The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 16, 1904, Image 8

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r 4
Beautiful Pictures
Pictures are one of the best gifts and we give
you an opportunity to pick from an exceptionally fine
Our line of pastels is particularly strong prices
ranging from 150 to 1800 Some very fine ones at
500 G 00 and 700
Etchings at 3 4 850 each
Colored Photographs from 50c to 10 50
Medallions from 25c to 350
Novelty and Don pictures from 25c up
We know wo can please you in this line and our
prices are extremely low
Books for Everybody
The one present that comes nearest to beiny un
iversally desired Books get to be better presents all
the time because while the art of book making and
illustrating becomes more perfect the cost grows
less You can buy several choice books now for
what one used to cost and in our stock you can find
books suitable for every age class and condition
Besides the New Novels and the Standard Vorks
we have a nice line of Gift Books bound in leathor
hand decorated dainty little gift books suitable
for all ages and particularly desirable for sending
long distances
Juvenile Books in great variety
Superb Toilet Goods
Few lines afford a wider choice than this
Handsome brushes of every description in all the
newest mountings antique ivory French staghorn
ebony foxwood etc and a good one at almost any
price you want to pay A good serviceable all
bristle hair brush 50c a fine one for 100 -the
best ones 200 250 or 300 Military brushes 100
a set and up Comb and brush sets clothes brushes
tooth brushes nail brushes and full toilet sets
Doll Exposition
We do not believe you have ever seen a larger
number of dolls together than we are showing this
year certainly you never have in this locality It
will be folly to buy dolls elsewhere you cannot match
either the assortment or the prices
Out of town orders will re
ceive our special attention
fiiTiarriiiitxftiTlt i fii
fl 4
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confldentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for secunnBjmtonts
Patents taken through JIunn Co receive
special notice without charge lathe
Scientific American
A handsomoly Illustrated weekly Largest cir
culation of any scientific journal Terms 3 a
year four months L Bold by all newsdealers
MUNN New York
Branch Office 625 V Bt Washinnton D C
the quality is right We have perfumes
in all sorts of fancy packages The new
Pump Atomizers and Atomizer Sets
Choice Candies
You will want confectiouery and it is
fitting that you have something extra
good We have Balduffs Chocolates
and Bon Bons in packages of all sizes
Flanicure Sets
Something to consider if you have a
young lady to please Many Kinds to
pick from
Fancy Flirrors
Pocket hand stand sconce in stag
metal and hard woods All the newer
things Prices that will please ou
and novelty calendars is simply magnifi
cent Have a large variety at moderate
prices 25 cents to 1 00
Staghorn Goods
A large line of these goods and the
prices are cheaper than ever befoie
Made into brushes mirrors and other
useful articles
Leather Goods
includes Pocket Books Ladies Bags
Card Cases Bill Books Music Bolls etc
9 p a b
Jas Williams the county sur
veyor has been doing some work
straightening lines in Gerver pre
cinct His work as county sur
veyor has been very satisfactory
About 1300 worth of poultry
was shipped out of Danbury last
week The regular chicken car
took 700 worth G B Morgan
shipped to the value of 225 W
AStone 150 Philip Gliemi50
The patrons of this district
have been saved between 500
and 1000 by the generosity and
public spiritedness of G B Mor
gan who has donated the district
two acres of land for a site and
grounds for the new school house
Hoffman is still picking
Mamie Mann is teaching the
Kelley school west of Banksville
Wm Relph has equipped his
well with a new windmill quite
Miss Julia Goodenberger is able
to- be at her school again this
week for the first time since her
Winter is with us Nearly one
one inch of snow and the ther
mometer marking this morning
17 degrees above
I L Elliott finished his corn
last week and has a crop of 2
000 bushels from 120 acres He
has sold 500 bushels for 35 Cents
per bushel
Perry Stone of the Driftwood
was over on Ash Creek Wednes
day on business
E E Rogers W E Bowers
and J W Roberson are arrang
ieg to have phones placed in their
farm homes
Joseph Downs lost a fine cow
Tuesday It is supposed she was
shot in the neck by a hunter and
she had to be killed
