The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1904, Image 3

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V Ji
Mrs Henrietta A S Marsh 709 TV
J 6th St Los Angeles Cal President
Womans Benevolent Assn writes
suffered with la grippe for seven
weeks and nothing I could do or take
helped me until I tried Pcruna
I felt at once that I had at last
secured the right medicine and I kept
steadily improving Within three
weeks I was fully restored and 1 am
Rlad that I gave that truly great rem
edy a trial I will never be without
it again
In a letter dated August 31 1904
Mrs Marsh says I have never yet
heard the efficacy of Peruna question
ed We still use it I traveled through
Kentucky and Tennessee three years
ago where I found Peruna doing its
good work Much of it is heing used
here also Henrietta A S Marsh
Address Dr ITartman President o
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus
Ask your Druggist for a free Pcrsna
Almanac for 1905
wheat is
now a fact
r Vn lTmnacfnn1 - lVlStPm Piimirfa ff hllT
mime of the best wheat lands on the continent ano
become a producer
avcrsKO yield of wheat this year will he ahou
tweity bushels to the nerc The oat and barley croj
v111 also yield abundantly Spiendld cllmaio
schools and churches excellent marketing laeillties
Apply for Information to Superintendent of bnml
ration Ottawa Camda or to authorized Caiiadiax
Government Apent W V Ueunett bill Xw Yuri
Life IJuildin Omaha Nebraska
Ilease Eay where you saw this advertisement
send us a horse
or o cow calf colt got or anv cthci
kind of hide or skin to bo tanned
for Robes Coats Rugs Mittens
Harness and Lace Leather
The oldcstlargeet and only Kr LI BLE In the West
Custom work a bpecialty Tanners and jnanufae
turers of hides for anything YOU want Write foi
chipping tags and descriptive circular
West Ninth St Dept M De3 Moino3 la
For 30 years has mao a pecia3t
een years In Omaha His Horn
Treatment has peim inrntlj
cured thousands at small cos
Save time and money by tlnscrib
inp your and write for Frnc
book and terms of treatment Med
icine sent In ilain paekatre Ho
TGfi Office 215 South lith Street
Omaha Nebrialia
Elevating Ones Life
I know of no more encouraging fact
than the unquestionable ability of a
man to elevate his life by a conscious
endeavor It is something to be able
to paint a particular picture or to
carve a statue and so make a few
objects beautiful but it is far more
glorious to carve and paint the very
atmosphere and medium through
which we look which moraliy we can
do Thoreau
TJNDOMA Hair Tonic will lend tc
your hair that soft fluffy appearance
appreciated by people of good taste
and refinement
Ask Your Barber
Send us your name for free treat
A stingy mans gifts always have
strings on them
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and get the best 10 oz
for 10 cents Once used always used
It often takes a great hurricane tc
blow us a little way toward Heaven
rr WlnrtowB Soothlntr Syrnp
For children teethlnc softens tho kiitof reduren ti
CammaUoa allays pain cures wind collo Jcu bottle
A woman is always willing to ac
knowledge a mans superority whei
she has a lead pencil to sharpen
Some men fear they are losing theii
religion because they are growing ou
of their small clothes
You cannot flee from the wrath t
come until you forsake the sin yoi
love Rams Horn
Many a society woman who is
chronic invalid prides herself on he
lovely indisposition
You can make a man real weary bj
Mentioning the weather every time
you meet him
Fifty eight students from Cass
county are attending the State univer
sity in Lincoln
The Lutherans In and about Suth
erland are about to organize and ar
range for a pastor
Thomas Davis colored was bound
over to district court in the sum of
ri00 on the charge of daylight bur
The loss on the Masonic temple
building at Fremont which was badly
damaged by lire has been adjusted
at 10000 The building will be re
paired as soon as possible
The Beatrice Independent Telephone
company is making plans to build an
other telephone line southwest of
Blue Springs as soon as possible
Maynard Spink president cf the
Northwestern Business college of
Beatrice has issued an orler prohibit
ing students of the college visit mis
billiard or pool rooms without the
onsen t of their parents
Captain W P Wyatt a poinoer
resident of Beatrice who has been in
falling health for some time was in
jured by falling down stairs at his
