The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1904, Image 4

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Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Tkiuunk one year
Ocean one year
One year for
This offer open only a few weeks
and may bo taken advantage of
by old subscribers who will pay
one year in advance as well as
now ones
TnE Red Willow County Farmers In
stitute for the winter will bo held at
McCook Nobr February 22 It is time
that the people began preparation for
making this meeting a great success
Interest and attendance will be amply
repaid by the value to be gained The
peoplo should make of the institute a
large social gathering of agricultural
people for the discussion of subjects that
are of valne to them and for the pro
motion of all their interest- It should
become a permanent feature of the edu
cational side of the community
The value of rhe imtins will depend
on the interest of the people of this com
munity Thy can make of it what they
will a success or a failure The state
management may perform its part well
and the speakers may give valuable ad
dresses but unless the people attend the
meetings all the work will have been
done in vain You are paying taxes to
support this work You should come to
tho meetings and get the value of your
money buck The time of such m6n as
come here to address tho people is valu
able There must be a full house at
every meeting if the community is to
receive the value that it should from the
The progressive farmers will attend
the institute No time need bo spent in
telling them to come out But the
farmers who do not usually leave the
farm should be stirred up Tho women
and young people should be brought out
Every institute has something of value
for them as well as for the experienced
The subjects that will be discussed are
of practical interest to every farmer
Tho men who will speak are practical
and successful farmers who are recog
nized as leaders in their lines of work
Everybody should make plans for at
tending every session of the institute
Doctors Could Not Help Her
I had kidney trouble for years
writes Mrs Raymond Conner of Sbelton
Wash and the doctors could not help
me I t ied Foleys Kidney Cure and
the very first doso gave me relief and I
am cured I cannot say too much for
Foleys Kidney Cure It makes the
diseased kidneys sound so they will elim
inate the poisons from the blood Un
less they do this good health is impossi
ble Sold by A McMillen
e ercperienced farmer
has learned that some
grains require far differ
ent soil than others
come crops need diffcr
cnthandling than others
He knows that a great
deal depends upon right
planting at the right
lime and that the soil
must be kept enriched
No use of complaining
in summer about amis
take made in the spring
Decide before the seed
is planted
fge best time to reme
dy wasting conditions in
the human body is be
fore the evil is too deep
rooted At the first evi
dence of loss of flesh
Scotts Emulsion
should be taken imme
diately There is noth
ing that will repair
wasted tissue more
quickly or replace lost
flesh more abundantly
than Scotts Emulsion
It nourishes and builds
up the body when ordi
nary foods absolutely
We tvlli send you a sample free
Bo sure that this
picture in the form
of a label is on the
wrapper of every
bottle of Emulsion
you buy
409 Pearl Street
50c and 1
all druccists
ia2lJKJfcs2S r
Tho board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment Present JHBennettDA
Waterman and Samuel Premer county commis
sioners and EJ Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of the pievious meeting were
read and approved
On motion Treasurer was instructed to refund
to J A Smitz F P Ratlin and W A Miunear
tho sum of 300 each the amount of poll tax il
legally assessed to them in 1904 and paid by them
under protest for tho reason that they were over
50 years of ape at time of assessment
Road Xo 383 laid over from last meeting was
on motion laid over until next meeting for fur
ther investigation
Tho following official bonds wero examined
and on motion approved
CE Eldred County Attorney
W N Cratty Justice of the Peaco for Drift
wood precinct
G O Longnecker Overseer of road district
No 5
George Y Dillon same dist No S
Don L Thompson same dist No 14
Rudolph Podolski same dist No 15
W L Andrus same dist No 17
C N Smith same dist No 20
Joseph Boos same dist No 22
August Rjdeu same dist No 23
Frank Hill same dist No 23
R P Ashcraft same dist No 30
Annual settlements of the following Overseers
of Higlnvajs wero examined and on motion
clerk was instructed to draw certificates on tho
road districts in payment thereof as follows
G O Longnecker overseer district No 5
certificate No 3G1 30 00
George W Dillon No 8 certificate 362 30 00
J E OhlMu No lcertificate No 3G3 30 00
J A Modrell No certificate No 364 30 00
E F Couse No 10 certificate No 365 30 00
F W Moseley No certificate No 366 30 00
FA Hodgkins No 12 certificate No 367 21 00
W V Miller No 17 certificate No36S 30 00
John N Smith No 19certificato No 369 30 00
