The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 13, 1905, Image 5

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vemnMwnvmmmmVKujuun umwmmYimmntfwix
reruna occupies a unique position
in meaicai science It is the only in
icrnai systemic catarrh rfimpriv
known to the medical profession to
day Catarrh as everyone will admit
is the cause of one half the diseases
which afflict mankind Catarrh and
catarrhal diseases afflict one half of
the people of United States
m Robert K Roberts M D Wash-
ington D C writes
Through my own experience
es well as that of mnny of my
friends end acquaintances who
have been cured or relieved of ca
itarrh by the use of Hcrtmans
Peruna can confidently
mend It to those suffering from such
disorders and have no hesitation in
prescribing it to my patients
Robert R Roberts
Catarrh is a systemic disease cur
able only by systemic treatment A
remedy that cures catarrh must aim
directly at the depressed nerve cen
ters This is what Peruna docs
Peruna immediately invigoraics the
nerve centers which give vitality to
the mucous membranes Tnen catarrh
To the housewife -who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and
Who is reasonably satisfed with the
old we would suggest that a trial of
Defiance Cold Water Starch be made
at once Not alone because it is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any other brand but because
each 10c package contains 16 ozs
while all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs It is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other Quality and quantity must
Cobbett a Model of Style
A London reviewer says that he
once asked a famous editor what writ
er he would propose as a model of
style for a journalist Without a mo
ments hesitation the great man an
swered Cobbett
Try me Just once and I am sure to
come again Defiance Starch
Some men take so much exercise
that they are all the time exhausted
Looking at sin leads to loving it
It Cures Colds Coughs Sore Throat Croup
Influenza VVhoopinR Coupb Bronchitis and
Ahma A certain cure for Consumption in flrt
Mayes and ai sure relief In advanced stages TJ e
it ence You will see the exroll nt eflect after
taking the lirst dc e Sold by di nlcrs eicry
ivheie Large bottles 25 cenU and fid cents
Ireeit 8ller l tie World
rnbator are made by
Johnson tho Incubator
t an who mdc SO000 lx
jro JnvfatlDR bis OLD
A hatch
er Forty dayi
and five yer guaran
tee For big free catu
lfae S00 poultry Illus-
iraltrmn fiddrCM
Box O T Cloy Center Heb
Mustang Lifiiment
cures Cuts Boms Bruises
also OTHtn neroBMiTics
Writo or call at office for free informa
tion Hiehesttestimomasfrom prom
phyr icians
isiKmen ami
n Vniirafecnr
sultyourra -
- --
36 BJOnXPKl uynuoiiv w w v
Of the United States Treasury Recommends
Another Prominent Physician Uses
and Endorses
cal Examiner of the U S Treas
iiry Department graduate of Co
lombia College and who served three
years at West Point has the follow
ing to say of Peruna
Allow mc to express my grati
tude to you for the benefit derived
from your wonderful remedy
One short month has brought
forth a vast change and I now
consider myself a well man after
months of suffering Fellow suf
ferers Peruna will cure you
A constantly increasing number of
physicians prescribe Peruna in their
practice It has proven its merits so
thoroughly that even the doctors have
overcome their prejudice against so
called patent medicines and recom
mend it to their patients
m i Ml T
r rzhziKsUM irwsTvwK a
wia uw mrewvs v iunscr is a
Dr Llewellyn Jordan Y
Medical Examiner United States
X Treasury T
disappears Then catarrh is per
manently cured
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna write at once to Dr Hart
mann ghing a furl statement of your
case and he will be pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Ilartman President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus
Malicious Personal Questions
Dont ask personal questions that
carry the sting of humiliation remem
bering always that any satisfaction de
rived from saying mean things is ob
tained at the price of feelings that
should bo reareed always as sacred
It is unuuual that a single institution in a
city of 8 000 people will overshadow m ira
