The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 16, 1904, Image 4

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Tribune one year
Ocean ono year
One year for
This offer open only a fow weeks
and may bo taken advantage of
by old subscribers who will pay
ono year in advance as well as
new ones
Ben Bakeu bounced Bully
Resolutions of Sympathy
Whereas it has pleased the Supreme
Master Workman of the Universe to re
move from our midst our beloved brother
James M Hammond who was ever a
conscientious loyal Workman and
whose every endeavor was to make the
world better and brighter for his having
been in it Therefore be it
Resolved that we extend to the be
reaved family of the deceased our sin
cere sympathy in this their hour of sor
row and commend them to the Allwise
Being who doeth all things well
Resolved that a copy of these resolu
tions be spread upon the minutes of the
lodge aud published in each of the city
papers and a copy be sent to each mem
ber of the bereaved family
J E Bennett
W A Middleton
E M Bigelow
Committee McCook Lodge A O U W
No 61
You Should Have
Cut Glass
It helps to beautify the home Cole
man has bon bon dishes sherbet cups
water glasses nappies sugar and cream
ers knife rests water bottles finger
bowls salts and peppers plates and
beautiful cut glass vases You will find
all these at W T Colemans
The American Beet Sugar Co is mov
ing the machinery of the Norfolk factory
to Lamar Colo Insufficient acreage of
beets at Norfolk is tho cause of the re
Bald Scalp shiny and thin
Then its probably too late
You neglected dandruff If
you had only taken our ad
vice you would have cured
air Vitfor
the dandruff saved your hair
and added much to it If
not entirely bald now is your
opportunity Improve it
I have meil Acers Hnlr Vltior Tor over 10
years I am now SI year old ami liavea heavy
groiTth of rich lirotrn hair rtiie I think en
tirely to Ayerg lialr Viirnr
Mits M A KuiTir Hellevlllo III
100 c bottle
lC AVKlt vet
Trfin All Tisd
Good Hair
i jtwjiijum
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Nebraska has subject to call for duty
in time of war 119755 citizens Of this
total Red Willow county has l312or 7
3 per cent of its total population The
population of the states is given 1068539
Hayes county owes the state 8100889
orr account of keeping insane patient
There is duo tho state from thevarious
delinquent counties of Nebraska con
siderably over one hundred thousand
dollars for that purpose alone
The relative importance of the trans
portation question to the tariff is lucidly
illustrated by the figures given out by
tho Interstate Commerce Commission
and the Treasury Department The im
port duties collected during the three
years from 1893 to 1900 inclusive aggre
gated 581001542 The freightearnings
of the railroads of America for tho same
period were S284303S2S7 It will bo
seen that the traffic had to bear a few
It doesnt seom to The Tribune to be
of any importance what amount or per
cent of taxes others pay in Nebraska
The question is simply are the railroads
of Nebraska paying on the basis of one
fifth on an honest and equitable valua
tion Thats all More than that
should not be exacted Less than that
should not be received They are en
titled to the same- square deal that is
due any corporation or any citizen and
the same methods of enforcing the col
lecting of deliquent taxes should obtain
in their cases as in tho case of the poor
st and humblest individual citizen
tJtair ilmm
Ho Wanted Bees Stlngrs For Rhexi
mntlHiu but Not For Himself
An Innocent looking German boy
walked Into a drug store the other day
and faced the proprietor
Haf you got somebees stings for
rheumatisms he shyly inquired
Bees stings for rheumatism the
proprietor repeated Where did you
hear of that
Why muther vas reatlng it by de j
newsbapers replied the lad
The proprietor laughed
Ive seen something of that kind in
the papers he said but I wont at
tempt to offer you anything just as
good Where is the rheumatism
In de handt und in de arm the boy
Well see here said the proprietor
with a sudden smile I havent got
the cure on my shelves but I keep it
in my back yard You go out through
this door and walk around my flower
beds When you see four or five bees
resting on a flower just try to pick
them up
The boy nodded and went out He
was gone at least ten minutes
When he came back his face was red
and his nose where an angry bee had
alighted was beginning to swell He
held out his hand
I picked me some of dose bees oop
he placidly remarked
Did you said the amused proprie
tor And does your hand feel any
The boy looked up
It aindt for me he placidly re
plied its for my bruder Cleveland
Plain Dealer
Irregularity In the Punishment
There are two boys who manage to
be rather unruly in school and their
teacher was so exasperated one day
that she ordered them to remain after
hours and write their names a thou
sand times She watched them plunge
into the task Some- fifteen minutes
later one of them grew uneasy and be
