J Will be paid by the W o r 1 ds Dispensary Medical Association Buffalo N Y if they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testi monial below and also of the writers of evjry testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing thus proving their genuineness For about two years I suffered from a vcrv oV tinatc case of dyspepsia iviites R E Seconf 13 Eastern Ave Toronto Ontario I tried a treat number of remedies without suc cess I lmally lost faith in them all I was so far troi that I could not for a loiijj time bear solid food in my stomach felt melancholy and depressed Some ibur months ago a triena recommended your Golden Medical Discovery Alter a weeks treatment I had derived so much benefit that I continued the medicine I have taken three bottles and am convinced it has in my case accomplished a permanent cure I can conscientiously recommend it to the thou sands of dyspeptics throughout the laud A man can succeed and be strong if he heeds Natures warnings When there is indigestion loss of appetite ringing in the cars dizziness spots be fore the eyes or palpitation of the heart any or all of these symptoms point to weakness and loss of nutrition Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is the medicine to turn to Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium cocaine and all other narcotics It is strictly a temperance medicine Accept no substitute for Golden Med ical Discovery There is nothing just as good for diseases of the stomach The Commo nSense Medical Adviser 1008 pages in paper covers is sent free on receipt of 2 1 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y INDIANOLA Edna Thompson visited in Hartley Sunday B Lehn moved into his nnv hons Tuesday A P Days grandaughter Luuile is sick with the mumps A son was born to F 13 Duckworth and wife Sunday night Harry Whitmore commenced putting up icp Thursday morning Mrs Honry Harsh is in the city the guest of B Lehn and family Orson Lee and family of McCook cme down and visited with his parents last week About six inches of snow fell here Tuesday and gave the earth a bountiful covering Quite a number of Bartley people were shopping in Indianola last Saturday Come again AT G Shackleton and wife have gone to Friend where they expect to reside in the future Mrs W II Allen daughter Pearl and little grandson visited in McCook a few dajs last week Tho McCart boys Walter and Alfred of Missouri Ridge were Indianola visit ors Wednesday Miss Rosa Akers of McCook was a guest of Airs Gamsby Sunday return ing in the evening Bertha Porter returned on No 5 Sun day night from Bartley where she had been visiting since Friday Henry Crabtree who has been ailing all winter is slowly improving He is under the care of Doctor Mastin Aliss Claude Hatcher is in town visit ing friends and attending the protracted meetings at tho Christian church Airs Powell and Francis left Wednes day for Denver Airs Powell will have the little boy treated for his infirmities There was no school Tuesday and Wednesday in the primary room owing1 to some deficiency in the heating appar atus Aliss Etta Crippen gave a party to her Sunday school class Tuesday afternoon which was greatly appreciated by her pupils Stephen Imel came over from Dan bury Alonday and left for Missouri on the night train He expects to be gone all winter We see by the Daubury News that the children living in and around Danbury are having a siege with the scarlet feyer and diphtheria Floyd Welborn and wife of Denver visited with the homefolks a few days last week returning to Denver on 13 Alonday morning The revival meetings at the Christian church are growing in interest and are well attended A very fine sermon was given Sunday night and was listened to by a largo audience Air Wilson was assisted by Rev Crippen of the Aletho dist church and Rev Hawkins of the Congregational church To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative bkomo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c Advanced Ancestral PrlUe So Woodby is very rich now When I knew him he was poor His only treasure in those days was the musket his great grandfather carried in the Revolution Oh his grrat grandfather has been promoted sine Woodby exhibits hia sword now Philadelphia Press Tho greatest system renovator Re stores vitality regulates the kidneys liver and stomach If Hollisters Rocky Alountain Tea fails to euro get your money back Thats fair 35 cents Tea or Tablets LW AlcConnell I HpgJSS 1111111 niit iltiVini iiiiirfc tjgjrt3rWLtCBtiMtwwtrwlvt WFfc tfO n WCWWWacB1IIBagremi THE ANT QUEENS Tliey Ijlve Lonser Tlinn the Worker of Their Communitlcfi How long may an ant queen live In their natural habitat some queens doubtless have short lives but by rea son of the protection afforded them and the seclusion enforced by tho workers they probably live much lon ger than other members of the com munity Within artificial surroundings 1hey attain a comparatively long life The oldest emmet queen known to sci ence Avas one