home Ilia injuries are not considered
A number of the Sisters of Charity
from Leavenworth Kan who have
purchased the Nebraska City hospital
were in that ciry making arrange
ments for a number of improvements
to the hospital
Ernest Linn of Bellmont Lancaster
county missed the tin can balanced
on the head of S-year-old Sylvan De
lote and the charge from his shot gun
tore the brains from the skull of the
boy killing him instantly
Miss Lottie Osgood a daughter ot
Mrs J M Osgood residing six miles
northeast of Elk Creek has been ad
judged insane and taken to the asy
lum at Lincoln The young lady has
not been well for a number of years
A third operation Avas found neces
sary on Camilo Niemann of Grand
Island a ycung man who was shot in
he arm about a month ago the bullet
lodging firmly in the bone Niemann
states that he was held up and when
he attempted to resist was shot
Milton Cline one of the most promi
nent farmers in the vicinity of Yer
don died from injuries One week ago
Mr Cline was attacked by an angry
bull which knocked him down and
stamped on him On Friday an oper
ation was performed The doctors
found that the intestines had been
separated in five places-
William Pribnow a young man
came dashing into Grand Island from
the country and rushed into nolice
court for protection from the Winter
brothers who were not half a mile
behind him chasing Pribnow hotly
and who was charged by the Winter
brothers with a very serious crime
against Mips Mary Mohr The girl has
filed a complaint against him and his
case will come up in court
Thieves entered the barn of Law
rence Yohland a prosperous German
farmer living six miles southwest of
Shelton and stole a valuable team of
horses a new set of harness and
hitched them to one of Mr Yohlands
wagons and left in an easterly direc
tion The team was a heavy uair of
draft horses and was quite valuable
Mr Yohland has been offered 450 for
them and refused it
Mr Jones living a mile north of
Huntley in Harlan county found in
his corn field near the public high
way a valise which contained a com
plete set of burglar tools consisting
of false face drills bits brace dyna
mite fuse skeleton keys a complete
set of tools to break off the locks on
safes and a number of other tools
and instruments used by burglar to
enter houses open safes and exrlode
George T TIarr local manager at
Kearney for the Beatrice Creamery
company shot and instantly killed
himself The tragedy was enacted in
a water closet at the rear of the old
laundry building The cause for the
taking of his life was bad health and
a shortage in his accounts
The county commissioners of Otoe
county issued an order instructing tho
county treasurer to cancel all taxes on
church parsonages for the year 1902
and to refund all taxes paid on par
sonages for that year Otoe county is
the only county in the state that has
been assessing church parsonages
Adam Kopetsky a farmer living
west of Duncan in Merrick county
iost G0 in currency He had the bills
in a tonacco sack and he felt sure
that he had dropped it while feeding
his stock He also had a strong sus
picion that a calf had eaten it sack
and all He sJept one night over the
matter and then slaughtered the ani
mal The money was found in one of
the stomachs some of it partly di
gested but in such a shape that he
had no difficulty in having it redeem
ed at the bank
Ttcv John Calvert the pastor of the
Humboldt Methodist church has or
ganized the young people of his con
gregation into the White Shield
league a temperance organization
tho membership amounting to seventy
at the outset
Dietrich Steinbeck a farmer who
had called at a store in Grand Island
to trade accidentally fell down the
elevator shaft He was precipitated
head first but fortunately mmo in
contact at the other end with a large
barrel full of chippel cork and was
not hurt
Forty one of Leading Fire Insurance
Companies Reported with Deficits
LINCOLN A revelation was re
ceived at the office of Insurance De
puty Pierce in the way of insurance
statistics The statistics were pre
pared for the Journal of Insurance
Economics and show that forty one ot
the biggect fire insurance companies
now doing business made altogether
during the last five years only 122
000 Out of the total of forty one com
panies twenty three of them come out
loser at the end of the five years
leaving only eighteen that made a
profit during that length of time Two
companies made enormous profits dur
ing the five years The Aetna cleared
