The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1905, Image 2

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IVlcCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Brief Telegrams
Turbulent condition still reign in
Warsaw and drunken soldiera com
mit excesses
Disorders in Poland aro spreading
and aro causing serious concern to
Russian authorities
Walter L Campbell one of the bjst
Imowri blind men of the country has
just died at Youngstown O
The city of Berlin offers three
prizes for the best plans for a monu
ment fto the late Prof Virchow
The Russians seem to have gainifl
a slight advantage in fighting which
is now going on before Mukden
The Japanese claim a victory in thiJ
recent fighting in Manchuria which
is not now regarded as important
The British vice consul is reported
to have been assaulted and cut by
swords of drunken Russian Hussars
in the streets of Warsaw
The United States supreme court
rules agains the beef trust and or
ders continuance of the injunction
against alleged combination
The largest diamond dver discov
ered weighing 3032 carats and
worth 3500000 to 1000000 is
iound1near Pretoria in the Transvaal
In the French chamber of deputies
a hostile demonstration is made
with cries of Down with the czar
at a reference to the Franco Russian
The site for the Washington statue
of General McClellan which is to be
an equestrian figure is in Connecti
cut avenue in front of the British
The cabinet decides on organizing
a board of army and navy officers to
revise American fighting methods in
accordance with the lessons of the
eastern war
John B Hale ex congressman from
Missouri and for many years a lead
ing member of the bar in that state
died suddenly aged 74 years at his
home in Carrolton
Leaders in the Santo Domingo de
bate in congress agree on a truce
pending the arrival of the protocol
giving the United States control over
the finances of the island republic
The house judiciary committee fa
vorably reported the bill to authorize
the president to invite the interna
tional prison congress to hold itfe
eigth annual session in the United
The house committee on public
lands authorized a favorable report on
the bill to permit the taking up of
homesteads consisting of G40 acres
but amended so as to apply only to
eastern Colorado
The agricultural appropriation bill
was reported to the senate by Sen
ator Proctor It carries appropria
tions aggregating G787170 an in
crease of 206740 over the bill as
passed by the house
It is announced on the authority
of President Roosevelt that Freder
ick I Allen commissioner of patents
will be continued in that office It
had been rumored that Mr Allen con
templated retiring soon
New York Academy of Sciences
and the Electro Chemical society
honor Dr Henri Moissan of France
for his discovery of a new carbon
silicide in the meteor found in Canon
Diablo Arizona by christening it
William E Curtis writes of the
Kremlin in Moscow the treasure
home of Russia which he says sure
ly will be sacked if a mob seizes the
city There is no such enormous
collection of jewels and gold any
where els in the world
President Palma of Cuba has for
mally declared his allegiance to the
moderate party to a committee of
prominent members of the party who
called at the palace This act means
- President TJalmas candidacy for a
second term and his probable re-election
From figures compiled by A D Ur
iel president of the State Federa
tion of Labor the laboring women of
Des Moines who are organized re
ceive very much more in wages than
those who are unorganized and th
unorganized receive on the average
as low as 107 a week
The fourth game between Frank J
Marshall of Brooklyn and L Janow
ski of Paris in the international chess
match resulted in a draw The pres
ent status of the players is Mar
shall two games Janowski one The
match continues until eight games
are won draws not being counted
While in a prophetic mood the
other day Senator Depew made this
prediction In ten years from now
the steam locomotive will be in the
museums while we will be carried
along clipping the seeonds off seventy-five
miles an hour by electric
The monthly comparative state
ment of the government receipts and
expenditures shows for ihe month of
January 1905 the receipts were 4
410285 and the expenditures 49628
599 leaving a deficit for ne month of
