The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 17, 1905, Image 7

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Chicago Society Woman Who Was So
- Sick She Could Not Sleep or Eat
Cured by Doans Kidney Pills
Marion Knight of 33 N Ashland
avenue Chicago orator of the West
Side Wednesday Club says This
I V4f J a 9 1
winter when I
started to use
Doans Kidney
Pills I ached
in every bone
and had in
tense pains in-
the kidneys
and pelvic or
gans The
urine was
thick and
cloudy and I
could barely
eat on on jih in
iive I felt a change for the better
within a week The second week I be
gan eating heartily I began to improve
generally and before seven weeks had
passed I was well I had spent hun
dreds of dollars for medicine that did
not help me but C worth of Doans
Kidney Pills restored me to perfect
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster
Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale
by all dealers Price 50 cts
Not Appendicitis
A little lad whose parents attend
the church of the Ascension being
taken to the morning service for the
frst time was greatly impressed by a
refernce the clergyman made to the
creation of Eve A few days later he
jame to his mother announcing My
side hurts me very much bad and I
thinks God is getting ready to take
out one of my ribs and make me a
wife New York Sun
Even Trees Are Dead
There is a cemetery in Savannah
Ga where no one has been burled
for fifty years Here for three-quarters
of a mile in extent the trees seerj
to meet in the clouds and present a
most fantastic sight Not a leaf is to
be seen on the branches but they
are covered from trunk to twig with
Spanish moss which spreading over
the great arms of the trees saps
their vitality
Tailor is Overworked
A London tailor suing for wages
testified that he worked from Thurs
day morning to late on Saturday night
without a li oak and when he col
lapsed on his bench and was taken
home is employer dismissed him sum
marily because he could not work on
the Sunday as well He won his case
Backache Quickly Cured by Dodds
Kidney Pills Mrs W H Ambrosa
tells how her pains vanished never
to return when she used the Great
American Kidney Remedy
Dover Ky Feb 13th Special
So long has Backache been the terror
of the women of America that the
numerous reports of the complete and
permanent cures of this ailment now
heing made by Dodds Kidney Pills
are causing wide satisfaction and not
the least remarkable of these cures
is that of Mrs W H Ambrose of this
place Mrs Ambrose says
I had such pains in my back at
times I could hardly move and other
symptoms showed that my kidneys
were affected One box of Dodds
Kidney Pills drove away all the pains
and I have never been troubled since
Backache is the kidneys first notice
that they are out of order and need
help If they get that help in tho
form of Dodds Kidney Pills all will be
well If they are neglected the dis
ease may develop into Diabetes
Brights Disease or Rheumatism
German Forests
Forests cover nearly one fourth of
the surface of Germany about 48000
square miles
Hows This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls
Catarrh Cure
We the undersigned have known F J Cheney
for the last 13 year and believe hitn perfectly 1 n
orable In all busItiQSa transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by hWflriu
Wholesale UrttRsIsts Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tha
yBtem Testimonials sent free Trice 75 cent par
bottle Sold by all Druggist
Take Halls Family Tills for constipation
If evil thoughts were crimes what
penitentiaries would we need
Salzcrs Home Bnililer Corn
So named because 50 acres produced so
heavily that its proceeds built a lovelyj
home See Salzers catalog Yielded in
2nd 157 bu Ohio 1G0 bu Tenn 193 bu
and in Mtch 220 bu per acre You can
beat this record in 1905
120 bu Beardless Barley per acre
310 bu Salzers New National Oats per A
SO bu Salzer Speltz and Macaroni Wheat
1000 bu Pedigree Potatoes per acre
14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grass Hay
60000 lbs Victoria Rape for sheep per A
160000 lbs Teosinte the fodder wonder
54000 lbs Sahers Superior Fodder Corn
v rich juicy fodder per A
f Now such yields you can have in 1905
if you will plant my seeds
in stamps to John A Salzer Seed Co La
Crosse Wis and receive their great cata
log ana lots of farm seed samples WNUJ
Why preach eternal happiness and