preserved under the care of Sir John Lubbock later Lord Ave Imry A number of years ago during n visit to this distinguished naturalist at his country scat High Elms Kent the writer for the iirst time saw this Tenerable sovereign living in the in genious artificial formicary which had lieen prepared for heiL She was then iu the prime of life as it afterward ap peared being seven years old In the summer of 1SS7 Sir John was again visited this time at his town iouse in London After greetings he ivas asked about his royal pet I have sad nihvs to tell you he an swered What Is the queen dead She died only yesterday 1 have not liad the heart to tell the news as yet even to my wife Having olfered my hearty condo lence I asked to see the dead queen Sir John led the way to the room where his artificial nests were kepi The glass -case which contained the special formicary in which the old ant lad lived was opened up Lying in one of the laVger open spaces or rooms was the dead queen She was surrounded by a crowd of workers who were ten derly licking her touching her with their antennas and making other dem onstrations as if soliciting her atten tion or desiring to wake her out of sleep Poor dumb loving faithful creatures There was no response Their queen mother lay motionless be neath their demonstrations They do not appear to have discov ered that she is really dead remarked ir John Afterward he wrote me of another queen which died at the age of fourteen The ants dragged her body sbout with them when they moved un til it fell to pieces II C McCook in Harpers Magazine A SNAKE STORY 3Ieu Who Coax the VenomouH Rep tiles to Bite Them Men can become accustomed to snake bite just as they can become ac castomed to anything else said a man who had spent much time in studying the habits of reptilian life and in not a few instances which have come un der my observation the snake bite has really become not only pleasurable Irat a kind of physical necessity You see the poison is stimulating It works like an cjpiate of the kind adminis tered by persons who fall victims to the pernicious habit of using the nee dle or of taking the stuff internally I have known a number of men who would make snakes bite them every ay and they simply couldnt get along without it Their energies would begin to lag They would feel drowsy and lifeless By allowing a snake to bite Uiem they could relieve this condition The poison would stimulate and buoy Tip having the same effect as a dose of morphine or cocaine or other kinds of flope has on persons addicted to Its nse Of course they are careful not to jet an overdose of poison always ex tracting enough of it to keep down the dangerous consequences of the bite Often men addicted to this ugly prac tice are forced to tantalize and goad the snake up to the point of despera tion in order to make it bite But ihey will strike after awhile It Is an awful thing to even think about isnt ft But this world is filled with curi ous things and curious persons and among the wonders of a coarser kind 5s the man who takes the snake fang fiypo New Orleans Times-Democrat Ginger Beer An excellent ginger beer may be pre pared in the following manner Take Zvo ounces of bruised ginger two ounces of cream of tartar two pounds cf lump sugar two lemons cut in slices the rind left on put all these into a large pan or pitcher and pour two gallons of boiling water on them Let this stand for several hours strain It end when quite cold add a tablespoon ful of brewers yeast and let it remain fn the ginger beer for twelve ours Then skim off the yeast and bottle the fceer Press the corks very firmly down and tie thom It will be ready for use in a week Grim Sins Hain during a burial is considered an excellent sign throughout the West 3ndia islands If one measures his own height with a rod which has been used in measuring a corpse for the coffin he himself will die within the year A stroke with the hand of a corpse is believed by the West Indian to be a sure cure for all pains and swellings Very Playful Your little brother seems like a play ful boy Yes he is Hes very playful When Bister was married he stopped up the chimney threw pepper in the fire put brandy In the lemonade and turned the garden hose on the minister Oh hes playful all right 7f I APHORISMS No legacy Is so rich as honesty Shakespeare A grateful dog is better than an un grateful man Saadi We first make our habits and then our habits make us Emmons Tho retrospect of life swarms with lost opportunities Sir H Taylor To be happy is not the purpose of our being but to deserve happiness Fitch Fortune may find a pot but your own industry must make it boil Rousseau When a person is down in the world an ounce of help is better than a pound of preaching Bulwer No man ever did a designed injury to another but at the same time he did a greater to himself Home When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing he has one good rea son for letting it alone Thomas Scott To be perfectly just is an