you cannot destroy the germs which you spit up N Do not swallow any spit which comes up from your lungs or which comes out of the back part of your throat Spit into a spit cup when it is pos sible to do so Always use a spit cup with a han dle to it so that you can hold it close toyour mouth When you use a china or earthen ware spit cup always keep lye and water in it and scald out the spit cup once or twice a day with boiling water When you use a tin spit cup with a paper spit cup inside burn the paper cup at least once a day and scald the tin cup with boiling water Never use a handkerchief or a rag or any material other than paper to spit in or to wipe your mouth with When you cannot spit into a spit cup spit into a paper napkin Always use a paper napkin to wipe your mouth with after spitting and be careful not to soil your hands Always carry a cheap paper bag in your pocket or caba to put paper nap kins in which you have used When you have used a paper nap kin either to spit in or to wipe your mouth with fold it up carefully and put it away in the paper bag Every evening before going to bed burn your paper bag together with the napkins which you have deposited in it If you have a mustache or beard shave it off or crop it close Always wash your lips and hands before eating or drinking and rinse out your mouth If you have a running sore take up the matter which is given off with absorbent cotton and burn it Avoid handshaking and kissing These customs are dangerous to you as well as to others They may give others consumption they may bring you colds and influenzas which will greatly aggravate your disease and may prevent your recovery Do not cough if you can help it You can control your cough to a great ex tent by will power When you cough severely hold a paper napkin to your mouth so as not to throw out spit while coughing Sit out of doors all you can If you have no other place to sit than the pavement sit on the pavement in front of your house Dont take any exercise when you have a high fever Always sleep with your windows open no difference what the weather maybe Avoid fatigue One single exhaust ion may change the course of your disease from a favorable one to an un favorable one Go to bed early If you are work ing lie down when you have a few moments to spare Dont take lany medicine unless it has been prescribed by your physician Medicine may do you harm as well as good Dont use alcoholic stimulants of any kind Dont eat pastry or dainties They do not nourish you and they may up set your stomach Take your milk and raw eggs whether you feel like it or not Keep up your courage Make a brave fight for your life Do what you are told to do as though your recovery depended upon the carrying out of every little detail Always keep in mind that consump tion can be cured in many cases and bat it can be prevented in all cases If your own disease is too far ad vanced for you to recover console yourself with the idea that you can keep those who are near and dear to you from getting it Nerve Poisoning Through Indigestion Prof Bouchard the eminent French scientist has shown that the decompo sition of food which often takes place in the stomach and intestines in in digestion gives rise to powerful poi sons When absorbed into the body these produce effects entirely similar to those produced by strychnia opium alcohol and other poisonous drugs If food is retained in the stomach be yond the normal time either because of its indigestibility the taking of too large a quantity of it or a crippled state of the stomach these changes are certain to take place This fact explains a very large share of the distressing symptoms which afflict the chronic dyspeptic The giddiness the tingling sensations the confusion of thought and even partial insensibility which are not in frequently observed a few hours after meals in chronic dyspeptics are due to this cause Here is the explanation of the irascibility the despondency the pessimism the indecision and various other forms of mental perver sity and evn moral depravity which are not Infrequently associated with certain forms of indigestion The to- tal depravity which we often hear talked about is half the time noth ing more nor less than total indiges tion A Convincing Test In the Far East the Japanese have won victories which have astonished the world They show themselves to be more enduring more resistant to the effects of wounds keener witted sharper in tactics and quicker in exe cution than their Russian antagonists The Jap is content with a simple diet of rice peas or beans which is quick ly cMgested and converted into brawn and brains while the Russian must have his meat and hisvodka The same dietary the same simplic ity and naturalness in habits of life which give toughness of fiber and en durance and immunity against