r If i il u PROVESGREATPOWER r When Regular Medical Treatment Failed Dr Williams Pink Pills Cured Her Rheumatism Hundreds of people afflicted with i juacisin iiavo spent years under the care of excellent physicians in vain Then they havo settled down to the conviction that it is fastened on them for life Mrs Dinsraore was not willing to join the ranks of the hopeless merely because her doctor did not know how to help her Here is her story Four years ago I suffered greatly with rheumatism in my hands and kuees After I hnd been sitting a while my limbs tjcemed to heavy I could hardly wakon the first attempt So long as I Icopfc iuqviug I was all right but just as soon as I stopped something seemed to settle in my knees and make them ache My hands were so bad I couldnt touch the palms of them on a flat surface they were swollen nud pained so Did you call in a physician I doctored steadily for over a year thou one doctor said Yon have taken medicine strong enough to kill almost anything Still it did not kill mo nor tho rheumatism How then did yon get rid of it At different times I had rend in vari ous publications about Dr Williams wonderful Piuk Pills for Pale People and I finally decided to try them I took them steadily for four mouths in ac cordance with tho directions By that time I was completely cured Havo you been free from it ever einca Sinco then I have had but one slight return of my trouble and a box or two of tho same pills made me all right again Mrs F A Dinsmovo lives in hearty enjoyment of her recovered health at Woborn Mass entirely freed from the grave anxieties that rheumatism always brings When it appears in but a single joint it shows that the blood is in a faulty state in tho whole body It may at any moment break out elsewhere and one of the dangers is that it may break out in tho heart and then tho result must bo fatal Tho only security is to keep tho blood all tho time in a perfectly sound condition Dr Williams Pink Pills make healthy blood All other relief is superficial This is thorough Theso pills aro sold by all druggists The Good Old Times - When Benjamin Franklin took the coach from Philadelphia to New York he spent four days on the journey He tells us that as the old driver fogged along he spent his time knit ting stockings Two stage coaches -and eight horses sufficed for all the commerce that was carried on be tween Boston and New York and in winter the journey occupied a week Success Rum Changes Tribe The Nyam Nyams of the upper Nile VaHey used to be a very harmless amiable people whose amusements jwere to smoke and hold nightly con certs But rifles and rum changed them and now a British expedition is marching to punish them for shooting at British patrols though what British patrols were doing in the Nyam Nyam country is not explained Value of System A merchant remarked the other day that his filter of success Imd a wrapper marked system And lio declared that both those who sold goods to him and those who bought of Jiha were So impressed with his show 5t system that the confidence ema nating therefrom was a big capital in itself Success Especially for Women Champion Mich Jan 9th Spe cial a Case of especial interest to women is that of Mrs A Wellatt wife of a well known photographer here It Is best given in her own words I could not sleep my feet were cold and my limbs cramped Mrs Wellat states I had an awful hard pain across my kidneys I had to get up three or four times in the night I nrras very nervous and fearfully des pondent I had been troubled in this way for five years when I commenced to use Dodds Kidney Pills and what they caused to come from my kidneys will hardly stand description By the time l had finished one box of Dodds Kidney Pills I was cured Now I can sleep well my limbs do sot cramp I do not get up in the night and I feel better than I have in years I owe my health to Dodds Kidney Pills Womens ills are caused by Dis eased Kidneys thats why Dodds ixidney Pills always cure them He who stops to help a tottering brother over the rough places arrives quicker than he who rushes headlong down the lane of life BABYS TERRIBLE SORE Body Raw With Humor Caused Un told Agony Doctor Did No Good Cuticura Cured at Once My child was a very delicate baby terrible sore and humor broke out 4 his body looking like raw flesh -and causing the child untold agony jMy physician prescribed various rem edies none of which helped at all I became discouraged and took the mat- Iter Into my own hands and tried Cuti cura Soap and Cuticura Ointmeni with almost Immediate success Be fore the second week had passed the soreness was gone not leaving a trace of anything Mrs Jeannette H Block 281 Rosedale St Rochester N Y Make a practice of doing some act ot kindness every day nntil the habit grows on you and stays with you GOVERN Approves of Revenue Law Passed by the Last Legislature SAFEGUARD JTO PROGRESS Urges Members to be Cautious Opportunity to Make Good Record in Their Hands To the Members of the Twenty ninth Session of the Legislature of Ne braska Gentlemen It Is a constitutional re quirement that at the beginning of your deliberations the chief executive shall convey to you information by