1573000 and the Continental clear
ed 51174000 The Hartford was the
greatest loser coming out behind for
the five years business a total of
But for all this the statstics show
i he insurance business has come up
wonderfully during the last two years
and for 1902 and 1903 the profits were
enormous making it seem unneces
sary for an increase in rates at this
time Last year these same companies
cleared a total of 12794000 while
the year before that they cleared
5193000 The three years previous
the losses amounted to over 17000
000 divided as follows 1899 7093
000 in 1900 309000 ii 1901 7
1G3000 Each of the forty one com
panies made profits last year while
only six of them came out behind the
year before
What Various Counties are Owing for
lnsrre Patients
For keeping insane patients the
various counties owe the state a total
of 1120737 Some of this money
has long been due and it is needed by
Peter Mortensen for various reasons
and unless it is paid there may be
i something doing by the auditor
through the attorney general Each
county is invited to send in a check
for the amount ounosite its name
Ail mis S lOVMDILosran 9Ar
Ronnr 3772 54LIadisin 7 01 T-
Bk Putte 2001 35Ulerrkk Sv22S
Burt 6 J Jsuckolls 2M31
Butcr 5 GS4 221 Pawnee 2278 t
Coilar JG1 SJThelps 2322
Cheyenne 4 417 S2 Pierce 2S4275
Collax loS UIPolk 239 1c
Dnlcota lR32fifRiehard on 4ofI2r
Diiww 1 WilSlJSariiv 317 73
Gajro 3fli79iSaiindprs 10S37 01
Grt eley SlttlS Btuff 3S1 20
Hayes 100889Stanion 22133fi
Holt PlnThomas 3x01
Johnson 12ifio 22lavnr 723 25
Keith 1757S Webster 333750
Lincoln SS034G
State Institutions Report
Nearly if not all of the state insti
tutions have made their biennial re
ports to the governor but they are
not accessible to the public as has
been the custom for the reason that
in the ofiice of the governor it is
thought the wiser plan would be to
wait till all are in compiled and com
pared with the reports of former
bienniums and then the entire list re
ports in a complete table be pub
Money Into Treasury
LINCOLN Countv treasurers are
daily sending remittances to State
Treasurer Mortensen Many of these
remittances include items of old de
linquent taxes showing that the lag
gards are being awakened by the
scavenger law The state treasurer
hos issued a call for the retirement 01
50000 in general fund warrants to
be effective December 19 A second
all effective after December 23 will
be issued in a few days for the retire
ment of about 50000 or G0000 more
Ciq Run at Su jar Factory
Beet Sugar company will have the
longest run this yenr in the history
of the factory It began the manufac
ture of sugar in September and will
run into January Janary 10 now be
ing estimated as the day of the com
pletion of the years work It is ex
pected that the increased price for
beets to farmers fttihin hauling dis
tance wiil increase the number of
acres contracted next year
An application for a water right
has been filed with the secretary of
the state board of irrigation by John
A Pilster of -Whitney Dawes count
He wishes to tap Dry Creek Run for
the Pilster irrigation ditch which is
to be two miles long and to have a
sixteen foot headgate
Williamson Warts Place
HUMBOLDT J Rock Yrilliamson
a well known farmer of this section
has made known his ambition to be
selected as sergeant-at-arms of the
house during the coming session of
the Nebraska legislature and is re
ceiving considerabe encouragement
from bis friends in different parts of
the state
Dividend for Depositors
Campbell of the defunct Chamborlin
Banking house of this ctiy announces
that he will soon give a 12 per cent
dividend to the depositors of the fail
ed bank A previous dividend of 7
per cent was made making 19 per
cent for the depositors
Makes Change in Game Law
Deputy Game Warden Carter has
rent out letters to the members of the
next legislature telling them that it
is very desirable that a few changes
be made in the game laws
Queer Names
Freemantle West Australia has
some queer names The mayor is a
Cadd the chief printer is Cant a
contractor Thick has just sued a local
soup preserving company and a man
named Offspring Webb was fined re
cently for keeping an unlicensed dog
Street Beggars Are Frauds
I have never known a deserving
case of street begging was the re
markable statement Sir Eric A Bu
chanan secretary of the London Men
dicity Society
Hows This
We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for ary
