K r ff its- ik s a 0 l 111 Time je 5 rasa t lisf w SSfSX - 12 V OiO J J felU is wrvsr 1 SO -T WLP ir iiV V nfeftMi 2KT5 V A Lo if S- yiSi l zs I O Not funny at all that the women like The Model says Tommy theyre just the people to please the women Shoes that wear good that feel good that are stylish that satisfy Many different styles but all of an exceptionally excellent quality 200 250 300 350 400 500 The Mode A E PETTY Prop 1 - J fPSW xi am 1 s W I 1 rFii - i i ii n a r v v A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Wm A Parish Ports Wilson Walter W Morriou and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of section six G township three 3 ranee twenty six 2G west Sixth P in East Valley precinct Red Willow conntj Nebra ka running thence east on ectiou lino between sections live Ci and eight 8 to southeast corner section five 5 town three 3 ranpe twenty six 26 west Sixth P M terminating thereat lias reported in fa vor of the location th reof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the connty clerks office on or before noon of the 6th day of March 1905 or said road will bo es tablished without reference thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk Card McCook Neb No 5 arrives from oasfc n6 8 p MAIN HVR 1VFT wrptT iMumuuiii liiib 3220 p u llrip m 925am IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrivos Mountain Timo rtO p m No 175 departs G4rAM SleopinR dining nnd reclining cliuir cars tents froo on tlirnuRli truins Tickets Fold aul bacKimo checked to any point in tlio United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write Uborgo Scott Auent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Pahsen Kor Atfont Omaha Nebraska Cambridge Mour I now have tho exclusive agency in McCook of this celcbratod Hour Every sack is guaranteed I also have the McCook flour and feed of all kinds Your patronage will be ap preciated Phono 186 J E NELHS Second door east of DeGroffs Crmwi w McCook try Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days we will pay cash For Hens Springs Turkey Hens Tclb Tc lb lie lb Cheerfulness Cheerfulness is a duty one owes to oneself as well as to ones neighbors for nothing so unfits one for the or dinary duties of life or so quickly brings on premature old age as a mo rose temper says the Brooklyn Eagle There are plenty of artificial aids to cheerfulness -within the reach of every one who has real or imaginary cause for ill humor or a congenital tendency to surliness When things dont go right or your liver is guilty of neglect of duty strive systematically to achieve good humor by repeating over and over the best funny stories or bits of humorous poetry you know If con scientiously administered this prescrip tion is an infallible remedy for the most acute lit of blue devils If you doubt it just try the experiment Survival of u Custom On gateposts you will frequently find a stone ball Who would ever suppose that the balls on the gateposts were the heads of family enemies It was once the custom to stick your enemys gory head as a trophy on the gatepost On the gates of towns were stuck the heads of traitorous persons In old London for instance the bridge gate and Temple Ear were always decorated with ghastly relics of the kind and the memory of the custom survives on the gateposts of modern suburban villas The Cost of Xcfflect I need a vacation badly but I cant take it now said Dr Price Price Many of my patients are in such con dition that I cant afford to leave them They need constant nursing Ah yes replied the man who knew I guess there are certain pa tients who if you quit them get well the first thiDg you know Catholic Standard and Times is more dangerous to your life than the drink cocaine or morphine habits for it soon ends in Consumption Pneumonia and Death Save yourself from these awful results of Coughs and Colds by taking NEW for goksuhptioh eeusus km eoioi Sitting fey My Wifes tted writes F G Huntley of Oaklanden Ind I read about Br Kings New Discovery She had got a frightful chronic cough which three doctors failed to relieve After taking two bottles she was perfectly cured and today she is well and strong Price 50c and 100 McGo ok Tribun One Dose Gives Belief RECOMMENDED GUARANTEED AND GOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS e end infer Ocean SS05 - Uz3 i 7 I i lir piiiflfi MAIN LINE EAST DEPART Central Timo Jl30p ji UZU A M 850 a m in 55 r m LEBANON Jeff Horton is working in tuo livery bam Tbo Wilsonville Review did not print this week Sam Tigard of Dorchester is here vis iting his son G W Dye left Wednesday for his homo in Iowa Gforge Cartwright has moved onto his farm north of town Mrs Walter M Pennington and the two boys are very sick with grippe II E Waugh wont to