The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1905, Image 2

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    McCook Tribune
F M K I MM ELL Publisher
jtaAar L
News in Brief
Herbert Simmons a negro was
lynched at Neal Ga for the killing
of J A Park a white man
The Japanese government has
agreed to negotiate an arbitration
treaty with the United States
The Chicago Subway company pre
pares to expend 15000000 in local
improvements in the near future
The retirement of Rear Admiral Si
lar Terry resulted in the promotion of
Captain Joseph B Craig to be rear ad
Announcement was made at the
White house of the names for batter
ies on the Atlantic Gulf and Pacific
If the duty Is acceptable to him Rear
Admiral Lambert will probably be ap
pointed president of the lighthouse
Santiago Simonet of Utuado Porto
Rico a deputy collector of internal
revenue for the district of Arecibo is
East Boston has celebrated the official
opening of the new tunnel under Bos
ton harbor uniting the city proper and
East Boston
Two men and two horses were
drowned and frozen at a deep pool at
the old crossing of Piney Fork creek
near Dillonvale O
Advices received at Esquimalt from
the British admiralty state that the
proposed abandonment of Esquimalt
by the navy will be reconsidered
The Neue Freie Presse says Pre
mier von Koerber at an audience of
Emperor Francis Joseph tendered his
resignation on the ground of ill health
At Mobile James Robinson was sent
to jail for thirty days for an assault
The offense for which he was con
victed was kissing a young lady
against her will
The Echo do Paris learns that Ad
miral Kaznakoff received a cipher dis
patch from Grand Duke Alexis inform
ing him that the emperor wishes to
confer with him concerning the North
sea affair
Attorney General Moody filed a pe
tition in St Paul Minn alleging il
legal combination of twenty five con
cerns with the general Paper com
pany as sales agent and asks for an
Joseph S Frelinghuysen who has
been selected as personal aide to Governor-elect
Stokes of New Jersey is
an insurance broker and a cousin of
the late Secretary of State and Sena
tor Frelinghuysen
In Chicago Judge Walker decided
that the city is not liable for dam
ages growing out of the loss in con
nection with the loss of life in the
Iroquois theatre fire
At a conference in London of Brit
ish continental and Atlantic steam
ship line managers a satisfactory
agreement was reached with regard
to Scandinavian traffic
The Connecticut Tobacco Growers
association has sent to each senator
and representative from Connecticut
in congress a circular letter protest
ing against the removal of the tariff
from Philippine tobaqco
Secretary Wilson has promulgated a
circular giving the results of tests
made in accordance with an act of
the last congress directing him to ob
tain in the open market samples of
seeds of grass clover or alfalfa
Representatives of the banking
house of Mandelssohn Co at Berlin
have gone to St Petersburg to take
part in negotiating the new Russian
loan It is now assured here that
the loan will amount to 240000000
Seven more indictments in the land
fraud cases were returned by the
grand ury in Portland Ore Two of
the bills were returned under fictitious
names which fact is the basis of re
ports tnat men of prominence are
among the accused
Russian officials have demanded of
the Chinese foreign office the resti
tution of the ammunition apparently
destined for Port Arthur seized by the
Chinese authorities at Fengtai near
here four davs ago
W R Jones manager of the Chi
cago office of the Washburn Crosby
company of Minneapolis Minn died
In Chicago from injuries sustained in
a fall over a banister in his home
His skull and neck were broken by
the fall
The State bank of Dedham la was
placed in the hands of a receiver on
the order of State Auditor Carroll and
an effort will be made to liquidate its
affairs which are badly involved
through an alleged 15000 shortage of
Cashier J A Caton
It is announced that the war office
placed orders with the Vickers Sons
Maxim company Armstrong White
worth Co and other large ordi
nance manufacturers for a number of
twelve pounder field guns to rearm
the -whole British army
Justice Olmsted of New York hand
ed down an opinion holding that the
law against the selling or giving away
of street railway transfers is consti
A charter was granted to the North
western Railroad company of Elk City
Old capital 1S75000 to build from
Elk City through Day Woodward and
Beaver counties in Oklahoma
Laden with the largest cargo ever
shipped out of San Francisco on a
vessel the steamer Mongolia depart
ed for Chinese and Japanese ports
Her freight amounts to 18000 tans
County Superintendents Addressed by
Mr Fcwler
