The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1905, Image 4

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Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Another Good Man Gone Wrong-
Ho neglected to take Foleys Kidney
Cure at the first signs of Kidney trouble
hoping it would wear away and lie was
soon a victim of Brightsdisoaso There
is danger in delay but if Foleys Kidney
Cure is taken at onco the symptoms will
disappear the kidnoys aro strengthened
and you aro soon sound and well A R
Bass of Morgantowu Ind had to get up
ten or twelve times in tho night and had
a severe backache and pains in the kid
neys and was cured by Foleys Kidney
Cure Sold at A McMillcns
flUfiOWFIilFff Sill
Impoverished soil like impov
erished blood needs a proper
Fertilizer A chemist bv
the soil r u
If Aour
25c ones now
ten von yviuit
lo use for different
blood h
your doctor will tell von what
you need to fertilize it nnd give
it the rich rel corpuscles that
are lacking in it It may be you
need a tonic but more likely you
need a concentrated fat food
and fat is the element lacking
in 3our system
There is no fat food that is
so easily digested and assimi
lated as
Scotts Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil
It will nourish and strengthen
the body -when milk and cream
fail to do it Scotts Emulsion
is always the same always
palatable and always beneficial
where the body is wasting from
any cause either in children
or adults
We vslll send you a sample free
Be sure that this pic
ture in the form of a
label is on the wrapper
of every bottle of Emul
sion you buv
409 Pearl St New YoiE
oOc and 100
All Druggists
35c ones now
50c ones now
G5c ones now
Harry Burtons arrived Sunday even
ing from their visit to Missouri
Mr and Mrs McKnight returned Sat
urday from their visit to Kansas
Frank Clark returned Friday from a
visit with his brother Ralph at Grand
was a success in every respect
Daniel Wolf and Ira Ritchie have each
put in phones this week and can now
hello- to their many friends
Reverends E U Crippenof Indianolaand
Bennett of Stratton aro assisting Rev
Kirby in the work
Tho Bartley people all concur in pro
nouncing The McCook Ticihunk tho
best paper in tho county A paper pub
lished at the county seat is a necessity
in every well regulated family and wo
hope all those who are not subscribers
will begin the new year with The Tki
iiune as a regular weekly visitor
Several of our young people have en
tered into matrimony recently of their
intentions wo were aware when they
were on deck for the matrimonial game
But John Jones took us all by surprise
and went to bat on New Years Dayscor
ing a homo run before anyone suspic
ioned he had matrimonial intentions
lie took to wife a Miss Potts of Frontier
county They aro now cosily at home
in the new houso John built this fall
Bartley people have reason to be proud
of their record at the beginning of this
now year 1905 During the past year
eight good new residences with other
improvements belonging to them have
been built Four new barns have been
erected and more old ones improved
among tho new ones is Iloovers livery
barn which is well furnished and would
do credit to a town much larger than
Bartley The new blacksmith and car
riage shop of John Clouse and the Bart
ley mill together with the concrete
factory of Jones Crawmer go to make
up tho improvements m new buildings
the sum total of which is in round num
Lers over 837400
The concrete stone factory of Jones it
Crawmer put out over 810000 worth of
their product last year and for the
coming year have orders for the full
capacity of the plant which will be sev
eral times more than last year They
have a largo amount of material on hand
and will begin operation at the earliest
possible time in the spring
Tho Bartley mill has been running
continuallv since it started last fall and
is giving full satisfaction to all customers
The product of the mill is already sold i
in other towns in this state and shipped j
to other states
The elevator business has not been so i
