The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1905, Image 8

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Lot 2
Seven Minion
3 Lots
contains Cloaks which sold for
from 500 to 700 all will go
contains Cloaks which sold for
from 800 to 1 1 00 all will go
Business is slack in Stringtown
Nelson Downs has been hauling rye to
market this week
Mrs John Schlagel is hero visiting her
parents Mr and Mrs Dudeck
Willie Podolski will return to Seward
Sunday where he will again enter school
School has opened again in district
2so 3 after a weeks vacation during the
Mrs Jake Roth and family and Daniel
Roth of Haigler spent the holidays at
Fred Wagners
Mrs Joe Downs has been visiting on
School creek at the home of her daughter
Mrs Will Stadler
Samllughes and Mr Phillips have met
with good success in shelliug corn in
this neighborhood
The Xnias doings at the German
church were well attended and greatly
enjoyed by all present
Otto Tilgner has been homo on a
For 400
For S700
Dress Goods Greatly Reduced
175 and 150 Dress Goods for 135 and 1 25 yard
All 123 Dress Goods for 90c yard
90c and 1 00 Dress Goods for 80c yard
75c and 85c Dress Goods for 63c yard
60c and 65c Dress Goods for 45C and 50c yard
45c and 50c Dress Goods for 35c and 40c yard
38c and 40c Dress Goods for 30C yard
30c and 35c Dress Goods for 25c yard
All 25c Dress Goods for 18c yard
1 8c and 20c Dress Goods for 14c yard
All 50c French Flannels 42c yard
All 35c Tricot Flannels 24c yard
Trimmings of all Descriptions at Bargain Prices
Ehb k5I
short visit but has returned to his corn
picking in the eastern part of the state
Gotlieb Unger and Mrs John Lieb
brandt returned last evening on 14 from
Haigler where they spent the holidays
Mr and Mrs Ben Schamel are home
from the western part of the state aud
will spend the remainder of the winter
in this vicinity
John Wagoner has been home over
the holidays visiting the homefolks and
returns Sunday to Grand Island where
he is attending school
Afcgyanteed Cure for Piles
UjfiSng Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
rAzo oinment fails to cure any case no
matter of how long standing in G to 14
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded post paid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
The Tribune makes a specialty of
office stationery and type writer supplies
mwismm jLmiji7KmL
Lot 3
T Cure a CeM in Om Day
Cures Grip
in Two Days
on every
Jzrz box 25c
425 Drapery
Curtains pair
350 Drapery
Curtains pair
vtS5S5Wm A
Of Dry Goods Carpets Shoes and Gents Furnishings
and for two weeks everything in his entire stock will be sold at extreme reductions in order to turn into cash all merchandise
possible before inventory GLANCE OVER THESE BARGAINS CALL EARLY and do your buying before this stock
is too badly broken
Blankets and Comforters
6 50 all wool Blankets JjjFso
per pair P
525 wool Blankets M 50
per pair fig
275 wool Blankets 410
Per Pair dm
250 1 1 4 Blankets i5
per pair j
225 12 4 Blankets i 68
per pair j
200 1 1 4 Blankets 48
per pair j
150 and 125 Blankets Fr
pair 120 and gr F
85c and 60c Blankets Jk r
pair 68c and B m
375 and 350 Comforters 4P68
2 9S and t
250 and 150 Comforters S2
All 125 Comforts
now V
Carpets at Unheard of Prices
Best 70c 75c and 80c EQ
Carpets 3 O C
All 60c and 65c CA
Carpets JUL
All 50c and 55c Air
Carpets tZ L
Lace Curtain Bargains
All 850 and
9 Curtains
All 4 50 and
500 Curtains
All 250 and
300 Curtains
All 200 and
225 Curtains
All 100 and
150 Curtains
Oarid Pr
15 J oo
and Pr
1 95 725
A and Pr
1 45 75
- and Pr
-3 Lots
contains Cloaks which sold for
from 1200 to 1600 all will go SSI
Any Childs Cloak in the entire stock for
regardless of cost or value
c 1 20
and Pr
2 75
Silk Inducements
150 guaranteed Taffeta 36 inch for 125
125 guaranteed Taffeta 27 inch for 95c
1 00 guaranteed Taffeta 36 inch for 89c
27 inch China Silks 47c
23 inch China Silks 39c
Any Silk Shirt Waist Suit Pattern which sold
regularly at 100 a yard will go for 85c
Table Linen and Napkins
150 and 135 Linens for 125 and I15 yard
125 and 1 00 Linens for 98c and 89c
