HP 1 1 tf W y y iTHttEE YEARS AFTER Eugene R Larlo of 751 Twentieth avenue ticket Beller in the Union Sta tion Denver Col says You are at lioeny to repeat what I first stated through our Denver papers about Doans Kidney Pills in the summer of 1899 for 1 have had no reason in the interim to change my opinion of that remedy I was subject to severe at tacks of backache al ways aggravated if I sat long at a desk Doans Kidney Pills absolutely stopped my backache I have never had a pain or a twinge since rosier MUDurn Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all druggists Price 50 cents per box All the great work in the world is simply doing the best that is in us More Flexible and Lasting wont shake out or blow out by usinjr Defiance Starch obtain you better re sults than possible with any other brand and one third more for same money Endurance is the fruit of endeavor ft Cures Colds Coughs Sore Throat Croup Influenza WhoopinR Cough Bronchitis and Asthma A certain cure for Consumption in flrsi stages and a sure relief in advanced stages TJst at once You will see the excellent effect af tei taking the tirst dose Sold by dealers every where Large bottles 25 cents and 50 cents Look for this brand on harness collars saddles horse blankets lap robes etc Made by Harpham Bros Co Lincoln Neb Drop us a card and will mail you a souvenir TWEITY BUSHELS OF WHEAT n 1 A YEA i TO THE AGRE Is the record on the Free Home stead Lands of WesternCanada for 1904 The 150000 farmers from the United States who Inring the past seven years have gone to Canada participate in this prosperity The United States -will soon become an Importer of wheat Get a free homestead or purchase 11 farm In Western Canada and become one of those who will aelp produce it Apply for information to Superintendent of Imml rratliin Ottawa Canada or to authorized Canadian Knvernment Acent W V Bennett B01 Xew York Life Building Omaha Nebraska Please say where you saw this advertisement INCUBATO The OLD TEUSTY In rubntora are made by Johnson the Incubator Man who made 50000 be fore Inventing his OLD rKUSTY A hatch r Forty days free trial ud a flvo years guaran jee For dIr free cata togae 300 poultry lllus srations addrcR M MJOHNSON CO Box O T Clay Center Neb RS Pars for THE DAILY REVIEW a Deliohtful Daily Newspaper For The American Home important news a brilliant magazine feature every day departments devoted U literature poetry art science education religion hygiene do mestic economy fashions travels lecreation busi ness markets etc Nothing admitted to readjng or advertising columns which parents cannot read to their children Subscription price SI a year e for 6 mo 50c for 3 inn Subscribe fr dHy Glilens o Kevieiv Co 399 Coca Cola Building Chicago 111 W N U Omaha No 11905 zzzTTzsstzxizrnarssz 3 WINCHESTER LEADER AND REPEATER SHOTGUN SHELLS The proof of the shell is its shooting Be cause they shoot so well Winchester Factory Loaded Leader and Repeater Smoke less Powder Shotgun Shells have won almost every important prize shot for in years Good shots shoot them because they give bet ter results shoot stronger and more uniformly and are more reliable than any other make ALWAYS SPECIFY WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS HAVE YOU A HORSE 9 WOULD YOU LIKE US TO SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUL FOR THE MOST WONDERFUL SADDLE OFFER EVER HEARD can hare tho nlcet addle In Ma oTfer wMcn nrone 0 i S5JiJi if tills ad ont and send it to us and you will neUrN Blsind Beautiful Special Saddle Catalogue JarndS StoSPWo illustrations of all kinds of MflnQWnmens Boys and Girls Saddles Stock Saddles Ranch and Range Saddles PLAIH AND FANCY SADDLES evaiL MEDIUM AND LARGE IvERyiMAOIN Ve KIND AMD STTLE AND SHAPE OF SADDLE OUR PRICES WILL ASTONISH AND PLEASE YOU retoorer rrceTWaM mnyo horse dontfall to cut this ad out S tSus htodayaandns wbktall you get by return mall free postpaid ADDRESS SEARS IPRIIKK Rll CHICAGO piidcc iuuTrC ill HKF FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tnstci Good TJM RS In timo poiu or uruw LEWI A TO TEh Liu MR - iTr nirrr inrnrT w f ctw nMnngTnJ - - inn hi i Founds Important Fellowship Mr Francis Galton F R S has founded in London University a fel lowship for the promotion of the study of National Eugenics the study ol may Improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally The Beggars of Naples Lever says somewhere that when he threw vut a handful of small coin to the Neapolitan beggars the blind were the first to see it the paralyzed to run for it the maimed to pick it up the naked to put it in their pock ets and the dumb to blaspheme their ia luck in being out of the scramble Egyptians Used Fine Tools When the pyramids were built the laborers did not work under such dis advantages as have long been attri buted to them Researches show that they had solid and tubular drills and lathe tools The drills were set with jewels and cut into the rocks with keenness and accuracy Btatx