eane if Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls
Catarrh Cure
T T cnENET CO Toledo O
We the iinderslRncd have known F 1 Cheney
forthela8t 15 yearn and lcllcvo him perfectly hon
orable In all lnmlncRH transactions and financially
able to carry out any ohllKatl nn made by bla firm
Uunsn Kin van d- Marviv
WhoICinc UruiKliiK Toledo O
nails Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acilns
directly upon the blood and mucous RtirfaecH ot the
lyntem Testimonials sent free lrlcc 75 cents For
bottle Sold bv all DriiKj Ists
Take Ualla Family 1ills for constipation
Railroad i hrough Cemetery
The Chinese of An Sang recently
sold to the East China railroad the
franchise for running a branch of their
railroad through the city cemetery an
almost unheard of thing as the Chi
nese have believed it the worst sacri
lege to permit a railroad near the
burying places of their dead
Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch not alone
because they get one third more for
the same money but also because of
superior quality
Emersons Belief
I believe in a spade and an acre of
good ground Whoso cuts a straight
path to his own living by the help of
God in the sun and rain and sprout
ing grain seems to me a universal
working man He solves the problem
of life not for one but for all men of
sound body Emerson
The Best Results In Starching
can be obtained only by using De
fiance Starch besi les getting 4 oz
more for the same money no cooking
Have Smaller Faces
The chief difference in the heads ol
men and of the lower animals is in
the size of the face Man has a very
large head and a very small face and
animals are more fierce and brutal ex
actly as the face is found large and
the rest of the head small
Take Laxathe Ilrom Quinine Tablets All
refund the money If It fall t cure K ft
Groeb blguaturc Is on each bo ic
So the Poor Dog Was Gone
Old Mother Hubbard went to the
cupboard and rubbered The cupboard
was bare She looked mournfully at
her poor dog Then an idea struck
her And she had sausage for supper
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Can This Be True
A girl does not wear many rings at
her wedding because they might in
terfere with her crossing her fingers
hurriedly when she promises to obey
him always Exchange
The things 1h1t are carried highest
on gusts of popularity often fteigh
I the least
It Cures Colds Coughs Sore Throat Croup
Influenza Whooping Coujri HronthitK arn
Abthtnn A certain cure f r f onMirnrtion in flrsf
stages ami a Mite relief in tun im ecltijf s V t
it once You wiil the exiellnt eft ct after
tnking the lirst doso Sold ly dealers ptij
wnire Large bottles 25 centaTaad 50 cent
Mi Island Route
Double Daily Service
with new Acetylene Gas
lighted Pullman Chair ears
seats free on night trains and
Pullman high back seat Coaches
on day trains between Kansa
City and St Joseph Mo Hia
watha Seneca Marysville Kan
Fairbury Fairfield Hastings
and Grand Island Neb
Connections made at Kansas
City for all points East South
and West
At Grand Island direct con
nections are made with Union
Pacific fast trains for Califor
nia and the Pacific Northwest
General Passenger Agert
St Joseph Mo
tiat you can get more light for le muncy -with a
Itanfrom any thine olso in th world ciccpt tho ena
Send for Catalogue D
1012 Frnam St Omaha Nob
W N U Omaha
No 521904
I il
Advantage of Radium Clock
London has a radium clock that re
quires winding only once in 2000
years Thatll be a good thing to think
of when on a cold winter night after
you are snugly tucked in bed your
wife says John did you uind the
Sure Sign of Old Age
A man may know that he is ap
proaching old age when he ceases to
struggle to be among the first to leave
a railroad car when he is in no par
ticular hurry Philadelphia Ledger
No Money in Apples
This is the way a North Norway
correspondent figures Most of the
farmers have sold their apples for
one dollar which really means ex- j
changing one dollar for another
cents for barrels 12 cents for
picking 12 cents for packing 12 cents
for hauling to market and board of the
heln Lcwist on flic Journal
Try One Package
If Defiance Starch docs not pa p
you return it to your dealer 11 it
does you getonc -third more for the
same mony H will give you satis
faction ami will not stick to the iion
Woman Is Heme Body
Mrs Jason Cause a demure little
Quaker lady of Lyon county says the
Kansas City Journal certainly is un
rivaled in her record for staying at