C H Angell No 21 certficate No370 30 00
Joseph Boos No 22certificate No 371 30 00
M B Leopold No 24 certificate No372 27 00
Andrew AnderonNo2ri certificate No373 26 00
E D Thomas No 26 certificate No 374 27 00
Frank Hill No28 certificate NO 37i 150 00
J E Logue No 30 certificate No376 20 00
M Rinck No31certificato No 377 30 00
P Fossen No 33certificate No 378 30 00
G II SimmermanNo3SccrtificateNo379 20 00
Henry Corcoran No 40 certificate No 3i0 30 00
Alex Brown No 43 certificate No 3S1 30 00
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on tho county general fund levy of
1901 in pajment thereof as follows
Josephine Jackson nursing MrsLomax 2 00
A Guy mdse for paupers 22 SO
James McAdams same 26 00
J A Wilcox same 50 25
Barnett Lumber Co coal for pauper S 25
Perry Bee Co Fame 8 20
XV C Billiard same 2S 50
E G Caine Co same 17 X
S L Green olHco expenses 6 10
R W Devoe same 1 10
Ben G Gossard freighton coal 136 95
E J Wilcox same 21 10
EJ Wilcox salary 4 th quarter 75 CO
SRSmith printing 3 50
L L Phillipi tationcry and printing 27 25
State Journal Cosupplies 88 70
State Journal Co same 259 00
L Faiinestock professional services
3rd quarter as per contract 25 00
J M Brown same 2nd quarter as per
contract 36 00
M B Hogan painting and glazing 11 50
Alex Ellis putting up booths 1 00
Roscoo Korns samo and cleaning room 3 00
W J Fleiechman same 4 00
McCook Electric Light Co coal 1 00
McCook Electric Light Co lights for No
vember 9 05
J E KoIIey insurance on court houso 120 10
L W McConnell stationery 175
Andrew Phillips salary as janitor for No
vember 25 00
C G Coglizcr putting up storm doors 5 CO
I H Harrison sharpening plow 50
Jonti Castillo repairing scraper 1 75
Joseph Boos sharpening plow 2
G O LoiiRtiecker samo and cash for re
pairs 1 00
J II Bennett commissioner sorvices xt X
D A Waterman samo il X
Samuel Premer samo 21 7ri
And on tho bridge fund levy of lJ0lns follows
James Ilai on bridge work 12 K
T F Gockloy samo 8 r0
Jesse Smith samo VI 00
II J Bortner same 19 no
BonDoylo samo 12 00
Bon Poylo samo 18 00
Honry Corcoran samo 3 00
Children especially are fond of dainties
and the housekeeper must look carefully
to their food
As good cake can be made only with
good eggs so also a cake that is health
ful as well as dainty must be raised with
a pure and perfect baking powder
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
in the preparation of the highest quality
of food It imparts that peculiar light
ness sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake biscuit doughnuts crusts etc
and what is more important renders the
food wholesome and agreeable to young
and old
Commissioners Proceedings
Clarenco Walessamo 0 50
Frank Carothers same 1 25
R E Divine samo 2 50
D Griffiths samo 10 00
II J Wales same 3 75
R Long samo 2 75
Frank Coleman samo 11 50
Fred Traphegansame 7 50
W M Sharp same 17 CO
T A Penfield samo 15 00
J E Roberts same 18 00
WJ Chestersame 6 00
J A Roberts same 21 00
C F Waterman samo 9 00
A E Everistsame 4 00
William S Andrews same 4 00
Ed N Dolphsame 4 00
G R Haven same 00
W V Miller same 275
CE liveritt same 2 50
A E Boyer same I 00
II Bandy same 10 00
G H Harrison same 2 00
I H Harrisonsame 7 00
Fred Burt same 27 00
Alva Simmerman tame 12 50
Frank Hill same 11 00
Harry Brown same 4 0
Levi Brownsame 1 50
W C Bullard lumber 156 75
W C Bullard same 11 40
E G CainoCo samo 75 40
Perry Bee samo 230 25
Perry Bee Co samo 10 16
Trant fc Kelley nails 3 50
S W Clarksamo 3 90
W P Elmer stone 50 OJ
And oil the county road fund levy of 1901 as
li W Dillon road work t oo
G H Simmormansamc 5 25
Stephen Fitzgibbons same 5 00
Rudolph Podolski same 9 00
Don h Thompson same 5 00
M B Leopold same 3
Alva Simmerman samo 6 25
John B Smith same 1 25
Fred Traphpgansame 2 50
On motion board adjoureed to meet January
3rd 1905 J II Bennett Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox Clerk
The Tribune and weekly Chicago In
ter Ocean only 105 Dont delay about
The Tribune makes a specialty of
office stationery and type writer supplies
ur ifj
Backed up by over a third of a century
of reuarkable and uniform cures a
lecord such as no other reined v for the
diseases and weaknesses peculiar to
women ever attained the proprietors of
lr Pierces Favorite Prescription now
feel fully warranted in offering to pay
500 in legal money of the United
biatcs for any case of Leucorrhea Fe
maie Weakness Prolapsus or Falling
of Womb which they cannot cure All
they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of
their means of cure
The Vice President Independent Order
cf Good Templars
An experience which mauv women have was
related by Miss Agues Stebbings of 231 East
30th Street New York City as follows I
hal very poor health for a year until life
looked dark and dreary to me Had head
aches backache also pain my sleep was
broken and fitful I longed for health Tried
several medicines but none were of any last
ing oeiient until 1 took Doctor Pierces I
vorue rrescnpnon I soon realized that I
had found the right remedy It helped nature