deck ourselves with crepe
3rr TVIubIowb Soothing1 Syrup
For children teething softens the curae reduces ft
CammaUua allays pain cures wind colli 25c a bottle
ToJay is the father of Tomorrow
and the child of Yesterday
Defiance Starch is guaranteed biggest
and best or money refunded IS
ounces 10 cents Try it now
TfW WUlllMliJiWhWWWMttMg
Aril JLJEy
CCcpyrfgAt 903 by We firxxr and Company
6W JPgtfi PeverwJ
Before the week had ended the
Black Petrel filled her sails for Bar
ataria with Greloires parting words
of advice repeating themselves in La
fittes ears
Wind up your affairs in Louisiana
mon ami and do as the emperor de
sires return to France and assume
your own name and rank
So back to Louisiana he sailed with
his mind in a turmoil that gave un
wonted austerity to his manner and
awed his crew into much speculation
The fever of his first impulse hav
ing now abated he began to upbraid
himself for having left Pierre and
wondered if anything evil might have
befallen his foster brother Day by
clay as the Black Petrel drew nearer
to Barataria he kept himself busy by
querying as to what if any changes
would be found there and as to what
progress the war had made
Louisiana and especially New Or
leans must in his judgment be des
tined to bear a share in the conflict
even though this might not be until
the eleventh hour for the possession
of the Mississippi and its valley had
for many years been a dream of Great
Britains ambition
Night and day thinking matters
over he resolved that his next step
would be to gather what he might of
men and shipping and wealth and in
the hope of wiping all stigma from his
name offer these to the Governor of
Louisiana for use in warring against
the English And the possibility of
this opportunity being afforded him
with its reward a pardon for himself
and men covering all past offenses
the rehabilitation of himself before his
world made his blood tingle
This accomplished he would return
to France assume his fathers name
and rank and stand ready to serve the
And the Island Rose how had she
been faring all this time and what
amid the changed conditions he was
Missed thee Aye in every way as
I ever do when we are apart But
somehow it was a taste worse
this time perhaps because thou wert
away in France where as thou hast
said I am growing homesick to go
And as I have also said we will go
together and soon We will return to
Languedoc thou and I Pierre and see
the old gardens and roam in the park
and try to be boys once more The
words ended with a joyous laugh
And read of De Soto and Pizarro
and the tales of Louisiana added
Pierre interrogatively a curious sad
ness touching his voice
Nay indeed not replied Jean so
bering at once We have lived too
many practical chapters of a like sort
my Pierre to ever again enjoy the old
And the emperor said Pierre ir
relevantly to think of his keeping
the little box of papers for thee
Yet it was like him to do such -a
thing asserted Jean with vibrant
tone and glowing face Ah if but he
were back in France and free from
those cursed English
Aye Pierre affirmed a growl
sounding in his voice The English
there on Elba their power behind the
throne of France and their ships
sneaking in here to snatch at Louisi
ana and the Mississippi Cursed Eng
lish say I
From what Piefre told him that
night Jean Lafitte knew as clearly
as though he had remained at Bara
taria all that had transpired since his
This had been shortly after Gen
Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek
Indians at the battle called Tohope
kah a disaster that broke their pow
er and compelled the English to cease
reckoning upon them as allies And
after this signal victory Gen Jackson
had been given command of the Sev
enth military district which included
the State of Louisiana
It was now very evident that New
You know my secret Pierre
mappirg out for himself would be her
The remembrance of the last time
he had seen her with her girlish face
and form manifesting such shrinking
terror of him had its sorrow now
lightened by the hope so strong in his
heart that he would be able to redeem
himself in her estimation
The Black Petrel keeping a sharp
lookout for English vessels stole into
the Gulf of Mexico and sped across it
Then turning to the east and north
Lafitte made for the western shore of
Grande Terre and the harbor of Bara
taria where jn due time the brigan
tine dropped anchor