6218014 The deficit for January
1904 was 6784183
Grand Duke Sergius is reported to
be the power behind the throne
-which has instigated all the recent
nets of the czar
The house committee on interstate
commerce killed the Hepburn bill for
government regulation of freight
rates and adopted a combination of
IAS xowuseuu uuu iiauii uuia
Signal for End of Services
It was late in the afternoon when
the Scotch minister arrived at the
farmhouse The housewife suggested
that perhaps ho would like a cup of
tea before engaging in exercises
Na na said he I aye tak my tea
better when my work is done Ill
just be gaun on Ye can hing the
pan on and leave the door apar an
Ill draw to a close In the prayer when
I hear the haam fizzin
Indian Serpent Worship
Serpent worship still survives in
India and a good snake shrine is said
to bo as much an attraction in a
house on the Malabar coast as a gar
den is in the case of a country home
in the United States Serpents are
however most unobtrusive and un
less one walks noiseless and bare
footed in the dark as Hindoos do
snake bit is an improbable contin
That dress is becoming my
dear said the man who thinks he is
a diplomat She looked at him cold
ly for a moment and then replied
Yes it is becoming threadbare
Liverpool Eng Mercury
Makes Bank Notes
A man has been arrested in Paris
whose method was to tear a different
piece off each of a number of bank
notes and then placing the pieces to
gether produce a complete bank note
which he was able to pass
Dodds Kidney Pills build up Run
down People They make healthy
Kidneys and that means healthy
people What Mr and Mrs J L
Duffey say
Nora Ind Feb Gth Special
That the sure way of building up
run down men and women is to put
their kidneys in good working order is
shown by the experience of Mr and
Mrs Joseph L Duffey of this place
Both were weak and worn and dis
spirited They used Dodds Kidney
Pills and to day both enjoy the best
of health
Mr Duffey says I was very weak
and almost past going I tried every
thing which people said was good but
got no benefit till I tried Dodds Kid
ney Pills They helped me in every
way and I am strong and well now
Mrs Duffey says I was so bad
that if anybody would lay down a
string I felt I could not step over it
Since taking Dodds Kidney Pills I
can run and jump fences
Healthy kidneys insure pure blood
Dodds Kidney Pills insure healthy
Physical Sunshine
By paying due regard to -wholesome
diet cleanliness and proper
habits the denying the power of the
desires of the flesh to overcome the
higher calls of minds well stocked
and moral natures keenly alive to
joyous duty we go far toward mak
ing ourselves true sons of God true
brothers to man
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protruding Me- Your
druggist tvIU refund money if PAZO OIXTiMEXT
Xalls to euro you In 6 to 14 days 50c
Welch Tombstone
On a flat stone in Conway church
Wales is the following inscription
Here lyetn the body of Nicholas
Hookes of Conway gent who was
the forty first child of his father Wli
liam Hookes Esq by Alice his wife
and father of twenty seven children
who died the 20th day of March
Steal Church Statue
Thieves have carried off from the
Church of Sauvet t in the French de
partment of a massive
and artistic copper statue of the Vir
gin which is said to date from 1319
Dr David Kennedys Favorite Remedy
iaved my life I had djspepMa and kldnev disease
Es Scnator Albert llerrltt Park Place S Y II a Lottie
Is This Unconscious Humor
Arthur S Laws who has been liv
ing in Pendleton wita his mother-in-law
Mrs Anson Bright has gone to
Tacoma for a six months rest Fen
dleton Ore Blade
Most Northern Railway
The Ofoten railway the most
northern railroad in the world is
now carrying immense quantities of
iron ore from the great Norwegian
mining districts to the coast
How to Win in Advertising
The spurty horse is a poor sort of
animal for a long hill In advertising
the winner is the man who strikes a
bait he can hold and keeps moving
Profitable Advertising
Little Destitution in Japan
There is said to be no real destitu
tion in Japan Though some ere very
poor yet all seem to be well fed
clothed and housed and are invariably
cheerful and what is more surprising
Invariably clean
Steam has by no means made sail
ing vessels obsolete The total num