infec tion afford equal advantages in fight ing the battle of life in any direction The brain worker who wants to keep his mental vision clear and desires power to pursue his subject with un ceasing energy must keep his blood clean by a pure simple natural diet The lawyer the clergyman the busi ness man the teacher the investiga tor the inventor will find the same advantages in living in harmony with natural principles as does the plucky Japanese soldier who is for the first time testing his metal by a great con test with an army of civilized men Alcohol vs Long Life It is very easy to prove that the in fluence of alcohol as of every other poison is to shorten life Dr Willard Parker of New York shows from sta tistics that for every ten temperate persons who die between the ages of twenty one and thirty fifty one intem perate persoris die Thus it appears that the mortality of liquor users is five hundred per cent greater than that of temperate persons These fig ures are based on the tables used test of both moderate and immoderate drinkers that alcohol does not harm them that it is a necessary stimulus a preventive of fevers colds consump tion etc and the assertion of certain chemists that it is a conservative agent preventing waste and so pro longing life the distinguished English actuary Mr Nelson has shown from fniiinii fiot j whiri nannot be gain said that while the temperate man has at twenty years of age an aver age chance of living forty four and one fifth years the drinking man has a prospect of only fifteen and one half years of life At thirty years of age the temperate man may expect thirty six and one half years more of life while the dram drinker will be pretty certain to die in less than fourteen years On the other hand the Rechabite societies in England show statistics clearly indicating that total abstinence is in the highest degree conducive to longevity Effects of Alcohol Upon Digestion Prof Kochlakoff of St Petersburg has experimented upon five healthy persons aged from twenty one to twenty-four years with reference to the effects of alcohol upon digestion Ten minutes before each meal each person was given about three ounces of alco holic liquor containing from five to fifty per cent of alcohol which is about the proportion found in ordinary liquors The following results were obtained Under the influence of alcohol the quantity of hydrochloric acid as well as the digestive power of the gastric juice is diminished This enfeebling of the digestion is especially marked in persons unaccustomed to the use of alcohol Dr Figg of Edinburgh made the fol lowing experiments to test the influ ence of alcohol upon digestion He fed two dogs equal quantities of roast mutton He then administered to one dog by passing a tube into the stom ach one and one fourth ounces of alcohol After five hours both dogs were killed and examined The one which had taken no alcohol was found to have digested the meat entirely whereas digestion had scarcely begun in the animal to which alcohol had been administered RECIPES Savory Soup Cook half a pint of small navy or soup beans in three pints of water for two hours adding boiling water as needed In a sepa rate kettle place two small parsnips scraped and sliced one good sized onion cut fine two stalks of celery and half a can of tomatoes Cover well with boiling water and cook until ftie vegetables are very tender then add the beans and press all through a fine colander or soup-strainer Return to the stove simmer a moment and just before serving stir in slowly a cupful of hot cream or rich milk A can of sweet corn may be substituted for the beans As it takes less time and may be put in with the other vegetables it is some times preferred hy the housewife who is her own cook Nut Cheese Take one cup of raw peanut butter one half cup of corn starch one cup of tomato juice and rmo tPfisnoonful of salt Dissolve the nut hutter and cornstarch in the to- mato juice add salt and beat for five minutes Pour into a granite bowl and cover and steam for Tour or five hours Dry off in the oven and when cool slip from the howl IS FOR THE ARMY STANDARD OIL TRUST A Circular Issued By the War De partment WASHINGTON A circular issued by the war department to the army gives the text of a letter received by the secretary of war from Representa tive Littlefield of Mhine relative to the anti canteen act and ttye secre tarys reply together with instruc tions to officers with respect to their reports on the subject In his letter Mr Littlefield states that he is the author of the anti canteen amend ment and adds I regret to say that an impression prevails that the officers of the army are not only adverse to this legisla tion but are prejudiced against it If this is true it has created an un friendly atmosphere that not only will impair