It was the evening of Lahtte s ar
rival He and Pierre were alone to
gether and being unable to count up
on unlimited privacy they seated
themselves for a full talk and compar
ison of notes Jean to give Pierre the
particulars of his recent trip and to
hear from him an account of the hap
penings at Barataria and New Orleans
I wish I might have been with you
in Toulon Pierre said with what
sounded like a sigh I have a longing
to see France again before I die
Before you die repeated Jean
a slight touch of testiness in his tone
Why do you talk thus One would
think you were three score at least in
stead of a stalwart giant of half those
years and he laughel half playfully
half deridingly
There was no answering smile on
Pierres face which was again turned
to the fire But after a momentary
silence he said abstractedly as if
thinking aloud I cannot give a good
reason for it but there has of late
been something like a conviction grow
ing upon me that I have not much
longer to live Perhaps and he
raised his eyes to Jeans wondering
face it is nothing more than that I
am homesick
We will wind up our affairs here
and go to France declared Jean de
cisively Rouse thyself Pierre and
speak no more in such a fashion
What nonsense thou after all the
dangers we have met and overcome to
gether to have such a premonition I
think my brother and the tone
brought a gratified sparkle to the other
mans eyes that thou hast missed
for the present let it rest
I Orleans was to be attacked as soon as
the English could concentrate a
ncient torce lor that purpose and
Gov Claiborne had called a session of
the legislature besides taking all other
measures in his power toward raising
means for defense But the legislators
were slow to co operate with him and
the same malcontents whose scheming
had already wrought such harm to
Louisiana were using all possible
means to neutralize the governors ef
As Lafitte listened to all this he
congratulated himself anew that the
Black Petrel lay anchored safely
before Grande Terre He felt also that
no time could have been more aus
picious for making the offer he pro
posed to lay before the governor an
offer of service by himself and his
followers in consideration of pardon
for all past misdeeds whether actual
or alleged
When he voiced these thoughts and
plans to Pierre the latter agreed un
reservedly and both men were con
fident of their ability to obtain the ac
quiescence of their followers
But think you Jean inquired the
more cautious Pierre there is not
reason to doubt if Gov Claiborne ac
cept our offer I do not wish to damp
en thy ardor but we must remember
the threats he has made against the
He surely will not make the mis
take of refusing our services in such
an emergency at a time when every
man able to bear a gun will be sorely
needed in New Orleans was Jeans
confident reply and Pierre raised no
more doubts that night
Among the other items of informa
tion he had given and which al-
though of slight interest to himself
were otherwise to his listener was
that Count de Cazeneau had at La
Roches invitation closed his house in
New Orleans and gone with his grand
daughter for a visit to the formers
plantation La Tete des Eaux near the
head of Bayou Bienvenu also that La
Roche had taken this occasion to per
suade his ward the Senorita Lazalie
to join his house party
He is now a general in the state
militia Pierre added and with a
laugh it is common talk in New Or-
leans that he is mad for love of tho
Spanish girl
And she inquired Jean carelessly
as he patted the head of a hound
crouched by his chair
Pierre shrugged his broad shoulders
She is a woman who therefore
may say what she thinks or will do
or not do
Jean laughed as he knocked the
ashes from his cigar
Thou hast a poor opinion of the
fair ones my Pierre
Plave I If so it was thyself
taught me the lesson
The laughing face sobered at once
and a troubled look came into the eyes
fixed upon Pierres half mocking ones
Say you Pierre that I taught you
any such lesson
Aye that you have with your scorn
of women and their ways Seeing
through your eyes I long ago learned
to look upon women as but snares to
love whom brings mischief and the
ruin of a mans heart
Pierre wondered at the gentleness of
the tone that answered If ever I
taught you such a thing I taught un
knowingly something I never believed
myself for I think a true woman is a
