2m s I Tommy Eyelet v Jan 14th to Feb 1st Theres just one only one reason for this Tommy Eyelet Clearaneo Sale and we leavo it entirely with you as to whether or not it is honost an reason or a rea son we need tu be ashamed of lSTo firo sale no bought out stock sale no combination stock sale no fake sale We do our level best and are successful in keeping our stock made up of nor only the most sub stantial most durable best made and the very highest grade shoes but also see that it is up to the very latest styles always Now to do this we cant afford to keep shoes in stock over one season Wo have already bought our Sprinsr Stock and must not onlv have room for it but must got rid of all Ladies Misses and Child- rens Shoes and Warm Winter Goods in our place so that next season wo will luivo nothing but the newest styles for our custo mers We absolutely will not sell old styles Wo commence every season with new shoes with new styles The shoes of this sale are as good as can bo bought nothing whatever the matter with them they will be a trifle oil stylo next year so must go now A E PETTY Prop isrija ff iikujiwa J it rid iutin rrr n 1 I W 11 l si m A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time aud energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 11 Fresh and Salt Meats i RECOMMENDED CUARAKTEED BgK AND SiUuO BV ALL DRUGGISTS 4 Ai - vaiinnii ntaeawMijawjuttKMxtKrvxaammsMnuwmuummvtvniHmiatxmjiMuMiHMini KSSF Time Card McCook Neb Jlm Will MAIN MNK EAST dupatit No Ccutml TimoJ I10p m I CiOA M U 8MA m 11 U55i M No 5 arrives from oust ut 8 p in VA1V TTNI mitavt No 1 Mournful 1uhj J J3 v m i I M pm 13 025 am IMPKHIAb LIXR No 170 nrrivoa Mountain Time 40 p M No 175 departs 015 am Sleojiinr cliniuff and roolitiinR cliair cars tents freo 01 tliroiiRli trains Tickots Bold aud bucguKG chocked to any poiutiu the United StntH or Canada For information time tahlos maps and ott call on or write lieorEO bcott Agent Aj is Cook Nebraska or J Francis Goneral Pnsseu Ker Atfont Omalia Nebraska itAtLItOAD HEWS ITEMS Engine 2701 is in Ilavelock for repairs P M Pagan is oil duty with a sprained ankle Fireman F W Alves is visiting Lin coln relatives Fireman A F Anderson is off duty on tho sicklist Eoginer Walter Stokes is numbered with the ill this week Daniel Sullivan of the boiler makers force is an ailing employe Engine 2534 had a loose tiro sot on one of her big drivers this week Emil Zeok night truck jackerhanded in his resignation Thursday The paycar will be here special Sun day afternoon at fivo oclock An engine consumes on an averago per annum about 5000 worth coal Tho locomotivo undertaker was busv j on this division one day last week F C Fulorround house foreman was among tho ailing oneseiriy in the week E SIIowell blacksmitbshop foreman swelled the sicklist beginning of week Air and Mrs C FI McBrido are visit ing relatives in Diller this state this week Engineer W O Schenck is in Denver and Sterling this week doing a visiting stunt Engine 101D onco the 231 is in for light repairs to her ash pan and pilot coupler Conductor E M Douglass has w ncar 11221 during Conductor E M Coxs in disposition Engineer Roy Zint is running switch engine in placo of 7 II Snyder who is firing again Dispatcher T 13 Campbell was a Stratton pilgrim Sunday afternoon be tween trains Brakeman L E Dyer had an arm bodly injured at Brush this week while making a coupling Engine 1719 an US formerly the ICO is back from Havelock where sho was recently overhaulod Brakeman McC Wayson has been called up to Stratton by tho dangerous illness of his aged father Conductor E M Cox Brakemen WT Wilcott W A Cassell and O W C Sampson are on the sicklist Engines 1G37 and 2998 arrived here on Friday last from Denver and left same day for the Ilavelock shops Conductor Tom Malen has been trans ferred from Oxford to McCook and will do the extra running out of McCook Conductor L A Jlulburt went down i to Superior Monday on some personal business returning on oso 3 Tuesday night The company has commenced harvest ing its annual ice crop shipping from tho lake at Curtis to all points on the McCook division Conductors George Bunting and C J Snell have been transferred to