message of the condition of the state and shall recommend such measures as he shall deem expedient I have but few recommendations to make In general I may say that the slate was never more prosperous than it is today the several executive de partments were never in better work ing condition and the institutions are at the zenith of careful and economical management Owing to the chance of politics your membership is chosen al most entirely from one great party With this unprecedented1 majority comes a corresponding responsibility The dominant party cannot escape the burden thus laid upon it and it should he sobered by the thought It is a time for earnest zealous work it is a time when state patriotism should rise superior to personal prejudice and petty whims it is a time when the privileges of the few should not be allowed to take precedence over the welfare of the man- it is a time for laying broader and making more secure the equitable foundations upon which the state shall continue to rise toward a condition of future greatness which we now but faintly appreciate If you would merit the highest encomium of praise let your deliberations be dis tinguished by honesty of purpose careful research and strict economy Thus will you protect the public treas ury and guard against hasty and im perfect enactments Your motto should be not how much legislation but how good THE REVENUE LAW The revenue law passed by the pre ceding legislature has met the expecta tions of its friends and has been re ceived with popular favor This infer ence is fully warranted by the results of the recent campaign The law be ing an innovation in some of its fea tures and having a direct bearing on the interests of every citizen was nat urally brought under the searchlight of public opinion and was made the target of extreme criticism The agi tation was helpful in that it gave the people generally a better understand ing of revenue problems than they had previously enjoyed and enabled a more Jnteligent vote upon the issues in volved1 The result was such an en dorsement of the work of the legisla ture which framed and passed the bill as has seldom been recorded in the history of Nebraska Not a single member who voted for the bill and who stood for re election this year was defeated The conclusion is that the time was ripe for revenue revision The people understood the inequitable provisions of the old system under which the growing state could not adapt its revenues to its increasing obligations they appreciated the logic employed by former executive officers in challenging public attention by message and biennial report to the urgent need of revision they were cognizant of the non partisan spirit which entered into the framing of the new law and realized that the measure was the product of the best thought regardless of party which the legisla ture could command supplemented by the valuable experience of older states along similar lines They knew too that tho two foundation principles vere the essence of justice namely the listing of all property for assess ment purposes at its fair cash value and the levying of an equitable and uniform tax upon all property so list ed without bias or favor One assessment and one set of levies have br made under the new law and we are ow in a position to judge of results It is apparent that a large amount of property which hitherto has been covered and has escaped taxation entirely has been placed upon the as sessment rolls and is made to stand Its just share of the expense of gov ernment Other property which in the past has been valued at ridiculously low figures has been listed at approxi mately its true worth Tax shirkers have been brought to time both pri vate and corporation property have received their just deserts the grand assessment roll has bean Increased to a reasonable sum the state has been enabled to raise sufficient revenue to meet the expenses of government eco nomically administered and in the transition from the old to the new no Interest has been injured beyond the few isolated cases which have been the victims of mistakes or concerning which the Judgment of the assessor or of the levying body may have been faulty In some communities the taxes for this year are considerably increased over the taxes of last year but an in- Dectded to Hold Their The directors of the Wabash Railroad company at a meeting in New York decided not to make any distribution on the debenture A bonds In June It was decided that the money which might be used to pay Interest on the A bonds was needed for improve ments to the property Nothing wll please the small boy more than the privilege of assuming the role of lather to the man occas ionally Its a longove that has no cooling AG ADDRESS vestlgation of the facts discloses that the fault is not with the law but rather with the local levying bodies which in making their levies did not take into proper consideration the increased valuation upon which they were act ing While the essential principles of the lav are in my judgment eminently just and correct there are some mat ters of detail which might he improved and to these I invite your attention Under the interpretation