thing to reverence as the saints and
that love in a mans life is like He
stopped short and his dark face took
a dreaming look as he gazed into the
After a short silence he continued
The lack of love in a mans life is
like a world without sunshine or a
I lamp without oil without light And
to live always in darkness would make
life little worth the living
Pierre had been staring at him and
as he stared his slumbering wits awak
In a groping but certain way he be
gan to rightly suspect the possible
cause of a hitherto puzzling change he
had noticed in his foster brother and
satisfied as to this he now blurted out
Jean my brother tell me who is
she you love
Jean started and his brows con
tracted into a frown
Thou art not angry with me that I
Angry The word was repeated
v ith a soft laugh as if the supposition
were too absurd to call for refutation
And she loves thee in return
Pierre ventured encouraged by the
Jean shook his head and a bitter
sadness touched the still smiling lips
Not love thee exclaimed Pierre
incredulously Then she must be
blind or a fool he added m sudden
Neither the one nor the other my
Pierre Jean answered as he rose
from his chair I had never thought
to ask her love nor knew that I loved
her when by accident she discovered
that I was the terrible pirate Lafitte
and shrank from me as if I had been
the plague or death itself That was
long ago and I have not since laid
eyes on her
There was a world of suppressed
passion sounding underneath the ring
of mockery in his voice and Pierre
saw his hand tremble as he laid his
arm against the stone support of the
chimney and looked down into the em
Pierre now rose and tossed his cigar
into the fireplace appearing to think
there was nothing more to be said
But he turned quickly to Jean as the
latter laying a hand upon his foster
brothers shoulder added You know
my secret Pierre for the present let
it rest where it is and give no heed
as to who she is I may yet win her
and I may not If I do then you snail
know her and you will love her of
that I feel assured
Well you may my Jean if she is
dear to thee for that she must now be
to me
Aye and God bless thee for a true
other self said Jean grasping the
others hand That I could know
without the telling Still it is pleas
ant to hear thee say it I will clear
my name Pierre thine and mine
that must be first After that we
shall see
To be continued
Simple Costume Sufficient for
Savage Life
The low caste Siamese of the jungle
have few wants and live like animals
eating chiefly wild fruits and rice
which they raise in small cleared
spots wherever they happen to tem
porarily settle Like the Karens the
jungle people of Burma they are al
ways on the move and in common
with all low caste Siamese are petty
thieves of an incurable propensity
Yet they are obedient servile to an
unpleasant degree for white blood
They manufacture nothing save crud
est domestic household necessities
and personal ornaments from bamboo
Clothes are of slight consequence On
the jungle edge they go uncovered
men and women above the waist the
panung reaching within four inches of
the knee but deep in the jungle they
are practically naked
Their single implement is a long
bladed butcherlike knife used as path
maker as weapon together with a
wood spear and industrially in fash
ioning out of the ubiquitous bamboo
their ornaments their buckets their
rope their string their houses and
the food receptacles which take the
place of pots and pans and plates
Nearly all of the jungle folk on both
sides of the Siam Burma line tattoo
the thigh sometimes from knee to
hip more often from the knee to only
six inches above The design may be
a turtle or the much dreaded tiger
done elaborately but the one most
frequently seen and the simplest is a
sort of lace or fringe pattern in the
middle of the thigh or just below the
knee like a garter The women do
not tattoo believing in beauty un
adorned heaven knows they need
adornment Outing
News in Nebraska
Fremont is planning for a war on
sin through a series of revival meet
Although tho weather has been very
cold Gordon reports no loss of stock
in that vicinity
Frank Jennings formerly of Platts
mouth was killed by an explosion of
powder at Chicago
The Bradford Kennedy company of
Omaha has amended its articles of in
corporation to increase its capital
stock from 150000 to 500000
The University of Nebraska is ask
ing the legislature for appropriations
