Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Thk Tribune congratulates Edward E Lowman of Brownville on his ap pointment to be postmaster of that an cient burg In this sentiment all bis McCook friends will join The Farmers Instituto for the winter will bo held Wednesday February 22nd It is time that the people began prepara tions for making this meeting a great cess Interest and attendance will be amply repaid by the value to be gained The people should make of the institute a large social gathering of agricultural people for the discussion of subjects that are of value to them and for the promo tion of all their interests It should be come a permanent feature of the educa tionnl side oftho community The value of the meetings will depend on the interest of the people of this com munity They can make of it what they will a success qr a failure The state management may perform its part well and the speakers may give valuable ad dresses but unless the people attend the meetings all the work will have been done in vain You are paying taxes to support this work You should come to the meetings and get the value of your money back The time of such men as come herb to address the people is valu able There must be a full house at every meeting if the community is to re ceive the value that it should from the meetings The progressive farmers will attend the institute No time need be spent in telling them to come out But the farm ers who do not usually leave the farm should be stirred up The women and young people should be brought out Every institute has something of value for them as well as for the experienced farmer The subjects that will be discussed are of practical interest to every farmer The men who will speak are practical and successful farmers who are recogniz ed as leaders in their lines of work Everybody should make plans for at tending every session of the institute Resolutions of Sympathy Hall of the McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R Feb 3 1905 Whereas Sister Fannie Green has been called upon to mourn the loss of her husband by death be it Resolved That we sisters in Circle 33 do sympathize with her in the loneliness oflier sorrow and would commend her for consolation and strength to that Power that doeth all things well bringing light out of darkness and joy out of sorrow Resolved That this resolution be spread upon our records a copy be sent to Sister Green and a copy be sent to each of the local papers Whereas In the course of human events Sister Ellen Utter past president of Circle 33 has been called from suffer ing into rest therefore be it Resolved That in the death of Sister Utter the circle loses a wise counselor a loyal member and the old soldier one whose watchful interest in his behalf never knew shadow of turning Resolved That we as sisters of Circle 33 tender to the bereaved family our sympathy in their sorrow remembering One on whom her faith was stayed hath said I am the Resurrection and the Life Be it further Resolved That these resolutions be spread upon our record a copy sent to the friends and a copy sent to each the local papers Trvthena L Rathbuk Laura E Starr Amanda L Berry Cambridge Flour I now have the exclusive agency in McCook of this celebrated flour Every sack is guaranteed I also have tho McCook flour and feed of all kinds Your patronage will be ap preciated Phone 186 J E NELHS Second door east of DeGroff s of Farmers Institute and Live Stock Show McCook February 22 The farmers and stockmen all over Red Willow county and adjoining terri tory are manifesting great interest in this event and the largest aggregation of these citizens ever seen in McCook at one time is expected on the 22nd Invitation is extended to all owners of registered stock of whatever kind to have animals on exhibition and a fine showing of thoroughbred cattle horses sheep and hogs is expected Prof H R Smith of the University of Nebraska is expected to be present and do the judging while the merchants of McCook are offering special prizes for the several classes num bering some 50 in all Taken altogether this is the most im portant event of man years in Red Wil low county and should have the cooper ation and support of every farmer and stockman as well as the business interests of McCook The printed program of the meetings may have to be varied somewhat on account of stock show and if so will be announced later List of classes and prizes offered will be announced in next weeks issue of McCook papers Lox Cone Secretary A Guaranteed Cure for Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund mone if pazo oinment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 to li days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded post paid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Benowed Vigor A sneclficfor Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Slupish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea la tab let form 35 cents a box Genuine made by Hollisteb Drco Coin ant Madison Wis TOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE A MATTER OF HEALTH m tfWJVii CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILL IMP KM h J J42 AKlK3 POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nob February 2 1905 The board of county commissioners mot pursu ant to adjournment Present JHBennottDA Waterman and Samuel Premer county coniniic sioners C E Eldrod county attorney and EJ Wilcox county clerk The minutes of the previous meeting wero read and approved There being a vacancy in the office of county judge caused by the death of Judge S LGreen the commissioners procoeded to fill said vacancy J H Bennett moved the appointmont of MV Sheldon There being no second Samuel Pre mer moved that Mr Frank Mooro bo appointed Same was seconded by DA Waterman and unan imously carried nd Frank Mooro declared ap pointed county judge of Red Willow county Nebraska to hold such office until his successor shall be elected and qualified The following official bonds wero examined and on motion approved Frank Moore county judge H H Berry member of Soldiers Relief Coni in i Hen William Hindman overseer road district No 24 On motion the clerk was instructed to adver tise for sealed bids for such medical services of physicians as may be required by the poor of Red Willow countv from March 15 1905 to March 15 1900 The following appointments were mado to fill vacancies Francis Pelton constable for Lobauon pro cinct William Hindman overseer road district No 24 On motion board adjourned to meet February 3rd 1905 J H Bennett Chairman Attest E J Witrox County Clerk McCook Neb February 3rd 1905 The board of county commissioners mot pur suant to adjournment Present D A Water man Samuel Premer and J H Bennett county commissioners C E Eldred county attorney aud E J Wilcox county clerk The minutes of previous meeting wero read and approved Petition of S O Hoagland and others asking for tho establishing of a public road was read and considered The board find that all owners of land along line of proposed road have given consent thereto in writing On motion samo was granted establishing a public road as fol lows Commencing at the southwest corner of section thirty three CK1 township five 5 in range twenty eight 28 Frontier county Ne braska running thence east on county section line about 108 rods intersecting a laid out road running south in Red Willow county and termi nating at intersection with above road and clerk was instructed to notify overseer of high ways to open said road The following claims were audited and allow ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 1904 in payment thereof as follows McCook Electric Light Co lights for January P Walsh ice for season of 1904 L W McConnell supplies and drugs C W Barnes Roc ink Smith Premier T W Co supplies State Journal Co supplies F M Kimmell stationery and printing Hammond Stephens Co supplies Smitli Premior T W Co supplies C L DeGroff Co mdse for paupers A Guy same J A Wilcox same Barnett Lumber Co coal for pauper 290 9 no 4 50 2 30 2 55 9 74 24 30 81 900 600 18 00 42 50 16 75 K G Caine Co same 20 40 Henry Winans board and care of A En- gles 7 SO R W Devoe office expense 2 70 E J Wilcox samo 14 00 Rod McDonald repairs 1 68 R W Dovoe C D C fees State vs La- throp 855 H H Berry same 28 00 D A Waterman commissioner service 45 00 J H Bennett same 21 30 And on tho county bridge fund levy of 1904 as follows H G Hippie bridge work F A Hodgkin samo J C Moore same Merle Walters samo QF Burt same Michael Karp same G W Cramer same Charles M Broomfield samo claimed Sll 00 allowed 3 60 7 50 400 10 50 500 10 00 800 Oliver H Coiling same 10 00 T J Sammonssamo 2 00 C G Bromansame 5 00 Joseph Lehn same 7 00 Arch Mann same 14 00 John H Broomfield same 8 00 G F Burt samo 6 00 CNSmith samo 18 00 T O Warner samo 1 90 Trant fc Kelloy nails 3 50 E G Caine Co lumber 87 95 And on tho county road fund levy of 1904 as follows Ed F Couse road work 11 00 F R Ratcliff samo 10 00 On motion board adjourned to meet March 7th 1905 D A Waterman Chairman Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk Pirating Foleys Honey And Tar Foley Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offer ed as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons Sold by A McMillen It makes no difference how many medi cines have failed to cure you if you are troubled with headache constipation kidney or liver troubles Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well L W McConnell 53ff 1 iSSi rad CB ask Jni6Rlst for CHICHEKTERM XULINII In Bed aud Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other RcTune dangerous nubiiti tutlousnntl imitation JJuyoryonrDnicglst or send 4c in stamps for Pnrticulura znonima ana Keller for Xtrtic in Utter hv ciuriLiiuu iuuuu restlmon als Sold by all Druggist CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 fflndiaon Square JPMELA PA Ieatlan this vaocr A Twenty Day Wonder TTnrn1nln nnmtaminn Quia If- Mllf and issue of The Tuiuune then go in see the goods Everything marked n plain figures Nothing reserved Every arti cle a genuine bargain Many beiowcost and its just to get the cash hence the regardless prices You will be a loser if you fail to participate in this sale it will eclipse them all