ber of them in the world is still 65934
as against only 30561 steamers
To hate is to waste your time
twice for while youre hating you
could be loving Chicago Record
Herald i
The cigarette trade in India has in
creased 90 per cent in four years The
amount of cigarette tobacco jmported
last year was 2240200 pounds
Men may differ on their theories of
sunspots but they agree on the sun
All Amendments and Measure Itself
to Be Disposed of at Once Rail
road Rate Legislation Has the
Right of Way in House
WASHINGTON The senate has
Jaid out an extended program for it
self this week According to this
plan Monday and Tuesday will be
given over almost entirely to the
statehood bill Wednesday the sen
ate will proceed to the hall of repre
sentatives and assist in canvassing
the electoral vote On Monday the
statehood bills will be displaced tem
porarily to permit the managers of
the Swayne impeachment trial to
present the replication of the house
of representatives to Judge Swaynes
answer in the proceedings against
him but it is not expected that they
will consume much time Appropria
tion bills will occupy the balance of
the time during the week
The republican steering committee
nas decided that the pure food bill
shall become the unfinished business
after the disposal of the statehood
bill but it is not believed that much
if any time will be found this Aveek
for its consideration
The agricultural appropriation is
now under consideration and will con
tinue to be discussed as opportunity
offers and it is expected that by the
time it is out of the way the District
of Columbia and the Indian bills will
be ready for consideration With the
statehood bill out of the way the pol
icy will be to press the supply bills
persistently and nothing but the
Swayne trial will be permitted to
stand in their way
In accordance with the unanimous
agreement reached the statehood bill
and all amendments offered to it will
be voted on before adjournment on
The contest over some of the
amendments to the bill will be sharp
and may continue the session into
the night
Railroad rate legislation is to have
the right of way in the house of rep
resentatives during Monday and Tues
day and Wednesday The rule mak
ing the bill giving the Interstate Com
merce commission power to fix rates
a special order during sessions which
are to begin an our earlier than
usual on Tuesday and Wednesday will
be the subject of lively debate on
Monday Opposition to the bill which
has been agreed on by the republi
cans on the committee of interstate
commerce will be voiced in the de
bate on this rule This opposition
may come from the minority devel
oped in the republican conference
Friday as well as from the democrats
of the house If the two should unite
to defeat the rule those who have
counted noses say this could be ac
complished Should the rule be
adopted as is the belief of the ma
jority leaders there will be no oppor
tunity to amend the bill The demo
crats will be given an opportunity
to show their strength on the Davy
bill to be offered as a substitute for
the Esch Townsend bill when the
time comes to vote on that measure
at 4 oclock Wednesday The discus
sion will be interrupted on Wednes
day to permit the two houses of con
gress to assemble in the hall of the
house and count the electoral vote
for president and vice president
Rev C E Bentley Passes Away at
Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES Cal Immediately
after enting a room in a cheap lodg
ing house with a young woman heav
ily veiled Rev C E Bentley of Lin
coln Neb dropped dead in this city
Sunday night His companion at
tempted to restore him but seeing he
was dying fled Detectives have been
unable to find her An autopsy re
vealed symptoms of heart trouble
Rev Bentley and his wife had been
here four days He was candidate
for president on the silver prohibition
ticket in 3S96 and has been promi
nent in temperance work in Iowa and
The woman with whom he entered
the lodging house and asked for a
room was about GO years old and hand
some Bentleys widow says her hus
band was innocent of wrong She
says he has been afflicted with heart
disease for months An inquest will
be held and the widow will take the
body to Lincoln for burial The po
lice do not suspect murder but are
scouring the city for trace of the
WASHINGTON The house commit