for the biennium aggregating 812470
Mr and Mrs C J Schmidt of Bea
trice celebrated their golden wedding
about twenty five members of the fam
ily being present
Sister Constantia who for some
time had been stationed at St Ber
nard as sister superior died from
hemorrhage of the lungs
The Bennett Criswisser farm home
occupied by his son Charles and fam
ily southwest of Plattsmouth was
consumed by fire The loss is esti
mated at 2500 only partially covered
by insurance
The German Lutherans will soon
complete the erection of a fine church
about seven miles west of Beatrice
The structure will be of brick slate
roof and will have a steeple eighty
feet in height
J O Detweiler of Omaha has been
appointed by Governor Mickey to
membership on the board of control
of the schools for the deaf and dumb
at Omaha and the blind at Nebraska
City lie will succeed Chairman Or
After about six hours in the field the
members of the two hunting parties
returned to Humboldt bringing 3G7
rabbits four crows four owls and
three jackrabbits There were eight
men on each side and an oyster sup
per was the stake
The farm residence of Ferdman
Schrader six miles northwest of
Oakland was burned to the ground
Mr Schrader was in town at the time
being notified by telephone of the fire
The loss is probably 1000 with
about 700 insurance
At Plattsmouth William Dalbow
waived examination when arraigned
before Justice Archer on the charge of
horse stealing and was bound over to
the district court his oond being fixed
at 500 in default of which he was
taken back to jail to await trial
The supremo court has ordered the
proceedings against W A Gordon of
Omaha dismissed Gordon was punish
ed for alleged contempt because he
engaged in a fisticuff with an oppos
ing attorney during the absence of the
court and while the jury was consid
ering a verdict
Philander G Loso a windmill rig
ger lost the sense of smell He is now
suing the county of Lancaster for
5000 damages While driving over a
bridge near Agnew the horse fell and
the rig slipped off into a draw Lcsos
nose was cut in two and thrust down
over his mouth losing the sense of
Robert Mitchell lost his home in
Dawes county by fire during his ab
sence It was caused by the hired
man who started a fire in the morn
ing and then went to bed to wait until
the house was warm When he awoke
it was so warm he barely escaped
with his life securing hardly enough
clothing to keep him from freezing
until he reached a neighbors There
was no insurance
A wreck on the Chicago North
western railroad near Chadron of the
Deadwood passenger train caused by
spreading rails resulted in all the cars
being thrown from the track the bag
gage and express cars being laid on
their sides the smoker and chaircar
tipped about half way over One end
of the sleeper went down an embank
ment and Superintendent F A Har
mons car was off the track
Mrs Henry Guntrum of Lincoln
was aphyxiated by gas from a leak
ing stove She had been dead some
time before being discovered having
lived alone
The Omaha Lincoln Beatrice
electric road will supply light and
electrical power to the farmers along
the route and within a limited area of
the line So explained Attorney H H
Wilson before the railroad committees
of the house and senate He has intro
duced a bill modifying the railroad
laws to include the interurban lines
and give the right to string wires and
cables for the purpose of taking the
current to the farmers
The 4-year-old boy of Charles Bever
idge living five miles west of Murray
died as the result of inhaling steam
from a tea kettle The mother had
left the child in the kitchen alone
with his brother while she was attend
ing to duties in another part of the
house The child seeing his brother
blow the vapor from the kettle tried
to do the same but instead placed his
mouth to the spout and breathed the
hot steam thus scalding his throat and
The Beatrice Creamery company
has enlarged and is about to incor
porate in Des Moines after consoli
dation with three more large com
panies The capital stock will be in
creased from 1000000 to 3000000
Hugh Scilley of Leavitt general
manager of the Standard suear fac
tory in an interview said the suar
factory is to be doubled in capacity
This is in view of the successful sea
sou just closed and the prospects of
a large acreaere of beets the coming
season The present capacity of the
