The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 02, 1904, Image 1

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A Hospital One of McCooks Needs
The Tkibune haa been requested to
urge the need f a hospital in McCook
and we respond promptly and willingly
not because we expect it to soon mater
ialize but becauso it is a real need and
we have been asked to present the mat
ter before the people It is as real a need
as an auditorium and a more urgent one
than a library building However like
the other needs mentioned to secure it
means some sacrifice and more public
spirit Does McCook really have the
articles required In the past McCook
has failed to secure some advantages be
cause she forgot her size population and
wealth and wanted to get something be
yond her reach Had we been content
with a reasonable investment McCook
would now have an adequate auditorium
and perhaps a library building But
immediately 84000 or 83000 were in sight
for an auditorium the kiters would
be satisfied with nothing less than an
8000 or 10000 article and it failed
There isnt wealth enough in McCook
save for investment in wild cat mining
deals to build such a building If Mc
Cook is to make an effort in the future
for an auditorium we suggest a plan em
bracing the raising of about 4000 in
public donations to be given outright to
some company to be organized for the
purpose which shall raise an additional
10C0 or 2000 to be put into the invest
ment On this basis an opera house or
an auditorium can be secured and its
management established
Now as to the hospital The Tribune
knows but one fact about it namely
that it would be a blessing to all of this
section of Nebraska as well as McCook
We would be more than pleased to see
such an enterprise win out
Looks Good to Us
The coal man holds the boards even
if there is a spell of summer out of doors
Some of our coal men deliver at 150
per ton and others as high asl 90 Get
together gentlemen and fix a definite
price as the town will soon keep you
busy Meyersdale Pa Commercial
Out here where fair quality of soft coal
costs 900 a ton in your bin the above
top price 190 a ton looks good to us
For Sale Cheap
One Racycle Bicycle with adjustable
handle bar 26 inch frame G J clinch
er tires front tire slightly worn rear
tire new gear 76 A snap for some one
Just like new A regular 5000 wheel
1600 takes it Eeason for selling go
ing out with Aringtons Comedians
Tony A Steltzeb
Bos 134 McCook Nebraska
Meets Tomorrow Afternoon
The following notice occupied modest
space in last weeks Indianola Indepen
dent and is reproduced herein without
The regular annual meeting of the
Red Willow County Agricultural Society
will be held at City HallIndianola Neb
Saturday Dec 3rd at one oclock p m
W A McCool Acting Secretary
Apples Apples Apples
A carload of Missouri apples is now on
track at the B M depot Ben Davis
and Wine Sap varieties Now is the
time to get your winter apples Call
and see us We will treat you right
M A Rondle
Congregatlonallsts Resume Services
The regular services will be resumed
in the Congregational church next Sun
day morning by the pastor Rev Con
rad Kindly pass the word around
A large line of all sizes and prices at
McMillens drug store
A prize with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 84 cents at B M
meat market
A princely gift a piano See Sutton
about it He has in stock a fine display
of popular makes Any of them will
make a superb holiday gift Terms to
suit Prices reasonable
The Imperial Republican of Nov 25th
announces the marriage Nov 22nd 1904
of Earl S Maddux formerly of McCook
and Ethel Ditton of Chase precinct
Chase county
ConeBros give you a rebate on cash
purchases It will pay you to spend
your money with them when in need of
druggists goods
Mens new warm winter suits atSo00
600 750 900 1000 S1250 and
1350 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The very latest in ladies embroidered
and lace collars and ties at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Hear the Euphonium male quartette
at the Baptist church Saturday night
Admission 35c
Mens all-leather-lined Monarch shoes
250 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Watch the B M meat market for a
special sale on lard
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Judge Stocktons Sudden Summons
A telegram from Chicago last Satur
day night announced the sudden death
of Judge T R Stockton father of Mrs
A C Ebert Mr and Mrs Ebert de
parted on No 6 Sunday nightfor Clar