At the state teachers meeting In
Omaha State Superintendent Fowler
spoke to county superintendents in
part as follows
iNebraska occupies an unrivaled posi
tion in having the lowest per cent of
illiteracy of all the states in the union
Nowhere has the value of a common
Bchool education been more generally
and universally acknowledged than
here nor has the free secondary and
higher education in the state been al
together neglected
The constitution of Nebraska adopt
ed in 1875 declared that all moneys
arising from the sale or leasing of
sections No 16 to 36 in each township
in this state should be perpetual funds
for common school purposes of which
the annual interest or income only can
be appropriated andfche interest on
these school lands sold and leased to
gether with that or warrants county
bonds and school district bonds cer
tain fees and licenses and the state
school tax of l1 mills or less upon
the dollar of assessed valuation of all
taxable property in the state provides
a snm in excess of 700000 appor
tioned annually to all the common
school districts of the state This
amount will increase from year to
year rather than diminish Local
school districts may tax themselves
not to exceed 25 mills on the dollar
of assessed valuation All fines pen
alties and license moneys are appro
priated exclusively to the use and sup
port of the common schools in the re
spective subdivisions where they may
The constitution also states that the
legislature shall provide for the free
instruction in the common schools of
all persons between the ages of 5 and
21 years Free education including
free textbooks and supplies is fur
nished in all school districts in the
state School government organiza
tion and management in Nebraska is
amost purely local each one of the
C6G7 districts being responsible for
its own school Each district pro
vides a full course of instruction in
till of the eight grades or years of
work below the ordinary high school
and many of them furnish graduate
certificates upon the completion of
this work The course includes read
ing writing spelling arithmetic
grammar geography history physi
ology etc In some of the larger
cities of the state kindergartens have
been established
When a school district has a popu
lation of 150 or more children of school
age it may organize as a high school
district and furnish free high school
privileges to all its pupils who com
plete the eighth grades of work below
the high school
We have in Nebraska eighty five vil
lages maintaining a Hieh school
course of one year or a total of nine
grades of work there are 175 villages
with High school courses of two
years 101 villages or cities with High
school courses three years in leneth
and eighty four cities in the state
maintaining a full four years High
school course sometimes differentiated
commercial courses above the eighth
grades of common scnool work Above
these we have as a superstructure the
magnificent University of Nebraska
with its faculty of 200 and an attend
ance of more than 2500 The univers
ity has a heavy endowment from
lands donated to the state by the
United States and is supported by the
proceeds of investment of a perma
nent fund by other Incomes and by a
tax of 1 mill upon the dollar of as
sessed valuation of the state
During the last school year 1903
1904 there were enrolled in the
schools of Nebraska 280000 children
the state had 6767 school houses of
which thirty five were stone 339 brick
105 log 273 sod and the rest wood
or frame buildings The number of
sod school houses in the state in 1890
was nearly 800 but it has steadily de
creased since that time while the
number of brick buildings rapidly in
creases The value of school district
property in the state is estimated at
11000000 the total indebtedness of
all districts at 3285000 and the total
annual expenditures at 4900000 Ne
braska employs annually 9700 teach
ers Including 3250 in graded schools
Krens Gives Bond
LINCOLN William Krens of Cus
ter county gave bond for 1500 and
was released pending the final decis
ion upon his case In the Custer
county district court he was sentenced
to two years in the state penitentiary
for burning a stack of grain
ANSLEY More prairie chickens
were killed in October and November
this year in the neighborhood of Ans
ley than ever before but the pot hunt
er who kills birds in the summer has
been stopped and the result is that the
birds are both plentiful and tame
Depositors Get 39 Per Cent
LINCOLN Receiver William C
May has filed with Secretary Royse
of the state banking board his final
report of the affairs of the defunct
Peoples State bank off Gothenburg
which failed in 1901 The depositors
have received a paj ment of 39 per
cent and the receiver has been dis
The Institute for the Feeble Minded