tee on the judiciary by a vote of 8 to
5 ordered a favorable report on the
Clayton bill repealing the bankruptcy
laws A minority report will be made
to the house by Mr Powers Mass
Repeal of Bankruptcy Laws
Will Try to Adjust Rates
CHICAGO Traffic officials of the
gulf roads will meet in St Louis to
decide how much lower the export
rates on corn from Omaha to the gulf
shall be than those to xtlantic ports
At a meeting of executive officers the
eastern roads urged their western con
nections to reduce rates to prevent
the gulf lines from having a differen
tial or lower rate by more than three
cents It was decided that no further
cuts should be made to the Atlantic
ports until after the meeting at St
No Evasion of Decision Relative
WASHINGTON It can be said by
authority that unless the corporations
constituting the alleged beef trust
shall heed the injunction made per
manent by the decision of the su
preme court of the United States the
government will institute proceedings
against the individual members of the
corporations to enforce the decision
of the court
The proceedings will be under the
criminal law if such can be instituted
The minds of the president and mem
bers of his cabinet are made up fully
on the question They have deter
mined that the beef trust shall obey
the law and now that the highest
court in the land has upheld the
hands of the administration it is
said they will permit no further
dilly dallying with the subject
At Tuesdays cabinet meeting the
president and Attorney General
Moody shared in the congratulations
of the members of the cabinet on the
result of the beef trust cases be
fore the supreme court
The president who made no at
tempt to conceal his satisfaction at
the decision of the court united with
the members of the cabinet in con
gratulating the attorney general The
subject was considered briefly at the
meeting but no definite conclusion
was reached as to what action if
any the government would take in
the future except the general deter
mination to enforce the law as it has
been construed by the courts The
president and the members of the cab
inet regard the decision of the su
preme court as a signal triumph of
law as they have viewed it and are
prepared to carry it into effect abso
All the members of the cabinet
were present at the meeting except
Secretaries Hay and Wilson the for
mer still being confined to his home
by a severe cold
Again the president emphasized
his interest in the arbitration treaties
pending before the senate He holds
that the opponents of the treaties are
proceeding on wrong premises in
maintaining that they may be used
by foreign countries as a basis for ac
tion against certain of the southern
states in the collection of old claims
Some departmental matters were
considered at the meeting the most
important of which was the action of
Postmaster General Wynne in notify
ing John G Capers republican na
tional committeeman of South Caro
lina that postmasters in that stain
will be dismissed from the service if
in the future they pay the expenses
of delegates to political conventions
The action of the postmaster general
was approved by the president and
the cabinet In principle the declara
tion of Mr Wynne will apply to all
other states where such methods are
House Bill on Railroad Rates Thought
To Bd Faulty
WASHINGTON Congressman Hin
shaw called at the white house to con
fer with President Roosevelt on mat
ters pertaining to the Fourth Nebras
ka district and also to measures pend
ing before the house relating to sub
jects of legislation of paramount pub
lic interest Incidentally the talk turn
ed upon the bill which Mr Townsend
introduced in the house January 31
providing for additional powers to be
vested in the interstate commerce
commission Mr Hinshaw expressed
the opinion that while the Townsend
bill would meet the public demand for
a better regulation of railroads rates
it does not go far enough and since
that bill will be considered by the
house within a few days Mr Hinshaw
desired to learn whether its provisions
would be satisfactory to the adminis
tration The president however did
not express approval or disapproval of
the Townsend bill- but Mr Hinshaw
left the white house with the impres
sion that the president would like to
the present session enact a law em
powering the interstate commerce