inda Iowa where the remains were
buried Monday of this week
Judge and Mrs Stockton spent part of
last summer here guests of their daugh
ter the judge apparently being in quite
robust health During their repeated
visits here the aged and highly esteem
ed couple made many acquaintances
and each an admiring friend
The judge was in usual health up to
the day of his death After breakfast
he retired to his room sat down before
the fire place where his wife found him
dead having quietly passed away in an
attack of heart failure
Impressive services were held in the
Chicago home Sunday by Dr Curtis
pastor of the Woodland Park church of
which deceased was a member Final
services and burial were had at nis old
home in Clarinda Iowa Monday
The judge was one of those choice
sterling spirits who early peopled the
great middle west He is survived by
bis wife and three children Lillian J
wife of C W Stockton assistant super
intendent of the Wells Pargo Express
Co of Chicago Nellie P wife of A
C Ebert cashier of the Citizens Bank
of McCook Neb and Fred R connect
ed with a coal company in the city of
Mr Ebert arrived home on 1 Wednes
day and Mrs Ebert is expected on Sun
day Very tender is the sympathy here
for the bereaved ones
Death of Mrs Henry Ough
Mrs Henry Ough of Indianola died of
consumption Sunday November 271904
at her home in that city Funeral ser
vices were held in the Christian church
conducted by Elder G T Burt of Mc
Cook Tuesday November 29th The
departed was greatly beloved and as
an evidence of their esteem many fol
lowed the remains to the cemetery and
the casket was covered with a profusion
of beautiful flowers The stores of In
dianola were closed during the funeral
hour as a mark of respect to her memory
Mbs Cathebine Beem was born in
Henry county Illinois January 31st
1855 Was united in marriage with
Henry Ough November 27th 1874 Of
the eleven children born to this union
seven survive together with the sorrow
ing husband and father Mr and Mrs
Ough and family moved to Ough Dundy
county Nebraska March 24th 1885
From there to Chase county Nebraska
February 20th 1893 where they made
their home until February 19th 1896
when tbey moved to Indianola where
they have since resided The departed
united with the Christian church while
still a little girl and hers was a conse
crated Christian life until its close
Adventist Services
The Seventh Day Adventists are con
ducting a special series of services this
week in the old Methodist church The
meetings began last Friday evening and
are to continue each evening this week
and over next Sunday Eld ATRob
inson President of the Nebraska Con
ferencehas been the speaker Eld Daniel
Nettleton of Lincoln one of the most
forcible and earnest speakers in the de
nomination has just arrived and will
speak Friday evening also Sunday even
ing On Saturday at 11 oclock Elder
NettletorTwill deliver one of his most in
teresting lectures on Home Religion
Saturday evening Elder Robinson will
speak on The Mystery of Godliness
and the Mystery of Iniquity answer
ing the question Did God create the
devil This subject was announced for
last Sunday evening but Eld J J Graf
being present on that occasion was in
vited to speak Several expressed disap
pointment at not hearing on this theme
so it has been arranged to have that lec
ture on Saturday evening
Oil heaters at Colemans
See the holiday goods on display at
W T Colemans
There was a masquerade dance at the
old S P Hart farm last Saturday
A prize with every ham
Seven pound
California hams for 84 cents at B
meat market
The Cribbage club met with
Stasia Brady Tuesday evening
freshments wore served
Izzer bod comforts are our own make
6ft wide 7ft long 14 yds cloth 6 Izzer
batts inside well tacked and hemmed
185 to 275 at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos makers
Silverware solid and plated flat
and hollow large stock superb
variety anything you want for a
holiday gift at Suttons To fit any
pocket hook To suit all tastes
Prof W J McGillin has gone to
St Louis It is stated he may decide to
remain there
Mbs Simeon Billings has returned
home from her visit to relatives in Boul
der Colorado
Hobace Taylob of the Willow had
business in the county seat Saturday
last and Wednesday
Mbs William Divine is here from
Oklahoma territory visiting her sons
Dallas and Ellis Divine
Mbs C Finity who has been the guest
of her son Howard for some time left on
No 12 Tuesday morning
J B Mesebve returned Tuesday
noon from spending week in Sheridan
Wyoming visiting his son
