V f tVv flV f A In ir t L V YOURE NEEDED FrnmTqV f V nTraVrsed b thc Mlssonrl Kansas Texas Ity Is very comprehensive one Hioninnn mualbal r Kansa City Galveston or San Antonio is a stretch of over nrpsfnf1 a tZWeZ w cnV ui 01 BUIUiunB a population many times mat or the SlanR nni SSud lndustJC8J h pt various decrees of rertility a wonderful produce of nwSi crP3v O Ba and minerals are to be found Peopled by eager pushing wide entiriSf fh0 bcle n th f utur of the Southwest and see the virtue of cneourae tmiityisSppaent description and of getting more and better facilities th iir J J vtu Vl jiowiuiK Bvu peopie Aiorc men arc neeaeu nffM Hodoa ihLe are vast areas of unimproved land land not yielding thc crops of iJilinocE The same tllinff n ft different way is true of the towns Few lines nui7L JZ lxr cicbsijuu xnuro are openings lor mills and manufacturing Vniin lslores banks newspapers and lumber yards The oil and gas ilelds of Kansas development UiWand nlerful opportunities for THE OPPORTUNITY IS WOW thn Z rTlias P01111 for Rale we arc simply interested in thc upbuilding of 0l1itryWcbclIcvcn thc Southwest and know that with its present needs and op Sn iie tbC rrosIeSt r brighter and the future more hopeful than in thc older and S tb tru fiP m hi5 Want J0U to investiKate conditions and satisfy yourself On February 21st and March 7th and 21st the M It T Ky will sell excur sion tickets from St Louis Hannibal and Ivuussm fUtv tn TniKnn Port It f iin homaTand Central and Eastern Texas at S mm GET A GRASP ON OUR TRADE MARK GET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT TT For Tlie Round Trip am You should take advantage of this opportunity to see the Southwest for yourself Wc are in possession of all sorts of information valu able alike to the investor and homesceker If you are interested tell us what you want how much you have to invest and wo will gladly furnish the Information Write to day for a copy of our book Business Chances Its free Address OEOItCF JI0RTU5 0 P A- T A Box 912 X SI Mi Mo O W SJIITII X P A SIC lUrqurtte Building Clilrign lit 11 F nOVISIlKIl P r A 408 Traction IluUdlng Inelnnill Ohio T II OOKFULY D r A S18 ClUirnt Aillonol But Bldg lies Jlolnri Is C A McSUTT D T A lilomtom Honte kuiu CItj So DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD IT IS BETTER IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH IT WILL NOT ROT THE CLOTHES YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU ASK FOR IT SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK MANUFACTURED BY The DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMAHA NEB g Follow tho Flag g excursions SOUTH I DAILY If you are thinking of a trip SOUTH-SOUTHEAST-EAST write and let us tell you best rates time route and send marked time tables This saves you worry and an noyance ami makes you feel at home all the way Call Wabash City Office 1C01 Far nam St or address Harry E Moores A P D Wabash R R Omaha Neb HOT SPRINGS ARK NEW TRAIN SERVICE Between Kansas City Mo Coffeyyille Little Rock and Hot Springs via MISSOURI PACIPIC RAILWAY and IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE The Thermal Radio Active Waters of Hot Springs Ark will be ren dered accessible by this new serv ice over the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain lines without change Leavinpr Kansas City at noon arriving Hot Springs next morning at 8 oclock Returning train leaves Springs at 7 p m ar riving Kansas City next afternoon S oclock For pamphlets time tables etc call or address II C Townsend G P T A St Louis Mo or v CITY TICKET OFFICE S E Corner 15th and Farnam Tom liughes T F Godfrey T P A P 1 A When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper MMovktimm UUIiES WKtHE ALL ELSE FAILS Best CouKh Syrup Tastes Good in mn so n nv arucRiMa WET WEATHER WISDOM x AT THE ORIGINAL fSm BSPTI BvraggJlf a Hnvesntlflfledi when others haves failed 5WEI arnflSD SLICKEK BLACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES CATALOGUES FREE SHOWINCTFULL LINE OF GAHMENTS AND HATS A J TOWER CO BOSTON MASS USA TOWER CANADIAN CO LTD TORONTO CANADA EST Ever Grown IXone betternnrinnnpm J IfW in nripp 1lnor rdrf and un nostnniil Finpsfc llltlfirfd nnfnlnono otror printed sent FREE frigs of every variety A great L lot Of PTfrA TllrfFC nt cporlc nairr sorts presented free with every order Some sorts onions only 50c npr 1H Ot hpr copH onunllt lnw An years a seed grower and dealer and all PiKfnmprfl onflcfioH TOr rvlrl seedSend yours and neighbors names lor oig iiiustraa iree catalogue R H SHUMWAY Hockford His UNITED STATES importing Canadian wheat is now a fact r rn ntnnPtnni tn IVoctpTti Pfinnilnnr hllV some of the best wheat lands on the continent and become a producer The average yield of wheat this year will bo about twenty bushels to the acre Tho oat and barley crop will also yield abundantly Splendid climate Rood schools and churches excellent marketing facilities Apply for Information to Superintendent of Immi gration Ottawa Canada or to