The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1904, Image 3

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W IW r flBkl
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Threo weeks later and a sullen
jieace had fallen over Toulon Jean
was still weak and emaciated from ill
ness From Greloire the boy had
heard and with outspoken indigna
tion of General Bonapartes depar
ture shortly after his own arrival at
the convent which had been turned
Into a hospital
He went away and left me Jean
-exclaimed angrily the color suffusing
his cheeks Left me when I was not
able to speak to him
He left a letter with Pere Huot and
a farewell message which the good
father will doubtless give you when
lie sees fit
Then why should not Pere Huot
have told me so before demanded
-Jean half rising from his seat beside
the bed
Easy mon ami sit still said Gre
loire calmly Do not get excited
else I shall regret telling you any
thing about the affair We have to
remember that you have been very
ill Tenderness showed in his tone
and he gently touched the thin hand
Testing on the coverlet
Late in the afternoon of this same
day Pere Huot sitting with Jean in
the latters room had been informing
liim of what had transpired since the
morning Murier brought him to the
shelter and safety of his present
He watched the boys face care
fully as he told him of Margots bur
ial and of Bonapartes many visits to
liis bedside where he lay tossing in
-delirium and the good priest re
joiced within himself to see the look
of dogged grief soften into one of sub
dued gratification
My son where is the box of pa
pers Monsieur le Baron thy father
intrusted to Margot for safe keeping
The box of papers Pere Huot the
hoy repeated as if trying to recall
Jean angry and reckless exclaim
ed Ill be no hypocrite nor pretend
to what I cannot feel I have hated
Etienne all my life and with good
cause and I will never say otherwise
now that he is dead I would spurn
any title or position that had been his
despise myself if ever again I lived
beneath the roof who had sheltered
one who spoke such dastardly words
of my mother I want to go over seas
avay from France away to the new
world and carve out a name for my
selfgain fame and riches I should
die like a wild bird in a cage to live
such a life as men pass here The
very thought of it is hateful to me
Ah exclaimed the priest This
comes from Laros teachings
No father indeed no cried Jean
all the fire gone from his eyes I have
always longed to live such a life
Always all of thy very long life
Jean my son said Pere Huot a sa
tirical smile touching his thin lips
The boys face became crimson and
he said nothing
We have talked long enough for
the present my son the priest add
ed and now I will leave thee Read
General Bonapartes letter and may
it bring thy -mind to holding more wor
thy ideas of the future than those I
have just heard from thee And Jean
my son coming close to him and
laying a caressing hand on the wilful
head I beseech thee try and harbor
kindlier feelings and more Christian
like forgiveness for thy brother
He left the room closing the door
softly and Jean sat staring out of the
window though the suns rays now
stole down to touch his brow But
after musing a few seconds he roused
himself with a quick nervous move
ment and looked again at the letter
A moment later he broke its seal
and the thin paper seemed to pulse
with his own heartbeats as he read
and re read its words
rfa xijj3 o VaM jijJH
I want to go over seas away from France andcawe out a name fat my
I cannot say
I do not
Know not where it is exclaimed
the priest with a marked change of
bearing and tone How is this
What was done with it ill
The good priest spoke urgently al
most impatiently leaning forward and
looking fixedly into the boys per
plexed face
Burned with the cottage replied
Know you not my son what this
box contained inquired Pere Huot
looking the boy in the face and speak
ing sternly
Yes some jewels and papers
what of them
Those papers were the proof and
