The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 16, 1904, Image 6

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- Items of Interest Sent
County and
m ty THB tribunes
Neighborhood News Bright pencil pushes
Lebanon Schools
Take Noticel
Christmas exchange size Photos
will bo made at 75c per dozen
regular price 150 All sittings
must bo arranged and i deposit
made before December 20 Re
member theso are the regular
Lebanon Art Studio
W Devoe is suffering with a
sprained ankle
W Devoes new barn is nearly
finished it is 18x28
Roy Lutz arrived home Satur
day from a 2 weeks visit at his
old home in Monroe Iowa
Pearl Russell who is working
in Danbury spent Sunday in
Lebanon at George Newlands
Aurie Daffer who was driving
to school is staying with L P
Huntzingers and walking to
R E Lear was doing the set
um up act Friday all because
of the new boy at their house
born that day
We failed to mention that H
Hupp who has been visiting his
son D F Hupp returned to his
home in Illinois about 2 weeks ago
Stella Crocker who has been
staying several weeks with her
sister Mrs John McClung has re
turned to her home- north of In-
Henry Crabtree Jr and Lucy
Miller of Indianola and Allen
Guy of Lebanon spent a very
pleasant Sunday with Miss Rosa
Myers December 4th
The stock inspector was out
Saturday and inspected Charles
Bonhams cattle they being all
O K Mr Bonham shipped 2 car
loads on the early train Monday
Tom andW T Mons returned
Friday from a business and pleas
ure trip to Loup City and Central
City Tom is making his home
now on a ranch near Divizes
Miss Mabel Nichols returned
Saturday and commenced her
school again Monday Her
school is in Sherman precinct
south of Wilsonville ask Walter
Grafton why she got off at Leba
Myers Castello are erecting
their new shop It is on Main
street and is 1 8x2 8 They bought
the lot from The Lincoln Land Co
for 1 2 5 00 and Castello moved his
old shop back and will use it for
a wood shed
We spoke last week of the
sudden death of George W Jones
The body arrived Thursday of
last week and services were held
in the Presbyterian church and
the body laid to rest in the Leb
anon cemetery
Mrs Ed Welch returned from
Seattle Wash Saturday and is
at the home of her son Walter
Gay Ed did not come along
and we understand that Mrs W
will not return to him certain it
is that got Gay first
Note this Sherman precinct
is in Furnas county but a number
that I know read The Tribune
used to live in this precinct and
are glad to get the news I hope
to wean them that way from the
Beaver City paper to The Tri
Charles Blair of Tyrone pre
cinct was called to Denver about
2 weeks ago to the bedside of his
dying mother and arrived just in
time to bid her farewell She
was buried in Denver December
4th He returned home last
The train pulled out Saturday
leaving 12500 worth of chickens
and turkeys not loaded The
agent claims they were not billed
and he could not hold the train
the man in charge of the chicken
car being at the bank paying for
the poultry at the time He tel
egraphed his boss at Beatrice and
then hired 2 teams and hauled the
birds to Wilsonville where his car
expected to finish filling
George W Jones was born in
Gustavus Ohio August 4th 1829
and died at Grinnell Iowa De
cember 6th 1904 at the age of
75 years 4 months and 2 days
He enlisted in the Union army at
Jefferson Ohio and served
through the whole war After
being mustered out he returned
to his home in Ohio residing
there until September 1869 when
with his wife and daughter he re
moved to Wisconsin In 1884
they came to Nebraska locating
on a farm near Lebanon and a
few years ago removed to that
place He resided there until in
September 1903 removing to
Grinnell Iowa at that time
where he was mustered into the
G A R above He was a kind
and devoted husband and father
His beloved wife with whom he
had lived so many years and to
whom he had ministered so lov
ingly preceeded him to the other
world June 3 1903 His only
child Mrs Malissa Porter
mourns the loss of a kind and
loving father Six grand children
and three great grand children
complete his posterity He leaves
a brother in Minnesota and other
more distant relatives He was
tenderly cared for in his last sick
ness by relatives in Grinnell Iowa
Mr Jones was one of the original
members of the Presbyterian
church in Lebanon organized in
1889 and was a faithful and earn
est member of it until he removed
to Grinnell where he joined the
U B church Funeral services
were conducted in the Presbyter
ian church by his former pastor
Rev William H Scofield in the
presence of manv The church
was appropriately decorated with
the flag for which he fought and
dearly loved Many of the old
soliders were present and some of
them carried their comrade to his
last resting place beside his loved
companion He is held in loving
remembrance by relatives here
and wherever known He rests
from his labors and his works fol
low him
Fine Line
Photo Buttons
vlSta3i Christmas
Have your sittings made quick
Lebanon Art Studio
No More Suffering
If you are troubled with indigestion
get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and see how quickly it will cure you
Geo A Thomson of Spencer la says