good as last jear on account of hail i
severely injuring the grain crop in this
vicinity The stock business has been
better than last 3ear and both firms aro
satisfied with their business in the past
but will endeavor to increase the busi
ness this year
The Perry Bee Lumber Co have
done a good business and can attribute
a large share of their increased trade to
the industiy competency and courtesy
of Mr Ira Sheets the manager
John Clouse who suffered several
thousand dollars loss by fire some
months asro has erected a much better
I building and now has a large stock of
ioc ones now iioc
SI 00 ones now 69c
Mens and Boys Leggins
75c ones reduced to 49c
Soc ones reduced to 49c
Childs Knit Leggins
2oc kind reduced to 15c
Ladies and Girls Sweaters
225 grade now SI 89
350 grade now 269
450 grade now 339
Mens Jersey Overshirts
75c heavy blue fleeced now 49c
Girls Caps and Toques
35c ones reduced to 23c
50c ones reduced to 39c
75c ones reduced to 55c
Ready Trimmed Hats
SI 75 kind now SI 00
200 kind now 125
300 kind now 1 75
35c grades now 23c
50c grades now 39c
75c grades now 49c
SI 00 grades now 69c
150 grades now- SI 13
200 grades now 149
Ladies and Misses Warm Gloves
and Mittens
10c kind now 7c
15c kind now lie
20c kind now 14c
25c kind now 19c
35c kind now 23c
50c k nd now 39c
85c kind now 59c
Mens and Boys Warm Gloves
and Mittens
20c kind now
25c kind now
35c kind now
50c kind now
75c kind now 55c
85c kind now 63c
SI 00 kind now 79c
125 kind now S9c
ivimono booQS Flannelettes
Fancy Outing Flannels
5c kind reduced to 4c
7Jc kind reduced to 6c
Sfoc kinds reduced to 7c
10c kind reduced to Sc
Boys Knee Pant Suits
85c suits reduced to 49c
SI 25 suits reduced to 99c
1 50 suits reduced to SI 19
200 suits reduced to 149
275 suits reduced to 219
400 suits reduced to 299
18c double fold now 15c j 10c grades now Sc
20c double fleeced now 16c 12Je grades now 10c
wagons carriages and other machinery
on hand for this seasons trade
Mr Carpenter recently opened up n
nice stock of groceries in the Jennings
building and now has a good trade
The State Bank of Bartley is ono of
the solid institutions of Red Willow
county and has the full confidence of
everyone in this vicinity Dr J E
Ilathorn president E E Smith
TTV I r k
I T I- I I 11
A party given oy Joe mirton at tnoiTroaionfr ini w n Hirnhminr riJiifri
V n m n nf liSii ini liH Alnriln it Aitnntn r -
numo ui ins inuiuui luunuij tm areknown to be men of sterling worth
and aro financially strong The cour
teous treatment persons receive from
Cashier Stilgebouor makes them strong
friends of the bank Tho business has
nnfnlilv iminaorl within flift njiwh vnnr
A social party he Id at the homo of ita atojk jnroasjng from S7500 to
Mr and Mrs Prank Ilodgkins i0000 surplus increased 31000
day evening in honor of their niece Miss Smith Cockran general merchandise
I nrfin Ufannni iifiu nniAUnH tr nirftp H
uuuuuuv D jju kj u store carry an immense stock ana do a
guests arge business They advertise to sell
The revival meetings at tho Methodist cheaper than catalogue houses like
church aro growing in interest The Rears Sobuck and Monkey Ward
Uo Owing to shortage in grain crops
i in this vicinity their trade has not in
creased over the previous year
S W Clark is doing business at the
old stand and while his business in ma
chinery was not so largo this year his
general business and building hardware
trade was much larger than the year
1903 and tho total business showed a
satisfactory increase Sam is a genial
good fellow ard tho only man doing busi
ness that was one of the early settlors of
Crawmer Grimes successors to
Jones Crawmer are doing a general
merchandise business and the past year
has been ono of success with them Their
footings just made show a cash net in
crease of business over the year 1903 of
oyer 84000 Their good line of merchant
disc and fair dealing has nindo many
friends for them
G W Jones recently purchased tho
hardware furniture and undertaking
business of J A Curlee and has made
largo additions to the stock and is re