attribute of the divine nature to be so to the utmost of our abilities is the glory of man Addison He Didnt Understand A little fellow out West Itoxbury way some ten years old perhaps twelve bested his grandmothers the other day rather neatly All three were at the table when one of the la dies casually mentioned the name of the family nurse Immediately the little fellow wanted to know who the lady was One grandma innocently re marked that it was the nurse that took care of the boy when he was born But why didnt mamma take care of me I was her baby wasnt 15 queried the little fellow True says grandma bat you see mamma doesnt understand how to look after little ba bies particularly the first one and we have to have nurses who have learned how in the hospitals That seemed to settle it but all of a sudden the little fellow blurted out Well then who took care of Cain V Boston Traveler Blindfold Nine persons out of ten would prob ably give the derivation of blind as coming directly from blind and fold from the practice of folding a cloth round the eyes as in the game of blind mans bull The word has how ever nothing to do with fold but means felled or struck blind and might be writted biindfelled In the same way the word buttery is easily con fused with the common term butter with which however it has no con nection save in the minds of those who do not know it to be a contraction for bottlery a place where bottles are kept and over which the bottler or butler nrftsides Chambers Journal If J 3 S - tv s 1 -- hSiT i rsii V Y igMteafeaaaffla iy - w y v x 1 s 11 r -- h v a Seaiatiful Xlkougihitj The sweet pure breath of the babe is luggestive of innocence and health A mothers yearning for children is in Bejiarable from a love of the beautiful and it behooves every woman to bring the iweetest and best influence to bear on the subject of her maternity To relieve naiu and make easy that period when life is orn again Mothers FVieraci is popularly used It is a liniment easily administered and fo external use only Pregnant women sh auld try this remedy it being undeniably a friend to her during natures term of suspense and anticipation flothers Friend if used throughout gestation will soften the breasts thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples All muscles straining with the burden will relax become supple and elastic from its continued applicatior All fibres in the abdominal region will respond readily to the expanding cover containing the embryo if flothers Friend is applied externally during pregnancy Of all reliable druggists 100 per bottle H rite for free book n flotherhood Tilt CSADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA PUBLICATION NOTICE John J Little Jessie M Little and John Doe real name unknown defendants will take no tice that Bametti Lumber Company plaintiff lias filed its petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska apainst said defend ants the object and rtrayer beiiif to foreclose a mortgage dated April 20th 1901 on the follow ing property to wit Lots -IS 49 and i0 in block 2 in the town of South McCook in Ked Willow county Nebraska Riven to securo the payment of two promissory notes sicned by defendants John J Little and Jessie M Little one for S15 70 maturing October 20thl901 and thoothor for SiOOO maturinc April 20th 1903 both dated April 20th 1904 and drawing interest at ten per cunt per annum from date and the sum of 2192 paid by plaintiff ns taxes on said premi eb for tio years 1902 1903 and 1904 Said mortgage is signed by defendants John J Little and Jos uo M Little There is now due plaintiff on the promissory note maturing October 20th 1904 and for taxes paid tho sum of 0062 with inter est at ten por cent per annum on o70 thereof from April 20th 1904 and on 2492 thereof from auuary 12th 1905 and there will become duo laintiff on April 20th 1905 on tho promissory pote maturing on that day the sum of 3000 nwith interest at ten per cent from April 20th 190t and plaintiff prays for a decree that said defendants be reqnired to pay the samo or that said land be sold to satisfv said amount due and to become duo plaintiff with interest and costs of suit You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday tho 20th day of February 1905 Baknett Lumber Company Plaintiff By W S Morlan Its Attorney qflifffffe7i T Cure a M la Om FMy SsSU s ri n 11 tParSHWVfirElfiS yvrSr i jy Fk fiVffiTtf -- - iimrr It c iwnn swies r 5n Mst 52 ranr rbs ji ttrp SecSEatSEG vr u - WGVU AIUUWU w - 4 j prftSShi5y3SI m ijaM i in i a i rJSSSESSSKSSilSEafS T GRANTING A FAVOR Do It GraeioaBly li Sot Unite the Recipient Keel CutcnilClle The essence of truest kindness lies in the grace with which it is performed Some men seem to discount all grati tude almost make it impossible by the way in which they grant favors They make you feel so small so mean so in ferior your cheeks burn with indigna tion in the acceptance of the boon you seek at their hands You feel it is like a bone thrown at a dog instead of the