Mbs Clementina Hines is in St Louis
for the closing days of the greatest ex
position the world has ever seen
Mr and Mrs C C Higgins of Wymore
are the proud parents of a nine pound
daughter born Tuesday of this week
H C Clapp of Honest Johns has
been confined to the house since close of
last week but is better at this writing
W B Hoag and family from Mis
souri moved on to the Morlan farm this
week He succeeds W H Rankin on
the farm
Miss Vibgie Ludwick returned Mon
day on No 1 from spending two weeks
visiting Lincoln relatives and at Ne
braska City
Miss Lulu Leppebt of Waukon Iowa
has arrived in the city and will be the
guest of her aunt Mrs A C Wiehe dur
ing the winter
Mrs Agnes S Freeman left for her
home near Beatrice close of last week
after visiting her farm up on the Red
Willow creek recently purchased from
J E Nelms
Geobge Leach who recently returned
from California is in the city Mrs
Leach is still visiting his parents in Ger
mantown this state They propose to
remain east probably in Nebraska and
go into business
Willie Hust delivery boy for J A
Wilcox Son was thrown out of the
delivery wagon Saturday evening A
wheel passed over one of his legs and
caused him considerable pain for a while
but he was on deck Monday for work
as usual
Mb and Mbs Geobge C Hill and
daughter left for their home in Cripple
Creek Colo Monday Mrs Hill and
daughter have been visiting relatives
here and in Indianola for the past two
months or more Mr Hill has been
spending a week or two in Red Willow
county coming after the wife and daugh
Elder M V Sheldon held meetings
close of last week in the Hi Rich school
house and at Quick post office both
north of here in Frontier county
Over 300 dress skirts for women and
girls from 175 to 750 at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Skates for boys and girls at W T
Baptist Church Saturday evening
December 3
The Euphonium Male
This is considered a strong or
ganization and with admirable
blending of voices and correct iuter
pretationf they give promise of fur
nishing a fine concert
Admission 35 cents
Tbibune one year
Ocean one year
One year for
This offer open only a few weeks
and may be taken advantage of
by old subscribers who will pay
one year in advance as well as
new ones
iPurefg JPer sonaf
Mbs Db A C Harlan is quite ser
iously ill
Glenn E Congdon has gone to Cul
Cybus Cowles of Bartley was a busi
ness visitor Monday
E G Bbown of Indianola was a busi
ness visitor Wednesday
C B King was up from Indianola
Wednesday on matters of business
ETJ Gallatin of Bartley had matters
of business in the city last Saturday
Miss Laura J Eastebday of Lincoln
is a guest of Mrs Dr E M Easterday
Mbs F M Kimmell arrived home
this noon from a visit to her sister in
Full Brother to Challenger
Last winter the agricultural school at
the university attracted a great deal of
attention by winning the grand cham
pionship for steers exhibited at the Inter
national Show at Chicago with the steer
This year they are sending a full bro
ther of Challenger to Chicago for the
same contest This steer is reported to
be larger and better than the champion
steer of last year If he should win any
important place in the show he will be
brought back to the university and be
used in the judging class for the winter
course which begins the first week in
January Boys who contemplate at
tending the winter course will have an
opportunity to see the finest type of steer
yet produced and to use this as a stand
ard toward which they can work on their
own farms
Sustained a Fractured Leg
C Omer Hale is laid up with a frac
ture of both bones of his left leg be
tween ankleand knee as a result of an
accident Monday evening He was re
turning home from delivering a sepa
rator at Frank Hamiltons north of the
city Coming to a steep incline in the
road he stepped out of the vehicle and
in so doing broke his leg as above stated
Physicians were called out to Hamiltons
the same night and the broken leg was
set Following morning he was brought
to his home in the city He is progres
sing favorably
For Sale or Trade
For McCook property or land near
McCook 480 acres of land 24 miles
from railroad station in south part of
Lincoln county Nebraska Good frame
house Large barn and sheds and other
buildings One section fenced and lots
of range Fine lay out for cattle Ill
health cause for selling Would also
dispose of 85 head of cattle 100 tons of
hay etc or mightleave some on place on
shares to responsible party Price 1
25000 one half down balance well se