at Beatrice fittingly observed Christ
Mr and Mrs S N Peterson of Polk
county last week celebrated their gol
den wedding
At a regular meeting of the Fre
mont Turnverein it was voted to send
a team to compete at the national turn
fest which meets next year at In
The home of P B Neff an imple
ment dealer in Broomfield was enter
ed by burglars a few nights ago and
robbed of 20 several rings and other
pieces of jewelry
While oiling an engine at the elec
tric power house at Beatrice Engineer
Peter Drouland got his hand too near
the machine and the index finger of
his lefthand was torn off
Invitations have been Issued at
Plattsmouth announcing the forthcom
ing marriage of F C Kingsbury of
Arizona and Miss Para Love of Fre
mont which will occur January 4
Roscoe Pound will resign his posi
tion as dean of the law school at the
State University to enter practice
having formed a law partnership with
Frank M Hall and Frank H Woods
The body of Howard Penn who
killed himself at York in a fit of
despondency arrived in Broken Bow
from that place and was taken to tne
residence in Former Sheriff Arm
About 11 oclock in the forenoon
one of the inmates in the open ward
at the asylum at Hastings escaped
coming toward Hastings He is de
scribed as being about 28 years old
weight 150 dark mustache
The city council o Grand Island
has passed on its first reading an or
dinance regulating the running of au
tomobiles limiting the speed to five
miles an hour in the business district
of the city and twelve miles an hour
in all other distriots
The other night young George Coil
of Dawes county walked from the peni
tentiary to the trolley car station at
Lancaster a free man beneficiary of i
one of Governor Mickeys Christmas
commutations Coil was convicted
five years ago of murdering a sheer
man named Ryan with whom he and
his father a cattleman had had
trouble over the range
Governor Mickey has assured Su
perintendent Greene of the Lincoln
Hospital for the Insane that there is
absolutely no need for any investiga
tion into the affairs of that institu
tion The official called at the exeWl
tive department for a conference and
was assured that the governor had
perfect confidence in him and the in
tegrity of his management
Phoenix Ariz dispatch Sheriff
Hall of Holt county Neb arrived wah
a requisition for Bernard W Mc
Greevy absconding president of the
Elkhorn Valley bank of ONeill Neb
The sheriff id he would not leave
before Monday and perhaps not then
He is impressed with the story that
Cashier Patrick Hagerty is in hiding
here and hopes to capture him
The committee that has begged the
Burlington Railroad company for a
new depot at York in the place of
the barn like structure now used by
the company there hope that York
will have a New Years present in the
way of a notice from the company
that they will build a much needed
depot at York that will be in keeping
with the rapid growth and the size of
the place
Each prisoner in the penitentiary
was given a Christmas present The
gift was of modest proportions con
sisting of a large bag of candy made
in the prison kitchen but each man
was remembered Many of them re
ceived little trinkets from friends and
relatives at home Little mementoes
of home life and jars of jam and jelly
with other delicacies were received by
many of the men
The annual meeting of the Gage
county poultry and pet stock show will
be held in the opera house at Blue
Springs January 3 and 4
December will be a good month
from the standpoint of the state peni
tentiary in that the census will b in
creased there by twenty nine
A circular letter will be sent out to
county treasurers by State Treasured
Mortensen asking them to begin the
year properly by promptly remitting
state taxes to the treasury on Monday
or Tuesday Many county treasurers
are taking advantage of the renewed
offer of the Burlington and the Union
Pacific to pay a part of their taxes
pending the decision on the applica
tion for injunction
After having been mourned as a
dead man for the past seventeen years
John Marquardt has turned up at
Harrisburg Ore alive and a busy
man Almost a score of years ago he
left Norfolk and two years later his
mother and brothers gave him up as
dead Even the date of his death had
been fixed services held and each an
niversary help apart because of the
funeral tone it bore A letter received
last week came as a joyful greeting
In the case of the Missouri Pacific
Railway company against Cass county
Judge Jessen found for the plaintiff
fixing the amount of damage in the
sum of 1 cent The company sued for
1000 damage
Gust Jones a stranger in Cuming
county was comitted to jail on a
charge of stealing a team of horses
tin property of James Tighe living
near Bancroft The prisoner was