quick sympathetic graciousness that forestalls your explanations and waives jour thanks with a smile the pleasure of one friend who has been fa vored with the opportunity to be of service to another The man who makes another feel like an insect re clining on a redhot stove while lie is receiving a favor has no right to ex pect future gratitude he should feel satisfied if he receives forgiveness Let us forget the good deeds we have done by making them seem small in comparison with the greater things we are doing and the still greater acts we hope to do This is true generosity and Avill develop gratitude in the soul of him who has been helped unless he is so petrified in selfishness as to make It impossible But constantly reminding a man of the favors he has received from you almost cancels the ilbi The care of the statistics should be his priv ilege you are usurping his prerogative when you recall them Merely because it has been our good fortune to be able to servo some one we should not act as if we held a mortgage on his immor tality and expect him to swing the cen ser of adulation forever in our presence From The Tower of Truth by Wil liam George Jordan Published by Brentanos In lie Streets of QunnrvK Through a narrow street lined with shrines temples and shops the way leads toward the sacred river Here and there it is necessary to pick ones steps One of the lirst sights to at tract the eye is a dead rat festering be fore the door of a dwelling and the rats are said first to have spread the plague at Bombay A moment later a dirgelike cry breaks upon the ear It is Ham Itam Itam in memory of the saintlike prince of ancient India Four bearers are carrying a body to be burned So narrow is the street that it becomes necessary to crowd back against a temple wall to let the dead pass by The body is wrapped in muslin and the face is covered The pall is sprinkled with drops perhaps of rosewater perhaps of the sacred Ganges This is the path of the dead No guide is needed except to follow in the hurrying footsteps of those who were carrying the corpse tb its resting place upon the pyre Professor A V W Jackson in Traveler Tli Smiles Failed A pretty American girl traveling in England was sorely tried by the an noyances ami stares to which she was subjected on account of her American peculiarities She went into a shoe shop in London to buy a pair of shoes and the clerk tried on innumerable pairs of veritable boats as she called them much to the amusement of two Englishwomen customers seated near by who regarded her through their starers as if she were some strange animal in a menagerie Finally the clerk said apologetically We avent anything narrow enough for you miss You see miss our ladies have wider feet because they walk so much miss The two Englishwomen smiled with the air of superiority that she had met for so long and she felt she could stand it no longer Do they walk on their hands too she flashed out Found Ills Plnce Two men were discussing the friends of their boyhood and in the course of the conversation mentioned one old schoolmate who had been the possessor of a most unfortunate disposition I wonder what became of him said one man It always seemed to me that It wouldnt be possible for him to get any enjoyment out of life or find any sort of work that suited him no has said the other I saw him out west last year and he has a job that suits him to a T Hes station master in a place where there are for ty trains a day coming and going and he sees somebody miss every one of them ClvJe Pride I dont know what were goin to do about them two leadin citizens said Broncho Bob Theyre lookin fur one another with six shooters from mornin till night Has an insult passed No it wasnt any insult but some doubt ariz as to which was the oldest inhabitant an theyre both determined to settle the question fur good an all Washington Star Bnny Loafley tells me he hasnt been so busy for years Nonsense That job he has is a cinch He never has to work hard there Thats just it ITes been fired and hes chasing around after another- job now Exchange The Belle If Jack Nospud should ask you to marry him simpered Mnudh calling up a blush what would you do What I have always done said Ma lei Send him to you Chicago Trib une Great Exercise Is he fond of exercise Yes he walks in his sleep De troit Free Press Fire and sword are but slow engines of destruction In comparison with the babbler Steele 1 1 J m I Modern ft f It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life pneumonia aiitf consumption aisfs Ccmgla Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia S Price 25c Large Size 50c g 1 3S23Z32n33SSEeH2ESa3H3SS I oluElfoF UKAU1NU State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At a county court held at the county court room in and for said county December SStli A D 10J lriisiitS L Green County Judge lu tiie matter of tlo estate of James M Ham mond deceased On reading and filing tin petition of Jaine O Hammond praying that the instrument filed