authorized Canadian Government Ajrent W V Bennett 801 ew York Life Building Omaha Xebraska Please say where you saw this adTertUement ISP1NAL CURVATURE Can be Cure AL80 OTHER DEFORMITIES Write or call at office for free informs Highest testimonials from prom inent statesmen and physicians Con sult your Family Doctor No braces or appliances used Treated successfully jby mail bis years experience I he Blomavist Gvmsastlc Ort hone rile list Copyrisbt 1902 inconporatco CAPITAL S2800000 16 TO 21 ARLINGTON BLK OMAHA NEB im Si ntsxiY Jiii in ayi J S1J td fl sVArAlCMX V tfi iiiiitvoi7 A oa au Llcbcid Bui BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds PASS RATE BILL Esch Townsend Measure Approved by House WASHINGTON After nearly four days of discussion the house on Thursday by a vote of 320 to 17 pass ed the Esch Townsend bill providing for the regulation of freight rates The negative vote was made up of eleven repubieans and six democrats Closing hours of the debate were occupied by Messrs Williams of Mis souri and the minority leader and Hepburn of Iowa chairman of the committee which reported the bill Mr Williams while supporting the minorty measure even though he said he knew it could not pass compli mented the republicans for bringing in a bill which was much better than he expected would come from them The speech of Mr Hepburn was rather in defense of himself He said that his deeds and acts were a suffi cient answer to the lies and sland ers which had been heaped upon him The bill known as the Hepburn bill he said had been prepared by the attorney general and he only yielded to his colleagues on the committee on the Esch Townsend bill because he did not want the committee to be the target for scribblers who wanted sen sational heaalines He devoted some time to a strong presentation of the merits of the majority measure The closing remarks for the minor ity were made by Mr Williams Miss who at the outset congratu lated the house upon the fact that not only in the matter of rate legislation but in several other particulars Presi dent Roosevelt nominated by the re publican party and elected by tho peo ple was beginning to assume a dis tinctly democratic attitude Mr Hepburn la chairman of the committee on interstate and foreign commerce closed for the republicans He explained the difficulties of pre paring such a measure as the bill re ported saying no two men entertain ed the same opinion either as to what was in the bnl or what ought to be in it The substitute bill of the minority was defeated 151 to 18G Messrs Gaines Tenn Rider and Scmlder N Y and Livernash - and Wyann Cal voting with the republicans The roll then was called on the Esch Townsend bill -which was pass ed 326 to 17 TO REACH THE PRIVATE LINES Proposed That Senate Committee Shall Sit During Vacation WASHINGTON The resolution to be introduced in the senate by Mr Kean of New Jersey providing that the committee on interstate commerce shall sit during the summer for the in vestigation of the subject of railroad rate legislation will not be offered until it has first been approved by the committee It had been announced that the resolution would be present ed in the senate yesterday The in terstate commerce commission will meet Saturday to consider the resolu tion The plan to have the senate com mittee investigate thoroughly the subject of rate legislation has been approved by a large number of sena tors of both parties It is said the committee will work along the line of perfecting the Esch Townsend bill and incorporate in that measure a provision to reach private car lines The idea is that the committee is ready to report in October or the 1st of November notice shall be sent to the president and if he is so inclined an extra session may be called Should there be a demand from any senator for immediate consideration of the house bill it is planned to -ascertain the sentiment of passing a rate bill at the present session by a vote on the proposed Kean resolution MORE LAND FRAUD FINDINGS Former District Attorney at Portland Indicted PORTLAND Ore Ex United States Attorney lohn II Hall wns indicted by the federal grand jury in connec tion with the federal land fraud cases in course of investigation The indictment against Former United States District Attorney Hall is for alleged participation in a con spiracy to prevent and obstruct the free passage over and the free use of the public land situated in Wheeler county The document also alienee that threats of violence and other means of intimidation were used to drive legitimate householders already settled on the land from the vicinity Among the defendants named in addi tion to Attorney Hall are Congi ess man Binger Harmann Clark F Loom is and nine others all of whom it is alleged worked in the interest of the Butte Creek land lumber and live stock company A second indictment returned charges Henry Meldrum and asso ciates with having- conspired to de fraud the government of the United States by false and fraudulent