nortanee everv other interest but such is
the case witi the American School of
Osteopathy aud A T StU Infirmary at
Kirksville Mo
A stranger in Kirksville is immediately
impressed with the idea that the town is
sustained by this iastitution in fact
Kirksville has been made what it is to day
by Dr Still and his f am jus School and
Infirmary It is the largest patronized un
endowed institution of its nind in the
United States
Dr Stills school enrolls over 700 students
yearly aud eich student is required to at
tend four terms of live months each before
completiug the course of study There are
over 2000 Graduates and they are prac
ticing m every state and territory of the
Uuion About two thirds of tho states
have passed special laws legalizing the
This school teaches every branch taught
in medical colleges except drugs and
osteopathy is substituted for that So
thorough is tho teaching in anatomy that
over one hundred human bodies are dis
sected yearly by tho students
At the Infirmary patients from every
part of tho country and with almost every
form of diseas j are constantly under treat
ment For the past fifteen years almost
every train coming to Kirksville has
brought some new sufferer hoping to find re
lief by tho science of Osteopathy By the
thousands who have left tbo institution
benefited bv the treatment the science has
been heralded to the world as a safe and
rational method of cure Several years ago
a free clinic was established in connection
with tho practice department of the school
and this is still in operation Hundreds of
the worthy poor who are unable to pay for
treatments aro treated every afternoon by
the senior students free of charge
If your friends believe you to be
poor they will conspire to keep you
MJor If they think you rich they will
all try to make you richer
Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
as mercury will mrely dectrny the fcii c of 5incll
and completely derance tlv whole whin
emerlng It tbruiih the unicorn enriicv fcuch
arIcc should noer lie urd except
ma from reputable pb Vfii lnn as Uu d nnnj c thj
will do U ten fold to the p you can possibly rft
rUe from them Halls Catarrh Cure uMrWarturcd
liy F J Cteuey Co ToednO rontslnt no mei
curv and taken inrnnir artlu ill ecily up- n
tlieblood and mucous ttirfaf the cyMci In
buying Hills Catarrh Cure ba suro you cet tLc
ccuulnc It is taken Internally and msile In Toledo
Ohio by F J Cheney Co IeMlnionfiib free
Sold by Prucrti tK 1 rce 7V tnr buttle
Take Halls Family IlIU rttpatlon
And Chain the Mat
A Brooklyn minister of a prag
matical turn of mind has his front
doormat chained to his house and
to inculcate the right spirit in the
passerby has had the motto Trust in
God -worked in scarlet letters of large
seize in th middle of the mat
Important to Mothers
Kramlno carefully eTcry bottle of CASTOPJA
n safe trod enre remedy for infants and children
and sco that it
Bears tho
of Cavcy
In Ueo Tor Over 30 Year
Tho Kind You Havo Ahvays Uouht
New Material for Ships Dec56
A substance called petrollgnito is
being adopted as a material for the
decks of ships It is prepared from
sawdust mixed with certain minerals
and formed into slabs under high hy
draulic pressure Its valuable prop
erties are that it is non inflammable
and is not slippery when wet
Russian Bristles Best
A first essential of a good hairbrush
is that the bristles should really be
bristles not imitations and that they
should be of a good kind Russian
bristles are the host they arc ob
tained from the back of the wild boar
Flattery makes no friends
South Platte Combination Wins the
LINCOLN The forces of Douglas
of Rock were overthrown Monday and
the republicans in legislative caucus
chose Representative C L Rouse of
Hall county speaker His election
was ratified Tuesday at noon when
the house convened John Wall was
chosen to succeed himself as chicE
clerk of the house Clyde Barnard
will be his assistant
Senator W H Jennings of Thayer
county was elected president pro tern
of the senate W M Wheeler or
Fairfield was elected secretary
It was a complete victory for the
South Platte combination headed by
Rouse who is a North Platte man
The combination hustled and secured
votes while the Douglas men were
apparently powerless to stem the tide