ceiving a good trade Jones is a natural
merchant honest and just in all his
dealings and is sure of a good trade dur
ing this year
Dodd Dodd recently from Lincoln
Nebraska bought the J A Curlee gen
eral merchandise stock and aro already
rpceiving a large sharo of tho trade
They purpose by their fair dealing first
1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii in in i i i i i i 1 1 i mi in
1 IMyl ol
an mMaaioaiiiaiB3mini n
Losing your hair Coming
out by the combful And
doing nothing No sense in
that Why dont you use
Ayers Hair Vigor and
nl7lo K
- -
GtsJ 1
promptly stop the failipp j
Your hair will begin to gro i
too and all dandruff will j
appear iould you reason
ably expect anything better
Ayors Hair Vigor is a great siiopcjs uiiii
me My liair wsis fiilliui out wry ImiI hut
the Hair Vigor stonx il it ami now my li hi i
all right W O louios liniUty i
SlflO a bottle
All druggists
7 aviv i
Mens Underwear
45c heavy fleeced shirts and dwrs35c
50e heavy fleeced shirts and dwrs39o
SI 00 pure wool shirts and dwrs 79c
125 pure wool shirts and dwrs 99c
100 union suits now 79c
Boys Underwear
25c union suits now 19e
5rc union suits now 39c
25c heavy fleeced shirts and dwrsl9c
30c heavy fleeced shirts and dwrs23c
35c heavy fleeced shirts and dwrs27c
40c heavy fleeced shirts and dwrs29c
Girls Underwear
25c union suits now 19e
30c union suits now 23c
45c union suits now 35c
50c uuion suits now 39c
55c union suits now 44c
OOc union suits now 49c
55c union suits now 49c
90c union suits now 69c
Same reduction on vests and pants
Ladies Hosiery
15c warm fleeced ones now lie
20c warm fleeced one3 now 15c
25c warm fleeced ones now 19r
25c wool hose now 17c
35c wool hose now 23c
50c wool hose now 39c
Dressing Sacques
65c flannelette one now 4fic
SI 00 eiderdown ones now 69c
135 eiderdown ones now 99c
Ladies Beaver Top Shoes
SI 25 full lined now 99c
1 65 extra warm now 3129
Outing Flannel Night Gowns
Mens 65c ones now 46c
Ladies 65c ones now 46c
10 Our goods are all new and bright carefully bought in the best markets reliable
- as to colors and sizes perfect fitting and fashionable At our -regular prices we
save you a large percentage At the sensational reductions above shown we leave them to tell their
own story You are invited to participate in the benefits First come first served Respectfully
class goods and courteous treatment qT
their patrons to do a largo business dur
ing 1905
George Carr is doing business at tfio
old stand mending foot wear harness
robes whips etc George is a clever
fellow and has a host of friends
The drug store owned and conducted
by J M Brown assisted by Mrs Brown
and daughter Miss Grace does a steady
business and ho has the satisfaction of
knowing that tho business was 23 per
cent more for 1901 than for 1903 A largo
well assorted stock bought for cash t
business conducted at a
SI 75 qualities
200 qualities
250 qualities
3 00 qualities
350 qualities
400 qualities
5 00 qualities
650 qualities
rn l
00 ladies
00 ladies
Dress Skirts
25 muffs now
00 mulls now
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
reduced to
Ladies Underwear
25c vests and pants now
35c vests and pants now
50c vests and pants now
75c vests and pants now
SI 00 vests and pants now
55c union suits now
50c uuion suits now
65c union suits now
6100 union suits now
125 union suits now
175 union suits now
250 union suits now
minimum ex
pense with a small profit on as t near
a cash basis as possible has produced
this desirable result
W F Miller assisted by his daughter
Miss Maud keeps our post ofiiceup to
tho highest standard They also carry
a lino lino of fruits choice candies and
stationery Their business for tho past
year was on the whole bettor than that
of 1903
Tho Robins restaurant has dono good
business and are ready at all times to set
out a good square meal to a hungry
Robt Fisher is doing a good restau
rant business and in the spring will
erect a good building where ho can have
more room for his increasing trade
Miss Maud Muller and Miss Lou Rob