Calendars For 1906 The Tkiijune has on display at office tho handsomest line of foreign and domestic calendars and hangers ever shown in McCook -Businessmen profes sionalmen and others wishing to select the choicest the market affords should call promptly and inspect the line which embraces the very moderate in price to the most expensive in imported goods Give us your orders for 1906 calendars now for delivery in season Seed For Distribution The Trihune is the receipt of an as sortment of seeds from Senator Dietrich and the same will be distributed free to readers of this paper as long as they last and concluding from past experience they wont last long The county judge issued a license to marry Mabel E Whitaker and Oliver H Colling since the last report IS 113 TSiETk BMw04rf Are walked by the billiard player as he moves around the table That is the only exercise many a city man gets It is this lack of exercise in the shut-in-life ot tiie city com bined with irregu lar eating and in digesti ble dishes which tend to make the city man the victim of stomach trouble When there is undue fullness af ter eating with belching sour ris ings and other dis tressing symptoms a prompt use of Dr Pierces Golden Jledical Discovery will effect a speedy cure In the most extreme cases of disease of the stom ach aud other or gans of digestion and nutrition the persistent use of the Discovery will result in a com plete cure in ninety-eight cases out of every hundred JUS jcS AHA JWiM W ItSJixe 11 MB I FKlL 4M The praise I would like to give your Golden Medical Discovery I cannot utter in words or describe with pen writes James B Ambrose Esq of 120554 Mifflin Street Huntingdon la I was taken down with what our physicians said was indigestion I doctored with the best around here and found no relief I wrote to you and you sent me a question blank to fill out and I did so aud you then advised me to use Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery I took three bottles and I felt so good that I stopped being as I think cured I have no symptoms of gas tric trouble or indigestion now Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Send 21 one cent stamps for paper covered book or 31 stamps for cloth bound Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life pneumonia and consumption Chamberlains Cough Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia Take EESESESESEffi a jliuc qo Lforge oiC oyu a DANBURY J Charles Rogers is buck from Washing- ton county Kansas The Workmen had a supper ot lx Morgans residence Saturday night The special meetings at tho Congre gational church closed Sunday night I Mrs Green way was called to Red Oak Iowa by the serious illness of nor mother The carpentors have got the frame work of Mrs VanVleots house put up W Sandon is back from Denver for a short time looking after his business interests Enoch Matson of North Platte is back in this country He reports lot of snow where ho has been j Harry Butler and family are back from Iowa where they have been visit i ing for tho past month J Mrs Wishon who has been visiting friends and relatives in Celina Ohio returned home last week Rea Oman and vife and Mrs Carrie Shepherd of McCook are visiting friends and relatives at this place Howard Ruby has bought tho con fectionery and restaurant of Isaac Nutt They moved up from Lebanon Wed nesday Clifford Nadnn has sold out his inter est in the implement store in Denvor and we learn ho is going to work in a McCook bank Quite a number of folks would have attended the Colling Whitaker wedding Sunday but there was too much snow for low top shoes The Congregational minister of Cam bridge preached two nights for Rev Mason when ho took down with the mumps and had to go home There is a move by the wealthiest 1LULUUIO O UUUTDIOIUU UUlWf -v lw i help going some Just read the figures farmers to stare a department store in auoted in his naVe advertisement in this Danbury with a 50000 stock of goods G B Morgan to be general manager Mrs E B Young received tho sad news Monday that her sister-in-law hid died in the hospital at St Joe The re mains were taken to Great Bend Kans for burial Mrs Anna Dowler passed quietly away Monday night The funeral was preached in the M E church by Rev Murr The remains were laid to rest in the Danbury cemetery Wednesday Her daughter Mrs Sina Smith of Wilsonville and husband attended the funeral Mens absolutely pure all wool under wear for 79c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Failed All efforts have failed to find a better remedy for coughs colds and lung troubles than Foleys Honey and Tar It stops the cough heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold J N PatersonNashuaIowa writes Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicans without getting any benefit A friend recommended Foleys Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me I consider it the great est cough and lung medicine in the world Sold by A McMillen PLEASANT VIEW We have been having some more of the beautiful J M Smith was out from McCcok Sunday visiting the home folks A W Dutcher and Clyde Hartman took in the sights