sur veys Minority Report on Ship Subsidy WASHINGTON A minority report on the bill known as the ship sub sidy measure was filed in the house Tuesday by Mr Lucking Mich rep resenting the views of the democratic members of the house committee on merchant marine and fisheries The minority favors a discriminating high tonnage tax against foreign vessels if not in violation of treaty obliga tions and large mail payments to the new lines to South America Central America South Africa West Indian and Asiatic ports He Didnt Take It Very Hard An old fashioned minister was at tending the last rites of a member of his church down in Tennessee and after praising the virtues of the de ceased he turned to tlje bereaved hus band and said My good brother you have been called upon to part with one of the best and loveliest of wives Oh no parson said the husband interrupting the minister not the best but about middling Where Doctors Bills Are Unknown Swedish doctors never send bills to their patients Each patient pays what he deems just or is able to give The rich pay the physician liberally whether they have need of his serv ices or not if he has been once re tained by them The poor if they pos sibly can pay him a small sum anil the very poor pay him nothing Yet he attends the poor as faithfully as he does the j ich Guard Deserts Lunatic While looking for stragglers just as a Welsh regiment was about to sail from Cape Town for England an officer found a private standing at attention in a shed What are you doing here he was asked Please sir was the reply I am a lunatic and I am waiting for the corporals guard He was right he was a lunatic and his guard had forgotten him Promises Better Things Next Time We once hired a mnn to do a cer tain thing and he couldnt do it But he spent hours in making explana tions If you fail to do a thing why waste additional time in making ex planations The point is you didnt do it Atchison Globe Women Physicians in Russia The number of women physicians is steadily increasing in Russia Ac cording to a recent report there are now nearly 400 women studying medi cine at Russian universities tiie larg est numbers being at St Petersburg and Moscow Death of Centenarian Mendicant There died recently in Trieste Aus tria in ner 101st year a woman mend icant named Doratti who had obtain ed hundreds oi pounds from credulous persons by promising them the rever sion of two houses which had no ex istence A Twist of Words When you give a literary man a manuscript to read and he says that he will look ii over you might as Avell make lip your mind at the start tnat until you have reminded him half a dozen times his is pretty sure to over look it Somerville Journal Misdirected Energy A little reflection will make many people wiser as to how much energy they may be wasting By husbanding their intellectual and physical re sources they can avoid misdirecting their energies and enjoy healthier and longer lives An Age of Skepticism Some ob dese hyah young folks thundered Parson Black am gittin so dey doan blieve nuffin at all Why I wuz shocked de odder day to heah one ob dem say he didnt blieb it am bad luck to walk unner a ladder For Chapped Hands Chapped hands should be frequently washed well dried with a soft towel and smeared over with glycerine If there are many ugly sores a little zinc ointment is useful Cairo Wedding Celebration A wedding celebration in Cairo lasts for three days There is feasting dur ing all the time and the house and streets are liberally decorated with flags and lanterns Knew Her Place A woman of Scotland when asked if she had understood the sermon to which she had just been listening re plied Wad I hae the presumption Contributed to the Sea The quantity of water discharged into the sea by all the rivers of the world is about eightv six cubic miles in a day eWWWflv Till t Cures Colds Coughs Pore Throat Croup Influenza IVhoopintr Couch Bronchitis and Asthma A certain cure for Consumption in firM taijes ami a sure relief in advanced stages Ise at once You will see the excellent effect after taltinsr the first dose Sold by dealers every where Large bottles Jo cents and 50 cents DR McQREW W For H years has made a specialty of D1SKSS OFMKN Eight een years in Umata UN Home Treatment has nianciiUy cured thousand OXIV FIVK DOUVKS for two mouth treamcut Jledieine sent in plain puilcu Ho M Ofliee ili sloitU Utli Street Omaha JCeo raski TKC GREAT KIDNCY AND LIVER CURE DR DAVID KENNEDYSFAVORITE REMEDY Wo M Firwoi ffrl ff r fre icipi t Louie to iliA KENNEDYS s08 H0ND00T HE PUTNAM DANGERS Intense Cold Breeds avoided IN FEBRUARY Catarfft Hr JwV S- -- -Ova mi i - a v short as much sunshine as possible should be let into the the daw house during Clothing The head should he kept cool at all times The feet should be kept warm and dry day and night When unavoidably exposed to cold or wet a few doaes of Peruna will avert had consequences Precaution When seized with a chill or even slight chilliness a dose of Peruna should be taken