Omaha first of the week to meet his parents who are coming to be at the wedding next week The Farmers Elevator Co shipped a ear of corn to St Francis and 1J Ruby shipped a car to Sims at Danbury this week A number of Lebanon businessmen attended the stockholders meetingof the telephone company at Danbury Tues day evening Mrs Mandy Nichols has bought one and one half aeies of D F Hupp east of Jeir Horton s and Lawrence is build ing a barn there now The H JV1 traveling auditor from Wymoro was in town Tuesday checking up Agent W M Ball He took the early train east Wednesday Bennie the little son of C C Andrews of Lyle Kansas fell from a horse and broke his leg Sunday while riding double with a neiuhbor boy Deo aud Sales Smith went to Orleans last weelc and word comes that Dee is sick with pneumonia the father went down Wednesday to see the boy Alfred Whitney of South Dakota who has been here on a vUit was married a few days ago to Miss Etta Halsey of this place at Heaver City Mr Whitney left hero with his father in 1890 and has not been back since It seems that he knew where he could get the best wife KOKTH OF LEBANON Ora Bodwell has sold his interest in the meat market to his partner Mr Bush was out from Bartley Wed nesday calling on Walter M Pennington To Skll or Tkade for 83000 one 2 seated buggy if taken at once Waltkk M Pennington Jacob Harsch was out getting signers for a new mail route one day this week We hope he gets enough names to estab lish a route as it will be easier getting our news to McCook The delegates who went to Hamilton county to consult with the church there returned Monday Vo have not learned what the decision was Wo understand they brought a land buyer with them Foley The Original Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other jreparation will give the same satisfaction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons Sold by A McMillen CULBERTS0N J A Kirk went down to Lincoln Mon day evening on businese C A Parrish our popular tonsorial artist was on the sick list latter part of the week Miss Blanch Benedict visited over Sunday with her aunt Mrs C E Bene dict of McCook Charles Knowles and Mr and Mrs Frank Henderson spent Sunday under the parental roof Fred Stine has moved his household goods into the Phillips residence in the east part of town Miss Ann Miller returned to her school duties at Stratton Sunday after a weeks vacation Mrs II L Kennedy of Cambridge was in town between trains visiting friends Tuesday Prof O A Morris returned from Lin coln Monday morning where he has been spending the holidays Miss Orpha Satchell departed Wed nesday evening for Aurora Nebraska where she will attend school Miss Annie Heckman came up from McCook first of the week and is the guest of the Misses Henderson Miss Maud Reynolds returned to Fre mont Monday evening to resume her school work after a weeks vacation with the homefolks and friends Mrs Fred Vaughn who has been vis iting her parents M C Reynolds and family left for her home in Fiemont Nebraska Friday evening Mis Emma Keller returned home Monday from Omaha where she has been attending the State Teacherrs As sociation and visiting her sister Mayme Ill brave the storms of Chilkoot Pass Ill cross the plains of frozen glass Id leave my wife and cross the sea Rather than be without Rocky Mountain Tea L W xMcConnell PLEASANT PRAIRIE Rev Tirrill preached the New Years sermon at this place Quito a number of our farmers have some corn to husk yet J E Dodge has been at Cedar Bluffs shelling corn the past week Happy New Year to all Let us try and make the items more newsy N J Johnson sold and delivered 500 bushels of corn to Don Thompson last week N J Johnsons entertained O L Thompsons and J E Dodges on New Years While there is plenty of moisture in the soil and small grain looks well it would seem more like wiutor to have more snow After a two weeks vacation school was resumed at this pjace Monday Ruby Newell the teacher spent the holidays with relatives at Wilsonville Roy Albrecht of this place and Etta PeterS of Banksvillo were married Wed nesday December 28 1004 They will live on the old Ely place which Roy has leased Wo wish them joy and happi ness Rex Miles brother eastern Kansas is here and relatives - cMTrniiiiiMmeiCTjnw - ---I DANBURY Mayo Green is feeding 300 cattle Willard Mackey is sick with the scar let fever Mrs Thomas Musgrave is under the doctors care J L Sims shipped two car loads of hogs to Kansas City Bert and Jennie Everist were over from McCook Friday Harry Butler and family left last week for Red Oak Iowa J L Sargent weiit to Liulianoln Sun day and from there to Bartley Anderson Grahm left for Arkansas Sunday night for a two months visit Professor McGee of Wilsonville was visiting