vindication of thy birthright de
clared the priest solemnly Thy moth
ers marriage certificate was amongst
them and the loss of this may make
trouble for thee
The boys eyes now turned from the
window to meet those of Pere Huot
Did Margot tell thee father of all
that befell the last night we passed at
Yes my son and I have waited for
a fitting time to speak to thoe of the
matter General Bonaparte and my
self talked of it as well and I must
say that thou were cruelly and need
lessly angered and wounded But I
was grieved that thou shouldst have
been led to the act that so nearly
made thee a murderer As to thy
brother we must forgive the dead
even more freely than the living and
Etienne is now gone where he should
have thy forgiveness in full
He paused and Jean turned in his
chair to look at him questioningly
Yes thy brother is dead he con
tinued still more impressively I re
gret to tell thee that he was found
guilty of a crime the Great Committee
never forgives that of treachery
While seeming to serve their cause
he sold its secrets to the English
Jeans lips curled with scorn but
he made no spoken comment
Etienne now dead thou my son
art heir to the title and estates which
although declared confiscated may
yet be rescued and saved to thee
through the influence of thy friend
General Bonaparte who bade me tell
thee this at the proper time and also
to give thee this letter
Mon ami mon cher ami De Soto
I anrgflWedfothe hMrrtKaET miis
leave thee But go ifnuafc relieved
by tffe assurance thatjpsthee ii
lovipgnandr whichmuoDn nurs j
tfcea pray wiH
alwaff be thine BfeHuocvsyill te 1
thee of our plans foggtfaTOre If
have thy love do ASfood failie
snaii tun mee anatuatjiiisiL we mar
good ews bmM toreioice th
heart of thy
l Mnparro
as Jeans eves MineereU over th
final word he seemed to see trie smih
half rallying entirely tender that wa
the invariable accompaniment or thei -
piayiui naming oi one anocner ti
seemed to see it touch the firm lip
which witn tne paie grave iace in
agination now brought vividly bjfor
All tnis taded awayjajuf yuth a
gulping sob sounding like the cPjiof f
loneiy nean me uoy uung jnsneafl
upon his arms and lay snent70 lr
New Orleans and the nightibefdrfe
New Years day of 1795 saw thewir
dows of the governors houseablaz
with light and a constant stream o
people coming and going through th
wide flung portals Selected musician s
from the fort played for the daaflfiw
in the ball room and entertaine
large gathering of spectators outsi
who looked through the open window
upon the flash of color and sparkle qf
gems as the elite of the city a
province celebrated the annual ball
given by Don Francisco Louis Hecto
Baron de Uarondelet Governor an
Intendant of Louisiana and West Flo
In an apartment opening from the
ball room several men whose years
or tastes made cards more attractive
than dancing were gathered about a
table upon which gold and silver were
stacked in miniature towers before
the players one of whom was saying
with an unconcealed sneer directed at
a tall handsome man who clad in the
British uniform sat opposite Msieur
Stanleys hoard of gold promises to be
mere than he can well carry away
Why not pay more attention to
your cards De la Chaise and prevent
the pile increasing inquired a man
at the little Frenchmans side a man
who greatly resembled Laro captain
of the Aigle and erstwhile patron
of Lo Chein Heureux
De la Chaise not answering the
other continued with a malicious light
now shining in the dark eyes fixed
upon the Englishmans impassive face
Saw you the Count de Cazeneau this
afternoon may I ask Captain Stan
The latter encountered and appear
ed to understand the look of his ques
tioner and a steel like glinting showed
in his eyes as he replied That is an
odd inquiry to make Don Morales in
asmuch as I have to recall that I met
you entering his house as I was leav
ing it
Very true so you did admitted
Laro for he it was and I was won
dering if you left the count in the
same devilish humor as that in whicli