the efficiency of the recreation and amusement feature but will of itself practically defeat the object of the legislation Secretary Taft in reply said s I think you are correct in assum ing that a great majority of the of ficers in the army regard the anti canteen amendment as ill advised and likely to increase drunkenness in the ranks Indeed I must admit to you that as at present advised I share your opinion The secretary says it was the in tention of those who favored the amendment to substitute for the can teen a commodious posjt exchange and the question whether that sys tem is to be maintained or the can teen with the privilege of drinking beer and light wines only will be settled by congress after a careful in vestigation Secretary Taft said that while he recognized the danger of formed opinions coloring more or less judg ment as to results obedience to pr ders is with army officers the first soldierly virtue and if cautioned to report facts impartially they will obey the directions of constituted au thority He then informed Mr Little field that he would transmit the cor respondence together with a caution to all officers adding I have no doubt of the good faith by life insurance companies and energy with which the officers of Notwithstanding the constant pro- the army are carrying out the pur pose of congress in providing the post exchange and I dont think any caution in this respect is needed - In his circular to the army the sec retary of war requests officers who in their annual reports are called to speak of the operations of the anti canteen act to present facts whether pro or con uncolored by individual views He says With the good faith of the army in making these reports unless on their face they are impartial state ments of the facts which have come to the knowledge of the officers will in the heat of controversy certainly be attackked if there is the slightest internal evidence of a bias on the part of the witnesses and the army officers duty in the premises is to be merely impartial judges of opera tions of the act President Roosevelt Gets After the Aggregation WASHINGTON President Roose velt has directed James R Garfield commissioner of corporations of the department of commerce and labor to begin immediately the oil investi gation requested by the house of rep resentatives in a resolution adopted unanimously The investigation by direction of the president will be rigid and com prehensive The president has directed a letter to Commissioner Garfield in which he has given directions and presented in outline his views The inquiry will be pressed as rapidly as possible The scope of the investigation and the time it will oc cupy cannot be indicated at this time Representative Campbell of Kan sas the author of the resolution adopted by the house had a confer ence with President Roosevelt Mr Campbells idea is that the in vestigation snould concern particular ly the situation in the Kansas field but he expressed to the president his belief that the inquiry once begun would extend to the operations of the Standard Oil company in the Beau mont field of Texas and perhaps to other fields IS A GIGANTIC MONOPOLY So Says Secretary Hitchcock About Oil Trust Osage Lease WASHINGTON Secretary Hitch cock gave out a statement arraigning as a gigantic monopoly the present lease by the Indian Territory Illumin ating Oil company by which it has the right to prospect for oil and gas throughout the entire area of the Osage Indian reservation and explain ing the agreement reached several days ago as announced in the Asso ciated Press dispatches for cutting off more than one half of the lands operative under this lease during the next ten years To Answer to Murder Charge LOS ANGELES Cal William Hunt wanted in Rochester N Y to answer to the charge of the murder of George Hickey on August 19 1902 is under arrest in this city Hunt was arrested by the local police on a charge of vagrancy and gave a ficti tious name but when he was compar ed with the Bertillion measurements of the man wanted for the murder of Hickey he was found to fit them ex actly and finally admitted his real identity He denied however that he was guilty of murder t Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as tbey cannot reach thfi dis eased ponton of tbe car There is only one way to cure deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous llnlnji of tbe Eustachian Tube When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Sin perfect hearing and when It 1b entirely closed Deaf ness la the result and unless tbe Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases ont of tcu arc caused by Catarrh which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucoui surfaces Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J CHENEY CO Toledo 0 Sold by DniRKist 75c