sugar factory is 500 tons of beets
every twenty four hours
2r EPzZ
rHanywhoformerIysmokedl05Cigars now smote
imzmm mm
Tour Jobber or direct from 1octorv Peoria 111
Workmen Find 40000
A strange story of treasure trove
comes from Perpignan France Some
mechanics- working in a house that
had belonged to an eccentric old no
tary named Tarhouriech who had
just died were removing an antique
chair which had been fastened to a
wall when they discovered behind it
in the wall itself a recessed hiding
place from which was at once taken
40000 in gold and notes
More Flexible and Lasting
wont shake out or blow out by usins
Defiance Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one third more for
Twelve Oclock Precisely
Puzzle If the parlor clock says
1140 and the library clock says
1203 and the kitchen clock says
1154 and the dining room clock says
1140 and your watch says 1207 and
your wifes watch says 12 oclock to
a second what time is it Somer
ville Journal
Extreme Degrees of Heat
A temperature of 4C00 degree or
5000 degrees can be produced only
between -the carbon points of an elec
tric arc light The next hottest place
in the world is the crucible of an
electric furnace
I am sure Pisos Cure lor Consumption saved
my life three years ao Mns Tnos KonuiNs
Maple Street Norwich X Y Feb 17 1000
Pork Pie Inflicts Injuries
A resident of Wokirg England
sued a local baker for injuries sus
tained by eating a pork pie He lost
his suit but the incident is hailed as
a cheering precedent
Itching Wind iiieedlnx r PntnuUnit PIe Your
druggist H refund money If PAZO OISCTiUStt
falls to cure you In 6 to 14 daja 50c
Hard to Find
The Alabama man who kissed an
unwilling woman and was sent to jail
for assault might appeal to a jury
of unkissed women if twelve could
be found in his county
A woman does a lot or thinking try
ing to figure out whether the baby la
going to be a great man or a good
I man New York Press
It Helps Women to Win and Hold
Moas Admiration Kospect and Love
Womans greatest gift s the power to
inspire admiration respect and love
There is a beauty in health which ia
more attractive to men than mere regu
larity of feature
ft fn B i
Mrs Chas FBrourn J
To be a successful wife to retain the
love and admiration of her husband
should be a womans constant study
At the first indication of ill health
painful or irregular menstruation
headache or backache secure Lydia E
Iinlchams Vegetable Compound and
begin its use
Mrs Chas V Brown Vice President
Mothers Club 21 Cedar Terrace Hot
Springs Ark writes
Dear Mrs Fiiikham
For nine years I dragged through a miser
able existence suffering with inflammation
and falling of the womb and worn out with
pain and weariness I one day noticed n state
ment by a woman suffering as I was but who
had been cured by Lydia EPinkLums Veg
etable Compound and I determined to try it
At the end of thm montlis I was a different
woman Every ono remarked about it and
my husband ftll in lovo with me all over
again Lydia E Imkhams Vcgutablo Com
pound built up my entire system cured tho
womb trouble and I felt like a uew woman
I am sure it will make every suffering woman
strong well and happy a- it has me
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or irregular menstruation back
ache bloating- or ilatulence Jeucor
rhfea falling iulammation or ulcera
tion of the uterus ovarian troubles
that bearing tlown feeling dizzi
ness faintness indigestion or nervous
prostration may be restored to perfect
health and strength hy taking Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
25 Cream
FOR 52500 we sell the cele
JXMiHiiiitl4rr rtiiiur
3VI Diiliml caliatlrv iwr lumr fitr
52900 Wiopoim is capacity i er
mur mr aiJUou liuaraniced
the equal or Separators tfiiJ
ret2ieerywhcrs at from 7300
rator on our 30 days free trial
plen nlthtliplilniiliiKundeihtmiil
Init mid agreement it jou do not
fiflfi lV fiiiinriflwtfi Cut nil icu
Hint it Mill bUiii clcer
llcliterami skim one half more
rnlk tian any otiur Cream
Separator made ycu can re
turn trcSsparatortousatour
expense and wc will Immedi
ately return any money you
may have paid tor freight
charges or otherwise lit
this nil out at oni e and mall to
ns and you will rerelte by re
turn mall frev postpaid our
LATEST 5Pml mpiu
SEPARATOR CTALOGUE You will nut our hlfrotTernrd
our tree trial proportion and jmi nill n rrlte momtuo
lhlnslIlheraUrmra Srpaniiur offer nrr bcanl r address