W N Rogers sold a fine young
male Hereford last week to a
party living near Grand Island
He got 300 for the youngster
W N Rogers has an invitation
to attend a unique wedding down
near or in Exeter the day before
Christmas The man in the case
is a cousin of W N s The father
and two daughters will be married
on the same day
And Her Name Was Maude
A Lincoln man who went into Red
Willow county to hunt quails not long
ago tells of a peculiar runaway accident
that befell two citizens who livo just over
the Nebraska lino in Kansas The two
men drove to town one day in a wagon
drawn by a span of mules After several
hours spent in town they climbed back
into the wagon with considerable difli
culty and swaying rather unsteadily in
their seats started to drive home Be
fore they had gone far a heated argu
ment arose to whother the mules would
run away if the lines wero to be thrown
to the ground One man contendod that
things would go on just as if nothing had
happened and the other asserted thickly
that ho was a liar Trial by ordeal was
the only way to settle the matter so they
dropped the lines and waited During
tho next five minutes the wagon and two
much dazed men were scattered irregu
larly along the next mile and a half of
road The innocent parties to the trans
action the mules escaped uninjured
Lincoln Journal
Maccaroni Wheat a Winner
Henry Boehling a German farmer who
lives aver southwest of tho city has
tested tho merits of Maccaroni wheat to
his satisfaction Last year His planting
of wheat embracod 100 acres Of this
total 60 acres wero planted to California
wheat and 40 to Maccaroni His har
vest from tho white wheat was 180 bu
j From tho Maccaroni 610 bushels
How to strike a satisfactory average between our desire to give and our ability
to pay is a problem that worries nearly everyone at Christmas time However
we believe that our stock offers an easy solution of the problem In other words
it affords the kind of gifts you want to give at the price you want to pay We give
below a mere hint of the lines which comprise our holiday stock but each line rep
resents scores of items al worthy of giving You cannot see all of these beautiful
things at one visit so come as soon as possible and come as often as you can
Beautiful Ebony Goods
Will be as popular as ever this year
and deservedly so We have both plain
and silver mounted The line includes
Brushes Toilet Articlfs Mirrors Mani
cure Toilet and Traveling Sets and many
odd pieces We have put attractive
prices on them
Old Austrian Court Boxes
Made of the finest woods highly pol
ished lined with silk and satin Makes
a useful and lasting present Have them
in toilet cases smokers manicures and
many other ways
Wo have the late specialties We
have fine goods in bulk and in bottles
A package of perfume is often one of the
most suitable gifts where some small
token is required The size of the pack
age does not matter so much so long as
Latest Celluloid Novelties
Extra large stock this ytar and prices
lower than ever There are few gifts
more generally popular than these Our
stock includes Manicure Sets Collar and
Cuff Boxes Toilet Chspb Work Boxes
Shaving Sets Handkerchief Boxes
Glove BoxesNecktie BoxesPhoto Boxes
Dainty Japanese Goods
The war in the East has created re
newed interest in the dainty wares im
ported from Japan and we have an un
usually good stock of them Prices are
very low for such beautiful goods
Beautiful China
Cant describe the beauties of our
china stock No one need look farther
who has a gift to buy for a lady In
addition to our lino of finely decorated
imported china we havo a large assort
ment of Hand painted Ware
Bibles and Testaments
We have a large line of teachers ref
erence aud childrens Bibles large print
with maps tables etc limp covers good
papers from fifty cents to 000
Burnt Leather Goods
Some nice things in Table Covers
Mats Calendars Chatelaine Bags etc
Some Other Suggestions
Toilet Sets 50 cents to 10 00
Manicure sets 75 cents to 800
nilln4 iwr lw rn tco nn
Superb Art Calendars I Handkerchief and glove boxes 35
I tn sa on
This seasous output of lithographed
Photo boxes 25 cents to 2 00
Fountain pens 100 to 5 00
Smokers sets 25 cents to 300
Military brushes and sets 150 to
Traveling sets 85 cents to 8600
Canditt sticks 25 cents to 1000
Jewel boxes 25 cents to 500
Albums 50 cents to 4 00
Writing sets GO cents to 250
Desk sets 25 cents to 2 50
Ink wells 25 cents to 2 00
Music rolls 100 to 2 00
Chafing dishes 425 to 7 50
Five oclock teas 250 to 500