at McCook last Satur day i A W Dutcher postponed threshing cane seed indefinitely owing to the seri ous conditions of the thermometer Our school is progressing nicely under t he supervision of Miss Josio Fox con sidering the inclemency of the weather We would suggest when the young gents of the neighborhood are calling on their best girls they would be a little more careful in tying their teams as it is somewhat hard on the buggies for the team to go home without a driver The dance at Charlie Lees last Satur day night came near failing to material ize as most of the participants mot with a slight accident A driver of the heaviest loaded wagon decided to have a little sport pulled the team out of the road near a deep canyon north west of Mr Lees house and the team wagon and contents turned over in tho ditch All came out with slight bruises except Clyde Hartman who had tho misfortune to run his head through a mince pie A Menace to Health Kidney trouble is an insidious danger and many people are victims of a serious malady before thesymptonsare recogniz ed Foleys Kidney Cure corrects ir regularities and strengthens and builds up the kidneys and it should be taken at the first indication of kidney trouble as it is impossible to have good health if tho kidneys are deranged Sold by AMc Millen BOX ELDER Kev Harry Shepherd is visiting with the home folks this cold weather The second quarterly conference ou this charge will be held at Garden Prai rie next Tuesday Mrs D B Doyle and daughter Miss Gertie were called to Oxford last Friday by the death of Mrs Doyles brother in law Mr Cady Mr and Mrs Will Creaman of Friend are caring for a little daughter Mrs Creaman will be remembered as Maude Harrison The appearance today is that we will have more pleasant weather now for a while which will be a relief to people who are compelled to be o u t whether storm or sunshine 200 large part wool blankets for 8129 pair at the Thompson Clearing bale Dry Goods Cos ITEMS FROM STRINGT0WN Snow is deep on the streets of String town Mr Downs was an Indianola visitor Wednesday A son was born to Mr and Mrs John Troester one day last week Mr Nelson and Charlie Downs visited at the home of Joe Downs Thursday A number of farmers hereabout have lost some stock during the recent storm Miss Ida Downs was outoer Sunday to visit the home folks returning back to town Monday The attendance at District No 3 school is small on acount of the storm and cold weather BreiTO QBSEEfc TsSSBte Seven Minion boxes sold in pat 12 ncnths S3SSSSSETEKS Thte smtJitzfVQi vulfX MsMHaosB0aaBMaBataBB5aaaBHaa0B9 Doctors first prescribed Ayers Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago They use it today more than ever They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds coughs bronchitis consumption They will tell you how it heals inflamed lungs 1 hart a very bail cough for three year Then I tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral My sore lungs were soon healed and my cough dropped Wa3MRR Peael HYDE Guthrlo Centre la 2flC 50C 1M J C AYKKCO AH drnirirlits C Lowell Main I Old Coughs One Ayers Pill at bedtime insures a natural action next morning PUBLICATION NOTICE John J Littlo Jessie M Littlo and John Doo ran I name unknown defendants will tako no tice that Harnett Lumber Company plaintitT has Hied its petition in tho district court of Bed Willow county Nebraska against said defend ants the object and prayer being to foreclose a mortgage dated April 20th 1904 on tho follow ing property to wit Lots 48 49 and 50 in block 2 in the town of South McCook in lied Willow county Nebraska given tosocuro the payment of two promissory notes signed by defendants John J Little and Jessie M Little one for 1570 maturing Octolwr 20th 1901 and tho other forSSD00 maturing April 20th 1005 both dated April 20th 1901 and drawing interest at ten per cent per annum from date aud tho sum of 2492 paid by plaintiff as taxes on said premises for the years 1902 1901 and 1901 Said mortgage is signod by defendants John J Littlo and Jessie M Little There is now due planum on the promissory note maturing October 20th 1901 and for taxes paid tho sum of 6062 with inter est at ten per cent per annum on 11570 thereof from April 20th 1904 and on 2492 thereof from January 12th 1905 and there will become due plaintiff on April 20th 1905 on tho promissory note maturing on that day the sum of SiOOO with interest at ten per cent from April 20th 1901 aud plaintiff prays for a decree that said defendants be required to pay the samo or that said land be sold to satisfy said amount duo and to become duo plaintiff with interest and costs of suit You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 20th day of February 1905 Barnett Lumber Company Plaiutiff By W S Morlan Its Attorney NOTICE OF SALE In the district courtof Red Willow county state of Nebraska In the matter of tho application of W S Fitch guardian of Edward L Nettletou insnne for license to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of tho Honorable R COrr judge of the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska made on the liOth day of