Have had dyspepsia for twenty years
My case was almost hopeless Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure was recommended and
I used a few bottles of it and it is the
only thing that has relieved me Would
not be without it Have doctored with
local physicians and also at Chicago
and even went to Norway with hopes of
getting some relief but Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the only remedy that has done
me any good and I heartily recommend
it Every person suffering with indiges
tion or dyspepsia should use it Sold
by L W McConnell
Advent school commenced
Hari Meyers has bought a
new truck wagon
Christian Wall was a Danbury
visitor Saturday
John Liebbrandt has just fin
ished a new barn
W P Burns has just com
pleted a new milk house
Willie Wall is picking corn for
Henry Huffman this week
Fred Stevens and family were
McCook visitors Saturday
Gottlieb Unger and Nelson
Downs cut cane seed Monday
Charles Roper visited at the
home of Nelson Downs Sunday
Henry Huffman sold a number
of young cattle to Henry Voge
Preparations are being made
for a Xmas tree in the church
Xmas eve
Mr Jones and Henry Voge
were in Stringtown last week
buying cattle
Nelson Downs has finished
fencing and now has his place
entirely enclosed
Henry Riners and wife visited
at the home of Otto Karthouser
and family Monday
Fred Wagner and Mike Esch
were seen on the streets of String
town several days last week
Henry Kisker occupied his new
house Tuesday They are aw
fully proud of their new home
A number of young folks from
Stringtown visited at the Bohling
place on the Driftwood Sunday
Will Podolski will arrive home
Friday night from Seward where
he has been attending school and
will spend Xmas with the home
This country seems to be over
run with agents of different kinds
Two different tree agents were
making the rounds of this neigh
borhood Thursday
It seems to be the style
Stringtown to butcher
strength to carry on
the struggle he turns
his store over to an
Dr Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the
stomach and other or
gans of digestion and
nutrition It restores
strength to weak nerv
ous run down men and
About ten years ago I
began to be afflicted with
stomach trouble also diar
rhea writes Mr Wra
Walters of Antrim Mo
I11 warm weather it grew
worse until it would throw
me into a cramping chill
Was troubled sr nftpti iaf
Bahr butchered a beef and 2
hogs Monday and John Lieb
brandt the same on Tuesday
Rev Kerr is holding special
meetings at Spring Creek this
Edward and Arthur Shepherd
returned last Monda from their
trip to the sand hills
I W Spaulding and wife and
Mrs John White have returned
from their visit in the east
The Sunday school at this place
decided last Sunday to have an
entertainment and a tree on
Christmas eve
On Thursday evening Decem
ber 22 Rev Crippen of Benkel
man will be at the church with
stereopticon views representing
mission work No charges ex
cept a collection to pay expenses
Everybody invited
My stock and assortment of fine
and fancy china ware for the holi
days cant fail to delight you and
the prices are very reasonable
quality and artistic workmanship
considered Hand painted Haviland
and other leading- wares in most
attractive variety The latest
novelties new shapes and designs
Come and see SUTTON
Not A Sick Day Since
I was taken severely sick with kidney
trouble I tried all sorts of medicines
none of which relieved me One day 1
saw an ad of your Electric Bitters and
determined to try that After taking a
few doses I felt relieved and soon there
after was entirely cured and have not
seen a sick day since Neighbors of
mine have been cured of rheumatism neu
ralgia liver and kidney troubles and
general debility This is what B P
Bass of Fremont N C writes Only
50c atL W McConnells Druggist
Many a garrison has been forced to
give up the fight and hang out the white
ilag of surrender when lack of food lias
weakened the men past all power to
continue the struggle
Many a man is
similarly starved
out of business
His digestion is
impaired His
f o o d does not
nourish him and
for lack of
I sometimes thought my I
remedies but they gave
only temporary relief In
November 1899 thought I
would try Doctor Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery
I COt Six bottles and tOOkfiveinKiirrvccin Mint
thought I would wait for a time and take the
one lett Soon found I had symptoms of the
I cant
express riiy many thanks to Dr Pierce for his
remedy for it did so much for me Words can-
1101 express now severely I sutlered
If any doubt the above statement let them
address me and I will take great pleasure in
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cleanse the
bowels and stimulate the sluedsh liver
Cecil Matthews has been
the sick list this week
Mr Brobst and lady attended
church in Bartley Sunday
The Misses Wallace attended
church at Bartley Sunday
Dot Gregory visited with
Grace Brown last Saturday
A Turpin shelled 1551 bushels
of corn by weight for Will Wright
last Friday in yh hours
Several of the Ipdianola young
people attended Christian En
deavor here Sunday evening
A surprise party at the home
of Iva Haining last Saturday
evening was a pleasant assembly