Take Halls Family Fills for constipation After a man has had a spell of the blues he takes on the manner of one who is highly pleased with himself Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use ihuy will save not only time because it never sticks to the iron but because each package contains 1G oz one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in -pound pack ages and the price is the same10 cents Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals If your grocer tries to sell you a 12 oz package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures 1G ozs Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing Defiance never sticks The wife who carries her coquetry thrdiigh life is beloved to the end of the chapter The housewife who has not yet be come acquainted with the new things of everyday use in the market and who is reasonably satisfied with the old we would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at once Not alone because it is guar anteed by the manufacturers to be su perior to any other brand but because each 10c package contains 1G ourices Avhile all the other kinds contain but 12 ounces It is safe to say that the lady who once uses Defiance Starch will use no other Quality and qjantity must win Men sometimes miss a niche in the temple of fame by putting off their dying overlong Mother Graya Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurso in the Childrens Home in New York euro Constipation Peverishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials At all Druggists 2oc Sample FREE Address ASOmsted LeRoy NY The first United States mint was established m 1792 Success Magazine for February opens with an article which should create a decided sensation throughout the country It is the first of a series entitled The Shameful Misuse of Wealth The author is Cleveland Monett a journalist whose previous work has created a vivid impression in magazine circles Mr Moffett is delving into one of the burning ques tions of the day The fact that a set of people dine at the Hotel St Regis New York from solid gold service and dally with viands that sum up a total of one thousand dollars a plate while seventy thousand poor children in the same city are obliged to go to school in the morning without break fast because their parents are too poor to buy food is not a condition that creates a pleasant picture Lefevres Wall Street Mystery Edwin Lefevre has just begun a tantalizing mystery serial in the Feb ruary McClures Scene the realm of high finance a field particularly in teresting just now and one that Mr Lefevre knows accurately as evi denced by his penetrating Wall Street Stories The Golden Flood this serial is called It shows the president of the greatest New York bank and the rich est man in the world who get worked up to a lather of apprehension by a very quiet young man His unusual operations with Assay Office gold checks cause the excitement The president and the richest man dont Iinow what hes up to and neither does the reader The desperate increase in the cost of living is staring us in the face to day The reasons for it are asked by all In February Everybodys Charles E Russell commissioned by the mag azine to investigate the subject be gins a series of articles on The Great est Trust in the World In the first installment he reveals a monster mon opoly greater than the Standard Oil holding in its grasp all the meat fruit and dairy products of the United States He shows the rapacity of this Beef Trust its defiance of the law its insatiable ambition to control all the food supplies of this great coun try Many of the rural letter carriers in the Tyrol are women Important fo Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infanta and children and see that it Bears the Signature of 2IIS5r In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought The public kickers often have but weak private consciences Dyspepsia Tormented 3Io for Years Dr David Kennedys Favorite Kemrtlr cured me Mrs C BDougherty IMHJlle N J Used over TO ears 1100 You cannot lead without love Try me just once and I am sure to come again Defiance Starch Every true man seeks truth J Million of Verenlile When the Editor read 10000 plants for 16c he could hardly believe it but upon second reading finds that the John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis than whom there are no more reliable and ex tensive seed growers in the world makes 4 i 4 - H 1 4 i 4 t -- -4 this offer which is made to get you to test Salzers Wan anted Vegetable Seeds They will send you their nig plant and seed catalog together with enough seed to grow 1000 fine solid Cabbages 2000 rich juicy Turnips 2000 blanching nutty Celery 2000 rich buttery Lettuce 1000 splendid Onions 1000 rare luscious Radishes 1000 gloriously brilliant Flowers aix ron