85c and 75c Linens for 65c yard
65c and 50c Linens for 45c and 40c yard
Napkins at Comparative Reductions
Mens Ladies and Childrerts Underwear must also go cheap Flannelettes Outings Shirt
ings Yarns etc Mens Hats Trousers Shirts and Working Clothes as well as Shoes for every
body will be sold during these two weeks at surprisingly LOW PRICES FOR CASH ONLY Dont
forget the time is limited call early and often
H H Bandy was a McCook visitor
Miss Viola Corner visited Maud Cole
man Friday
Maud Coleman visited her sister Ger
trude Thursday
Frank Coleman took some wheat to
McCook last Saturday
Rev Ilawsworth preached at the Cole
man school house last Sundaj
M H Cole bought a span of horses
harness and a carriage Saturday
Mrs Jones and daughter of McCook
visited with Maud Coleman last Friday
Maud and Roy Coleman returned to
Lincoln Sunday night to be ready for
their work Monday morning
Gertrude Wales nee Coleman spent
Christmas at the old homestead The
entire family were present but two
Mrs M H Cole gave a party Wed
nesday evening in honor of Maud and
Roy Coleman All report a splendid
Uncle William has cot it in the neck
I front part and for three days it was so
bad ho said he could not write a letter
above a whisper
Mr and Mrs Bandy gave a party last
Saturday evening for Maud and Roy
Coleman The young folks watched the
old year out and the new one in and
the way warm messages flew along the
Rural Free Delivery on the grapevine
route was a caution
The First Step
Young Woman before milliners win
dow to her maid That hat is perfect
ly lovely I must have it Marie be
sure to remind me to kiss my husband
when I get home Womans Home
Shes made a fool of that young fel
Weli she didnt have to economize
on the raw material Baltimore Amer
Onsrht the Idea
Bluster Do you mean to say that I
am a liar Blister I hope that I couhl
not do so ungentlemanly a thing But
I see you catch my Idea
There would not be so many open
mouths If there were not so many
pen ears Hall
Charles Bolles returned last Monday
to the University
Rev J A Kerr spent last week with
his family at Brady Island
Mrs J F Miilor returned last Satur
day to hor home at Friend
Mrs J K Gordon and Eliza Johnson
visited with Ida Modrell last Friday
Ella Johnson visited with her aunt
Mrs T M Campbell last Thursday
On last Sunday Mr atid Mis Stephen
Bolles gave si NewYears dinner toabnut
forty of their friends and acquaintances
The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs
A T Wilson was quite sick last week
but we are glad to note it is much better
Mrs Austin Dixon of Alma and Mrs
Bon Lytlo visited with their sister Mre
Mrs F G Lytic last Friday and Sat
On Thursday oveningof last week A
T Wilsons oung folks Charles Boles
George Shields and W Y Johnson met
at the homo of T M Campbell The
evening was spent in music and eating
nuts and candy
The greatrst system renovator Re
stores vitality regulates tho kidneys
Jiver and stomach If Hollitters
Rocky Mountain Tea fails to cure get
your money back Thats fair 85
cents Tea or Tablets LW McConnell
Thk Tribune wants a correspondent
at Red Willow Write us for particulars
The Tkibune and Inter Ocean 105
Stito of Nebraska Red Willow county ss
At a county court held at the county court
room in and for said county December iSth
A D 1001 Present S L Green Couuty Judge
In the mutter of the estate of James M Ham
mond deceased
On reading and filing the petition of James O
Hammond praying that the instrument filed
on tho iSth da of Decoinboriy01and purporting
to bo tho last will and testament of the -aid de
ceased may be proved approved probated al
lowed and recorded as tho Iut will and testa
ment of the wild James M Hammond deceased
and that the execution of said instrument may
be committed and the ndnrnistration of said
estate nitty bo emitted to James O Hammond
and Milton II Hammond as executor
Ordered that January 10th 190i A D at
nine oclock a m is assigned for hoarinir said
petition when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to bo held