placed up on the law by the state board of equali zation and assessment it has no power to differentiate between classes of property in equalizing county assess ments It can raise or lower the en tire assessment roll of the county but cannot raise or lower one class of property without reference to the other classes For this reason it is impos sible to secure a just equalization for in raising or lowering one deficient class to the proper standard other classes with which there is no fault are by the unit system raised or low ered in unison and hence while jus tice may be secured in the one instance it is violated In the other I therefore recommend that Section 130 Article 1 Chapter 77 of the Compiled Statutes of 1903 be amended so as to permit the state hoard of equalization to differ entiate between classes of property in equalizing county assessments Another inherent weakness in the present law is the fact that county boards of equalization are compelled to make their levies in advance of the equalization of the county assessments by the state board I recommend that Section 13G Article 1 Chapter 77 Compiled Statutes of 1903 be amended so that county boards shall make their levies after the certificate of county equalization shall have been received from the state board Also that Sec tion 130 of the same article and chap ter be amended so as to provide for the transmission by the state board of the certificate of county equaliza tion to the county clerk at the earliest date consistent with the general tenor of the section and that the said county clerk be instructed to call the county board together within seven days after the receipt of said certificate for the purpose of making the necessary levies for the ensuing year For the same reasons the law fixing the time for making school district and municipal levies should be amended in harmony with the above suggestion STATE BOUNDARY COMMISSION By act of the last legislature the chief executive of this state was au thorized to appoint a commission of three members to act with a like com mission appointed by The goernor of South Dakota in the matter of agree ing upon a boundary line between the two states This commicsion met wih the representatn es of South Dakota in due time and after repeated- con ferences and personal inspection an agreement of the joint commission wits filed with me March 4 1904 which I now transmit to you tor approval or rejection The preceding legislature also made provision for a similar commission to act in conjunction with a commis sion representing the state of Iowa However as our enactment was con tingent upon the action of the Iowa legislature in providing for a boundary commission and as the Iowa legisla ture neglected to take such action nothing has been done Owing to the technicalities involved lawlessness and crime have been fostered in the disputed territory and the rights of property owners have been subject to much annoyance This state of affairs will continue until relief has been af forded by the settlement of the bound ary dispute I recommend therefore that your honorable body make provi sion for another boundary commission the statute of limitation having run against the old act to co operate with a like commission from the state of Iowa in agreeing upon a boundary line The litigation regarding the bound ary line between Nebraska and Mis souri which had been pending in the supreme court of the United States for some time was permanently settled recently by a decifion of the court fully sustaining the contention of Nebraska The court fixes the bound ary line in the center of the old chan nel of the Missouri river confirming to Nebraska what is known as Island Precinct Nemaha county I recom mend that an anoronriation of 1000 or as much thereof as may be needed be made for the surveying of the line and the erection of permanent monu ments the state of Missouri to meet its equal share of said expense THE BATTLESHIP NEBRASKA On October 7 1904 the battleship Nebraska was successfully launched at the yards or the builders in Seattle Washington The impressive cere monial was participated in by a num ber of the executive officers of this state The Nebraska is one of the latest and most efficient types of bat tleships and our state is highly hon ored by the national government in being permitted to stand sponsor for her The remaining work of construc tion and equipment will occupy about one year and she will then be ready for commission At that time it will be highly proper for our state through its legislature or unofficially through its citizens to present to the officers of the Nebraska for the use of the ship some practical gift as a token of our California Tournament of Roses Under the most auspicious weather conditions imaginable and in the pres ence of sixty thousand people Pasa dena Cal held her seventeenth an nual new years feast of flowers the celebrated tournament of roses Self control Is when you can play cards with women and make them think you are enjoying it The cleverest thing is for a girl to pretend she is afraid you will see her shoe tops when she Isnt interest in the fighting craft which bears our state name and