but IGo postage providing you will return this notice and if you will send them 20c in postage they will add to the above a package of fa mous Berliner Cauliflower W N U Greece and the Ionian islands pro duce more emery than any other coun try on the globe i J TOWER CO BOSTON U S- A tisHva TOWER CANADIAN CO LIMITED TORONTO CANADA Makers of Wet Weather Clothing and Hats 358 on TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets All druj gists refunil the money If It fulls to cure E W Groves signature Is on each box 35c The first newspaper advertisement appeared in 1652 Positive Comparative Superlative I have used one of your Fish Brand Slickers for five years and now want a new one also one for a friend I would not be without one for twice the cost They are just as far ahead of a common coat as a common one is ahead of nothing NAME ON APPLICATION Be sure you dont get one of tho com mon kind this Is the wVUirpTv0 mark of excellence P J0 r WHATS THE USE OF SAYING GIVE ME A 5 CENT CIGAR WHEN BY ASKING FOR A C E M YOU GET THE BEST 5 CENT CIGAR IN AMERICA The VorWs Largest Seller a When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper K J yttvtvttt tvtvtvt y t tv yvt v yr rv r BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coujths and colds K XZJt TH Chicks WellHatched li afflicted with ore eyci me Are Half Sold To bo profitable an Incubator intuit hutch chlcka to arerage 85 of fertile cee et good b rtmir bcaltby chlofcn tnt will live nnd grow to matur ity Thats what tbe SURE HATCH ITXITTIX A TVfcl M00O of them Joins IlXIUlJiaHJI lttodny8oldonOIAYS TRIAL with 10U00000 5 Yror GtiHrsntee Opornteswlth half the oil and half the trouble others do High percentage hatches hatched early- that live ana irrowinukv money Demi chicks are a low The host broouero cant save noorlyhatched chickens Our 1UO EUU LNCUUATOIt complete with all fix tared delirorod all charges prepaid to any CIH place enst of the Kooky Mountain for only M VF Writn f nr t ron cntalomio train v and learn nlir Sure Hatches mule money while others lose money SURE HATCH INCOUATOK OMIASY Clay Center Neb Indianapolis Ind SB 6yV - When Your Grocer Says he does not have Defiance Starch you may be sure he is afraid to keep it un til his stock oC 12 ounce Packages aro gold Defiance Starch is not only bet ter than any other Cold Water Starch but contains 16 ounces to the Packa and sells for same money as brands When the Bible hides your brother it Is time to dig through It to him rt Cures Colds Coughs Sore Throat Croup Influenza Whooping Cough Bronchitis and Asthma A rprtnlnpiirf for fonsumntion in first stages and a sure relief Inaavanceusiages um Font rnmfnrtnhlft Ever 9inep reetuormortaDie tveruince iatoncfc You will see tho excellent effect after Ainuuu taking the flrstdose Sold by dealers every recommended AJULjUNSS hUUX JJAfcjhJ I used two boxes of the powder and my feet have been entirely comfortable ever since ALLENS FOOT EASE is certainly a god send to me Wm L bwormstedt Wash ington D C Sold by all Druggists 25c Humility gives the level head the lofty height where Largo bottles 25 cents and 50 cents THE FARMERS on tho Free Homestead Lands of Western Canada Carry the bannerfor yields of wheat and other grains for 1904 100000 FARMERS receive 55000000 as a result of their Wheat Crop alone The returns from Oats Barley and other Brains as well as cattle and horse- add cuilderably to this Secure a Free Homestead lit once or purchase from borne reliable dealer while lands are selling at presen t low prices Apply for information to Superintendent of Immf cratlon Ottawa Canada or to authorized Canadian Government Agent W V Bennett 801 New YorJS Life Building Omaha Nebraska Please Bay where you saw this advertliement Wl 4h ssisers National Oats Greatest oat of the centnrv Yielded in Ohio 187 in Mich 211 InMo 251 andln NDakota aiu unperncre You can beat that record la VXXx For 10c and this notice we mall yon free lots of farm seed Bampiesnna ooroigcataio ten lnsallnbout this ont wonder and thousands o other seeds JOHN A SALZER SEED CO La Crosse WMI Wil Thompsons Eyt Wafir HHSSSSGGnKSSHH BJrpriSriPvdySESHBfaiMlBKBRB It is the purest cleanest starch made It is free of injurious chemicals It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid to use starch of any kind Thats Defiance Your grocer sells it THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMAHA NEB ENTRANCING Tone QiaJity pure and mellow distinguish our hand made Mueller pianos from the ordin ary makes THE SOUNDING BOARD Is built on the violin principle allowing free vibration Other items of interest in our new catalog sent free for the asking Address the Makers SCHMOLLER MUELLER Established 1S59 1313 FA11NAM ST OMAIIA 1 Yididnll B nPjT wfeS f Mr T Wm I A 1 1 M if i i r it i 1 1 u If 1 U J V v H 41 1 1 t m r i ii