home She has just leturntd from a
visit to a daughter in Texas It ft as
her first ride on a railroad train It
was the first time in nearly fifty jears
she had been outside of Lyon county
For twenty three years she had passed
but one night away from home She
is tho mother of Prof Cause of the
State Normal school
Some Donts for You
Do not be afraid of giving some
thing of yourself or letting yourself
out a little and do not fear that your
heart will run away with your head
Do not confound sentiment with sen
timentalism and do not hesitate to
praise a thing or an act if it is really
worth it You need to do this for your
own sake as well as for the sake of
making others happy Exchange
Marriage of Birds
It cannot really bo doubted that
there are various species of birds
whose marriages extend over a far
greater period than that merely of the
nesting season Long before the nest
ing season begins one sees the gold
finches in pairs long after it has end
ed one sees the blue titmice in pairs
Land and Water
President Arthur Extravagant
The most extravagant president was
Arthur who not infrequently gave
dinners costing as much as 5000
When he went into the white house
he was worth probably half a million
Kis predecessor Garfield died a poor
man The people raised 300000 for
Mrs Garfield and congress voted her
a pension of 3000 annually
Dont forget when you
order starch to get the
best Get DEFIANCE No
There will always bo a hungry
world until the church gets through
arguing over tho hill of fare and be
gins to get the dinner Chicago Trib
Some people with smart clothes whl
look worse off than the veriest beg
gar when they have U stand out in
the clothes of rvracter
Tho weather is more likely to agreo
with other people than with tho gov
ernment weather forecast Chicago
e2 A jm wis
Many women are denied the
happiness of children through
derangement of the generative
organs Mrs Beyer advises
women to use Lydia E Pink
hams Vegetable Compound
Dear Mrs Finkham I suffered
with stomach complaint for years I
gut bo bad that I could not carry my
children but five months then would
have a miscarriage The last time I
Lccanie pregnant rny husband ft mo
to take Ljrifci E PiiiLliams Veprc
ttible Compound After tal Injj tho
first bottle 1 was relieved of the sick
ness of stomach and began to feel bet
ter in every way I continued Its use
and w s enabled to carry my baby to
maturity I now havo a nice Laby
girl anil can work better than I ever
could before I m like a new woman
Mrs Fuan k ErYKi -2 S Second M
Meriden Con rono forfeit If onrjiralof
above letter provwj gcmrmness cannot be prodded
Dont hesitate to write to Mrs
Pinkiiam She will understand
your ease perfect ly and vill treat
you with kindness Her advice
is free and the address is Lynn
Mass Ho woman ever regretted
havinjr written her and she has
helped thousands
ttJ Save 4 on Droos
more yellow looking clothes
ItiODS Tltrs KS
I l13 Cor 16th and Dodgo Omaha Nob
l4JUSi 43 rTTTTri
4H KiTSraWWMcEwy3Hwv2atzJ5WE4
33yj5Tf Syvj9WBPw5SEO3f5mBLCli
no more cracking or breaking it
ruviftw mm
doesnt stick to the iron It gives satis
faction or you get your money back The
cost is io cents for 16 ounces of tne best
starch made Of other starches you get
but 12 ounces Now dont forget EtSQJ
your grocers
OF an ofler by which anyone can have the nicest saddle In Ma
neighborhood c ut this nil nut ivrnl ferd it to u anil voj Wil
rei elTu our New Big and Beautiful Special Saddle CatitoCuc
large liandsomo photographic HutruUoua of all Hud of
Wen8 Womens Boys and Girls Saddles
Stock Saddles Ranch and RangoSaddlos
You will net our V y Late it and Moat Astonishingly Libera Offer tou will
Ret our New I reo Trial Han ion will revel a fiddle otfrr that every hor
owner nhoulil have at one If von own a hor ilontfall Ux itihlaatt out
and aend to us to lay almlseo what all 3 ou get by return mail free riotpaid
address sesrs KOEBoes a ooa caS0
mk jft
Color more aoods brighter and faster colors than an other dye One tOc pacao3 colors silt v 00I Rid cotton ecunlly elzntf is cuaranteed to one perfect rei
UliieflerorwewillseiidpostpaidatlOca packaoe Write lor free booklet How to Die Bleach and Mu Colors MOHJU Jtltl O CO VnlancUit
Hany who formerly smoked 10 Ciars now sraoke
mm mm
Tour Jobber or direct from Factory Peoria 111
When Answer ng Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
nimi s TvHuic Vi i mm Fii q
nest Coush Sjrup Taste Good Vtc g
jawaie coia oy