I found him
At this an angry red showed in the
officers cheeks and a gleam of wrath
in his eyes But without looking
again at Laro he picked up his cards
and glanced at them then with an
oath he threw them upon the table
gathered his earnings and strode from
the room
It was generally suspected that Cap
tain Edward Stanley was one of the
numerous worshipers of Count de
Cazeneaus lovely daughter and gos
sip had been unusually busy with then
names during the present week at the
close of which the English officer hav
ing concluded the mission upon which
he had been sent to New Orleans was
to return to Mobile where the garri
son was composed equally of British
and Spanish troops It was also under
stood that Count de Cazeneau had no
liking for the stalwart calm faced
Why did you try to prick him Don
Morales asked one of the players a
tall spare man with gray hair and
heavy overhanging eyebrows
Don Morales laughed scornfully
Because it is worth something te
kindle a little fire in the cold blood oi
an English dog
But what is it all about inquired
another of the party Don Morales
but asked a simple question Whaf
was there in it to justify any man
English or otherwise calling for sat
isf action
Yes added a young American of
ficer looking to be twenty two oi
thereabouts sitting beside Colonel
Zachary what was there for him tc
get angry about for angry he was ai
something It couldnt have been his
cards for I looked at what he threw
See here Don inquired the quick
witted ensign who although a recenl
widower with a yoirag boy was in
secret one of RoseHaaqreis Mii il
that you know ofmlheVtiMK
see Count de Cazenarffii51iHerifo6r
and that his asking for thVMhgW
hand aroused thUmn fpej
A curious anjl Wpfleasantoex
sion came to DP5 Mqralejs eyes and
the colonel said nawj speaking some
what sternly ashe touched the yourig
mans arm You are orgtting ydiit
usual code
Tommy to say nothing oi
S3d Psl5M rfgfther the
l ittt9fRA flkMfiift
ifl ViLitli T o ill- HtTJ Tir
imravWai 9mm
jjunatjjrouj sa4iqcj ranjcjnjh mop
lng vlfif QriUm V kaiaj niinfeps j
thEeequrtBra iH0askou7 tol letinfi
-- - - -
take passage1
I carry n6JpsVeg1ers was the
msqhe reply- aueSVMfe sneak-
llJ -
er wus urawiug m some winnings ana
annoyed remarked I wanot aware
iDoV MbfalegiKafdff SPiHifiim
munity informed as toyoursailins
fiburs M destmatim 1
I do not replied iaroJ wfth a
nel met with a slightSTnilterfifftt
tKer6Veemto ethos whtfkifflw1 ttivi
business better thanlJ1ncrwfl ftL M
is -ivy baa Hill saio if
When shall youb7et4ftcrinere
Fusked Dela v aoa
When my vegseTadrreseW
1 5ip9 sif moil iiU dacO nM i
K T6 b tbhiimUdty 3i j
int I
flroRsSSSPMff a WgferM6TMge
fl T Vt 4- Innltin rv m a v J n1A J J L
nt Itttf shlsyii SfcnSiriogW ftsuwie
meVAi Hi lo dilate 3 iobiS mM
Prermptly caTneitheariswerviGan i
mede was the son of 01ynMtl9aftQani
FeasJie t 1 3isi trenail
pupu ana exciaimea Wily
orfiiSf TaHilfeBtfVaWfiHRhV
inaeea it sayssft4ntneftoDKjyire
u Taneproiessorj inenaKea tWiejEnrnroi
find the eatttHeiprffgteiribi
tootttifwheiieuM5 thecfla waTi -Both
iad lo floiiiaoo oij in Jaul -on
a sAh eSikiupUn3iM flgl30dBJom
From every quarter one hearaso the
kdecseaaGfl dntefiosbdn
fsdiw 35hBiogetidral swartt idPiubftSylsj
4faf ahYflaT eilplSfiKtfo fofnArrfg
can be done yery InextfSffSrVJy 1
sports have arigajj11inl1hpaiIasJbjf9
titiQnv foriioGfcbaiLilidJl fon somy rnife
desoendediiitWodmlflctrfenUal i
mostCeasSdCo esistCJhfrl qaeiy1theTe
has been hardly any other wTfffeV
sport for fequgoitnittUEfintleman ex-
cept shoqUngjd fymtSitiVPMov
Globe ealiq io aaauo lo bakauodi
H doilfl B3JiTffoQ lo zocf a
UnwritternLianbaaeanoD adi
Interested Fa4hriDlS yoaelFirdr
t ctcitlxO pfiViinaiif knj
iiuw sully jiuuwenr iu ieaveiierT
Son No britffiffifeflPfeiL
able pressure to bear on the sutHp L
I think she understo
tnvff iom
has ZAidi
pieces BB
z dk
fjlj VO
bo ssiq 31
jj s gc
The Wrong Way to Jump
them ittifjaf rgvunphjfj they will quite
afWiWWSSBA1 yoiPaMvaay
Weir get your barrel and well
xiieii yet your uanei
ncir wes iiiuu