to throw off the poisons that saturated the
system removed all pains and strengthened
the digestive organs and brought the roses of
health back to my cheeks This medicine if
taken occasionally keeps the svstem in perfect
condition helping it to throw off the disease
and consequences of exposure to dampness I
am pleased to give it my endorsement
Favorite Prescription makes weak
women strong sick women well Ac
cept no substitute for the medicine
which works wonders for weak women
Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical
Adviser is stnt free on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps for the paper covered book
or 31 stamps for the cloth bound Ad
dress Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y
SiIITorm FJnhluer Linen
A tourist friend who has recently re
turned from a trip through the south
of Europe was telling the other day
of the large proportions assumed by
the production of silkworm gut for
fishing lines In Spain since the decline
of silk culture there The grub is fed
on mulberry leaves as usual In silk
culture but before it begins So spin
that is In May and June it Is killed
by immersion in vinegar The sub
stance which would have formed the
cocoon is then drawn out from its body
in the form of a thick silken thread
which is treated with chemicals and
afterward dried These threads are
made up in bundles of a hundred each
and the Spanish peasants travel with
them along the shores of the Mediter
ranean as far as France The best
quality of the gut as every fisherman
knows or ought for his own protection
when shopping to know Is round The
flat shaped article is always inferior
and is due not as often supposed to
careless drawing of it but to un
heal thiness in the worm which fur
nished it Forest and Stream
South Tolc Seals
Seals according to the crow of the
antarctic exploring ship Discovery are
abundant near the south pole They
are very tame and can be clubbed by
any one without showing more fight
than opening their jaws and making a
harsh noise They are possessed of
extraordinary vitality and are not easy
to kill Antarctic seals are not pro
vided with marketable fur The skins
of the majority of seals in the antarc
tic regions show an extraordinary
number of cicatrices some old and
some recent Avhich for some time have
been a puzzle to zoologists It is a
question whether they are the result
of warfare among the bull seals or are
caused by attacks of some monster not
yet known to science Some light has
been shed on this subject by the dis
covery of remains of an ordinary seal
In the stomach of a sea leopard which
Is provided Avith a very fierce set of
teeth quite in keeping with the pos
sible habit of feeding on other seal3
Scolding is mostly a habit It Is
often the result of nervousness and an
irritable condition of both mind and
body A person is tried or annoyed at
some trivial cause and forthwith com
mences finding fault with everything
and everybody within reach Scolding
Is a habit very easily formed It is as
tonishing how soon one becomes ad
dicted to it and confirmed in it It is
an unreasoning and unreasonable habit
Persons who once get into the way of
scolding always find something to
scold about If there is nothing else
they begin scolding at the mere ab
sence of anything to scold at It is an
extremely disagreeable habit It is
contagious Once introduced into a
family it is pretty certain in a short
time to aficct all the members Ex
Japanese BmltiliiKts
Japanese Buddhists have a word
nazoraeru which is translated by
the dictionaries as to imitate hut it
has the esoteric meaning of to sub
stitute in imagination one object or
action for another so as to bring about
some magical or miraculous result An
example of this is laying a pebble be
fore the image of Buddha to show that
you Avould like to build a temple in
his honor if you were rich enough
and making a bookcase revolve which
contains tho 0771 volumes of the Bud
dhist canon and earnestly wishing that
you had time to read them by which
you acquire the same merit in the
C3es of heaven as if you did read them
Tho bookcase is fitted with a kind of
capstan for the purpose
Pes Tmilvariis
The pegging or marking of drinking
cups was introduced by St Dunstau to
check the intemperate habits of tho
times by preventing one man from
taking a larger draft than his com
panions But the device proved the
means of increasing the evil it was
intended to remedy for refining upon
St Dunstans plan the most abste
mious were required to drink precisely
to a peg or pin whether they could
soberly take such a quantity of liquor
or not
Dutiful For Once
Boy My tooth aches and mamma
said I should come here and let you
look at it Dentist I see It must
come out Wont take but a minute
Now be a brave little man and Ill
B03 hastily backing off Mamma
didnt say I should let you pull it she
only said I should let 3Tou look at it
A Parnsron
Mamie Florences love of truth
amounts to a passion She really goes
to extremes Kittle In what respect
Mamie Why she admits that her best
friend is younger than she is