Overconiidence ou the part of the
Douglas forces was one reason as
signed for their defeat Somu con
tended that Douglas couM have Avon
it his workers had consented to givo
up West berg for clerk of the house
The list follows
Speaker George L Rouse Alda
Speaker Pro Tern It B Windham
Chief Clerk John Wall Arcadia
Assistant Clerk C H Barnard Ta
ble Rock
Second Assistant Clerk C E San
dail York
Third Assistant Clerk Will Down
ey Lincoln
Sergeant-at-Arms Buck Taylor
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms J H
McKinnon Greenwood
Chaplain A C Crosthwaito Uni
versity Place
Postmaster S D McGinnis Holt
Doorkeeper J B Parrish Blair
Chief Clerk Enrolling and Engross
ing Room A SI Timliug Nebraska
Senate Officers
The result of the formal caucus of
the senate was as follows
Chaplain Rev Jacob Iflook Kear
Secretary W SI Wheeler Fair
First Assistant SI J Greevy Om
Second Assistant Walter Abraham
son Holdrege
Sergeant-at-Arms H D Weder
Assistant Slell SI Schdeld Dakota
Postmaster f R Manning Wayne
Chief Clerk Enrolling and Engross
ing A E Chaffee Syracuse
Benn the Work ot Gs
Charts From Russians
TOKIO The Japanese naval offi
cers have not examined the sunken
Russian warships at Port Arthur and
therefore nothing is known of their
condition and possible availability for
further service
The Russians surrendered posses
sion of the dock yard and other naval
property yesterday and turned over
to the Japanese ten small steamers
available for immediate use All the
other craft had previously been sunk
The work of clearing the
mines commenced as soon as the Rus
sian charts provided for in the capit
ulation agreement were delivered to
the Japanese
It is impossible to move the ma
jority of the sick and wounded who
will be nursed at Port Arthur The
Jappppse are hurrying supplies of
medicines and foods to the scene and
with improved sanitation and careful
nursing they hope to cure thousands
of the patients The case of the man
prisoners is a troublesome and ex
pensive task and it is possible that
Japan will arrange later to return
them to Russia The question is now
under consideration at Tokio
It is said that General Nogi will
return to Tokio nt the request of the
emperor in which case he will re
ceive a tremendous popular ovation
The forcMtm attaches entered Port
Arthur yesterday
All the Regular i rocps Leave the Sur
rendered City
PORT ARTHUR With the Third
Japanese Army via Fusan Only
eighty Russian officers have accepted
All the regular Russian troops have
marched out of Port Arthur and will
leave for Port Dalny today Japanese
troops entered the city yesterday to
keep order Noncombatants are allow
ed the option of remaining at Port
The Japanese navy is removing
mines and the Japanese hulks at the
harbor mouth All the forts have
been taken over by the Japanese
The authorities of Che Foo are
ready to receive the first portion of
the 1000 resident noncombatants at
Port Arthur who are to come here
Up to 10 oclock last night however
they had not arrived
Frederic Emory Resigns
WASHINGTON It was announced
at the state department that the re
signation of Frederic Emory chief of
the bureau of trade relations had
been accepted by Secretary Hay and
he will retire Mnrrh 31 Secretary
Hay characterizes Mr Emorys work
as of unusual IntelUgeur o anil skill
and says that bo will leave an envi
able record in the department Mr
Emory was appointed secretary of the
bureau of American republics iu
March 1903 and has held other posi
tions of an important character
Testing the Richness of Milk
Dairymen abroad havo been experi
menting for tho purpose of determin
ing which yield of milk the morning
or evening is the richer of the two
Tho decision was in favor of the even
ing milk being the richor both for but
ter and cheeso making qualities The
milk of cows fed on ground feed in
winter was richer than that produced
by tho same cows from grass in the
to ennrc a coii in oxe day
Take Laxative Rronio Quinine Tablets All drt3
kIsk refund the money If It fall t to curt K W
Urued signature I on each box 25c
Happiness in Poetry
There are so many holy and tender
emotions flying about in our inward
world which Lite angels can never
assume the body of an outward act
so many rich and lovely flowers spring