at once Sudden Changes Breed Catarrh irrfa scewe IM THE SOUTH 1 -V j it ffy - f v ar m jv tyResL jsz j Severe Weather T February is a month of severe storms and intense cold Even in the South where the prevailing- temperature is much above wintry latitudes February brings sudden changes of temperature Mercury sometimes drops 20 degrees in a single night Therefore the following health hints are applicable to the whole of North America Ventilation The sleeping rooms should he well ventilated but so as to avoid direct currents of air Bathing Those in vigorous health should take a cold water towel bath every morning before breakfast Those in feeble health should take a bribk dry-towel-rub every morning Diet The diet should he a generous one including meat and occasionally fresh vegetables Sunshine The nights being long and the days As much sleep as possible should he obtained in the forepart of the night Catarrh of Head Mr Frank Cobb I7f Summit Street Deering Me writes 1 was troubled with catarrh in my head I wrote to Dr Ilartman for advice and he prescribed Peruna I took it and anl happy to say it helped me at once 1 feel better than X have for years Bronchial Trouble Mr J Ed OPrien Pres American Pilot Assn Pensacola Fla writes I heartily give iny endorsement to Peruna as an effective cure for catarrh and bronchial trouble Throat and Lungs Frank Battle Jr Ill N Market St Nashville Tcnn writes Peruna has cured me of chronic bronchitis It is the grandest discovery of the age for the throat and lungs Pneumonia Mr A C Danforth St Joseph Mich writes I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs I was threatened with pneumonia Peruna gave me relief within a couple of days Three bottles saved ne a large doctor bill and a great deal of suffering Thousands of Testimonials We have on tile thousands of testi monials like the above We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited indorsements Dr Ilartman is constantly receiving Address Dr S H Ilartman President of The Hartmaii Sanitarium Columbus O There are Many Imitations of Bakers Cocoa and Bakers Chocolate Dorft be misled by them Our trade mark is on every 1 i 1 pacKage or genuine goods Under the decisions of several United States Courts no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker Sf Cos is en titled to be sold as Bakers Loot for thijTradc Maik Cocoa or Baker s Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free Walter Baker 8 Co Ltd Established 1780 Dorchester Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America on DEFORMITIES AND PARALYSIS -will be Ront free postpaid upon request Thin book 18 of a hundred paeB handsomely t rated throughout and teilaof an evjiertome l over thirty yearsln thc tr Htnent of Crookeil Feet Spinal Deformities Jiifitiitllelsira sis Hip Disease Deforninl Liml aiu1 Joint Ktr It tells of the ony thor lUhiy eyulppcii - tnliurlum In thNtvuimrv dned f itjiiUe v v tne trraimenl of the e cndtlonB and hi theymiy lie rurci nthUt t uretral peratt - p i er pirl or other iere treatment Send for thlbiKk and tf dlreo y mereJted nentton i r of ttie affliction and special JrbSiSi1 The L C HIcLaln Orthopedic Sanitarium B ffMOOST OFaS Tile OLD TKUSTY In culjaturs are made liy Ioluion the jm uintr JIan w ho made n ly he fore lnentlug his OLD TRUSTY A payfor lteelf hatch er Forty days free trial nndaflve years Kuaran tee For blic free cata logue 801 poultry IllUB tratlnn address ffitB WM W N 11 Omaha FAD M MJOHNSON CO Box O T Clay Center Neb J - A CLEAR HEALTHY SKIf Sandbolms Eczema and Skin Remedy Purifies Then Heals lo itlvely cure Erzema Ptuiples I hruptuine Infect lutes and ail eae of tue tkln An absolute I cue for Dandruff or Sralp dNea e SI 00 Per Bottle Send for FREE BOOKLETS Afk your drupplu or oarlier or cend U HSANDHOLM DRUG CO Des Moines Iora No 71905 10000 Plants for 16c iilUTc iAIUCU3 OIIU j v Sauer B Seei inau any omer in 9 rntrirfL Thpre f reason for this IVo own over 5W0 acre for tho pro I ductiin of our wnrrunted need iln order to Induce you to irv mein t o maceyoutne louowiag uupro I cedenterf offer For 13 Cents Postpaid 1000 Karlr Hrdlan 4 LU Cibbtzu iCOOO Fle JoItT Trlp r S0OO BlMChLr Olrrj 2000 ttleh Suttr Uttace 1000 Bplrauia Ulsat 1 1100 liar Lofloo KlillliM 1000 GlsrloalT BrlJIUnt Flawtn Above even cackase contain clent tseed t srrow 10000 plant fur- nirhlnx bnliel or Driliiunt flower and iutand lotaof choice re re ta if toeether with our itreat catalog iitijr all about Flowers Jtose 5 iail fruits an tor lGcna D anil ttila notice Biff ISO page cataloaionew JOHN ASALZER SEED CO wsc La Crosse Wis Fiimaw -wanted Ul lllblO ELES rxuMiiMiasEagn r brpjjJc id fim of lt a tt i ia Address B F SPARROW PaAhuska Oklahoma YES Color more goods briohler and faster colors lhan an othc r de One 10c pnclape colors silk wool zw cctlon equally well and is Guaranteed to cive perlect results RakierlerorwewillsendpostoaidatlOca package Wrie lor free booklet How to Die Bleach and Mix Colors MOSJtt intl o to I n tone tic MU ouri