Denver Akron run with headquarters at Den ver Each man has been given a way car It is reported from what is taken as an authoritative source that it cost the j B it M 90 more in the yards last month 1 than would have been the case had tho 1 switch engine and crew been in service Red Cloud Argus Yardmasler A S Moore of Tloldrege took the bark off of one of his hands caught cold in tho sore and is now off duty nursing a pretty sore hand and K B Covey of McCook has gene to tako his place in the yard If Charlie Watson has been distribut ing cais witl undue and uncommon EmmmimMmmmmmmi m I S 3 fM fill U 3 k a i 4 H a Fi M iP m Ulli W B yUi HUBjSli m fOTWgraKfry WigfrAg ja u as ese Eja stop you Lung Irritatiou relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold with the only cer tain and strictly scientific Cure for Coughs and Colds Fl liaw ves eNSUR8PT Almost n SSespair Our little daughter wa3 given up hj two physicians with consumption of the throat and we were almost in despair when oup druggist recommended Dr Kings New Discovery After taking four bottles she was nerfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since GEO A EYLER Cumberland Md 5 i 1 Price 50c sm 100 mL BOTTLES re hz4 sn i m hi Ki g jm 1 jjivjrr VwliiJliTA t Cifcii JX ZJ4 Ti - - il m fcTrii 17 m tk 4 W by all conccrnod when it is known that a fine girl baby camo to the Watson cot tage Monday morning about oloven oclock The first of an order of half a dozen now Kl engines will arrive in Lincoln in about tAo weeks These encines are to bo placed in tho Burlingtons fast freight service between the river and Denverand they will add much to the ability of I ho road to hut tie dragouU across the Nebraska prairies they having great tractive power combined with hpeed almost unlimited Locomotivo No 2705 Aich wont into the shop recently for flue lepatr etc is now ready for tho road again She was equipped vesterday wit h a speed indi cator It is said that Hpeed indicators will be placed on all tho passenger en gines in time This enables the engineor to know exactly how fast ho is running Tho indicator is placed on the pilot plat form The belt is connected with the pony wheel on tho right side There is a connection running into an indicator in tho cab which tells tho story Our S375 heavy wool blankets now 289 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale CITY CHUiCn AjWOUNCiiftEifTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 am Idass and enuon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Louohuan Pastor Chuistian The members of the church have given their pastor a vacation in order that he may engage in evange listic work Until his return there will be Bible school at 10 a m social service at 11 a m No service in the evening G T Bukt Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in tho month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 andeveuing prayer and sannou at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Fikst Baptist Chciich Preaching at 11a in and 715 p m Sunday school at 915 am Junior society at 3 p m BY P U at G15 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 715 p m Morn ing topic Tho Mission of the Church Evening subject The Wedding Guests and Their Garments All invited A B Cakson Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7 Sermon at 8 Prayer and conference meeting Wednesday evening at 8 Morn ing subject Christ tho Power of God Evening subject Tho third address in tho Lifes Compass series Love Thy Neighbor Geouge A Conrad Pastor Methodist Sunday School at 10 Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p in Class at 12 oclock Epworth League at 715 Prayer meeting Thuisday evening at i30 Morning sermon Christian Ed ucation All high school pupils who do notntteEd other churches are invited Junior League at 3 Evening sermon on Tho Peril of Self Delusion M B Carman Pastor Tkh Tribune wants a correspondent at Rod Willow Write us for particulars And Still She Prospers Red Cloud was once considered a rail road town Twenty years ago this city wrs a passenger division on tho main line of the Burlington from Omaha to Denver as well as the main line from Kansas City to Denver with repair