ix -ii OS JJSiiJiaai iju 3iJ iiiii li i
is tljodjIuirpgcoiiaisiscstajvsdnKb
jhaErel morestlccn aiictaectmSsviine
uimnmc nositinn - r j
jiixripl bjifja ifeofeebda osiitaeiEiitiskt
uif liig u tcoiai tMiietu
fthe3baclT atd0Pslrbfitfieit feeWhlfri
ftJtrf g ois ni5 histt 5nJjCi0ijDX3 isgu
m fMVffFSHBftWt AW4
leettomvlftOjar J
yeWnd Tiumirf lightlyUflcfeftilnitath
t -it iiiii j y I i tvi jij sbmw ccj
iiieiaiyerfiCWKiy ifiWiVJooi J3no
afiainandalb rnauigoSSid jjflQxlfcjJg i
made by the others The secret is
JthatihfeB6inMmroffcAVrTBrsi jump
cviTrmWtofMiA naAwheii
y3UtjnmiPtrbhiHhe njartfeP feap
stfaighf W if1
hnnroJ3i T T iias XVi
Tcrj ii iT HAS VTj Hf
Tjes vpn pnaar enough The
n i ji i iii i
grojinxtey the barrel lends resist
iOinono to lioop tliObarrolinplaoe
when the others leap straight forward
ffbm IKi
i SjA
gJv vr5
t 4
tieTetmiHty steK
PaiMK4oh o
sheetfdssffrifef th th
se s
3 f
XiiIrtvlJ lO
jo sbiiQ sU
irm sxrdsyri 4
off bri3
viavilah i jo
i jfii oifmi li
I VTi tlOV OVRff oi I
Dthred nieces1
ocrofrr arl I f nt Intfit rT t
ClV V 4 -WWW
i 3nori4
I I i y1 Hil
Tell the players to find a river hid
den in each sentence and not only tc
write down the name of the river but
to state some one thing that he knows
about that river
It will keep the players busy and
happy for some time you may bo sure
This game was got up by Miss Virginia
Baker in the Normal Instructor
1 Yes Adam a zone is a belt pass
ing around the earth
2 Miss Elsie Davol gave a party
3 That lawless gang escaped from
4 Oh Eugene see my new look
5 Will you rally round the flag
6 Industry brings its own reward
7 Hullo he shouted Hullo I
8 We must sever now our friend
9 Whatever happens dont forget lo
be polite
10 Ned drew a plat and a chart
1 Hurry or we shall miss our ride
12 The cucumber landed on the
13 Baby is taking a little nap
14 Oh I overlooked that picture
15 Bees gather honey from the
1 Amazon crosses northern part of
South America
2 Volga eastern part of Russia
3 Ganges northeastern part British
4 Genesee crosses western part of
New York
5 Ural separates Europe and Asia
C Indus western part of British
7 Loire central part of France
8 Severn central part of Canada
9 Po northern part of Italy
10 Plata eastern part of South
11 Missouri crosses northwestern
and central parts of United States
12 Cumberland crosses Kentucky
and Tennessee
13 Lena northern part of Siberia
14 Ohio eastern part of United
15 Rhone eastern part of France n
tsiras wun i eetn
Birds are simply reptiles which have
fsWeV Wiltfj tHi1gr6wn
wings ana feathers and invaded the
dominion of air The very oldest t birl
of which science has any record had
very sharp teeth rather eawihg
d a IongtailadqrnpL wijh twenty
PWi a LJiJl MtterfSome ofctjigije
Dirds werjqp mAtafly vAM and
jljex jjeary alj lived pnjish Gradual-
ly s heylopQd through the
fCAAturies tl9ygreviiniore feathers
longer andjjstiionger viings jQ3ttthieir
ieeajidjgqf 4 sharp haivi bijsinstead
no birds before
ctiMamagOi -and eveiry bird tiatidiies US
a3 traceBiitsvancestTbaoktoia
siaalcer ottfe oldYdkd
As long teeth
is not sonfahHoffaJdcelSfr all
narsdJ vatoij i - urtfji j u
Viii VartfajhnV11
injri aci winw riRW
1 a fVH MJifii3HnJr7iiI4jYipiD5i9i
Tfeven jngj
nwbe grotovifo lksftiniiydur -family
ejdyf iV hisK Ss hirfchgJott1wnl
l TUjf iotlin 1 1
naS nWhidhKlisniirei brighfiestaaridocetl
tree KOfldOlTI dJiw a w lo tnib
3 Which treegnfegsttlionrftbgc
the ocean iXAAS
ver3faGH1dy9aafc ha nnnuH Bibnl
k iM3 smvvm
iVtlWlah haWiu it nnifi4ii eliriw
What tree9svignt 35ejyn3BiQflPJsiy
L wmreoaf8yiPtfi1iSaimv H
La liitMkl js a PFQnojinejsM
h i13j c iJ ilfit
1UU 1li W llj 7CTI
033n au iBU zsGfr ar jissrTTi3
o M
kl if li ill flu id Hrtif
aiinaD sttTjr
oj io OasoidfJ
TPaija oii tita
IflffJ VHnIl 15Vf l
-- i j
2 ar 1 io bji9n ii nnana
bfi a noH -491 i lut h
m J 3iIlo elafiioJ i i yifl
am sdt ov rtf WniixT
qyiTflXBJ yiolim ai U t aotioYA hhivih I 11 Sat -02
ilido 10 Jaiii ai biia B9JflTio op i ttni m
A 7d tin
uolu idM
j bnn rnii toiibit iv
aaaisioO eitaai o