of Ohio Oitt or Toi ido I IUCAS COCXTY f S Fraxk 1 Ciienxy makes oath tht he it tenlor Sanner of the Arm of F J Chexky Co dolnc uneag In the City of Toledo County and Suto AJ1Und that ad 0rra Py ne sum of ONE IIUKDItKD DOLLARS for each and every ca6e of Cxtarbii that cannot he cured by the use of Halls Cataisku Cuue FIIAK 1 CHEXET bworn to before me and subscribed in my pret ence this 6th day of December A D 1SSG t 1 A W GLEASON1 I 1 Xotapy Public nalis Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaced of tho ayateni Send for testimonials free K CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by all IniKKNt 7rc Take Halls Faintly Illls for constipation One of the great changes needed in the city church is to take the exit signs off the doors and put them on the collection plates Chicago Trib une TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets All drns KUts refund the money if it falls to cure E Vf Groves signature is on each box 23c Too many are willing to wash the disciples feet with boiling lye Defiance Starch is guaranteed biggest and best or money refunded 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now Love measures life by its chances to give itself away 1 J fTf AX JlJff Sff m k Jam Wl fill M STRAIGHT CIGAR pJi lyfJli W f5233 rfl 1 1 ffl EaJ Ml I J SINGLE jEPAnjcra 1 11c iciicr ui nuzb mcirucy whose picture is printed above Droves beyond question that thousands of cases of inflamma iion of the ovaries and womb ire annually cured by the use of ydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Deab Mks Pikkham Gradual loss of strength and nerve force told me something was radically wrong with me I had severe shooting pains through the pelvic organs cramps and extreme irritation compelled me to seek medical advice The doctor said that I had ovarian trouble and ulcera tion and advised an operation I strongly objected to thia and decided to try iydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound I soon found that my judgment was correct and that all the good things said about this medi cine were true and day by day I felt less pain and increased appetite The ulceration soon healed and the other complications disappeared and in eleven weeks I was once more strong and vigorous and perfectly well My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great good you have done me Sincerely yours Miss Makgabet Mekkley 275 Third St Milwaukee Wis 5000 forfeit If original of abovt latter proulng genulitness cannot bo produced ANNUAL My fl ft f fc f fc M fc IT A w var - r - tup Toor Jobber or direct from factory Peoria IU AFFAIRS IN CUBA Senor Quesada Denies Some President Keeps Pledge for his invitation tional Reports WASHINGTON Senor Quesada the agencies under social control that J the Cuban minister in view of reports that yellow fever was beginning to obtain a foothold in Cuba and that tho Cuban government was not vigor ously enforcing sanitary precautions gave out the following official state ment The rate of mortality in the island pf Cuba has steadily decreased since the establishment of the republic From official data the annual death rate in the last four months has been in the district of Havana as follows August 1942 September 1824 Oc tober 1731 and November 1CG0 per 1000 and for the whole island 1551 1545 1340 and 14 respectively This compares most favorably with the best showings of the states of the United States and the countries of Europe and is due not only to our splendid climate but to the con scientious efforts- of the Central Sani tary department of Cuba There has been no epidemic of quar antinable diseases Yellow fever smallpox cholera and the plague have not developed in Cuba since the proc lamation of the republic Neither of the cases of yellow fever at Punta De Sal in October and November ha3 propagated beyond the original places It is true that owing to the finan cial inability of certain municipalities brought about by the low prices for staple products they have been un able to do as much as they would like for water supply street cleaning pavement and sewers but in nowise has this caused the yellow fever which has not broken out in any of the ports of the towns Havana has asked several times for large sums for public improvements and to help the municipalities only a few days ago an appropriation of 100000 for im mediate use was passed by the House of Representatives the Senate amending the bill by increasing the amount threefold and as soon as Con gress reassembles in January there will be ample means to attend to all sanitary requirements Cuba is a nation governed by a constitution and without the action of Congress no money can be disbursed by the execu tive Yet as evidence of how anxious are the inhabitants to maintain the work of sanitation the instance of Guantanamo may be cited where a week ago the people met and sub scribed several thousand dollars for street cleaning etc The government of Cuba is doing its full duty in