shops stock yards etc Our troubles began when the cut off from Hastings to Oxford was built making the Red Cloud Hastings line a jerk water branch Then the Rock Island entered tho field for the Kansas City Denver traffic with a com peting line in the northern tier of Kansas counties which tore a big hole in the Burlingtons business Then camo tho big Q strike which set us back a few j ears We thought our troubles were about over and that the Burlington had done us all the harm it could without tearing up its tracks We were mistaken Jim Hill came through Red Cloud one day last summer in his gilded special car and saw a switch engine at work in the yards What in h 1 do you need a switch engine at this water tank for he inquired and without waiting for an answer peremptorily ordered the engine taken to McCook and Ih switch crew disbanded The trainmaster was trans ferred to McCook and tho round house force reduced to two men Tho B M hotel once a flourishing hostelry has been sold and will be moved away Red Cloud people would not bo surprised any day to hear that tho tracks had been or dered torn up And yet with all this prodigaki this week he will bo excused j Red Cloud continues to prosper Chief uuiiiiwuauiii MiwjiuumgieLmamamMa Warm flannelette dressing s mues 4fio j at The Thompson Dry Goods GVs clear ing saJe The Original Foley Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung lernedy and on account of the crreat jmrit and popularity of Foleys Honey j aud Tar many imitations are offer d for j t bo jenuin Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the amo satisfaction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons Sold by A McMilen j RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTE HO 1 I James I Lee is engaged in his annual j ice harvest James Hatfield arrived home Tuesday from his trip to Illinois The German Lutheran people of Ash Creek are expecting a new minister in Lilt nun xiibuir I j Mrs S B Gliddon of Concordia Kan j sas is here at the bedside of her sick sister Mrs J V Xotley Mrs G II Willard a sister is here from Concordia Kansas called by tho i illness of Mrs J P Notley I E E Rogers arrived home last St- urday from his visit over it Iowa and other points east of the river 1 Ladies S1000 coats and jackets now 8399 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale A Favok Tho publisher will esteem it a favor at any time to receive items of local news from residents of McCook or Red Willow county THE NORSK NIGHTINGALE Ven Romeo and Yullet Ban making planty love He say to her Ay lak to bet Yu ban my turtle dove She say Val Romeo Ay guess Yu ban high card n deck But ef my dad ban catch yu har Ay tenk hell break yure neck Den Romeo get gude and mad And say Dar ant no Svedo Ay ant care ef he ban yure dad Can mak my nose to bleed Ay ban gude emart Norveglan guy Vlthout no eIIow streak And Ay skol black yure tadera eyo And tak gude emash at beak Miss Yulle tenk dls ban all right And so she tal hf r buau Ef yu ban having any light Ayll back yu Romeo Den out on porch In rocking chair She stick so tight lak bur While Romeo give her gude hot air And making love to her Her fader tenk dls ban a sin And dey skol have some spat3 Miss Yulie give him lots of chin Den tak some rough on rats And Romeo grab big butcher knife And cut himself clean tru Ven yu ban looking after vlfe Look out for fader tu Milwaukee Sentinel lie tVnitel Some What arc you doing my lad Why I read dis land wits worth 800 a foot an I need the money CJievrins Br- Ittce A strange way of testing tho inno cence of an accused person is employed in India said a Philadelphia mer chant who lately returned from Mad ras They haul the man up and give him a mouthful of dry rice to chew I dont suppose you ever chewed dry rice Well it is hard work It takes a deal of chewing to get it masticated Into i glutinous mass like gum and that is the condition that the accused is required to get it into within ten min utes If you are calm and not afraid you succeed but if you are nervous and scared you fail for it seems that fear has a strong effect upon the salivary glands It prevents them from secret ing saliva The mouth of a badly fright