gan to watch his companion in dis
grace Suddenly the first one burst out
with a roar of despair and between
his sobs said to the teacher
Talnt fair mum His names
Bush and mines Schluttermeyeirl
Pittsburg Dispatch
Little boy in a hammock and anoth
er standing some distance off crying
Father talking to the boy in the ham
Father What is Willie crying
Johnnie He says he dont like this
Well what are you playing
We are playing with this hammock
as a steamboat
Well why is not Willie in it too
We are playing that he missed tho
boat Life
The Itendin of Character
This is the life line says the ama
teur palmist who is reading the hand
of the young woman It shows that
you will live to a ripe old age This is
the head line You have wonderful
talent for writing This Is the heart
line Lots of romance and a happy
marriage with just trunkfuls of fine
dresses and things
How do you know about the dress
Why heres the clothes line It
runs clear around your hand Judge
A Fable
Once there were two little grapes
One was a good little grape and mind
ed his mother The other was a bad
little grape One day tho bad little
grape disobeyed his mother and rolled
off the fruit stand A ragged little
negro boy came along and ate it but
all the little grape could do was to give
the little boy a stomach ache The
good little grape was eaten by a rich
man and It gave him a nice case of
appendicitis Moral Mind your moth
ers little folks Kansas City Times
Are You Onet
aaiii iitiiiiiwriwr3ffaciCTgiaottaerain Yilll IiiMMj i I It Wit V
E M Mffia V U fift
Jf 11
II 111
There goes Mr Thikkeredde said
the lady golfite He is a conversation
al foozle
Hows that asked Mr Cleeke
He makes love when he ought to
play golf and he talks golf when ho
ought to make love Chicago Tribune
Juggins has written n novel Im
told They also say that he himself is
the hero
Of course He has read the thing
through I suppose and goodness
knows thats heroic enough
tllllrayH Striking Cartoon Which
Was rubliHhcd In 1808
The dangers which threatened Napo
leon in the opening years of the nine
teenth century were shown by Glllray
in one of the most striking of all his
cartoons the Valley of the Shadow of
Death which was issued Sept 24
1808 The valley is the valley of Buii
yans allegory The emperor is pro
ceeding timorously down a treacherous
path hounded on either side by the wa
ters of Styx and hemmed in by a circle
of flame From every side horrors are
springing up to assail him The British
Hon raging and furious is springing at
his throat The Portuguese wolf has
broken his chain King Death mount
ed on a mule of true royal Spanish
breed has cleared at a bound the body
of the ex King Joseph which has been
thrown Into the ditch of Styx Death
is poising his spear with fatal aim
warningly holding up at the same time
his hourglass with the sand exhausted
flames follow his course From the
smoke rise the figures of Junot and
Dupont the beaten generals The pa
pal tiara Is descending as a Roman
meteor charged with lightnings to
blast the Corsican The Turkish new
moon is seen rising in blood The
spirit of Charles XII rises from the
flames to avenge the wrongs of Swe
den The imperial German eagle is
emerging from a cloud the Prussian
bird appears as a scarecrow making
desperate efforts to fly and screaming
revenge From the Lethean ditch the
American rattlesnake is thrusting
forth a poisoned tongue The Dutch
frogs are spitting out their spite and
the Rhenish confederation is personi
fied as a herd of starved rats ready
to feast on the Corsican The great
Russian bear the only ally Napoleon
has secured Is shaking his chain and
groaning a formidable enemy in the
rear Frederic Taber Cooper and Ar
thur Bartlett Maurice in Bookman
Insatiable Curiosity Caused a Lons
List of Casualties
When the trolley system was install
ed In Mexico City tho native Indians
apart from their Avondermeut as to
what unseen force propelled the cars
were anxious to test the new power
They began by trying to stop the car
with their hands and later with their
heads and bodies until the list of cas
ualtiesbecaine great
Then a brilliant idea struck them
They had often been to bullfights and
at certain of these had watched a pe
culiar opening ceremony which origi
nated in Mexico and later was intro
duced into Spain Before the bull is
set loose in the arena a man clothed in
white from head to foot poses as a
statue in the center of the ring His
face and hair are whitened and he
stands without a movement or a flutter
of clothing or anything that would
tend to show that he is alive
When the bull is released he first
sniffs tho air and makes a mad rush
for the pedestal Getting quite close
he stops and snorts gazing at the fig
ure Seeing no movement he gradual
ly retires backward in amazement His
attention is then ottracted by others
and the man escapes
The Indians decided to try this on
the cars Dressing themselves in white
and putting flour on their faces and
hair they would stand motionless in tho