caught with the team in his posses
sion and was brought before Justice
McDermott and was bound over to the
district court In default of balL
it Is Likely That There Will Be Con
siderable Fillibustering Republi
cans Not Anxious asjthe Matter Can
Go Oyer to Next Session
WASHINGTON In all probability
there will not be two stars added to
the flag at this session of congress
While there are some democrats who
are disposed to allow the republicans
to legislate as they please on all ex
cept great fundamental questions
there are others who will not consent
to the admission of states doubled up
as proposed in the bill passed last ses
sion -by the house and now pending
In the senate Of course it is well
understood that it will be an easy
thing to defeat the statehood bill
Only a slight filibuster is necessary
or perhaps a notice to the republican
majority that the bill is unsatisfac
tory would be sufficient The repub
licans are not at all anxious They
are willing the present bill should
pass but if the democrats want to
defeat it they will not complain
Senator Du Bois of Idaho is a lead
er of the opposition to the bill in Its
present form He recalls that when
-he was struggling to have the terri
tory of Idaho admitted as a state
there was a great deal of opposition
to the anti Mormon test oath which
he insisted should be incorporated in
the constitution Du Bois took the
ground then that congress had no
right to bring a territory into the
union against the will of the people
of the territory He said then that
Idaho would prefer to remain out
rather than be deprived of the test
oath Now said Mr Du Bois the
people of Arizona with few excep
tions and a majority of the people
of New Mexico prefer to remain as
territories rather than to be admitted
as one state
I thinli their wishes should be re
spected What ought to be done now
Is to admit Oklahoma not coupled
Indian territory but according to the
present boundaries There would be
nothing favoring the democrats in
that for Oklahoma is as likely to be
republican as democratic and in fact
It is the one territory where the re
publicans are strongest But aside
from all political consideration the
rights of the people of the territories
should be respected
Speaking of the statehood bill -Senator
Beveridge chairman of the com
mittee on territories remarked the
other day that had Senator Quay liv
ed the measure would have been put
n his charge while being considered
In the senate Perhaps no one knew
whether Senator Quay would have ac
cepted the doubling up of the terri
tories Four years ago he fought for
nearly three months to secure separ
ate statehood for three territories
leaving out Indian territory When
the republicans doubled up the terri
tories in the last session with a view
of making two states of the four there
was no sign from the silent Pennsyl
vania senator as to whether that kind
of a proposition suited him or not He
was intensely interested when the
fight was on before He devoted
more time to senatorial work than he
iad ever given before in a winter
3ut after the bill was defeated and
when a new scheme was tried he nev
er seemed to show the same interest
No one knows what he would have
done if he had lived
Governor Elect of Colorado Files Pe
tition in Supreme Court
DENVER Attorneys Charles S
Thomas and Samuel W Helford filed
a petition in the supreme Court
Wednesday on behalf of Alva Adams
the democratic governor elect asking
that either the court or a commission
to be appointed by the court shall
open all of the 201 ballot boxes used
in Denver at the late election and
make a thorough examination of their
contents The court decided to hear
arguments on the petition later in the
I have no question about my elec
tion by substantially the majority rep
resented on the face of the returns
said Governor Adams I believe if
the frauds in outside counties could
ne unearthed my honest majority
would amount to 20000 But I want
no tainted seat It is of far greater
Importance that the extensive election
frauds should be unearthed and pun
ished tnan that I or any other particu
lar individual should be sworn in as
governor I dont know who com
mitted the alleged frauds in Denver
I know nearly thirty men are in jail
ostensibly for contempt of court but
really charged with election crimes
If they are of the character represent
ed I feel assured that there are men
at liberty far more deserving of jail
than those who are incarcerated
Has Not Resinned But Will
LONDON While numerous semi
official statements have been heard
that Ambassador Choate is about to
retire from diplomatic life it can be
stated that Mr Choate has not sent
his resignation nor any communica
tion on the subject to President
Roosevelt or the state department