The Bartley orchestra serenad
ed several parties with music way
up in 4G last Saturday night
A representative from the M E
hospital in Omaha lectured in the
M E church here Sunday even
The gentlemen gave the ladies
of the Degree of Honor a surprise
party in Fraternal hall Tuesday
C A McNight and wife boarded
No 5 Thursday evening for a visit
with relatives and friends in
J M Epperly with his daughter
Mrs Keys and Master Stanley
returned Tuesday morning from
an extended visit in Colorado
The Dodd family arrived from
Lincoln this week and are now
comfortably located in their prop
erty recently purchased from J A
Pearl Curlee -has resigned as
teacher of the primary department
of our schools and will go to Lin
coln to be with her parents She
was succeeded by Mrs Eugene
A much needed road is petition
ed for east from the depot across
the river This road has been
needed for several years and we
hope it will now be gotten and
opened up at an early date
Elder J E Wilson of Belve
dere Nebr preached two able
sermons in the Christian church
here last Sunday and has been
visiting part of the week in Bart
ley and vicinity It is hoped he
may be engaged to preach here
Last Friday evening while Arch
Theobald Lillie Robinson and 2
daughters of George Rawson were
returning from Cambridge the
horses became frightened and ran
ava throwing out all the occu
pants A 1 1 were considerably
shaken up and Miss Robinson
quite painfull injured We are
pleased to hear that she is now
rapidly recovering
A Pleasant Pill
No pill as pleasant and positive as De-
Witts Little Early Risers Do Witts
Little Early Risers are so mild and effec
tive that children delicate ladies and
weak people enjoy their cleansing effect
while strong people say they are the best
liver pill sold Sold by L W McCon
Another nice snow this week
which will help the fall wheat
Tony Steltzer is soon going to
leave us to travel with a show
Here is success to you Tony
John Modrell has the best corn
fn this neighborhood We will
all have to get our seed from him
Fall wheat is all right and looks
fine The chances for a big crop
were never better at this time of
Charley and Jess Hammel spent
last week visiting with their sister
Mrs Dye near Maywood The
boys report good corn in Frontier
Irving Spaulding and wife ar
rived home last week from a vis
it to the old home in Iowa and
Wisconsin Irve reports a nice
visit but savs he would not live
back there and says a poor man
has ever so much better chance
trouDie coming- back so took the sixth bottle 7
ndlt cred J have enjoyed the best of right here in Redwillow county
nnlfn tine i1 t ia o
- K cuii an Deioncrs
to your Golden Medical Discovery
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative ijromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
1 a m
A Nice Christmas Present
for a Boy
is one of those 500 550 and 600
we are selling to close
The Easy Route
The old squire lay a dying and his
faithful coachman was summoned to
the bedside Well John said the old
gallant Im going now on a longer
journey than ever you could drive me
Never niiud squire never mind
cried the servant in a broken voice
Itll be downhill all the way Lon
don Globe
Her Military Taste
Is she fond of the military
I should say she was Why she has
nil her books bound in one color so
they will bo uniform Chicago Record-Herald
Fortune knocks once at the door of
every man
Yes but shes generally very clever
ly disguised Chicago Post
I The Tuiijune and Inter Ocean 105
Less than onehalf of the actual price
Ages from 14 to 20 years
Administrators Sale
Acquire the Habit
of saving We furnish a handsomely finished Perpetual Cal
endar Bank which costs you nothing Try
L First Natl Bank of
Another Renaon
Sniggles has given up smoking
1 knew his wife would make him
No it wasnt that Hes working
In a powder mill Cleveland Plain
Cosily Engagement
Mollie He must have spent a pile of
money on his wedding
Chollie Yes but see what a lot ha
must have spent during the engage
ment Yonkers Statesman
Saving ail
Never spend one and you will
be surprised how your money ac
count will grow
Call and get one of these banks
The First National Bank riccook
No Case of Pneumonia on Record
Wo do not know of a single instance
where a cough or cold resulted in pneu
monia or consumption when Foleys
Honey and Tar had been taken It
cures coughs and colds perfectly so do
not take chances with some unknown
preparation which may contain opiates
which- cause constipation a condition
that retards recovery from a cold Ask
for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse
any substitute offered Sold by A Me
ness headache l0SS Pf strength nervous
constipation bad breath
general debility sour risings and catarrh of
the stomach are all due to mSm
cures indigestion This nodSSSSS
eSf nantUrS JuIces of dlgesttoSJSSr
SS iii Hahy stomach combined with
proprlSt SX Aonte and construct
oS curlniSH DysWlA Cur does not
oniy cure Indigestion
and dyspepsia but thla
sL 2 gtPUrfyIn sweetening and
ESSSS mUCUS me bran Jllnlng
tor baby ws aro now sing t In miCs
Xtdo1 DiSests What You Eat
00 She hotdlne 2H tbnee the trial
Prepared by B o DeWITT CO OHIOAQO
For Sale by L W McConnell
Jm h
W 1