December 1904 for the sain of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the east front door of the court house in the city of McCook in said county on the 13th day of February 1905 at tho hour of 10 oclock a m the following described real estate to wit The south half of the south east quarter and lot eight in section twenty- nine ami lot live in section twenty eight all in township three north in range thirty west of the Gth PM Red Willow county Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour Dated this 11th day of January 1901 W S Fitch Guardian of Edward L Nettloton insane Boyle Eldred Attorneys ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Inthe district court of Red Willow county state of Nebraska In the matter of the application of Mabel M Kimmell administratrix of tho etate of Anna CuiiiKiiudn Flohr for license to sell real estate This cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion of Mabel M Kimmell administrutrizof the estat of Anna CuniKunda Flohr for license to sell tho following described n al potato belono inp to said estate to wit Lots thirty six and thirty seven in block two in south McCook Ne braska for the of paying the indebted ness against said estate amounting to the sum of Sixty four aud twenty one hundred thsdollnrs and the cost of administration and expenses there not being snllicient personal property to pav said debts and expenses It istherefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear before me at my oflice in McCook Nebraska in said county of RedWillow on the 21th day of February 1905 at nine oclock a in toshowenuse why a license should not bo granted to said administratrix to sell said real estato for the purpose of paying said debts and exponp It is further ordered that notice of this heariug bo given by publica tion in The McCooKTitiBUNEforfoursuccessive weeks Dated this llith day of January 1901 11 Okr Juiigo of tho District Court Boyle Eldred Attorneys ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the county com missioners of Red Willow county will receive sealed bids for the printing of commissioners proceedings legal notices and delinquent taxes for the year 1901 parties receiving contract to furnish good and suiliciont bond for thp faithful performance of said contract Said bids to be liled with tho county clerk on or before noon February Kith 1901 and to be endorsed thereon Bids for county printing for the year 1905 Commissioners reserve tho right to reject any and all bids Dated this 17th day of Januarv 1905 E J Wilcox County Clerk ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES OF RED WILLOW COUNTY FOR 1905 County general fund 16000 00 Bridgefund 7000 00 Road fund 5000 00 Soldiers Relief fund 7X1 00 Willow Grove precinct bonds 1000 00 North Valley precinct bonds 300 00 Bartley village bonds -100 00 McCook city bonds 1000 00 School district bonds 8000 00 E J WfLcox County Clerk NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by tho county commissioners of Red Willow county Nebraska at the oflice of the county clerk up to noon March 4th 1905 for sucn meuicai services ot physicians as may be required by the poor of Red Willow county pro posals to embrace tho following districts of said county viz The first district comprises tho six eastern precincts of the first commissioner district The second district comprises all of the precincts ofsecond commissioner district The third dis trict comprises the eight western precincts of Red Willow county The county commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids E J Wilcox County Clork McCook Nebraska February 6 1905 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In county court within and for Red Willow county Nebraska February 4 1901 In tho matter of the estato of Phobo Pope deceased To the creditors of said estate You are here by notified that I will sit at the county court room in McCook in said county on the Sth day of August 1905 at the hourof ninooclocka m to examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from the 4th day of February A D 1901 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year irom said 4tn iiay of rebruary rjUa Witness my hand and tho seal of said county court this 4th day of February 1901 seali Frank Mooke County Judge By Boyle Eldred Attorneys m at T yp y Cares Grip In Two Days on every m - jtra box 25c Good investment 15 acres ad jacont to city of McCook honse frame stable rranary lien house welllioB All in cultiva pens otc 2500 poach trees tion 5600 ensh Write for coniplotoland list E J MITCHELL McCook Nob Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGQS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska M McCook Poultry Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days we will pay cash For Hens Tc lb Springs Tc lb Turkey Hens lie lb A Sound Argument The one that bIoV3 without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh andSalt Meats F D BUKGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA MARSH The Butcher wants your trade The best of everything is his motto Phone 12 UM I 4 J 11 1 il v i i i 1 11 4 ft iV V u k i