ened person is always dry as a bone It requires a tremendous flow of saliva to chew dry rice and therefore the scared prisoner inevitably fails in this test It isnt of course a tent employed in the courts of the big towns It be longs to the interior less enlightened villages Reptiles That Wallc Erect Lizards of several sorts can walk and ran easily on their hind legs The Australian water lizard which is tlnee or four feet in length keeps quite erect when traversing long distances on land It is found in the neighborhood of river banks and passes much of its time in shallow water The frilled lizard of Queensland also travels on its hind legs on level ground keeping the frill folded when running When attacked it expands this fold of skin which stands out like a ruff at right angles round the neck giving it a most formidable aspect so that dogs that attack and kill larger lizards will often retreat before a frilled lizard at bay Thore is also a tree lizard in Austra lia that moves in a similar way All these species walk on all fours when merely moving about or going short distances Children Do Lie Do children lie Yes constantly persistently and universally says the Kindergarten Magazine A child does not toll the truth because he could not He docs not know the truth and his approximation to the truth is veiy much vaguer than ours And there are certain qualities of his mind which make It inevitable that he should per vert the truth In the first place truth is synonymous with knowledge He does not know what truth is In the second place and it is the same with us children gradually approximate thb truth They have their ideas of Urain WiirJi niul Iluir truth In the third place the childs j imagination drives him often to tell what is not true Everything physical being equal it is established that the man who is en- 1 1 gaged in professional work will grow gray sooner than will the man who I s earns his bread by the literal sweat of his brow Thus by implication the man who has more and harder brain work than another more worries more troubles more difficult thoughts less jj vitality in proportion this is the 2 vidua and the profession that soonest are marked by gtiy hairs 3 InconHistcnt We look fur our feller men to he consistent an dats where we am in consistent ourselves De best speech I cbor deliberated was on de subject of honesty an yet I had to go out dat worry eaveuin an steal wood nrff to run me ober Sunday Detroit Free Press The Txpectecl Ernie So Mabel and Tack eloped Helen Yes and they did just what I thought they would do Ernie Wrote home for forgiveness Helen No wrote home for moneys s p v 22SESES -- tJVTnilxaJ9iaenmsxiMinvxjriann TrfJTTiwTPr VEGETABLE SICILSANJ Mi jy jlj flair Keisewefi v f - r ri oi -- a 1 f - - r ji -x i iiiu iur 11c noir niascs me uair grov long and heavy B j rV rlfr t riorco p ay hairall the darkrich color of youth f StcVGiali Soicl for fty vear uV7irrtrkiB im r j r X--4- ml fc 11 iiniiinmiLnmuLj CSS Kjl I LLj juL 0 13 IS ol saving il MO wzxu mriUZLi nawrmn i mm aargAJuaat wwu wminr urmn iirrrgfirpnBwi mnunimai tMURVClMT AVACXlWSRMJSaan2UCK3I3IA0CKSJ XMXMBOBinna3iirrBCUtali OF McCOOK NEB Paid Ud Capital es vit k rjiirriiP iSBWa sssi w 3 n Crct Mst KPnk i 1 U II tJI ki 1 wscfriC 50000 ry k Ik M If w M W Now On at DcGrofi s We aie selling Dress Goods and Silk Remnants Ladies Coats and Jackets Ladies rur and Scarfs and fluffs Hens Boys Overcoats and all other Winter Goods re gardless of cost Here is your chance to make a great Saving if you have delayed purchasing some of the I above items J I I I i I I Phone 22 I V FRANKLIN President A S E8ERT Cashier f A VV B WOLFE Vice President f 9 ft --THE- jf 9 BANK I Surplus 4000 el DIRECTORS Acquire the Habit all Your fy V FStiiKUti IV B WOLFE A C E3ERT if f r fuutJiTtrJyilttgTtjc3 nmrfMMwn nfiiwriiwntuMuiwf w We furnish a handsomely finished Perpetual Cal endar Bank which costs you nothing Try lar n com v Saving Nickels and Pennies Never spend one and you will be surprised how your mone ac count will grow Call and get one of these banks todav The First Nations Bank ncCook 1 T l I 1 lllllllll III HBIHPW1 lll llllll 11IWW1 W IIIHWWII - 1 W 1 illl - I TW V- J r t