nor has he received any inquiry either
from the president or Secretary Hay
concerning his future plans It can
be said however that it is Choates
intention to tender his resignation
soon after Inauguration
Colorado Republicans Not Agreed
Upon Plan to Reseat Peabody
DENVER Very few members of
the legislature have yet arrived in the
city and whether the plans of William
C Evans and other republican lead
ers to reseat Governor James Pea
body will be advised by a majority of
the republican members Is still in
doubt The republicans can carry
any measure on which they are
agreed There are at least half a
dozen candidates for the speakership
Some republican members known as
followers of former United States
Senator Edward O Wolcott have de
cided that while they do not contemp
late a union with the democrats under
any consideration they will oppose
vigorously any plan for counting out
Adams The Wolcott republicans say
they will go into a party caucus and
will agree to abide by the decision of
the caucus up to a point where it con
flicts with their conscience They In
sist that they have always strictly ob
served party regularity but when a
course is commended that Is morally
wrong they will not follow it and they
will not consider their decision in
that regard as irregular The plan
to seat Governor Peabody some of
them declared is wrong and no cau
cus action will bring them to support
such action
The canvass of the votes for state
officers is made by the legislature and
is not subject to review in the courts
Members of Congressional Committee
Consider Question
WASHINGTON Members of the
congressional committee which will
formulate the isthmian canal legisla
tion have been considering the various
questions relating to the regulation
of the canal zone A bill for the pur
pose passed the senate last session
but was rejected by the house and a
measure finally was agreed upon
placing the whole government of the
zone in the power of the president un
til the end of the present session of
congress Before the close of this
congress it will be necessary to renew
that power for a term of years or to
enact a new law Opinion differs as
to the best method of handling the
subject although it is believed that a
strong government will be necessary
in order to provide for the care and
health of the men engaged in canal
work It is expected that Representa
tive Mann 111 will introduce a bill
relating to canal work soon after con
gress reconvenes
Soldiers on Both Sides Still Lying In
the Trenches
General Okus Headquarters via
Fusan No change has taken place at
the front of the Second army The
Russians continue a daily bombard
ment firing at random and resulting
in few casualties The Japanese sol
diers picked up fifteen centimetre
shrapnel cases and with them made
charcoal burners to heat the bomb
proofs Occasional collisions take
place between patrols the Russians
always retiring Both sides seem sat
isfied to remain in the trenches
Lieutenant General Sir William
Nicholason director general of mili
tary intelligence of the British was
office who was attached to the Jap
anese army left here yesterday on his
way to England
Steal Court House Also
ST PAUL Minn A special to the
Dispatch from Aberdeen S D says
The crowd of men who went from
Selby to Bangor and carried off by
force the county records in the court
house and then left word that they
would return for the court house it
self kept their promise The build
ing has been torn down and piled on
wagons and is being hauled to Selby
to be rebuilt there Although the ac
tion of the Selby men has aroused
much bitter feeling Bangor residents
made no resistance
China Will Try to Hold Russian War
Vessels in Port
SHANGHAI The tatotal has Issued
strict orders to the commanders of
the Chinese warships In the harbors
of Woosung and Shanghai to prevent
any attempt to escape by the Rus
sian war vessels the cruiser Askold
and the torpedo boat destroyer Groz
More Chinese cruisers are on the
way to Shanghai
The Askold and the Grozoxol suc
ceeded in reaching Shanghai after the
battle between the Russian and Jap
anese fleets off Port Arthur August
10 and since that time their officers
and crew have been interned at
A rumor from Shanghai reached
London December 9 that the Askold
was coaling and replacing its machin
ery preparatory to an effort to escape
and join the Russian second Pacific
American Girl WeJs Title
WASHINGTON Miss Marguerite
Hyde Daisy Leiter the youngest
daughter of the late Levi Z Leiter
and Mrs Mary T Carver Leiter of
Chicago was married at noon on
Christmas day to Henry Molyneaux
Paget Howard the nineteenth earl of
Suffolk and Berkshire The ceremony
occurred in the Leiter residence in
this city the Rev Roland Cotton
Smith rector of St Johns Episcopal