dison Phonographs aiid Records
Going the Limit
A drummer named Peck put up at a
hotel In Oklahoma the landlord of
which was the president of the school
board The landlord who was a jolly
whole souled fellow suggested that
they visit the schools the president of
the board first putting on a long tailed
coat saying
She adds dignity an then siiO hides
my gun which are a bad example
afore them children I dont approve
of anybody under fourteen carryin a
After returning to the hotel from the
visit of inspection the president of the
board now transferred into a land
lord said
Peck youre a good feller You
aint goiu to let your light be hid un
der a bushel Peck
No I aint said Mr Peck rather
dubious as to the compliment
Well I tell you what Im goin to
do fer you Bein as youre a good fel
ler Im a goin to have clean sheets put
put on your bed dad me if I aint
Mrs Norton came home from a call
one day in such a disturbed condition
that It was evident tears were not far
in the background She lost no time in
beginning her explanation
John she said to her husband I
am so mortified I dont know what to
What is the matter my dear asked
Mr Norton
I have just been calling on Mrs
Peverill You know her husband Ma
jor Peverill
Well I have just learned today to
my horror that major isnt his title
at all Major is his first name
Why certainly Ive always known
that What is there so mortifying
about it
Nothing said Mrs Norton with a
groan only that Ive been calling him
major every time Ive met him for
the last six months London An
Tlie Cry of Silk
One of the most peculiar features
about manufactured silk is the rustling
sound familiar to every woman In
the silk trade they call it the cry or
sometimes the scroop Of all textiles
silk is the only material which pos
sesses it
As everybody knows the sound is
heard especially when silk is subjected
to friction What is not so generally
known is that the quality is found in
silk yarn before it is woven A skein
of silk unless it has been so treated as
to kill this property in it will when
opened up emit the noise slightly
When the skein is squeezed in the
hand the sound becomes quite audible
The cry is considered a very desir
able quality in silk Dyers try to de
velop it as much as possible
Unexpected Applause
Shortly after Mr Wilson Barrett
joined the theatrical profession he be
came a member of a company perform
ing at the old Theater Royal Dublin
His part naturally was a small one
and greatly to his surprise his first
speech was greeted with a round of i
applause This unlooked for tribute
elated the young actor and he exerted
himself to sustain the good impression 1
he appeared to have made Just as he
was leaving the theater one of the
scene shifters grinningly accosted him
and said Sure its got about among
the bhoys that yere a brother of the
man that was hung A Fenian named
Barrett had that morning paid the ex
treme penalty of the law
An Absurd Custom In Vienna I
In Vienna every mans home is his
dungeon from 10 p m to G a m Vienna 1
Is a city of flats and at 10 p m the
common entrance door of each block is
closed and bolted Thereafter persons
passing in or out must pay a fine of
twopence to the concierge until mid
night and fourpence from that hour to
G a m To go out to post a letter costs
twopence and the same amount to re
turn To prolong a visit to a friend
after 10 p m means twopence to get
out of his house and twopence more to
enter your own A natural result of
this irritating tax is that of capital
cities Vienna is earliest to beu
Sparing Ilis FeelinRs
Hettie Now that you have broken
your engagement with Fred shall you
return to him the diamond ring he
gave you
Minna Certainly not nettle It
would be cruel to give him a thing
that would be a constant reminder of
the happiness he had missed Boston
Blond persons are more apt to be
somnambulists than dark folk and in
cold climates there is more somnam
bulism than In warm ones In certain
Greenland villages the hut doors are
T Cure
Take Laxative Broiffl
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months
Artistic Kelva Ware
The newest artistic ware on the market and one
that has become immediately popular It is being
shown this year for the first time in New York and
Chicago The women simply rave over it
Wo hive a nice lino of it but as people like to
give these new things the stock is apt to sell out
early and we will not be able to get more until after
the holidays
Smokers Articles
You make sure of cigars he will like by getting