mnoi aaiwoliflv i
toi eiW
no bun old nit oiiJ A Sxiuv ban ia Jo
blai oifj oj a nob
il belliJ
prajca r
f I iuad i taiAi Jl n
trd ArV JWeic v
ai sJ kiIo i
Yio 1U Jtut Jitt old i
aaiiio olj ntjiinii U
all A Jfl Bbstl at- ia
ai imnoiuC
Jl dl
oa oaiao oiv inpi I
ifXtaa adt ai awun A lor bnn sab ssniil
nit nttoiIiJiai3ljiVna 11 It aeh ll lfo
r r
v K a i it udO
I M A II if qui aifmn tt r n tittr lfil jpiv ci
u 2lU Cli it ix-
anWdsteSt1L2h - tngW VaYtsl 6rth6ftJIKe narfe marked-
Bend back the sides of the fireplace and connTCttfietwo -side pane
Just a Minute
A boy once faced a task and knew
He should begin It
He could not start to put It through
For just a minute
And though the case demanded speed
He could not move just then but hed
Be ready for It yes Indeed
In just a minute
His purposes were out of rhyme
By just a minute
The whole world seemed ahead of tlmo
By just a minute
H j could not learn to overhaul
His many duties large and small
But made them wait both one and all
For just a minute
In manhood he was still delayed
By just a minute
He might have won had Fortune stayed
For just a minute
But at the end of life he railed
At cruel Fate and wept and wailed
Because he knew that he had failed
By just a minute
London Answers
The Barrel Jumping Art
Many a boy who is a hrst rate
standing broad jumper will be
stumped utterly in barrel jumping It
is no easy thing and like many sports
of the kind it requires a knack to
win at it
We will suppose that several of your
boy friends can beat you in a standing
broad jump When you tell these
chaps that you can turn the tables on
8 Which Is the most melancholy
tree Blue gum
9 Which tree Is a tale teller
10 Which tree Is an Insect Lo
11 Which Is the dandy among
trees Spruce
12 Which tree is an Invalid Pine
13 Which tree never is barefoot
ed Sandal wood
14 Which tree can best remember
numbers Date
15 Which tree has passed through
fire Ash
10 Which is the most ancient tree
Elder -
A Blind Pig Scrap Book
One of the funniest of scrap books
is the Blind Pig book It Is not full
of blind pigs but the young folk who
draw the pigs are blindfolded hence
the name
Any blank book will do Have each
of your friends shut his or her eyes
tightly and draw a pig on a page ot
the book The eyes must not be
opened until the dra1PffigrfIFrtuTsTG5u
and then the artist wilj spe the queerest-looking
thing yoii can iniagiiftsjfa
result of his or her efforts X
Each artist sfiouliT slgjOiis orlKer
name to the prgvhich wilL kxk like
almost anything else but a pig The
book is a most iiUjQcesiing thing tb
keep and when its pages are full of
-- t c VK
s in
A Pagfr of the Book-
pigs and sfened by ill your
friends it is aajdriqsity indeed and jS
treasure which will be of interest to
i ft rtr ttT - 4t i i
youan or your nie - - -
Li t irr i -
- J Game iof Bees and Pigeons 7
A girl is chosen fo represent the
iRdbborfBeV rhp7sUs down arid th6
pthec players apnrpacji hervaidfmoYe
their arms to represent flapping
wings TJfesdsay loK I V- f C
Bons5Cjeafljingf n
mTeobbej Bgptfskjfcgflo j2JS00o
Have acare Have a care
3 idsi6theBRaiiiaSoeficiMinH
-mi gS3M mSm
As- soonr as f she hag said Of the
mffim bw aVfeeeGftme
eon ane camureu one must Become
been caught
OCThe2rastf5m3itfir fCaicapair 600016-
fO the large cities ev iorK
oiacJBnibio ai bonii
iD a inoAo i i rnoil Mtrot sui inifi lifil
OOJ 21 m3J2T3 OV
aiJojS JTJBJ3 oi siBnffh
t l sjtbr Jrf j v r r i -
7 a5aSrr enr
tufJ qpa
rt2SJ vl U JvJiEtvl ir
wjw iAt lxlil m - t t
KMC V09 T VujK5tj
iijb ban J y j
iff tt
IIU M Mf Klfljtltifldlii rH f HP hi tafhr hark nn a linff with tli shflf - JwvtMKwerpaetg the apg rr
underneath and the strin
vdiid juadui tijJv iHjiaos iiiyuiiii
bend down feha stockhngs and paste the middle part to the
snj JB 83
adi raQ
1 - - -
8 ttlaZ
iJ5YYX -
1 iA
I 7 trirr
i li IT J I th
- i LLL t
ii4f UJ
ii i
H M mmrjimmmw UiR 0ih ftiHkdw3Bfeiters1aaY3a
front of the fireplace in the blank snace G
naste under the two
je laps CC Pastethe I
Bend up the clock and ornaments
in the blank space