The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 02, 1904, Image 8

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All our Holiday Goods will be on display at this time and we especially desire that the goods be seen while
the assortment is complete
We shall appreciate a visit from you on this date or as soon thereafter as possible
Kindly remember the day and date
Cordially Invite Yourself and the Members of
Your Family to Attend
tvl V
County and Neighborhood News
Continued from Page Sis
Earl Barger is picking corn for
Mat Droll
M H Cole hauled off rye first
of the week
Several from here attended the
big sell at McCook Wednes
H B Wales and wife spent
Thanksgiving with their daughter
Mrs R E Divine
Grace Bixler nee Cole of Mc
Cook was on a visit to the home
folks last Sunday
Clarence Wales and Viola Cor
ner drove to Culbertson Thanks
A valise was lost Monday be
tween the Coleman school house
and McCook Finder please leave
at The Tribune office
At the literary Friday evening
Mr Long with all his host dra
goons included was utterly rout
ed and put to flight by Miss Eva
Rawe and her invincibles And
iiow all the female residents of
this precinct over 21 years of
age or have raised a family can
walk right up and vote for school
director Hereafter let the men
ihold their peace a thing pretty
ihard for them to do Bravo
girls you just did them up in fine
shape heres our hand Shake
Our Thanksgiving day It has
has come and is oer and many
fat gobblers will gobble no more
About fifty of the neighbors met
at the home of Mr and Mrs Long
The goodies that the plump pretty
cheeked wives and girls fixed
up was so tempting that soon after
noon a whole lot of fellows looked
like they had just come off an al
falfa patch ail bloated up They
will all get over it but Uncle Billy
and no doubt by Christmas he will
foe ready for just such a mess
Something in the culinary line
injected into the guests great
activity but no very serious re
sults Milt Cole said that in the
future he would take lemon es
sence in his in preference to cro
ton oif -v
weather for this time of
Perry Stone shipped a carload
of cattle Monday
The way the Grand Island Com
pany orders beets is a surprise
Miss Geneva Fitch spent
Thanksgiviug with the home folks
Z Spickelmeyer expects his
mother from Colorado in the near
A dance at Bert Overmans
Tuesday evening which was well
attended and a good old time re
Alvin Rowland was over in
South Side one day last week
visiting with his brother G H
Bert Overman Ed Sagaser
Mr Amen D St Germain and
J Baker are among the beet
raisers who have marketed their
John Randals gave a party to
a number af young friends Danc
ing and games were the features
of amusement all report a good
Mrs rrank Jrreelove gave a
party Wednesday evening to a
party of Miss Lois Hilemans
friends It was a surprise on
Miss Lois
Mike Hornbecker of St Louis
who has been among the South
Side people the past two months
is clerking in Morgans clothing
tore during the sale
Wonder if a certain young man
who has been among us the past
summer can withdraw from the
magnetic attraction long enough
to partake of the Christmas
turkey with the home folks
When you feel like sighing sing
Sighing will never ploasure bring
Learn to laugh you can laugh and laugh
By taking Rocky Mountain Tea at night
L W McConnell
Everybody is husking corn
Cattle buyers are getting plenti
ful in these parts
The young folks had a pleasant
time at Mr Stewarts last Fri
day night
Miss Mabel Shepherd is staying
at her brother Dorseys and at
tending school
H K Bixler will move on his
farm on the Republican River in
the spring We wish them suc
Of Interest to Mothers
Thousands of little ones die every year
of croup Most of them could have been
saved by a few doses of Foleys Honey
and Tar and every family with children
should keep it in the house It contains
no opiates and is safeand sure Mrs
George Picket San Francisco Cal
writes My baby had a dangerous at
tack of croup and we thought she would
phnkfi to dpnth but nrm dnsfo of Fnlovs
Honey and Tar relieved her at once after
other remedies had failed We are never
a minute without it in the house Sold
by A McMillen
Wanted Some cattle to winter
dress Box 191 McCook Nebraska
Mr and Mrs Ira Clawson spent
Thanksgiving with Mr andJjMrs Mar
tin Kennedy
Charley and Joe Kennedy are husking
corn for S O Houge north of the Willow
There is good corn in Frontier county
Report of tho public school in district
No 41 Red Willow County Nebraska
for the month beginning October 31 and
ending November 25 1904 Total en
rollment 19 average enrollment IS
Total days attendance 310 average
daily attendance7 Number of days
of school 18 Number neither absent
nor tardy 15
Eakl Glandon Teacher
Doctors Could Not Help Her
I had kidney trouble for years
writes Mrs Raymond Conner of Shelton
Wash and tho doctors could not help
me I tried Foleys Kidney Cure and
tho very first dose gave mo relief and I
am cured I cannot say too much for
Foleys Kidney Cure It makes tho
diseased kidneys sound so they will elim
inate the poisons from tho blood Un
less they do this good health is impossi
ble Sold by A McMillen
When an Iceberg Turns Turtle
Think of sections bigger than Rhode
Island being torn from a glacier and
swept off into the ocean to be ferried
3000 miles on the bosom of tie Lab
rador current until the heated v aters
of the gulf stream cause them to van
ish from human ken Then can one
form some idea of the immensity of