thorn of us In boxes of 12 25 50 and 100 at 50c
100 S200 53X0 -125 per box
Smokers sets from 25c to 150
Pipe sots from S100 to S250
Cigar cases from 25c to 100
Pipe racks from 50c to 300
Cigar jars from 25c to 100
Tobacco jars from 2oc to 250
Ash receivers from 10c to SI 00
And various other articles
Moro variety in this lino this year than ever
Ornamental and novel articles suitable for either
lady or gentleman
A suitable present for a lady Our assortment
is complete with a wide range of prices
Have Plenty of Games
Every game that goes into the home helps to
make home more attractive for the children and often
for their elders
We have attractive games between 5 cents and
1 Card games board games chess checkers crib
bage board and many instructive and entertaining
Our line of childrens games is particularly fine
ABC and spelling boards the latter a most desir
able gift for little folks
Articles securely packed for
outoftown shipment
L W flcConnell Druggist McCook j
-Jacob Korb is on the sick list
this week
Mrs A S Palmers recital was
well attended
DrMinniear is having a furnace
but under his house
Lee Delong is back from the
wheat fields of Kansas
William Macker and family are
living over the bank now
W T Hentons baby had an
attack of croup this week
Mr and Mrs Mitchell Young
spent Saturday in McCook
Mr Dowd is improving his place
to the extent of a new stable
Mr Evers is putting up a shed
south of his implement house
Mrs E J Bull and family left
on Saturday for Boulder Colo
The Dow boys spent Saturday
and Sunday with J L Sargents
Jud Remington has finished
shucking corn -and has 5000
Mr and Mrs Ed Emberling of
McCook spent Sunday with Mrs
Simeon Billings
S S Graham and W A Min-
uiear left Wednesdaj for Cali
fornia on a visit
Rev Murr has returned from
Cambridge where he has been
helping in holding revival services
William Musgrave is back from
Cambridge where he has been
shucking corn for the last month
J L Sims shipped two cars of
hogs- to Kansas City this week
G B Morgan sent eight crates of
J L Sims has sold 20 acres of
land to James Nutt for 100 an
acre Mr Hulburd is drilling a
well on the tract
Frank Burbridge is over from
Indianola visiting the family and
his many friends prior to his de
parture for Superior Nebraska
locked from without by a watchman fn
order that those within may not come
forth in their sleep and maybe freeze
to death
irHiiiUiUV A Uca
This signature
Cares Gn
J In Two Days
on everv
frznsr box 25c
The Canalboat
The captain was leading the horsu 0vL
and his lieutenant was at the rudder
said a lawyer in an English court re
cently describing an incident in the
voyage of a canalboat
Where was the crew inquired the
A Fish That Blows Himself Up Into a
Round Bull
The funniest little fellow in salt wa
ter is the puffer or swell fish Fisher
men call him the blow fish
When he is swimming around at ease
with nothing to alarm him he looks
Queer enough for the skin of his abdo
men is all loose and wrinkled and he
has such a funny little tail and such
ridiculous little fins and such a big
three cornered head that he looks en
tirely absurd His mouth Instead of
being big and gaping as most fish
mouths are is only n tiny round hole
at the end of a pointed conical snout
Out of this circular mouth protrude
his teeth Irke those of a rabbit
He would be about as homely a fish
as could be made if it were not for
the beautiful orange and yellow and
silver colorings that play all over him
But queer as he looks when he is at
ease it is only when he is frightened
or excited that he becomes really fun
ny If he is hooked for instance he
comes to the surface grinding those
protruding teeth so that the sound can
be heard a good many feet away And
then as soon as the hand touches him
he begins to grunt hoarsely and with
each grunt he swells a bit till within a
few moments he has puffed himself so
full of air that he is quite round and
firm like a ball So thoroughly does
he distend himself with air that when
the fishermen hurl him at the water
with all their force as they often do
he will bounce just like a rubber ball
If he Is dropped into the water after
blowing himself full of air he floats Vy
on it as lightly as thistledown and he
will stay that way until he has assured
himself that danger has
gone by He
does the same when he is pursued by
other fish And as he floats almost
tirely out of water with only a little
bit of his hard spiny body sunk under
the surface very few fish can hurt
him once he is inflated