up which bear no seed that it is a
happiness poetry was invented which
receives into its limbers all these in
corporeal spirits and the perfume of
all these flowers Jean Paul Richter
Mrs TVIrslows Soothing tfyrnp
ForrhlJdrcn tcutlilm softens the i7iirai redt s ln
ttanniiiitouull lya patn cures wind colli LOoa ixiiliii
Modern Surgical Methods
The use of the needle and thread
in closing wounds has come to be a
fine art In former days the surgeons
were mere bunglers and most wounds
left hideous scars Cut at the present
day the manner in which arteries are
ligatured tendons spliced intestines
sutured and wounds closed is the
foundation of success no skilled use
of the scalpel taking its place
Dr JVivlcl KemtoflyK IraorIto Komcily
ro ma jirompt and completu relief from rlvHt in mwl
srdcianm iuont nTTrowbldKPllarleiali lJV
The Simple Life in Gotham
After all the simple life is wide
spread here We do nothing but labor
to get a few dollars to pay the office
holders Political bosses do all our
thinking for us so we have no cares
along that line but simply work and
sleep until its time to go to the poor
house Surely nothing could be sim
pler New York Telegram
Many Children re S
Mother GraysSwcet Powders for Children
used by Mother Gray i nurse in Childrens i
Home Now York cure
ache Stonmch Troub
orders Break
Address Allen S Olmsted LoKoy N Y
You never lose any of your sorrow
by shedding sour looks
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Upter Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time because it
never sticks to the iron but because
each package contains 1G oz one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in vi -pound pack
ages and the price is the same 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from ail injurious chem
icals If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12 oz package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
disnose of before ho nuts in Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starch has j
printed on every package in large let- j
ters and figures 16 ozs Demand De-
fiance and save much time and money i
and the annoyance of the iron stick-
ing Defiance never sticks
It doesnt take any grit to grumble
The Old Monk Cere
kml gf 0m - t In
HLsf - - t - TA I
E3 J rVfp i la
fMrs L C Glover Vice Pres Milwaukee
Wis Business Womans Association is
another one of the million women who
have been restored
Lydia E Pinldmms
to health by using
Vegetable Compound
Deak Mrs Pineiiasi I was married for several years and no children
blessed my home The doctor said I had a complication of female trouble
and I cculd not have any children unless I could be cured He tried to core
me but nfter experimenting for several months my husband became
gustcd tnd one night when we noticed n testimonial of a woman who had
been cu ed of similur trouble through the use of JLytiin E Piilkltams j
Vegetable Conjpcmiu he went out and bought a bottle for me I used l
your medicine for three and one half months improving1 steadily in health j
and in twenty two months a child came I cannot fully cxpretis the joy anu j
everi3hncss Head- thankfulness that in in my heart Our home is a different place now as woj
I Tnotiimrr niv have something to live for and all the credt is due to Lvflisi R Pinkliamfi
- j 7 W V I
up Colds and Destroy Worms Vegetable Compound Yours very bineerely Mas L Olovkh 614 Grove
gists 2Tic Sample mailed FREE St Milwaukee Wis Vice President Milwaukee LJusincss Viomans N
Magnesite in California
Magnesite which is used in the
making of fire brick and other fire
proof building materials has been
discovered m large quantities in Snn
ta Clara and Stanislaus counties Cal
ifornia They are the only known de
posits in the United States Hither
to America has imported magnesite
from Greece and Syria
Dr O S Wood cures Rupture by
a new process in a few weeks with
out loss of time or inconvenience
Rectal diseases cured without the
knife Send for circular O S Wood
M D 521 N Y Life Bldg Omaha
Character i old by the Chin
The chin is one of the most sub
stantial parts of the face when it Is
normal and by physiognomists is said
to register unerringly certain charac
teristics to tell on one for weal or