the ice area discharged from the Green
land seas each 3 ear Thousands of
mile of valley are constantly emptying
their contents into the bays and fiords
of the north waters whence the tides
hurry the detachments southward to
cumber the wide Atlantic
The disposition of icebergs to turn
turtle is one of their most dangerous
propensities It arises from several
causes When they start out from
Greenland their bottoms are heavy
with the detritus gathered in their
glacial period and this drops off at in
tervals as they move south causing
their center of gravity to change arid
the berg to assume new positions The
scientific theory of the formation of
the vast submarine plateaus which ex
tend from Labrador to Fundy and are
commonly known as the Grand banks
of Newfoundland is that they are tho
products of bergs during countless
ages Leslies Magazine
Cannibalistic Scorpions
During many years of scorpion hunt
ing I never remembered to have seen
two Individuals living together in
amity and even their more tender re
lations are tainted at times with the
unamiable habit of cannibalism The
males are decidedly smaller than their
mates whom they approach accord
ingly with the utmost caution If tho
fair inamorata doesnt like the looks
of her advancing suitor she settles the
question offhand by making a murder
ous spring at him catching him in her
claws stinging him to death and mak
ing a hearty meal off him This is
scarcely loverlike On the other hand
if a dubious wife the female scorpion
is a devoted mother She hatches her
eggs in her own oviduct brings forti
her young alive unlike her relations
the spiders and carries them about on
her back to the number of fifty dur
ing their innocent childhood till they
are of an age to shift for themselves
in the struggle for existence Cornhill
The Tijiijune and weekly Chicago In
ter Ocean only 105 Dont delay about
First Person Cremated In America
The first white person lawfully cre
mated within the present limits of the
United States according to wishes and
desires expressed by himself was Colo
nel Henry Laurens one of the Revo
lutionary patriots He was born in
Charleston S C in the year 1724 and
died on his plantation near that place
on Dec 8 1792 His will which he
had requested them to open and read
the next day after his death was sup
plemented ith the following I sol
emnly enjoin it upon my son as an In
dispensable duty that as soon as he
conveniently can after my decease he
cause my body to be wrapped in
twelve yards of towcloth and burned
until It be entirely consumed The
request was carried out to the- letter
and was the beginning of cremation in
English Characteristics
The Englishman is less social than
men of any other nationality I mean
he is less conscious of the ties which
bind humanity together his moral for
mation owes little to his relations with
other men he scarcely troubles him
self about what they think and if he
ever considers the matter at all it
makes no difference in his sentiments
and actions In short the Englishman
is to a certain extent a recluse he is
more aloof from the world in which he
lives and the neighbors whom he el
bows than the men of any other
nationality Boutmys The English
Spanish Etiquette
There is a curious story of- how the
Duke dAosta when king of Spain
told a muleteer to whom he was talk
ing to cover himself the sun being
hot forgetting that by so doing he
made him a grandee Marshal Prim
to prevent thjs catastrophe knocked
the mans hat out of his hand and ac
cording to some the muleteer had
something to do with the assassination
that followed a few days afterward
The Exception
I am getting up a subscription list
for the relief of the poor Cant you
put your family down sir
Madam since you ask a personal
question I dont mind telling you that
I can pu em all down except my
wifes mother New Orleans Times
Take Laxative Bfm Qj
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months
The Tribune and Inter Ocean SI 05
This signature
Got Back nt Him
Well young man said the portly
capitalist to the college graduate whom
he had employed I suppose that by
this time you have practically given up
most of your ideas about how to run
the world
Yes sir answered the graduate
starting out with the waste basket
and I understand also that you have
ceased writing magazine articles on
how to succeed Judge
His Stagy Appearance
Mr Crimsonbeak rubbing his upper
lip What do you think of me now
Mrs Crimsonbeak Why John youve
gone and shaved off your mustache
Yes dont I look like a great ac
Well I cant say you look like an
actor John but you do resemble the
fellow who carries off the furniture and
shifts the scenes Yonkers Statesman
Young Alumnus Yes sir I would
like to enter your employ I think I
can fill the position satisfactorily as
Ive just been graduated and have di
plomas in two degrees
Busy Man interrupting Come
around again in about three months
In that time the edge will have worn
off your diplomas and youll be fit for
business Detroit Free Press
jtm vKPx
You little brat You told your ma
I broke that china dish
Honest I didnt Bridget I told her
you dropped it but I didnt tell her it
was broke New York American
Between Twn
Mamma Whv Tnimmr nPIn
ashamed of yourself to come into the
house with such dirty hands
Johnny Im going right out again
mamma and Id be awfully ashamed
to be seen by the boys with clean
hands Boston Transcript
Cures Grin
in Two Days
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