the matter and in tends to continue improving the con dition of all the towns which can now be compared without any disad vantage with those of any other coun try Cuba thus far has shown that it is protecting its neighbors efficient ly and that its sanitary officers are fully able to meet any emergency and court and scientific investigation car ried on in good faith THINKS DUTY DONE Peace Conference WASHINGTON That the further interchange of views preparatory to the formulating of a program for an other peace conference at The Hague be effected through the inter national bureau under the control of the permanent administrative council of The Hague is the suggestion of fered by Secretary Hay in a second circular note to the powers made public at the state department The note was dispatched a week ago but its publication was held until It reached the various American embas sies and legations abroad The sec retary summarizes the replies of all the powers to his note of October 21 and expresses the gratification of the president at the cordial reception of Having taken this initial step however the secretary says the president feels that he has gone as far as he appropriately can and that with tho general acceptance of Russia Secretary Hay sajs that while the postponement which this reply necessitates is to be regretted this government recognizes tne weight of the motive which induced it Carnegie Gives 1000000 ST LOUIS In a letter to F M Crunden librarian of the public li brary Andrew Carnegie approves of the plans for tho new St Louis li brary building and states that his cashier has been instructed to honor requisitions up to 1000000 from the proper authorities for the new struc ture Cheyenne Indians Starving ROSEBUD Mont The Northern Cheyenne Indians are in a pitifully destitute condition Commissioner Jones on the advice of J C Clifford Indian agent ordered that no food be issued to the Indians except the very young the aged and infirm basing his action on the theory that they were self sustaining Puts Stop to Mail Frauds WASHINGTON H R Goodwin as sistant attorney general for the post office department in his annual report to Postmaster General Wynne says that the number of fraudulent con cerns has been greatly reduced in consequence of the vigorous enforce ment of the postal laws The result is shown by the marked decrease in the number of complaints received There were 144 fraud orders Issued during the year and twenty three or ders were Issued against foreign lot tery companies and their aeents eV Plenty of Good Cigars thats this complaint from certain aid smokers about not being able to get a good cigar nowadays It sounds more like the growl of a chronic kick er than anything more reasonable There are more cigars of a cheap qual ity on the market now than formerly but the supply of cigars of the best quality is not thereby diminished They cost money but they can be had for the price Boston Herald Girls as Bank Employes Employment of girls in banks Is no new experiment The Bank of France took women into its employ ment as long ago as 1852 This be ginning only consisted of four girls in very minor positions Before a year was finished the four had become twelve Twenty years later the num ber was 100 and to day COO women work in the bank of whom three are among the principal cashiers Books From the Forest A youngish man strolling through a wood remarked sententiously to his companion I once upon a time had an interest in 4000 trees that grew here How did that happen he was asked My latest novel he explained had a circulation of 1 600000 copies and the paper on which It was printed was made of wood fiber cellulose requiring about 4000 trees Utilizing Fish Skin In Gloucester the king town of fish the humble cod has been utilized with success for making leather for shoes and gloves In Egypt men walk on sandals made from the skins of Red Sea fish In Russia certain peas ant costumes are beautifully trimmed with the skins of a fine food fish the turbot Bookbinders in Europe are binding books with eelskin Odd Names Fremantle Western Australia Is a town with some queer names The mayor is a Cadd the chief printer is Cant a contractor named Thick has just sued a local soup preserving company and a man named Offspring Webb was recently fined for keeping an unlicensed dog A Seventy Pound Eel In the recent storm wich raged on the Upper Solway the largtt eel ever seen in the district was stranded off Powfoot It measured 6 feet in length 25 inches in girth and weighed 70 pounds London Daily Express Magnetic Needle Untrustworthy Over a large area of central Rus sia the magnetic needle does not point north or south It is at one part de flected to the west and at another part to the east and at one place it points due east and west Insist on Getting It Some procers say they dont keep Defiance Starch This is because the have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 oz in a package which they wont be able