church afficlating Only a family
party witnessed the service The
bride was escorted by her brother
Confirmation of the Report That Gen
Kondrs iienko Has Been Killed
The Work of Dynamiting and Paral
leling Continues
TOKIO The Japaneso occupied tho
entiro fort on Rihlung mountain at
730 oclock Wednesday
Trustworthy advices from Port Ar
thur confirm the report that General
Kondrachenko has been killed and
that General Stoessel has been Injured
by falling from his horse General
Smilioff is also reported wounded
The advices further say that tho
stern of the battleship Sevastapol has
sunk in shallow water Its bow 13
damaged in two places and the steer
ing room gear is also damaged
The garrison is reported to be con
fident in the belief that relief will ar
rive before March 1 Despite its
heavy losses November 2G and subse
quently the garrison Is said to be
cheerful and resolved to continue tho
struggle as long as a single soldier
remains The army claims to have
sufficient provisions to last until Feb
ruary The navy possesses about on
months stores The price of food In
the beleagured fortress is high Beef
is l1 roubles per pound horse meat
G copeks turkeys 150 roubles each
eggs 1G0 roubles per hundred But
a few junks bearing supplies reached
the garrison the past month
It is expected that the capture of
the heights of Pigeon bay wijl fur
ther curtail the landing of supplies
The emperor today received in an
dience and decorated Captain Zurbon
zon of the steamer Willehad which
had brought home the Japanese ref
ugees from Russia
The Japanese dynamiting and papj
leling against the eastern section of
the main circle of forts around Port
Arthur is progressing favorably Tho
right wing of the besiegers continues
a heavy and effective shelling of tho
new town preparatory to operations
which are nearing completion It is
probable that the next attack will bo
simultaneously directed against tho
east and west forces of the fortress
in an endeavor to divide and weaken
the resistance of the defenders
The New Year season has begun
and all Japan is enjoying a holiday
consequently Togos journey from
Kure to Tokio will be a continuous
popular ovation
Governor of Philippines Reports on
Fighting by Palajanes
WASHINGTON Secretary Taft re
ceived a cablegram message from
Governor Wright at Manila in re
sponse to his inquiry in regard to tho
recent uprising of the Palajanes Dol
ores Samar Governor Wrights mes
sage is as follows
MANILA Dec 2G 1904 Secretary
of War Washington D C With ref
erence to your telegram of 21st laot
I regret to say that General Corbins
report of attack on and loss of de
tachments of scouts at Oras and Dol
ores is correct Palajanes have of
late left west and north sides of Sa
mar and became active on east coas
which is practically without harbor
and very difficult of access during pre
valence of the existing monsoon
Orders were given some time since to
strengthen all detachments on the
east coast but unfortunately this was
delayed by wreck and loss of coast
guard boat carrying a hundred or
more of the constabulary The mf n
were saved but the delay in sending
another coast guard boat to the res
cue resulted in leaving the small de
tachments at Oras and Dolores iso
later and the consequent loss All
east coast stations have been heav
ily reinforced and we are still send
ing men in by my direction General
Allen chief of the constabulary lefc
here Manila two weeks since to
take personal charge of affairs in Sa
mar I am still reinforcing him with
constabulary and am consulting with
General Corbin who if necessarj
will aid us with troops WRIGHT
Kuropatkin Doesnt Want H13 Men
on the Run Again
MUKDEN General Kuropatkin ad
dressing his troops said You must
never allow yourselves to retreat
Even In the case or the smallest de
tachment having once formed a plan
it must be carried out to the end
A Japanese battery opened fire De
cember 24 in Shanlinpu and two men
were wounded by shells A Japaneso
column advanced but was soon
driven back by the Russian fire
The general situation is qniet
though Chinese report that the Japan
ese are strengthening their left flank
as though in contemplation of a turn
ing movement On the other hand
the Japanese in many places
are building winter quarter s
To Spend 30000000
CHICAGO 111 The Record Herald
says The Pennsylvania Ralroad
company is prepared to spend 30 -000000
in the construction of a new
railroad station in Chicago 20000 -000
of this sum to be spent in ac
quiring land adjoining the present
Union depot and 10000000 to be
spent in buildings Plans and specifi
cations for a most elaborate group of
structures devoted to railway pur
poses have already been completed
The site of the new terminal will
occupy seven square blocks