in and for said county and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not he granted and
that notice of tho pendency of said petition and
tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in Tin McCook Tkiiiuxe a weekly
newspaper printed in said countv for II suc
cessive weeks prior to said dav of hearing
seal S L Gkukx Countv Judge
A truo copy
Catherine Reynolds and the Southeast Quar
ter Section twenty Mint Town hip Three
North Range Tweutj six West tith I M de
fendants will take notice that on the 9th day of
December HUM Otto Hopt plaintiiriierein filed
his petition in the district court of Red Willow
county Nebraska against said defendants- the
object and prajer of which are to foreclose a
certain tax deed executed on the Ibth day of
March 1902 to the plaintiff in pursuance of a
tax sale of said property made on tho 23rd day
of Februa rylM9 to The Western Land Com puny
for tho sum of SU7S for taxes for the ears
l 96 and 1S97 and under which sale there were
paid the taxes for the j ear MS amounting to tho
sum of S15 52 tho taxes for the year 1M9 amount
ing to the sum of 1090 aud tho taxes for the
year 1900 amounting to the sum of 12Gr Also
to foreclose a certain tax sale certificate issued
by the county treasurer of said countv on said
premises for tho taxes for tho year 1901 on No
vember 5th 1902 to this ulnintiff for the sum of
1270 and under which there has been paid the J
taxes for thi year VA amounting to the sum of
9 pi that there is now due the plaintiff from
said defendants for taxes on saiil premises
under said taxdeed and taxsales including sub
sequent taxes and the sum of 100 paid for pub
lishing notice of the expiration of the time of
redemption the sum of 1177 1 with interest
thereon from the 9th day of December 1904 at
the rate of ten percent per annum and attorneys
fees equal to ten per cent of tho amount
of the decree and costs of suit nnd pleintiff
prays for a decreo that defendants bo re
quired to pay the same or that said premises
may be sold to satisfy the amount found due
with interest
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday the 23rd day of January 1905
Dated this 9th daj of December 1904
Otto Hopt Plaintiff
By Boyle Eldred his attorneys
T5v virtue of an order of sale issued from the
District Court of Red WillowCounty Nebraska
under a decreo in an action wherein Clarence E
Pierce is plaintiff and Catharine C Egger et al
are defendants to me directed and delivered I
shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest
bidder for cash at the eat door of the court
house in McCook Red Willow County
on the 9th day of January 1905 at the
hour of 1 oclock p in the following described
real estate to wit The southeast quarter se1
of section twentw five 21 township two 2
north of rnngo twenty six 20 west of the Cth
P M in Red Willow Couuty Nebraska
Dated this 9th day of December 1901
A C Crabtree Sheriff
J F Fults Attorney
NOTICE of tin discontinuance of the
Iinri fliciit ii flic f
with ollice at McCook and the transfer of tho
business and archives thereof and its consolida
tion with the South Platte land district with
ollice at Lincoln Nebraska Notice is hereby giv
en that the Pre ident of the United Stntesby Ex
ecutive order dated December t 1904 has pur
suant to the provisions of sections 2248 2210 and
2212 of tho revised Statutes of the United State-
aud by virtue of tho authority therein given
ordered that The Hitchcock land district in
the State of Nebraska with office at McCook
Nebraska be discontinued and tin- busine and
archives of said land district bo transferred to
and consolidated with the South Platte land
district with ollice at Lincoln Nebraska In pur
suance of said executive order tho land ollice sit
McCook Nebraska will be permanently closed
and discontinued at the close of business hours
on January HI 1901 and its business and archives
transferred to and made a part of the land office
at Lincoln Nebraska on February 1 1905
Given under my hand at the City of Washington
District of Columbia this thirteenth dav of
December A D 1901 By the President W A