cured Write R J Habpeb
Beaver Citv Neb
No Case of Pneumonia on Record
We do not know of a single instance
where a cough or cold resulted in pneu
monia or consumption when Foleys
Honey and Tar had been taken It
cures coughs and colds perfectly so do
not take chances with some unknown
preparation which may contain opiates
which cause constipation a condition
that retards recovery from a cold Ask
for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse
any substitute offered Sold by A Mc
Suitable Gifts
And gifts that suit Just the same
at Suttons jewelry and music store
For instance no more appropriate or
acceptable gift holidays than a piece
of fine china Sutton has a particularly
handsome and large line now
Do you want to save coal this winter
Buy some of that rubbor strip at Cole
mans and put it around your doors and
windows Both economy and comfort
Boys suits at 85c 125 150 200
to 400 at The Thompson Dry Goods
Best table oil cloth in white and colors
for 15c yd at The Thompson Dry Goods
Childrens underwear from 5c each up
to 90c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Best quality apron check ginghams 5c
yd at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Self basting roasters at Coleman s
Nothing equals them
The Great Majestic range is still in the
Everything in drugs McConnell
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
William Coath to C F Lohn wd to so
qr 22-2-30 SIX 00
C H Meeker to Julius Kunert wd to
lots 1 to 8 in 31 to 5 and 17 to 24 in 2
North McCook
IMJackson to W H Soarles qcd to
nwqr 1-3-27 1000 00
W H Soarles to L H Soarles qcd to
samo 21500 00
L H Searlos to ISheets wd to samo 2500 00
United Stato3 to R A Mitcholl pat w
Jf no qr and w hf so qr 3-4-27
Laura Mitchell to H M Bowon wd to
Iot20in32 Indianola 275 00
Allen Bartley to H Bathurus wd to lots
9 and 10 in Bartley 15 00
J F Boyd to L O Everest wd to no qr
26--29 1050 00
Allen Bartley to G W Jones wd to
parts 48 53 54 61 and 62 Bartley 34 00
Allen Bartloy to A J Crawmor wd to
lotl2in55 Bartloy 5000
W H Wadsworth to T Campbell Jr
wd to no qr and nw qr 9 and nw qr 10 3
26 7 500 00
M A Dayton to W F Miller wd to all
block 8 Bartley 62 00
Lincoln Land Co to H B Cartwright
wd to lot 2 block 15 Lebanon 75 00
Stato Bank Bartley to H A Barnhart
swd to lot 3 block 51 Bartloy 65 00
H A Barnhart to G W Jones wd to
lots2and3in 51Bartley 15 00
J A Fletcher to A W Stevens wd to
lota 4 and 9 in block E Esther Park 375 00
S M Cocliran to W E Dowitt wd to
lots 7 and 8 m block 12 First Addition
to McCook 2175 00
Prompter Pay Demanded
Quite a number of Russians have re
turned from the Colorado beet fields
They complain of not receiving their
pay from the sugar beet factories
promptly a complaint indeed being
made by local planters There seems to
be small reason for delay in this matter
When a beet sugar planter delivers his
beets ho ought to realize on them just
as promptly as a farmer who brings his
load of grain or stock to market The
beet sugar farmer and laborer ought not
to be called upon to be bankers as well
This appears to be a matter for correc
tion in future contracts It is a matter
also in which businessmen have an in
terest as they areforced to carry plant
aud laborers too long for comfort or pro
fit by this unreasonable delay Let
every man interested have a square deal
Pirating Foleys Honey And Tar
Foley Co Chicago originated Hon
ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy
and on account of the great merit and
popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for the
ume ask lor Foleys Honey and Tar
and refuse substitute
any offered as no
other preparation will give the same sat
isfaction It is mildly laxative It con
tains no opiates and is safest for chil
dren and delicate persons For sale bv
A McMillen
New York Barrel Apples
I now have a carload of New York
barrel apples very fine which I will sell
to the consumer at the car for a few
days only Get my price and see mv
apples before buying elsewhere as I will
sell at wholesale price on track McCook
Saturday Deo 3rd Headquarters at
Palmer hotel J W Rorerts Tbo
Cabbage Man
A Few For Free Distribution
The postmaster at McCook has for free
distribution to interested patrons a few-
copies of a booklet giving quite full in
formation concerning domestic and for
eign mail matter classification condi
tions rates of postage etc If you need
and want a copy call at the postofiice
November Mortgage Record
Farm mortgages filed 2006930 re
leased 1299500 City mortgages filed