middle of the car tracks facing the
coming monster
There were many ambulance calls
before they learned the difference be
tween a bull and a trolley car Detroit
Free Press
True Laziness
Have something to do
Dont do it
Get somebody else to do It
Watch him do it
Convince yourself that you could
have done it ever so much better if it
had been worth while
Rest from your labors
Do the thing that has to bo done as
leisurely as possible More haste less
speed Do it well so that you wont
have to do It again Avail yourself of
all labor saving devices Invent some
Rest Never do today that which
may be done as well tomorrow for to
morrow you may not need to do it
This advice is not new but it Is worth
regarding Pittsburg Dispatch
Sunset In tlic Canyons
In the deep canyons ono is soon over
taken by night Indeed in some of
these intricate pathways the work of
aqueous erosion the sunlight if it en
ters at all stays but a few moments
As the sun goes down the changes that
are marshaled on are singularly beauti
ful The vivid green tints of the chap
airal so brilliant at midday begin to
fade and assume a deep purple over
which a delicate silvery mist imper
ceptibly draws its veil On it creeps
the royal tint becoming more intense
until suddenly It takes on a fiery glow
and over all the slopes there plays n
roseate light the warm good night of
the upper range
Tlie Thunder itlnlccrn
Do worl am a great big playhouse
said Charcoal Eph in one of his rumi
native moods an whilst de stahs am
doin dey big stunts In de centah ob de
stage de res ob us am pushln scenery
an makin thundahstoms wid de tin
sheet Mistah Jackson Baltimore
The Helcrht of Dnrinpr
Willie Iilttleboy Whats tho hero
Bob Thickneck A hero Is a feller that
dast to tie a tin can to a bulldogs tail
Smart Set
Only 21 per cent of doctors reach sev
enty years but 42 per cent of clergy
men do so
J TbKt
IWm r
Ml 1 1
rT Ji ft
i 11 19
C4 si yn w
lirii iiiJVi iff j
if i i m im iiTi i
makes home baking easy Nothing
can be substituted for it in making
quickly and perfectly delicate hot
biscuit hot breads muffins cake and
Price baking Powder Co Chicago
Christian Bible school 10 YiP S
C E at 11 No preaching on account
of pastors absonce
G T Burt Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7
Sermon at 8 Prayer and conference
meeting Wednesday evening at 8 Morn
ing subject This One Thing I Do
Gkorge A Conrad Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Preaching at
11 a m and 745 p m Sunday school at
945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY
P U at 045 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesdav evening 745 p m Sermon
themes Morning Program of Faith
Evening A King Among Kings All
invited A B Carson Pastor
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Class
at 12 oclock Epworth League at 730
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at
730 Preaching at the Pickens school
house next Sunday at 3 p m Sunday
school at South McCook at 2 p m
Program and Xmas tree Xmas eve
M B Carman Pastor
Opening of The Christian Studio
Mrs Bruce and Miss Alpha Christain
who have opened a China studio in the
Mobile Public Library building at Ham
ilton and Conti streets tendered to the
ladies of the city an invitation to its
openingyesterday Mrs and Miss Chris
tain who possess real talents have di
rected their skill and good taste to the
useful art of painting on china They
are also expert in the fixing of decorated
china The walls were hung with hand
some oil paintings and water colors and
the tables presented beautiful examples
of decorated china During tho after
noon light refreshments were served A
number of those present entered the
class for instruction in the art and all
were highly pleased with the exhibition
The opening will bo continued to day
and those interested are invited to be
present Mobile AlaRegister
A princely gift a piano See Sutton
about it He has in stock a fine display
of popular makes Any of them will
make a superb holiday gift Terms to
suit Prices reasonable
And my store is full from one end to the other of just such presents
Read these over
Think them over
Call in now and
Have it over
The choicest things
The whole world over
Are taken first so
Look me over
Here are a Few of the Many Articles so Desirable
as Xmas Gifts
Ladys Belt or Fancy Collar
Hand Bag or Purse
Buster Brown Novelties
I have a now supply
Blankets and Comforters
Ready made Gowns
Underskirts Dress Skirts
Table Cloth and Napkins
I liavo thorn to match if you want
Tow els and Handkerchiefs
My supply is larger than ever
Golf Gloves and Mittens
and Knit Shawls
Lace Curtains and Rugs
A Nice Pair of Shoes
A Tourist Coat or Jacket
My Prices on Cloaks are Lower Than the Lowest
Those Fancy Suspenders
a Sweater a Hat a Cap or a pair of Golf or Kid Gloves are
just the thing for the men and hoys
Sr5ace prevents the mentioning of all the useful articles to be found in my store and your fre
quent visits are always appreciated by me
Phone 16