as a further indication that we aro not insensible to the distinction -which has been con ferred upon us by the general govern ment SUPREME COURT COMMISSION The legislature of 3903 made pro vision for the temporary continuance of the supreme court commission six commissioners to be appointed for the period of one year and three commis sioners to be appointed for the period of two years from April 10 1903 The court is unable to keap up with the work which comes before it the num ber of cases filed each month being in excess of the number disposed of It seems imperative that a commission of at least three members should be provided for the coming biennium to the end that the rights of litigants who are seeking relief may be con served without unreasonable delay THE STATES FINANCES On November 30 1904 the floating interest bearing indebtedness of the state as represented by outstanding general fund warrants amounted to 225338640 an increase during the biennium of 20405777 This condi tion was made possible and practically unavoidable by the operation of the old revenue law Wiiile the new law was passed in 1903 it did not become operative until 1904 and it has had no appreciable ef fect upon the states financial condi tion With reference to the sufficiency of the states income during the com ing biennium I quote from the current biennial report of State Auditor Wes ton To the estimated income fiom the levies of 1905 G have been added a con servative estimate of income from back taxes and a very considerable amount derived from miscellaneous sources making the total estimate of income for the general fund 2S19iM471 As against this estimated general fund in come the estimated requirements for the biennial period commencing April 1 1905 and chargeable to the general fund amount to 254031 G From the above it is apparent that if the present legislature holds its ap propriations within reasonable bounds the receipts of tho coming biennium will exceed the expenditures by 278 928 a condition which has not existed in Nebraska for many years With such a state debt as now con fronts us it requires no argument to make clear that the strictest economy consistent with the public weal should distinguish ail your relations with the public treasury The opportunity is most auspicious The state institu tions were never in better condition The two preceding legislatures mad appropriations for permanent improve ments amounting to a little more than 000000 The result is that needed buildings and equipments have been generously provided and the present legislative body will be expected to do but little in the way of expenditures THE LOBBY The bane of every legislative body is the subsidized lobby Vicious legis lation is not the result of ignorance but is rather the result of prejudicial influences which ought not to exist and which certainly ought not o be tolerated within the halls cloak rooms or offices of any deliberative body which lias power over the destiuies of a people I recommend that such ac tion be taken as will protect your membershio from the onslaught of private and corporation lobbyists who seek to accomplish pernicious ends by the exercise of undue influence LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSI TION The legislature of two years ago ap propriated 35000 for a Nebraska ex hibit at St Louis and laid upon the chief executive the duty of appointing a non partisan commission of three members upon which should devolve all responsibility pertaining thereto I am informed that after paying all ob ligations there will remain unexpend ed about 10000 of the original appro priation This is certainly a most gratifying condition one which speaks eloquently of the wisdom and discre tion which the commission exercised in the discharge of its duties LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION The people of the Pacific coast in particular are now preparing for the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposi tion an event which will commemor ate the trials and triumphs of the ex ploring expedition sent out by Presi dent Jefferson during the year follow ing the purchase of Louisiana and which succeeded in penetrating to the mouth of the Columbia river in 1S05 FOOD COMMISSION Tho work of the food commission is necessarily curtailed by reason of the fact that the law restricts inspection to dairy products cider and vinegar As a consequence the great mass of food products containing injurious adulterants escape the jurisdiction of the commission and are amenable only to the general statutes The subject is an important one It seems desir able that the present lav be broadened in its scope and made to include all food products and that provision be made for such additional assistance as the enlarged duties may make neces sary OIL INSPECTION The preceding legislature raised the inflammability test of illuminating oils from 100 degrees to 112 degrees Fahr enheit thus affording additional se curity to life and property Since the law was made operative it has been rigidly enforced not a single case hav ing been reported where oil below the test has been placed on the market The Fall of a Cotton Mill