on the 2Hth dav of DccemhurlGOlaiid purporting to be the la t will and testament of the said do rented may be proved approved probated al lowed ard recorded as tho last will und testa ment of the sad JumiS M Hammond deceased ami that the execution of aid instrument may be committed in d the adinMiistratiou of said estate may be grmt d to James O Hammond and liroi H Hammond iu executor- Ordered that Janinin KHii 1901 A D- at nine oclock a in is u Mgned for hearing aid otitiou when all pr oiis interested in aid matter ina appear at a county court to lw held in and foriuid coiint and show caue wlij tho pravr of petitioner should not be granted and tliaf notice of the peidency of said petition and the hearing thereof bo tfiven to all persous in terested in said matter bj publishing a copy of this order in Tjii McCook Timjjlni a weekly newspujier printed in aid cotintr for a suc cessive weeks prior to said i iy of IsealJ S L UitiiEN County Jude A tru copy 120 5ts NOTICE OF SUIT Catherine Reynolds and the Southeast Quar ter Section Twentj -three Towuhi Three North Iaii0 Twentj six West ith I M de fendants will take notice that on the 9th day of Decenilier JlKll Otto Hopt plaintiff lieruiii filed his petition in tho district court of Hed Willow county Nbraka against said defendants the object and prajer of which are to foreclose a certain tax deed executed on the ISth day of March 19t2 to the plaintiff in pursuance of a tax -ale of said proiwrty madeon the 2ird day of February IbfiJtnTlio Western Land Company Tor the sum of i7h for taxes for the jears lfe9G and 1S97 and under which sale there were paid the for the j ear Jfe9o amounting to the sum of lii2 the taxes for th vearlyOamount isiK to the sum of 1090 and the for the year 1HW amounting to the sum of 3121 Also to foreclose a certain tax sale certificate issued by the county treasurer of said couittv on aid preni es for the fur the jear IWtion No vember 1ti 19 2 to plaintiff for the sum of 1270 and under which there has been paid the taxes for tho year 1902 nmountiuK to tho sum of 991 that there i now duo the plaintiff from said defendants for taxes on said premises i uudersaid taxdeed and tux sales uicludiiu sub sequent taxes and the sum of 1X0 paid for pub lishing notice of the expiration of the time of redemption the sum of 14774 with interest thereon from the 9th day of December 19Ut at the rate of fen percent per annum and attorneys fees equal to ten per cent of the amount of the decree and costs of suit and plaintiff pros for a decree tlint defendants be re- quired to pay the same or that said promises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due with interest You are required to answer said petition on or before Moudav the 2Jnl day of January 1901 Dated this 9th day of December 1904 Otto Hopt Plaintiff 12-10-413 Ry Boyle fildrcd his attornejs SHERIFFS SALE Iv virtue of an order of sale issued from the District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Clarence E Pierce is plaintiff and Catharine Either et a I are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Red Willow County Ne braJca on the 9th day of January 1501 at the hour of 1 oclock p in the following described real estate to wit Tho southeast quarter tseM of section twentw live i21l township two t2i north of rango twenty six i2G west of the Cth P i in Red Willow County Nebraska Dated this 9th day of December 1904 A C Ckabthke Sheriff J F Fults Attorney JJOTICE of the discontinuance of tho Hitch 1 cock land dist rict in the state of Nebraska with oflice at McCook and the transfer of the business and archives thereof and its consolida tion with the fcouth Platte land district with oilice at Lincoln Nebraska Notice is hereby pi v en that the President of theTJnitedStatesby Ex ecutive order dated December b 1904 has pur suant to tho provisions of sections 224 2210 and 2212 of the revised Statutes of the United States and by virtue of the authority therein civen ordered that The Hitchcock land district in the State of Nebraska with oilice at McCook Nebra ka be discontinued and the business and archives of said laud district be transferred to and consolidated with the South Platte land district with oilice at Lincoln Nebraska In pur suance of said executive order the laud oilice at McCook Nebraska will be iermanently closed and discontinued at the close of hours on January 31 1901 and its business and archives transferred to and made a part of the land office at Lincoln Nebra ka on February 1 1901 Given under my hand at the City of Washington District of Columbia this thirteenth dav of December A D 3901 By the President WA Richards Commissioner of the General Laud Oflice NOTICE OF SUIT G G Griswoid defendant will take notice that on the 1th day of January AD 190T Louie H Corwin plaintiff herein filed her iietition in tho district court of Red Willow county Ne braska apainst the said defendant impleading with Waltor E Corwin defendant the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax sale certificate issued on the 22nd day of January A D 1902 bv tho county treasurer of Red Willow county Nebraska to Edward B Cowles and duly as ipned to the plaintiff here in for a valuable consideration for the follow ing described reaf estate to wit The southwe t quarter of the northeast quarter the northwest quarter of tho southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of section 1 in township 2 north of ratine 29 west in Red Wil low county Nebraska said certificate lieinp for the delinquent taxes for the year- 191 lb9o 197 lYJii 1699 and 1900 and amounting to the sum of 6947 and under said alo tho subsequent for the years 1901 1902 and 19TTS have been paid as follows September 1 19U2 the sum of Sh 97 delinquent taxes for the year 1901 July 5rd 1905 the sum of 0SG delinquent taxes for the vear 1S02 and September 27 1901 the um of 7132 de linquent taxes for the year TJtS that there is now due the plaintiff for taxes on -aid real es tate paid uudersaid tax sale including the sub sequent taxes the sum of 15272 with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from January 3rd 1904 for which sum with attorneys fees and costs of suit plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay theame or that said real estate be sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the Kith day of February A D 1901 Dated January 4 19o1 LorcsK H Corwin Plaintiff By J E Kelley her attornej NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Wm A Parish Ports Wilson Walter W Morrison and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locato a road commencing at the southeast corner of section six C township three i ranxo twenty six 26 west Sixth P in East Valley precinct Red Willow county Nebraska running thence east on section lino between sections five 1 and eipht 8 to southeast corner section five 5 town three i ranpo twenty six 26 1 west Sixth P M terminating thereat has reported in fa vor of the location thfreof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in tho county clerks oflice on or before noon of tho 6th day of March 1903 or said road will be es tablished without reference thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk T fX J wltem 1 rrigw Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnells drug store MCCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phonf 1G0 Res Phonu iiL Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities 05 I - a 9 BLi Jt tJU DENTiST PHONE 112 Oilice over Grannis store McCook Neb MRS I j F aillGG AGKXT lOR ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Threo doors cant of DeQroffH store L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Office over McMilleub drue btoro H P SUTTON rtcCOOK McCOOK NEBKASKA JEWZI 1ELP MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician KelleyOllice Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NE13 Consultation free DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 12 i Main Avenue Oilice ami Residenco phone 55 Calls answered niIit or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTSACTEE McCook Nebraska 3cAfentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Office in Postolfice huildintr C H Uotlb C E Eldhed Co Atty 80YLE ELDRED AT TOKNEYS AT LAW Louk Distance Phono 4f Rooms 1 and 7 second floor MCLOOk wv Poatollico Building fleD WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of provious years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee TESTIMONIAL Delmont S D- Dec 17 1902 I used L K for lion cholera anil it was all ripht It cured my hogs I had three sick ones and thoy all pot well and done fine I also u ed it for chicken lice and mites and it is all you claim for it Itis the only Medicine forhoR cholera I think Gotiieb Jekkk Harrinpton Neb Dec U 1902 I am usinjf Liquid Koal and am well plea ed with it I am sure I saved my hops with it la t year and am poinp to keep it in stock all tho time as it is the best thinp I ever had on the place for everythiup it is intended for It is pood for chicken cholera lice on stock inects of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by the National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa HOLLISTERS Rocky fflouniain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Easy People Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor K specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Slus jrish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form 85 cents a box Genuine made by Hollister Drco Company Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE felt SBtr Aiwava reliable IitliciaakDruKdatfoT CHrjIliSNTKK M KXMMI in lied Mj old metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon lahc no other Refine dangerous ubCl tutlonnnnU imitation BuyoryourDrncrgis or send 4c in stamps for Particular Teit monlnln ami Keller Tor Jnlle in Utter XrfstEBMaI JO000 Testimonials Soldbr all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO BIOO Hndlion Square PHlljl p Mention this pacer Y i