to sell first because Defiance contains 16 oz for the same money Do you want 16 oz instead of 12 03 for same money Then buy Defiance Starch Eeaulres no cooking The rooters are always content to let the other fellows do the digging EJYC permanently cured Kofltsornervensnessaftc 9 1 O first days use or Dr Klines Great Nerve Kestor er Send for FREE 83 OO trial bottle and treatise DB B H Kline Ltd 931 Arch Street PUUadelpaia Pa A bushel of potatoes may do more good than a wagon load of prayer Mrs Wlnglows Syrup For children teething softens tho minis reduces fa Qanuuutloo allays pain cured wind culK 25c a bottle One never knows a man any better for tearing him to pieces Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time because it never sticks to the iron but because each package contains 1G oz one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in -pound pack ages and the price is the same 10 cents Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals If your grocer tries to sell you a 12 oz package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of Defore he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures 16 ozs Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing Defiance never sticks Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORTA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and eeo that it Bears tho Signature of FRE Coziyucj In Use For Over 30 Ycara The Kind You Have Always Bought He is always a poor man who knows no more in life than making money Tou never hear any one complMn about Defiance Starch There is none to equal it in quality and quantity 10 ounces 10 cents Try it now and save your money The recording angel knows the back alley as well as the front yard DR McQ RE W In For 30 yoars has mnilo a specialt v of DISEASES OF MEN Eight een year hi Umalii His Home Treatment h a b permanently cured thousands at small eost Save ltne ami money by lieserlb intr your ease and write for Free bnnkauil terms of treament Med icine sent in jilaiu parliare Box -0 Offlee 215 South 14th Street Omaha Nebraska ThC QHIT KIDNEY AND LIVER CURB AVI D KENNEDYS FAVORITE Y wtria rmecj w rite rr Itw iuhdm M DSL UttflDT SO 9 B03DOCT HI BEaBaaaKSsaassaksir Tnftfjfoigiiif - yg - fc SISTERS OF GHARiTY Uses for Coughs Colds Grip and Catarrh A Congressmans Letter In every country of tho civilized world Sisters of Charity are known Not only do they minister to the spir itual and intellectual needs of the charges committed to tneir care but they also minister to their bodily needs With so many children to take care of and to protect from climate and disease these wise and piudent Sis ters have found Peruna a never fail ing safeguard Dr Hartman receives many letters from Catholic Sisters from all over the United States A recommend re cently received from a Catholic insti tution in Detroit Mich reads as fol lows Dr S- B Hartman Columbus Ohio Dear Sir The young girl who used the Peruna was suffering from laryn gitis and loss of vcicc The result of the treatment was most satisfactory She found great relief and after further use of the medicine we hope to be able to say she is entirely cured Sisters of Charity The young girl was under the care of the Sisters of Charity and used Peruna for catarrh of the throat with good results as the above letter testi fies Send to The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus Ohio for a free book writ ten by Dr Hartman When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper The following letter is- from Con gressman Meekison of Napoleon Ohio The Peruna Medicine Co Colnm bus O Gentlemen I have used sev eral bottles of Peruna and feel greatly henefit ed thereby from my catarrh of the head and feel encouraged to believe that its conti n u e d David Meeklson use will fully eradicate a dfseaso of thirty years standing Da id Meek ison Dr Hartman one of the best known physicians and surgeons in tho Unit ed States was the lirst man to form ulate Peruna It was throngh his genius and perseverance lhat it was introduced to the medical profession of this country If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from tho use ofi Peruna write at once to Dr Hart man giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice Address Dr Hartman President ot Tho Hartman Sanitarium Colum bus O i THERES NO USE ARGUING 1 Jm DdLuv Stsidi h fit vaj bet Sbn cax B Kg We guantfitce uttrfen or monsj cacL RbV am Ddkace Stirch basokstcfjr trtt from i4wrmt fc Efttfcsfe 13 htoakae clotha look btiutil and wi3 oot re then HHQ H IS csnea for SO SDStt thin f7 ili I THE DEFIANCE STARCH GO MjM PUTNAM FADELE Color more ooods brighter and faster colors than any other dye One 10c Dackaoe colors silk wool and cotton equally well and is guaranteed to jie perfect results Uk ietleror wewdl send post paid at 10c a packace Write for free booklet How to Dye Bleach and Mix Colors VOJa iJUUu CO UnionvUie ilifouri BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and cofds W