Application for a receiver of the Devis cotton mills of Fall River was made The Industrial Trust company of Providence holds a mortgage for 500000 on the plant to secure an issue of bonds payable in twenty years oung man beware of the girl who lets you do all the talking during the courtship shes playing a waiting game moved from clothing with the aid of a small pair of scissors IRRIGATION The report of the uecretary r the state board of irrigation sho at considerable progress has been made in irrigation matters during tho last two years While the number of ew projects has not been great muck has been accomplished in the way of im provement of existing canals and ad ditional area has been brought under cultivation The United States recla mation service has undertaken a large project which has for its object the storage of all the flood waters of the North Platte river and the reclamation of thousands of acre3 of land in Ne braska and Wyoming It is hoped this plan will work to a successful conclu sion thereby adding a large productive area to our domain THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT The military department has as sumed a position of much greater im portance since the enactment of the present militia law by congress ap proved January 21 1903 The purpose of the lau is to recognize and make ef fective the volunteer force organised under the title of the national guard as the reserve army of the nation In order that tho state may receive its full quota of assistance and- that its privileges under the federal law may materialize a sufficient appropria tion should be made to carry into ef fect the designs of the enactment in sure safety of public stores provide suitable quarters for company organi zations and extend encouragement to the young men who voluntarily as sume the duties of a soldier duties that may at any time become arduous and dangerous in the enforcement of law and protection of life and prop erty EDUCATION The state views with ever increas ing pride the progress of its great edu cational centers the university and the Pern normal and is looking for ward to the time when the Kearney normal will take its place with the other and will become an important fat tor in our public school system HARTLEY BOND CASE Your attention is called to the suit of the state against the bondsmen of former State Treasurer J S Bartley After more than seven years of litiga tion the state is without any judgment against the bondsmen I am informed that not a single bondsman has a dol lars worth of property in his owe name out of which the state could en force a collection of any part of the Judgment should cne eer be rendered Pome of them have already gone through the bankruptcy court since the suit was instituted I get this informa tion from the eoiirt records and from the last official report to me of Attor ney General F N Frout in which he recommends the dismissal of thi case on the payment of the costs which have been made by the bondsmen and on the best terms possible- GUARANTY BONDS Under a recent decision of the su preme eourt it is held that the statute is invalid which authorizes the execu tion and approval of ofHcial boids with irunrantv compni as sureties The defect is technical aiii can be reme died I recommend that at the earliest date consistent with the amount of work involved you pa a law which will legalize the execution and approval of either personal or guaranty fconis STATE ACCOUNTANT The experience gained in tho past two years serves to confirm mv judg ment as expressed in my previois in augural address recommending the creation of The position of state ac countant It should be the dm y of such officer to scrutinize and the account of the various state offi cers and state institution I believe that such an official would prove of great value to the state and hence I repeat the recommendation PURCHASING OF SUPPLIES I recommend that the purchasing of all sunnlies for bvth tbe Institute for the Blind and the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb he placed in the hands of the board of purchase and supplies this being the board which does the buying for all the other institutions THE INSANE ASYLUM The Institute for the Feeble Minded is in a very crowded condition About thirty applications are now on file from those seeking admission and who are properly entitled to the care of the state but who are denied en trance on account of the lack of room I recommend an appropriation of 20 000 for the purpose of erecting a cot tage for girls as an adjunct of this institution The Norfolk asylum for the rebuild- of which an anoronriation was made by the last legislature is near ug completion but nrobably will not be ready for the reception of inmates about the first of May When the last legislature made oroision for the rebuilding of the Norfolk asylum it was believed that the institution would be completed in at least ten months of the present biennium Ap propriations amounting to 54S50 were accordingly made for officers emplovpes wages and general expense of maintenance As the build ng has been delayed no part of these ippropriations has been used I rec ommend that 18000 of the