friends of this place last week Mrs Jennie Ilendershot and Mrs Ash- ton visited Mrs E B Voting Friday of last week Mrs Sewell has bought threo acres of land of O B Woods on which to build a reidenee Ellis Miles of visiting friends George Ray and Willie Minniear of Lincoln are visiting friends and relatives of this vicinity John Tauber has bought a quarter section of land of T E McDonald con sideration 81000 Clifford Burbridge and John Green- way went to visit friends of the Sappa Tuesday leturning Friday Dori Hes the three-year-old child of George Ilebsiied Monday morning with scarlet fever and diphtheria Miss Edna Uenton who Mas here vis iting friends and relatives of tlm place returned to her school in Franklin Mrs Nan Ashton who was visiting al the home of W A DeMay returned home last Wednesday accompanied b her brother Rolla DeMay Miss and Mr J A Strain and Mr and Mr S W Stilgebouer Sr of this lace visited Mr and Mrs Bodwell at Lebanon Thursday and Friday of last week Rev Murr and daughter Rolla who went to Cambridge to speud the hol idays returned home Saturday Rev Murr went from Cambridge to Ohio and brought back with him a Mrs Murr The members of the Methodist church gave a pound social on Rev Murr and his wife at the church last Saturday evening A Favor The publisher will esteem it a favor at any time to receive items of local news from residents of McCook or Red Willow countv BANKSVILLE We are havipg fine winter weather since the cold snap Josh Rowland and wife were up to Banksville Tuesday A W Benjamin is putting the finish ing touches on his soddy W II Hartman and family ate their New Years feast at B W Benjamins A traveling doctor that gave his name as Campbell and pal passed through this neighborhood Wednesday claiming to doctor people into new life lie pro posed to cure William Relphs eyes for a stipulated sum and to contract no cure no pay and to draw a note for the amount Mr Relph required that the no cure no pay should be put in the note and that spoiled the deal as the note would then be non npgotiable j S hit v t 1W i A 1 TW i a m 7fM Mia i f Sf AX pttV a FiME mllm o most women is a term of anxiety serious thought and sweet anticipation With the cessation of pain necessary t o childbirth there comes calm nerves sleep and recuperation MOTHERS FREEMD efr2 does diminish the pain accompanying maternity With its aid mothers can and do bring healthy sweet dispositioned and ideal babies into the world Morning sickness sore breasts and ex cruciating pains caused by the gradually expanding organs are relieved by this penetrating and relaxing liniment Among the manifold aids to childbirth Mothers Friend has grown in popularity and gained a prestige among rich women as well as poor it is found and welcomed in the mansion as well as in the cabin By lessening the mothers agony of mind and diminishing pain a beautiful influence is wrought upon the child and instead of peevish ill tempered and sickly forms you have healthy laughing humanity remain ing a blessing ever to you and its country All Druggists sell Mothers Friend at ioo Write for our free Book Motlieriiooi THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ca F D BURGESS 7 Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boier Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA W I Avers Pills rrrmrrirrmrkmi iinii in it - jirwnTn The dose is one just one pill at bedtime Sunar coated mud certain constipation TiyriTfcMTVnrTVTiriirTllnrpprTTyg i g 63 bMBsP j ML Jm iney cure J CAyorCoi Lowoll Mass Want your moustache or beard RlinifiMRUAMQ 0VE a beautiful brown nr rich hlorlr 9 ttc PUJUlALftBOAlB 0 UllE riFTr era of bbuggst3 our imuiaa coasuiuhu II JllT k mM J A oi saWsanaaKHKnsMaEiVSsaKaMilHHUiBHMaBMKMtMasWMrHBOTSBMsaSi We are selling- Dress Goods and Silk Remnants Ladies Coats and Jackets Ladies Fur Scarfs and Huffs liens and Boys Overcoats and all other Winter Goods re gardless of cost Here is your chance to make a great Saving if you have delayed purchasing some of the above items I n fi i I Ill IIMIlisMI H iVKZSdsKKBSECncmuasaU3naaKBKSMIKnMnsMaaVil3XHKaMIMlMMM I I Phone 22 1 I y FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier A l W B WOLFE Vice President 9 Y I CITIZENS BANKi t t X OF MeCOOK NEB j i w a a s a y A X a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 X 6 w 4p 9 4 E DIRECTORS - SjS V FRANKLIN W B WOLFE A C EBERT t t L Acquire the Habit of saving We furnish a handsomely finished Perpetual Cal endar Bank which costs you nothing Try 1 Wl3 JOIH 0 SB o First Natl Bank e Saving all Your Nickels and Pennies Never spend one and you will be surprised how your money ac count will grow Call and get one of today these banks The First National Bank nccook J It n firtim Him luiwrii JUik Wi