795000 released 350500 Chattel
mortgages filed 5110128 released
Wall Paper Remnants
Special remnant sale at McMillens
drug store
Rooms For Rent
at the Smith boarding house
The infant son of Mr and Mrs S M
Shelley of South McCook died on Tues
day afternoon Rev Carman held fu
neral services in the home Wednesday
after which the remains were buried in
Riverview cemeterv
Your money back after 30 days actual
wear of any American Beauty corset if
you are dissatisfied Sold only by The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
The display of leather goods and In
dian novelties at Cone Bros is worthy
of your inspection
Hand painted oil color pillow tops
with backs only 50c at Tho Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Cone Bros are showing some extra
special values in fancy lamps and
Girls long and short coats 150 to
750 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
W T Coleman is making a big sale on
silverware and cut glass this week
C Oi
The best bargains being offered
in McCook this month aro not at
the clothing stores but are found
at Cone Bros drug store whore
you can buy books picturosleather S
goods perfumes toilet articles and
fancy goods at less prices quality
considered than have ever been
offered you before
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Com t rr
Oats jo
Rye gQ
Barley 95
g8 777 3 90
Eggs 25
Good Butter 20
McConnell for drugs
See those chafing dishes at WT
McMillens Couh Cure will stop your
Watch the B M
special sale on lard
meat market for a
Without charge All goods bought at
Suttons engraved free
All goods bought at Suttons en
graved free of charge
Presents that are useful as well as or
namental at W T Colemans
Plenty of light and dark prints 5c and
6c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Lost Red and white bird dog G
months old Reward Ed Arnold
Ladies long and short coats 8400 to
1750 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Euphonium male quarteto at Baptist
church Saturday night Admission 35c
Christmas holiday goods at W T
Colemans If you are from Missouri
come in
A prize with every ham Seven pound
California hams for 84 cents at B M
meat market
Boys warm blanket lined school coats
at 85c S100 and 115 at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Colonel Sam McCIain the local oil
magnate has not yet announced his
holiday bargains
Ticket No 3151 drew the dinner set at
the B M meat market Get your num
bers for the next set
Mens and womens absolutely all
wool underwear for 100 a piece 200
a suit at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Everybody wants books this season
and the largest best and cheapest stock
in southwestern Nebraska is found at
Cone Bros
I have some special bargains in Mc
Cook residence property and lots that
I will sell on very liberal terms or will
trade for land C F Lehn
Office P O Block
Souvenir spoons in solid silver
with engraved and enameled howls
attractive assortment Suttons
Jewelry and Music Store
Ladies wishing to do plain sewing at
home during leasure hours write to
Faltys Gardner 407 Bee building
Omaha Neb They have nothing to sell
but can furnish employment to ladies
wishing to make 8 00 to 1000 per week
at home
Dr Warrick the eye ear noso and
throat specialist of Hastings will be at
the Commercial hotel Saturday Dec
3rd to meet patients Eyes tested and
glasses properly fitted All work guaran
teed Regular visits made Consulta
tion free 11 IS 3ts
The county commissioners have auth
orized tho sheriff and police of the city
to arrest any children or others found
about the jail windows Tho school
children havo beeii especially annoying
lately and extreme measures seem to be
necessarv to correct the evil
William Leavitt the standard beet
sugar man and six friends in a special
car went over the Burlington to Denver
and other parts of Colorado a few days
since on a tour of the Colorado beet
sugar country taking in tho Northern
Colorado fields and visiting the factories
at Loveland and Longmont
Wo are now showing the largest line of
pictures ever brought to this city Wo
havo pictures for tho parlor for tho
dining room for the den pictures
that are cheap and those that are more
expensive Etchings pastels colored
photographs prints medallions etc
L W McConnell Druggist
Our holiday offerings embrace
endless variety in jewelry No
matter how deep your pocket book
or how modest your desires we can
fill the bill If it be a gold watch
a diamond ring or a simple charm
or novelty its all the same