mainten ance fund appropriated for the Norfolk asylum be transferred to the account of the Nebraska Hospital for the In sane Permit me to express the hope that vour duties will prove pleasant and that the result of your labor will pro mote the welfare of our beloved state Signed JOHN H MICKEY The more flattery a man hands his wife the less pin money he will have to dig up Grease spots may be quickly re faith Wigg There are more ways than one of losing oney Wagg Yes can be lost in more woya than won Tn horse reinc the chap who gela the worst of it is the bettor The suburban policeman Is generally annexed to a country club ALL DONE OUT r Veteran Joshua Hedor of 70G Sooth Walnut Btreet Urbana 111 says la the fall of 1899 after taking Doans Kidney Pills I told the readers of this paper that they had relieved mo of kid ney trouble dis posed of a lamo buck with pain across my loins and beneath the shoul der blades During tho interval which has elapsed I have had occasion to re- sort to Doans Kid ney Pills when I noticed warnings k SI fjf jr jAsiirjIL 9n UWvrcM of an attack On each and every oc casion the results obtained were Just as satisfactory as when the pills wero first brought to my notice I just as emphatically endorse the preparation to day us I did over two years ago Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y proprietors For sale by all druggists price 50 cents per box Raw Food In the North The eating of raw fish is by no means confined to tho Esquimaux Fairly well smoked salmon cod and trout are eaten raw by Indians and Canadians alike and are both palata ble and easily digested when cut with a sharp knife into the thinnest pos sible slices much as old woodsmen like to shave off the chipplngs of a well smoked but uncooked caribou ham A Rare Cood Thing Am using ALLENS FOOT EASE and can truly say 1 would not havo been without it so long had I known the relief it would give my aching feet I think it a raro good thing for anyone having sore or tired feet Mrs Matilda Iloltwert Providence R I Sold by all Druggists 25c Ash to day Practical Scotty Positively the worst struggle I ever had In the water said the young man who had been at sea was one night trying to save a man with a wooden leg Man said an old Scotchman who was listening if ye had got a bit of rope ye could hae saved the man quicker wi it than ye could dao wi ten widden legs Embezzler Boiled to Death In 1S90 the last instance of boiling to death took place in Persia Tho offender guilty of stealing state rev enues was put into a large caldron of cold water which was slowly heat ed to the boiling point His bones were distributed as a warning among the provincial tax collectors When Your Grocer Says he does not have Defiance Starch you may be sure he is afraid to keep It un til his stok of 12 oz packages ara sold Defiance Starch ia not only bet ter than any other Cold Water Starch but contains 16 oz to the package and sells tor Earns money as 12 oz brands Siamese Must Pay Debts Debtors in Siam when three months in arrears can be seized by the cred itors and compelled to work out their indebtedness Should a debtor run away his father his wife or his cnil dren may be held in slavery until the debt is canceled Many who formerly smoked 10c cigars now smoke Lewis Sintrlu Binder straight 5c cigar The best combination of the best tobaccos Lewis Factory Peoria HL Not Found A letter arrived at the New York postoffice the other day bearing tho following address To Any Respect able Lawyer New York City New York The carrier Into whose hands It fell for delivery returned it marked in blue pencil Not found A GCAKVNTKKU CURE FOIt ITLKS IirhtDsrIlUud Keedlw or Protruding Ple3 Your JrusjjWt will rcrund money it IAZO OIXTMfiNr falls to cum you In G to II daji Wo Worlds- Unexplored Regions Outside the polar regions there re mains unexplored it is estimated about one fiftieth of the land surface of the globe Fifteen years ago the unknown portions were about oae eighth of the earths total I am sure Iisos Cure ror Consumption saved my IUe three years ago Mas Tnos Kobbos Maple Street Noricb N Y 3Teb 17 1S0O To Kill Germs in Water It is not always convenient to steri lize water and boiling makes it taste less In cases where germs are to oe destroyed four drops of tincture ot iodine in a half gallon of water left to stand for a half hour renders th water harmless Last year tho Sure Hatch Incubator Co of Clay Centre Neb shipped 600 incubators to Germany and several thousand to Australia South Africa and South America Virtue and Vice We pass for what we are Char acter teaches u3 above our wills Men Imagine that they communicate thefr virtue or vice only by overactlona and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment- SAjo Emeiv son Few Suicides n iS Efta theK JaJUi2ie Notwithstanding wbfcli haraklrl i3 held In propor tion of suicides there ftrcomparatlvely low 177 a million to S4G In Fraace 238 in Denmark 233 in Switzerland and 206 ia Germany Have No Use for Pockets We ordered a new pair of trousera the other day and when we got them they were without pockets When wa kicked the tailor told us he alwaya made newspaper mens pants that way Sauk Center Herald r 1