commission to fix rates to prevent
discrimination between shippers to
abolish private car lines and to give
the commission authority to enforce
its decrees
Mr Hinshaw is of opinion that
nothing short of such legislation
would satisfy his constituents but he
is not at all sanguine that the senate
would pass such a bill while it is not
yet settled that the house will do so
Fire in Old Womens Home
BUFFALO N Y Fire Friday
night destroyed a part of the Ingle
side Home for Women In a panic
among the fifty inmates Mrs Mary
Kyttile was killed and four women
were severely hurt The injured
Mrs Betsy Caldwell S4 years old
overcome by smoke Mrs Margaret
Creishaber fell from ladder intern
ally injured Miss Xort Bnglehart
GO years old jumped from the third
story window leg broken and intern
ally injured Mrs Marion Orton
asphyxiated may die
Nobility with the People
MOSCOW At a private meeting of
the provincial nobility after a discus
sion of reform proposals ic was de
cided to vote for a modified form of
an address t the government to the
effect that the members- of the no
bility are eagerly awaiting a word
from the emperor which would show
that the bonds uniting the throne and
the people are -still unbroken and that
the emperor would when he deemed
it advisable summon representatives
of the people to participate in the
ijovm nment
The Great Nonesuch Remedy
and conquerea
JACOBS AchesanaPains
Poisons Known to Science
The effect of every poisonous drug
on the human body has been so care
fully and exhaustively studied by the
toxicologist that he can in cases of
suspected poisoning not only verify
the suspicion but determine the drug
used and even its method or adminis
tration The modern physiological
laboratory would have made short
work of the Borgias Toffanas and
100 Reward 100
The readers of tills paper will be pleased to lMHtt
that there Is at least ono dreaded dlseiu e tliutscleuce
has been able to cure In all Us staged and that Is
Catarrh Halls Catarrh Curo I the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh
leln a constitutional illseace requires a conultu
tlonal treatment Halls Catarrh Cure U taken In
ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system thereby dentrojlnfi the
foundation of the dlseatie and Klvlnu the patient
strength by building up the constitution and agist
ing naure In doing ltB work The proprietors have
fo much faith In Its curatvu powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any cato that It fulls U
cure Scud for list of testimonials
Address I J CHKNEY CO Toledo O
Sold by all Druggists 75c
Take Hvills Family rills for constipation
The most hopeless task is that of
saving the world with a scowl
A Well Deserved Tribute
The awarding of the Grand Prize to the Winchester
Repeating Arms Co New Haven Conn a the St
Louis Exposition confers upon this company the
highest marl of distinction attained by any nipnu
facturer of guns or ammunition In the world
Although a great number of medals were glren to
this class of manufacturers the only award of a
Grand Prize was to the Winchester ICepeatlng Arms
Co and given as It was In competition with the lead
ing manufacturers of all countries It testifies In a
most decided way to the superiority of AVlnchester
rifles shotguns and ammunition over all other makes
The success attained by the Winchester Repeating
Arms Co at this exposition Is simply in line with the
honors received In the past Attbo Paris Exposition
Winchester arras and ammunition received the
Grand Prix and wherever they have been exhibited
they have always been given the highest poi slble
prizes This latest recognition of superiority Is the
natural result of thirty yenrs of careful and success
ful endeavor In maintaining the high quality of
Winchester rifles shotguns and ammunition
Three tons of Epson salts and
1000000 pills were used in the hos
pitals of London last year
Dont you know that Defiance Starch
besides being absolutely superior to
any other is put up 1G ounces in pack
age and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds
A stone house is not so durable as
one of brick A brick house well con
structed will outlast one built of gran
3600 per M Lewis Single Binder
straight 5c cigar costs the dealer some
more than other J5e cigars hut the higher
price enables this factory to use higher