woe Others say that this is not so
for pne may smile and yet be a villain
and the smile is what makes the fa
cial characteristic
UNDOMA Hair Tonic will lend to
your hair that soft fluffy appearance
appreciated by people of good taste
and refinement
Ask Your Barber
Send us your name for free treat
i 3 v 1
special advice write irceiy to sirs lmKiiam sue can sureiy neip
From cold hard labor or exercise
relaxes tie sthfne33 and the sore
ness disappears
Price 25c end 50c
Sim mL Mm Jtr -
Mlten and naif 11
Cedar Rapids
SYRUP cures coughs and colds j v n u Omahj
Perd us yoar blue
VVrill tun then iud
ninlie 0ta
llrt work in catc klamnrcd
Robo Tannery
CaUar KapicJa loa
12 tffltete d with
ears eju u
Snlor irore ooods briohler and Faslr colorj than an olhtr H One 10c psckafe colors silk wool ni cotton qual vie
tiieileror ewill send nMtpaidatlOoa pjclcaoe Wrtte lorlree booklet How io Djs Bleach and ix Colorj mZJi
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
Uy V J
hnov3 how important il b
to use asjood slarclt Defiance
Starch is the best starch
mack It doesnt slick to
the iron It gives a beauti
ful soft glossy slants lo the
clothes It will not blister
or crack the goods It sells
for less goes farther docs
more Ask the lady who
irons Defiance Starch at all
grocers 16 oz for 10 cents
Thompsons Ejfc Wafof
I and s naaanttd In out rtrtcJ tequila
ytf CO CnwnolJI MiMMntri
CJ tS WHlKt All MSr lillS
Be t Cough Syruji Tai tPt Gi
in ume sua by arupjrlMs
r i 5i at
Women should not fail to profit by the experience of these tvoi
women just as surely as they were cured of the troubles euurue i
rated in their letters just so certainly will Liydia E Prnkhamsi
Vegetable Compound cure others who suffer from worn I troubles j
inflammation of the ovaries kidney troubles nervous excitability j
and nervous prostration remember that it is lydia JS Pink-
hams Vegretuble Compound that is curinir women and dont allow i
any druggist to sell you anything else in its place
An Indiana Lady Tells of a Wonderful Cure
DeAn Mrs Pinkham It is a pleasure
for me to write and tell what your wocderf ul
medicine nas clous lor me 1 was sick lor
three years with change of life and my
physician thought n cancerous condition of
the womb During- these three years I
suffered untold agony
I cannot find words in which to ex
press my bad feelings I did not expect to
ever see another well day I read some of the
testimonials recomending you- medicine and
decided to write to jou and give your treat
ment a trial
Before I had taken half a bottle of J
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com 1
pound I began to sleep I have taken nor j
six bottles and am so well I can do all kinds i
of work Mkb Lizzis IIiskle Salem Ind
If there is anythiner in your case about which you would like
- --
-- -- -
vou for no person in America can speak from a wider experience
in TiroJimijj iniwe ms tuuiess is j jii jicr tiuvicu jh jji
and always helpful
FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce the original lettert nd ilcnatcreeci
abova WttttnoulaU which wll jirore their absolute goiuiinoneKs
lorclla K Plnkham Med Co Lyna MaiB
- H
Threopvent pursuit Inveauan bJioot xondsrfu
rosulln on the Free Huinehtead Land of Wester
Canada this yccr
Macnlfice Jtcltmnte rnrms plowing In UielroMrt
Sleet es In the middle of No inber
AllBro bound to be ipore tlirn plewpd with the
flail res ultsof the pRrjt hi iareEt lxtract
Coal wood T iter buy In aljund ince Schools
churched market cuts intent
Apply for Information to bupcrlntendrnt of Iirrnl
PTMim Ottawa Cansdjor joirl7ed Ct ma
loreiiitiiciit A- ent W V renneit sul Net TorL
Life llinldlup Omaha Xcbra ka
rieaje say r ere y saw till advertisement
Thats all il
eoit to ct ono of
our ISO esi n
cuhtlrs coaijdjt
Iai1 down at joor
pfpii lrl JvirM l bll
LfJ fianl chivgM
paii Ao other et
nrnie nccary
All reat7 tooi ale
aratne wo lB Vinir inctbt ir Thre naVt Cifir
nt r Iwo1 tQiiit t tMciE 11 t Cpjrr h t watr
lititi fyit1 Hi mtureixifc MiMi pi 4ria ot wtr
hW PdIj of ilr i rr 1 fornhatch
Ill t icLIqi iii fil lfj Im Frlal gums too
titj opr0luntr h Y t Mery Dact ns
cr le r Trt - oi tal 10 risk with th
S ul arfrrel mrutofVluu
lrfll rnr oJJ j Irdiijxtu i jf Clin nlr
CIny Vutrr Ncl InIlnnepIlit cd
- sr v