RrciiARDs Commissioner of the General Laud
G G Griswold defendant will take notice
thatonthe4th day of January AD 1901 Louise
II Corwin plaintiff herein filed her ietition in
the district court of Red Willow county Ne
braska against the said defendant impleading
with Walter E Corwin defendant the object
and prajer of which are to foreclose a certain
tax ale certificate issued on the 22nd day of
January A D 1902 hv the county treasurer of
Red Willow county Nebraska to Edward B
Cowles and duly assigned to the plaintiff here
in for a valuable consideration for the follow
ing described real estate to wit The southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter the northwest
quarter of the southeast quarter anil the east
half of the southwest quarter of section IS in
townsiiip2 north of range 29 west in Red Wil
low county Nebraska said certificate being for
the delinquent taxes for the years lsgl 1sh i97
li93 1899 and 19SX aud amounting to the sum of
0947 and under said -ale the sub equent taxes
for tho years 1901 1902 and 1901 have been paid
as follows September 11902 the sum of 97
delinquent taxes for the jear 1901 July ird 1901
the sum of JbG delinquent taxes for the year
1902 and September 27 1901 the sum of 762 de
linquent taxes for tho year 19ij that there is
now due the plaintiff for taxes on said real es
tate paid under said tax sale including the sub
sequent taxes tho sum of i272 with interest
thereon at 10 per cent per annum from January
3rd 1904 for which sum with attorneys fees
aud costs of suit plaintiff prays for a decree
that the defendants be required to pay the same
or that said real estate bo sold to satisfy tho
amouut found due You are required to answer
said petition on or before Monday the 13th day
of February A D 1901
Dated January 4 1901
Louise H Corwix Plaintiff
By J E Kelley her attornej
- rrr
Office over McConnells drug store
Office Phone 1G0
Res Phone lJL
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly Jocated in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Olllco over Graunis store McCook Nob
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Three doors cast of DeOroffs store
Real Estate Insurance
Ofllce ovor
McMillans drug store
musical GOODS
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Oflice BIdg Phono No 13
Consultation free
and Surgeon
OHico Residence 521 Main Aveune OHico and
Residence phone M Calls answered night or
McCook Nebraska
vSAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Ollice in Postoffice building
C H Hoyle C E Eidrkd Co Atfc y
Attorneys at Law
Long Distance Phono 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second lloor KaU
Postotlice Building JUCLOOK fleD
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous yeara
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
T- -T
tfi FOP MD5 - eA X A
t ytt
Delmout S D- Dec 17 19 G
I used L K for hog cholera and it al
right It cured my hogs I had three sick Tes
and they all got well and done line I also
used it for chicken lice and mites and it is ui
you claim for it It is the only Medicine for hog
cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 lw i
I am using Liquid Koal and am well plea ed
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with t it
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thing I ever hail on the
place for everything it is intended for It is
good for chicken cholera lico on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kind
F W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Bc3j People
Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form cents a l r Genuine made t
Hollisteu Drug Company Madison Wi3
Safe Always reliable LarfIcnaskrracEl3t for
Oold metallic boies sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Refute daiigcrourj nubsti
tationtand Inilt tion JluyofyourDntBcit
or send 1c In stamps for Particulars Teoti
mnntnU and Keller for Ladle in letter
bv return Mali 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2100 HailUon Square PHirJL PJU
Mention Uli sapsiw