ins each do a good milliuory business
I M Bf eson is the old stnndby at tho
old stand in the livery business and can
furnish a good rig on short notice
Jinks Fletcher is one of our favorites
He is the painter that adds so much to
the beauty of our premises by his artistic
hand naintiner all tho buildings in first
cla s stylo at a reasonable rate for his
C E Matthows and W D Williams
spread mud on the interior of our homes
and we willingly pay them for their work
They have had more plastering to do
during tue past year than they were
able to complete
A J Lohr devotes most of his time to
putting down wells and putting up
wind mills lie has been kept busy tho
past season
The Hoover dray line has done a pro
fitable business the past year and are at
all times prompt and courteous in deal
ing with their patrons
The Bartley Inter Ocean is the second
best papor in the county and has had an
increased business during tho past year
Mr Etherton ably assisted by his faith
ful wife and others has put out a good-
paper and his patrons aro increasing
Owing to the necessity of looking after
the erection of his commodious new
residence into which he moved last week
he has not been able to make the paper
as good as he desired and will put out a
much improved paper the coming year
Four Hundred Babies
StVincents Infants Asylum Chicago
shelters homeless waifs awaiting adop
tion and there are nearly 400 babies
f there Sister Julia writesI cannot say
J too much in praise of Foleys Honey and
Tar for coughs colds croup and whoop
ing cough Contains no opiates and is
safe and sure Ask for Foleys Honey
and Tar and insist upon having it as it
is a safe remedy and certain in results
Refuse substitutes Sold by A Mc
1140 to Denver And Return
January 7 S and 9 Return limit Jan
uary 311003
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative iskomo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
The Triblwe and weekly Chicago In
ter Ocean only 8103 Dont delay about
SI 39
3 S9
Winter Shirt Waists
S5c ones now 49c
SI 25 ones now S9c
175 ones now SI 29
Furs Furs
65 Persian lamb childs set
vv lames7 fur scans now
75 ladies
00 ladies
50 ladies
00 ladies
fur scarfs now
fur scans now
25 ladies fur scarfs now
00 ladies fur scarfs now
fur scarfs now
fur scarfs now
fur scarfs now
fur scarfs now
fur scarfs now
SI 19
1 29
SI 29
Mens Duck Ulsters
8300 ones very long and heavy 3199
How to Avoid Pneumonia
Wo have never heard of a stnglo in
stanco of a cold resulting in Pneumonia
orother lung trouble when Foleys Honoy
and Tar has been ttfken It not only
stops the cough but henls and strength
ens tho lungs Ask for Foleys Honey
and Tar and refuse auy substitute ofFor
ed Dr C J Bishop of Agnew Mich
writes I havo used Foleys Honey and
Tar in threo very severe cases of pneu
monia with good results in every case
Sold by A McMillan
Constipation and piles aro twins Thoy
kill people inch by inch sap life away
everyday Hollisters Rockj Mountain
Tea will positively cure you No euro
no pay 35 cents Tea or tablets W
if 5
Aa IltiWS I VV
IOve is some
times a hard task
master He drives
women to tasks be
yond their strength
and lays heavy bur
dens on their
shoulders Love
of husband love of
family forces man
a woman day by
day to labor for the
home when aching
back and throbbing
head make her ut
terly unfit for
household duties
Weak nervous
women who suffer from headache back
ache bearing down pains and other con
sequences of womanly disease can be
completely cured by the use of Doctor
Pierces Favorite Prescription It es
tablishes regularity dries weakening
drains heals inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female weakness
About two years ago I was taken sick and it
seemed as if I had no nerves at all writes Mrs
P Woodbeck of Delray Mich Could not
work an hour in the day without being tited
out I doctored first with one physician then
with another but did not receive any benefit
One would say one thing and the next soinctliiiijj
else I had almost Riven up when I thought
your medicine might help me so I wrote to vou