grade tobacco Lewis Factory Peoria I1L
Picking flaws in the church will not
patch your own conscience
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch It can be used cold or
The nimble nickel does not make
the lively church
Storekeepers report that the extra
quantity together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
Mrs TVInslowfl Soothing Syrop
For children teething soften the pump reduced in
ftammutlon allays pain cured wind coll 25c a bottle
The string that is
gives forth no strains
not stretched
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All drug
gists refund the money If It falls to cure E W
Groves signature Is on each box 23c
Honey can do everything except
the things we want it to do
I do not believe Plsos Cure for Consumptfcr
has an equal for coughs and COUK Tony F
Botzk Trinity Springs Ind Feb 15 190a
Whatever is right where God is
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of all
other brands Others say they cannot
sell any other starch
The work itself is the best wage
Kg is i7 fiTtiii fTtiTTfi rv
Follow tho Flag
If you are thinking of a trip
write anrt let us toll you bt rates
time route and send marked time
This saves you worry and an
noyance and makes you feel at
home all the uiiy
Call Wabas 1 Oflice 1G01 Far
nam St or jlin ss
Harry E Moores
G A P D Wabash R R Omaha Neb
SSJAf Thompsons Eya Wator
The old monk cure strong1
straight sure has for a largo
part of a century battled with
the world over
and 50c
Price 25c
In England and Wales about ono in
four of the population has an account
in the postoflico savings bank in irc
larid one in ten and in Scotland ono
in eleven
If yon dont pet the bigRest and best
its your own fault Defiance Starch is
tor sale everywhere and there is posi
tively nothing to equal it in quality or
t Cures Colds Coughs Pore Throat Croup
Influenza V hooping Cough Bronchitis ami
Asthma A certain cure for Consumption in llrst
stages and a sure relief in advanced stages Ve
at once You will see the excellent effect after
taking the tirst dose Hold by dealers every
where Large bottles 25 cents and 50 cents
The Worlds Largest Seller
Thf all it will
cost to get one of
oar HlO ejJS in
cubators complete
laid down at your
railroad station alt
freight charges pre
paid No other ex
peneo necessary
All read v tooiwrta
are the worlds standard incubators ThrJ walls Califor
ni i redwood Asbestos lined throughout Copper hot water
heating system 133 square inches heating surface to water
li aUr Only thirty cents worth of oil required for a hatch
All midlines sold on CO Iuy Free Trial giYingyoa
every opportunity to bo sura yt u are ripht Every machine
carries a years guirantee You take no rislc with tha
SLKE HATCH the machino that has stood the test of
tunc Send for free boolclet280 If you live east of Missis
sippi Itiirrnddress Indianapolis if west ClayCenter
Clay Center cb Indianapolis Ind
V uU
A 0 V W 1 1 fl 7
I1 pi
li IBi
1 JW
mixed mmm
Three prcat pnrsnlts havcapaln shown wonderf -I
reiults on the 1ree Honicfctcad Lands of Western
Canada this year
Magnificent climate farmer plowing la thelrshlrt
Sleeves In the middle of November
All are bound to be more than pieased with tha
final resuts of the pas t seasons harvests Kxtract
Coal wood water hay In abundance Schools
churches markets convenient
Apply for Information to Superintendent of Tmml
Rratlon Ottawa Cunada or to authorized Canadian
Government Apcnt W V JJennett S01 New Vori
Life Uuildlng Omaha Nebraska
Please say v rere you saw this advertisement
K - tvjlj fffi - iri
VnfflSr feplg BM GEAR5
aj n V vj
Kansas City Me Omaha Neb Sioux Falls SD
See nearest dealer or write for circular
FOR 55c fin w 11
bntetf DUrTdrr CREAM SEPARaT
TO j capacity 2U0
pounds per hir
i2l0UB opacity per hour fr
hmf9 ipStids ler
iiur r 1 53anfi raf3nt
fe5S3SSlfsit SS2
rf SKm rer sklia
coMer mllir fkim easier run
Sjjjterandsklrn one hallmore
nuik tban any other Cream
separator made you cm re
turn the Separator to us at our
expense and we will Immedl
lelr return any monev
isiJLs mr haye P or frelcht
Sjp 5Prf or otherwise S
vuit vuic ana mail to
lis and you will receive br re
turn mall rrp rut ij
Guaranteed SEEDS
Grow anicklv F PaMi
J J H Gregory Son Marblehead
Hi UUHLS WHtHF ah iTi77Z
uesiLourfh Svnirv i71 ATV
In tmn T
i rnrnwli
11 11