All Serene
lias Jones an assured reputation as
an author
Absolutely Why he says he can
now turn oat poor work all the rest of
his life Life
Dr Bill meeting former patient
Ah good morning Mr Tones How
are you feeling this morning Mr
Jones Doctor does It cost anything if
I tell you
Only Vimiel n Chance
Mother I erhaps the young man
needs a litte encouragement Daugh
ter Yes mamma I wish you would
keep out of sight more while he Is
If you are to be hanged peoplo
wont boast that they used to know
yon Atchison Globe
Why Hibernate
Wintor tourist rates to California the
Gulf country Florida and South and
Land seekers rate s approximately
half rates December 20th and January
and 17 to Oklahoma Texas and South
Low one way settlers rates December
20th to Southeast points beyond the
Ohio river
Christmas and Now Year greatly re
duced holiday rates for short and long
journeys in territory between the Rock
ies and Chicago Peoria and St Louis
Live stock convention Denver One
faro plus 820 for the round trip Janu
ary 7 to 9 1901
Ask the agent for further information
or writf to L V Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Neb
Pirating Foleys Honey And Tar
Foley it Co Chicago originated Hon
ey and Tar as a thioatand lung remedy
and on account of tho great merit and
popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for tho gen
uine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar
and refuso any substituto offered as no
other preparation will give tho same sat
isfaction It is mildly laxative It con
tains no opiates and is safest for chil
dren and delicate persons Foi sale by
A McMillen
Omaha Daily flews 150 to Jan l 1906
The publisher of the Omaha Daily
News will send their daily from now
until January 1 lf0G for 5150 to all
who subscribe during October If vou
want the Sunday paper also add fifty
cents to juur remittance Those who
are subscribers can renew under the
same conditions i
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or j
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
pazo oinment fails to cure any case no
matter of how long standing in G to 11 1
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for- j
warded post paid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
1140 to Denver And Return j
January 7 3 and 9 Return limit Jan- j
uary 311905
Ifyouhavnt timo to prepare llollis 1
ters Rocky Mountain Tea it is now
made in tablet form also Get a package
already to use Makes you well keeps
you well 35 cents For sale by L V
You can hardly find a home
without its Ayers Cherry
Pectoral Parents know what
it does for children breaks
up a cold in a single night
wards off bronchitis prevents u
pneumonia Physicians ad
vise parents to keep it on hand
The lpt couch mpilicme money can lmr
is Avers Clierrv Vpotnral Fur the enrnihs of S
cmiureu uotmiig cnuui j siiiu hotter
Jacoi SlfiL SAratOKt Ind
All tlrmrcus
i u riTTiBwnTCsn
T f
aviu en
1 iw Vs
CV7r rwrt i rra
Throat Liiiis 1
Ayers Pills greatly did fie Cherry
Pectora in fcKcakin up a coil
A Good Investment
15 acres adjacent to city of McCook house
framo stable granary lien liouo well hos
pens etc 2r00 peach trees Alljn cultiva
tion b0O cash Write for complete land
McCook Neb
X rtW
mvrrrrr n
Wiggle Stick around in the
y vijvfNnfMssssrNass
d luilthm dliU
rcn Ledd aid Sewer Pipe Brass
W Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
to Agenftfor Hall Jdv Vvaupun fcciipse
A Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
y Phillips Building
It should be borne in mind that
every cold weakens the lungs low
ers the vitality and prepares the
system for the more serious dis
eases among which are the two
greatest destroyers of human life
pneumonia and consumption
Cough Hemedy
has won its great popularity by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment It aids expectoration re
lieves the lungs and opens the
secretions effecting a speedy and
permanent cure It counteracts
any tendency toward pneumonia
Price 25c Large Size 50c
m aM
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block est of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
i McCook
i Poultry Co
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
For the next 7 days
we will pay cash
For Hens
Turkey Hens
51c lb
6c lb
lie lb
T nrr i
A Sound Argument
that bws
thing to blow about wastes timo and
energy The excellence of
ou goods
and delivery service
warrant us fo
blowing Always the best ahvays
the greatest varietv
highest quality ahvavs th
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
th ii i iimiimii ii HHia nifTimrMKJflP
I s aJ Hliupw V 0 Si i
rT Ana
j J3 zsEMUxzrrtm chzjt MvamTzxgrjGZf
Or any kind of meat from our
shop by phone if you wish
or send the little folks and
you will get the sweet tooth
some kind
We pride ourselves on the
freshness and quality of our
goods and the promptness of
our delivery
If you are not now trading
with us we would be pleased
to have you give us a trial
We think you will be pleased
Phone 12
I LWgamajiiiAj WiiyilT B I 8 8 If 19 U IL
I I o -a insr u -a 1