asking what to do You advised me to take Dr
Pierces Iavorite Prescription and Golden Med
ical Discovery I did so and could see a differ
ence riijlit away I only took four bottles in all
and felt better than I had in a lonir time Can
work all day now and not feel tired as I would
in an hour before taking your treatment I
think it is the only medicine
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure diz
ziness and sick headache
Mike Wals
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
Boys Knee Pants
50c corduroys reduced to
50c cloth ones reduced to
65c cloth ones reduced to 49c
Wool Sox
20c kinds now 15c
25c kinds now 19
55c kinds now 23c
50c kinds now 39c
65c grades now 49c
SI 00 grades now 09c
175 grades now 8129
300 grades now 229
Including ladies long tourist coats
ladies jackets misses lon coats and
jackets childrens long coats and
jackets and ladies capes
8150 grades now SI 13
200 grades now 149
300 grades now 199
4 00 grades now 299
500 grades now 369
6 00 grades now 4 39
750 grades now 539
10 00 grades now 699
1250 grades now 799
1750 grades now 1199
Flannelette Wrappers
81 25 wide flounce now 99c j
1 35 wide flounce now 81 10 I
150 wide flounce now 119
75c good size warm ones now 59c
81 15 mottled grey ones now S3c
1 JO mottled grey ones now 113
175 heavy part wool ones now 1 39
200 heaw part wool ones now 149
375 heavy wool ones now 2 h9
5 00 fine soft ones now 399
One Price Plain Figures Cash Only
It should be borne in mind that
every cold weakens the lungs low
ers the vitality and prepares the
system for the more serious dis
eases among which are the two
greatest destroyers of human life
pneumonia and consumption
Cough Remedy
has won its great popularity by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment It aids expectoration re
lieves the lungs and opens the
secretions effecting a speedy and
permanent cure It counteracts
any tendency toward pneumonia
A k lie tow Laige wH4C owtt m
A Good Investment
15 acres adjacont to city of McCook house
framo btablis primary lieu house toll Iior
pons ntc 2i0 pencil trees All in cultiva
tion d0 cash Write for coinpleto luud
McCook Neb
Or any kind of meat from our
shop by phone if you wish
or send the little folks and
you will get the sweet tooth
some kind
We pride ourselves on the
freshness and quality of our
goods and the promptness of
our delivery
If you are not now trading
with us we would be pleased
to have you give us a trial
We think you will be pleased
Phone 12
gMr JL g
Beginning Saturday morning January 7th we will offer at greatly reduced prices everything in our store in the way of cold weather goods
Every yard garment and item of the same must go and go quickly To that end we make the following startling reductions
NOTE Tle prices quoted as Regular Prices are the Actual and Bona Fide Prices to Everybody up to This Date and Not Assumed or Fictitious
Mens Warm Vests
SI 00 blanket lined now 79c
150 sheep pelt vests now SI 19
Mens and Boys Caps
25c grades now
Mens and Boys Duck Coats
S5c quality reduced to J9c
S100 quality reduced to G9c
125 quality reduced to 89c
150 quality reduced to SI 19
200 quality reduced to 149
275 quality reduced to 199
Overcoats and Ulsters
8150 grade reduced to 8339
500 grade reduced to 369
750 grade reduced to 499
Kens and Youths Suits
8450 suits reduced to
500 suits red ucen to
50 buits reduced to
50 suits reduced to
10 00 suits reduced to
12 50 suits reduced to
13 50 suits reduced to
650 corduroy suits reduced to
8 99
4 39
Mens Pantaloons
8200 cassimere reduced to 81 69
200 corduroy reduced to 149
300 worsted reduced to 239
Mens and Boys Caps
25c grade reduced to 19c
35c grade red uced to 23c
50c grade reduced to 39c
65c grade reduced to 46c
8100 grade reduced to G9c
We Always Sell
I5est table oil cloth 15c
Uest apron ginghams 5c
36 inch L L muslin 5c
Good bleached muslin Gc
Six Turkey red handkerchiefs for 25c
Good ice wool fascinators 25c
All leather work glove 19c
Boys all hather mittens 10c
All colors Saxonv varn 5c
Per G E Thompson